Option topic 5 Towards independence

Based on the new Commerce Course for New South Wales
Option Topic 5: Towards independence
Using page references and examples from
New Concepts in Commerce
S. Chapman, M. Freak
Prepared by S. Chapman
Sample Work Program: New Concepts in Commerce (Option Topics) Chapman & Freak: John Wiley (Jacaranda)
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Option 5
Timing: 15-25 indicative hours
Towards independence
Focus: Students develop problem-solving and decision-making skills to assist them in relation to commercial and legal issues which may
affect them when they leave home.
Syllabus outcomes
A student:
analyses the rights and responsibilities of individuals in a range of consumer, financial, business, legal and employment contexts
analyses key factors affecting commercial and legal decisions
evaluates options for solving commercial and legal problems and issues
monitor and modify the implementation of plans designed to solve commercial and legal problems and issues
researches and assesses commercial and legal information using a variety of sources
explains commercial and legal information using a variety of forms
works independently and collaboratively to meet individual and collective goals within specified timelines.
Resources: New Concepts in Commerce, Chapman & Freak: John Wiley
Sample Work Program: New Concepts in Commerce (Option Topics) Chapman & Freak: John Wiley (Jacaranda)
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Option Topic 5
Towards independence
Students learn about:
Students learn to:
Teaching/Learning Activities
Moving from home
reasons for leaving
identify reasons for
independent living
major issues involved
with independent living
describe the key issues facing
young people and their moves
to independent living
access government websites to
investigate issues related to
leaving home
organisations providing
identify the types of support
provided by organisations
Group work. Brainstorm the main reasons for leaving home.
Compare the class responses with the pie chart on page 202 showing why
young people move.
Examine the pie charts on page 202. Discuss the possible reasons why
parents and children seem to offer different reasons for young people
leaving home. .
Examine the illustration on page 202 showing some issues a young
person has to deal with when leaving home. Have students add to the
issues already presented.
Using the telephone directory, have students prepare a database of
organisations that provide support to young people who are not living at
home. Classify the organisations as government, religious or community.
Select one organisation and compile a folio of services the organisation
provides to young people who are not living at home. Display the folios
in the classroom.
Arrange for a representative from one of the organisations to speak to the
class. Have a list of questions prepared and send them to the
representative prior to the meeting.
Internet activity. Use www.jaconline.com.au/commerce to access the
Department of Family and Community Services, Centrelink and the
Salvation Army’s youth services. Describe the services that these
organisations provide to young people.
Complete worksheet 9.1 ‘Advice when leaving home’
(Spread 9.1)
Sample Work Program: New Concepts in Commerce (Option Topics) Chapman & Freak: John Wiley (Jacaranda)
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Option Topic 5
Towards independence
Students learn about:
Students learn to:
Teaching/Learning Activities
Arranging accommodation
types of
describe the range of
accommodation options
finding the right
evaluate and match types of
accommodation to particular
situations and needs including
budget constraints
calculate the affordability of
identify household tasks and
develop equitable processes to
share tasks
(Spread 9.2)
Explain why it would be cheaper to live at home than in a flat/unit.
Outline the different types of accommodation available including:
(a) youth refuge
(b) renting a flat/unit
(c) university college
(d) purchasing a home.
Prepare a cost/benefit analysis of:
(a) living alone
(b) sharing a flat/unit.
Describe some of the responsibilities that go with independent living.
Examine the ‘For rent’ sections of a local newspaper or website. Analyse
the advertisements noting abbreviations.
Complete the checklist on page 24 by pretending that you are looking at
the prospect of renting in the area where you currently live.
Read the article ‘Share accommodation’ on page 204. List the pieces of
advice mentioned in the article.
Read Case Study ‘Fooled by flatmate’ on page 205. Answer activity
questions (a) – (f) on page 205.
Internet activity. Go to www.jaconline.com.au/commerce to access the
university sites dealing with advice on accommodation for students.
Compare the range of information.
Complete worksheet 9.2 ‘Internet research’.
