Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS ACU YEARBOOK DATABASE MANUAL APPENDIX 4a NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS (Includes certain Commonwealth non-university degree-awarding institutions, eg former Australian CAEs) Listed below (whether abbreviated in form or not) are names of institutions that have appeared in previous editions of the Yearbook, for use after academic qualifications in staff entries. Commonwealth university abbreviations appear in Appendix 3. Appendix 4b lists abbreviations by country (excluding Commonwealth countries and the USA) and Appendix 4c lists US abbreviations by state. For procedures to be followed when devising new entries, see the Supplement to this Appendix. Abbreviation A [Aachen Aalborg Aarhus [Aarhus Dent.Coll. Aarhus Sch.Archit. Abadan [Abdul-Aziz Abidjan Abilene Åbo [Academia Alfonsiana [Academia Sinica [Acad.Fine Arts, Dusseldorf [Acad.Fine Arts, Prague [Acad.Fine Arts, Warsaw [Acad.Med.Erfurt [Acad.Med.Warsaw [Acad.Mining & Metall., Cracow Acad.Potsdam-Babelsberg Acad.Romania [Acad.Sc.Warsaw [Acad.Technol.& Agric., Bydgoszcz [A.C.T. [Adam Mickiewicz Adams Adams State College (Colorado) Adamson Addis Ababa Adelaide Arts & Educn. Adelaide C.A.E. Full Name see T.H.Aachen] Aalborg University Centre (Denmark) Aarhus University (Denmark) see R.Dent.Coll., Aarhus] Aarhus School of Architecture (Denmark) Abadan Institute of Technology (Iran) (later Abadan College of Petroleum) see Jeddah] University of Abidjan (Ivory Coast) (later National University of the Ivory Coast) Abilene Christian University (formerly College) (Texas) Åbo Academy (Finland) (later Swedish University of Åbo) see Pontif.Athen.Lateran] see Chinese Acad.Sc.] see Dusseldorf Fine & Appl.Arts] see Prague Fine Arts] see Warsaw Fine Arts] see Erfurt Med.] see Warsaw Med.] see Cracow Mining] Academy of Political Science and Law, Potsdam-Babelsberg (Germany) Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania (apparently awarded qualifications) see Polish Acad.Sc.] see Bydgoszcz Technol.& Agric.] see Aust.Coll.Theol.] see Poznan] Adamson University, Manila (Philippines) University of Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) (formerly Haile Sellassie I University) Adelaide College of the Arts and Education (Australia) Adelaide College of Advanced Education (Australia) S:/YEARBOOK/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE 1 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Adelaide T.C. Adelaide Teachers’ College (later Adelaide College of Advanced Education) (Australia) Adelphi University (formerly College) (NY) Adrian College (Mich.) Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Philippines Aegean University (Ege Üniversitesi), Izmir (Turkey) Aegean School of Engineering and Architecture, Izmir (Turkey) Agnes Scott College (Ga.) University Agostinho Neto (Angola) (formerly University of Luanda, 1968; University of Angola, 1976; acquired present name, 1985) see Szczecin Agric.] see Lublin Agric.] see Moscow Agric.] Agricultural College of Athens (Greece) College of Agriculture, Brno (Czech Republic) College of Agriculture, Nitra (Slovakia) Norwegian College of Agriculture (Norges Landbrukshøgskole), Vollebekk (now Agricultural University of Norway, see Norway Ag.) see Prague Agric.] Agricultural College of Sweden, Uppsala (formerly Royal Agricultural College; in 1975 became part of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) University of Agriculture, Gödöllö (Hungary) see Poznan Agric.] see Warsaw Agric.] Aichi University (Japan) Aichi Gakuin University (Japan) Aichi Medical University (Japan) Aichi University of Education (Japan) Ain Shams University, Cairo (Egypt) (formerly Heliopolis University) see U.S.Air Force Acad.; U.S.Air Force I.T.] Airlangga University, Surabaya (Indonesia) see Asian I.T., Bangkok] We accept this form of Aachen if it is given (but not for the T.H.) University of Aix-Marseilles (France) University of Aix-Marseilles I (University of Provence) (France) University of Aix-Marseilles II (France) University of Aix-Marseilles III (University of Law, Economics and Science) (France) Akita University (Japan) University of Akron (Ohio) Aktubinsk University (Russia) University of Alabama Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University Alabama State University Al Ahliyya Amman University (Jordan) University of Alaska Alaska Methodist University (became Alaska Pacific University, 1978) Adelphi Adrian Adventist I.I.A.S.(Philippines) Aegean Aegean Sch.Engin. Agnes Scott Agostinho Neto [Agric.Acad./Coll.Szczecin [Agric.Acad.Lublin [Agric.Acad.Moscow Agric.Coll.Athens Agric.Coll.Brno Agric.Coll.Nitra Agric.Coll.Norway [Agric.Coll.Prague Agric.C.Sweden Agric.Univ.Gödöllö [Agric.Univ.Poznan [Agric.Univ.Warsaw Aichi Aichi Gakuin Aichi Med. Aichi U.E. Ain Shams [Air Force(USA) Airlangga [AIT, Bangkok Aix-la-Chapelle Aix-Marseilles Aix-Marseilles I Aix-Marseilles II Aix-Marseilles III Akita Akron Aktubinsk Alabama Alabama A.& M. Alabama State Al Ahliyya Amman Alaska Alaska Methodist S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Alaska Pacific Al-Azhar Al-Baath Albany Albany Med.Coll. [Albany, N.Y. Albany Pharm. Albert Einstein Coll.of Med. [Albert Ludwig [Albertus Albertus Magnus Albert Szent-Györgyi Med. Albion Albright Albuquerque Alcalá Alcorn Alaska Pacific University (formerly Alaska Methodist University) Al-Azhar University, Cairo (Egypt) Al-Baath University (Syria) Albany State College (Ga.) Albany Medical College (NY) see Union (N.Y.)] Albany College of Pharmacy (NY) = part of Yeshiva University see Freib.] see Königsberg] Albertus Magnus College (Conn.) Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Szeged (Hungary) Albion College (Mich.) Albright College (Penn.) University of Albuquerque (New Mexico) University of Alcalá (Madrid) Alcorn State University (Mississippi) (formerly Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College) Alemaya University of Agriculture, Harer (Ethiopia) University of Aleppo (Syria) Alexander Mackie College of Advanced Education (Australia) (later part of Sydney College of Advanced Education; awarded BEd) Alexandria University (Egypt) (formerly Farouk I University) University of Al-Fateh, Tripoli (formerly part of University of Libya) Alfred University (NY) University of Algiers (Algeria) awards degrees of Laurentian University, of which it is an affiliated college] Al-Hikma University of Baghdad (Iraq) (supported by the Society of Jesus; no longer in existence) University of Alicante (Spain) see Jassy] see Islam.Imam Mohd.Ibn Saud] Allegheny College (Penn.) Allen University, Columbia (S. Carolina) Alliance College (Penn.) Alma College (Mich.) Alma College, Los Gatos (Calif.) (later the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley) Al-Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad (Iraq) Aloysius Institute of Philosophy, Gallarate (Italy) (Vatican institution) = theological faculty of Pontif.Athen.Lateran, qv] Alverno College (Wis.) see Natnl.Peruvian Amazon] Ambassador University, Big Sandy (Texas) American College of Physical Education (Ill.) (consolidated with De Paul University, 1946) American Conservatory of Music, Chicago (Ill.) American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale Alemaya Aleppo Alexander Mackie C.A.E. Alexandria Al-Fateh Alfred Algiers [Algoma Al-Hikma Alicante [Al.I.Cuza [Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic Allegheny Allen Alliance Alma Alma(Los Gatos) Al-Mustansiriyah Aloysius Inst.Philos. [Alphonsianum Academia Alverno [Amazon Ambassador Amer.Coll.Phys.Ed. Amer.Cons.Mus. Amer.Grad.Sch.Internat.Mgt. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation American Baptist Coll. [American(Beirut) American(Cairo) American Coll., Greece American Coll., Switzerland American(D.C.) American Internat. [American(Texas) Americas(Mexico) [Americas(Puerto Rico) Amer.Inst.Foreign Trade [Ames Amherst Amiens Amir Kabir U.T. [Amos Tuck Sch.Bus.Admin. Amoy Amst. Anatolian Andalas Anderson [Andes Andover Newton Andrés Bello Andrew Andrews [Ang./Angelicum [Angel Kancev Angelo State Angers Anglican Theol.Coll.(B.C.) [Anhai Anhui Anhui Agric. Anhui Educn. Anhui Med. Ankara Annaba Anna Maria [Annapolis [Ann Arbor Ans. Anshan Iron & Steel Full Name (Arizona) American Baptist College, Nashville (Tenn.) see Beirut] American University in Cairo (Egypt) American College of Greece American College of Switzerland American University (DC) American International College (Mass.) see Pan American] University of the Americas, Puebla (Mexico) see Internat.Inst.Americas] American Institute for Foreign Trade (Arizona) (formerly American Graduate School of International Management) see Iowa State] Amherst College (Mass.) University of Amiens (France) (since 1970 University of Picardie) Amir Kabir University of Technology, Teheran (Iran) see Dartmouth] Amoy University (China) (see also Natnl.Amoy) University (formerly Municipal University) of Amsterdam (Netherlands) (see also V.U.Amst.) Anatolian University (Turkey) University of Andalas (Indonesia) Anderson College (Indiana) see Los Andes, Bogotá; Los Andes, Mérida] Andover Newton Theological School (Mass.) Universidad Cátolica Andrés Bello, Caracas (Venezuela) Andrew College (Ga.) Andrews University (Mich.) see Pontif.Athen.Angelicum] see Roussé T.I.] Angelo State University (Texas) University of Angers (France) (see also Catholic Facs., West; C.U.West) Anglican Theological College (became part of Vancouver School of Theology; affiliated to University of British Columbia) see Anhui] Anhui University, Anhui Province (China) Anhui Agricultural University, Anhui Province (China) Anhui University of Education, Wuhu (China) Anhui Medical College, Hefei (China) University of Ankara (Turkey) Université d’Annaba (Algeria) Anna Maria College (Mass.) see St.John’s(Md.); U.S.Naval Acad.] see Mich.] Pontificum Athenaeum Anselmianum (Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo) (Vatican City) Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Technology, Liaoning Province S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Antioch Antioquía [Anton de Kom [Antonio Narro Antwerp [Antwerp Comm. [Antwerp Trop.Med. Aoyama Appalachian State Aquila [Aquinas... Aquinas Aquinas(Ill.) Aquinas(Iowa) [Arabic Langs.(Khartoum) Arak H.E.R.C. Araneta [Aristotle Arizona Arizona State Arkansas Arkanasas State [Arlington Armenia Engin. Armidale C.A.E. Armour Tech.Inst. Armstrong Art Center(Calif.) Art Center, Los Angeles Arthur D.Little Inst. [Art Inst., Chic. Arts, Belgrade Arts, China Arts(Pa.) Aruba Arvika Mus. Arya-Mehr [Ås Agric. Asbury Full Name (China) Antioch University (formerly College) (Ohio) University of Antioquía (Colombia) see Suriname] see Saltillo] State University Centre of Antwerp (Belgium) (see also State Comm.C., Antwerp; U.I.Antwerp) see Comm., Antwerp; State Comm.C., Antwerp] see Inst.Trop.Med.Antwerp] Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo (Japan) Appalachian State University (N. Carolina) (formerly Appalachian State Teachers’ College) University of Aquila (Italy) see also Pontif.U.S.Th.Aq.; St.T.Aquinas; St.T.Aquinas(Ill.)] Aquinas College (Mich.) Aquinas Institute of Philosophy and Theology (Illinois) (see also St.T.Aquinas(Ill.)) Aquinas Institute of Theology (Iowa) see Khart.Internat.Inst.Arabic Langs.] Arak Higher Education Research Complex (Iran) Araneta University (Philippines) (later Gregorio Araneta University Foundation) see Salonika] University of Arizona Arizona State University University of Arkansas Arkansas State University = part of Texas] State Engineering University of Armenia, Yerevan (?formerly Erevan P.I.) Armidale College of Advanced Education (Australia) (in 1989 amalgamated with the University of New England) Armour Institute of Technology (Ill.) (amalgamated with Illinois Institute of Technology, 1940) Armstrong College (Calif.) Art Center College of Design, Pasadena (Calif.) (formerly at Los Angeles) Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles (Calif.) Arthur D. Little Management Education Institute (Mass.) see Chic.Art Inst.] University of the Arts, Belgrade (Serbia) Chinese Academy of Arts/Arts Academy of China (variant translation), Beijing University of the Arts, Philadelphia (Penn.) University of Aruba (Netherlands Dependencies) Folkliga Musikskolan, Arvika (Sweden) Arya-Mehr (later Sharif) University of Technology, Teheran (Iran) see Norway Ag.] Asbury College (Kentucky) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Asbury Theol.Sem. Ashland Ashridge Asbury Theological Seminary (Kentucky) Ashland College (Ohio) Ashridge (a business college in Herts. Does MBA/EMBA programs, apparently. Not sure about it, but included!) Asian Inst.Management Asian Institute of Management, Manila (Philippines) Asian I.T., Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok (Thailand) (formerly SEATO Graduate School of Engineering (GES)) Asmara University of Asmara (Ethiopia) Assemblies of God Theol.Sem. Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (Missouri) (see also Northwest Coll. Assemblies of God) Assiut Assiut University (Egypt) Assoc.Mennonite Bibl.Sems. Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries (Indiana) (formed from cooperative relationship between Goshen Biblical Seminary and Mennonite Bible Seminary) Assumption(Bangkok) Assumption University (Abac), Bangkok (Thailand) Assumption(Manila) Assumption College, Manila (Philippines) Assumption(Mass.) Assumption College, Worcester (Mass.) Astrakhan Inst.Fish Institute of the Fish Industry, Astrakhan (Russian Federation) Astrakhan T.I. Astrakhan Technical Institute (Russian Federation) [Asunción see Natnl.Asunción] Atatürk Atatürk University (Turkey) Ateneo de Davao Ateneo de Davao University (Philippines) Ateneo de Manila Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines) Athens National and Capodistrian University of Athens (Greece) [Athens Agric.Coll. see Agric.Coll.Athens] Athens Econ.&Bus. Athens University of Economic and Business Athens Sch.Econ. Athens (Graduate) School of Economics and Business Studies/Science (Greece) (formerly translated as College of Economics and Commerce) [Athens T.U. see T.U.Athens] Atlanta Atlanta University (Ga.) (now part of Clark Atlanta) Atlanta Art Atlanta College (formerly School) of Art (Ga.) Atlanta Sch.Art Atlanta School (later College) of Art (Ga.) [Atlantic(Florida) see Florida Atlantic] Atlantic Inst.Educn. Atlantic Institute of Education, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada) (awards own BEd, MEd, PhD) Atlántico Universidad del Atlántico (University of the Atlantic) (Colombia) Atlantic Sch.Theol. Atlantic School of Theology (Canada) Atlantic Union Atlantic Union College (Mass.) Atomi Gakuen Atomi Gakuen Joshi Daigaku (Women’s University) (Japan) [Attila, Jozsef see Szeged] A.U.Barcelona Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) Auburn Auburn University (Alabama) [Aug./Augustinianum = part of Pontif.Lateran, qv] Augsburg Augsburg University (Germany) Augsburg Coll. Augsburg College (Minn.) Augsburg Theol.Sem. Augsburg Theological Seminary (Minn.) (became Augsburg College 1963) Augustana(Ill.) Augustana College (Ill.) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Augustana(S.Dak.) Augustana Theol.Sem. [August 1st [Augustinianum Augustinian(Wash.) Augustana College (S. Dakota) Augustana Theological Seminary (Ill.) (later Augustana College) see Xinjiang Ag.] = part of Pontif.Lateran, qv] Augustinian College (Washington) (now merged with Washington Theological Union) (cannot trace as a separate institution: information from Australian Catholic compiler (1994)) Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) Aurora University, Shanghai (China) (pre-war) Aurora College (Ill.) Australian College of Theology, Sydney (examining body) Australian Film, Television and Radio School, North Ryde, NSW Austin College (Texas) Australian National Institute of Dramatic Art, NSW Austin Peay State University (Tenn.) (Stephen F.) Austin State University (Texas) Australian Maritime College, Launceston, Tasmania (degree and postgraduate level courses; given in Australian Directory of Higher Education Courses 1983) see S.Chile] see A.U...; also Chapingo; Mexico Metropolitan; Mexico Natnl.; Mexico State] University of Aveiro (Portugal) Averett College (Virginia) Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse (France) Avila College, Kansas City (Missouri) Avondale College, Corranbong, New South Wales (awards BA(Th)) Azabu University (Japan) Azerbaijan State University, Baku Azerbaijan Institute of Petroleum Technology and Chemistry, Baku A.U.Madrid Aurora Aurora Coll. Aust.Coll.Theol. Aust.Film, TV & Radio Sch. Austin Coll. Aust.Inst.Dramatic Art Austin Peay Austin State Aust.Maritime Coll. [Austral(Chile) [Autonomous... Aveiro Averett Avignon Avila Avondale Coll. Azabu Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Inst.Petroleum Tech. & Chem. Azerbaijan P.I. Azusa Pacific B [Babes-Bolyai Babson Baghdad Baghdad Pharm.Coll. Baghdad Technol. [Baguio Bahia Baker [Baku... [Baldwin, Mary Baldwin-Wallace Azerbaijan Polytechnical Institute, Baku Azusa Pacific University (Calif.) see Cluj] Babson College (formerly Institute) (Mass.) University of Baghdad (Iraq) College of Pharmacy, Baghdad (Iraq) (became part of University of Baghdad, 1957) University of Technology, Baghdad (Iraq) see St.Louis(Baguio)] (Federal) University of Bahia (Brazil) Baker University (Kansas) see Azerbaijan...] see Mary Baldwin] Baldwin-Wallace College (Ohio) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Balearic Is. Ball Ballarat C.A.E. [Balmes Baltic(Germany) Baltimore Bamberg University of the Balearic Islands, Palma (Majorca) (Spain) Ball State University (Indiana) (formerly Ball State Teachers’ College) Ballarat College of Advanced Education, Victoria (Australia) see Jaime Balmes] Baltic University (Germany) University of Baltimore (Maryland) University of Bamberg (Otto Friedrich Universität Bamberg) (Germany) see Inst.Isl.Stud., Banda Aceh] University of Bandung (Indonesia) Bandung Institute of (Teacher Training and) Education (Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP)) (Indonesia) Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia) see Bandung Inst.Educn.] see Chulalongkorn] Bangkok College of Education (Thailand) (in Minerva) see Natnl.Inst.Devel.Admin., Bangkok] Ramkhamhaeng University (Open University), Bangkok (Thailand) see Asian I.T., Bangkok] University of Banja Luka (Bosnia Herzegovina) Bank Street College of Education (NY) Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China (there are several institutions here, including Institute of Iron and Steel Engineering, Medical College, Teachers’ School) see also American Baptist Coll.; Berkeley Baptist; Calif.Baptist; Central Baptist Coll.; Central Baptist Theol.Sem.; Conservative Baptist Theol.Sem.; E.Baptist Theol.Sem.; E.Texas Baptist; Golden Gate Baptist Theol.Sem.; HK Baptist; H.K.Baptist Theol.Sem.; N.American Baptist Coll.; N.American Bapt.Sem.; N.Baptist Theol.Sem.; New Orleans Baptist; Oklahoma Baptist; Ouachita; S.Baptist; S.Baptist Theol.Sem.; Southwestern Baptist Theol.Sem.; S.W.Baptist; Tor.Baptist Sem.; Wayland; W.Baptist Bible Coll.; W.Conservative Baptist Sem.] Baptist Bible College, Springfield (Missouri) Baptist Theological Seminary, Malaysia (untraceable: information from Charles Sturt compiler November 1996) Barat College (Ill.) University of Barcelona (Spain) (see also A.U.Barcelona) Bard College (NY) University of Bari (Italy) Bar-Ilan University (Israel) Barnard College (NY) Barneveld College (Netherlands) Barrington College (Rhode I.) Barry University (formerly College), Miami (Florida) Barton College, Wilson (N.Carolina) see C.U.N.Y.] University of Basle (or Basel) (Switzerland) Institut für Immunologie, Basle (Switzerland) [Banda Aceh Islamic Studies Bandung Bandung Inst.Educn. Bandung I.T. [Bandung I.T.T.E. [Bangkok Bangkok Coll.of Educn. [Bangkok Devel.Admin. Bangkok Open [Bangkok I.T. Banja Luka Bank Street Baotou [Baptist... Baptist Bible Coll.(Mo.) Baptist Theol.Sem.(Malaysia) Barat Barcelona Bard Bari Bar-Ilan Barnard Barneveld Barrington Barry Barton [Baruch Coll.(N.Y.) Basle Basle Immunol. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Basque Basque University (Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) (formerly University of Bilbao), Bilbao (Spain) University of Basrah (Jami’at Al-Basrah) (Iraq) see Pablo Borbon Memorial I.T.] Bates College (Maine) see Sacred Heart(N.B.)] see Vilna] Baumon Moscow State Technical University (Russia) see Würzburg] Baylor University (Texas) Baylor College of Medicine (Texas) University of Bayreuth (Germany) see École Nat.Sup.Beaux-Arts, Paris] Beaver College (Penn.) see also Peking...] Beijing University (China) Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China) Beijing Agricultural Engineering University (China) Beijing Agricultural University (China) Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, Beijing (?now Central Academy of Arts and Design) (China) Central Academy of Arts and Design, Beijing (?formerly Central Academy of Arts and Crafts) (China) see Internat.Business & Econ., Beijing] Beijing Institute of Business (China) Beijing Broadcasting Institute (China) Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing (China) Beijing Institue of Foreign Languages (China) (see also Beijing 2nd Foreign Lang.Inst.) Beijing Institute of Forestry (sometimes referred to as Beijing Forestry University) (China) Institute of International Relations, Beijing (China) Beijing University of Iron and Steel (China) Beijing Institute of Technology (China) Beijing Language Institute (China) Beijing Medical University (Xue Yan Lu) (China) Beijing College of Medicine (China) Beijing Normal University (China) see Dongying Petrol.] Beijing Institute of Physical Culture (China) Beijing Institute of Physical Education (China) (probably the one immediately above renamed) Beijing Polytechnical University (China) Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) Beijing 2nd Foreign Language Institute (China) (see also Beijing Foreign Lang.Inst.) Beijing Medical College No. 2 (China) Beijing Teachers’ College (China) Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (China) Basrah [Batangas I.T. Bates [Bathurst [Batory Baumon T.U. [Bavarian Julius-Maximilian Baylor Baylor Coll.Med. Bayreuth [Beaux-Arts, Paris Beaver [Beijing... Beijing Beijing Aeron.& Astron. Beijing Ag.Eng. Beijing Agric. Beijing Arts & Crafts Beijing Arts & Des. [Beijing Business & Econ. Beijing Bus.Inst. Beijing Broadcasting Inst. Beijing Fine Arts Beijing Foreign Lang.Inst. Beijing Forestry Beijing Internat.Relns. Beijing Iron & Steel Beijing I.T. Beijing Lang.Inst. Beijing Med. Beijing Med.Coll. Beijing Normal [Beijing Petroleum Inst. Beijing Phys.Culture Beijing Phys.Educn. Beijing Polytech. Beijing Posts & Telecommunicns. Beijing 2nd Foreign Lang.Inst. Beijing 2nd Med.Coll. Beijing Teachers’ Beijing Trad.Chinese Med. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Beijing U.S.T. Beirut Beirut Arab Beirut U.C. Belarus Natnl.Acad.Sc Belarussian T.U. Belarus State Belarus State P.U. Belgrade [Belgrade Arts Belhaven Bellarmine [Bellarmine Sch.Theol. Bellevue [Bello Belmont Belmont Abbey Beloit Belorussian Agric. Belorussian P.I. Belorussian State Bemidji Bendigo C.A.E. Benedict Ben Gurion Bénin(Lomé) Bennett(N.C.) Bennett(N.Y.) Bennington Bentley Beijing University of Science and Technology (China) American University of Beirut (Lebanon) Beirut Arab University (Lebanon) Beirut University College (Lebanon) National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Belarussian State Technological University, Minsk Belarus State University, Minsk Belarus State Pedagogical University, Minsk University of Belgrade (Serbia) see Arts, Belgrade] Belhaven College (Mississippi) Bellarmine (Ursuline) College (Kentucky) = part of Loyola, qv] Bellevue College (Nebraska) see Andrés Bello] Belmont College (Tenn.) Belmont Abbey College (N. Carolina) Beloit College (Wis.) Belorussian Academy of Agriculture (Belarus) Belorussian Polytechnical Institute, Minsk (Belarus) Belorussian State University, Minsk (Belarus) Bemidji State University (formerly College) (Minn.) Bendigo College of Advanced Education (Australia) Benedict College (S. Carolina) Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel) University of Bénin, Lomé (see also Natnl.Bénin) Bennett College (N. Carolina) Bennett College (NY) Bennington College (Vermont) Bentley College (Mass.) (formerly Bentley College of Accounting and Finance) Berchmans Kolleg, Pulach, Munich (Germany) Berchmans College, Cebu City (Philippines) (Calgary reply 1970; untraceable) Berea College (Kentucky) see Clausthal] Università Libera di Bergamo (Italy) University of Bergen (Norway) Berkeley Baptist Divinity School (Calif.) Berkeley Divinity School, New Haven (Conn.) Berklee College of Music, Boston (Mass.) Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität (pre-war) (see also F.U.Berlin; Humboldt; T.U.Berlin) ? = Hochschule für Musik, Berlin-Charlottenburg Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities see Berlin Acad.Music; T.H.Berlin; T.U.Berlin] College of Arts (Hochschule der Künste Berlin) (Germany) Kirchliche Hochschule Berlin (Germany) University of Berne (or Bern) (Switzerland) Berchmans Berchmans(Philippines) Berea [Bergakademie Clausthal Bergamo Bergen Berkeley Baptist Berkeley Div.Sch. Berklee Berl. Berlin Acad.Music Berlin-Brandenburg Acad.Sc.&Humanities [Berlin-Charlottenburg Berlin Coll.Arts Berlin K.H. Berne S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Berry Coll. Besançon Berry College (Ga.) University of Besançon (France) (later University of Franche-ComtéBesançon) Bethany Nazarene College (Oklahoma) Bethany Bible College (Calif.) Bethany Biblical (later Theological) Seminary, Chicago (Ill.) Bethany College (Kansas) Bethany Theological (formerly Biblical) Seminary, Chicago (Ill.) Bethany College (W. Virginia) Bethel College (Indiana) Bethel College (Kansas) Bethel College and Seminary (Minn.) see Norman Bethune] Bethune-Cookman College (Florida) Academy of Medicine ‘im Juliana Marchlewskiego w Bialymstoku’, Bialystok (Poland) see Assoc.Mennonite Bibl.Sems.; Baptist Bible Coll.(Mo.); Bethany Bible Coll.; Bethany Bibl.Sem.; Carver; Central Bible Coll.; Fort Wayne Bible Coll.; Goshen Bibl.Sem.; Mennonite Bible Sem.; Moody Bible Inst.; Pacific Bible Inst.; Pontif.Bibl.Inst.; Pontif.Comm.Bibl.Inst.; Tor.Baptist Sem.; Wash.Bible Coll.; W.Baptist Bible Coll. University of Bielefeld (Germany) see Belorussian] University of Bilbao (Spain) (now Basque University) Bilkent University (Turkey) = university centre of N.Y.State, qv] Biola University (Calif.) Birmingham-Southern College (Alabama) Birzeit University, West Bank Bishop College (Texas) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] University of Bitola, Bitola (Macedonia) Blackburn University (formerly College) (Ill.) Black Hills State College (S. Dakota) Black Mountain College (N. Carolina) (no longer exists) see T.U.Black Sea] see Clermont-Ferrand II] Bloomfield College (NJ) Bloomsburg State College (Penn.) Bluefield State College (W. Virginia) Blue Mountain College (Mississippi) Bluffton College (Ohio) Bob Jones University (S. Carolina) Università Libera di Economia e Commercio ‘Luigi Bocconi’, Milan (Italy) University of the Ruhr, Bochum (Germany) Bogalyubov Institute of Theoretical Physics see Bosphorus] Bethany Bethany Bible Coll. Bethany Bibl.Sem. Bethany(Kansas) Bethany Theol.Sem. Bethany(W.Va.) Bethel(Ind.) Bethel(Kansas) Bethel(Minn.) [Bethune Bethune-Cookman Bialystok Med. [Bible/Biblical... Bielefeld [Bielorussian Bilbao Bilkent [Binghamton Biola Birmingham-Southern Birzeit Bishop Coll. [Biswa Unnayan Sangsad Bitola Blackburn Black Hills Black Mountain [Black Sea [Blaise-Pascal Bloomfield Coll. Bloomsburg Bluefield Blue Mountain Bluffton Bob Jones Bocconi Bochum Bogalyubov Inst. [Bogaziçi S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Bogor Bogor Ag.Inst. University of Bogor (Universitas Bogor) (Indonesia) Institut Pertanian Bogor (Bogor University of Agricultural Sciences) (Indonesia) Boise State University (formerly College) (Idaho) see Simón Bolívar] University of Bologna (Italy) University of Bolyai, Cluj (Romania) (up to 1958; later Babes-Bolyai: see Cluj) Rhenish Friedrich-Wilhelm University of Bonn (Germany) Boone Library School, Wuchang (China) (pre-war) Borås College (Sweden) University of Bordeaux (France) University of Bordeaux I (France) (founded 1970 as one of three universities (see also Bordeaux II and Bordeaux III) replacing former University of Bordeaux) University of Bordeaux II (France) University of Bordeaux III (France) University of Bordeaux IV (France) see Inst.Ed.Phys., Bordeaux] see Falun] University of the Bosphorus (Bogaziçi Universitesi), Istanbul (Turkey) (formerly Robert College, see Robert(Istanbul)) Boston University (Mass.) Boston College (Mass.) Boston Conservatory of Music (Mass.) Boston Museum of Fine Arts (Mass.) Boston State College (Mass.) (merged with University of Massachusetts, 1982) University of Boumerdes (Algeria) Institute/University of Chemical Technology, Bourgas (Bulgaria) University of Bourgogne Bowdoin College (Maine) Bowie State College (Maryland) Bowling Green State University (Ohio) = former regional campus of Pittsburgh] Bradley University (Ill.) Brandeis University (Mass.) University of Brasília (Brazil) University of Brasov (Romania) (incorporating T.I.Brasov, qv) Komensky (Comenius) University, Bratislava (Slovakia) College of Economics, Bratislava (Slovakia) see T.U.Bratislava] see T.H.Braunschweig; T.U.Braunschweig] Brawijaja University, Malang (Indonesia) (Federal) University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro University of Bremen (Germany) Brenau College (Ga.) University of Breslau (pre-war Germany; in 1945 became Wroclaw (Poland)) Boise [Bolívar Bologna Bolyai Bonn Boone(Wuchang) Borås Bordeaux Bordeaux I Bordeaux II Bordeaux III Bordeaux IV [Bordeaux Phys.Educn. [Börlange Bosphorus Boston Boston Coll. Boston Cons. Boston Fine Arts Boston State Boumerdes Bourgas Chem.Technol. Bourgogne Bowdoin Bowie State Bowling Green [Bradford(Penn.) Bradley Brandeis Brasília Brasov Bratislava Bratislava Econ. [Bratislava T.U. [Braunschweig Brawijaja Brazil Bremen Brenau Bres. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Brescia Brest University of Brescia (Italy) University of Brest (France) (later Université de Bretagne Occidentale, see W.Brittany) see W.Brittany] University of Bridgeport (Conn.) State College at Bridgewater (Mass.) (later Bridgewater State College) Bridgewater College (Virginia) Briercrest Bible College, Caronport (Sask.) (accredited by American Association of Bible Colleges) Brigham Young University (Utah) Brigham Young University Hawaii Brisbane College of Advanced Education (Australia) (in 1990 merged with Queensland University of Technology) Brisbane College of Theology, St. Lucia, Queensland (Australia) Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic) (later Jana Ev. Purkyne University, Brno, see Purkyne) see Agric.Coll.Brno; Coll.Vet.Med., Brno; T.U.Brno; Vet.Sch.Brno; Vet.Sci.Brno] see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] [Bretagne Occidentale Bridgeport Bridgewater(Mass.) Bridgewater(Va.) Briercrest Brigham Young Brigham Young(Hawaii) Brisbane C.A.E. Brisbane Coll.Theol. Brno [Brno... [Broadhurst(Calif.)/West London Coll.of Technol. Brooklyn [Brooklyn Coll.Pharm. Brooklyn Polytech. Brown [Brown, Morris Brussels Bruxelles Bryant Bryn Mawr Bucharest [Bucharest Agric. [Bucharest Archit. Bucharest Dramatic Arts [Bucharest Econ. [Bucharest Med.Pharm. [Bucharest Phys.Ed. Bucharest Plastic Arts Bucharest Polytech. [Bucharest T.I. Bucknell Bud. Budapest Econ.Scis. Budapest Light Indust.Technol. Brooklyn College (NY) (later Brooklyn College of the City University of New York) = part of Long Island University] Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (later of New York) (NY) Brown University (Rhode I.) see Morris Brown] Free University of Brussels (Belgium) (replaced by separate Dutch- and French-speaking universities, see Bruxelles; and V.U.Brussels) Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) (founded 1970 when the former Free University of Brussels (see Brussels) was replaced by separate Dutch- and French-speaking universities) Bryant College (Rhode I.) Bryn Mawr College (Penn.) University of Bucharest (Romania) (formerly C.I. Parhon University) see Inst.Agric.‘N.Balcescu’] see Inst.of Archit., Bucharest] Institute of Dramatic Arts and Cinema, Bucharest (Romania) see Inst.of Econ.Scis., Bucharest] see Inst.Med.Pharm., Bucharest] see Inst.Phys.Ed., Bucharest] Institute of Plastic Arts ‘Nicolae Grigorescu’, Bucharest (Romania) Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest (Institutul Politehnic diu Bucuresti) (Romania) see T.I.Bucharest] Bucknell University (Penn.) University of Budapest (Hungary) (see also E.L.Bud.) University of Economic Sciences, Budapest (Hungary) (later Karl Marx University) College of Light Industrial Technology, Budapest (Hungary) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Budapest T.U. Budapest Vet.Sci. [Buddhism Buena Vista Buenos Aires [Buenos Aires Sci. Buenos Aires T.I. [Buenos Aires Visual Arts Buffalo see T.U.Budapest] University of Veterinary Science, Budapest (Hungary) see Bukkyo] Buena Vista College (Iowa) (National) University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) see C.A.E.C.E., Buenos Aires] Buenos Aires Technology Institute (Argentina) see E.A.V., Buenos Aires] University of Buffalo (NY) (later State University of New York at Buffalo) Buffalo State Teachers’ College (NY) Université officielle de Bujumbura (1964–77) (Burundi) (later University of Burundi) Université Catholique de Bukavu (Zaire) Bukkyo Daigaku (University of Buddhism), Kyoto (Japan) Academy of Medicine, Bulgaria Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Wheat and Sunflower ‘Dobroudja’, Dobrich District (Bulgaria) University of Bundeswehr Munich (Germany) University of Burundi (formerly Université officielle de Bujumbura) Burwood State College, Victoria (Australia) (see also Vic.State Coll.) Burwood Teachers’ College, Melbourne (later became Burwood State College, Victoria; awarded BEd) Butler University (Indiana) Akademia Medycna, Bydgoszcz (Poland) Academy of Technology and Agriculture, Bydgoszcz (Poland) see Belorussian] see Silesian Sch.of Med.] Buffalo State Teachers’ Bujumbura Bukavu Bukkyo Bulgarian Acad.Med. Bulgarian Acad.Sc. Bulgaria Wheat & Sunflower Bundeswehr Munich Burundi Burwood State Burwood Teachers’ Coll. Butler Bydgoszcz Med. Bydgoszcz Technol.& Agric. [Byelorussian [Bytom C C.A.C. Cadi Ayyad C.A.E.C.E., Buenos Aires Caen [Ca’ Foscari Cagliari Cairo Calabria Caldas Calif. Calif.Arts & Crafts Calif.Baptist [Calif.Coast Calif.Coll.Podiat.Med. Calif.Inst.Arts Canterbury Agricultural College (New Zealand) Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakesh (Morocco) Centro de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Exactas, Buenos Aires (Argentina) University of Caen (France) see Venice] University of Cagliari (Italy) Cairo University (Egypt) University of Calabria (Italy) University of Caldas, Manizales (Colombia) University of California California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland California Baptist College see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco California Institute of the Arts, Valencia S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Calif.Inst.of Transpersonal Psychol. [Calif.I.T. Calif.Lutheran Calif.Maritime Acad. [Calif.Natnl. Calif.Sch.Professl.Psychol. Calif.State see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] see Cal.Tech.] Californian Lutheran College California Maritime Academy, Vallejo see Natnl.(Calif.)] California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco California State University (has campuses at Chico, Fresno, Fullerton, Hayward, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Northridge, San Bernardino) California State College (Penn.) (formerly California State Teachers’ College) California Polytechnic State University (formerly California State Polytechnic College) California State University, Sacramento (formerly Sacramento State College) California State University, San Diego California State University, San Jose see Grad.Theol.Union] California Western University (from 1966, United States International University) California Institute of Technology Calvin College (Mich.) Calvin Theological Seminary (Mich.) University of Camaguëy (Cuba) University of Camerino (Italy) Campbell University (N. Carolina) Campbellsville College (Kentucky) State University of Campinas (Brazil) see Mennonite Bible Coll.] Canadian Nazarene College, Winnipeg (approved teaching centre of University of Manitoba; awards own BA, ThB; BSM also awarded in the past) Canadian Theological College (affiliated to University of Regina; authorised to confer BD and MRE) Canadian Theological Seminary (new name for Canadian Theological College, see previous entry) Canberra College of Advanced Education (Australia) (in 1990 became Canberra University) Canberra School of Art (Australia) (BAVisualArts) Canberra School of Music (Australia) (BMus) Canisius College (NY) University of Cantabria (Spain) ? = Arts and Science College, Canton Capital University (Ohio) see Athens] Capricornia Institute of Advanced Education (Australia) (1967–71, Queensland Institute of Technology (Capricornia); from 1990, University College of Central Queensland; from 1992, University of Central Queensland) Calif.State(Penn.) Calif.State Polytechnic Calif.State(Sacramento) Calif.State(San Diego) Calif.State(San Jose) [Calif.Theol.Union Calif.Western Cal.Tech. Calvin Calvin Theol.Sem. Camaguëy Camerino Campbell Campbellsville Campinas [Canadian Mennonite Canadian Nazarene Canadian Theol.Coll. Canadian Theol.Sem. Canberra C.A.E. Canberra Sch.Art Canberra Sch.Mus. Canisius Cantabria Canton Arts & Sci.Coll. Capital [Capodistrian Capricornia I.A.E. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Cardinal Glennon Cardinal Newman Cardinal Stritch Carleton(Minn.) Carlos III(Madrid) Carlow [Carl Schorlemmer Carnegie-Mellon Cardinal Glennon College (Missouri) Cardinal Newman College (Missouri) Cardinal Stritch College (Wis.) Carleton College (Minn.) Carlos III University, Madrid Carlow College (Penn.) see T.H.Merseburg] Carnegie-Mellon University (Penn.) (formerly Carnegie Institute of Technology) Carnegie Institute of Technology (Penn.) (later Carnegie-Mellon University) see Med.