St Paul' s Co-educational College Economics Department ACCESSIO --------E031501 E022635 E025999 TE00094 E033094 E019008 E015622 CALL_NUM ------------330.12 FRI 330.1525 IND 330.3 PEA 330.78 GRA 330.9 BUR 330.9 CAI 330.9 FRY TITLE ----------------------------------------Capitalism and freedom / Milton Friedm Industrial investment hong kong Dictionary of modern economics Teaching and Assessing Skills in Economi Economy & development / David Burtensh Human and economic geography World economic development AUTHOR ----------Friedman, *** Pearce, Da Grant, Sus Burtenshaw Cain, H. R Fryer, D. E015088 E015497 E015498 E014910 E015087 E033797 E015032 E015473 E012547 330.9 HIS 330.9 KAR 330.9 KAR 330.9 KEN 330.9 KIR 330.9 KRU 330.9 LI 330.9 MAC 330.9152 ALL Hong kong economic papers no.4 Economic geography vol.46 no.4 Economic geography vol.47 no.1 Economic geography, Jan. 1970 Hong kong economic papers no.2 The Return of Depression Economics : Economic for hong kong A preface to economic geography Japan's economic expansion Hsia, R. Karaska, G Karaska, G Kenyon, J. Kirby, E.S Krugman, P Li, N. Maccarty, Allen, G. E011224 E029633 E031548 E012877 E013058 E023956 E030821 E030457 E033359 E027659 330.942 FLI 330.95 WIT 330.951 SHE 330.952 LOC 330.952 LOC 330 BAU 330 BEG 330 BEG 330 BLI 330 CAS An economic and social history of britai Development , Disparity and Dependence : The Chinese century : the rising Chine The economic development of japan The economic development of japan Economics principles and policy Economics : seventh edition (Internation Economics: seventh edition Economics : course companion / Jocel Principles of economics Flinn, M. Witherick Shenkar, O Lockwood, Lockwood, Baumol, Wi Begg, Davi Begg, Davi Blink, Joc Case, Karl E032021 E030458 E014605 E033796 E033795 E030443 E031506 E027332 E027333 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 Economic explanation : selected papers o Economics: fifth edition Motivating economic achievement The Economic Naturalist : Why Economics The Return of The Economic Naturalist : Economics: private & public choice (10th Freakonomics : a rogue economist explo Economics science 1 Economics science 1 Cheung, St Colander, David C. M Frank, H R Frank, H R Gwartney, Levitt, St Li, Wai Sh Li, Wai Sh CHE COL DAV FRA FRA GWA LEV LI LI An E026635 E027334 330 LIP 330 MAB An introduction to positive economics Introduction to economic principles Lipsey, Ri Mabry, Rod E024506 E027658 E033708 E029816 E022633 E023894 E031502 E030456 E024507 E029815 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 MAU McC MCG O'SU PLA SAM SCH SLO SPE STI Economics explained Economic principles, problems and polici Economics : In terms of the good, the ba Economics principles and tools Planning for growth Economics Essentials of economics / Bradley R. S Essentials of Economics: third edition Contemporary economics Economics Maunder, P McConnell, McGee, Mat O'sullivan *** Samuelson, Schiller, Sloman. Jo Spencer, M Stiglitz , E011777 E033357; E014513 E033716; E030620; E030125 E030617; E033709 E031819 330 SZC 330 ZIO 331.1 DWY 331.40951 CH 332.024 GAR 332.024 GOD 332.024 KEL 332.49 FER 333.1 UND Symposium on economic & social problems Economics : for eth IB diploma (standa The small industrial unit in hong kong: Factory girls : from village to city i Kids Are Consumers From Cradle To College Kids Manage Money The ascent of money : a financial hist Sustainable human development : a youn Szczepanik Ziogas, Co Dwyer, D. Chang, Les Garey, Mar Godfrey, N Keller, El Ferguson, United Nat E015237 E030292 E030293 E030294 E030299 E030300 E033127 E031741 E033246 E026000 333.7 AMB 333.7 ENV 333.7 ENV 333.7 ENV 333.7 FRI 333.7 FRI 333.7 GOO 336.20095125 337 STE 338.076 LAM Analytical human geography, book 2 Environment Hong Kong 2003 Environment Hong Kong 2003 Environment Hong Kong 2003 A Way Out Towards Sustainable Developmen A Way Out Towards Sustainable Developmen Economics and the Environment / Eban S. Hong Kong taxation : law and practice (2 Globalization : a very short introduct A-level microeconomics notes & questions Ambrose, P Environmen Environmen Environmen Friends of Friends of Goodstein, Smith, Dav Steger, Ma Lam, T. C. E033128 E031505 E027660 E028143 E031525 E031524 E023958 E023959 E027661 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 Microeconomics: Theory & Applications / Microeconomics Demystified : a self-teac Price theory and applications Price theory and applications A-level Microeconomics : Study guide : A-level Microeconomics : third edition / Advanced level macroeconomics Advanced level macroeconomics Price theory and applications Browning, Depken, Cr Hirshleife Hirshleife Kwok, Wai Kwok, Wai Lam, Pun L Lam, Pun L Landsburg, BRO DEP HIR HIR KWO KWO LAM LAM LAN E029817 E030442 338.5 LAN 338.5 LAN Price theory and applications Price Theory & Applications: 6th edition Landsburg, Landsburg, E027065 E027066 E027063 E023895 E028807 E027064 E029165 E030820 E030822 E028141 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 338.5 Microeconomic hong kong advanced level e Microeconomic hong kong advanced level e Microeconomics theory and applications Microeconomics theory and applications Microeconomics (third edition) Microeconomics Microeconomics (Fifth Edition) Microeconomics : sixth edition (Internat Microeconomics : a modern approach (In Principles of microeconomics Leung, Man Leung, Man Maddala, G Maddala, G McTaggart, Pindyck, R PINDYCK, R Pindyck, R Schotter, Silberberg E027067 E028142 E028144 E024508 E021515 E030926 E030817 E032593 E033707 338.5 WON 338.5 WON 338.501 SAL 338.521 HIR 338.6042 SMI 338.761657 W 338.9 338.9 CHA 338.9512 YEU H k a l understanding microeconomics H k a l understanding microeconomics Schaum's outline of theory and problems Price theory and applications Industrial location Counting house : the history of Pricewa The road to serfdom / F.A. Hayek, wit Bad Samaritans : rich nations, poor po The Pan-Pearl River Delta : an emerging Wong, Yuen Wong, Yuen Salvatore, Hirshleife Smith, Dav Way, Denis Hayek, Fri Chang, HaShen, Jian E023899 E014982 E026001 E030444 E029166 E028146 E031504 E030818 E027335 E029167 338 ALC 338 CUN 339.076 LAM 339.9 SAM 339 ABE 339 ABE 339 ABE 339 BLA 339 DOR 339 FAR Exchange & production: competition, coor Basic marketing concepts environment & d A-level microeconomics notes & questions Macroeconomics: Eighteenth edition Macroeconomics (Fourth Edition) Macroeconomics Macroeconomics(5th edition) / Andrew B Macroeconomics Macro economics Macroeconomics Alchian, A Cundiff, E Lam, T. C. Samuelson, ABEL, Andr Abel, Andr Abel, Andr Blanchard, Dornbusch, FARMER, R. E030819 E031487 E031490 E024509 E028808 E033126 E028145 E029168 E024510 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 Principles of macroeconomics : Internati A-level Macroeconomics(3rd edition) / A-level Macroeconomics : Study guide : Macroeconomics Macroeconomics (fourth edition) Macroeconomics Understanding the Wealth Macroeconomics Macroeconomics In The Global Economy Macro-economics Frank, Rob Kwok, Wai Kwok, Wai L:ipsey, R Mankiw, N. Miles, Dav Parkin, Mi SACHS, Jef Waud, Roge LEU LEU MAD MAD McT PIN PIN PIN SCH SIL FRA KWO KWO LIP MAN MIL PAR SAC WAU E028147 E027068 339 WON 339 WON H. k. a. l. understanding macroeconomics H. k. a. l. understanding macroeconomics Wong, Yuen Wong, Yuen E025549 MAG C008799 C009293 C009297 C009301 C009305 C009296 C009300 C009304 339 052 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 WU ECO 1123 1123 1123 1123 1123 1123 1123 1123 Macro-economics analysis for a level exa The Economist 經濟解釋卷二 供應的行為 二十一世紀看中國的經濟革命 公損之謎 狂生傲語 五常談教育 再論中國 憑闌集 五常談學術 Wu, W.M. 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Fra 經濟天下: 青年人的經濟角度 / 林德財, 李 經濟天下(II): 青年人的經濟與投資角度 / 經濟的看相與把脈 世界經濟學 藥石亂投 通縮初現 港人驅魔 松青 松青 法蘭克;;李 林德財;;李 林德財 張五常;;黃 張五常;;黃 林行止 林行止 林行止 C012039 C011695 C003915 C009263 C011486 C009598; C009601 C010501; C005650 550 8211 550 8211 550.9 8471 551.85 4385 551.85 7736 552.097 0864 552.1 2522 552.2 1010 552.2 7122 搞笑經濟學 / 鍾文榮 搞笑經濟學 / 鍾文榮 經濟開發與外交 消費圖鑑 後現代拜物教: 消費文化的批判及信仰反省/ 資本主義不是什麼 了解全球化: 凌志汽車與橄欖樹 中國經濟/ 王夢奎[著] 中國經濟往何處去 鍾文榮 鍾文榮 張五常 張五常 張五常 張五常 張五常 張五常 張五常 張五常 戴毅龍 駱穎佳 許寶強 Friedman, 王夢奎 厲以寧 C009745 C010721 552.207 7722 552.338 0821 真實世界的經濟學: 中國發展的真實世界 非 A 非 B 的 C 觀點 / 施永青. 周其仁;;周 施永青 19 C010739 C010255 C010173 C010183 C010724 C011183 C010164 C006637 C007447 C005342 552.338 0864 552.338 0864 552.338 1060 552.338 2122 552.338 2122 552.338 2122 552.338 7210 552.391 7722 554.5 7529 555.24 4474 富裕中的貧乏: 香港文化經濟評論 / 許寶強 富裕中的貧乏: 香港文化經濟評論 替香港經濟把脈 香港經濟浮沉見證錄 香港經濟浮沉見證錄 香港經濟浮沉見證錄 20 世紀的香港經濟 / 劉蜀永主編 香港經濟歷史轉折點 中國土地利用 香港的小型工業 許寶強 許寶強 雷鼎鳴 何濼生 何濼生 何濼生 劉蜀永 周八駿 陳正祥 薛鳳旋 TEST3 C010728 MAG 556.9338 271 556.9338 271 052 2026 香港邊緣勞工口述 香港邊緣勞工口述 信報財經月刊 黎婉薇 黎婉薇