Sample Work Program: New Concepts in Commerce (Option Topics) Chapman & Freak: John Wiley (Jacaranda)
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Option Topic 5
Towards independence
Students learn about:
Students learn to:
Teaching/Learning Activities
Arranging accommodation
processes for
arranging a lease
(Spread 9.3)
access and use a range of
sources, including internet
sites, that provide information
on tenancy rights, financial
advice, accommodation and
Create a flow chart of the seven steps involved in arranging a lease.
Provide a brief outline of the seven steps involved in arranging a lease.
Describe the differences between a tenant and a landlord.
Students to explain the meaning of the following terms.
(a) residential tenancy agreement
(b) condition report
(c) reservation fee
(d) bond.
Examine the extract of a section of the standard residential tenancy
agreement on page 206. Complete activity 4 on page 207.
Investigate the newspaper or Internet to compile a portfolio of articles
dealing with renting a property.
(a) Select one article and paste it on a sheet of paper
(b) Prepare a summary of the articles main points and paste this
underneath the article
(c) Display the articles in the classroom.
Read the article ‘Little house of horrors’ on page 207.
(a) Outline the role of the CTTT
(b) Describe the types of complaints the CTTT deals with.
(c) Why is it best to put requests for repairs in writing?
Internet activity. Go to www.jaconline.com.au and access the link for the
NSW Office of Fair Trading and the CTTT. Identify the rights of tenants
and the rights of landlords. Present this information in a table format.
Sample Work Program: New Concepts in Commerce (Option Topics) Chapman & Freak: John Wiley (Jacaranda)
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Option Topic 5
Towards independence
Students learn about:
Students learn to:
Teaching/Learning Activities
Managing finances
major costs
avoiding financial
organising a household
(Spread 9.4)
identify and describe the
major costs involved in
independently living
develop strategies to minimise financial problems
Group work. In small groups create a table listing the main
establishment and operating costs involved in independent living.
construct, monitor and modify
suitable household budgets
Group work. Brainstorm strategies that can be used to avoid the
financial problems that may occur when sharing accommodation.
Outline the purpose of a household budget.
Survey class members to determine the number of people who:
(a) prepare a budget
(b) follow, as close as possible, the prepared budget
(c) regularly review their budget.
Creative writing activity. Imagine you are a reporter for a local
newspaper. Based on the information gained in the class survey, write
an article about peoples’ budgeting habits. Choose an appropriate
headline for your article.
Examine the household budget on page 209. Complete activity 5.
Complete a household budget based on the financial details provided in
activity 6. Students can use a database for this activity.
Complete worksheet 9.3 ‘Annual budget of David Martinello
Describe the difference between:
(a) establishment costs
(b) ongoing costs
Sample Work Program: New Concepts in Commerce (Option Topics) Chapman & Freak: John Wiley (Jacaranda)
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Option Topic 5
Towards independence
Students learn about:
Students learn to:
Teaching/Learning Activities
Managing finances (cont.)
types of insurance
(Spread 9.5)
identify and cost types of
essential insurance
Outline the purpose of insurance.
Conduct a word game using the terms commonly associated with
insurance including:
(a) premium
(b) utmost good faith
(c) inclusions
(d) exclusions
Discuss which of the following would have higher insurance premiums:
(a) smoker or non-smoker
(b) racing car driver or office worker
(c) a Rolls Royce or a Holden Commodore
Create a collage showing the main types of insurance.
Examine the illustrations on page 211. Complete activity 3.
Construct a mind map of the main types of insurance using the subheadings of household; personal; motor vehicle; and other.
Investigate the insurance premium for both a ‘green slip’ and
comprehensive insurance for a 25 year-old driver of a current model
Holden Commodore who lives in the local area.
Internet activity. Go to www.jaconline.com.au/commerce and access the
insurance companies websites to investigate some household or personal
insurance options available.