& Pharm., Bucharest] see T.U.Braunschweig] Carroll College (Montana) Carroll College (Wis.) see J.Carroll] Carson-Newman College (Tenn.) University of Cartagena (Colombia) Carthage College (Wis.) Carver Bible Institute and College (Ga.) Cascade College (Oregon) Case Institute of Technology (Ohio) (formerly Case School of Applied Science; later part of Case Western Reserve University, see Case W.Reserve) Case Western Reserve University (Ohio) (federation of Case Institute of Technology (see Case Tech.Inst.) and Western Reserve University, see W.Reserve) Castleton State (Teachers’) College (Vermont) see T.U.Cataluña] University of Catania (Italy) Catawba College (N. Carolina) see also C.U...; Pontif...] see La Salle(Bogotá)] see Bukavu] see Andrés Bello] Catholic College of Education, Sydney (Australia) see Chic.Catholic Theol.Union] see Ecuador Catholic] see Inst.Cath.Ed.(Vic.)] Catholic Faculties of Lyons (France) Catholic Faculties of the West, Angers (France) (later Catholic University, see C.U.West) see Inst.Lit., Inst.Catholique(Paris)] Catholic Institute of Sydney (Australia) (formerly Catholic Theological Faculty; also known as St Patrick’s College, Manly; empowered to grant BTh, MTh and STD) see Louvain] see Lublin Catholic U.] see Leuven] Carnegie Tech. [Carol Davila [Carolo-Wilhelmina Carroll Coll.(Mont.) Carroll Coll.(Wis.) [Carroll (Ohio) Carson-Newman Cartagena Carthage Carver Cascade Case Tech.Inst. Case W.Reserve Castleton [Catalonia/Cataluña Catania Catawba [Catholic... [Catholic (Bogotá) [Catholic (Bukavu) [Catholic (Caracas) Catholic C.E. [Catholic (Chicago) [Catholic (Ecuador) [Catholic Educn.(Victoria) Catholic Facs., Lyons Catholic Facs., West [Catholic Inst.Liturgy Catholic Inst.Syd. [Catholic (Louvain) [Catholic (Lublin) [Catholic (Leuven) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Catholic (Milan) [Catholic (Nijmegen) [Catholic (Paris) see Sacred Heart(Milan)] see Nijmegen] see Greg.Inst.(Paris); Inst.Catholique(Paris); Inst.Lit., Inst.Catholique(Paris)] Catholic University of Peking (pre-war) (see also C.U.Peiping) see Seoul Catholic Med.Coll.] see Chic.Catholic Theol.Union] see E.H.Tilburg] see Inst.Catholique(Toulouse)] see Sacred Heart(Milan)] Catholic (Peking) [Catholic (Seoul) [Catholic Theol.Union, Chicago [Catholic (Tilburg) [Catholic (Toulouse) [Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan) [Catholic (Victoria) [Catholic (Washington) Cauca Caulfield I.T. [Cavite Cayetano Heredia C.Chinese Culture(Taipei) C.C.N.Y. Ceará Cebu I.T. Cedar Crest Cedarville Cenderawasih Centenary Cent.Escolar [Central Agric., Warsaw Central Arkansas Central Baptist Coll. Central Baptist Theol.Sem. Central Bible Coll. Central China Tech. Central Coll.(Iowa) [Central Coll.of Agric., Warsaw Central Connecticut Central Flor. Central Iron & Steel Res.Inst., Beijing Central Lutheran Central Luzon Central Methodist Central Mich. Central Missouri [Central Pentecostal Col. Central Philippine [Central School of Planning and Statistics, Warsaw Central South U.T. [Central State see Inst.Cath.Ed.(Vic.)] see C.U.A.] University of Cauca (Colombia) Caulfield Institute of Technology (Australia) see Philippine Christian (Cavite)] Universidad (Particular) Peruana ‘Cayetano Heredia’, Lima (Peru) College of Chinese Culture, Taipei (Taiwan) City College, New York (part of City University of New York) Federal University of Ceará (Brazil) Cebu Institute of Technology (Philippines) Cedar Crest College (Penn.) Cedarville College (Ohio) Cenderawasih University (Indonesia) Centenary College of Louisiana Centro Escolar University (Philippines) see S.G.G.W., Warsaw] University of Central Arkansas, Conway Central Baptist College (Arkansas) Central Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas) Central Bible College (Missouri) Central China Technical College, Wuchang Central College (Iowa) see S.G.G.W.Warsaw] Central Connecticut State College University of Central Florida, Orlando Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing (China) Central Lutheran Theological Seminary (Nebraska) (later Midland Lutheran College) Central Luzon State University (Philippines) Central Methodist College (Missouri) Central Michigan University Central Missouri State University (formerly College) affiliated college, Saskatchewan] Central Philippine University, Iloilo City see Sch.Plan.Stat., Warsaw] Central South University of Technology, Changsha (China) previously used to mean Central State(Ohio), qv] S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Central State Coll. Central State(Ohio) Central State(Okla.) Central Wash. Central Wash.Coll. Central State College (later University) (Oklahoma) Central State University (Ohio) Central State University (Oklahoma) Central Washington University (formerly State College) Central Washington College of Education (became Central Washington State College, 1961; and University, 1977) Centre College of Kentucky see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] see Univ.Cetec] Ceylon National Seminary, Kandy (National Seminary of Our Lady of Lanka) (founded 1955 when Pontificium Athenaeum moved from Kandy to Poona; awards BPh and BTh) University of Chad, N’Djamena Chadron State College (Nebraska) (formerly one of several Nebraska State Teachers’ Colleges) Chalmers Institute of Technology (Chalmers Tekniska Högskola), Gothenburg (Sweden) Chalmers University of Technology (Chalmers Tekniska Högskola), Gothenburg (Sweden) (translated thus in 1989 IAU handbook) Chaminade University of Honolulu (Hawaii) Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Jilin Province (Japan) ? = Changchun College of Geology (untraceable as Institute) Changchun Institute of Optics and Precision Medicine (China) Changsha Institute of Technology, Hunan (China) (according to Nanyang Technological compiler (1994)) Changsha Railway Institute (China) see N.Carolina] Chapman College (Calif.) Autonomous University of Chapingo (Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo) (Mexico) see Lille III] see Prague] College of Charleston (S. Carolina) see T.U.Berlin] Chatham College (Penn.) University of Chattanooga (Tenn.) (merged with University of Tennessee, 1969 as University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) Cheeloo University, Tsinon (China) (pre-war) Chekiang University, Hangchow (China) (post-revolution) (see also Natnl.Chekiang) Chekiang Medical College, Hangchow (China) College of Chemical Technology, Prague (Czech Republic) University of Chengchi, Nankin (China) (see also Natnl.Chengchi) Chengdu College of Geology, Sichuan (China) Chengdu Institute of Radio Engineering, Sichuan (China) Chengdu University of Science and Technology (China) Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University (later National Cheng Kung University) see Shenyang] Centre [Century(L.A.) [Cetec Ceylon Nat.Sem. Chad Chadron Chalmers I.T. Chalmers U.T. Chaminade Changchun Inst.Appl.Chem. Changchun Inst.Geog. Changchun Optics & Precision Med. Changsha I.T. Changsha Railway Inst. [Chapel Hill Chapman Chapingo [Charles de Gaulle [Charles, Prague Charleston [Charlottenburg Chatham Chattanooga Cheeloo Chekiang Chekiang Med.Coll. Chem.Tech.Coll., Prague Chengchi Chengdu Coll.Geol. Chengdu Inst.Radio Eng. Chengdu Sci.& Technol. Cheng Kung [Chenyang S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Chernivtsi Med. Chernivtsi (Chernowitz, Chernovtsy, Tchernowitz) Medical Institute (Ukraine) Chernowitz (Chernivtsi, Chernovtsy, Tchernowitz) University (Ukraine) Chestnut Hill College (Penn.) Cheyney State College (Penn.) Chiang Mai University (Thailand) Chiao Tung University, Shanghai (China) (formerly National Chiao Tung University) Chiba University (Japan) Chiba Institute of Technology (Japan) University of Chicago (Ill.) School of the Art Institute, Chicago (Ill.) Catholic Theological Union at Chicago (Ill.) Chicago Conservatory College (Ill.) Chicago Music College (Ill.) (later part of Roosevelt University) see Calif.State] Chico State College (Calif.) (later California State University, Chico, see Calif.State) Chicago State University (Ill.) Chicago Theological Seminary (Ill.) Chiengmai (later Chiang Mai) University (Thailand) Free University of Chieti (Italy) University of Chile China Academy of Railway Sciences (Beijing) see Natnl.U.Defence Technol.(China)] China University of Geosciences, Wuhan China Graduate School of Theology (according to Hong Kong Baptist compiler (1994)) China Medical College, Taichung China Insitute of Mining Technology, Hetchuan China University of Mining and Technology Chinan University, Canton (see also Natnl.Chinan) Petroleum University, China (a ‘federated’ institution with several sections, eg Dongying Petrol., qv) see Dongying Petrol.] China Textile University University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu China University, Peiping (pre-war) University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhai Province see Arts, China] Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing Chinese Academy of Sciences (Academia Sinica), Beijing Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing Chinese Academy of Space Technology Chinese Culture University (China) see C.Chinese Culture (Taipei)] Chinese Naval Academy (Taiwan?) Chinese University of Political Science and Law, Beijing see Providence (Taiwan)] Chernowitz Chestnut Hill Cheyney Chiang Mai Chiao Tung Chiba Chiba I.T. Chic. Chic.Art Inst. Chic.Catholic Theol.Union Chic.Cons.Coll. Chic.Mus.Coll. [Chico Chico State Chic.State Chic.Theol.Sem. Chiengmai Chieti Chile China Acad.Railway Scis. [China Defence Technol. China Geoscis. China Grad.Sch.Theol. China Med.Coll. China Inst.Mining Technol. China Mining & Technol. Chinan China Petroleum [China Petroleum Inst. China Textile China U.Electronic S.T. China U., Peiping China U.S.T. [Chinese Acad.Arts Chinese Acad.Med.Scis. Chinese Acad.Sc. Chinese Acad.Soc.Sc. Chinese Acad.Space Technol. Chinese Culture [Chinese Culture, Taiwan Chinese Naval Acad. Chinese Pol.Sci.& Law [Ching Yi Women’s Coll. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Chiraz Chisholm I.T. see Shiraz] Chisholm Institute of Technology (Australia) (in 1990 merged with Monash University) see Tjokroaminoto] Chongqing (formerly Chungking) University (China) Chongqing College/Institute of Architecture and Engineering, Shanxi Province (China) see S.W.China Teachers] Chonpuk National University (South Korea) Cho Sun University, Gwangju (South Korea) Chosun Theological Seminary, Seoul (South Korea) Chouinard Art Institute (later part of California Institute of the Arts) see also Abilene; Chung Yuan; Chung Yuan Coll.; Fort Worth; Fukien Christ.; Internat.Christian(Tokyo); Jarvis Christian; Lincoln Christian; Northwest Christian; Oklahoma Christian; Pacific Christian; Philippine Christian(Cavite); Philippine Christian(Manila); Satya Wacana; Scarritt; Texas Christian; Tokyo Women’s Christian; Trinity Christian; Tunghai] see Kiel] Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis (Indiana) see Scarritt] Christ Seminary-Seminex, Chicago (Ill.) Chrysler Institute of Engineering, Detroit (Mich.) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Chukyo University (Chukyo Daigaku) (Japan) Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (Thailand) Chung Ang (Chung-ang) University, Seoul (South Korea) Chungbuk National University (South Korea) Chung Cheng Institute of Technology (Taiwan) (untraceable: information from compiler at Nanyang Technological) see Natnl.Chung Cheng] Taiwan Provincial (later National) Chung Hsing University Chungking University (China) (see also Natnl.Chungking) Chungnam National University, Taejun (North Korea) Chungshah Medical College, Canton (China) Chung Shan Medical and Dental College (Taiwan) Chung Yuan Christian University (Taiwan) Chung Yuan College of Science and Engineering (Taiwan) (sometimes called Taiwan Christian College and later Chung Yuan Christian University) Chuo University, Tokyo (Japan) Churchlands Teachers College, Perth (Australia) (established 1972; subsequently Churchlands C.A.E., later Churchlands campus of W.Aust.C.A.E. (now Edith Cowan University)) Church Divinity School of the Pacific (Calif.) University of Cincinnati (Ohio) State College of Cinematography, Television and Dramatic Art, Lodz (Poland) (formerly State College of Dramatic Art and Cinematography, Lodz, see State Coll.D.A.& C., Lodz) [Chokroaminoto Chongqing Chongqing Archit.& Engin. [Chonqing Teachers Chonpuk Cho Sun Chosun Theol.Sem. Chouinard [Christian... [Christian Albrecht Christian Theol.Sem.(Ind.) [Christian Workers Christ Sem.-Seminex Chrysler Inst. [Chu Hai Coll.(Hong Kong) Chukyo Chulalongkorn Chung Ang Chungbuk Natnl. Chung Cheng I.T. [Chung Cheng Med./Chung Cheng Natnl. Chung Hsing Chungking Chungnam Chungshah Med.Coll. Chung Shan Med. Chung Yuan Chung Yuan Coll. Chuo Churchlands Church Pacific Div.Sch. Cinc. Cinematog., TV & Dramatic Art, Lodz S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [C.I.Parhon Citadel City Art Inst.(N.S.W.) see Bucharest] The Citadel,Charleston (South Carolina) City Art Institute, Paddington, NSW (Australia) (formerly a unit of NSW Institute of the Arts; since 1990 College of Fine Arts in the University of New South Wales) City University of Hong Kong (formerly City Polytechnic of Hong Kong) see C.U.N.Y.] City Polytechnic of Hong Kong (now City University of Hong Kong) Claremont Graduate School and University Center (1963–67) (Calif.) (see also Claremont Coll.) Claremont Men’s College (Calif.) (later Claremont McKenna College) (The Claremont Colleges is a consortium of 5 undergraduate colleges and a graduate school: Claremont Graduate School, Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, Pitzer, Pomona and Scripps. Each college is autonomous; Claremont University Center is the co-ordinating institution.) Claremont Teachers College, Perth (Australia) (established 1902; subsequently part of W.Aust.C.A.E. (now Edith Cowan University)) Clarion State College (Penn.) Clark University (Mass.) Clark Atlanta University (Ga.) Clark College (Ga.) (now part of Clark Atlanta) Clark College (Washington) Clarke College (Iowa) Clarkson College of Technology (NY) see Lyons I] Bergakademie Clausthal (Germany) (later Technical University of Clausthal, see T.U.Clausthal) Clemson University (formerly College) (S. Carolina) University of Clermont-Ferrand (France) Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand (Clermont-Ferrand II) (France) Cleveland State University (Ohio) Cleveland Institute of Art (Ohio) Cleveland Institute of Music (Ohio) either (Victor Babes) University of Cluj or (later) Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj (Romania) (in 1959 became part of the University of Cluj-Napoca; see also Kolozsvar for earlier manifestations) University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) (see also T.I.Cluj-Napoca) Institute of Agriculture, Cluj-Napoca (Romania) University ‘Iuliu Hatieganu’ of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca (Romania) nb this abbreviation is no longer used; see Cornell] Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris see U.S.Coast Guard Acad.] Coe College (Iowa) City HK [City (N.Y.) City Poly.HK Claremont Claremont Coll. Claremont Teachers Clarion Clark Clark Atlanta Clark Coll.(Ga.) Clark Coll.(Wash.) Clarke Coll. Clarkson [Claude-Bernard Clausthal Clemson Clermont-Ferrand Clermont-Ferrand II Cleveland Cleveland Art Inst. Cleveland Mus.Inst. Cluj Cluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca Agric. Cluj-Napoca Med.& Pharm. [C’nell. C.N.R.S., Paris [Coast Guard Acad. Coe S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Coimbra [Cokroaminoto Col. Colby Colgate Colgate-Roch. [Coll.Chinese Culture, Taiwan Coll.d’Europe [Coll.Econ.& Comm., Athens Coll.Internat.Mgt., Teheran [Coll.of Agric., Nitra Coll.of Agric., Olsztyn University of Coimbra (Portugal) see Tjokroaminoto] Columbia University (NY) Colby College (Maine) Colgate University (NY) Colgate-Rochester Divinity School (NY) see C.Chinese Culture (Taipei)] College d’Europe (Bruges) see Athens Sch.Econ.] College of/for International Management, Teheran (Iran) see Agric.Coll.Nitra] College of Agriculture, Olsztyn-Kartowo (Poland) (later Academy of Agriculture and Technology, see Olsztyn Agric.) see Berlin Coll.Arts] College of Education, Prasarnmitr, Bangkok (Thailand) see Vienna Coll.Music & Dramatic Art ] [Coll.of Arts, Berlin Coll.of Educn., Prasarnmitr [Coll.of Music & Dramatic Art, Vienna [Coll.of Petroleum, Abadan Collonges [Coll.Planning & Stat., Warsaw Coll.Vet.Med., Brno Cologne Colombia External Colombia Natnl. Colorado Colorado Agric. Colorado Coll. Colorado Sch.of Mines Colorado State Colorado State Coll. Colorado Women’s Columbia Coll. Columbia Coll.(N.Y.) Columbia District [Columbia Pacific Columbia Teachers Columbia Theol.Sem. Columbia Union Comahue [Comenius Comillas see Abadan] ? = Collonges (France) or Collonges (Switzerland) see Sch.Plan.Stat., Warsaw] College of Veterinary Medicine, Brno (Czech Republic) (later University School of Veterinary Medicine; and University of Veterinary Science) University of Cologne (Germany) External University of Colombia, Bogotá National University of Colombia, Bogotá (see also Natnl.Educn.(Columbia)) University of Colorado Colorado Agricultural and Mechanical College (later Colorado State University) Colorado College Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University Colorado State Teachers’ College, Colorado State College of Education, Colorado State College (later University of Northern Colorado) Colorado Women’s College (became part of the University of Denver 1982) Columbia College (S. Carolina) Columbia College (NY) (part of Columbia University) University of the District of Columbia (USA) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Teachers College, Columbia University Columbia Theological Seminary (Ga.) Columbia Union College (Maryland) National University of Comahue (Argentina) see Bratislava] Pontifical University of Comillas, Santander/Madrid (Spain) (transferred from Santander to Madrid, 1960) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Comm.Coll.Antwerp Compiègne [Complutense de Madrid Compostela Conakry Concepción Conception Sem.(Mo.) see State Comm.C., Antwerp] Technical University of Compiègne (France) see Madrid] University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) University of Conakry (Guinea) (formerly Inst.Polytech.Conakry, qv) University of Concepción (Chile) Conception Seminary College (Missouri) (Immaculate Conception Seminary until 1972) Concordia College (Ill.) (until 1978 Concordia Teachers College, see Concordia Teachers(Ill.)) Concordia Senior College (Indiana) (later Concordia Theological Seminary) Concordia College, Moorhead (Minn.) Concordia Seminary (Missouri) Concordia Teachers College (Ill.) Concordia Teachers College (Nebraska) Concordia Theological Seminary (Indiana) Université officielle du Congo (later part of National University of Zaire, see Zaire) University of Connecticut Connecticut College Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary, Denver (Colorado) Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers, Paris (France) Conservatoire national supérieur de Musique, Paris (France) University of Constance (Germany) Constantine University, Constantine (Algeria) (previously Centre universitaire of the University of Algiers) Constantinople University, Istanbul (Turkey) (later University of Istanbul) Converse College (S. Carolina) Cooper Union (NY) University of Copenhagen (Denmark) Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (formerly College), Copenhagen (Denmark) (later moved to Frederiksberg, see R.Vet.& Agric., Denmark) Royal Dental College, Copenhagen (Denmark) see T.U.Denmark] see Cracow Med.; Torún] University of Córdoba (Spain) National University of Córdoba (Argentina) see N.U.I.] Cornell University (NY) Cornell College (Iowa) Corpus Christi State University (Texas) State University College at Cortland (NY) (formerly State University College of Education, Cortland) see Oregon State] Cosmopolitan School of Music, Chicago (no longer exists) University of Costa Rica Concordia(Ill.) Concordia(Ind.) Concordia(Moorhead) Concordia Sem. Concordia Teachers(Ill.) Concordia Teachers(Neb.) Concordia Theol.Sem. Congo(Official) Conn. Connecticut Coll. Conservative Baptist Theol.Sem. Cons.Nat.Arts & Métiers, Paris Cons.Nat.Sup.Mus., Paris Constance Constantine Constantinople Converse Cooper Union Copenhagen Copenhagen Agric. Copenhagen Dent. [Copenhagen T.U. [Copernicus Córdoba Córdoba Natnl. [Cork Univ.Coll. Cornell Cornell Coll. Corpus Christi Cortland [Corvallis Cosm.Sch.Mus., Chicago Costa Rica S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Côte d’Ivoire Covenant Theol.Sem.(Mo.) Cracow Cracow Agric. see Abidjan; Natnl.Ivory Coast] Covenant Theological Seminary (Missouri) Jagiellonian University, Cracow (Poland) Cracow Agricultural University (Poland) (Akademia Rolnicza W. Krakowie Im H. Kollataja) Academy/School of Economics, Cracow (Poland) College of Education, Cracow (Poland) Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow (Poland) N. Copernicus Academy of Medicine, Cracow (Poland) State College of Music, Cracow (Poland) see T.U.Cracow] Cranbrook Academy of Art (Mich.) Creighton University (Nebraska) University of Crete (Greece) see T.U.Crete] Institute of Medicine, Simferopol’, Crimea (Ukraine) Crozer Theological Seminary (Penn.) (formerly Crummer Sch. of Finance) = part of Rollins College (Flor.)] Catholic University of America (DC) Canterbury University College (New Zealand) Catholic University of Chile Çukorova University (Turkey) Centre Universitaire de l’État à Mons (Belgium) (later State University of Mons) Université Catholique de Lyon (France) Centre Universitaire des Hautes Études Europeennes, Strasbourg (France) Culver-Stockton College (Missouri) Cumberland College of Health Sciences, Sydney (Australia) (awarded BAppSc) (in 1990 amalgamated with University of Sydney) Cumberland College, Williamsberg (Kentucky) City University of New York Catholic University, Peiping (China) (pre-war) Catholic University of Portugal see Lublin; and Paris VI] see Pontif.Rio de Janeiro] Curtis Institute of Music (Penn.) Catholic University of Tilburg (Netherlands) Cuttington University College, Monrovia (Liberia) (formerly Cuttington College and Divinity School) Catholic University of Valparaiso (Chile) Catholic University of the West, Angers (France) National University of Cuyo (Argentina) see Skopje] Czech Academy of Commerce (untraceable) Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences see T.U.Prague] Technical University of Czestochowska (Politechnika Czestochowska) (Poland) Cracow Econ. Cracow Educn. Cracow Mining Cracow Med. Cracow Mus.Coll. [Cracow T.U. Cranbrook Creighton Crete [Crete T.U. Crimea Inst.Med. Crozer [Crummer Grad. Sch. of Business C.U.A. C.U.C. C.U.Chile Çukorova C.U.E.Mons C.U.Lyons C.U.H.E.E.(Strasbourg) Culver-Stockton Cumberland Coll.Health Scis. Cumberland Coll.(USA) C.U.N.Y. C.U.Peiping C.U.Portugal [Curie [C.U.Rio de Janeiro Curtis C.U.Tilburg Cuttington C.U.Valparaiso C.U.West Cuyo [Cyril and Methodius Czech A.C. Czech.Acad.Sc. [Czech Technical Univ. Czestochowska S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name D Dahomey University of Dahomey (later Natnl.Bénin, qv) University of Dakar (Senegal) Dakota Wesleyan University (S. Dakota) see Dakota] University of Dalat (Vietnam) Dalian Institute of Foreign Languages (China) Dalian Institute of Technology (China) (now Dalian U.T.) Dalian Maritime Institute (University according to Nanyang Technological compiler) (China) Dalian University of Technology (China) (formerly Dalian I.T.) University of Dallas (Texas) Dallas Theological Seminary (Texas) University of Damascus (Syria) (formerly Syrian University) King Faisal University, Dammam (Saudi Arabia) Dana College (Nebraska) see R.Danish Acad.] Dankook University, Seoul (South Korea) see Gdansk; T.H.Danzig; T.U.Gdansk] Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education (Australia) (in 1990 became University College of Southern Queensland) see T.H.Darmstadt (there is no university of Darmstadt)] Dartmouth College (including Amos Tuck School of Business Administration), Hanover (New Hampshire) Darwin Community College (Australia) (in 1986 became Darwin I.T., qv) Darwin Institute of Technology (Australia) (in 1989 amalgamated with University College of the Northern Territory to form Northern Territory University) see Ateneo de Davao] David Lipscomb College, Nashville (Tenn.) Davidson College (N. Carolina) see Med.& Pharm., Bucharest] = Davis College of University of California: see Calif.] Davis and Elkins College (W. Virginia) University of Dayton (Ohio) see U.T.S.(Ohio)] Stefan Tisza/Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen (Hungary) University of Medicine, Debrecen (Hungary) Defiance College (Ohio) see Lille III] De La Salle University (formerly College), Manila (Philippines) University of Delaware Delaware State College, Dover (Delaware) Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture (Penn.) see I.M.S.Delft; I.T.C.Delft; T.H.Delft] Dakar Dakota [Dakota Wesleyan Dalat Dalian Foreign Langs. Dalian I.T. Dalian Maritime Dalian U.T. Dallas Dallas Theol.Sem. Damascus Dammam Dana [Danish Acad.Fine Arts Dankook [Danzig Darling Downs I.A.E. [Darmstadt Dartmouth Darwin C.C. Darwin I.T. [Davao David Lipscomb Davidson [Davila, Carol [Davis Davis & Elkins Dayton [Dayton United Theol.Sem. Debrecen Debrecen Med. Defiance [de Gaulle De La Salle Delaware Delaware State Delaware Valley [Delft S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Denison [Denmark T.U. Denver De Paul De Pauw Deree [Descartes Detroit Detroit Coll.Law Detroit I.T. Deusto [Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln Deventer Denison University (Ohio) see T.U.Denmark] University of Denver (Colorado) De Paul (or DePaul) University (Ill.) De Pauw (or DePauw) University (Indiana) Deree College (Greece) see Paris V] University of Detroit (Mich.) Detroit College of Law (Mich.) Detroit Institute of Technology (Mich.) University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain) see D.H.S.Cologne] Tropical Agricultural College (Ryks Hogere School voor Tropisch Landbouw), Deventer (Netherlands) DeVry Institute of Technology (Texas) Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln (Germany) see also F.Dickinson] Dickinson College (Penn.) Dickinson School of Law, Carlisle (Penn.) Dickinson State College (N. Dakota) University of Dijon (France) Dillard University, New Orleans (Louisiana) see Montreal Diocesan] Diponegoro University, Semarang (Indonesia) University of the Netherlands (East Indies) (later University of Indonesia) see Jakarta; Indonesia; Inst.Isl.Stud., Djakarta; Natnl.Jakarta; Trisakti] D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Dnepropetrovsk (or Dniepropetrovsk) State University (Ukraine) = ?Institution in former USSR (see Waterloo Lutheran, 1965 Yearbook, p.450) Doane College (Nebraska) Dokkyo University (Japan) Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir (Turkey) see Studium Gen.Engl.Dom.Prov.] see St.T.Aquinas(Ill.)] see Le Saulchoir] see St.Mary’s Dom.] Dominican College of San Rafael (Calif.) see Old Dominion] Don Bosco College (NJ) Donets State University (Ukraine) State Institute of Medicine (Ukraine) Donets Polytechnical Institute (Ukraine) Donetsk Techical University (Ukraina) Dong-a University Busan (South Korea) Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (China) Dongguk University (variously spelt ‘Dong Kook’, ‘Dong Gook’), Seoul (South Korea) DeVry D.H.S.Cologne [Dickinson Dickinson Coll. Dickinson Sch.Law Dickinson State Dijon Dillard [Diocesan, Montreal Diponegoro Djakarta [Djakarta... D.Mendeleev Dneprop. Dneprovsky Doane Dokkyo Dokuz Eylül [Dominican(England) [Dominican(Illinois) [Dominican, Le Saulchoir [Dominican(Louisiana) Dominican(San Rafael) [Dominion Don Bosco Donets Donets Inst.Med. Donets Polytech. Donetsk T.U. Dong-a Dongbei Finance & Econ. Dongguk S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Dongying Petrol. University of Petroleum Dongying (Beijing Petroleum Institute until 1969; China Petroleum Institute until 1988) Middlebare Landbouwschool, Dordrecht (Netherlands) (awarded IngCh) Dordt College (Iowa) Dorpat (later Tartu State) University (Estonia) (see also Tartu) University of Dortmund (Germany) Doshisha University, Kyoto (Japan) Douglass College (NJ) (part of the New Brunswick campus of Rutgers University) Dowling College, Oakdale, Long Island (NY) see Milwaukee-Downer] Drake University (Iowa) see State Coll.D.A.& C.Lodz] see T.H.Dresden; T.U.Dresden: there is no University of Dresden] Drew University (NJ) Drexel University (Penn.) (formerly Drexel Institute of Technology) Drexel Institute of Technology (Penn.) Dropsie University (formerly Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning) (Penn.) Drury College (Missouri) nb this abbreviation is no longer used; see Trinity(Dub.)] see Natnl.Coll.Art & Des., Dublin] Dublin City University (Ireland) (formerly Dublin National Institute for Higher Education; acquired university status 1989) Dublin Institute of Technology see N.U.I.] University of Dubuque (Iowa) University of Duisburg (Germany) Duke University (N. Carolina) Duluth State Teachers’ College (became part of the University of Minnesota) see Foundation] Dunbarton College of Holy Cross, Washington (DC) Duquesne University (of the Holy Ghost) (Penn.) Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf (Germany) (formerly Medical Academy of Düsseldorf) Academy of Fine and Applied Arts, Düsseldorf (Germany) D’Youville College, Buffalo (NY) Dordrecht Dordt Dorpat(Tartu) Dortmund Doshisha Douglass Dowling [Downer Drake [Dramatic Art & Cinematog., Lodz [Dresden Drew Drexel Drexel Tech. Dropsie Drury [Dub. [Dublin Art & Des. Dublin City Dublin I.T. [Dublin Univ.Coll. Dubuque Duisburg Duke Duluth [Dumaguete Dunbarton Duquesne Düsseldorf Düsseldorf Fine & Appl.Arts D’Youville E Earlham E.Asia [East/Eastern... Eastern(Pa.) Earlham College (Indiana) University of East Asia (Macau) see also under E...] Eastern University (Penn.) (according to Sir George Williams; untraceable as a currently existing institution, although there is an Eastern College (Penn.)) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name East(Manila) [Eastman Sch.of Music East of the Delta E.A.V., Buenos Aires University of the East, Manila (Philippines) = part of University of Rochester] East of the Delta University (Egypt) (later Mansourah University) Escuela de Artes Visuales ‘Martin Malaharro’, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires (Argentina) Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Philadelphia (Penn.) see Tübingen] East Carolina University (N. Carolina) École centrale de Lyon (France) East Central State College (Oklahoma) East China University of Chemical Technology, Shanghai (from 1993 E.China U.S.T., qv) East China Institute of Engineering, Nanjing East China Institute of Technology (untraceable: information from compiler at Nanyang Technological University) East China Normal University, Shanghai East China Teachers’ University, Shanghai (according to University of Hong Kong compiler (1994)) East China Textile Institute of Science and Technology East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai (until 1993 E.China Chem.Technol., qv) East China University of Technology, Shanghai Eckerd College (Florida) École Nationale Polytechnique d’Algiers École nationale du génie rural des eaux et des forêts École normale supérieure de l’Enseignement Technique, Tunis (Tunisia) École normale supérieure de Fontenay-aux-Roses (France) École normale supérieure, rue d’Ulm, Paris (France) École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud (France) École centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Châtenay-Malabry (France) see E.L.Sc.Pol., Paris] see also Éc.Nat..., E.N...] École nationale d’Administration, Paris (France) École nationale des Travaux publics de l’État, Vaulx-en-Velin (France) École nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Économique, Paris see also E.N.(S.)] École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris (France) École nationale supérieure d’Architecture et des Arts visuels, Brussels (Belgium) École nationale supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Paris (France) École nationale supérieure de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, Paris (France) École nationale supérieure d’Electricité Malakoff, Paris (France) (attached to University of Paris 1964) École nationale supérieure de Bibliothécaires, Paris (France) École nationale supérieure des Industries agricoles et alimentaires (ENSIA), Massy (France) E.Baptist Theol.Sem. [Eberhard Karl E.Carolina Éc.Centrale de Lyon E.Central State E.China Chem.Technol. E.China Inst.Eng. E.China Inst.Technol. E.China Normal E.China Teachers’ E.China Textile E.China U.S.T. E.China U.T. Eckerd Éc.Nat.Polytech., Algiers Éc.Nat.du Génie Rural(Eaux et Forêts) Éc.Normale l’Ens.Tech., Tunis Éc.Normale Sup., Fontenay-Aux-Roses Éc.Normale Sup., Paris Éc.Normale Sup., Saint-Cloud École Centrale des A.& M. [École Libre Sc.Pol. [École Nat... École Nat.d’Admin., Paris École Nat.des Travaux Pub.(France) École Nat.Stat.& l’Admin.Écon. [École Nat.(Sup.) École Nat.Sup.Beaux-Arts, Paris École Nat.Sup.d’Archit., Brussels École Nat.Sup.d’Arts & Metiers, Paris École l’Aero., Paris École Nat.Sup.d’Elect., Paris École Nat.Sup.des Bibl., Paris École Nat.Sup.des Indust.Agric.& Alimentaires S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name École Tech.Avanc., Paris École Nat.Sup.des Telecommunicns., Brest École Nat.Sup.d’Hort. École Nat.Sup.des Télécommunicns., Paris École Nat.Vét.Alfort École Poly.Fem. École Poly.(Palaiseau) [École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne École Pratique des Hautes Études École Spec.d’Archit. [École Sup... École Sup.d’Ag., Purpan École Chimie, Lyon École Comm., Le Havre École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées (Paris) École nationale supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne, Brest (France) École nationale supérieure d’Horticulture, Versailles (France) École nationale supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris (France) École Comm., Marseilles École Comm., Toulouse École Sup.d’Ing., Marseille École l’Energie et des Matériaux École Prep. École Sup.des Scis.Écon.& Comm. Econ.Coll.Mannheim [Econ.Inst.(Venice) E.Connecticut Econ.Sch.Stockholm Ecuador Catholic Ecuador Central [ECWA Theol.Sem. Eden Theol.Sem. Edgewood Edinboro Edinboro State [Edison Edmonton Baptist Sem. Eduardo Mondlane [Ege Eger Teacher Trg.Coll. École nationale vétérinaire d’Alfort (France) École polytechnique feminine, Sceaux (France) École Polytechnique, Palaiseau (France) see Inst.Technol., Lausanne] École pratique des hautes études, Paris (France) École spéciale d’Architecture, Paris (France) see also E.S...] École supérieure d’Agriculture de Purpan (France) École supérieure de Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon École supérieure de Commerce et d’Administration des Entreprises, Le Havre (France) École supérieure de Commerce et d’Administration des Entreprises, Marseilles (France) École supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse (France) École supérieure d’ingénieurs de Marseille (France) École supérieure de l’Energie et des Matériaux, Orléans (France) (untraceable: information from compiler at University of Queensland) École supérieure de preparation et de perfectionnement de professeurs de français à l’Étranger, University of Paris (France) (later Institut des Professeurs de français à l’Étranger and attached to Paris III) École supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales, CergyPontoise (France) Mannheim College of Economics (Germany) (later University of Mannheim) see Univ.Econ.Inst.(Venice)] Eastern Connecticut State College Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden) Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito Central University of Ecuador, Quito see Igbaja Theol.Sem. in Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Eden Theological Seminary (Missouri) Edgewood College, Madison (Wis.) Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Edinboro State College (Penn.) see Thomas A.Edison State] Edmonton Baptist Seminary (source: information from compiler of King’s University College (Alberta)) Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo (Mozambique) see Aegean] Teacher Training College, Eger (Ho-Shi Minh Tánárképzö Föiskola) (Hungary) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name E.H.E.C., Paris École des hautes études commercials, Jouy-en-Josas, near Paris (France) École des hautes études industrielles, Lille (France) École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris (France) Ehime University (Japan) Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool, Rotterdam (became part of Erasmus University, Rotterdam) Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg (Netherlands) (formerly Katholieke Economische Hogeschool, Tilburg) Eastern Illinois University (formerly State College) see Philips’ (Eindhoven) and T.U.Eindhoven] = part of Yeshiva University] Eastern Kentucky University Eotvos Lorand University of Budapest (Hungary) see Inst.Electr.Engin., Leningrad] University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan Province Electro-Technical Institute, Warsaw (Poland) (in World of Learning as government research institute) Academy of Agriculture, Elgava (Jelgava) (Latvia) Elizabethtown College (Penn.) Elmhurst College (Ill.) Elmira College (NY) Elon College (N. Carolina) University of El Salvador École libre des sciences politiques, Paris (France) (later Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris, see Inst.d’Ét.Pol., Paris) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Florida) Eastern Mediterranean University (Cyprus) Eastern Mennonite College (Virginia) Emerson College (Mass.) Eastern Michigan University (Eastern Michigan College 1956–59) College of Emmanuel and Saint Chad, Saskatoon (Canada) (formerly Emmanuel College (see Emmanuel(Sask.)); affiliated to University of Saskatchewan; confers its own BTh, MDiv, MTS, STM and honorary degrees of DD and DCnL) Emmanuel Bible College, Kitchener, Ontario Emmanuel College, Boston (Mass.) Emmanuel College, Saskatoon (Canada) (now College of Emmanuel and Saint Chad, see above); affiliated to University of Saskatchewan (conferred MDiv, BTh, LTh) One of seven federated colleges of Toronto School of Theology. MDiv, MRE, MRel, ThM, and ThD conferred by federated members conjointly with University of Toronto; DMin conferred by federated members; MA and PhD conferred by University of Saint Michael’s College. Eastern Montana College (formerly Eastern Montana College of Education) Emory University (Ga.) E.H.E.I., Lille E.H.E.S.S., Paris Ehime E.H.Rotterdam E.H.Tilburg E.Illinois [Eindhoven [Einstein Coll.of Med. E.Kentucky E.L.Bud. [Electr.Engin.Inst., Leningrad Electronic S.& T.China Electro-Tech.Inst., Warsaw Elgava Elizabethtown Elmhurst Elmira Elon El Salvador E.L.Sc.Pol., Paris Embry-Riddle E.Mediterranean E.Mennonite Emerson E.Mich. Emmanuel & St.Chad Emmanuel Bible Coll. Emmanuel(Mass.) Emmanuel(Sask.) Emmanuel(Tor.) E.Montana Emory S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Emporia Emporia State College of Emporia (Kansas) Emporia State University (formerly Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia) (Kansas) Eastern Nazarene College (Mass.) École nationale d’Administration, Paris (France) Eastern New Mexico University Jozsef Nador University of Engineering and Economics, Budapest (Hungary) (became part of T.U.Budapest) see Studium Gen.Engl.Dom.Prov.] École nationale des Langues Orientales Vivantes, Paris (France) École nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris (France) École nationale de Radiotechnique et d’Électricité appliquee, Paris (France) see I.T.C.Enschede] École nationale supérieure de Chimie, Paris École nationale supérieure des industries chimique, Nancy (France) École nationale supérieure d’Electrotechnique, d’Electronique, d’Information et d’Hydraulique, Toulouse (France) École nationale supérieure d’electronique et de radio-électricité de Grenoble (France) see École Nat.Sup.des Indust.Agric.& Alimentaires] École nationale supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs, Rueil-Malmaison, Paris (France) École nationale supérieure, Rabat (Morocco) Eastern Oregon (State) College see E.L.Bud.] École pratique des hautes Études, Paris Episcopal Divinity (formerly Theological) School, Cambridge (Mass.) Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge (Mass.) Episcopal Theological School (later Seminary) of the Southwest, Austin (Texas) Episcopal Theological Seminary (formerly School) of the Southwest, Austin (Texas) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia, Alexandria (Virginia) see Rotterdam] Erevan State University (Armenia) Erevan Polytechnical Institute (Armenia) (?now State Engineering University of Armenia, see Armenia Engin.) Erevan Institute of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (Armenia) Academy of Medicine, Erfurt (Germany) see Lake Erie] Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen (Germany) Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) (Erlangen until 1961) see Greifswald] Erskine College (S. Dakota) École supérieure d’Application d’Agriculture tropicale, Paris (France) E.Nazarene E.N.d’Admin., Paris E.New Mexico Eng.& Econ., Bud. [English Dominican Province E.N.Lang.Or.Viv., Paris E.N.Ponts & Chaussées, Paris E.N.R.E.A., Paris [Enschede Chim., Paris E.N.S.des Ind.Chim., Nancy E.N.S.E.E.I.H., Toulouse E.N.S.E.R., Grenoble [E.N.S.I.A. E.N.S.P.M., Paris E.N.S., Rabat E.Oregon [Eotvos Lorand E.P.H.E., Paris Episc.Div.Sc. Episc.Theol.Sc. Episc.Theol.Sc.of the Southwest Episc.Theol.Sem.of the Southwest Episc.Theol.Sem., Virginia [Erasmus Erevan Erevan P.I. Erevan Vet.Sci. Erfurt Med. [Erie Erlangen Erlangen-Nuremberg [Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Erskine E.S.A.A.T., Paris S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name E.S.A.D.E., Barcelona Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas (E.S.A.D.E.), Barcelona (Spain) see Isfahan] École supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Electrotechnique et en Electronique, Paris (France) École supérieure nationale des Mines de Paris (France) University of Essen (Universität-Gesamthochschule-Essen) (Germany) College of Education, Esslingen an Nekar (Germany) East Stroudsburg State College (Penn.) East Tennessee State University (formerly East Tennessee Teachers College) East Texas Baptist College East Texas State University Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich) Escuela téchnica superior de Ingenieros industriales, Barcelona (Spain) (became part of T.U.Cataluña, qv) Escuela téchnica superior de Ingenieros industriales, Bilbao (Spain) European University Institute, Florence (Italy) European Institute of Business Administration, Fontainbleau (Institut européen d’Administration des Affaires (INSEAD)) see Basque] Evangel University (of the Assemblies of God) (Missouri) [where else!] Evangelical College (Missouri) see Evang...; Evangel...: also Garrett Theol.Sem.; Trinity Evang.Div.Sch.(Ill.)] Evangelical Theological Seminary, Naperville (Ill.) Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary, Columbus (Ohio) = Northwestern] Evansville University (formerly College) (Indiana) Evergreen State College (Wash.) Everyman’s Open University, Tel-Aviv (Israel) University of Évora (Portugal) Eastern Washington University (formerly Eastern Washington College of Education and later Washington State College) Edward Waters College, Jacksonville (Florida) Ewha Women’s University (South Korea) see Colombia External] Fairfield University (Conn.) see F.Dickinson] Fairmont State College (Virginia) Faith Theological Seminary (Penn.) see Dammam] Falun/Borlänge College, Falun (Sweden) Far Eastern University, Manila (Philippines) Farouk I University (Egypt) (later University of Alexandria) see Upper Iowa] Fairleigh Dickinson University (NJ) Feati University, Manila (Philippines) [Esfahan E.S.I.E.E. E.S.N.des Mines, Paris Essen Esslingen E.Stroudsburg E.Tennessee State E.Texas Baptist E.Texas State E.T.H.Zürich E.T.S., Barcelona E.T.S., Bilbao European Univ.Inst. Europ.Inst.Bus.Admin. [Euskal Herriko Evangel Evangel.Coll. [Evangelical... Evangel.Theol.Sem. Evang.Luth.Theol.Sem.(Ohio) [Evanston Evansville Evergreen Everyman’s Évora E.Wash. E.Waters Ewha [External Univ., Colombia F Fairfield [Fairleigh Dickinson Fairmont Faith Theol.Sem. [Faisal Falun Far Eastern Farouk [Fayette F.Dickinson Feati S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Federal City [Federico Santa Maria T.U. [Fed.Inst.Technol., Switzerland [Fed.U... Fed.U.Mato Grosso Fed.U.Paraiba Fed.U.Paraná Fed.U.Rio de Janeiro [Fed.U.Rio Grande... Feng Chia Federal City College, Washington (DC) see T.U.Valparaiso] see Inst.Technol., Lausanne] see also F.U...] Federal University of Mato Grosso (Brazil) Federal University of Paraiba (Brazil) Federal University of Paraná (Brazil) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) see Rio Grande...] Feng Chia University (Taiwan) (formerly Feng Chia College of Engineering and Business Administration) see Mashhad] see Kolozsvar] University of Ferrara (Italy) Ferris State College (Mich.) Fachhochschule Augsburg (Germany) Fachhochschule Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany) Fachhochschule Reutlingen (Germany) Fielding Institute (Calif.) Higher Institute for Financial and Business Affairs, Svishtov (Bulgaria) Finch University of Health Sciences (Illinois) Shanghai First Medical College (China) see Xinjiang Ag.] see St.John Fisher] see Astrakhan Inst.Fish; Los Banos; Tokyo U.of Fisheries; Zhanjiang Fisheries Coll.] Fisk University (Tenn.) Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (UN-funded college in pre-revolution Chile: no longer in existence according to University of Bradford (1988 Yearbook)) Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Mass.) (part of Tufts University) University of Florida Flora MacDonald College (N. Carolina) (became part of Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian College, see St.And.(Laurinburg)) University of Florence (Italy) Florence State College (Alabama) Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Florida Atlantic University Florida International University, Miami Florida Institute of Technology Florida Presbyterian College (later Eckerd College) Florida State University Florida Technological University (in 1978 became University of Central Florida) see Arvika Mus.] Fontbonne College (Missouri) Footscray Institute of Technology (Australia) (in 1990 became part of Victoria University of Technology) [Ferdowsi [Ferencz Jozsef Ferrara Ferris F.H.Augsburg F.H.Frankfurt F.H.Reutlingen Fielding Fin.& Bus.Affairs, Svishtov Finch First Med.Coll., Shanghai [1st August [Fisher [Fisheries Fisk F.L.A.C.S.O. Fletcher Flor. Flora MacDonald Florence Florence State Florida A.& M. Florida Atlantic Florida Internat. Florida I.T. Florida Presbyterian Florida State Florida Tech. [Folkliga Fontbonne Footscray I.T. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Fordham [Foreigners [Foreign Langs. Fordham University (NY) see Perugia Foreigners] see Beijing Foreign Lang.Inst.; Beijing 2nd Foreign Lang.Inst.; Dalian Foreign Langs.; Guangzhou Foreign Langs.; Moscow State Inst. Foreign Langs.; Shanghai Foreign Lang.Inst.; Sichuan F.Langs.; Stavropol’; Tianjin Inst.Foreign Langs.; Univ.Econ.Inst.(Venice); Xian Inst.Foreign Langs.] see Hankuk Foreign] see Kansei Foreign; Kobe City; Monterey Inst.Foreign Studies; Osaka U.of Foreign Studies; Tokyo Foreign] see Amer.Inst.Foreign Trade] see Beijing Forestry; Nanjing Forestry; Sopron; R.Col.Forestry, Sweden; R.S.For.Stockholm; S.W.Forestry(Kunming); Voronezh Forestry Engin.] Fort Hays Kansas State University (formerly College) The Fort Valley State College (Ga.) Used to describe degrees awarded by Indiana University–Purdue University at Fort Wayne. The history of the institution is complex, see American Universities and Colleges, 1983. See also Fort Wayne Bible Coll.] Fort Wayne Bible College (Indiana) Fort Worth Christian College (Texas) Foundation University, Dumaguete City (Philippines) see Grenoble I] State College at Framingham (Mass.) (formerly State Teachers’ College, Framingham) Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt (Germany) University of Franche-Comté-Besançon (France) (formerly University of Besançon) see Nicholls] Universidad Francisco Marroquin (Guatemala) see Tours] Franklin University (Ohio) Franklin and Marshall College (Penn.) Franklin Pierce College (New Hampshire) Franz Liszt College of Music, Budapest (Hungary) see F.U...; V.U...: also Bergamo; Bocconi; Brussels; Chieti; Ukr.Free U.] Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg (Germany) Freiberg Mining Academy (Germany) Freiberg University of Mining and Technology see Calif.State] Fresno State College (later California State University, Fresno, see Calif.State) University of Fribourg (Switzerland) see T.H.Karlsruhe] see Erlangen; Erlangan-Nuremberg] see Bamberg] see Jena] [Foreign Students [Foreign Studies [Foreign Trade [Forestry Fort Hays Fort Valley [Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Bible Coll. Fort Worth Foundation [Fourier, Joseph Framingham Fran. Franche-Comté-Besançon [Francis T.Nicholls State Francisco Marroquin [François Rabelais Franklin Franklin & Marshall Franklin Pierce Franz Liszt(Budapest) [Free University... Freib. Freiberg Mining Acad. Freiberg Mining & Technol. [Fresno Fresno State Frib. [Fridericiana [Friedrich Alexander [Friedrich, Otto [Friedrich Schiller S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Friedrich-Wilhelm [Friedrich-Wilhelms Friends Frontera Frostburg [F.T.Nicholls F.T.Stuttgart [F.U... Fuad I F.U.Berlin [F.U.Brazil [F.U.Ceará Fudan [Fuh Tan Fujan see Bonn] see Berl.] Friends University (Kansas) Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco (Chile) Frostburg State College (Maryland) see Nicholls] Fachhochschule für Technik, Stuttgart (Germany) see also Fed.U...; V.U...] Fuad I University, Cairo (Egypt) (now Cairo University) Free University of Berlin (Germany) see Brazil] see Ceará] Fudan University, Shanghai (China) see Fu Tan; Natnl.Fu Tan] Fujan (or Fujen) University (also known as the Catholic University of Peking) (Peiping) (China) (pre-war) Fujen (or Fu Jen) Catholic University (Taiwan) Fujian Agricultural University, Fuzhou, Fujian Province (China) Fujian Normal (China) Fukien Christian College, Shaowu, Fukien (pre-war) (also agricultural and medical college) Fukuoka University (Japan) Fukushima University (Japan) Fukushima Medical College (Japan) see N.E.Heavy Industry, Fulaerji] Fuller Theological Seminary (Calif.) see Calif.State] Furman University (S. Carolina) Fachhochschule Furtwangen (Germany) Fu Tan University, Shanghai (China) (see also Natnl.Fu Tan) Fuzhou University (China) Fujen Fujian Agric. Fujian Normal Fukien Christ. Fukuoka Fukushima Fukushima Med. [Fulaerji Heavy Industry Fuller [Fullerton Furman Furtwangen Fu Tan Fuzhou G Gadjah Mada G.Adolphus Gakushuin Galati Gallaudet [Galway Univ.Coll. [Gama [Gamal Abdel Nasser Gannon Gansu U.T. Garrett Theol.Sem. Garyounis Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia) Gustavus Adolphus College (Minn.) Gakushuin University, Tokyo (Japan) University of Galati (Romania) Gallaudet College, Washington (DC) see N.U.I.] see Gadjah Mada (Malaysian universities sometimes use abbreviation Gama)] see Inst.Polytech.Conakry] Gannon University (formerly College) (Penn.) Gansu University of Technology (China) Garrett (Evangelical) Theological Seminary (Ill.) University of Garyounis, Benghazi (formerly part of the University of S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Gazi Gdansk Gdansk Acad.Music Gdansk Med.Acad. [Gdansk T.U. Gdynia Merchant Marine Gembloux Genesse Geneva Geneva(Pa.) Gen.Motors Genoa [Gen.Synod Gen.Theol.Sem.(N.Y.) [Georg August [George Mason Georgetown Georgetown Coll. George Washington George Williams Georgia Georgia I.T. Georgia Med. Georgian Acad.Sc. Georgian Polytech., Tbilisi Georgia S. Georgia State [Georgia Wesleyan Gerhard Mercator German Coll.P.E., Leipzig German Univ.of Prague [G.E.S. Gettysburg Getúlio Vargas Gezira Ghent Giessen [G.I.F.L. Gifu Ginling Gippsland I.A.E. Glassboro Full Name Libya) Gazi University, Ankara (Turkey) University of Gdansk (Poland) Academy of Music/State College of Music, Gdansk (Poland) Academy of Medicine, Gdansk (Poland) see T.U.Gdansk] Merchant Marine Academy, Gdynia (Poland) State Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (Faculté des Sciences agronomiques de l’État), Gembloux (Belgium) Genesse Community College (NY) University of Geneva (Switzerland) Geneva College (Penn.) General Motors Institute (Mich.) University of Genoa (Italy) formerly mentioned in General Information of Bishop’s and K.C.N.S. We have no evidence that it awarded degrees.] General Theological Seminary (NY) see Gött.] see G.Mason] Georgetown University (DC) Georgetown College (Kentucky) George Washington University (DC) George Williams College (Ill.) University of Georgia (USA) Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia (USA) (part of University of Georgia before 1950 – later independent) Georgian Academy of Science, Tbilisi (Georgia) Georgian Lenin Polytechnical Institute, Tbilisi (Georgia) Georgia Southern College (USA) (there is also a Georgia Southwestern College and a South Georgia College) Georgia State University (formerly College), Atlanta, Georgia (USA) see Wesleyan Coll.] Gerhard-Mercator-University Duisburg [could be U. of Duisburg renamed, but evidence inconclusive!] German College of Physical Education, Leipzig (Germany) German University of Prague (1882–1945) see S.E.A.T.O. G.E.S.] Gettysburg College (Penn.) Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) University of Gezira (Sudan) State University of Ghent (Belgium) Justus-Liebig University of Giessen (Germany) (J.-L. Hochschule 1946–57) see Guangzhou Foreign Langs.] Gifu University (Japan) Ginling College, Nanking (pre-war) Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education (Australia) Glassboro State College (NJ) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Glennon Gliwice see Cardinal Glennon] Technical University of Silesia (Politechnika Slaska (im Wincentego Pstrowskiego)), Gliwice (Poland) George Mason University, Fairfax (Virginia) Gnesinz State Musical-Pedagogical Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation) Goddard College (Vermont) see Agric.Univ.Gödöllö] see Fran.] see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Gold Coast College of Advanced Education, Queensland (Australia) Golden Gate University (formerly College) (Calif.) Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (Calif.) Goldsmiths’ College, University of London Gonzaga University (Wash.) (includes Saint Michael’s Institute, formerly Mount Saint Michael’s Seminary (see Mt.St.Michael)) see Natnl.Sem.Luis Gonzaga] Gordon College (Mass.) Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (formerly Divinity School), South Hamilton (Mass.) Gordon Institute of Technology (Australia) Gorham State Teachers’ College (Maine) Gorky State University (Russian Federation) Górniczo-Hutnicza Academy (Krakow) = Gosei International College in the UK, a Japanese institution in association with the University of Reading Goshen College (Indiana) Goshen Biblical Seminary (Indiana) Gothenburg (Göteborgs) University (Sweden) Georg August University of Göttingen (Germany) Goucher College (Maryland) Governors State University (Ill.) George Peabody College (Tenn.) Graceland College (Iowa) Piraeus Graduate School of Industrial Studies (Greece) Graduate School of Industrial Studies of Thessaloniki (Greece) see Linz] Graduate Theological Union (Calif.) Graduate University of Advanced Studies (Sogo Kenkyu Daigakuin Daigaku) (Japan) Grambling State University (formerly Grambling College) (Louisiana) University of Granada (Spain) see La Gran Colombia] Grand Canyon University (Arizona) Grand Valley State College (Mich.) Grand View College (Iowa) University of Granma (Cuba) Gratz College (Penn.) Karl Franzens University of Graz (Austria) (see also T.H.Graz; G.Mason Gnesinz Goddard [Gödöllö Agric.Univ. [Goethe [Goethe-Institut Gold Coast C.A.E. Golden Gate Golden Gate Baptist Theol.Sem. Goldsmiths’, Lond. Gonzaga [Gonzaga(Peru) Gordon Gordon-Conwell Gordon I.T. Gorham Gorky State Górniczo-Hutnicza Gosei Goshen Goshen Bibl.Sem. Gothenburg Gött. Goucher Governors State G.Peabody Graceland Grad.Sch.Indust.St., Piraeus Grad.Sch.Indust.St., Salonika [Grad.Sch.Soc.Scis.& Econ., Linz Grad.Theol.Union Grad.U.Advanced Studies(Japan) Grambling Granada [Gran Colombia Grand Canyon Grand Valley Grand View Granma Gratz Graz S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Grenoble Pol.Studies [Grenoble Polytech. [Grigorescu Grinnell Gron. Grove City [Grozni Petroleum Technol. Gt.Falls Guadalajara Guam Guanabara Guanajuato Guangzhou Foreign Langs. Guangxi Guangxi Agric. Guangzhou Guayaquil [Gubkina Guilford Guilin Inst.Electronic Technol. Guizhou Ag. Gunma [Gustavus Adolphus [Gutenberg [G.V.Plekhanov [G.Williams Gyeongsang Natnl. T.U.Graz) see Gt.Falls] Greensboro College (N. Carolina) Greenville College (Ill.) Pontifical Gregorian University (Vatican City) Gregorian Faculty, Tullamore (Ireland) (seems to be the same as Saint Stanislaus’ College, Tullamore in Vatican book of 1957) Institut Gregorien (part of the Institut Catholique de Paris) see Araneta] Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald (Germany) University of Grenoble (France) University of Grenoble I ‘Joseph Fourier’ (France) University Pierre Mendès France (Grenoble II) (France) University of Languages and Literature (Grenoble III) (Université Stendhal) (France) see Inst.d’Ét.Pol., Grenoble] see Inst.Nat.Poly.Grenoble] see Bucharest Plastic Arts] Grinnell College (Iowa) State University, Groningen (Netherlands) Grove City College (Penn.) see Inst.Petroleum Technol., Grozni] College of Great Falls (Montana) University of Guadalajara (Mexico) University of Guam State University of Guanabara (Brazil) University of Guanajuato (Mexico) Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages (GIFL) (China) Guangxi University, Zhuang (China) Guangxi Agricultural University (China) Guangzhou University (China) (State) University of Guayaquil (Ecuador) see Moscow Petroleum & Gas Technol.Inst.] Guilford College (N. Carolina) Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology (China) Guizhou Institute of Agriculture (China) Gunma University (Japan) see G.Adolphus] see Mainz] see Moscow Natnl.Economy] see George Williams] Gyeongsang National University, Kyongnam (Republic of Korea) H.A.B.Weimar H Hacettepe [Hadassah Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesan, Weimar (Germany) Hacettepe University (Turkey) see Jerusalem; Hadassah School of Medicine = Faculty of Medicine] [Great Falls Greensboro Greenville Greg. Greg.Fac.Tullamore Greg.Inst.(Paris) [Gregorio Araneta Greifswald Grenoble Grenoble I Grenoble II Grenoble III S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Hagen Open [Hague Soc.Stud. [Hague Acad.Internat.Law Hahnemann Haifa Haifa(Technion) Haile Sellassie I Open University of Hagen (Germany) see Inst.Soc.Stud.(The Hague)] Hague Academy of International Law (Netherlands) (awards diploma)] Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia (Penn.) University of Haifa (Israel) Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa (Israel) Haile Sellassie I University (Ethiopia) (later University of Addis Ababa) see Valenciennes] State University of Haiti Hakodate University (Japan) Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) University of Hamburg (Germany) see T.U.Hamburg-Harburg] Hamilton College (NY) Hamline University, St. Paul (Minn.) Hamma Divinity School (later Hamma School of Theology) of Wittenberg University (Ohio) (see Wittenberg) (does not award its own degrees)] Hampden-Sydney College (Virginia) Hampshire College (Mass.) Hampton Institute (Virginia) Hangzhou University, Zhejiang Province (China) Hangzhou Normal University (China) (information from National University of Singapore) Hankuk University of Foreign Students, Seoul (South Korea) University of Hanoi (Vietnam) Hanoi Institute of Education I and II (Vietnam) (also known as Hanoi Pedagogical Institute) University of Hanover (Germany) Hanover College (Indiana) Hanover Medical School (Germany) (separate from University of Hanover) see Tier.H., Hannover] Hanyang University, Seoul (South Korea) Harbin Institute of Technology, Heilongjiang Province (China) (now Harbin Polytechnical University) (nb there are several institutions in Harbin) Harbin Institute of Shipbuilding Engineering (China) see Mary Hardin-Baylor] Harding University (formerly College) (Arkansas) Harding College (Arkansas) (became Harding University in 1979) Hardin-Simmons University (Texas) see Kharkov] Harpur College, State University of New York (later State University of New York at Binghamton) Harris Teachers’ College (Missouri) (later Harris-Stowe State College) University of Hartford (Conn.) Hartford Seminary (Foundation) (Conn.) [Hainaut-Cambrésis Haiti Hakodate Halle Hamburg [Hamburg-Harburg Hamilton Hamline [Hamma Div.Sch. Hampden-Sydney Hampshire Hampton Hangzhou Hangzhou Normal Hankuk Foreign Hanoi Hanoi Inst.Educn. Hanover Hanover(Ind.) Hanover Med.Sch. [Hanover Vet.Med. Hanyang Harbin Harbin Shipbldg.Engin. [Hardin-Baylor Harding Harding Coll. Hardin-Simmons [Har’kov Harpur Harris T.Coll. Hartford Hartford Sem. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Hartley C.A.E. Hartley College of Advanced Education (in 1982 became part of South Australian College of Advanced Education) Hartt College of Music (Conn.) (in 1957 became part of University of Hartford) Hartwick College (NY) Harvard University (Mass.) see Morris Harvey] Harvey Mudd College (Calif.) Hasanuddin University (Indonesia) Hastings College (Nebraska) see Cluj-Napoca Med.& Pharm.] University of Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse (France) (was from 1975 to 1977 Haute-Rhin and previously attached to Strasbourg) University of Haute-Bretagne (Rennes II) (France) University of Havana (Cuba) Instituto Superior de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Habana (Cuba) Higher Institute of Medical Sciences, Havana (Cuba) Haverford College (Penn.) University of Hawaii Hawaii Pacific University Hawkesbury Agricultural College, NSW (Australia) (was designated a College of Advanced Education, but C.A.E. does not seem to have formed part of its title; in 1989 became part of University of Western Sydney) Hawthorn Institute of Education (Australia) (preceded Hawthorn State College, see next entry) State College of Victoria, Hawthorn (Australia) (see also Vic.State Coll.) see Calif.State] Heald Engineering College (Calif.) (later Heald College, Technical Division) Hebei University, Baodung, Hebei Province (China) (nb: there are 16 institutions in the province with ‘Hebei’ in the title) Hebei Agricultural University (China) Hebei Institute of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering (China) Hebei Teachers’ University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province (China) Hebrew Theological College, Skokie (Ill.) Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion (Ohio) see Jerusalem] Hefei Polytechnical University (China) (there are several other institutions in Hefei) Hefei University of Technology, Anhui Province (China) Hehai University, Nanjing (China) Rupert Charles University of Heidelberg (Germany) Heidelberg College (Ohio) Heilongjiang (Heilongjïang) University, Harbin (China) see Düsseldorf] Heliopolis University, Cairo (Egypt) (later Ain Shams University) University of Helsinki (Helsingfors) (Finland) Hartt Hartwick Harv. [Harvey, Morris Harvey Mudd Hasanuddin Hastings [Hatieganu, Iuliu Haute-Alsace Haute-Bretagne Havana Havana Livestock Scis. Havana Med.Scis. Haverford Hawaii Hawaii Pacific Hawkesbury Hawthorn Inst.Educn. Hawthorn State Coll. [Hayward Heald Hebei Hebei Agric. Hebei Mech.& Electronic Engin. Hebei Teachers’ Hebrew Theol.Coll.(Ill.) Hebrew Union [Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem Hefei Polytech.U. Hefei Technol. Hehai Heidel. Heidelberg Coll. Heilongjiang [Heinrich-Heine Heliopolis Helsinki S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Helsinki Sch.Econ. [Helsinki T.U. Helwan Henan Henan Normal Henderson State Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration (Finland) see T.U.Helsinki] University of Helwan, Cairo (Egypt) Henan University, Kaifeng, Hanan Province (China) Henan Normal University, Henan Province (China) Henderson State University (Arkansas) (formerly Henderson State Teachers’ College) Hendrix College (Arkansas) see Lehman] see Basque] Hogeschool Hertogenbosch (Netherlands) Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (St. Petersburg) Heythrop College (from 1971 provided courses leading to University of London degrees) Hochschule für Welthandel, Vienna (Austria) (since 1975 Wirtschaftsuniversität, Wien (University of Business Administration, Vienna), see Vienna Bus.Admin.) High Point College (N. Carolina) University of Hildesheim (Germany) Hillsdale College (Mich.) Hendrix [Herbert H.Lehman [Herriko Hertogenbosch Herzen Heythrop H.für Welthandel(Vienna) High Point Hildesheim Hillsdale Hillyer Hillyer College (Conn.) Hiram Hirosaki Hiroshima Hiroshima Women’s Hitotsubashi HK Baptist H.K.Baptist Theol.Sem. [H.K.B.P. HKUST Hobart(N.Y.) Ho Chi Minh City [Ho Chi Minh City T.U. [Ho Chi Minh(Hungary) Hofstra Hohai Hohenheim [Hohenheim Agric. Hokkaido Hokkaido Educn. Hokuriku Hollins Holy Cross(Dublin) Holy Cross(Mass.) [Holy Cross(Wash.) [Holy Ghost Holy Heart Hiram College (Ohio) Hirosaki University (Japan) Hiroshima University (Japan) Hiroshima Jogakuin Women’s College (Japan) Hitotsubashi University (Japan) Hong Kong Baptist University (formerly College) Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary see Nommensen] Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hobart and William Smith College (NY) Ho Chi Minh City Polytechnic (Vietnam) see T.U.Ho Chi Minh City] see Eger Teacher Trg.Coll.] Hofstra University (formerly College) (NY) Hohai University, Nanjing (China) University of Hohenheim (Germany) (formerly Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule, Hohenheim: see L.H.Stuttgart) see L.H.Stuttgart] Hokkaido University (Japan) Hokkaido University of Education (Japan) Hokuriku University (Japan) Hollins College (Virginia) Holy Cross College, Conliffe, Dublin (Ireland) College of the Holy Cross (Mass.) see Dunbarton] see Duquesne] Holy Heart Theological Institute, Halifax, N.S. (part of Atlantic School of Theology; awards BTh, MTh) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Holy Names Holy Trin.Orthodox Sem.(N.Y.) Honan Hood Hope Hosei [Ho-Shi Minh(Hungary) [Houari Boumediene Houghton Houston Howard Howard Coll. H.S.Magdeburg College of the Holy Names (Calif.) Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary (NY) Honan University, Kwaifeng (China) (pre-war) Hood College (Maryland) Hope College (Mich.) Hosei University (Japan) see Eger Teacher Trg.Coll.] see U.S.T.H.B.Algiers] Houghton College (NY) University of Houston (Texas) Howard University (DC) Howard College (later Samford University) (Alabama) Hochschule für Schwermaschinenbau, Magdeburg (Germany) (1953– 61) (later T.H.Magdeburg) Huachung University, Wu Chang (China) (private, pre-war) Huaqiao University, Quanzhou, Fujian Province (China) Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei Province (China) Huazhong Institute of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei Province (China) Huazhong Normal University, Wuhun City, Hubei Province (China) Huazhong Teachers’ College, Wuhan, Hubei Province (China) Huazhong (Central China) University of Science and Technology (China) Hubei University, Wuhun City, Hubei Province (China) Hubei Institute of Light Industry (China) Hubei Medical College, Wuhan (China) University of Hue (Vietnam) see Rose Hulman] Humanistic Psychology Institute, San Francisco (Calif.) (later Saybrook Inst., qv) see Stras.II] Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) Humboldt State University (formerly College) (Calif.) Hunan University, Changsha (China) Hunan Agricultural University, Hunan Province (China) (untraceable: information from compiler (1997–98) at National University of Singapore) Hunan Medical University, Hunan Province (China) see Natnl.Hunan] Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan Province (China) (according to National University of Singapore compiler (1994)) Hunan Teachers’ College (China) Hungarian Academy of Sciences see Magyarovar] Hunter College of the City University of New York Hunter Institute of Higher Education (NSW) (now part of University of Newcastle (NSW) Huntingdon College (Alabama) Huntington University, Sudbury (federated with Laurentian University, holds degree-granting powers in abeyance) Huachung Huaqiao Huazhong Agric. Huazhong I.T. Huazhong Normal Huazhong Teachers’ Huazhong U.S.T. Hubei Hubei Light Industry Hubei Med. Hue [Hulman Humanistic Psychol.Inst. [Human Sciences, Strasbourg Humboldt Humboldt State Hunan Hunan Agric. Hunan Med. [Hunan Natnl. Hunan Normal Hunan Teachers’ Hungarian Acad.Sc. [Hungary Agric. Hunter Hunter I.H.E. Huntingdon Huntington S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Huntington(Indiana) Huron(S.Dak.) Huron(W.Ont.) Huntington College (Indiana) Huron College (S. Dakota) Huron College (affiliated to University of Western Ontario; offers programmes leading to the University’s BA, MDiv, MTS) Husson College, Bangor (Maine) Huston-Tillotson College (Texas) Hwa Chung Normal University (China) Hwa-Nan College, Foochow, Fukien (China) (pre-war) Husson Huston-Tillotson Hwa Chung Normal Hwa-Nan I [I.A.C.Wageningen [I.A.I.N.(Indonesia) [Iasi Ibaraki Iberoamericana Iceland I.C.T.A. Idaho Idaho Coll. Idaho State I.E.M.V.T., Maison-Alfort I.E.S.E.Navarra [Igbaja Theol.Sem. I.I.I.H.E.E., Delft [I.I.Management, Ahmedabad§ [I.I.Management, B’lore.§ [I.I.Management, Calc.§ [I.I.Management, Lucknow§ I.I.Pub.Admin. [I.K.I.P. Iliff Ill. Illinois Benedictine Illinois Coll. [Illinois Natnl. Illinois State Illinois Sch.Professl.Psychol. Illinois Tech.Inst. Illinois Wesleyan § see Wageningen I.A.C.] see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] see Jassy] Ibaraki University (Japan) Iberoamericana University (Mexico) University of Iceland Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad) (became part of the University of the West Indies; qualifications of the college are included only in the West Indies chapter) University of Idaho College of Idaho, Caldwell (Idaho) Idaho State University Institut d’élevage de médecin vétérinaire de pays tropicaux, MaisonAlfort (France) = Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (Graduate School of Business) attached to University of Navarra (Spain) ECWA (=?) Theological Seminary, Igbaja (near Ilorin) (Nigeria) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Delft (Netherlands) Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad] Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore] Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta] Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow] Indian Institute (formerly School) of Public Administration, New Delhi see Bandung Inst.Educn.; Inst.Teacher Trg., Yogyakarta] Iliff School of Theology (Colorado) University of Illinois Illinois Benedictine College (formerly Saint Procopius College) Illinois College, Jacksonville (Ill.) see Natnl.Coll.(Ill.)] Illinois State University Illinois School of Professional Psychology Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois Wesleyan University The IIMs don’t award degrees; confirmed by Amrik Singh 7/12/88 and by Professor Ramlal Parikh 1/7/91. Their postgraduate programmes (certificates, fellowships) are often referred to incorrectly as leading to MBA and PhD. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Ilmenau [I.M.Gubkina [Immaculate Conception, Montreal Immaculate Conception Sem.(Mo.) see T.H.Ilmenau] see Moscow Petroleum & Gas Technol.Inst.] see Sc.Imm.-Conc.(Montreal)] Immaculate Conception Seminary (Missouri) (later Conception Seminary College) Immaculate Heart College (Calif.) Immaculate Conception Seminary (NJ) see Basle Immunol.] Research Institute for Management Science, Delft (Netherlands) Incarnate Word College (Texas) Indiana University Indiana Central College (Indiana) Indiana University of Pennsylvania (formerly Indiana State College (Penn.)) University of Indianapolis (Indiana) Indiana State University Indiana State College (Penn.) (now Indiana U. of Pennsylvania) Indiana Technical College (later Indiana Institute of Technology) Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi see I.I.Management...] see I.I.Pub.Admin.] Université Française de l’Ocean Indien (incorporating Centre universitaire de la Réunion) (later Université de la Réunion, see Réunion) Indian School of International Studies (New Delhi) (incorporated in Jawaharlal Nehru University 1970) Indian School (later Institute) of Public Administration, New Delhi (see also I.I.Pub.Admin.) University of Indonesia, Djakarta see Grad.Sch.Indust.St., Piraeus] see Grad.Sch.Indust.St., Salonika] see W.States Engin.] Inha University, Incheon (South Korea) Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot (China) Inner Mongolian Normal University, Hohhot (China) Inner Mongolia Polytechnic University, Hohhot (China) Leopold-Franzen University of Innsbruck (Austria) see Inst.Nat.Poly.Grenoble] Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon (France) Institute national des sciences appliquees de Rennes (France) Institut national des sciences appliquées de Toulouse (France) see Europ.Inst.Bus.Admin.] see Kharkov Agric.] Institute of Agriculture, Leningrad (St Petersburg) (Russian Federation) Institute (later Academy) of Agriculture, Moscow (see also Moscow Agric.) Institute of Agriculture ‘Nicolae Balcescu’, Bucharest (Romania) Institute of Agriculture, Odessa (Ukraine) Institute of Agriculture, Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Immaculate Heart Immaculate Conception Sem.(N.J.) [Immunology, Basle I.M.S., Delft Incarnate Word Indiana Indiana Central Indiana(Penn.) Indianapolis Indiana State Indiana State Coll. Indiana Tech. Indian Inst.Foreign Trade [Indian Inst.Management... [Indian Inst.Pub.Admin. Indian Ocean Indian Sch.Int.Stud. Indian Sch.Pub.Admin. Indonesia [Indust.St.Coll., Piraeus [Indust.St.Coll., Salonika [Inglewood Inha Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolian Normal Inner Mongolia P.U. Innsbruck [I.N.P.Grenoble I.N.S.A.Lyons I.N.S.A.Rennes I.N.S.A.Toulouse [I.N.S.E.A.D. [Inst.Agric., Kharkov Inst.Agric., Leningrad Inst.Agric., Moscow Inst.Agric.‘N.Balcescu’ Inst.Agric.Odessa Inst.Agric.Tashkent S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Inst.Archaeol., Lond. Inst.Aviation, Moscow Inst.Caro y Cuervo Inst.Cath.Ed.(Vic.) Inst.Catholique(Paris) Inst.Catholique(Toulouse) Inst.Chem.Tech., Prague Inst.Civil Aviation, Kiev Inst.Civil Engin., Kharkov Inst.Civil Engin., Kiev Inst.Civil Engin., Kuibyshev [Inst.Christian Studies Institute of Archaeology, University of London Institute of Aviation Technology, Moscow (Russian Federation) Instituto Caro y Cuervo (Bogota, Colombia) Institute of Catholic Education in Victoria (Australia) Institut Catholique de Paris (France) Institut Catholique de Toulouse (France) Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (Czech Republic) Institute of Civil Aviation, Kiev (Ukraine) Institute of Civil Engineering, Kharkov (Ukraine) Institute of Civil Engineering, Kiev (Ukraine) Institute of Civil Engineering, Kuibyshev (Russian Federation) Institute for Christian Studies, Ontario (Canada) (OK according to Rosemary Cavan, but see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes)] Inst.Communication Eng., Moscow Institute of Communication Engineering, Moscow (Russian Federation) [Inst.Control Scis., Automation & Telemech. Institute of Control Sciences, Automation and Telemechanics (attached to Russian Acad.Sc. according to WOL online)] Inst.Co-op.Comm., Moscow Institute of Co-operative Commerce, Moscow (Russian Federation) Inst.d’Art et d’Archéologie, Paris Institut d’Art et d’Archéologie, Paris (France) Gestion, Rennes Institut de Gestion de Rennes (France) Phon., Paris Institut de Phonétique of the University of Paris (France) Stat., Paris Institut de Statistique of the University of Paris (France) Inst.d’Ét.Dével.