Sample Work Program: New Concepts in Commerce (Option Topics) Chapman & Freak: John Wiley (Jacaranda)
Page 7
Option Topic 5
Towards independence
Students learn about:
Students learn to:
Teaching/Learning Activities
Major purchases
main items to be
purchased for
independent living
processes involved in
purchasing major
item selection, loans,
contracts, warranties
and insurance
(Spread 9.6)
identify the options for major
purchases in a hypothetical
investigate and describe the
purchasing processes for
selected items
- new
- second-hand
- joint ownership
recognise likely problems
associated with purchasing
major items and devise
strategies to overcome them
Students to nominate the main purchases that most people make in when
they are independently living.
Brainstorm. The initial fixed costs associated when buying a car for:
(a) cash
(b) credit.
Brainstorm. The variable costs (running expenses) of owning a car.
Outline the types of things that should be considered when buying a car.
Create a poem, rap song or story about the difficulties a person can
experience when buying a car they cannot afford.
List the advantages and disadvantages of buying a new car or second-hand
Examine the four car advertisements on page 215. Complete activity 12.
Create a mind map of the rules a person should follow when buying a car.
Visit a number of lending institutions and compare their:
(a) interest rates
(b) terms and conditions. To help you go to www.jaconline.com.au and
access the links for the four major banks.
Interpret a table. Complete the Skill Booster on page 214.
Complete worksheet 9.4 ‘Financing a major purchase – a cloze passage’.
Sample Work Program: New Concepts in Commerce (Option Topics) Chapman & Freak: John Wiley (Jacaranda)
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Option Topic 5
Towards independence
Students learn about:
Students learn to:
Teaching/Learning Activities
Community involvement
accessing community services
contributing to the community
describe the range of
community services
available and how these can
be accessed
Define the term ‘community service’
Brainstorm the range of community service organisations within
the local area.
explain how young people
can become involved in their
community and assess the
benefits of community
List some of the methods used by these community organisation
to raise funds.
Interview. Have students, in pairs, arrange an interview with a
representative of a local community organisation. Discuss the
main activities of the organisation, its membership, and recent
community service programs. The interview could be videoed
and shown in class. (Prior approval will be needed if the
interview is to be videoed.)
develop lifestyle plans
- short term
- longer term
Discuss the main lifestyle issues facing a:
(a) young person
(b) middle-aged couple
(c) single senior citizen.
Examine the lifestyle issues each common to these three groups.
Read ‘Time management: useful guideline’ on page 217. Have
students reflect on their own time management habits.
Create a plan for the rest of your week. Keep in mind the
strategies for time management.
Complete worksheet 9.5 ‘Topic test – towards independence’.
Lifestyle issues
maintaining priorities
- study
- entertainment/leisure
- fitness
(Spread 9.7)
Sample Work Program: New Concepts in Commerce (Option Topics) Chapman & Freak: John Wiley (Jacaranda)
Page 9
Moving from home
Arranging accommodation
Community involvement
Lifestyle issues
Teacher’s Name ______________________________
Managing finances
Date commenced _________________
Content examined:
Major purchases
Date completed _______________
Outcomes achieved:
Teaching/Learning activities used
Mind maps
Locating information
Accessing websites
ICT applications
Point summary
Individual research
Group research
Cloze exercise
Statistical analysis
Graph interpretation
Cartoon interpretation
Mathematical computation
Oral presentation
Model construction
Case study
Media article
Note taking
Text exercise
Topic summary
Pre/post tests
Guest speaker
Problem solving
Simulation exercise
Graph construction
Analysing information
Commerce quiz
Test item
Evaluation of program:
Additional resources:
Sample Work Program: New Concepts in Commerce (Option Topics) Chapman & Freak: John Wiley (Jacaranda)
Page 10
Some useful Internet sites
www.fed.gov.au (go to consumer protection)
www.consumer.gov.au (Ministerial Council on
Consumer Affairs)
www.asic.gov.au (go to fido)
www.liac.sl.nsw.gov.au (Legal Information Access
www.ombo.nsw.gov.au (Ombusman)
Commerce is an interesting, exciting and highly relevant subject. I wish you well for the new course.
Stephen Chapman
Sample Work Program: New Concepts in Commerce (Option Topics) Chapman & Freak: John Wiley (Jacaranda)
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