Éc.& Soc., Paris Institut d’Études du développement économique et social, Paris (France) Inst.d’Ét.Éc.& Jur., Paris Institut d’Études économiques et juridiques appliquées, Paris (France) Inst.d’É Touraine Institut d’Études françaises de Touraine, Tours (France) Inst.d’Ét.Internationales Institut d’Études internationales et des Pays en voie de developpement, Toulouse (France) Inst.d’Ét.Pol., Grenoble Institut d’Études politiques, Grenoble (France) Inst.d’Ét.Pol., Lyon Institut d’Études politiques, Lyon (France) Inst.d’Ét.Pol., Paris Institut d’Études politiques, Paris (France) Inst.Droit Comp., Paris Institut de Droit comparé, Paris (France) Inst.d’Urbanisme, Paris Institut d’Urbanisme of the University of Paris (France) [Inst.Ed.Bandung see Bandung Inst.Educn.] Inst.Ed.Phys., Bordeaux Institut d’Education physique, Bordeaux (France) (attached to the University of Bordeaux; later Institut régional d’Education physique et sportive) Inst.Electr.Engin., Leningrad (Lenin) Institute of Electrical Engineering, Leningrad (St Petersburg) (Russian Federation) Inst.Energetics, Moscow Institute of Energetics, Moscow (Russian Federation) [Inst.for Christian Studies, Ontario see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] [Inst.Housing Stud.(Rotterdam) Institute for Housing Studies (Bouwcentrum), Rotterdam (Netherlands) (awards diploma and certificate of attendance)] Inst.Indust.Chem.& Phys., Lyons Institut de Chimie et Physique industrielles, Lyon (France) Inst.Internat.d’Admin.Publique Institut International d’Administration publique, Paris Paris Inst.Isl.Stud., Banda Aceh State Institute of Islamic Studies (Institut Agama Islam Negeri) Banda Aceh (Indonesia) Inst.Isl.Stud., Djakarta State Institute of Islamic Studies, Djakarta (Indonesia) [Institut Agama Islam Negeri(Indonesia) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Inst.Lit., Inst.Catholique(Paris) [Inst.Machine Tool Engin., Moscow [Inst.Mech.Engin., Moscow [Inst.Med.Chernivtsi [Inst.Med.Crimea Inst.Med.Krasnodar Inst.Med.Moscow Inst.Med., Odessa Inst.Med.Pharm., Bucharest Inst.Med.Pharm., Tirgu-Mures Institute of Liturgy of the Catholic Institute of Paris (France) see Moscow Inst.Machine Tool Engin.] see Moscow Inst.Mech.Eng.] see Chernivtsi Med.] see Crimea Inst.Med.] State Institute of Medicine, Krasnodar (Russian Federation) Institute of Medicine, Moscow (Russian Federation) see Odessa Med.] Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest (Romania) Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tirgu-Mures (Romania) (see also Tirgu Mures Med.& Pharm.) see Rostov Med.Inst.] Institute of Medicine, Timisoara (Romania) Institute of Microbiology and Immunology (Kharkov, Ukraine) Institute of Mining, Leningrad (St Petersburg) (Russian Federation) Institut national agronomique, Paris-Grignon (France) Institute of National Economics (now Higher Institute for National Economy), Varna (Bulgaria), see also Varna Econ. Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, Paris (France) Institut national polytechnique de Grenoble (France) Institut national polytechnique de Lorraine (France) (Institut national polytechnique de Nancy 1968–76) Institut national polytechnique de Toulouse (France) Institute of Architecture, Bucharest (Romania) Institute of Economic Sciences, Bucharest (Romania) Institute of Education, University of London Institute of Oil and Gas Technology, Moscow (Russian Federation) Institute of Petroleum and Gas, Ploesti (Romania) see Moscow Petroleum & Gas Technol.Inst.] Institute of Petroleum Technology, Grozni (Russian Federation) Institute of Physical Education, Bucharest (Romania) see Bucharest Plastic Arts] Institute of Political and Social Science, Prague (Czech Republic) Institut polytechnique Gamal Abdel Nasser de Conakry (Guinea) (now University of Conakry, see Conakry) Institut des Professeurs de français a l’Étranger, Paris (France) (formerly École Sup. de Prep., Paris) (attached to Paris III) Institut de recherhe en informatique et systèmes aléatoires, Rennes (France) Institute of Social Studies, The Hague (Netherlands) Institut Supérieur de Commerce de l’État, Antwerp (Belgium) Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan – IKIP), Yogyakarta (Indonesia) Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) (Switzerland) Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp (Belgium) Universidad Interamericana, Saltillo (Mexico) (but may have been used to mean Inter American University of Puerto Rico, or Interamerican Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Costa Rica) [Inst.Med.Rostov Inst.Med.Timisoara Inst.Microbiol.& Immunol., Ukraine Inst.Mining, Leningrad Inst.Nat.Agron., Paris Inst.Nat.Econ., Varna Inst.Nat.Lang.& Civ.Or., Paris Inst.Nat.Poly.Grenoble Inst.Nat.Poly.Lorraine Inst.Nat.Poly.Toulouse Inst.of Archit., Bucharest Inst.of Econ.Scis., Bucharest Inst.of Educn., Lond. Inst.Oil & Gas Technol., Moscow Inst.Petroleum & Gas, Ploesti [Inst.Petroleum & Gas Technol., Moscow Inst.Petroleum Technol., Grozni Inst.Phys.Ed., Bucharest [Inst.Plastic Arts, Bucharest Inst.Pol.& Soc. Sci., Prague Inst.Polytech.Conakry Inst.Prof.F.E., Paris Inst.Rech.Inf.&Syst.Aléat., Rennes Inst.Soc.Stud.(The Hague) Comm., Antwerp Inst.Teacher Trg., Yogyakarta Inst.Technol., Lausanne Inst.Trop.Med.Antwerp Interamericana S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Inter American, Puerto Rico Internat.Business & Econ., Beijing Internat.Christian(Tokyo) [Internat.Compar.Scis. Internat.Devel.Inst.H.P.B. Inter American University of Puerto Rico University of International Business and Economics, Beijing (China) International Christian University (Tokyo) (Japan) see Luxembourg] International Development Institute for Housing, Planning and Building, Rotterdam (Netherlands) (now Institute for Housing Studies) [Internat.(Florida) see Florida Internat.] Internat.Inst.Americas International Institute of the Americas (Puerto Rico) (formerly World University) Internat.(Japan) International University of Japan [Internat.(Luxembourg) see Luxembourg] Internat.Maritime Law Inst. International Maritime Law Institute [headquarters in Malta] [Internat.(Paris) see Inst.Internat.d’Admin.Publique, Paris] [Internat.Shanghai see Shanghai Internat.] [Internat.Technol.Univ. see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] [Internat.Training see Sch.Internat.Training(Vermont)] [Internat.(Trieste) see Trieste Internat.Sch.Adv.Stud.] [Internat.(U.S.A.) see American Internat.; U.S.Internat.] Ioannina University of Ioannina (Greece) Iona Iona College (NY) Iowa University of Iowa (formerly State University of Iowa) Iowa State Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames (formerly Iowa State Agric.) Iowa State Agric. Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts (in 1959 became Iowa State University of Science and Technology) Iowa State Teachers Iowa State Teachers College Iowa Wesleyan Iowa Wesleyan College Iran Banking Inst. Iran Banking Institute, Teheran (Iran) [Iran Natnl. see Natnl.Iran] Iran U.S.T. Iran University of Science and Technology (Teheran) IrkutskIrkutsk State University (Russian Federation) Isabela State Isabela State University (Philippines) Isfahan University of Isfahan (Esfahan) (Iran) Islamic(Azad) Islamic Azad University, Tehran (Iran) [Islamic(Medina) see Medina] [Islamic(Omdurman) see Omdurman Islamic] [Islamic(Riyadh) see Islam.Imam Mohd.Ibn Saud] [Islamic Studies see Inst.Isl.Stud., Banda Aceh; Inst.Isl.Stud., Djakarta; Pontif.Ist.Arab.] Islamic U., N.Sumatra Islamic University of North Sumatra (Universitas Islam Sumatra Utara (UISU)) (Indonesia) Islam.Imam Mohd.Ibn Saud Islamic University of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) [Ismailia see Suez Canal] [Israel Institute of Technology see Haifa (Technion)] Istanbul University of Istanbul (Turkey) [Istanbul T.U. see T.U.Istanbul] I.T.C.Delft International Training Centre for Aerial Survey, Delft (Netherlands) (awarded MSc; now in Enschede, see next entry) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name I.T.C.Enschede International Institute for Aerospace (formerly Aerial) Survey and Earth Sciences, Enschede (Netherlands) (BSc, MSc, PhD) Ithaca College (NY) see Cluj-Napoca Med.& Pharm.] Ivanovo State University (Russian Federation) Ivanovo State Academy of Chemical Technology/Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Engineering (Russian Federation) Ivanovo Textile Technology Institute, Ivanovo (Russian Federation) Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Sofia (Bulgaria) see Natnl.Ivory Coast] Iwate University (Japan) Iwate Medical University (Japan) Izhevsk State Technical University (Russian Federation) Ithaca [Iuliu Hatieganu Ivanovo Ivanovo Inst.Chem.Eng. Ivanovo Textile Technol.Inst. I.V.M.Sofia [Ivory Coast Iwate Iwate Medical Izhevsk State T.U. J Jackson State Jacksonville Jacksonville State [Jagellon, Jagiellonian Jaime Balmes Jakarta James Madison Jamestown(N.D.) [Jana Ev.Purkyne [Janina [Japan Grad.U.Advanced Studies Japan Women’s Jarvis Christian Jassy [Javeriana J.Carroll [Jean Moulin Jeddah Jefferson Med.Coll. [Jefferson(Penn.) [Jelgava Jena Jersey City Jerusalem Jerusalem Coll.Tech. Jesuit Sch.Theol., Berkeley [Jewell, William [Jewish Inst.Religion Jewish Theol.Sem. Jackson State University (formerly College) (Mississippi) Jacksonville University (Florida) (there are also colleges in Jacksonville) Jacksonville State University (Alabama) see Cracow] Jaime Balmes University (Mexico) Jakarta University (Indonesia) (see also Djakarta; Indonesia; Inst.Isl.Stud., Djakarta; Natnl.Jakarta; Trisakti] James Madison University (Virginia) (formerly Madison College) Jamestown College (N. Dakota) see Purkyne] see Ioannina] see Grad.U.Advanced Studies(Japan)] Japan Women’s University, Tokyo Jarvis Christian College (Texas) Al. I. Cuza University, Jassy (Iasi) (Romania) (see also T.I.Jassy) see Pontif.Bogotá] John Carroll University (Ohio) see Lyons III] King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia (Penn.) (later Thomas Jefferson University, see Thomas Jefferson) see Thomas Jefferson; Washington and Jefferson] see Elgava] Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena (Germany) Jersey City State College (NJ) Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Israel) Jerusalem College of Technology (Israel) Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley (Calif.) see W.Jewell] see Hebrew Union] Jewish Theological Seminary (of America) (NY) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Jiangsu Agric. Jiangsu Chem.Technol. Jiangsu I.T. Jiangsu U.S.T. Jiangsu Agricultural Institute (China) Jiangsu Institute of Chemical Technology (China) Jiangsu Institute of Technology (?now Jiangsu U.S.T.) (China) Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province (China) Jiangxi University, Nanchang (China) Jiangxi Institute of Finance and Economics (China) Jiangxi (Jianxi) Institute of Technology, Nanchang (China) Jiangxi (Jianxi) Medical College, Nanchang (China) Southern Institute of Metallurgy, Gaazhou, Jiangxi Province (China) Jianxi Agricultural University, Nanchang (China) see N.Jiaotong; Shanghai Jiaotong; S.W.China Jiaotong; Xi’an Jiaotong] Tokyo Jikeikai Ika Daigaku (Jikei University School of Medicine) (Japan) Jilin University, Changchun (China) Jilin Institute/University of Technology, Jilin Province (China) Jimei College of Finance and Economics, Fujian Province (China) (untraceable: entry in Lethbridge chapter (1994)) Jinan University, Guangzhou (China) see Jt.Inst.Nuclear Res., Dubna] Jissen Women’s University, Tokyo see Ioannina] University of Joensuu (Finland) see Mainz] see Linz] see Fran.] John Brown University (Arkansas) see Stetson] see J.Carroll] John F. Kennedy University (Calif.) = part of C.U.N.Y.] Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (Maryland) Johnson C. Smith University (N. Carolina) see Jt.Inst.Nuclear Res., Dubna] see Bob Jones] University of Jordan, Amman see Grenoble I] see Warsaw] see Szeged] see Eng.& Econ., Bud.] Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (near Moscow) (Russian Federation) see Jewish Theol.Sem.] University of Juba (Sudan) University of Judaism (Calif.) Juilliard School of Music (NY) Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil) see Bialystok Med.] Jiangxi Jiangxi Finance & Econ. Jiangxi I.T. Jiangxi Med. Jiangxi Metall. Jianxi Agric. [Jiaotong Jikeikai Jilin Jilin Technol. Jimei Finance & Econ. Jinan [J.I.N.R. Jissen [Joannina Joensuu [Johannes Gutenberg [Johannes Kepler [Johann Wolfgang Goethe John Brown [John B.Stetson [John Carroll John F.Kennedy [John Jay College of Criminal Justice Johns H. Johnson C.Smith [Joint Inst.of Nuclear Res., Dubna [Jones Jordan [Joseph Fourier [Joseph Pilsudski [Jozsef Attila [Jozsef Nador Jt.Inst.Nuclear Res., Dubna [J.T.S.A. Juba Judaism Juilliard Juiz de Fora [Juliana Marchlewskiego S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Julius-Maximilian Jundi Shapur Juniata Juntendo [Justus-Liebig Jyväskylä see Würzburg] Jundi Shapur University (Iran) (now Shahid Chamran U.) Juniata College (Penn.) Juntendo University (Japan) see Giessen] University of Jyväskylä (Finland) Kabul Kagawa K Kagoshima Kaiserslautern Kalamazoo Kalinin Kabul University (Afghanistan) Kagawa University (Japan) Kagoshima University (Japan) University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) Kalamazoo College (Mich.) Kalinin State University (Russian Federation) (now Tverskoj Gosudarstvennyj University, see Tver) see State Med.Inst., Kalinin] Kaluga Stage Pedagogical Institute (Russian Federation) (may also be called K.E. Tsiolkovski Pedagogical Institute) see Theol.Sch.Kampen] Kanagawa University (Japan) (nb: there are several other institutions in Kanagawa) Kanazawa University (Japan) see Roussé T.I.] ‘Papal Athenaeum’, Kandy (Sri Lanka) (see also Ceylon Nat.Sem.; Pontif.Athen.(Poona)) Kano State Polytechnic (Nigeria) Kansai University (Japan) Kansai University of Foreign Studies (Japan) see Kansai Foreign] University of Kansas University of Kansas City (became part of University of Missouri) Kansas City Art Institute Kansas State University Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science (later Kansas State University) Kansas State College of Pittsburg (Kansas) (later part of Emporia State University) see Emporia State] Kansas Wesleyan (University) Kanto Gakuin Daigaku (University), Yokohama (Japan) Kaohsiung Medical College (Taiwan) Kaohsiung Normal University (Taiwan) see Vilnius] see Graz] Karadeniz University (Turkey) (formerly T.U.Karadeniz, qv) Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences, Budapest (Hungary) Karl Marx Institute of Economics, Sofia (Bulgaria) see Leip.] [Kalinin Med. Kaluga State Ped.Inst. [Kampen Kanagawa Kanazawa [Kancev Kandy Kano State Poly. Kansai Kansai Foreign [Kansai Gaidai Kansas Kansas City Kansas City Art Kansas State Kansas State Agric. Kansas State Coll. [Kansas State Teachers Coll. Kansas Wesleyan Kanto Gakuin Kaohsiung Kaohsiung Normal [Kapsukas [Karl Franzens Karadeniz Karl Marx, Bud. Karl Marx Inst.Econ. [Karl Marx, Leip. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Karl-Marx-Stadt Technische Hochschule, Karl-Marx-Stadt (Germany) (formerly Hochschule für Maschinenbau) see Prague] University of Karlsruhe (Germany) (formerly T.H.Karlsruhe, qv) Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice Karolinska Institute (Sweden) (formerly R. Karolinska) see R.Karolinska] Kasetsart University (Thailand) University of Kassel (Germany) see Silesia; Silesian Sch.of Med.] State University of Kaunas (Lithuania) Kazakh State University (Azerbaijan) = ?Kazan State University (Russian Federation) (presumably had earlier titles for which ‘Kazan’ may also have been used) Kazan State Technical University (Russian Federation) Kean College of New Jersey Kearney State College (Nebraska) Keimyung University (South Korea) Keio University, Tokyo (Japan) Kelvin Grove College of Advanced Education, Queensland (Australia) Kemerov State University (Russian Federation) see John F. Kennedy] see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Kent State University (Ohio) Kent State College (Ohio) (now Kent State University) University of Kentucky Kentucky State University (formerly College), Frankfort (Kentucky) Kentucky Wesleyan College Kenyon College (Ohio) see Linz] Kerman Technical School (Iran) Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and Health (Iran) Keszthely University of Agriculture (Hungary) see Kaluga State Ped.Inst.] Keuka College, New York Kharkov State University (Ukraine) Institute of Agriculture, Kharkov (Ukraine) see Inst.Civil Engin., Kharkov] Kharkov State Institute of Pharmacy (Ukraine) State Institute of Medicine, Kharkov (Ukraine) Kharkov Polytechnical Institute (Har’kovskij Politechniceskij Institut im V.I. Lenina) (Ukraine) University of Khartoum (Sudan) Khartoum International Institute of Arabic Languages (Sudan) University of Koranic and Islamic Studies, Khartoum (Sudan) Khon Kaen University (Thailand) Kibi International University (Japan) Christian Albrecht University, Kiel (Germany) see T.U.Kielce] [Karlova Karlsruhe Karol Szymanowski Acad.Music Karolinska [Karolinska Med.Sch. Kasetsart Kassel [Katowice Kaunas Kazakh State Kazan Kazan State T.U. Kean Kearney Keimyung Keio Kelvin Grove C.A.E. Kemerov State [Kennedy [Kensington(Calif.) Kent State Kent State Coll. Kentucky Kentucky State Kentucky Wesleyan Kenyon [Kepler Kerman Tech.Sch. Kermanshah Med.& Health Keszthely [K.E.Tsiolkovski Keuka Coll.(N.Y.) Kharkov Kharkov Agric. [Kharkov Civil Engin. Kharkov Inst.Pharm. Kharkov Med.Inst. Kharkov P.I. Khart. Khart.Internat.Inst.Arabic Langs. Khart.Koranic & Islamic Khon Kaen Kibi Internat. Kiel [Kielce S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Kiev [Kiev Civil Aviation [Kiev Civil Engin. Kiev Natnl.P. Kiev State University (Ukraine) see Inst.Civil Aviation, Kiev] see Inst.Civil Engin., Kiev] Kiev National Polytechnical University [could well be Kiev P.I. renamed, but searches inconclusive] Kiev Polytechnical Institute (Ukraine) Kiev ’Taras Scevchenko’ University (Ukraine) Kilroe Seminary of the Sacred Heart (Penn.) see Jeddah] King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran (Saudi Arabia) (formerly University of Petroleum and Minerals) see Dammam] King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, North Bangkok (Thailand) King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Thonburi (Thailand) (also at Ladkrabang; formerly one of three campuses of the same institution, now separate) see Riyadh] King’s College London, University of London King’s College (NY) King’s College (Penn.) King College (Tenn.) Kinki University, Osaka (Japan) University of Kinshasa (Zaire) see Berlin K.H.] see Skopje] Kirkland College (NY) (became part of Hamilton College) Université de Kisangani (Zaire) State University of Kishinev (Moldova) Insitute of Agriculture, Kishinev (former USSR) Kitakyushu University (Japan) Kitasato University (Japan) see Mt.Klabat] University of Educational Sciences, Klagenfurt (Austria) Knox College (Ill.) Knox College (federated in University of Toronto) Knoxville College (Tenn.) Kobe University (Japan) (nb there are other universities in Kobe) Kobe City University of Foreign Studies (Japan) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Kobe Kaisei Joshi Gakuin Daigaku (Stella Maris (Kaisei) College) (Japan) Kochi University (Japan) Kogakuin Daigaku (University), Tokyo (Japan) Kokugakuin University (Tokyo, Japan) Ferencz Jozsef University of Kolozsvar (Hungary) (became part of University of Cluj (Romania); this area has changed hands between Hungary and Romania throughout the century) Komazawa University, Tokyo (Japan) see Bratislava] Kiev P.I. Kiev Taras Scevchenko Kilroe [King Abdul-Aziz King Fahd [King Faisal King Mongkut’s I.T., N.Bangkok King Mongkut’s I.T., Thonburi [King Saud King’s Coll., Lond. King’s(N.Y.) King’s(Pa.) King(Tenn.) Kinki Kinshasa [Kirchliche Hochschule Berlin [Kiril i Metódij Kirkland Kisangani Kishinev Kishinev Ag. Kitakyushu Kitasato [Klabat Klagenfurt Knox(Ill.) Knox(Tor.) Knoxville Kobe Kobe City [Kobe Inst. Kobe Kaisei Kochi Kogakuin Kokugakuin Kolozsvar Komazawa [Komensky S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Konan Kong Ju Teachers’ Königsberg Konan University, Kobe (Japan) Kong Ju National Teachers’ College (South Korea) Albertus University, Königsberg (later Kaliningrad) (Russian Federation) Kon-Kuk University, Seoul (South Korea) see Constance] Kookmin University (formerly College), Seoul (South Korea) see Cracow Med.; Torún] Korea University, Seoul (South Korea) Catholic University of Korea Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korean Sahmyook (Union) University, Seoul (South Korea) Pavel Josef Savárik University, Kosice (Slovakia) (see also T.U.Kosice) College of Veterinary Medicine, Kosice (Slovakia) Kosin College (North Korea) see Debrecen] see Cracow] Krasnodar Polytechnical Institute (Russian Federation) (also an Institute of Agriculture and a State Institute of Medicine (see Inst.Med.Krasnodar) at Krasnodar) see Inst.Med.Krasnodar] Krisnadwipajana University, Djakarta (Indonesia) Kuban State University (Russian Federation) Kuban Agricultural Institute (Russian Federation) see Inst.Civil Engin., Kuibyshev] Kumamoto University (Japan) Kumamoto Women’s College (Japan) Kung Shang University, Tientsin (China) (pre-war) Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo (Japan) (awards BA and Master of Music) National Southwest Assoc. University, Kunming (China) see S.W.Forestry(Kunming)] Kunming Teachers College, Yunnan (China) ? = Kuo-Min University, Canton (China) (see also Kwangtung Kuomin, Canton) University of Kuopio (Finland) Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education, NSW (Australia) (in 1990 became part of University of Technology, Sydney) Kurume University (Japan) Kutztown State College (Penn.) Kuwait University Kwanghua University, Shanghai (pre-war) see Natnl.Kwangsi] = ? Kwangtung Higher Normal (see also Natnl.Kwangtung) Kwangtung Kuomin University, Canton (China) Kwangwoon University, Seoul (Korea) Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan) Kweichow University (China) Kon-Kuk [Konstanz Kookmin [Kopernika Korea Korea Catholic Korea A.I.S.T. Korean Sahmyook Kosice Kosice Vet.Med. Kosin [Kossuth [Krakow Krasnodar [Krasnodar Med. Krisnadwipajana Kuban Kuban Agric.Inst. [Kuibyshev Civil Engin. Kumamoto Kumamoto Women’s Kung Shang Kunitachi Music Kunming [Kunming Forestry Kunming Teachers Kuo-Min Kuopio Kuring-gai C.A.E. Kurume Kutztown Kuwait Kwanghua [Kwangsi Natnl. Kwangtung Kwangtung Kuomin, Canton Kwangwoon Kwansei Kweichow S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Kyoritsu Women’s Kyoto Kyoto Imperial Kyoto I.T. Kyoto Sangyo Kyung Hee Kyungnam Kyungpook Kyushu Kyoritsu Women’s University (Kyoritsu Joshi Daigaku) (Japan) Kyoto University (Japan) Kyoto Imperial University (Japan) (later Kyoto University) Kyoto Institute of Technology (Japan) Kyoto Sangyo University (Japan) Kyung Hee University (South Korea) Kyungnam University (Korea) Kyungpook National University (Korea) Kyushu University (Japan) L Ladycliff Ladycliff College (NY) Lafayette College (Penn.) La Gran Colombia, Bogotá (Colombia) LaGrange College (Ga.) University of La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain) Lake Erie College (Ohio) Lake Forest College (Ill.) Lakeland College (Wis.) Lake Superior State College (Mich.) see Laguna] Lamar University (Texas) (formerly Lamar State College of Technology) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Saint David’s College, Lampeter (awarded its own degrees until 1971, when it became a constituent institution of the University of Wales; see also U.C.Lampeter) Lancaster Theological Seminary (Penn.) Lander College (S. Carolina) Lane College, Jackson (Tenn.) Langston University (Ohio) see Montpellier II] Lanzhou University, Gensu Province (China) University of Lapland (Finland) National University of La Plata (Argentina) Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland) Laredo State University (Texas) Catholic Social University of La Salle, Bogota (Columbia) see Permanent Notes: Zambia – previously included in A.S. entry (deleted for 1991 book)] see De la Salle (Manila)] La Salle College (Penn.) Universidad Politécnica de las Palmas, Canaries (Spain) see Pontif.Lateran] see F.L.A.C.S.O., Chile] Latvian University (?now Latvian State University), Riga Latvian Academy of Sciences Lafayette La Gran Colombia LaGrange Laguna Lake Erie Lake Forest Lakeland Lake Superior [La Laguna Lamar [Lambeth Lampeter Lancaster(Pa.) Lander Lane Langston [Languedoc Lanzhou Lapland La Plata Lappeenranta U.T. Laredo La Salle(Bogotá) [La Salle Ext. [Lasalle(Manila) La Salle(Penn.) Las Palmas [Lat./Lateran [Latin-American Pol.Sci. Latvia Latvian Acad.Sc. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Lausanne [Lausanne I.T. La Verne [Law, Econ.& Sci., Aix-Marseilles [Law, Econ.& Sci., Paris Lawrence Lawrence I.T. Law Soc.Upper Canada University of Lausanne (Switzerland) (see also Inst.Technol., Lausanne) see Inst.Technol., Lausanne] La Verne College (Calif.) see Aix-Marseilles III] see Paris II] Lawrence University of Wisconsin (formerly Lawrence College) Lawrence Institute of Technology (Mich.) Law Society of Upper Canada (awarded degrees to graduates of Osgoode Hall prior to its incorporation in 1968 in York University (Canada): nb degrees attributed to Law Soc.Upper Canada are more likely by now to have been awarded by York) Layton Layton School of Art (Wis.) Lebanese Lebanon Valley Lecce [Lee Lehigh Lehigh University (Penn.) Lehman [Leiden Leip. [Leland Stanford Junior University Le Mans LeMoyne(N.Y.) LeMoyne(Tenn.) [Lenin Electr.Engin. Leningrad [Leningrad... [Leningrad Agric. [Leningrad Electr.Engin. Leningrad Electrotech.Inst.Communicns. Leningrad Inst.Finance & Econ. [Leningrad Inst.of Telecommunicns. Leningrad Inst.Technol. Leningrad Inst.Vet.Sci. [Leningrad Mining Leningrad P.I. Leningrad Textile & Light Indust. [Lenin Polytech. Lenoir-Rhyne Lebanese University, Beirut (Lebanon) Lebanon Valley College (Penn.) University of Lecce (Italy) see Washington & Lee] Herbert H. Lehman College (NY) (previously Hunter College; became an independent college within C.U.N.Y. (qv) with its present name 1968) see Ley.] University of Leipzig (Germany) (formerly Karl Marx University of Leipzig) see Stan.] Centre universitaire du Mans (France) LeMoyne College, Syracuse (NY) LeMoyne College, Memphis (Tenn.) (later LeMoyne-Owen College) see Inst.Electr.Engin., Leningrad] Leningrad State University (Russian Federation) (now St Petersburg University, see St.Petersburg) see also St.Petersburg...] see Inst.Agric., Leningrad] see Inst.Electr.Engin., Leningrad] Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, Leningrad (St Petersburg) (Russian Federation) (also referred to as Leningrad Inst.of Telecommunications) Institute of Finance and Economics, Leningrad (St Petersburg) (Russian Federation) see Leningrad Electrotech.Inst.Communicns.] Leningrad Institute of Technology (St Petersburg) (Russian Federation) (not the same as Leningrad P.I.) Institute of Veterinary Science, Leningrad (St Petersburg) (Russian Federation) see Inst.Mining, Leningrad] Polytechnical Institute, Leningrad (St Petersburg) (Russian Federation) Leningrad Institute of Textile and Light Industrial Technology (St Petersburg) (Russian Federation) see Georgian Polytech., Tbilisi; Kharkov P.I.] Lenoir-Rhyne College (N. Carolina) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Leoben [Leon Le Saulchoir see M.H.Leoben; Mining & Metall.Leoben] see Nicaragua] Dominican Faculties of Le Saulchoir (used in earlier editions of the Yearbook for ‘Le Saulchoir’, Institut Philosophique et Theologique O.P., Etiolles par Soisy-sur-Seine, France) Lesley College (Mass.) see L.I.T.Shanghai] see San Juan de Letran] see T.H.Merseburg] Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) (see also Louvain) Lewis and Clark College (Oregon) Lewis-Clark State College (Idaho) Lewis University (Ill.) (formerly Lewis College of Science and Technology and later Lewis College) Lexington Theological Seminary (Kentucky) State University of Leyden (or Leiden) (Netherlands) Landswirtschaftliche Hochschule Hohenheim (Hohenheim College of Agriculture), Stuttgart-Hohenheim (Germany) (in 1967 became University of Hohenheim) Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning Province (China) College of Mechanical and Textile Engineering, Liberec (Czech Republic) University of Liberia Liberty University, Lynchburg (Virginia) University of Libya (reorganised 1974 as University of Al-Fateh in Tripoli and University of Garyounis in Benghazi; see Al-Fateh; Garyounis) State University of Liège (Belgium) University of Lille (France) Université de Lille I (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille) (France) Université de Lille II (Droit et Santé) (France) Université de Lille III, Charles de Gaulle (Sciences Humaines, Lettres et Arts) (France) University of Lima (Peru) (see also Natnl.Engin.(Peru); and San Marcos) State University of Limburg (Netherlands) Hogeschool vor Economisch en Administratief Onderwys, Limburg (Netherlands) University of Limerick (Ireland) (formerly Limerick National Institute for Higher Education; acquired university status 1989) University of Limoges (France) Lincoln Christian College, Lincoln (Ill.) Lincoln College (Ill.) Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences, Carlton, Victoria (Australia) (degree-awarding, according to Monash and Flinders) Lincoln University, Jefferson City (Missouri) Lincoln University (Penn.) Lindenwood College for Women (Missouri) Lesley [Lester I.T. [Letran, Philippines [Leuna-Merseburg Leuven Lewis & Clark Lewis-Clark State Lewis(Ill.) Lexington Ley. L.H.Stuttgart Liaoning Liberec Liberia Liberty Libya Liège Lille Lille I Lille II Lille III Lima Limburg Limburg Econ.& Admin. Limerick Limoges Lincoln Christian Lincoln(Ill.) Lincoln Inst. Lincoln(Mo.) Lincoln(Pa.) Lindenwood S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Linfield Lingnan Linfield College (Oregon) 1) Lingnan University, Canton (China) (pre-war) 2) Lingnan College (Hong Kong) Linköping University (Sweden) Johannes Kepler University, Linz (Austria) (formerly Graduate School of Social Sciences and Economics) see David Lipscomb] University of Lisbon (Portugal) (see also New Lisbon; T.U.Lisbon) Open University, Lisbon (Universidade Abierta Lisbon) (Portugal) see Franz Liszt (Budapest)] see Natnl.Litoral] Lester Institute of Technology, Shanghai (China) see Arthur D.Little Inst.] Little Rock University (Arkansas) (later University of Arkansas at Little Rock) Livingston College (N. Carolina) University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) Lock Haven State College (Penn.) (later Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania) University of Lodz (Poland) (see also Cinematog., TV & Dramatic Art, Lodz; State Coll.D.A.& C.Lodz; T.U.Lodz) Academy of Medicine, Lodz (Poland) Academy of Music, Lodz (Poland) People’s Liberation Army Logistics Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chongqing (China) (untraceable – information from compiler at Nanyang Technological) Loma Linda University (Calif.) London College of Bible and Missions, London (Ontario) (according to Trinity Western copy) London Theological Seminary, Ontario (now merged with University of Waterloo; information from University of British Columbia, in whose (1988) chapter it appeared as awarding institution of Principal of Carey Hall’s DTh) Long Beach State College (Calif.) (later California State University, Long Beach, see Calif.State) Long Island University (NY) College on Long Island (part of State University of New York) Long Island College of Medicine (part of State University of New York) Longwood College (Virginia) Loras College (Iowa) Lord Fairfax Community College (Virginia) Loretto Heights College, Denver (Colorado) see Inst.Nat.Poly.Lorraine] Universidad de Los Andes (University of the Andes), Bogotá (Colombia) University of Los Andes, Mérida (Venezuela) Los Angeles City College (Calif.) Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Sciences (later Linköping Linz [Lipscomb Lisbon Lisbon Open [Liszt [Litoral L.I.T.Shanghai [Little Inst. Little Rock Livingston Ljubljana Lock Haven Lodz Lodz Acad.Med. Lodz Acad.Music Logistics I.E.T., Chongqing Loma Linda London(Ont.)Coll. London Theol.Sem.(Ont.) Long Beach Long Island Long Island Coll. Long Island Coll.of Med. Longwood Loras Lord Fairfax Loretto Heights [Lorraine Polytech. Los Andes, Bogotá Los Andes, Mérida Los Angeles City Los Angeles State S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Los Banos [Los Gatos Louisiana Polytech. Louisiana State Louisiana Tech [Louis Pasteur Louisville Louisville Sem. Lourenço Marques Louvain Lovanium Full Name California State University, Los Angeles, see Calif.State) Los Banos/Los Banas College of Fisheries, Laguna (Philippines) see Alma(Los Gatos)] Louisiana Polytechnic Institute (later Louisiana Tech University) Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Louisiana Tech University (formerly Louisiana Polytechnic Institute) see Pasteur Inst., Paris; Stras.I] University of Louisville (Kentucky) Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Kentucky) University of Lourenço Marques (Mozambique) (later Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, see Eduardo Mondlane) Catholic University of Louvain (Université catholique de Louvain) (Belgium) (see also Leuven) Lovanium University, Kinshasa (Zaire) (became part of National University of Zaire, later University of Kinshasa) Lowell Lowell Technological Institute (Mass.) Loyola(Calif.) Loyola University of Los Angeles (Calif.) Loyola(Ill.) Loyola University of Chicago (Ill.) Loyola(La.) Loyola University (Louisiana) Loyola Marymount Loyola Marymount University (Calif.) Loyola(Md.) Loyola College (Maryland) [Loyola(Montreal) Loyola College, Montreal: provided courses leading to bachelor’s degrees in arts, science and commerce of Université de Montréal; from 1974 part of Concordia University] L.S.E. London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London L.S.H.T.M. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London Lublin Marie Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin (Poland) Lublin Agric. Academy of Agriculture, Lublin (Poland) Lublin Catholic U. Catholic University of Lublin (Poland) Lublin Med.Acad. Medical Academy, Lublin (Poland) [Lublin T.U. see T.U.Lublin] Lubumbashi University of Lubumbashi (Zaire) [Ludwig Maximilian see Munich] [Luigi Bocconi see Bocconi] Luleå Luleå College (Sweden) [Luleå T.U. see T.U.Luleå] [Lumen Vitae, Brussels institution affiliated to Faculty of Theology of Catholic University of Louvain; presumably awards Louvain degrees] [Lumière see Lyons II] [Lumumba see P.F.U., Moscow] Lund Lund University (Sweden) (see also T.H.Lund) Lüneburg Lüneburg University (Universität Lüneburg) (Germany) Luoyang I.T. Luoyang Institute of Technology, Henan Province (China) Luth.Coll.& Sem., Sask. Lutheran College and Seminary, Saskatchewan (nb: different from Luth.Theol.Sem., Sask.) Luther Luther College (Iowa) [Luther(Germany) see Halle] S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Lutheran... see Luth...; also Calif.Lutheran; Central Lutheran; Evang.Luth.Theol.Sem.(Ohio); Midland Lutheran; Northwestern Lutheran Theol.Sem.; Pacific Lutheran; Pacific Luth.Theol.Sem.; Texas Luth.; Trin.Luth.] Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (Ill.) Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (Penn.) Luther Theological Seminary, Minnesota Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (Penn.) Luther Theological Seminary, Saskatoon (nb different from Luth. Coll.& Sem., Sask.) Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary (S. Carolina) International University of Comparative Sciences (Luxembourg) (founded 1958; reorganised 1974 as Institut Universitaire Internationale de Luxembourg) see Central Luzon] Luzonian University (Philippines) see Lwow] Lwow State University (Ukraine) Institute of Medicine, Lwow (Ukraine) Lwow Polytechnical Institute (Ukraine) Lyceum of the Philippines, Intramuras, Manila (there are 30 other Lyceums at different locations in the Philippines) Lycoming College (Penn.) Lynchburg College (Virginia) Lyndon State College (Vermont) see Inst.Natnl.Scis.App.Lyon] see Inst.d’Ét.Pol., Lyon] University of Lyons (if more specific information not available) Université Claude-Bernard (Lyon I) (France) Université Lumière (Lyon II) (France) Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III) (France) see Inst.Indust.Chem.& Phys., Lyons] Luth.Sch.Theol., Chicago Luth.Theol.Sem., Gettysburg Luth.Theol.Sem., Minn. Luth.Theol.Sem., Phil. Luth.Theol.Sem., Sask. Luth.Theol.S.Sem. Luxembourg [Luzon Central Luzonian [L’vov Lwow Lwow Med.Inst. Lwow Pol.Inst. Lyceum of the Philippines Lycoming Lynchburg Lyndon [Lyon Appl.Scis. [Lyon Pol.Studies Lyons Lyons I Lyons II Lyons III Lyons Indust.Chem.& Phys. M M.A.C. Maastricht Maastricht Sch.Management Macalester Macarthur I.H.E. Macau Macedonia Macerata MacMurray [Macon Madagascar Madison Massey Agricultural College (N.Z.) Maastricht University Maastricht School of Management Macalester College (Minn.) Macarthur Institute of Higher Education, Campbelltown, NSW (Australia) University of Macau (see also E.Asia) University of Macedonia (Makedonias), Salonika University of Macerata (Italy) MacMurray College (Ill.) (see also McMurry(Texas)) see Randolph-Macon; Randolph-Macon Women’s] University of Madagascar Madison College (Virginia) (now James Madison, qv) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Madison Madonna Madrid = University of Wisconsin-Madison: see Wis.] Madonna College (Mich.) University of Madrid (Spain) (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) (see also A.U.Madrid) see T.U.Madrid] see H.S.Magdeburg; T.H.Magdeburg; T.U.Magdeburg] see Murray Park C.A.E.] Royal Agricultural Institute of Mosonmagyarovar (Hungary) (no longer exists) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Mahidol University, Bangkok (Thailand) University of Maine (USA) University of Maine (France) (formerly Centre universitaire and part of University of Caen) Maine Maritime Academy (USA) Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (Germany) see I.E.M.V.T., Maison-Alfort] see Balearic Is.] see Macedonia] University of Malaga (Spain) see E.A.V., Buenos Aires] State University of Malang (Indonesia) Malone College (Ohio) Manchester College (Indiana) Arts and Science University, Mandalay (Myanmar) Institute of Medicine Mandalay (Myanmar) Manhattan College (NY) Manhattan School of Music (NY) Manhattanville College (of the Sacred Heart) (NY) University of Manila (Philippines) Manila Central University (Philippines) see Far Eastern] see Asian Inst.Management] National University, Manila (Philippines) see Natnl.Teachers, Manila] see Caldas] Mankato State University (formerly College) (Minn.) see Catholic Inst.Syd.] Mannes College of Music (NY) University of Mannheim (Germany) Mansfield State College (later Mansfield University of Pennsylvania) Mansourah University (Egypt) (previously East of the Delta University) see Quezon] Mapua Institute of Technology, Manila (Philippines) see Eduardo Mondlane] Mara Institute of Technology (Malaysia) Philipps University, Marburg (Germany) see Mariano Marcos State] National University of Mar del Plata (Argentina) [Madrid T.U. [Magdeburg [Magill Magyarovar [Maharishi Internat. Mahidol Maine(USA) Maine(France) Maine Maritime Mainz [Maison-Alfort [Majorca [Makedonias Malaga [Malaharro Malang State Malone Manchester(Ind.) Mandalay Mandalay Med. Manhattan Coll. Manhattan Sch. Manhattanville Manila Manila Central [Manila Far Eastern [Manila Inst.Management Manila Natnl. [Manila Teachers’ [Manizales Mankato [Manly Theol.Coll. Mannes Coll.Mus. Mannheim Mansfield Mansourah [Manuel L.Quezon Mapua I.T., Manila [Maputo Mara I.T. Marburg [Marcos, Mariano Mar del Plata S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Marian Mariano Marcos State Maribor [Marie Curie Marietta Marillac [Marine... Marian College (Indiana) Mariano Marcos State University (Philippines) University of Maribor (Slovenia) see Lublin; and Paris VI] Marietta College (Ohio) Marillac College (Missouri) see Gdynia Merchant Marine; U.S.Merchant Marine Acad.: also Maritime...; Naval...] Marist College, Poughkeepsie (NY) see Aust.Maritime; Calif.Maritime Acad.; Dalian Maritime; Maine Maritime; Maritime Pharm.Coll.; World Maritime: also Marine...; Naval...] Maritime College of Pharmacy (later absorbed into Dalhousie University) (there is doubt whether this college ever awarded its own qualifications) Marlboro College (Vermont) Marmara Üniversitesi, Istanbul (Turkey) Marquette University (Wis.) see Cadi Ayyad] Marshall University (formerly College) (W. Virginia) (there are other Marshall Colleges, a Marshall University, and John Marshall University) see Halle] see E.A.V., Buenos Aires] see Karl Marx...] Mary Baldwin College (Virginia) Marycrest College (Iowa) Marygrove College (Mich.) Mary Hardin-Baylor College (Texas) Maryknoll College (formerly Seminary) (Ill.) (later Maryknoll School of Theology) Maryknoll College Foundation Inc. (Philippines) Maryknoll Seminary (Ill.) (became Maryknoll College and later Maryknoll School of Theology) Maryknoll Seminary (NY) University of Maryland Maryland Institute, College of Art (Maryland) (formerly School of Art) Marylhurst College (for Lifelong Learning) (Oregon) Mary Manse College (Ohio) Marymount College (NY) Mary College (N. Dakota) Maryville College of the Sacred Heart (Missouri) Maryville College (Tenn.) Marywood College (Penn.) see Brno] Masbate Colleges (Philippines) (includes colleges of commerce, education, liberal arts, secretarial studies) Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran) (formerly University of Meshed, see Meshed) Marist [Maritime... Maritime Pharm.Coll. Marlboro Marmara Marquette [Marrakesh Marshall [Martin Luther [Martin Malaharro [Marx... Mary Baldwin Marycrest Marygrove Mary Hardin-Baylor Maryknoll Coll. Maryknoll(Philippines) Maryknoll Sem.(Ill.) Maryknoll Sem.(N.Y.) Maryland Maryland Inst. Marylhurst Mary Manse Marymount Coll. Mary(N.Dak.) Maryville(Mo.) Maryville(Tenn.) Marywood [Masaryk Masbate Mashhad S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Mass. [Massachusetts... Mass.Coll.Art Mass.Coll.Optom. University of Massachusetts see Mass...; New Eng...] Massachusetts College of Art, Boston Massachusetts College of Optometry (in 1976 became New England College of Optometry) Massachusetts College of Pharmacy (and Allied Health Sciences) see M.A.C.] see Framingham] Massachusetts State Teachers College (later Massachusetts State College; see also Framingham) Centro Universitario de Matanzas (Cuba) see Fed.U.Mato Grosso] Mauá School of Engineering (Sao Paolo, Brazil) Max-Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, Munich (Germany) (65 attached research institutes, all called MaxPlanck Institute for...) Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth (recognised college of National University of Ireland (see N.U.I.) in faculties of arts (including philosophy), science and Celtic studies; awards its own degrees in philosophy (BPh, LPh, DPh), theology and canon law) associated with University of Minnesota Mayville State College (N. Dakota) McAuley College (Queensland) (now part of Australian Catholic) McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago (Ill.) McGill School of Physical Education (later absorbed into McGill University) McKendree College (Ill.) McMurry University (Texas) (see also MacMurray) McPherson College (Kansas) see Lublin Med.Acad.] University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‘Carol Davila’, Bucharest (Romania) Islamic University, Medina (Saudi Arabia) see E.Mediterranean] Meharry Medical College (Tenn.) Meiji University, Tokyo (Japan) Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo (Japan) Melbourne College of Divinity (awarded degrees and apparently conducted courses) Melbourne College of Advanced Education (Australia) (in 1989 amalgamated with University of Melbourne) Melbourne State College (Australia) (in 1983 became part of Melbourne College of Advanced Education) (see also Vic.State Coll.) Memphis State University (Tenn.) Memorial University College (Canada) (predecessor of Memorial University of Newfoundland) see also Assoc.Mennonite Bibl.Sems.; E.Mennonite] Canadian Mennonite Bible College, Winnipeg (approved teaching Mass.Coll.Pharm. [Massey Agric.Coll. [Mass.State College Mass.State Teachers Matanzas [Mato Grosso Mauá Sch.Engin. Max-Planck Maynooth Mayo Inst. Mayville McAuley(Qld.) McCormick McG.Sch.of Phys.Educn. McKendree McMurry(Texas) McPherson [Med.Acad.Lublin Med.& Pharm., Bucharest Medina [Mediterranean Meharry Meiji Meiji Gakuin Melb.Div.Coll. Melbourne C.A.E. Melbourne State Coll. Memphis State Mem.U.C. [Mennonite... Mennonite Bible Coll. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Mennonite Bible Sem. [Mennonite Bibl.Sems.(Indiana) Mennonite Brethren Menoufia Mercer [Merchant Marine Acad. Mercyhurst Mercy(Mich.) Mercy(N.Y.) Meredith Coll. [Mérida [Merrill-Palmer Inst. Merrimack [Merseburg Meshed Messiah Messina [Methodist... Metro Manila [Metropolitan... Metropol.State Metz Mexico [Mexico Anthropol.& Hist. Mexico City Coll. Mexico Metropolitan Mexico Natnl. Mexico Natnl.Polytech. Mexico State M.H.Leoben Miami(Fla.) Miami(Ohio) Mich. Mich.Min.Coll. Mich.State Mich.Tech. [Mickiewicz Middlebury Middle East Tech. Middle Tennessee Full Name centre of University of Manitoba; awards its own degrees of BTh and BChMus) Mennonite Bible Seminary (Indiana) see Assoc.Mennonite Bibl.Sems.] ? = Mennonite Brethren Colleges of Arts (Winnipeg) (affiliated to Waterloo Lutheran University 1961–71; later associated with University of Winnipeg) Menoufia University (Egypt) Mercer University (Ga.) see Gdynia Merchant Marine; U.S.Merchant Marine Acad.] Mercyhurst College (Penn.) Mercy College of Detroit (Mich.) Mercy College (NY) Meredith College, Raleigh (N. Carolina) see Los Andes, Mérida] see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Merrimack College (Mass.) see T.H.Merseburg] University of Meshed, Mashhad (Iran) (now Ferdowsi University of Mashhad) Messiah College (Penn.) University of Messina (Italy) see Alaska Methodist; Central Methodist; S.Methodist; Wesleyan Methodist] Metro Manila College, Quezon (Philippines) see Metropol...: also Mexico Metropolitan; Tokyo Metropolitan] Metropolitan State College (Colorado) University of Metz (France) National Independent University of Mexico see Natnl.Sch.of A.& H., Mexico] Mexico City College Metropolitan Autonomous University (Mexico) National Autonomous University of Mexico National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico Autonomous University of the State of Mexico Montanistische Hochschule, Leoben (Austria) (later Montanuniversität Leoben, see Mining & Metall., Leoben) University of Miami (Florida) Miami University (Ohio) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan College of Mining and Technology (later Michigan Technological University) Michigan State University Michigan Technological University (formerly Michigan College of Mining and Technology) see Poznan] Middlebury College (Vermont) Middle East Technical University, Ankara (Turkey) Middle Tennessee State University (formerly College) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Midland Lutheran Midland Lutheran College (Nebraska) (formerly Central Lutheran Theological Seminary) Midwestern University (Texas) (later Midwestern State University) Mie University (Japan) Mien-jen College, Szechuan (pre-1949, according to Chinese Hong Kong) University of Milan (Italy) (see also Bocconi; Polytech.Milan; Sacred Heart (Milan)) Miles College, Birmingham (Alabama) see Penn.Military; U.S.Military Acad.; Virginia Military Inst.; Warsaw Tech.Mil.Acad.] Millersville State Teachers’ College (Penn.) (later Millersville State College) Milligan College (Tenn.) Millikin University (formerly James Millikin University) (Ill.) Mills College (Calif.) Millsaps College (Mississippi) Milton College (Wis.) Milwaukee-Downer College (Wis.) (merged with Lawrence University, 1963) Milwaukee School of Engineering (Wis.) Milwaukee State Teachers’ College (Wis.) Mimar Sinan University (Turkey) Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) Mindanao State University (Philippines) see Natnl.N.E.] University of Minho (Portugal) Minia University (Egypt) see China Mining Technol.; Colorado Sch.of Mines; Cracow Mining; E.S.N.des Mines, Paris; Freiberg Mining Acad.; Inst.Mining, Leningrad; Mich.Min.Coll.; Mining & Metall., Loeben; Montana Mines; Moscow Mining Inst.; New Mexico Mining Inst.; Ostrava; Peking Coll.Mining Engin.; Petrosani Mining Eng.Inst.; S.Dak.Sch.; Shandong Mining; Xi’an Mining Inst. University of Mining and Metallurgy, Leoben (Austria) (Montanuniversität Leoben) University of Minnesota ? = Minneapolis College of Music or Minneapolis School of Art (later College of Art and Design) (Minn.) Minot State College (N. Dakota) see Belorussian] Minsk State Medical Institute (Belarus) University of Miskolc (Hungary) (formerly T.U.Miskolc) see T.U.Miskolc] College Misericordia (Penn.) University of Mississippi Mississippi College Mississippi State University Mississippi University for Women Midwestern Mie Mien-jen Milan Miles [Military... Millersville Milligan Millikin Mills Millsaps Milton Milwaukee-Downer Milwaukee Sch.Engin. Milwaukee State Teachers’ Mimar Sinan Minas Gerais Mindanao State [Minden Minho Minia [Mining... Mining & Metall.Leoben Minn. Minneapolis Minot [Minsk Minsk Med. Miskolc [Miskolc T.U. Misericordia Mississippi Mississippi Coll. Mississippi State Mississippi Women S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Missouri [Missouri Sch.of Mines Missouri Southern Missouri Valley Missouri Western M.I.T. M.I.T./W.H.O.I. University of Missouri = part of University of Missouri] Missouri Southern State College Missouri Valley College Missouri Western State College, St Joseph Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (award joint PhD) Mitchell College of Advanced Education (Australia) (in 1989 became part of Charles Sturt University) Miyagi Gakuin Women’s College (Japan) Miyazaki University (Japan) Mobile College (Alabama) University of Modena (Italy) Mohammed V University, Rabat (Morocco) see Islam.Imam Mohd.Ibn Saud] Moldavian State University (Moldova) (later Moldovan State University) Moldovan Academy of Science Moldovan State University (Moldova) (formerly Moldavian State University) see Eduardo Mondlane] see King Mongkut] see Baotou; Inner Mongolia; Inner Mongolian Normal] Monmouth College (Ill.) Monmouth College (NJ) State University of Mons (Belgium) (see also C.U.E.Mons; Polytech.Mons) University of Montana (formerly Montana State University) Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, Butte (Montana) (formerly Montana School of Mines) Montana School of Mines, Butte (later Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology) Montana State University, Bozeman Montana State College (later Montana State University) see Mining & Metall.Leoben] Montclair State College (NJ) Monterey Institute of Foreign (later International) Studies (Calif.) Monterey Institute of International (formerly Foreign) Studies (Calif.) see Naval Sch., Monterey] Monterrey Institute of Technology (Mexico) see Republic (Montevideo); T.U.Uruguay] University of Montpellier (if more specific information not available) University of Montpellier I (France) Montpellier II (Languedoc University of Science and Technology) (France) University of Montpellier III (Paul Valéry) (France) Montreal Diocesan Theological College (formerly Diocesan College of Montreal; affiliated to McGill University; grants certificates for Mitchell C.A.E. Miyagi Gakuin Miyazaki Mobile Modena Mohammed V [Mohd.Ibn Saud Moldavian State Moldovan Acad.Sc. Moldovan State [Mondlane [Mongkut [Mongolia Monmouth(Ill.) Monmouth(N.J.) Mons Montana Montana Mineral Sci.& Technol. Montana Mines Montana State Montana State Coll. [Montanuniversität Loeben Montclair Monterey Inst.Foreign Studies Monterey Inst.Internat.Stud. [Monterey Naval Sch. Monterrey Inst.Technol. [Montevideo Montpellier Montpellier I Montpellier II Montpellier III Montreal Diocesan S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Moody Bible Inst. Moore Theol.Coll. Moorhead State Moravian Morehead Morehouse Morgan Morningside Morris Brown Morris Harvey Moscow Moscow A.& R.Inst. Moscow Agric. Moscow Art Hist. [Moscow Aviation Moscow Chem.Technol.Inst. [Moscow Communicn.Engin. [Moscow Co-op.Comm. [Moscow Energetics Moscow Geod.Inst. Moscow Geol.& Prospecting Inst. Moscow Higher Cert.Comm. Moscow Inst.Chem.Engin. Moscow Inst.Civil Eng. Moscow Inst.Econ. Moscow Inst.Electronic Eng. Moscow Inst.Machine Tool Engin. Moscow Inst.Mech.Eng. Moscow Inst.Mus.& Pedagog. [Moscow Med. Moscow Mining Inst. Moscow Natnl.Economy [Moscow Oil & Gas Technol. Moscow Paed. Moscow Petroleum & Gas Technol.Inst. Moscow Phys.& Engin.Inst. Moscow Phys.& Technol.Inst. Full Name ordination and awards MDiv jointly with McGill’s two other affiliated colleges) Moody Bible Institute (Ill.) Moore Theological College, Sydney, NSW (Australia) Moorhead State University (formerly College) (Minn.) Moravian College, Bethlehem (Penn.) Morehead State University (Kentucky) (formerly Morehead Teachers’ College and later Morehead State College) Morehouse College (Ga.) (in Atlanta University system) Morgan State University (formerly College) (Maryland) Morningside College (Iowa) Morris Brown College, Atlanta (Ga.) Morris Harvey College (W. Virginia) Moscow State University (Russian Federation) ? = Moscow Automobile and Roads Institute Academy (formerly Institute) of Agriculture, Moscow (Russian Federation) ? = Art History Institute, Moscow (untraceable) see Inst.Aviation, Moscow] Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology (Russian Federation) see Inst.Communication Engin., Moscow] see Inst.Co-op.Comm., Moscow] see Inst.Energetics, Moscow] Moscow Institute of Engineers for Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography (Russian Federation) Institute of Geology and Prospecting, Moscow (Russian Federation) Moscow Higher Certifying Commission [bit like Russian equiv. of CNAA] Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering (Russian Federation) Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering (Russian Federation) Institute of Economics, Moscow (Russian Federation) Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (Russian Federation) Moscow Institute of Machine Tool Engineering (Russian Federation) Moscow Institute of Mechanical Engineering (Russian Federation) State Institute of Music and Pedagogics, Moscow (Russian Federation) see Inst.Med.Moscow] Institute of Mining, Moscow (Russian Federation) Moscow G.V. Plekhanov Institute of National Economy (Russian Federation) see Inst.Oil & Gas Technol., Moscow] Moscow Institute of Paediatrics and Paediatric Surgery (Russian Federation) Institute of Petroleum and Gas Technology Moscow (Akad. I.M. Gubkina) (Russian Federation) Institute of Physics and Engineering, Moscow (Russian Federation) (?now Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, see next entry) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russian Federation) (?formerly Institute of Physics and Engineering, Moscow, see S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Moscow Physico-Tech. Moscow Power Inst. Moscow Railway Inst. Moscow State Cons. Moscow State Inst.Electronic Technol. Moscow State Inst.Foreign Langs. Moscow State Inst.Internat.Relns. Moscow State Pedagog.Inst. Moscow State Technol. Moscow State T.U. [Moscow State Univ. Moscow Steel & Alloys Moscow Technol.Inst. Moscow Vet.Acad. [Mosonmagyarovar Mosul [Moulin [Mount... Mt.Angel Sem. Mt.Gravatt C.A.E. Mt.Holyoke Mt.Klabat Mt.Lawley C.A.E. Mt.Marty Mt.Mary Mt.Mercy(Iowa) Mt.Mercy(Penn.) Mt.Senario Mt.Sinai Mt.St.Agnes Mt.St.Joseph Mt.St.Mary’s Mt.St.Mary’s(Md.) Mt.St.Michael Mt.St.Scholastica Mt.St.Vin.(N.Y.) Mt.Union [Muhammed Bin Said, Riyadh Muhlenberg Mün. Mundelein Munich Full Name previous entry) Physico-Technical Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation) ? = Moscow Power Institute (Russian Federation) Institute of Railway Engineering, Moscow (Russian Federation) Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky State Conservatoire Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages (Russian Federation) Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Russian Federation) Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (Russian Federation) Moscow State University of Technology, Stankin (Russian Federation) Moscow State Technical University (Russian Federation) (there are several institutions/academies of this name, each specialising in a particular area of study) see Moscow] Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys (Russian Federation) Moscow Technological Institute (Russian Federation) Moscow Academy of Veterinary Science (Russian Federation) see Magyarovar] University of Mosul (Iraq) see Lyons III] see Mt...] Mount Angel Seminary (Oregon) Mount Gravatt College of Advanced Education (Australia) (later Mount Gravatt campus of Brisbane College of Advanced Education; in 1990 became part of Griffith University) Mount Holyoke College (Mass.) Mount Klabat University, Sulawesi Utara (Indonesia) Mount Lawley College of Advanced Education, Perth (Australia) Mount Marty College (S. Dakota) Mount Mary College (Wis.) Mount Mercy College (Iowa) Mount Mercy College (Penn.) (later Carlow College) Mount Senario College (Wis.) Mount Sinai School of Medicine (until 1976 affiliated to C.U.N.Y.) Mount Saint Agnes College (Maryland) College of Mount Saint Joseph on the Ohio (Ohio) Mount Saint Mary’s College, Los Angeles (Calif.) Mount Saint Mary’s College, Emmitsburg (Maryland) Mount Saint Michael’s Seminary (Wash.) (has awarded its own licentiates as a Vatican institution, but see also Gonzaga) Mount Saint Scholastica College (Kansas) College of Mount Saint Vincent (NY) Mount Union College (Ohio) see Islam.Imam Mohd.Ibn Saud] Muhlenberg College (Penn.) University of Münster (Germany) Mundelein College, Chicago Ludwig Maximilian’s University, Munich (Germany) (see also T.H. Munich; T.U.Munich) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Munich Coll.Music College of Music, Munich (Germany) (formerly State College of Music, Munich) University of Murcia (Spain) Muroran Institute of Technology, Hokkaido (Japan) Murray State College (Oklahoma) Murray Park College of Advanced Education, Magill, Adelaide (Australia) (now Magill Campus of University of South Australia) Murray State University (Kentucky) Musashi University, Tokyo (Japan) Musashi Institute of Technology (Japan) Muskingum College (Ohio) Muslim College (Jalan University) Petaling Jaya, Selangor (Malaysia) (in 1970 incorporated into the National University of Malaysia) Murcia Muroran I.T. Murray Murray Park C.A.E. Murray State Musashi Musashi I.T. Muskingum Muslim N agaoka UT N agasaki Nagoya Nagoya Gakuin Nagoya I.T. [Nairobi Evangelical Grad.Sch.Theol. [Nakharinwirot N.Alabama N.American Baptist Coll. N.American Bapt.Sem. Namur Nancy Nancy I Nancy II Nanjing Nanjing Aeron.& Astron. Nanjing Aeron.Inst. Nanjing Agric. Nanjing Forestry Nanjing Inst.Posts and Telecommunicns. Nanjing I.T. Nanjing Med. Nanjing Normal Nanjing Pharm. Nankai Nanking Nanking Agric. Nanking Inst.of Posts & Telecommunicns. Nagaoka University of Technology (Japan) Nagasaki University (Japan) Nagoya University (Japan) Nagoya Gakuin University (Japan) Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] see Sri Nakharinwirot] University of North Alabama North American Baptist College, Edmonton, Alberta North American Baptist Seminary (S. Dakota) Facultés Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur (Belgium) University of Nancy (France) University of Nancy I (France) University of Nancy II (France) Nanjing University, Jiangsu Province (China) (formerly Nanking University) Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China) Nanjing Aeronautical Institute, Jiangsu Province (China) Nanjing College of Agriculture (China) (formerly Nanking Agric., qv) Nanjing Forestry University, Jiangsu Province (China) Nanjing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, Jiangsu Province (China) Nanjing Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Province (China) Nanjing Medical College, Jiangsu Province (China) Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Province (China) Nanjing College of Pharmacy, Jiangsu Province (China) Nankai University, Tianjin (China) Nanking University (China) (same title as before the war) Nanking College of Agriculture (China) (later Nanjing Agric., qv) Nanking Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (China) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Nanking Natnl.Central [Nanterre Nantes Nantong Med.Coll. Nanzan Naples Nara Women’s N.Arizona Naropa Inst. Nashotah Nashville [Nasser Nasson Natnl.Amoy Natnl.Acad.Sc.Armenia Natnl.& World Econ., Sofia Natnl.Asunción [Natnl.Athens [Natnl.Autonomous Mexico Natnl.Bénin Natnl.(Calif.) [Natnl.Central(Chungking) Natnl.Central(Nanking) Natnl.Central(Taiwan) Natnl.Chekiang Natnl.Chengchi Natnl.Cheng Kung see Natnl.Central(Nanking)] see Paris X] University of Nantes (France) Nantong Medical College (China) Nanzan University, Nagoya (Japan) University of Naples (Italy) Nara Women’s University (Japan) Northern Arizona University Naropa Institute (Colorado) Nashotah House (Wis.) (theological school) Nashville College (Tenn.) see Inst.Polytech.Conakry] Nasson College (Maine) National Amoy University, Fukien (China) (see also Amoy) National Academy of Sciences of Armenia University of National and World Economics, Sofia (Bulgaria) National University of Asunción (Paraguay) see Athens; T.U.Athens] see Mexico Natnl.] Université nationale du Bénin (formerly University of Dahomey) National University, San Diego (Calif.) untraceable, but see Natnl.Chungking] National Central University, Nanking (pre-war) National Central University, Taiwan National University of Chekiang (pre-war) (see also Chekiang) National Chengchi University (Taiwan) National (formerly Taiwan Provincial) Cheng Kung University (Taiwan) National Chiao Tung University, Shanghai (China) (later Chaio Tung University) National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) (former mainland institution re-established 1956) National Chinan University near Shanghai (pre-war) National Chung Cheng Medical College, Nanchang, Kiangsi (China) National Chung Hsing University, Taichung (Taiwan) National Chungking University, Szechuan (China) (pre-war) National College of Art and Design, Dublin (Ireland) National College of Education (Ill.) see Colombia Natnl.] National Defense Medical Centre, Taiwan see Natnl.Jakarta] National University of Education, Bogotá (Colombia) National University of Engineering, Lima (Peru) National Fu(h) Tan University, Shanghai (China) (later simply Fu Tan University) = ? (National Hangchow Art College? or National University of Chekiang, Hangchow (pre-war)?) National Hunan University, Changsha (China) see Mexico] Natnl.Chiao Tung Natnl.Chiao Tung(Taiwan) Natnl.Chinan Natnl.Chung Cheng Natnl.Chung Hsing Natnl.Chungking Natnl.Coll.Art & Des., Dublin Natnl.Coll.(Ill.) [Natnl.Colombia Natnl.Def.Med.Center, Taiwan [Natnl.Djakarta Natnl.Educn.(Colombia) Natnl.Engin.(Peru) Natnl.Fu Tan Natnl.Hangchow Natnl.Hunan [Natnl.Independent, Mexico S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Natnl.Indonesia [Natnl.Inst.Design see Natnl.Jakarta] National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad (India) (awards diploma accepted as bachelor’s degree for purposes of appointment by government of India; not acceptable for Yearbook)] National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok (Thailand) National University of Iran see Quito Technol.] National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli (India) National University of the Ivory Coast (formerly University of Abidjan) National University (Universitas Nasional), Jakarta (Djakarta) (Indonesia) (see also Jakarta) National Kwangsi University, Kweilin (China) (pre-war) = ? National Kwangtung Provincial College of Arts and Science (Chinese Hong Kong entry) (see also Kwangtung) see La Plata] National University of the Litoral (Argentina) see Manila Natnl.] National Medical College, Shanghai (China) National Northeastern University, Minden (China) National Northeastern University (Universidad Nacional del Nordeste) (Argentina) National Normal University, Peiping (China) (?) National Normal University, Peking (China) (pre-war) National Northwestern College (China) National Peiyang University, Tientsin (China) National University of Peking (pre-war) (became the People’s University of China?) National University of the Peruvian Amazon, Iquitos (Peru) see Manila Natnl.] National University of Rosario (Argentina) National University of Salta (Argentina) National University of San Luis Gonzaga (Peru) National University of Santiago del Estero (Argentina) National School of Anthropology and History (Mexico) see Ceylon Nat.Sem.] see Somali Natnl.] National University of the South (Universidad nacional del Sur) (Argentina) see Kunming] National Sun Yat Sen University, Canton (China) (became Sun Yat-Sen University) = ? National Southwestern (according to Chinese Hong Kong, established during second world war; no longer in existence) National Szechuan University, Chengtu (China) National Taiwan University National Taiwan College of Education National Taiwan Institute of Technology National Taiwan Normal University National Teachers College, Manila (Philippines) (later Philippine Natnl.Inst.Devel.Admin., Bangkok Natnl.Iran [Natnl.I.T., Quito Natnl.IT, Tiruchirapalli Natnl.Ivory Coast Natnl.Jakarta Natnl.Kwangsi Natnl.Kwangtung [Natnl.La Plata Natnl.Litoral [Natnl.Manila Natnl.Med.Coll.(Shanghai) Natnl.N.E. Natnl.N.E.(Argentina) Natnl.Normal(Peiping) Natnl.Normal(Peking) Natnl.Northwestern(China) Natnl.Peiyang Natnl.Peking Natnl.Peruvian Amazon [Natnl.(Philippines) Natnl.Rosario Natnl.Salta Natnl.San Luis Gonzaga Natnl.Santiago Natnl.Sch.of A.& H., Mexico [Natnl.Sem., Lanka [Natnl.Somali Natnl.South [Natnl.Southwest Natnl.Sun Yat Sen Natnl.S.W. Natnl.Szechuan Natnl.Taiwan Natnl.Taiwan C.E. Natnl.Taiwan I.T. Natnl.Taiwan Normal Natnl.Teachers, Manila S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation [Natnl.Tech.U.Athens Natnl.Tsing Hua Natnl.U.Defence Technol.(China) [Natnl.Univ.of Ireland Natnl.Woosung Natnl.Wuhan Natnl.Yang Ming Med. Natnl.Ying-Shih [Natnl.Zaire [Naval... [Naval Acad., Annapolis Naval Sch., Monterey Navarra [Nazarene... Nazarene Theol.Sem. Nazareth(Ken.) Nazareth(Mich.) Nazareth(N.Y.) N.Baptist Theol.Sem. N.Brisbane C.A.E. N.Carolina N.Carolina A.& T. N.Carolina A.& T.State N.Carolina Central N.Carolina State N.C’bo.Med.Coll. [N.C.E.A.(Eire) N.Central N.China Computer Tech. [N’cle.C.A.E. [N.C.M.C. [N.Colombo N.Colorado N.Dakota N.Dakota State Full Name Normal College) see T.U.Athens] National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (China) National University of Defence Technology, Changsha City, Hunan Province (China) (according to Nanyang Technological compiler (1994)) see N.U.I.] = ? National Tung Chi University, Woosung (pre-war) National Wuhan University (pre-war) National Yang Ming Medical College (Taiwan) ?National Ying-Shih University, Kinghua, Chekiang (pre-war) see Zaire] see also Marine...; Maritime...] see U.S.Naval Acad.] U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey (Calif.) University of Navarra (Spain) see also Bethany; Canadian Nazarene; E.Nazarene; Northwest Nazarene; Olivet Nazarene; Southern Nazarene] Nazarene Theological Seminary (Missouri) Nazareth College of Kentucky Nazareth College (Mich.) Nazareth College of Rochester (NY) Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Chicago (Ill.) North Brisbane College of Advanced Education, Queensland (Australia) (awarded BEd) University of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina (later North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University) North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (formerly Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina) North Carolina Central University (later incorporated in University of North Carolina) North Carolina State University at Raleigh (formerly North Carolina College of Agriculture and Engineering) North Colombo Medical College (N.C.M.C.) (Sri Lanka) (empowered to award degrees 1988; according to UGC (17/6/92) now affiliated to University of Kelaniya as its medical faculty; undergraduates who commenced 1988–89 will be awarded MB BS N.C’bo.Med.Coll.) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] North Central College (Ill.) North China Institute of Computer Technology (untraceable: information from Nanyang Technological) see Newcastle CAE] see N.C’bo.Med.Coll.] see N.C’bo.Med.Coll.] University of Northern Colorado University of North Dakota North Dakota State University (there are several colleges within the S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation [N’Djamena [Near East Sch.Theol. Nebraska Nebraska State Nebraska W. [N.E.Conserv.(Mass.) Nedlands C.A.E. N.E.Forestry(China) [Negev [N.E.G.S.T.(Kenya) N.E.Heavy Industry, Fulaerji N.E.Heavy Machinery Inst., Qiqihaer Nelson N.E.Louisiana N.E.Missouri State Nencki N.E.Normal Changchun Nepean C.A.E. N.E.Tech.(Shenyang) [Netherlands... Netherlands Bus.Sch. [Netherlands Econ.Sch. [Netherlands Univs.Foundation Neth.I.E.T. Neuchâtel Nevada Newark New Asia Coll. Newberry New Brunswick Theol.Sem. Newcastle CAE New Coll.(Fla.) [New Eng... New Eng.Coll.(NH) New Eng.Coll.Optom. New Eng.Cons. New Eng.Sch.of Law New Eng.(U.S.A.) New Hampshire New Haven Full Name university) see Chad] see Nr.E.Sch.Theol.] University of Nebraska Nebraska State Teachers’ College (later Chadron State College) Nebraska Wesleyan University see New Eng.Cons.] Nedlands College of Advanced Education, Perth (Australia) (established 1973; formed part of Western Australia C.A.E. (now Edith Cowan University) in 1981 Northeast Forestry University (Harbin, China) see Ben Gurion] see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Northeast Institute of Heavy Industry, Fulaerji (China) Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute, Qiqihaer (China) (according to Nanyang Technological compiler (1994)) Notre Dame University of Nelson (now dissolved) Northeast Louisiana University Northeast Missouri State University (formerly Teachers’ College) Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw (Poland) Northeast Normal University Changchun, Jilin Province (China) Nepean College of Advanced Education, NSW (Australia) Northeast University of Technology, Shenyang (China) (see also Shenyang Technol.) see also Neth....] Nijenrode, the Netherlands School of Business, Brenkelen see E.H.Rotterdam] see N.U.F.F.I.C.] Netherlands Institute of Engineering Technology University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) University of Nevada Newark College of Engineering (NJ) New Asia College (later part of Chinese Hong Kong) Newberry College (S. Carolina) (Lutheran Church institution: awards bachelor’s degrees) New Brunswick Theological Seminary (NJ) Newcastle College of Advanced Education, Newcastle, NSW (Australia) (formerly Newcastle Teachers’ College; later Hunter Institute of Higher Education, see Hunter I.H.E.) New College (Florida) see also W.New England] New England College (New Hampshire) New England College of Optometry, Boston (Mass.) (formerly Massachusetts College of Optometry) New England Conservatory of Music (Mass.) New England School of Law, Boston (Mass.) University of New England (Maine) University of New Hampshire New Haven College (Conn.) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name New Jersey I.T. New Jersey Med.& Dent. New Jersey Institute of Technology New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry (later University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey) New University of Lisbon (Portugal) see Cardinal Newman] Newman Theological College, Edmonton (Alberta) (Candidate for Accreditation, Accredited Institutions p.571 (1994)) University of New Mexico New Mexico Highlands University New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology New Mexico State University (formerly of Agriculture, Engineering and Science) University of New Orleans (Louisiana) New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisiana) Newport University (California) College of New Rochelle (NY) New School for Social Research (NY) see Paris III] Newton Theological Institute (Mass.) (became part of Andover Newton Theological School) Newton College of the Sacred Heart (Mass.) see N.Y.] University of North Florida, Jacksonville (not to be confused with North Florida Junior College, Madison (Florida)) Ngee Ann Polytechnic/Technical College (Singapore) North Georgia College, Dahlonega (USA) Nederlandse Handelshogeschool (Netherlands Commercial School for Higher Education) (later E.H. Rotterdam; subsequently became part of Erasmus University Rotterdam) Niagara University (NY) National University of Nicaragua, Leon University of Nice (France) Nicholls State University (formerly Francis T. Nicholls State College) (Louisiana) see Bucharest Polytech.] see Natnl.Inst.Design] see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] New Lisbon [Newman Newman Theol.Coll. New Mexico New Mexico Highlands New Mexico Mining Inst. New Mexico State New Orleans New Orleans Baptist Newport New Rochelle New Sch.Soc.Res. [New Sorbonne Newton Newton Coll.(Mass.) [New York N.Florida Ngee Ann N.Georgia N.H.H.S.Rotterdam Niagara Nicaragua Nice Nicholls [Nicolae Grigorescu [N.I.D., Ahmedabad [Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomosho Nihon Niigata [Nijenrode Nijmegen Nilam Puri N.Illinois Ningxia N.Iowa [N.I.Pirugova Nihon University, Tokyo (Japan) Niigata University (Japan) see Netherlands Bus.Sch.] Catholic University, Nijmegen (Netherlands) Institute of Higher Education, Nilam Puri (Malaysia) (awarded own degrees; see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes) Northern Illinois University Ningxia University, Yinchuan (China) (there are other institutions in Ningxia) University of Northern Iowa see Odessa Med.] S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Nippon Coll.P.E. Nippon Med.Sch. Nis [Nitra Nizhny Nogorod State Tech. N.Jiaotong N.Kentucky N.Michigan Nommensen Norfolk State Norman Bethune Nippon College of Physical Education, Tokyo (Japan) Nippon Medical School (Nippon Ika Daigaku) (Japan) University of Nis (Serbia) see Agric.Coll., Nitra] Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University (Russia) Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing North Kentucky University Northern Michigan (formerly College) University Universitas H.K.B.P. Nommensen (or Nomensen) (Indonesia) Norfolk State University (formerly College) (Virginia) Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences, Changchun, Jilin Province (China) see also under N./N.E./N.W...] [North/Northern/Northeastern/ Northwestern... Northeastern [Northeastern(Argentina) Northeastern Illinois [Northeastern(Minden) Northeastern State Northeast Louisiana Northeast Missouri State [Northeast Technol.(Chenyang/Shenyang) Northland [Northland Open [Northridge Northrop North Sumatra Northwest Coll.Assemblies of God Northwest Christian Northwestern Northwestern(Louisiana) Northwestern Lutheran Theol.Sem. [Northwestern Natnl.(China) Northwestern(Oklahoma) Northwestern P.U.(Xi’an) Northwestern(Shensi) Northwestern(Wis.) Northwest Missouri State Northwest Nazarene Northwest Telecommunicns.Engin.Inst. Northwest(Xi’an) Norway Ag. Northeastern University (Mass.) see Natnl.N.E.(Argentina)] Northeastern Illinois University see Natnl.N.E.] Northeastern State College (Oklahoma) Northeast Louisiana University Northeast Missouri State Teachers’ College see N.E.Tech.(Shenyang)] Northland College (Wis.) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] see Calif.State] Northrop University (Calif.) (formerly Northrop Institute of Technology) University of North Sumatra (Universitas Sumatra Utara) (U.S.U.) (Indonesia) (see also Islamic U., N.Sumatra) Northwest College of the Assemblies of God (Washington) Northwest Christian College (Oregon) Northwestern University, Evanston (Ill.) Northwestern State College of Louisiana Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary (Minn.) see Natnl.Northwestern(China)] Northwestern Oklahoma State University (formerly Northwestern State College) (Oklahoma) Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an (China) (nb different from Northwest(Xi’an)) Northwestern Polytechnical University, Sian, Shensi (China) Northwestern College (Wis.) Northwest Missouri State University (formerly College) Northwest Nazarene College (Idaho) Northwest Institute of Telecommunication(s) Engineering, Xi’an (China) Northwest University, Xi’an (China) (nb different from Northwestern P.U.(Xi’an)) Agricultural University of Norway, Ås (formerly Agric.Coll.Norway, qv) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Norwegian Acad.Mus. [Norwegian Agric.Coll. Norwegian Sch.Econ. Norwegian State Academy of Music, Oslo see Agric.Coll.Norway] Norwegian School (later College) of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen Norwegian School of Management Norwegian University of Science and Technology [replaced University of Trondheim, according to WOL online] see Vet.Coll.Norway] Norwich University (Vermont) see Notre Dame(Kyoto)] see Namur] = ? Notre Dame, Illinois (according to New College, Toronto, but unidentifiable)] University of Notre Dame (Indiana) (there are several colleges within the University) Notre Dame Women’s College (Notoru Damu Joshi Daigaku), Kyoto (Japan) see Namur] see Nelson] Notre Dame College, New Hampshire Notre Dame College of Staten Island (NY) College of Notre Dame of Maryland, Baltimore Notre Dame College (Ohio) Notre Dame Seminary School of Theology (Louisiana) see 17th November, Prague] Nova University (Florida) (former name of Nova Southeastern?) Nova Southeastern (Florida) (new name of Nova(Fla.)?) University of Novi Sad (Serbia) Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute (Russian Federation) Novosibirsk State University (Russian Federation) Novosibirsk State Technical University (Russian Federation) North Park College and Theological Seminary (Ill.) Near East School of Theology, Beirut (Lebanon) Northern Rivers College of Advanced Education, NSW (Australia) (in 1989 amalgamated with the University of New England) Northern State College (S. Dakota) see Islamic U., N.Sumatra; North Sumatra] New South Wales (State) Conservatorium of Music (Australia) (in 1990 amalgamated with the University of Sydney) New South Wales Institute of Arts (Australia) (see also City Art Inst. (NSW)) New South Wales Institute of Technology (Australia) (in 1988 became the University of Technology, Sydney) North Texas State University (formerly College) Netherlands Universities Foundation for International Co-operation (NUFFIC), The Hague National University of Ireland (consists of university colleges at Cork, Dublin and Galway; and Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth (see Maynooth), which awards its own degrees in philosophy (BPh, Norwegian Sch.Management Norwegian U.S.T. [Norwegian Vet.Coll. Norwich [Notoru Damu [Notre Dame de la Paix [Notre Dame(Ill.) Notre Dame(Ind.) Notre Dame(Kyoto) [Notre Dame, Namur [Notre Dame, Nelson Notre Dame(New Hampshire) Notre Dame(N.Y.) Notre Dame of Maryland Notre Dame(Ohio) Notre Dame Sem. [November 17th Nova(Fla.) Nova Southeastern Novi Sad Novocherkassk P.I. Novosibirsk Novosibirsk Tech. N.Park Nr.E.Sch.Theol. N.Rivers C.A.E. N.State(S.Dak.) [N.Sumatra N.S.W.Conservatorium N.S.W.Inst.Arts N.S.W.I.T. N.Texas N.U.F.F.I.C. N.U.I. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Nuremberg Nusa Cendana N.W.Inst.of Light Industry N.Y. Nyack N.Y.Inst.of Technol. N.Y.Law Sch. N.Y.Med. N.Y.Polytech. [N.Y.Soc.Res. N.Y.State N.Y.State Teachers LPh, DPh), theology and canon law) see Erlangen-Nuremberg] Nusa Cendana University (Indonesia) Northwest Institute of Light Industry, Xianyang (China) New York University Nyack (Missionary) College (NY) New York Institute of Technology New York Law School New York Medical College Polytechnical Institute of New York (formerly of Brooklyn) see New Sch.Soc.Res.] State University of New York New York State Teachers College O Oakland Oakland(Calif.) Oakland(Ind.) Oakwood Oberlin Obihiro Obihiro Ag.&Vet.Med. Occidental Ochanomizu Odense Odessa [Odessa Agric. Odessa Econ. Odessa Med. Odessa Polytech. Odessa Refrig.Inst. Offenbach am Main Arts Coll. [Official(Congo) Oglethorpe [Ogbomosho Ohio Ohio Northern Ohio State [Ohio United Theol.Sem. Ohio Wesleyan O.I.S.E. Oita Okayama Oklahoma Oakland University (Mich.) Oakland City College (Calif.) Oakland City College (Indiana) Oakwood College (Alabama) Oberlin College (Ohio) Obihiro University of Stock-raising, Hokkaido (Japan) Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (Japan) Occidental College (Calif.) Ochanomizu (Women’s) University, Tokyo (Japan) University of Odense (Denmark) Odessa State University (Ukraine) see Inst.Agric.Odessa] Odessa Institute/State University of Economics (Ukraine) N.I. Pirugova Institute of Medicine, Odessa (Ukraine) Odessa Polytechical Institute (Ukraine) Odessa Institute of Food and Refrigeration Technology (Ukraine) (later became two separate institutions) Hochschule für Gestaltung, Offenbach am Main (Germany) see Congo(Official)] Oglethorpe University, Atlanta (Ga.) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes (nb Ladoke Akintola University of Technology is also at Ogbomosho)] Ohio University Ohio Northern University Ohio State University see U.T.S.(Ohio)] Ohio Wesleyan University Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (awards higher degrees of University of Toronto and its own certificates and Hon. LLD) Oita University (Japan) Okayama University (Japan) University of Oklahoma S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Oklahoma Agric. Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College (later Oklahoma State University) Oklahoma Baptist University Oklahoma Christian College Oklahoma City University Oklahoma (Panhandle) State University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences (now Oklahoma State University) Old Dominion University (formerly College) (Virginia) University of Oldenburg (Universität Oldenburg) (Germany) Olivet College (Mich.) Olivet Nazarene College (Ill.) see Palacky] Academy of Agriculture and Technology (formerly College of Agriculture) Olsztyn-Kortowo (Poland) Municipal University of Omaha (Nebraska) Omdurman Islamic University (Sudan) State University College at Oneonta (NY) (formerly State University Teachers College, later State University College of Education; subsequently part of State University of New York) Ontario Bible College, Willowdale Ontario Teacher Education College (union of teachers’ colleges; degree-granting 1969–74; in 1974 was integrated into University of Ottawa) Ontario Veterinary College (University of Toronto degrees until 1964; since then part of University of Guelph) see Bangkok Open, Everyman’s, Hagen Open, Lisbon Open, People’s Open Univ., Islamabad] Technical University, Opole (Poland) University of Oporto (Universidade do Porto) (Portugal) Oral Roberts University (Oklahoma) Université d’Oran (Algeria) Order of Preachers (awards STM and STL) Ordnance Engineering College (Taiwan) University of Oregon Oregon College of Education (later Southern Oregon State College, see S.Oregon State) Oregon Health Sciences University Oregon State University, Corvallis (formerly Oregon State College) Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples (Italy) Universidad de Oriente (Cuba) University of Orléans (France) (founded 1970; formerly University of Orléans-Tours) University of Orléans-Tours (France) (later University of Orléans) Technical University of Oruro (Bolivia) Osaka University (Japan) Osaka City University (Osaka Shiritsu Daigaku) (Japan) Osaka University of Education (Osaka Kyoiku Daigaku) (Japan) Osaka University of Foreign Studies (Japan) Osaka Women’s University (Osaka Joshi Daigaku) (Japan) Oklahoma Baptist Oklahoma Christian Oklahoma City Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oldenburg Olivet Olivet Nazarene [Olomouc Olsztyn Agric. Omaha Omdurman Islamic Oneonta Ont.Bible Coll. Ont.T.Ed.Coll. Ont.Vet.Coll. [Open Opole Oporto Oral Roberts Oran Order of Preachers Ordnance Engin.Coll.(Taiwan) Oregon Oregon Coll. Oregon Health Scis. Oregon State Oriental(Naples) Oriente(Cuba) Orléans Orléans-Tours Oruro Osaka Osaka City Osaka U.E. Osaka U.of Foreign Studies Osaka Women’s S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Osgoode Hall Oslo [Oslo Vet.Coll. Osnabrück Ostrava [Ostrava Pedagog. Otani Otaru Comm. Ottawa(Kansas) Otterbein [Otto Freidrich [Otto von Guericke Ouachita Ouagadougou Oulu [Our Lady of Lanka Our Lady of the Lake Our Lady of the Rosary Ouro Prêto Oviedo see Law Soc.Upper Canada] University of Oslo (Norway) see Vet.Coll.Norway] University of Osnabrück (Germany) College of Mining and Metallurgy, Ostrava-Poruba (Czech Republic) see Pedagog.Ostrava] Otani University (Japan) Otaru University of Commerce (Japan) Ottawa University (Kansas) Otterbein College (Ohio) see Bamberg] see T.H.Magdeburg] Ouachita Baptist College (Arkansas) University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) Oulu University (Finland) see Ceylon Nat.Sem.] Our Lady of the Lake University of San Antonio (Texas) Our Lady of the Rosary College, Bogotá (Colombia) Federal University of Ouro Prêto (Brazil) University of Oviedo (Spain) Pablo Borbon Memorial I.T. P (Philippines) Pace [Pacific... Pacific Pacific Bible Inst. Pacific(Calif.) Pacific Christian Pacific Lutheran Pacific Luth.Theol.Sem. Pacific Oaks Pacific Sch.of Religion Pacific Theol.Coll. Pacific Union [Pacific Western Paderborn Padjadjaran Padua Pahlavi Paine Palacky Palermo Pablon Borbon Memorial Institute of Technology, Batangas City Pace University (formerly College) (NY) see also Azusa Pacific; Church Pacific Div.Sch.; Hawaii Pacific; Seattle Pacific; Warner Pacific] Pacific University (Oregon) Pacific Bible Institute of Fresno (later Pacific Coast College) University of the Pacific (Calif.) Pacific Christian College (Calif.) Pacific Lutheran Academy/College/University (Wash.) Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (Calif.) Pacific Oaks College, Pasadena (Calif.) Pacific School of Religion (Calif.) Pacific Theological College, Suva (Fiji) (ecumenical college founded 1966; awards BD, MTh; see also Miscellaneous Permanent Notes) Pacific Union College (Calif.) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] University of Paderborn (Germany) Padjadjaran State University, Bandung (Indonesia) University of Padua (Italy) Pahlavi University (Iran) (now University of Shiraz) Paine College, Augusta (Ga.) Palacky University, Olomouc (Czech Republic) University of Palermo (Italy) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Palma Palm Beach Palmer Coll.of Chiropractic Panama Pan American [Panhandle Panteion [Panthéon-Sorbonne Panteios [Papal Pará [Paraiba [Paraná Pardubice C.C.T. [Parhon Paris Paris I Paris II Paris III Paris IV Paris V Paris VI Paris VII Paris VIII Paris IX Paris X Paris XI Paris XII Paris XIII [Paris Conservatoire... [Paris Inst... [Paris Sch.of... [Paris Sci.Res. [Paris-Sud Park Parma Parsons Coll. Pasadena [Pascal Passau [Pasteur Pasteur Inst., Paris see Balearic Is.] University of Palm Beach (Florida) Palmer College of Chiropractic (Iowa) University of Panama Pan American University (Texas) see Oklahoma State] Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences, Athens (Greece) see Paris I] Panteios College of Political Science, Athens (Greece) see Pontif...] Federal University of Pará (Brazil) see Fed.U.Paraiba] see Fed.U.Paraná] College of Chemical Technology, Pardubice (Czech Republic) see Bucharest] University of Paris (if more specific information is not available) University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) University of Law, Economics and Social Sciences (Paris II) University of the New Sorbonne (Paris III) University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) University René Descartes (Paris V) University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI) University of Paris VII University of Vincennes at Saint-Denis (Paris VIII) University Paris-Dauphine (Paris XI) University of Paris X (Nanterre) University of Paris-Sud (Paris XI) Orsay University of Paris Val-de-Marne (Paris XII) University of Paris-Nord (Paris XIII) see Cons..., Paris] see, Paris] see Éc...; École...; E.H.E...; E.L...; E.N...; E.N.S...; E.P...; E.S...] see C.N.R.S., Paris] see Paris XI] Park College (Missouri) University of Parma (Italy) Parsons College (Iowa) Pasadena College (Calif.) see Clermont-Ferrand II] University of Passau (Germany) see Pasteur Inst., Paris; Stras.I] Pasteur Institute, Paris XV (shown in old Minerva as institute for research and higher science studies; World of Learning shows two Pasteur institutes in India, but none in Paris) Paterson State College (NJ) (see also Wm.Paterson) University of Patras (Greece) see P.F.U., Moscow] University of Pau (France) Paul Quinn College (Texas) Paterson Patras [Patrice Lumumba Pau Paul Quinn S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Paul Sabatier [Paul Valéry [Pavel Josef Savárik Pavia [Pázmány [Peabody Peabody Cons. see Toulouse III] see Montpellier III] see Kosice] University of Pavia (Italy) see P.Pázmány] see G.Peabody] Peabody Conservatory of Music, Baltimore (Maryland) (in 1977 affiliated with Johns Hopkins University as Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University) Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University (Maryland) (formerly Peabody Conservatory of Music, affiliated with Johns Hopkins 1977, but seems to continue awarding own degrees) see Austin Peay] Pécs University (Hungary) Medical University of Pécs (Hungary) Pedagogická fakulta, Ostrava (Czech Republic) Pedagogická fakulta, Plzen (Czech Republic) National University of Peiping (China) (pre-war) (see also China U., Peiping) see Natnl.Normal(Peiping)] Peiyang University, Tientsin (China) see also Beijing...] National University of Peking (later simply Peking University) (China) Central Conservatory of Music, Peking (China) Peking College of Geology (China) Peking College of Mining Engineering (China) Peking Medical College (China) = ? Peking Normal University (untraced) (see also Natnl.Normal(Peking) Peking Union Medical College (later Peking Medical College) (China) Pembroke College (Rhode I.) (merged with Brown University 1971) University of Pennsylvania Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Pennsylvania College of Optometry Pennsylvania Military College (with Penn Morton College it constitutes PMC Colleges) Pennsylvania State University see Wm.Penn] Pennsylvania College for Women (later Chatham College) People’s University of China, Beijing see P.F.U., Moscow] People’s Open University, Islamabad (Pakistan) (now Allama Iqbal Open University) Pepperdine University (formerly College) (Calif.) see T.U.Pereira] see S.Methodist] Perm State University (Russian Federation) Perm State Institute of Medicine (Russian Federation) Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil) Peabody Inst. [Peay Pécs Pécs Med. Pedagog.Ostrava Pedagog.Pilsen Peiping [Peiping Normal Peiyang [Peking... Peking Peking Central Cons. Peking Coll.Geol. Peking Coll.Mining Engin. Peking Med.Coll. Peking Normal Peking Union Med. Pembroke Penn. Penn.Coll.Med. Penn.Coll.of Optometry Penn.Military Penn.State [Penn, William Penn.Women’s People’s, China [People’s Friendship Univ. People’s Open Univ., Islamabad Pepperdine [Pereira [Perkins Sch.of Theol. Perm State Perm State Inst.Med. Pernambuco Federal S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Perpignan University of Perpignan (France) (formerly Centre universitaire de Perpignan) see Cayetano Heredia] University of Perugia (Italy) Italian University for Foreigners, Perugia (Italy) see Natnl.Engin.(Peru); Natnl.Peruvian Amazon; Natnl.San Luis Gonzaga; San Marcos] Peru State College (Nebraska) see Natnl.Peruvian Amazon] University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran (Saudi Arabia) (now King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran) see P.Pázmány] Petra Christian University (Indonesia) see Azerbaijan Inst.Petroleum Tech.& Chem.; Dongying Petrol.; Inst.Petroleum & Gas, Ploesti; Inst.Petroleum Technol., Grozni; King Fahd; Moscow Petroleum & Gas Technol.Inst.; Pet.& Min., Saudi Arabia; S.W.China Petroleum Inst.] Mining Engineering Institute, Petrosani (Romania) Pfeiffer College (N. Carolina) Patrice Lumumba People’s Friendship University, Moscow see also Phil...] Philadelphia University (Penn.) Philadelphia College of Textiles Science (Penn.) (now Philadelphia University) see Hahnemann] Philander Smith College (Arkansas) Philadelphia College of Art (Penn.) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] see Phil.Pharm.] Philippine Christian University, Cavite (Philippines) Philippine Christian University (formerly College), Manila (Philippines) Philippine Normal College, Manila University of the Philippines (formerly in Manila, now in Quezon City) see Manila Natnl.; Natnl.Teachers, Manila] Polytechnic University of the Philippines see T.U.Philippines] Philippine Union College Philippine Women’s University see Marburg] Philips’ International Institute of Technical Studies, Eindhoven (Netherlands) Phillip Institute of Technology (Australia) (later amalgamated with Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) Phillips University (Oklahoma) (there was also a Phillips College in Texas) see Hahnemann] Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science (Penn.) (formerly Philadelphia College of Pharmacy) University of Phnom-Penh (Cambodia) [Peruana C.Heredia Perugia Perugia Foreigners [Peru Natnl. Peru State(Neb.) [Peruvian Pet.& Min., Saudi Arabia [Peter Pázmány Petra [Petroleum... Petrosani Mining Eng.Inst. Pfeiffer P.F.U., Moscow [Philadelphia... Philadelphia Philadelphia Coll.Textiles Sci. [Philadelphia Med. Philander Smith Phil.Coll.Art [Phil.Coll.Osteo.Med. [Phil.Coll.Pharm. Philippine Christian(Cavite) Philippine Christian(Manila) Philippine Normal Philippines [Philippines Natnl. Philippines Polytech. [Philippines T.U. Philippine Union Philippine Women’s [Philipps(Marburg) Philips’(Eindhoven) Phillip I.T. Phillips [Phil.Med. Phil.Pharm. Phnom-Penh S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Phoenix P.H.Potsdam Picardie [Pierre and Marie Curie [Pierre Mendès France [Pilsen Pedagog. [Pilsudski, Joseph Pine Hill University of Phoenix (Arizona) Pädagogische Hochschule Potsdam (Germany) University of Picardie (France) (formerly University of Amiens) see Paris VI] see Grenoble II] see Pedagog.Pilsen] see Warsaw] Pine Hill Divinity Hall, Halifax, N.S. (Canada) (part of Atlantic School of Theology) University of Piraeus (Greece) see Grad.Sch.Indust.St., Piraeus] see Odessa Med.] University of Pisa (Italy) University of Pittsburgh (Penn.) Pittsburg State University (Kansas) Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (Penn.) Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary (Penn.) (from 1959 Pittsburgh Theological Seminary) Pitzer College (Calif.) Pius XII Catholic University College, Roma, Basutoland (later part of University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland) Pjatigorsky Institute of Pharmacy, Pjatiorsk (Russian Federation) see Moscow Natnl.Economy] Higher Institute of Medicine, Pleven (Bulgaria) see Inst.Petroleum & Gas, Ploesti] University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria) Plymouth State College (New Hampshire) see Pedagog.Pilsen] see Penn.Military] Point Loma College (Calif.) Point Park College (Penn.) University of Poitiers (France) Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw Polish School of Architecture, Liverpool (no longer exists) Polish University Abroad (UK) (formerly Polish University in Exile, see below) Polish University College (London) (in 1953 incorporated into Battersea Polytechnic, now University of Surrey) Polish University in Exile (UK) (now Polish University Abroad, see above) see T.U.Lublin] see Acad.Potsdam-Babelsberg] = ? Poltawa Agricultural Institute or Poltawa Institute of Rural Construction Engineering (Ukraine) Polytechnic Institute of Milan (Italy) Polytechnical Faculty of Mons (Belgium) see N.Y.Polytech.] Unviersity ‘Polytehnica’ of Bucharest Pomona College (Calif.) Piraeus [Piraeus Indust.St. [Pirugova Pisa Pitt. Pittsburg State Pittsburgh Theol.Sem. Pittsburgh-Xenia Pitzer Pius XII Pjatigorsky Inst.Pharm. [Plekhanov Pleven H.Inst.Med. [Ploesti Petroleum & Gas Plovdiv Plymouth State [Plzen Pedagog. [P.M.C.Colleges Point Loma Point Park Poitiers Polish Acad.Sc. Polish Sch.of Archit.(Liv.) Polish Univ.Abroad Polish Univ.Coll.(London) Polish Exile [Politechnika Lubelska [Pol.Sci.& Law Potsdam-Babelsberg Poltawa Polytech.Milan Polytech.Mons [Polytech.N.Y. Polytehnica(Bucharest) Pomona S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Pontif.Argentina Pontif.Athen.Angelicum Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina Pontificium Athenaeum Angelicum (Vatican City) (later Pontif.U.S.Th.Aq., qv) see Ans.] Pontificium Athenaeum Antonianum (Vatican City) see Kandy] Pontificium Athenaeum Lateranense (Vatican City) (later Pontificia Università Lateranense (see Pontif.Lateran)) Pontificium Athenaeum Poonense (Papal Seminary Kandy) (until 1955 at Kandy; obtained from Vatican faculty to confer degrees in theology and philosophy) Pontificium Athenaeum Salesianum (Università Pontificia Salesiana/Salesian Pontifical University) (Vatican City) Pontificium Athenaeum Urbanium ’de Propaganda Fide’ (Vatican City) (later Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana (see Pontif.Urb.)) Pontificium Institutum Biblicum (Pontificio Istituto Biblico/Pontifical Biblical Institute) (Vatican City) Xavier Pontifical University (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana), Bogotá (Colombia) Pontifical Catholic University of Chile see Comillas] Pontifical Commission for Biblical Study (baccalaureate, licentiate, doctorate) (letter of 15/8/66 from Registrar of Notre Dame University of Nelson) see Ecuador Catholic] Pontificia Facultà Teologica SS. Teresianum (Vatican City) see Greg.] see also Pontif.Ist...] Pontifical Institute of Liturgy (located at Pontificio Ataneo San Anselmo (Ans.) but awards own degrees) Pontificium Institutum Orientalium Studiorum (Vatican City) Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (affiliated with University of Saint Michael’s College, University of Toronto) see also Pontif.Inst...] Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e Islamici (Vatican City) (previously Pontif.Inst.Or., qv) Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana (Vatican City) Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra (Vatican City) Pontifical Istituto di Regina Mundi (Vatican City) Pontificia Università Lateranense (Vatican City) (formerly Pontificium Athenaeum Lateranense, see Pontif.Athen.Lateran) Pontifical Catholic University of Peru see Ecuador Catholic] Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain) see San Ildefonso(Toledo)] see Pontif.Bogotá] Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana (Vatican City) [Pontif.Athen.Ans. Pontif.Athen.Antonianum [Pontif.Athen.(Kandy) Pontif.Athen.Lateran Pontif.Athen.(Poona) Pontif.Athen.Sal. Pontif.Athen.Urb. Pontif.Bibl.Inst. Pontif.Bogotá Pontif.Chile [Pontif.Comillas Pontif.Comm.Bibl.St. [Pontif.Ecuador Pontif.Fac.Teresianum [Pontif.Greg. [Pontif.Inst... Pontif.Inst.Liturgy Pontif.Inst.Or. Pontif.Inst.Tor. [Pontif.Ist... Pontif.Ist.Arab. Pontif.Ist.Arch.Ch. Pontif.Ist.Mus.Sacr. Pontif.Ist.R.M. Pontif.Lateran Pontif.Peru [Pontif.Quito Sul Pontif.Rio de Janeiro Pontif.Salamanca [Pontif.Spain/Pontif.Toledo [Pontif.U.Javeriana Pontif.Urb. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Pontif.U.S.Th.Aq. Pontificia Studiorum Universitas a S. Thoma Aquinate in Urbe (formerly Pontif.Athen.Angelicum, qv) apart from University of Poona, see Pontif.Athen.(Poona)] Port Arthur Technical Institute (?) (Manchuria) University of Portland (Oregon) Portland State University (formerly College) (Oregon) (? = also Portland State College (Penn.): untraceable) see Oporto] = C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University] University of Potsdam (Germany) (see also Acad.Potsdam-Babelsberg; P.H.Potsdam] = State University of New York at Potsdam, see N.Y.State] Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland) Poznan Agricultural University (Poland) Poznan College (Academy) of Economics (Poland) Academy of Medicine, Poznan (Poland) see T.U.Poznan] Royal Hungarian University Peter Pázmány (later E.L.Bud.) Charles University, Prague (Univerzita Karlova) (Czech Republic) Prague Academy of Music (Czech Republic) College of Agriculture, Prague (Czech Republic) Prague College of Chemical Technology (Czech Republic) (see also Inst.Chem.Tech., Prague] Prague Conservatoire for Music (Czech Republic) Prague College of Economics (Czech Republic) Academy of Fine Arts, Prague (Czech Republic) see Inst.Chem.Tech., Prague] see Inst.Pol.& Soc.Sci., Prague] Prahran College of Advanced Education (Australia) Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical University (formerly College) (Texas) see Coll.of Educn., Prasarnmitr] Pratt Institute (NY) Presbyterian Theological Faculty Ireland see also Florida Presbyterian; Louisville Sem.; St.And.(Laurinburg)] Presbyterian College, Quebec (Canada) (affiliated to McGill; grants certificates for ordination and awards MDiv jointly with McGill’s two other affiliated colleges) Presbyterian College, Clinton (S. Carolina) Presbyterian School of Christian Education (Virginia) Prescott College (Arizona) Preston Institute of Technology, Bundoora, Melbourne (Australia) (became part of Phillip I.T. in 1982) Princeton University (NJ) see Trop.Med.Inst.(Antwerp)] see Songkla] Princeton Theological Seminary (NJ) Principia College (Ill.) University of Pristina (Montenegro) [Poona Port Arthur Portland Portland State [Porto [Post, C.W. Potsdam [Potsdam N.Y. Poznan Poznan Agric. Poznan Coll.Econ. Poznan Med. [Poznan T.U. P.Pázmány Prague Prague Acad.Music Prague Agric. Prague Chem.Technol. Prague Cons. Prague Econ. Prague Fine Arts [Prague Inst.Chem.Technol. [Prague Pol.& Soc.Sci. Prahran C.A.E. Prairie View [Prasarnmitr Educn. Pratt Presb.Theol.Fac.(Ireland) [Presbyterian... Presbyterian Coll.(P.Q.) Presbyterian(S.C.) Presbyterian Sch.(Va.) Prescott Preston I.T. Prin. [Prince Leopold [Prince of Songkla Princeton Theol.Sem. Principia Pristina S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [’Propaganda Fide’ [Protestant Episcopal Theol.Sem., Virginia [Provence Providence(R.I.) Providence(Taiwan) see Pontif.Athen.Urb.] see Episc.Theol.Sem., Virginia] see Aix-Marseilles I] Providence College (Rhode I.) Providence College (Taiwan) (Ching Yi Women’s College of Arts and Science) Taiwan Provincial Taipei Institute of Technology Philosophische-Theologische Hochschule, Regensburg (Germany) University of Puerto Rico see Inter American, Puerto Rico] College of Puget Sound (Wash.) Purdue University (Indiana) Jana Ev. Purkyne University, Brno (Czech Republic) (formerly Masaryk University, see Brno) Pusan National University (Korea, Republic of) Pushchino Institute for Biological Research, attached to Russian Acad.Sc., qv] Prov.Taipei I.T., Taiwan P.-T.H.Regensburg Puerto Rico [Puerto Rico Inter American Puget Sound Purdue Purkyne Pusan Natnl. [Pushchino Q Qarawiyyin Qingdao Oceanol. Qinghai Med.Coll. Qinghua [Qiqihaer Heavy Machinery Qld.Coll.Art Qld.Cons. Qld.I.T. [Q.M.C., Lond. [Q.M.W., Lond. [Queen Elizabeth College Queensland A.C. Queens, N.Y. Quezon Quincy Quindio [Quinnsee Paul Quinn] Quinnipiac Quito Technol. R [Rabat [Rabelais Qarawiyyin University/Université Quaraouiyine Fès (Morocco) Qingdao University of Oceanology Qinghai Medical College, Qinghai Province (China) Qinghua (new spelling for Tsinghua) University, Beijing (China) see N.E.Heavy Machinery Inst., Qiqihaer] Queensland College of Art (Australia) (awarded BA) Queensland Conservatorium of Music (Australia) Queensland Institute (later University) of Technology (Australia) Queen Mary (later Queen Mary and Westfield) College, University of London (formerly used for college diplomas)] Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London (rather than abbreviation Q.M.W.C.)] = part of King’s College, London] Queensland Agricultural College (Australia) (as Gatton College became part of the University of Queensland in 1990) Queens College of the City University of New York Manuel L. Quezon University, Manila (Philippines) Quincy College (Ill.) University of Quindio (Colombia) Quinnipiac College (Conn.) National Institute of Technology, Quito (Ecuador) see Mohammed V] see Tours] S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [R.Acad., Copenhagen R.Acad., Sweden see R.Danish Acad.] Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm (Sweden) Radcliffe College (Mass.) (formerly affiliated with Harvard, at which time graduates received Harvard degrees; now an independent college offering programmes jointly with Harvard which lead to jointly awarded degrees: accept either Radcliffe or Harv. as awarding institution) Radford University (Virginia) Royal Agricultural College of Sweden, Uppsala (later Agric.C. Sweden, qv) see Magyarovar] see N.Carolina State] Ramapo College of New Jersey see Bangkok Open] RAND Graduate School of Policy Studies (Calif.) Randolph-Macon College (Virginia) Randolph-Macon Women’s College (Virginia) see also Yangon...] University of Rangoon (now Yangon) (Myanmar) (later Arts and Science University, Rangoon) Rangoon (now Yangon) Institute of Technology (Myanmar) see R.Karolinska] Royal College (later School) of Forestry, Sweden Royal College of Music, London (BMus, MMus) Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen Royal Danish School of Pharmacy, Copenhagen Royal Dental College, Aarhus (Denmark) Redemptorist Seminary, Wendouree, Victoria (Australia) (untraceable: information from Ballarat compiler) University of Redlands (Calif.) Reed College (Oregon) Reformed Bible College, Michigan University of Regensburg (Germany) see P.-T.H.Regensburg] Regent College (British Columbia) (affiliated to University of British Columbia but awards its own MTS, MCS, MDiv and ThM) see Pontif.Ist.R.M.] Regis College (Colorado) Regis College (formerly Regis College for Women) (Mass.) Regis College (one of seven federated colleges making up Toronto School of Theology; degrees conferred by member institutions conjointly with University of Toronto) see Weizmann] see Paris V] Renmin University of China, Beijing University of Rennes (France) University of Rennes I (France) Radcliffe Radford R.Agric.Coll., Sweden [R.Agric.Inst., Hungary [Raleigh Ramapo [Ramkhamhaeng RAND Policy Stud. Randolph-Macon Randolph-Macon Women’s [Rangoon... Rangoon Rangoon I.T. [R.Caroline Inst. R.Coll.Forestry, Sweden R.Coll.Music R.Danish Acad. R.Danish Sch.Pharm. R.Dent.Coll., Aarhus Redemptorist Sem. Redlands Reed Reformed Bible Coll.(Mich.) Regensburg [Regensburg Philos.-Theol. Regent Coll.(Br.Col.) [Regina Mundi Regis(Colo.) Regis(Mass.) Regis(Tor.) [Rehovot(h) [René Descartes Renmin Rennes Rennes I S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Rennes II [Rennes Gestion Rensselaer Republic(Montevideo) Réunion see Haute-Bretagne] see Gestion, Rennes] Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) University of the Republic, Montevideo (Uruguay) Université de la Réunion (formerly Centre universitaire de la Réunion; then Université Française de l’Ocean Indien, see Indian Ocean) University of Rheims (Champagne-Ardenne) (France) see Bonn] see T.H.Aachen] University of Rhode Island Rhode Island College (formerly ‘of Education’) Rhode Island School of Design Rhodes College, Memphis (Tenn.) (William Marsh) Rice University (Texas) (formerly Rice Institute) University of Richmond (Virginia) ? = Richmond College (Virginia) (or perhaps London?) Richmond Professional Institute (Virginia) Ricker College (Maine) Rider College (NJ) see Latvia] Riga Technical University (Latvia) see St.Paul’s(Tokyo)] Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Rio Claro (Brazil) University of Rio de Janeiro (1951–?) (Brazil) (?superseded by Federal State University of Rio de Janeiro, see Fed.U.Rio de Janeiro) Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (State University of Rio de Janeiro) (Brazil) Rio Grande College (Ohio) Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) see Sul] Ripon College (Wis.) Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden) Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Kyoto (Japan) Riverina College of Advanced Education (Australia) (in 1984 became Riverina campus of Riverina-Murray I.H.E. – see next entry) Riverina-Murray Institute of Higher Education (Australia) (in 1989 became part of Charles Sturt University) Rivier College (New Hampshire) King Saud University, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) (see also Islam.Imam Mohd.Ibn Saud) Rizal Technical Colleges, Manila (Philippines) Kungliga Karolinska Mediko-Kirurgiska Institutet, Stockholm (later Karolinska Institutet, see Karolinska) Roanoke College (Virginia) Robert College (Istanbul) (in 1971 became University of the Bosphorus, see Bosphorus) Roberts Wesleyan College (NY) University of Rochester (NY) Rheims [Rhenish Friedrich-Wilhelm [Rhenish-Westphalian Technical Rhode I. Rhode I.Coll. Rhode I.Sch.Des. Rhodes Coll. Rice Richmond Richmond Coll. Richmond Professl.Inst. Ricker Rider [Riga Riga T.U. [Rikkyo Rio Claro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro State Rio Grande Coll. Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul [Rio Grande do Sul Pontifical Ripon R.I.T.Stockholm Ritsumeikan Riverina C.A.E. Riverina-Murray I.H.E. Rivier Riyadh Rizal Tech.Colls. R.Karolinska Roanoke Robert(Istanbul) Roberts Wesleyan Roch. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Rochester I.T. Rockefeller Rockford Rockhurst Rock I. Rocky Mtn. Rogers Rollins Rome Roosevelt [Rosario RosaryRosary College (Ill.) [Rosary(Bogotá) Rose Rose Hulman Rosemont Roseworthy Rochester Institute of Technology (NY) Rockefeller University (formerly Institute) (NY) Rockford College (Ill.) Rockhurst College (Missouri) Rock Island College (Ill.) Rocky Mountain College (Montana) Rogers College (NY) (closed 1973) Rollins College (Florida) University of Rome (Italy) Roosevelt University, Chicago (Ill.) see Natnl.Rosario] Roskilde Rostock Rostov Med.Inst. Rostov State Rotterdam [Rotterdam Housing Studies Rouen [Roumanian Acad.Sci. Roussé T.I. Rowan [Royal... [Royal Dent.Coll., Copenhagen [Royal ‘Stephen Tisza’ R.Pharm.Inst., Stockholm R.S.For.Stockholm R.S.Lib.Copenhagen [R.Swedish Acad. R.U.C Music, Stockholm [Ruhr [Rupert Charles Rusden C.A.E. Rusden State Coll. Rush Russell Sage Russian Acad.Ag.Sc. Russian Acad.Med.Sc. see Our Lady of the Rosary] Rose Polytechnic Institute (Indiana) (later Rose Hulman) Rose Hulman Institute of Technology (Indiana) Rosemont College (Penn.) Roseworthy Agricultural College (Australia) (merged with University of Adelaide 1991) Roskilde University (Denmark) University of Rostock (Germany) State Institute of Medicine, Rostov (Russian Federation) Rostov State University, Rostov-na-Donu (Russian Federation) Erasmus University, Rotterdam (Netherlands) (founded 1973 by amalgamation of Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool (see E.H.Rotterdam) and the Medische Faculteit (Rotterdam)) see Inst.Housing Stud.(Rotterdam); Internat.Devel.Inst.H.P.B.] University of Rouen-Haute-Normandie (France) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Technical Institute ‘Angel Kancev’, Roussé (Bulgaria) Rowan University (formerly Glassboro State College) see R...] see Copenhagen Dent.] see Debrecen] Royal Pharmaceutical Institute, Stockholm (Sweden) Royal School (formerly College) of Forestry in Stockholm (Sweden) Royal School of Library Science, Copenhagen (Denmark) see R.Acad., Sweden] Royal University College of Music, Stockholm see Bochum] see Heidel.] Rusden College of Advanced Education, Victoria (Australia) (absorbed into Victoria College 1981; now part of Deakin University) State College of Victoria, Rusden (Australia) (see also Vic.State Coll.) Rush University (Ill.) Russell Sage College (NY) Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Moscow (Russian Federation) Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (formerly U.S.S.R.Acad.Med. Scis.) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Russian Acad.Sc. Russian Academy of Sciences (until 1991 U.S.S.R.Acad.Sc.) (includes V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics) Russian Institute of University of Columbia (NY) Rust College (Mississippi) Rutgers, The State University (NJ) (formerly Rutgers University) see Copenhagen Agric.] Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg (Denmark) (formerly at Copenhagen, see Copenhagen Agric.) Royal Veterinary College of Sweden, Stockholm (later united as Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala) National University of Rwanda Ryukoku University (Japan) Ryukyus University/University of the Ryukus (Ryukyus Daigaku), Okinawa (Japan) Ryutsu Keizai University (Japan) Russian Inst., Col. Rust Coll. Rutgers [R.Vet.& Agric.Coll., Copenhagen R.Vet.& Agric., Denmark R.Vet.Coll., Stockholm Rwanda Ryukoku Ryukyus Ryutsu Keizai Saar S (Germany) [Sabatier, Paul Sacramento Sacred Heart(Detroit) [Sacred Heart, Kilroe [Sacred Heart, Manhattan [Sacred Heart, Maryville [Sacred Heart, Mass. Sacred Heart(Milan) Sacred Heart(N.B.) [Sacred Heart, Newton [Sacred Heart Sem. [Sacred Heart, Tokyo Saddam Saga Saginaw Valley State [Sahmyook(Korea) Saigon Saigon Nat.Tech. [Saint... Saitama S.Alabama Salamanca Salem State Salerno [Salesian Pontif.U. University of Saar, Saarbrücken (Universität des Saarlandes) see Toulouse III] Sacramento State College (Calif.) (later California State University, Sacramento) Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit (Mich.) see Kilroe(Penn.)] see Manhattanville] see Maryville(Mo.)] see Newton] Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy) Université du Sacre Coeur, Bathurst (New Brunswick) (awarded BA, BPed) see Newton Coll.(Mass.)] see Sacred Heart (Detroit)] see Seishin] Saddam University for Engineering and Sciences, Baghdad (Iraq) Saga University (Japan) Saginaw Valley State University (Mich.) see Korean Sahmyook] University of Saigon (Vietnam) National Technical Centre, Saigon (Vietnam) (in 1976 became T.U. Ho Chi Minh City) see San...; Santa...; St...] Saitama University, Urawa (Japan) University of South Alabama University of Salamanca (Spain) (see also Pontif.Salamanca) Salem State College (Mass.) (formerly State College at Salem) University of Salerno (Italy) see Pontif.Athen.Sal.] S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Salisbury C.A.E. Salisbury College of Advanced Education, Salisbury East, South Australia (became part of South Australia C.A.E. 1982) Aristotelian University of Salonika, Thessalonika (Greece) (see also Macedonia) see Grad.Sch.Indust.St., Salonika] see Natnl.Salta] ‘Antonio Narro’ Higher School of Agriculture, Saltillo, Coahuila (Mexico) see Interamericana] University of Salvador, Buenos Aires (Argentina) University of Salzburg (Austria) Samford University (Alabama) Sam Houston State University (Texas) (formerly Sam Houston State (Teachers) College) University of San Andrés, La Paz (Bolivia) San Beda College, Manila (Philippines) see Calif.State] University of San Carlos of Guatemala University of San Carlos, Cebu City (Philippines) University of San Diego (Calif.) San Diego State University (formerly College) (Calif.) San Diego State College (Calif.) (now San Diego State University) San Fernando Valley State College (Calif.) University of San Francisco (Calif.) (College of) San Francisco Art Institute (Calif.) San Francisco State University (formerly College) (Calif.) San Francisco State College (Calif.) (now San Francisco State University) San Francisco Theological Seminary (Calif.) Sangamon State University, Springfield (Ill.) Pontifical University of San Ildefonso, Toledo (Spain) (apparently no longer exists) San Jose City College (Calif.) San Jose State University (formerly San Jose State College and (1972– 74) California State University, San Jose) San Juan de Letran College, Intramuros, Manila (Philippines) see Natnl.San Luis Gonzaga] National University of San Marcos, Lima (Peru) see Tucumán] see Dominican(San Rafael)] San Sebastian College, Manila (Philippines) University of San Simón (Bolivia) Santa Barbara City College (Calif.) Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) University of Santa Clara (Calif.) The College of the Santa Fe (New Mexico) Santa María La Antigua University (Panama) see T.U.Valparaiso] University of Santander (Spain) Salonika [Salonika Indust.St. [Salta Saltillo [Saltillo Interamerican Salvador(Buenos Aires) Salzburg Samford Sam Houston San Andrés San Beda [San Bernardino San Carlos(Guat.) San Carlos(Philippines) San Diego San Diego State San Diego State Coll. San Fernando San Francisco San Francisco Art Inst. San Francisco State San Francisco State Coll. San Francisco Theol.Sem. Sangamon San Ildefonso(Toledo) San Jose City San Jose State San Juan de Letran [San Luis Gonzaga San Marcos [San Miguel de Tucumán [San Rafael San Sebastian San Simón Santa Barbara Santa Catarina Santa Clara Santa Fe Santa María [Santa Maria(Chile) Santander S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Santiago Santiago(Chile) Santo Domingo see Compostela; Natnl.Santiago; Santiago(Chile); T.U.Santiago] University of Santiago de Chile (formerly T.U.Santiago) Universidad autónoma de Santo Domingo (University of San Domingo) (Dominican Republic) University of Santo Tomas, Manila (Philippines) Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Sao Leopoldo (Brazil) University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) Sapporo Medical College (Japan) University of Saragossa (Zaragoza) (Spain) Sarah Lawrence College (NY) University of Sarajevo (former Yugoslavia) Saratov State University (Russian Federation) Southern Arkansas University University of Sassari, Sardinia (Italy) Satya Wacana Christian University (Indonesia) Saudi Arabian Institute for Higher Education, Mecca South Australia College of Advanced Education South Australia Institute of Technology (merged with South Australia C.A.E. (see previous entry) in 1991 to form University of South Australia) South Australian School of Art, Adelaide (subsequently part of Adelaide C.A.E., S.Aust.C.A.E., Torrens C.A.E. (see separate entries for these institutions), and finally University of South Australia) Savannah State College (Ga.) Savannah College of Art and Design (Ga.) see Kosice] Université de Savoie Chambéry (France) Saybrook Institute (Calif.) (formerly Humanistic Psychol.Inst., qv) Southern Baptist College (Arkansas) Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Kentucky) University of Southern California Southern California Institute of Architecture Southern California School of Theology University of South Carolina Medical University of South Carolina South Carolina State College Scarritt College for Christian Workers, Nashville (Tenn.) see Chic.Art Inst.] see Union (N.Y.)] Southern University of Chile (Universidad Austral de Chile) see Jena] Schiller International University [an independent American univ. based in Florida] South China Agriculture University, Wushan South China College of Tropical Crops South China Medical College, Canton South China Normal College (untraceable: information from compiler at Nanyang Technological University 1997–98) Santo Tomas Sao Leopoldo Sao Paulo Sapporo Saragossa Sarah Lawrence Sarajevo Saratov S.Arkansas Sassari Satya Wacana Saudi Arabian Inst. S.Aust.C.A.E. S.Aust.I.T. S.Aust.Sch.Art Savannah Savannah Art & Des. [Savárik Savoie Chambéry Saybrook Inst. S.Baptist S.Baptist Theol.Sem. S.Calif. S.Calif.Archit. S.Calif.Theol.Sch. S.Carolina S.Carolina Med. S.Carolina State Scarritt [Sch.Art Inst.Chic. [Schenectedy S.Chile [Schiller, Friedrich Schiller Internat. S.China Agric. S.China Coll.Trop.Crops S.China Med.Coll. S.China Normal S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name S.China Tech. = ? South China Institute of Technology, Canton or South China Technical College, Canton (same institution?) South China University (formerly Institute?) of Technology, Wushan, Guangzhou School for International Training (Vermont) Schoeneck Seminary, Beckenried, Nidwald (Switzerland) see Speyer Admin.Scis.] School of Oriental and African Studies, London School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London S.China U.T. Sch.Internat.Training(Vermont) Schoeneck Sem. [Sch.of Admin.Scis., Speyer Sch.of O.& A.Studies(Lond.) Sch.of Slavonic & E.European Studies (Lond.) [Schöneck Sem. [Schorlemmer Sch.Plan.Stat., Warsaw Sc.Imm.-Conc.(Montreal) S.Colorado S.Connecticut [Scott Scranton Scripps Scripps Instn.Oceanog. S.Dakota S.Dakota State S.Dak.Sch. Seabury-Western [S.E.Asian Grad.Sch.Theol. S.E.A.T.O. G.E.S. Seattle Seattle Pacific Sebelas Maret Seijo Seikei Seinan Seishin S.E.Louisiana S.E.Massachusetts S.E.Missouri Semmelweis Sendai Senshu Seoul Seoul Catholic Med.Coll. Serampore Seton Hall Seton Hill see Schoeneck Sem.] see T.H.Merseburg] (Central) School (or College) of Planning and Statistics, Warsaw Scolasticat de l’Immaculée-Conception, Montréal (Canada) Southern Colorado State College Southern Connecticut State University (formerly College) see Agnes Scott] University of Scranton (Penn.) Scripps College (Calif.) Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego (Calif.): part of University of California University of South Dakota (also (1959–63) State University of South Dakota; the name was changed in 1959, changed back in 1963) South Dakota State University (formerly South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts) South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Seabury-Western Theological Seminary (Ill.) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] (SEATO) Graduate School of Engineering, Bangkok (Thailand) (formerly part of Chulalongkorn University; now Asian I.T., Bangkok) Seattle University (Wash.) Seattle Pacific University (formerly College) (Wash.) Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta (Indonesia) Seijo University (Japan) Seikei University, Musashino City (Japan) Seinan Gakuin University (Japan) Seishin Joshi Daigaku (University of the Sacred Heart) (Japan) Southeastern Louisiana University (formerly College) Southeastern Massachusetts University Southeast Missouri State University Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest (Hungary) Sendai College (Japan) Senshu University (Japan) Seoul National University (South Korea) Seoul Catholic Medical College (South Korea) Serampore College (W. Bengal) (degrees in theology only) Seton Hall University (NJ) Seton Hill College (Penn.) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name 17th November, Prague Severance Union, Seoul Seville [Sewanee S.Florida S.G.G.W., Warsaw University of the 17th November, Prague (Czech Republic) Severance Union Medical College, Seoul (South Korea) University of Seville (Spain) see South] University of South Florida Central College of Agriculture (Szkóla Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego), Warsaw (Poland) (later Warsaw Agricultural University) Shaanxi Institute of Mechanical Engineering (China) Shaanxi Normal University (China) Shahid Chamran University (Iran) Shandong University, Jinan (China) (moved from Tsingtao (Qingdao), 1958) (see also Shantung: either spelling may be accepted, but Shandong appears to be the version preferred by IAU) Shandong Academy of Medicine, Jinan (China) Shandong Mining Institute, Shandong Province (China) Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong Province (China) Shandong Polytechnic University, Shandong Province (China) Shandong Teachers’ College (University from 1978) (China) (untraceable: information from compiler at Ryerson (1997–98) Shandong University of Technology, Jinan (China) University of Shanghai (China) (pre-war) Shanghai School/Institute of Chemical Technology (China) = ? Shanghai College of Commerce Shanghai Academy/Institute of Drama (China) Shanghai First Medical College (China) Shanghai Institute/University of Finance and Economics (China) Shanghai Foreign Language Institute (China) Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade (China) Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry (attached to Chinese Acad.Sc, according to WOL online)] Shanghai Institute of Mechanical Engineering (China) Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (China) Shanghai International Studies University (China) Shanghai Jiaotong University (China) = ? Shanghai College of Law see Natnl.Med.Coll.(Shanghai); Shanghai 2nd Med.Coll.] Shanghai Normal University (China) Shanghai Institute of Physical Culture (China) Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of Shanghai (China) (according to Western Ontario compiler (1994)) Shanghai Second Medical College (China) Shanghai Second Polytechnic (or Polytechnical University?) (China) (untraceable: information from Nanyang Technological) Shanghai Teacher's University (China) Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology (China) Shanghai University of Science and Technology (China) Shanghai University of Technology (untraceable: according to Hong Shaanxi Mech.Engin. Shaanxi Normal Shahid Chamran Shandong Shandong Med. Shandong Mining Shandong Normal Shandong Poly. Shandong Teachers’ Shandong U.T. Shanghai Shanghai Chem.Technol. Shanghai Comm.Coll. Shanghai Drama Inst. Shanghai 1st Med.Coll. Shanghai Finance & Econ. Shanghai Foreign Lang.Inst. Shanghai Foreign Trade [Shanghai Inst.Biochem. Shanghai Inst.Mech.Engin. Shanghai Inst.Org.Chem. Shanghai Internat. Shanghai Jiaotong Shanghai Law Coll. [Shanghai Med. Shanghai Normal Shanghai Phys.Culture Shanghai Sci.& Tech.Inf. Shanghai 2nd Med.Coll. Shanghai 2nd Polytech. Shanghai Teacher's Shanghai Trad.Med.& Pharmacol. Shanghai U.S.T. Shanghai U.T. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Shantou Shantung Shanxi Shanxi Coal & Chem.Technol. Shanxi Teachers’ Shanyung Foundry Res. Sharif Shaw Shelton Shenandoah Shenkar [Shensi [Shenyang Shenyang Computer Technol. Shenyang Mech.& Electr. Shenyang Technol. Shenzhen Shiga Shijiazhuang Shimane Shimer Shinshu Shippensburg Shirayuri Shiraz Shizuoka Showa Sichuan Sichuan F.Langs. Sichuan Inst.Bldg.Materials Sichuan Inst.Finance & Econ. Sichuan Normal Siegen Siena Siena Coll., N.Y. Siena Heights Silesia Silesian Sch.of Med. Full Name Kong Baptist it amalgamated with other universities to form Shanghai University in 1994) Shantou University (China) Shantung (Shandong) University, Jinan (China) (moved from Tsingtao (Qingdao), 1958) (see also Shandong: either spelling may be accepted, but Shandong appears to be the version preferred by IAU) Shanxi University, Taiyuan (China) Shanxi University of Coal and Chemical Technology, Taiynan, Shanxi Province (China) Shanxi Teachers’ College (China) Shanyung Foundry Research Institute (China) (untraceable: information from Nanyang Technological) Sharif (formerly Arya-Mehr) University of Technology, Teheran (Iran) Shaw University (N. Carolina) Shelton College (NJ) Shenandoah College and Conservatory of Music (Virginia) Shenkar College of Textile Technology and Fashion (Israel) see Northwestern(Shensi)] there are several institutes at Shenyang] Shenyang Institute of Computer Technology (China) Shenyang Mechanical and Electrical Institute (China) Shenyang University/Institute of Technology (China) (see also N.E.Tech.(Shenyang)) Shenzhen University (China) Shiga University (Japan) Shijiazhuang University (China) Shimane University (Japan) Shimer College (Ill.) Shinshu University (Japan) Shippensburg State College (Penn.) (formerly Shippensburg State Teachers’ College) Shirayuri Joshi Daigaku (Women’s College) (Japan) University of Shiraz (Iran) (formerly Pahlavi University) Shizuoka University (Japan) Showa University (Japan) Sichuan University (or Institute of Medicine?) (China) Sichuan Institute of Foreign Languages (China) Sichuan Institute of Building Materials (China) Sichuan Institute of Finance and Economics (China) Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu (China) University of Siegen (Germany) University of Siena (Italy) Siena College (NY) (there was also a Siena College in Tennessee) Siena Heights College (Mich.) University of Silesia, Katowice (Poland) Silesian School of Medicine (also referred to as Medical Academy of Silesia), Katowice (Poland) (with campuses at Zabrze, ZabrzeRokitnica and Bytom) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Silesian T.U. Silliman S.Illinois Silpakorn [Simferopol’ Med. Simmons Simón Bolívar Simpson [Sinai Sioux Falls Siping [SISSA Skidmore [Sklodowska Skopje see Gliwice] Silliman University (Philippines) Southern Illinois University Silpakorn University, Bangkok (Thailand) see Crimea Inst.Med.] Simmons College (Mass.) Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela) Simpson College (Iowa) see Mt.Sinai] Sioux Falls College (S. Dakota) Siping Teachers College, Jilin Province (China) see Trieste Internat.Sch.Adv.Stud.] Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs (NY) see Lublin] Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (Universitet ‘Kiril I Metódij’ Skopju) (Macedonia) Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania (formerly Slippery Rock State College) Slovak Academy of Sciences (in 1960 became part of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences) see T.U. Bratislava] Southern Methodist University, Dallas (Texas) (includes Perkins School of Theology) Southern Missionary College (Tenn.) University of Southern Mississippi Smith College (Mass.) see Johnson C. Smith] see Philander Smith] see Wm.Smith] University of Sofia (Bulgaria) Academy of Medicine, Sofia (Bulgaria) Institute/University of Chemical Technology, Sofia (Bulgaria) Institute of Economic Sciences, Sofia (Bulgaria) Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Sofia (Bulgaria) Institute of Medicine, Sofia (Bulgaria) see Natnl.& World Econ., Sofia] see T.U.Sofia] Soka University, Tokyo (Japan) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Somali National University, Mogadishu Songang University, Seoul (Republic of Korea) Prince of Songkla University (Thailand) Sonoma State University (formerly College) (Calif.) Soochow University, Shanghai (pre-war) Soochow University (Taiwan) Soo Do Medical College, Seoul (South Korea) Sookmyung Women’s University (South Korea) Sophia University (Tokyo) University of Forestry and Wood Technology, Sopron (Hungary) Slippery Rock Slovak Acad.Sc. [Slovak Technical U. S.Methodist S.Missionary S.Mississippi Smith [Smith, Johnson C. [Smith, Philander [Smith, William Sofia Sofia Acad.Med. Sofia Chem.Technol. Sofia Econ.Inst. Sofia Mech.Eng.Inst. Sofia Med.Inst. [Sofia Natnl.& World Econ. [Sofia T.U. Soka [Solusi Coll., Zimbabwe Somali Natnl. Songang Songkla Sonoma Soochow Soochow(Taiwan) Soo Do Med.Coll. Sookmyung Women’s Sophia Sopron S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation [Sorbonne S.Oregon Coll. S.Oregon State [South/Southern/Southeastern/ Southwestern... South [South(Argentina) Southeast(Nanjing) Southeastern(D.C.) [Southern(Alabama) [Southern Inst.Metall., Jiangxi Southern(La.) Southern Nazarene Southern Seminary Southern State(Ark.) Southern State(S.D.) [Southland Southwest Ag.(Beibei) [Southwest Baptist Southwestern Baptist Theol.Sem. Southwestern(Kansas) [Southwestern Louisiana Southwestern(Memphis) Southwestern(Philippines) Southwestern State Southwestern(Texas) Southwest Texas State Spalding Spelman Speyer Admin.Scis. S.Philippines [Spicer Memorial Spring Arbor Springfield Spring Hill Sri Nakharinwirot [St.Agnes St.Ambrose Stan. St.And.(Laurinburg) St.And.(Sask.) St.And.(Winn.) Full Name (formerly Forestry High School) see Paris IV] Southern Oregon College (later Southern Oregon State College) Southern Oregon State College (formerly Oregon College of Education, see Oregon Coll.) see also under S./S.E./S.W...] University of the South, Sewanee (Tenn.) see Natnl.South] Southeast University, Nanjing (China) Southeastern University, Washington (DC) see Birmingham-Southern] see Jiangxi Metall.] Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College (Louisiana) Southern Nazarene University (Oklahoma) Southern Seminary (Junior College) (Virginia) Southern State College (Arkansas) Southern State College (S. Dakota) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Southwest Agricultural College/University, Beibei, Chongqing (China) (untraceable: information from compiler at Massey 1997–98) see S.W.Baptist] Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Texas) Southwestern College (Kansas) see S.W.Louisiana] Southwestern (College) at Memphis (Tenn.) Southwestern University, Cebu City (Philippines) Southwestern State College (Oklahoma) Southwestern University, Georgetown (Texas) Southwest Texas State University (formerly College) Spalding College (Kentucky) Spelman College (Ga.) School of Administrative Sciences, Speyer (Germany) University of Southern Philippines Foundation see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Spring Arbor College (Mich.) Springfield College (Mass.) Spring Hill College (Alabama) Sri Nakharinwirot University (Thailand) see Mt.St.Agnes] Saint Ambrose College (Iowa) Stanford University (Calif.) Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian College (Laurinburg) (N. Carolina) Saint Andrew’s College, Saskatoon (affiliated to University of Saskatchewan; authorised to confer its own degrees of MDiv, BTh, STM, MTS, Hon. DD) Saint Andrew’s College, Winnipeg (affiliated to University of Manitoba; awards its own BTh, MDiv, Hon. DD, Hon. DCL) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Stanislaus St.Anselm [St.Anselm State Coll.D.A.& C.Lodz Stanislaus State College (Calif.) Saint Anselm College, Manchester (New Hampshire) see also Ans.] State College of Dramatic Art and Cinematography, Lodz (Poland) (later State College of Cinematography, Television and Dramatic Art, see Cinematog., TV & Dramatic Art, Lodz) see Warsaw Music] State College of Commerce, Antwerp (Belgium) (became part of State University Centre of Antwerp) State Institute of Medicine, Kalinin (Russian Federation) see Antwerp] Saint Augustine’s College (N. Carolina) = ? Stavropol’ Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages (Russian Federation) College of Saint Benedict (Minn.) Saint Benedict’s College (Kansas) Saint Bernard College (Alabama) Saint Bonaventure University (NY) College of Saint Catherine (Minn.) Saint Cloud State University (Minn.) (formerly State Teachers College, Saint Cloud) Saint Columban’s College (Wis.) Saint Columbans (Seminary) College, Sydney (untraceable: information from Technology, Sydney) see U.C.Lampeter] Saint Edward’s University (Texas) see Vilna] see Debrecen] see Russian Acad.Sc. (V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Moscow and a branch at St Petersburg) is part of the Russian Academy of Sciences)] College of Saint Elizabeth (NJ) see Kobe Kaisei] see Grenoble III] see Austin State] Stephens College (Missouri) Sterling College (Kansas) University of Saint-Etienne (France) Stetson University (John B. Stetson University) (Florida) College of Steubenville (Ohio) Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ) Saint Francis College, Fort Wayne (Indiana) Saint Francis College, Biddeford (Maine) Saint Francis College, Brooklyn (NY) Saint Gall Graduate School of Economics, Business and Public Administration (Hochschule), St. Gallen (Switzerland) Saint Hyacinth College and Seminary (Mass.) see U.Fac.St.Ignatius] Saint Ignatius College (Calif.) (later University of San Francisco) [State Coll.Music, Warsaw State Comm.C., Antwerp State Med.Inst.Kalinin [State U.Centre, Antwerp St.Augustine’s Stavropol’ St.Benedict(Minn.) St.Benedict’s(Kansas) St.Bernard(Al.) St.Bonaventure St.Catherine(Minn.) St.Cloud St.Columban’s St.Columbans(Syd.) [St.David’s St.Edward’s(Texas) [Stefan Batory, Vilna [Stefan Tisza [Steklov, V.A., Inst.Maths. St.Elizabeth [Stella Maris, Kobe [Stendhal [Stephen F.Austin Stephens Coll. Sterling St.-Etienne Stetson Steubenville Stevens St.Francis(Ind.) St.Francis(Me.) St.Francis(N.Y.) St.Gallen St.Hyacinth [St.Ignatius(Antwerp) St.Ignatius(San Francisco) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Stillman St.John Fisher [St.John’s(Manit.) St.John’s(Md.) St.John’s(Minn.) St.John’s(N.M.) St.John’s(N.Y.) St.John’s(Shanghai) St.John’s(Winn.) Stillman College (Alabama) Saint John Fisher College (NY) see St.John’s (Winn.)] Saint John’s College, Annapolis (Maryland) Saint John’s University (Minn.) Saint John’s College, Santa Fe (New Mexico) Saint John’s University (NY) Saint John’s University, Shanghai (China) (pre-war) Saint John’s College, Winnipeg (affiliated to University of Manitoba; awards its own BMin, BTh, MDiv, Hon. DD, Hon. DCL) (St.John’s(Manit.)) has also been used for this college) Saint Joseph University, Beirut (Lebanon) Saint Joseph’s College? (Dublin) Saint Joseph’s College (Indiana) Saint Joseph College (Maryland) see Mt.St.Joseph] Saint Joseph’s College (Maine) = ?Saint Joseph’s College, Mobile (Alabama) (according to N.U.I., but U.S. embassy cannot confirm) Saint Joseph’s Seminary, Saint Joseph’s Seminary and College (NY) Saint Joseph’s University (formerly College), Philadelphia (Penn.) Saint Lawrence University (NY) Saint Louis University (Missouri) Université Saint-Louis, Edmundston, New Brunswick (Canada) (1946– 63) Saint Louis University, Baguio City (Philippines) Saint Martin’s College (Wash.) College of Saint Mary (Nebraska) Saint Mary of the Lake Seminary (Ill.) Saint Mary of the Woods College (Indiana) Saint Mary’s College of California (see also Mt.St.Mary’s) Saint Mary’s Dominican College (Louisiana) Saint Mary’s College (Indiana) Saint Mary’s College (Kentucky) Saint Mary’s Seminary and University, Baltimore (Maryland) Saint Mary’s College (Michigan) Saint Mary’s College, Winona (Minn.) Saint Mary’s University of San Antonio (Texas) Saint Meinrad’s College (Indiana) see Gonzaga] Saint Michael’s College (Vermont) see Mt.St.Michael] Saint Norbert College (Wis.) University of Stockholm (Sweden) see R.I.T.Stockholm] see R.Pharm.Inst., Stockholm] Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden) Stockton State College (NJ) Saint Olaf College (Minn.) St.Joseph(Beirut) St.Joseph(Dublin) St.Joseph(Ind.) St.Joseph(Md.) [St.Joseph(Ohio) St.Joseph’s(Me.) St.Joseph’s(Mobile) St.Joseph’s(N.Y.) St.Joseph’s(Pa.) St.Lawrence St.Louis St.-Louis St.Louis(Baguio) St.Martin’s St.Mary(Nebraska) St.Mary of the Lake St.Mary of the Woods St.Mary’s(Calif.) St.Mary’s Dom. St.Mary’s(Ind.) St.Mary’s(Ky.) St.Mary’s(Md.) St.Mary’s(Mich.) St.Mary’s(Minn.) St.Mary’s(Texas) St.Meinrad [St.Michael’s Inst. St.Michael’s(Vt.) [St.Michael(Wash.) St.Norbert Stockholm [Stockholm Inst.Technol. [Stockholm Pharm.Inst. Stockholm Sch.Econ. Stockton St.Olaf S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Stonehill [Stony Brook Stout Inst. Stout State Coll. Stonehill College (Mass.) = State University of New York at Stony Brook, see N.Y.State] Stout Institute (Wis.) (see also next entry) Stout State College (Wis.) (formerly Stout Institute, from 1964 Stout State University and from 1971 University of Wisconsin-Stout) Saint Patrick’s College (California) (later Saint Joseph’s College Seminary) Saint Patrick’s College, Dublin (Ireland) (awards bachelor’s degrees in education) see Maynooth; St.Patrick’s(Dub.)] Saint Patrick’s College, Ottawa (once part of Carleton) see Catholic Inst.Syd.] Saint Paul College of Manila (Philippines) Saint Paul Seminary (Minn.) = ? Saint Paul’s University, Chicago (according to N.U.I., but U.S. embassy cannot confirm) Saint Paul’s College, Washington (DC) Saint Paul’s University, Tokyo (Rikkyo Daigaku) (Japan) Saint Peter’s College (NJ) see also Leningrad...] Saint Petersburg University (Russian Federation) (formerly Leningrad State University) (Stetson) College of Law, Saint Petersburg (Florida) (part of Stetson University) Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University) (Russian Federation) ? = new name for Leningrad P.I. (Russian Federation) (information from Auckland compiler) Saint Petersburg Shipbuilding University (Russian Federation) Saint Petersburg State University of Technology and Design (Russian Federation) now King’s College, affiliated to the University of Western Ontario Saint Procopius College, Lisle (Ill.) (now Illinois Benedictine College, see Illinois Benedictine) University of Strasbourg (if more specific information not available) Strasbourg I (Louis Pasteur University) (France) Strasbourg II (University of Human Sciences) (France) Strasbourg III(Université Robert Schuman) (France) Stratford College (Virginia) Strayer College, Washington (DC) see Cardinal Stritch] College of Saint Rose (NY) College of Saint Scholastica (Minn.) see Mt.St.Scholastica] see Greg.Fac.Tullamore] = ?Saint Stephen’s College, Edmonton (affiliated to University of Alberta) (there is also a constituent college of University of Delhi of this name) St Stephen’s University, Hungary St.Patrick’s(Calif.) St.Patrick’s(Dub.) [St.Patrick’s(Ireland) St.Patrick’s(Ott.) [St.Patrick’s(Syd.) St.Paul Coll.(Manila) St.Paul(Minn.) St.Paul’s(Chicago) St.Paul’s(D.C.) St.Paul’s(Tokyo) St.Peter’s [St.Petersburg... St.Petersburg St.Petersburg(Fla.) St.Petersburg Mining St.Petersburg Polytech.U. St.Petersburg Shipbuilding St.Petersburg Technol.& Design St.Peter’s Sem.(W.Ont.) St.Procopius Stras. Stras.I Stras.II Stras.III Stratford Strayer [Stritch St.Rose St.Scholastica [St.Scholastica(Kansas) [St.Stanislaus St.Stephen’s St.Stephen’s(Hungary) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name St.T.Aquinas St.T.Aquinas(Ill.) Saint Thomas Aquinas College (NY) Dominican College of Saint Thomas Aquinas, River Forest (Ill.) (see also Aquinas(Ill.)) Saint Theresa College, Tandag (Philippines) see Aquinas...; St.T.Aquinas...; also Pontif.U.S.Th.Aq.] Saint Thomas University in Miami (Florida) University of Saint Thomas, Houston (Texas) see Santo Tomas] College of Saint Thomas, St. Paul (Minn.) Saint Thomas Seminary (Conn.) Studium Generale of the English Dominican Province (awards STL) Sturt College of Advanced Education (Australia) University of Stuttgart (before 1967), see also F.T.Stuttgart; L.H.Stuttgart; T.H.Stuttgart) Saint Vincent College (Penn.) Saint Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary (Florida) see Mt.St.Vin.(N.Y.)] Saint Xavier College, Chicago (Ill.) University of Sudbury (Ontario) (federated with Laurentian University; holds its degree-granting powers in abeyance) Suez Canel University, Ismailia (Egypt) Suffolk University, Boston (Mass.) see Mt.Klabat] University of Sulaymaniyah (Sulaimaniya) (later Salahaddin), Erbil (Iraq) Sul Ross State University (formerly College) (Texas) Sung Kyun Kwan University (Korea) see N.Y.State] Sun Yat-Sen University, Canton (China) (see also Natnl.Sun Yat Sen; Zhongshan) Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences (China) (see also Zhongshan Med.) see Natnl.South] Surabaya University (Indonesia) Surabaya Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Instit Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidkan (IKIP)) (Indonesia) South Ural State University (Russia) University of Suriname (Anton de Kom Universiteti van Suriname) Susquehanna University (Penn.) Suzhou University, Jiangsu Province (China) see Fin.& Bus.Affairs, Svishtov] Swarthmore College (Penn.) Southwest Baptist College (Missouri) Southwest China Jiaotong University, Sichuan (China) Southwest China Petroleum Institute Southwest China Teachers University, Chongqing Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (see also Agric.C.Sweden) see R.Acad., Sweden] St.Theresa [St.Thomas Aquinas... St.Thomas(Fla.) St.Thomas(Houston) [St.Thomas(Manila) St.Thomas(Minn.) St.Thomas Sem. Studium Gen.Engl.Dom.Prov. Sturt C.A.E. Stuttgart St.Vincent St.Vincent de Paul [St.Vincent(N.Y.) St.Xavier Sudbury Suez Canal Suffolk(Mass.) [Sulawesi Utara Sulaymaniyah Sul Ross Sung Kyun Kwan [S.U.N.Y. Sun Yat-Sen Sun Yat-Sen Med. [Sur Surabaya Surabaya Inst.Educn. S.Ural State Suriname Susquehanna Suzhou [Svishtov Finance & Bus.Affairs Swarthmore S.W.Baptist S.W.China Jiaotong S.W.China Petroleum Inst. S.W.China Teachers Swedish Ag.Scis. [Swedish Royal Acad. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Sweet Briar S.W.Forestry(Kunming) Sweet Briar College (Virginia) Southwest Forestry College, Kunming, Yunnan Province (China) (untraceable: information from compiler at National University of Singapore) Swinburne Institute of Technology, Melbourne (Australia) see E.T.H.Zürich] Southwestern Louisiana Institute (later University of Southwestern Louisiana) Southwest Missouri State University (formerly College) Southwestern Oklahoma State University see Southwest Texas State] Sydney College of Advanced Education (Australia) (in 1990, part amalgamated with University of Sydney, the rest with University of Technology, Sydney) Sydney College of the Arts (Australia) (in 1990 amalgamated with University of Sydney) Sydney Conservatorium of Music (Australia) Sydney College of Divinity (Australia) (established 1983; awards BTh) Sydney Teachers’ College (in 1982 merged with Sydney College of Advanced Education) Syktyvkar State University (Russian Federation) Syracuse University (NY) University of Agriculture, Szczecin (formerly Academy (formerly College) of Agriculture, Szczecin (Poland) see T.U.Szczecin] Szechuan University (Chengtu) (now disbanded) (formed after World War II from faculties of National Szechuan University) (see also Natnl.Szechuan; Sichuan) Jozsef Attila University (formerly University of Szeged) (Hungary) see Albert Szent-Györgi] Swinburne I.T. [Swiss I.T. S.W.Louisiana S.W.Missouri S.W.Oklahoma State [S.W.Texas State Sydney C.A.E. Sydney Coll.Arts Sydney Cons. Sydney Div.Coll. Sydney Teachers’ Coll. Syktyvkar State Syr. Szczecin Agric. [Szczecin T.U. Szechuan Szeged [Szent-Györgi T Tabor Tabriz Taipei Med.Coll. Taisho Tai-Tung Taiwan Agric. Taiwan Chinese [Taiwan Christian Coll. [Taiwan Coll.of Educn. Taiwan Eng.C. [Taiwan I.T. Taiwan Law & Comm. Tabor College (Kansas) University of Tabriz (Iran) (Private) Taipei Medical College (Taiwan) Taisho University, Tokyo (Japan) Tai-Tung University, Shanghai (China) (pre-war) Taiwan Provincial College of Agriculture (later part of Taiwan Provincial Chung Hsing, see Chung Hsing) University of Chinese Culture, Taipei (Taiwan) see Chung Yuan Coll.] see Natnl.Taiwan C.E.] = ? Taiwan College of Engineering (later Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University) (see also Ordnance Engin.Coll.(Taiwan)) see Natnl.Taiwan] Taiwan Provincial College of Law and Commerce (later part of Taiwan Provincial Chung Hsing, see Chung Hsing) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Taiwan Normal Taiwan Normal University (sometimes referred to as Taiwan Provincial Normal University) (later National Taiwan Normal University, see Natnl.Taiwan Normal) see Chung Hsing] Taiwan Teachers’ College (since 1987 Taiwan Provincial Chiayi Teachers’ College) = ? Tai Yen College, Shanghai (China) (according to University of Singapore) Taiyuan Medical College, Shansi (China) Taiyuan Teachers’ College, Shansi (China) Taiyuan University of Technology, Shansi (China) Takushoku University (Japan) Talbot Theological Seminary (Calif.) (now part of Biola University) Talladega College (Alabama) Tallinn Polytechnical Institute (Estonia) Tallinn Technical University (Estonia) Tama University of Fine Arts, Tokyo (Japan) Tamagawa University, Tokyo (Japan) Tamkang University, Taipei (Taiwan) (formerly Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences) University of Tampere (Finland) Tanta University (Egypt) see Kiev Taras Scevchenko] Tarbiat Modarres University (Iran) Tarim Agricultural University, Oygur Xinjiang Autonomous Region (China) (untraceable: information from compiler at National University of Singapore 1997–98) Tarleton State University (Texas) Tartu State University (Estonia) = ? Tashkent University (Uzbekistan) see Inst.Agric.Tashkent] Institute of Irrigation and Mechanisation of Agriculture, Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Tasmanian College of Advanced Education (Australia) Tasmanian School of Art (Australia) (superseded by Tasmanian College of Advanced Education) see Tasmanian State I.T.] Tasmanian State Institute of Technology (Australia) Tatung (College/Institute) of Technology, Taipei (Taiwan) Taylor University (Indiana) Tbilisi (Tbilisskij/Tiflis) State University (Georgia) see Trinity(Dub.)] see Moscow State Cons.] see Chernivtsi, Chernowitz] see Haifa(Technion)] Technological Institute of the Philippines (not the same as T.U. Philippines) see Baghdad Technol.] University of Teheran (or Tehran) (Iran) [Taiwan Provincial Chung Hsing Taiwan Teachers’ Tai Yen Taiyuan Taiyuan Teachers’ Taiyuan U.T. Takushoku Talbot Talladega Tallinn Tallinn Tech. Tama Tamagawa Tamkang Tampere Tanta [Taras Scevchenko Tarbiat Modarres Tarim Agric. Tarleton Tartu Tashkent [Tashkent Agric. Tashkent Inst.Irrigation Tasmanian C.A.E. Tasmanian Sch.Art [Tasmanian S.I.T. Tasmanian State I.T. Tatung Technol. Taylor Tbilisi [T.C.D. [Tchaikovsky [Tchernowitz [Technion, Technion-Israel Technol.Inst.(Philippines) [Technol.(Iraq) Teheran S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Teheran Inst.Adv.Acctg. [Teheran Internat.Mgt. Teheran Polytech. [Teheran U.T. Teikyo Institute of Advanced Accounting, Teheran (Iran) see Coll.Internat.Mgt., Teheran] Teheran Polytechnic (Iran) see Amir Kabir U.T.; Arya-Mehr; Sharif; Iran U.S.T.] Teikyo University (Japan) (an offshoot of this private institution leases land from University of Durham) Tel-Aviv University (Israel) Temple University (Penn.) University of Tennessee Tennessee Technological University Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State University (later Tennessee State University) see Pontif.Fac.Teresianum] University of Texas Texas College of Arts and Industries (later Texas A.& I. University) Texas A. & M. University (Texas A. & M. System, Agricultural & Mechanical College System of Texas) Texas Christian University Texas Lutheran College Texas Southern University Texas State College for Women (later Texas Woman’s University) Texas Tech University (formerly Texas Technological College) Texas Wesleyan College Texas Western College (later University of Texas at El Paso) Texas Woman’s University Tezukayama Gakuin University (Japan) Rheinische-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, Aachen (Germany) Thammasat University, Bangkok (Thailand) Technische Hochschule, Berlin-Charlottenburg (Germany) (pre-war) Technische Hochschule, Braunschweig (Germany) (in 1968 became T.U.Braunschweig, qv) Danzig (Gdánska) Polytechnic (Poland) (pre-war) (see also T.U.Gdánsk) Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (Germany) Delft University of Technology (Technische Hogeschool Delft) (Netherlands) (see also I.T.C.Delft) Technische Hochschule, Dresden (Germany) (see also T.U.Dresden) see Inst.Soc.Stud.(The Hague)] Theologische Hogeschool, Kampen (Netherlands) see Salonika] see Grad.Sch.Indust.St., Salonika] Technische Hochschule, Graz (Austria) (now T.U.Graz, qv) Technische Hochschule, Hanover (Germany) (later University of Hanover) (see also Hanover; Hanover Med.Sch.; Tier.H., Hannover) Thiel College (Penn.) = ? (Thiers = town near Clermont-Ferrand, France)] Technische Hochschule, Ilmenau (Germany) Technische Hochschule Fridericiana, Karlsruhe (Germany) Tel-Aviv Temple Tennessee Tennessee Tech. Tennessee State [Teresianum Texas Texas A.& I. Texas A.& M. Texas Christian Texas Luth. Texas Southern Texas State Coll.for Women Texas Tech Texas Wesleyan Texas Western Texas Woman’s Tezukayama Gakuin T.H.Aachen Thammasat T.H.Berlin T.H.Braunschweig T.H.Danzig T.H.Darmstadt T.H.Delft T.H.Dresden [The Hague Soc.Stud. Theol.Sch.Kampen [Thessalonika [Thessaloniki Indust.St. T.H.Graz T.H.Hanover Thiel [Thier T.H.Ilmenau T.H.Karlsruhe S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name T.H.Lund Tekniska Hogsköla, Lund (Sweden) (later incorporated into the University of Lund) Technische Hochschule Otto von Guericke, Magdeburg (Germany) (formerly H.S. Magdeburg) Technische Hochschule ’Carl Schorlemmer’, Leuna-Merseburg (Germany) (Carl Schorlemmer dropped from later versions of name) Technische Hochschule (later Technische Universität), Munich (Germany) (there is also a university in Munich, see Munich) Thomas A. Edison State College (NJ) Thomas Jefferson University (Penn.) (formerly Jefferson Medical College) Thorneloe University (federated with Laurentian University, but presumably still grants degrees in theology – DSLitt in Trinity College chapter) Demokritos University of Thrace Technische Hochschule, Stuttgart (Germany) (in 1967 became University of Stuttgart) Norges Tekniske Hogskole, Trondheim (Norway) (later University of Trondheim, see Trondheim) (T.U.Trondheim has also been used as an abbreviation for this institution) Technische Hogeschool, Twente (Twente University of Technology) (Netherlands) Technische Hochschule Wien (Austria) (later T.U.Vienna, qv) Tianjin University, Nankai District (China) Tianjin Institute of Foreign Languages (China) Tainjin Institute of Light Industry (China) Tianjin Normal (China) (formerly known as Tianjin Teachers’ College) Tianjin Teachers’ College (China) (later known as Tianjin Normal) Technical Institute of Brasov (Romania) (in 1971 incorporated in University of Brasov (see Brasov) Technical Institute of Bucharest (Romania) Technical Institute of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Tientsin University (China) Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover (Hanover School of Veterinary Medicine) (Germany) Tierärztliche Hochschule, Vienna (Austria) (later Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine) see Tbilisi] Technical Institute of Jassy (Romania) Tilburg University (Netherlands) (see also C.U.Tilburg; E.H.Tilburg) University of Timisoara (Romania) Institute of Agriculture, Timisoara (Romania) see Inst.Med.Timisoara] see T.I.Timisoara] Timisoara Technical University (Romania) University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tirgu Mures (Romania) (see also Inst.Med.Pharm., Tirgu-Mures) see Roussé T.I.] T.H.Magdeburg T.H.Merseburg T.H.Munich Thomas A.Edison State Thomas Jefferson Thorneloe Thrace T.H.Stuttgart T.H.Trondheim T.H.Twente T.H.Vienna Tianjin Tianjin Inst.Foreign Langs. Tianjin Light Industry Tianjin Normal Tianjin Teachers’ T.I.Brasov T.I.Bucharest T.I.Cluj-Napoca Tientsin Tier.H., Hannover Tier.H., Vienna [Tiflis T.I.Jassy Tilburg Timisoara Timisoara Agric. [Timisoara Med. [Timisoara T.I. Timisoara T.U. Tirgu Mures Med.& Pharm. [T.I.Roussé S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name T.I.Timisoara Tizi-Ouzon Tjokroaminoto Tohoku Tokai Tokushima Tokyo Tokyo Agric.& Technol. Tokyo Arts Technical Institute of Timisoara (Romania) University Centre of Tizi-Ouzon (Algeria) Universitas Tjokroaminoto (C(h)okroaminoto) (Indonesia) Tohoku University (Japan) Tokai University (Japan) Tokushima University (Japan) Tokyo University (Japan) Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Japan) Tokyo University of Arts (Japan) (incorporating School of Fine Arts and School of Music) Tokyo University of Education (Japan) University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Japan) Tokyo Gakugei University (Japan) Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) Tokyo University of Literature and Science (Japan) Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan) Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan) Tokyo University of Science (Japan) Tokyo Union Theological College (Japan) Tokyo University of Fisheries (Japan) Tokyo Women’s Christian University (Tokyo Jyoshi Daigaku) (Japan) University of Toledo (Ohio) University of Tolima (Colombia) Tomsk State University (Russian Federation) Tomsk Polytechnical Institute (Russian Federation) Tongji University, Shanghai (China) see Vic.State Coll.] Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College (Canada) (has authority to grant degrees in theology) see Turin] Torrens College of Advanced Education (Australia) Copernicus (Mikolaja Kopernika) University, Torún (Poland) Tottori University (Japan) Tougaloo College (Mississippi) University of Toulon and Var University of Toulouse (France) Université des sciences sociales (Toulouse I) (France) Toulouse III (University Paul Sabatier) (France) see Inst.d’Ét.Internationales] University of Toulouse-le-Mirail (Toulouse II) (France) see Inst.Nat.Poly.Toulouse] see Inst.d’É Touraine] Touro College (NY) (François-Rabelais) University of Tours (France) (see also OrléansTours) Townsville College of Advanced Education (Australia) (amalgamated with James Cook University 1982) Towson State College (Maryland) Tokyo Educn. Tokyo Electro-Communicns. Tokyo Foreign Tokyo Gakugei Tokyo I.T. Tokyo Lit.& Sci. Tokyo Med.& Dent. Tokyo Metropolitan Tokyo Sci. Tokyo Union Tokyo U.of Fisheries Tokyo Women’s Christian Toledo(Ohio) Tolima Tomsk Tomsk P.I. Tongji [Toorak Tor.Bapist Sem. [Torino Torrens C.A.E. Torún Tottori Tougaloo Toulon & Var Toulouse Toulouse I Toulouse III [Toulouse Internat.Studies Toulouse-le-Mirail [Toulouse Polytech. [Touraine French Studies Touro Tours Townsville C.A.E. Towson State S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Toyama Toyo Toyohashi [Traditional Chinese Medicine Transylvania Trento Trenton State Tribhuvan Trier Trieste Trieste Internat.Sch.Adv.Stud. Toyama University (Japan) Toyo University (Japan) Toyohashi University of Technology (Japan) see Beijing Trad.Chinese Med.; Shanghai Trad.Med.& Pharmacol.] Transylvania University (formerly College) (Kentucky) University of Trento (Italy) Trenton State College (NJ) Tribhuvan University (Nepal) University of Trier (Germany) University of Trieste (Italy) International School of Advanced Studies, Trieste (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)) (Italy) (awards higher degrees in maths and physics) Trinity College, Hartford (Conn.) Trinity College (Ill.) (formerly Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) Trinity College, Washington (DC) Trinity Christian College (Ill.) Trinity College, Dublin (Ireland) Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (became part of Trinity College (Ill.)) Trinity Lutheran Seminary (Ohio) Trinity University (Texas) see Al-Fateh] Trisakti University, Djakarta (Indonesia) Tri-State University (formerly College) (Indiana) University of Tromsø (Norway) University of Trondheim (Norway) (see also T.H.Trondheim; T.U.Trondheim) see I.C.T.A.] see Inst.Trop.Med.Antwerp] see I.E.M.V.T., Maison-Alfort] Troy State University (formerly College) (Alabama) (now Qinghua, qv) Tsinghua University, Beijing (China) see Kaluga State Ped.Inst.] Tsuda College (Tokyo) University of Tsukuba (Japan) National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Technical University of Berlin, Berlin-Charlottenburg (Germany) Eberhard Karl University, Tübingen (Germany) Technical University of the Black Sea, Trabzon (Turkey) Technical University of Bratislava (Slovakia) Carolo-Wilhelmina Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany) Technical University of Brno (Czech Republic) Technical University of Budapest (Hungary) Technical University of Bucharest (Romania) Technical University of Cataluña (Spain) Technical University of Clausthal (Germany) (formerly Bergakademie Clausthal, see Clausthal) see Compiègne] Trin.Coll.Hartford Trin.Coll.(Ill.) Trin.Coll.(Washington) Trinity Christian Trinity(Dub.) Trinity Evang.Div.Sch.(Ill.) Trin.Luth. Trin.(Texas) [Tripoli Trisakti Tri-State Tromsø Trondheim [Trop.Agric., Trinidad [Trop.Med.Inst.(Antwerp) [Trop.Vet.Med., Maison-Alfort Troy Tsinghua [Tsiolkovski Tsuda Tsukuba T.U.Athens T.U.Berlin Tübingen T.U.Black Sea T.U.Bratislava T.U.Braunschweig T.U.Brno T.U.Budapest T.U.Bucharest T.U.Cataluña T.U.Clausthal [T.U.Compiègne S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [T.U.Copenhagen T.U.Cracow T.U.Crete Tucumán [T.U.Czestochowska T.U.Denmark T.U.Dresden T.U.Eindhoven Tufts T.U.Gdansk T.U.Graz T.U.Hamburg-Harburg T.U.Helsinki see T.U.Denmark] Technical University of Cracow (Poland) Technical University of Crete (Polytechnion Kritis) (Greece) National University of Tucumán (San Miguel de Tucumán) (Argentina) see Czestochowska] Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen Technical University of Dresden (Germany) (formerly T.H. Dresden) Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) Tufts University (Mass.) Technical University of Gdansk (Politechnika Gdanska) (Poland) Technical University of Graz (Austria) (formerly T.H. Graz) Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg (Germany) Technical University of Helsinki (Helsinki University of Technology) (Finland) Technical University of Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) Technical University of Istanbul (Turkey) Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (Jassy) (Romania) Technical University of Karadeniz (Turkey) (in 1982 became Karadeniz University) Technical University of Kielce (Politechnika Swietorkrzyska, Kielce) (Poland) Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia) Tulane University (Louisiana) Polytechnical Institute, Tula (Russian Federation) Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal) see Greg.Fac.Tullamore] Technical University of Lodz (Poland) University of Tulsa (Oklahoma) Technical University of Lublin (Politechnika Lubelska) (Poland) Luleå University of Technology (Sweden) Technical University of Madrid (Spain) Technical University of Magdeburg (Germany) Technical University for Heavy Industry, Miskolc (Hungary) (now University of Miskolc, see Miskolc) Technical University of Munich (Germany) Tunghai (Christian) University, Taiwan = ? Tung-Wu, Soochow University of Tunis (Tunisia) Université de Droit, d’Economie et de Gestion (Tunis III) (Tunisia) see Oruro] Technical University of Pereira (Colombia) Technological University of the Philippines, Manila Technical University of Poznan (Poland) Technical University of Prague (Czech Republic) (formerly Czech Technical University in Prague) University of Turin (Italy) Polytechnic Institute of Turin (Italy) University of Turku (Finland) (State) Technical University of Santiago (Chile) (in 1981 became T.U.Ho Chi Minh City T.U.Istanbul T.U.Jassy T.U.Karadeniz T.U.Kielce T.U.Kosice Tulane Tula P.I. T.U.Lisbon [Tullamore T.U.Lodz Tulsa T.U.Lublin T.U.Luleå T.U.Madrid T.U.Magdeburg T.U.Miskolc T.U.Munich Tunghai Tung-Wu Tunis Tunis III [T.U.Oruro T.U.Pereira T.U.Philippines T.U.Poznan T.U.Prague Turin Turin P.I. Turku T.U.Santiago S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Tuscany Tusculum [T.U.Silesia Tuskegee T.U.Sofia T.U.Szczecin [T.U.Timisoara T.U.Trondheim T.U.Uruguay T.U.Valparaiso T.U.Varna T.U.Vienna T.U.Warsaw T.U.Wroclaw T.U.Zilina Tuzla Tver [Twente Tyumen State U U.C.Aberystwyth U.C.Bangor U.C.Cardiff [U.C.L.A. U.C.Lampeter U.C.Lond. U.C.Swansea Udine U.Fac.St.Ignatius U.I.Antwerp [U.I.S.U. [U.I.U.C. Ukr.Acad.Agric. Ukr.Acad.Sc. Ukr.Natnl.Acad.Scis. Ukr.Free U. Exile Ulyanovsk State Tech. Full Name University of Santiago de Chile) University of Tuscany (Università degli studi della Tuscia) (Italy) Tusculum College (Tenn.) see Gliwice] Tuskegee Institute (Alabama) Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria) Technical University of Szczecin (Poland) see Timisoara T.U.] Technical University, Trondheim (Norway) (Norges Tekniske Hogskole) (later University of Trondheim) Technical University of Uruguay, Montevideo ‘Federico Santa Maria’ Technical University, Valparaiso (Chile) Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria) (formerly Higher Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Vienna (Austria) (formerly T.H.Vienna, qv) Technical University of Warsaw (Poland) (see also Warsaw U.T.) Technical University of Wroclaw (Poland) Technical University of Transport and Communication, Zilina (Czech Republic) (formerly College of Transport and Faculty of Railway Engineering of T.U.Prague) University of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Tverskoj Gosudarstvennyj Universitet (Russian Federation) (formerly Kalinin State University) see T.H.Twente] Tyumen State University (Russian Federation) University College of Wales, Aberystwyth University College of North Wales, Bangor University of Wales College of Cardiff see Calif.] Saint David’s University College, Lampeter, University of Wales (until 1971 awarded its own degrees, see Lampeter) University College London University College of Swansea, University of Wales Università degli Studi di Udine (Italy) University Faculty ‘Saint Ignatius’ of Antwerp (Belgium) Universitaire Instelling, Antwerpen (Belgium) see Islamic U., N.Sumatra] University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, see Ill.] (Ukranian) Academy of Agriculture, Kiev Ukranian Academy of Science National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine [very possibly the same as Ukr.Acad.Sc., but searches inconclusive] Ukranian Free University, Munich (Germany) Ukranian Technical University in Exile, Munich (Germany) Ulyanovsk State Technical University (Russia) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Ulm Umeå Umm Al-Qura [U.N.A.S. [Union... University of Ulm (Germany) Umeå University (Sweden) Umm Al-Qura University, Mecca (Saudi Arabia) see Natnl.Jakarta] see also Atlantic Union; Chic.Catholic Union; Columbia Union; Cooper Union; Grad.Theol.Union; Hebrew Union; Korean Sahmyook; Mt.Union; Pacific Union; Peking Union Med.; Philippine Union; Severance Union, Seoul; Tokyo Union; U.T.S.(N.Y.); U.T.S.(Ohio); U.T.S.(Va.); Virginia Union; W.China Union] Union College of British Columbia Union Graduate School, Cincinnati (Ohio) Union College (Ill.) The Union Institute, Cincinati (Ohio) Union College (Nebraska) Union College and/or University (Schenectady & Albany) (NY) Union University (Tenn.) see U.T.S...] see U.T.S.(Va.)] United College (formerly affiliated to University of Manitoba and later to University of Winnipeg) United Theological College (affiliated to McGill University, but confers its own Hon. DD, grants certificates for ordination and awards MDiv jointly with McGill’s two other affiliated colleges) see U.T.S.(Ohio)] Universidad Cetec, Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) (presumably goes back to Centro de Estudios Technicos, its previous name) University Institute of Economics, Commerce and Foreign Languages and Literature, Venice (Italy) (in 1969 became University of Venice) Upland College (Calif.) (merged with Messiah College 1965) Upper Iowa University, Fayette (Iowa) Uppsala University (Sweden) see Agric.C.Sweden; R.Agric.Coll., Sweden] Upsala College (NJ) Ural Polytechnical Institute, Sverdlovsk (Russian Federation) Ural State University, Sverdlovsk (Russian Federation) Urbana Junior College (Ohio) (later Urbana College) see Pontif.Urb.] University of Urbino (Italy) Ursinus College (Penn.) University of Science and Technology ‘Houari Boumediene’, Algiers (Algeria) Ursuline College (Kentucky) see Republic (Montevideo); T.U.Uruguay] United States Air Force Academy (Colorado) United States Air Force Institute of Technology, Dayton (Ohio) United States Coast Guard Academy (Conn.) United States International University (Calif.) (until 1966, California Western University) Union(B.C.) Union Grad.Sch. Union(Ill.) Union Inst.(Ohio) Union(Neb.) Union(N.Y.) Union(Tenn.) [Union Theol.Sem... [Union(Va.) United Coll.(Manit.) United Theol.Coll.(P.Q.) [United Theol.Sem., Dayton Univ.Cetec Univ.Econ.Inst.(Venice) Upland Upper Iowa Uppsala [Uppsala Agric. Upsala(N.J.) Ural Polytech.Inst. Ural State Urbana [Urbaniana Urbino Ursinus U.S.T.H.B.Algiers Ursuline [Uruguay U.S.Air Force Acad. U.S.Air Force I.T. U.S.Coast Guard Acad. U.S.Internat. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name U.S.Merchant Marine Acad. U.S.Military Acad. U.S.Naval Acad. [U.S.Naval Postgrad.Sch. U.S.Sports Acad. U.S.S.R.Acad.Sc. United States Merchant Marine Academy (NY) United States Military Academy (NY) United States Naval Academy, Annapolis (Maryland) see Naval Sch., Monterey] United States Sports Academy, Mobile (Alabama) Academy of Science (USSR) (chief co-ordinating body for scientific research in the former Soviet Union: in 1991 became Russian Academy of Sciences (see Russian Acad.Sc.) USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (now Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, see Russian Acad.Med.Sc.) see North Sumatra] see China U.S.T.] University of Utah Utah State University (of Agriculture and Applied Science) (formerly Utah State Agricultural College) see United Theol.Coll(P.Q.)] Utopia University, Shanghai (China) State University of Utrecht (Netherlands) Union Theological Seminary (NY) Union Theological Seminary (Ohio) Utsunomiya University (Japan) Union Theological Seminary in Virginia see Wales (UWIST never awarded its own degrees)] Uzhgorod State University (Ukraine) U.S.S.R.Acad.Med.Scis. [U.S.U. [U.S.T.China Utah Utah State [U.T.C.(Montréal) Utopia(Shanghai) Utrecht U.T.S.(N.Y.) U.T.S.(Ohio) Utsunomiya U.T.S.(Va.) [U.W.I.S.T. Uzhgorod V Valencia Valenciennes [Valéry Valladolid Valle Valley City Valparaiso Valparaiso(Ind.) Vancouver Bible Coll. [Vancouver, City Univ. Vancouver Sch.Theol. Vanderbilt [Vargas Varna Econ. [Varna T.U. [Vasco Vassar [V.A.Steklov Inst.Maths. University of Valencia (Spain) Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis (France) see Montpellier III] University of Valladolid (Spain) University of Valle (Colombia) Valley City State College (S. Dakota) University of Valparaiso (Chile) (see also C.U.Valparaiso; T.U.Valparaiso) Valparaiso University (Indiana) Vancouver Bible College (apparently no longer in existence) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] Vancouver School of Theology (affiliated to University of British Columbia; awards its own MDiv, MTS, ThM and Hon. DD) Vanderbilt University (Tenn.) see Getúlio Vargas] Varna University of Economics (Bulgaria) (see also Inst.Nat.Econ., Varna) see T.U.Varna] see Basque] Vassar College (NY) see Russian Acad.Sc.] S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Vaucluse Växjö Vechta Venezuela Central see Avignon] Växjö College (Högskolani Växjö) (Sweden) University of Vechta (Germany) Central University of Venezuela, Caracas (there was also a Catholic University of Venezuela) University of Venice, Ca’ Foscari (Italy) (see also Univ.Econ.Inst. (Venice)) University of Veracruz, Jalapa (Mexico) University of Vermont and State Agricultural College see Sch.Internat.Training(Vermont)] University of Verona (Italy) University of Versailles/Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines Veszprém Technical University of Chemical Engineering (Hungary) see Copenhagen Agric.] Veterinary College of Norway, Oslo (later Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine) University School of Veterinary Medicine, Brno (Czech Republic) (later University of Veterinary Science) see Tier.H., Hannover] University of Veterinary Science, Brno (Czech Republic) Victoria Institute of Colleges (Australia) (ceased to exist) Victoria College of Pharmacy, Melbourne (Australia) (awarded own BPharm, MPharm, PhD) State College of Victoria (Australia) (until 1981; consisted of State College of Victoria at Burwood, Coburg, Frankston, Hawthorn, Toorak; Institute of Catholic Education; Institute of Early Childhood Development; Melbourne State College, Rusden) see Cluj] see Inst.Cath.Ed.(Vic.)] Victoria College (Australia) (various campuses – Burwood, Rusden, etc.) Victorian College of the Arts (Australia) University of Vienna (Austria) Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (Austria) Wirtschafts-universität, Wien (University of Business Administration, Vienna) (Austria) (until 1975, H. für Welthandel (Vienna)) Vienna College of Music and Dramatic Art (Austria) see H.für Welthandel (Vienna); Vienna Bus.Admin.] Venice Veracruz Vermont [Vermont Internat.Training Verona Versailles Veszprém [Vet.& Agric.Coll., Copenhagen Vet.Coll.Norway Vet.Sch.Brno [Vet.Sch.Hanover Vet.Sci.Brno Vic.I.C. Vic.Pharm. Vic.State Coll. [Victor Babes [Victoria Catholic Educn. Victoria Coll.(Aust.) Victorian Coll.Arts Vienna Vienna Agric. Vienna Bus.Admin. Vienna Coll.Music & Dramatic Art [Vienna Comm.Coll./Vienna Sch.of Econ & Business Admin. [Vienna T.H./T.U. [Vienna Vet.Coll. Vienna Vet.Med. Villa Clara Inst.Med. Villanova Vilna Vilnius Vilnius Pedagog. see T.H./T.U.Vienna] see Tier.H., Vienna] Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine (Austria) Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara (Cuba) Villanova University (Penn.) Stefan Batory University, Vilna (Lithuania) (later Vilna State University) (Vilna is the Russian and English, Wilno the Polish form) Vilnius V. Kapsukas State University (Lithuania) Vilnius Pedagogical University (Lithuania) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Vilnius T.U. [Vincennes Vinnitsa State T.U. Virginia Virginia Commonwealth Virginia Med.Coll. Virginia Military Inst. Virginia Polytech. Virginia State Virginia Union Viterbo Coll. Vladimir P.I. Volgograd [Vollebekk Von Karman Inst.Fluid Dynamics Voronezh Voronezh Forestry Engin. Vorosilovgrad Machine Engin.Inst. [V.P.I.& S.U. V.U.Amst. V.U.Brussels Vilnius Technological University (Lithuania) see Paris VIII] Vinnitsa State Technical University (Ukraine) University of Virginia Virginia Commonwealth University Medical College of Virginia Virginia Military Institute, Lexington Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Virginia State University (formerly College) Virginia Union University Viterbo College (Wis.) Vladimir Polytechnical Institute, Vladimir (Russian Federation) Volgograd Polytechnical Institute (Russian Federation) see Agric.Coll.Norway] Von Karman Institute of Fluid Dynamics (Belgium) Voronezh State University (Russian Federation) Voronezh State Academy of Forestry Engineering (Russian Federation) Institute of Machine Engineering, Vorosilovgrad (Ukraine) see Virginia Polytech.] Free University (Vrije Universiteit), Amsterdam (Netherlands) Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels (Belgium) (founded 1970 when the former Free University of Brussels, founded 1834, was replaced by separate Dutch- and Frenchspeaking universities) W Wabash Wabash College (Indiana) Institute of Agronomy/Agricultural University, Wageningen (Netherlands) International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen (different institution from Wageningen) Wagner College (NY) (formerly Wagner Lutheran College and Wagner Memorial Lutheran College) Wakayama University (Japan) Wakayama Prefectural Medical University (formerly College) (Japan) Wake Forest University (formerly College) (N. Carolina) Wake Technical College (N. Carolina) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] University of Wales College of Medicine Walla Walla College (Wash.) Walsh College (Mich.) University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) Warner Pacific College, Portland (Oregon) Warren Wilson College (N. Carolina) Warrnambool Institute of Advanced Education (Australia) (in 1990 merged with Deakin University) Joseph Pilsudski University, Warsaw (Poland) (later Warsaw Wageningen Wageningen I.A.C. Wagner Wakayama Wakayama Med. Wake Forest Wake Tech. [Walden Wales Coll.Med. Walla Walla Walsh Warmia & Mazury Warner Pacific Warren Wilson Warrnambool I.A.E. Warsaw S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name University) [Warsaw Acad.Sc. see Polish Acad.Sc.] Warsaw Agric. Warsaw Agricultural University (formerly Central College of Agriculture, Warsaw, see S.G.G.W., Warsaw) [Warsaw Electro-Tech. see Electro-Tech.Inst., Warsaw] Warsaw Fine Arts Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw (Poland) Warsaw Med. Academy of Medicine, Warsaw (Poland) Warsaw Music (Frederick Chopin) Academy of Music (Poland) [Warsaw Planning & Stats. see Sch.Plan.Stat., Warsaw] Warsaw Sch.Econ. Warsaw School of Economics (formerly Sch.Plan.Stat., Warsaw) Warsaw Tech.Mil.Acad. Technical Military Academy, Warsaw (Poland) Warsaw U.T. Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) (see also T.U.Warsaw) Wartburg Wartburg College (Iowa) Wartburg Theol.Sem. Wartburg Theological Seminary (Iowa) Waseda Waseda University, Tokyo (Japan) Wash. University of Washington, Seattle Wash.Bible Coll. Washington Bible College (Maryland) Washburn Washburn University of Topeka (Kansas) Washington & Jefferson Washington and Jefferson College (Penn.) Washington & Lee Washington and Lee University (Virginia) Washington Coll. Washington College (Maryland) Wash.(Mo.) Washington University, St. Louis (Missouri) Wash.State Washington University (formerly State College of Washington) Wash.State Teachers’ Washington State Teachers’ College (Maine) (later University of Maine at Machias) [Waters see E.Waters] W.Aust.C.A.E. Western Australia College of Advanced Education W.Aust.I.T. Western Australia Institute of Technology (became Curtin University of Technology 1987) W.Aust.Sec.Teachers’ Western Australia Secondary Teachers’ College (established 1967; became autonomous College of Advanced Education 1973) Wayland Wayland Baptist College (Texas) WayneWayne University (Mich.) (now Wayne State University) Wayne State Wayne State University (Mich.) Waynesburg Waynesburg College (Penn.) W.Baden West Baden College (Ill.) (part of Loyola University of Chicago) W.Baptist Bible Coll. Western Baptist Bible College (and Theological Seminary) (Oregon) W.Brittany University of Western Brittany, Brest (France) (formerly University of Brest, qv) W.Carolina Western Carolina University (formerly College) (N. Carolina) W.Chester West Chester State College (Penn.) W.China Med.Scis. West China University of Medical Sciences, Chengdu W.China Union West China Union University, Chengtu (pre-war) W.Coast West Coast University, Los Angeles (Calif.) W.Conservative Baptist Sem. Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, Portland (Oregon) Weber Weber State College (Utah) Webster Webster University (formerly College) (Missouri) [Weimar Archit. see H.A.B.Weimar] Weizmann Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot(h) (Israel) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Wellesley Wells [Welthandel, Vienna Wen Hua Wenzhou Med.Coll. Wesley [Wesleyan... Wellesley College (Mass.) Wells College (NY) see H.für Welthandel(Vienna)] = ? Wen Hua University, Canton (untraceable) Wenzhou Medical College (China) Wesley College (Delaware) see also Dakota; Illinois Wesleyan; Iowa Wesleyan; Kansas Wesleyan; Kentucky Wesleyan; Nebraska Wesleyan; Ohio Wesleyan; Roberts Wesleyan; Texas Wesleyan; W.Virginia Wesleyan] Wesleyan University (Conn.) Wesleyan College (Ga.) Wesleyan Methodist College (S. Carolina) Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington (DC) see also under W...] Westchester Community College (NY) Western Connecticut State College Western College, Western College for Women (Ohio) Western Theological Seminary (Mich.) (Mich.) Western Theological Seminary (Penn.) (later Pittsburg Theological Seminary) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes under Broadhurst (Calif.)] Westmar College (Iowa) Westminster Choir College (NJ) Westminster College (Missouri) Westminster College (Penn.) Westminster Theological Seminary (Penn.) Westminster College of Utah Westmont College (Calif.) Weston School of Theology, Cambridge (Mass.) (awards graduate degrees in theology) University of West Florida West Georgia College (USA) Wollongong Institute of Education (Australia) (merged with University of Wollongong 1982; awarded BEd) (School of Finance) forms part of University of Pennyslvania Wheaton College (Ill.) Wheaton College (Mass.) Wheelock College (Mass.) Whitman College (Wash.) Whittier College (Calif.) Whitworth College (Wash.) see M.I.T./W.H.O.I.] Wichita State University (Kansas) (formerly University of Wichita) Widener University (Penn.) (formerly Pennsylvania Military College and later Widener College) see Vienna...] Wilberforce University (Ohio) Wiley College, Marshall (Texas) Hochschule für Sozialwissenschaften (Social Sciences), Wilhelmshaven Wesleyan Wesleyan Coll. Wesleyan Methodist Wesley Theol.Sem. [West/Western... Westchester Western(Conn.) Western(Ohio) Western Theol.Sem. Western Theol.Sem.(Pa.) [West London Coll.Technol. Westmar Westminster Choir Coll. Westminster(Mo.) Westminster(Pa.) Westminster Theol.Sem. Westminster(Utah) Westmont Weston Sch.Theol. W.Florida W.Georgia W’gong.Inst.Educn. Wharton Wheaton(Ill.) Wheaton(Mass.) Wheelock Whitman Whittier Whitworth [W.H.O.I. Wichita Widener [Wien... Wilberforce Wiley Wilhelmshaven S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Wilkes Willamette [William... William & Mary William E.Simon [William Jewell [William Lyon [William Marsh Rice Williams(Mass.) Williams(Md.) W.Illinois Wilmington(N.Carolina) Wilmington(Ohio) [Wilno [Wison(N.Carolina) Wilson(Pa.) Windesheim Winnipeg Bible Coll. Winona Winthrop Wis. Wis.State Wis.State Coll.(Milwaukee) Wis.State Coll.(Oshkosh) Wittenberg W.Jewell W.Kentucky W.Liberty W.Maryland W.Mich. Wm.Paterson Wm.Penn Wm.Smith W.New England Wofford Wolfe Woodbury [Woods Hole Woodstock Wooster Full Name (Germany) Wilkes College (Penn.) Willamette University (Oregon) see also Wm...] College of William and Mary (Virginia) William E. Simon University, an offshore campus of the American Rochester School of Business Administration, established 1989 in NSW (Australia), see file of Commonwealth Institutions in KS’s room; also mentioned in 1990 Yearbook Australian Introduction p.4c see W.Jewell] see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] see Rice] Williams College (Mass.) Williams College (Maryland) Western Illinois University Wilmington College (N. Carolina) Wilmington College (Ohio) see Vilna] see Warren Wilson] Wilson College (Penn.) (there are other Wilson Colleges) Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim, Zwolle (Netherlands) Winnipeg Bible College, Manitoba (Canada) Winona State University (formerly College) (Minn.) Winthrop College (S. Carolina) University of Wisconsin Wisconsin State University Wisconsin State College, Milwaukee (later University of WisconsinMilwaukee, see Wis.) Wisconsin State College, Oshkosh (later University of WisconsinOshkosh, see Wis.) Wittenberg University (Ohio) William Jewell College (Missouri) Western Kentucky University (formerly State College) West Liberty State College (W. Virginia) Western Maryland College Western Michigan University (formerly Western Michigan State Teachers’ College/College of Education/College) William Paterson College (NJ) (1958–70, Paterson State College) William Penn College (Iowa) William Smith College (NY) (see also Hobart(N.Y.)) Western New England College (Mass.) Wofford College (S. Carolina) Wolfe (Private) University (Canada) (see file of Commonwealth Institutions in KS’s room) Woodbury University (formerly College) (Calif.) see M.I.T./W.H.O.I.] Woodstock College (Maryland) College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio (formerly University of Wooster) S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name [Woosung Natnl. Worcester Poly.Inst. Worcester State W.Oregon [W.Oregon State World see Natnl.Woosung] Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Mass.) Worcester State College (Mass.) Western Oregon State College see W.Oregon] World University (Puerto Rico) (later International Institute of the Americas, see Internat.Inst.Americas) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes] see Natnl.& World Econ., Sofia] World Maritime University, Malmo (Sweden) (established by International Maritime Organisation, an agency of the UN; not apparently part of United Nations University) Western Reserve University (Ohio) (in 1967 federated with Case Tech.Inst. to form Case W. Reserve) Wright State University, Dayton (Ohio) University of Wroclaw (Poland) Academy of Agriculture, Wroclaw (Poland) Academy of Medicine, Wroclaw (Poland) see T.U.Wroclaw] Western State College of Colorado Western States College of Engineering, Inglewood (Calif.) West Texas State University (formerly College) National Wuhan University, Wuchang (China) (later simply Wuhan University) Wuhan College of Geology (China) see China Geoscis.] Wuhan University of Hydraulic & Electrical Engineering (China) Wuhan Institute of Technology (China) see Natnl.Wuhan] Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (China) Wuhan University of Technology (China) (until 1985 Wuhan Institute of Building Material Technology) Wuhan Institute of Water Transportation Engineering (China) University of Wuppertal (Germany) Wuppertal Theological Seminary (Germany) (Bavarian Julius-Maximilian) University, Würzburg (Germany) see S.China Agric.] see S.China U.T.] Wusih College (?School) of Classical Chinese Studies, Wusih (China) (pre-war) Wuxi University of Light Industry (China) West Virginia University West Virginia Wesleyan College Western Washington University (formerly Western Washington College of Education and Western Washington State College of Education) Western Washington State College (in 1977 became Western Washington University) [World Academy of Arts & Culture [World, Arizona [World Econ., Sofia World Maritime W.Reserve Wright Wroclaw Wroclaw Agric. Wroclaw Med. [Wroclaw T.U. W.State, Colorado W.States Engin. W.Texas State Wuhan Wuhan Coll.Geol. [Wuhan Geoscis. Wuhan Hydraulic & Electr.Eng. Wuhan I.T. [Wuhan Natnl. Wuhan Tech. Wuhan U.T. Wuhan Water Transportation Eng. Wuppertal Wuppertal Theol.Sem. Würzburg [Wushan Agric. [Wushan U.T. Wusih Coll. Wuxi W.Virginia W.Virginia Wesleyan W.Wash. W.Wash.State Coll. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Wycliffe(Tor.) Wyoming Wycliffe College (federated in University of Toronto) University of Wyoming X [Xavier see also St.Xavier] see Pontif.Bogotá] Xavier University of Louisiana Xavier University (Ohio) Xavier University (Philippines) see Pittsburgh-Xenia] Xiamen University (China) Xiangtan University (China) Xi’an Institute of Highways (China) Xian Institute of Foreign Languages (China) Xi’an Institute of Technology, Shanxi Province (China) Xi’an Institute of Metallurgy and Construction (China) Xi’an Jiaotong University (China) Xian Medical College (China) (used in ANU chapter (1990 Yearbook) as gloss for ‘4th Military Medical University Xian’, which couldn’t be traced) Xi’an Mining Institute (China) Xi’anning Teachers’ School (China) see Northwest(Xi’an)] see Northwestern P.U.(Xi’an)] Xi’an University of Technology, Shaanxi Province (China) see Northwest Telecommunicns.Engin.Inst.] Xi’an Institute of Textile Technology, Shaanxi Province (China) see N.W.Inst.of Light Industry] Xidian University, Xian, Shaanxi (China) Xinjiang August 1st Agricultural College (University), Uygur (China) see Beijing Med.Univ.] Xuzhou Normal University (China) (untraceable: information from compiler at National University of Singapore 1997–98) [Xavier(Colombia) Xavier(La.) Xavier(Ohio) Xavier(Philippines) [Xenia Xiamen Xiangtan Xi’an Highways Xian Inst.Foreign Langs. Xi’an I.T. Xi’an Inst.Metall.& Construcn. Xi’an Jiaotong Xian Med. Xi’an Mining Inst. Xi’anning [Xi’an Northwest [Xi’an Polytech.U. Xi’an Technol. [Xi’an Telecommunicns. Xi’an Textile Technol. [Xianyang Light Industry Xidian Xinjiang Ag. [Xue Yan Lu Xuzhou Normal Y Yakutsk Yale Yale Med.Coll., China Yamagata Yamaguchi Yamanashi Yan’an [Yang Ming Med. Yangon Yakutsk State University (Russian Federation) Yale University (Conn.) = ? Hunan-Yale Medical College, Changsha (? pre-war version of Hunan Med.Coll.) Yamagata University (Japan) Yamaguchi University (Japan) Yamanashi University (Japan) Yan’an University, Shaanxi Province (China) see Natnl.Yang Ming Med.] University of Yangon S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006 MANUAL NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Yangon Med. Yangon Med.II Yangon I.T. Yangzhou I.T. Yankton Yarmouk Yenching [Yerevan... Yeshiva Yeung-Nam [Ying-Shih Natnl. [Yogyakarta Yokohama M. Yokohama N. Yonsei York Coll.(Neb.) York Coll.(Pa.) Youngstown Yunnan Yuzhou Institute of Medicine, Yangon (formerly Rangoon) (Myanmar) Institute of Medicine II, Yangon (formerly Rangoon) (Myanmar) Yangon Institute of Technology (Myanmar) Yangzhou Institute of Technology (China) Yankton College (S. Dakota) Yarmouk University (Jami’at El-Yarmouk) (Jordan) Yenching University (China) (pre-war) see Erevan...] Yeshiva University (NY) Yeung-Nam University (South Korea) see Natnl.Ying-Shih] see Inst.Teacher Trg., Yogyakarta] Yokohama Municipal University (Japan) Yokohama National University (Japan) Yonsei University, Seoul (South Korea) York College (Nebraska) York College of Pennsylvania Youngstown State University (Ohio) Yunnan University, Kunming (China) Yuzhou (now Chongqing) University, Szechuan Province (China) [Zabrze, Zabrze-Rokitnica Zabedan Med.Sc. Z Zagazig Zagreb Zahedan Med.Sci. Zaire see Silesian Sch.of Med.] Zabedan University of Medical Science (Iran) Zagazig University (Egypt) University of Zagreb (Croatia) Zahedan University of Medical Science (Iran) National University of Zaire, Kinshasa (in 1981 divided into universities of Kinshasa, Kisangi and Lubumbashi) Zamboanga Advanced Education Colleges (Philippines) Zamboanga State College (Philippines) (now Western Mindanao State University) State Institute of Medicine, Zaporozskij (Ukraine) see Saragossa] Zdanov Metallurgical Institute (Ukraine) Zhanjiang Fisheries College (China) Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (China) Zhejiang Agricultural University, Hangzhou (China) Zhejiang Fisheries Institute (China) Zhejiang Institute of Technology, Hangzhou (China) Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua (China) Zhengzhou University (China) Zhengzhou Institute of Technology (China) Zhongshan (formerly Sun Yat-Sen) University (China) Zhongshan University of Medical Sciences/Zhongshan (Sun Yat-Sen) Medical College (also referred to as Institute of Medicine), Guangzhou (China) Technical University of Zielona Góra (Poland) see T.U.Zilina] University of Zulia (Venezuela) Zamboanga A.E.Colls. Zamboanga State Zaporozskij Med.Inst. [Zaragoza Zdanov Inst.Metall. Zhanjiang Fisheries Coll. Zhejiang Zhejiang Ag. Zhejiang Fisheries Zhejiang I.T. Zhejiang Normal Zhengzhou Zhengzhou I.T. Zhongshan Zhongshan Med. Zielona Góra T.U. [Zilina Zulia S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/533572860/p PAGE CUY 2006 10 Manual NON-COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Name Zür. University of Zürich (see also E.T.H.Zürich) Appendix The following abbreviations have been used in past editions of the Yearbook: we have no further information about the institutions they represent. Bandung(Acad.Phys.) Chen Chih Chih Tse Hunter-Bellevue Lennoxville Leopoldville Natnl.Def.Med.Coll., Taiwan Natnl.S.E. Natnl.S.W.Union Natnl.Tohuku Natnl.Wo-Chong Normal Santa Cruz St.Bernard Coll. St.Bernards(N.Y.) Tirgu Mures Med.& Pharm. S:/YEARBOOK/TMS/MANUALS/APPX4A2004.DOC/p PAGE 11 CUY 2006