Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Request for “Expressions of Interest” for Individual Consultant Consultancy Services: Develop Bidding Documents for the Establishment of the telecommunications backbone Organization: Project Implementation and Coordination Unit (PCU) Project: ICT Sector Project Reference No.: PPF/C-5 Position: Contract Type: Duration: Closing Date: Duty station: OFC Tender Consultant Service Contract (Advisory Services) 3 months 30, November 2010 Kabul The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) of the Government of Afghanistan (“Government”) seeks to hire a qualified individual consultant (“Consultant”) to design and specify Network Security framework to assist the Afghanistan National Data Center staff to run and maintain the ANDC network infrastructure. The Government has requested funding from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank Group for an ICT Sector Development Project in Afghanistan. This project, implemented by MCIT, seeks to (1) expand broadband connectivity, (2) mainstream use of mobile applications across the Government, and (3) develop the capacity of the IT sector to facilitate improved service delivery across Afghanistan. The indicative total cost of the project is US$40 million. 1. BACKGROUND The Government of Afghanistan (“Government”) has applied for support from the World Bank or International Development Agency (IDA) for an ICT Development Project which aims to expand broadband connectivity, mainstream use of mobile applications across the Government, and develop the capacity of the IT sector to facilitate improved service delivery across Afghanistan while accelerating job creation and economic growth. The project will do so by: (a) Creating the enabling environment and making strategic investments for the development of Afghanistan’s backbone and broadband infrastructure; (b) Supporting the mainstreaming of mobile applications across Government by supporting innovation and creation of cross cutting enablers; and (c) Developing local IT infrastructure and capacity in the public and private sectors. The Government intends to use part of these funds to establish a telecommunications backbone network along the following routes: (i) between Kabul and Herat, connecting the provincial centers of Bamiyan, Daikundi and Ghowr provinces; (ii) Badakhshan Province, along the road from Kunduz to Fayzabad; and (iii) possibly Daikundi to Kandhahar. The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) seeks to hire a qualified individual consultant (“Consultant”) to develop the bidding documents for establishing the proposed telecommunications backbone infrastructure. Afghanistan has a competitive telecommunications sector, with four private mobile operators, one Government owned unified serviceprovider (Afghan Telecom) and two local service providers and over 7 operational Internet Service Providers. Over 45% of the population has access to a phone, and approximately 80% of the population has mobile coverage. The sector has seen investments of over US$ 1.25 billion in the last 8 years. See for more information. A key constraint to sector development has been the lack of reliable backbone connectivity. The Ministry of Communications and IT, has developed Phase 1 (See Annex 1 for more information) of an optical fiber cable (OFC) ring, covering a distance of approximately 3131 kilometers, along the main ring road of the country, Provincial capital cities (15 Capital Cities) that connected through this infrastructure include: Kabul; Maidan Shahar; Ghazni; Qalat; Kandahar; Heraat; Qala-E-Now; Maimana; Sheberghan; Mazaar-E-Sharief; Aibak; PuleKhumri; Kundoz; Charikar and Jalalabad. However, the ring is incomplete as security issues in certain provinces have prevented installation from being completed.Routes to Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Iran and Tajikistan have already been commissioned for commercial traffic on the existing ring. The existing fiber optic ring is being managed by the Government owned Afghan Telecom and is used by all operators (varies between routes) and other major international and government agencies. Operators also own their microwave based backbone networks and utilize VSATs to provide backhaul to remote locations. Where fiber is available, operators have leased capacity. OBJECTIVE OF THE ASSIGNMENT The objective of the assignment is to carry out a detailed study for the development of the backbone including: (i) (ii) assessment of commercial, technical and financial feasibility of the proposed backbone network; preparation of detailed bidding documents for the backbone. 2 SCOPE OF WORK The consultant will be provided with (i) Site surveys conducted by MCIT of various routes proposed under this project ; (ii) A macro level cost benefit analysis of the proposed backbone network The consultant is expected to conduct the following tasks: 1. Assess the status of the existing backbone network and conduct an initial assessment of the proposed network. In doing so the consultant will review: (i) the site surveys conducted by MCIT; (ii) existing and planned road network (with and without ducts); (iii) existing and planned electricity transmission and distributions network; and (iv) other operator and agency plans for deploying microwave/OFC networks in or near the proposed routes with a view to reduce installations costs and time; 2. Conduct a detailed traffic assessment taking into account: (i) current and future traffic streams within Afghanistan; (ii) the existing and proposed expansion plans of all operators; (iii) annual forecasts of voice, data and internet connectivity needs of other customers (businesses, international organizations, defence forces) in the areas; (iv) expected growth rates over the next 10 – 15 years; (v) expected increases in regional and international traffic; (vi) provisioning of other services such as teleeducation and tele-health; and (vii) redundancy requirements of operators and other users. While assessing the requirements of telecom operators, the consultant will assess the existing base stations, future growth in the number of base stations and thus projected capacity requirements for such connectivity. 3. Based on the above two assessments, propose network capacity and dimensioning. The consultant will: (i) provide the technical configuration of the OFC and or digital microwave system in terms of its route, installed capacity, configuration, repeater locations; drop/insert facilities; initial capacity and equipage, expandability and back up facilities; (ii) prepare detailed technical specifications for the various routes to be developed. This will include the specifications for the backbone network media, equipment (DWDM and multiple lamba configurations); auxiliary equipment and associated infrastructure (power, civil works) facilities that need to be supplied, installed and commissioned. In developing the technical specifications, the consultant will suggest ways in which to reduce the overall cost of the transmission system. 4. Prepare the estimated cost of the backbone network, and alternatives that may have been considered during network planning. This will include both an assessment of the capital and operating costs. In doing so, define the phasing of network rollout in order to make the best use of scarce capital resources. 5. Prepare the detailed International Competitive Bidding (ICB) documents based on World Bank Procurement Guidelines and Procedures. 3 OUTPUTS AND DELIVERABLES, AND ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS Timing Contract Signature + 2 weeks Contract Signature + 4 weeks Contract Signature + 8 weeks Deliverable Inception report Completion of traffic assessment Report on technical design, cost estimates and operational arrangements Draft bidding documents Final report and bidding documents Contract signature + 10 weeks Contract signature + 12 weeks The entire assignment is scheduled to be completed within 12 weeks from the date of signing the agreement. Administrative and support services would be provided by the MCIT. A team (from MCIT and Afghan Telecom) will be nominated to work closely with the consultant. The consultant is expected to make at least 3 visits to Afghanistan during the assignment. The consultant will be provided the following: a. Office space, internet access b. Access to all reports (site survey reports,bidding documents for earlier phases of the OFC backbone ring, contracts) c. World Bank’s project document and macro level economic and financial analysis of the planned backbone. d. Support to arrange meetings with other operators and users of the backbone; Ministries of Public Works, Power and other agencies as required. CONSULTANT QUALIFICATIONS The consultant retained for this assignment is expected to be an individual with strong technical skills preferably a telecom engineer with 10 years experience and a demonstrated experience in the design, installation and commissioning of national backbone systems including fiber optic experience. The consultant should also have a good knowledge of technology development and costs, and some experience in commercial operations of networks. 4 Annex 1: 2 INTERESTED AND ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the Services and are invited to submit their CV (Curriculum Vitae), including education background, employment records, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills, previous remuneration, etc). Expressions of interest must be delivered or sent by e-mail to the address below no later than November 30, 2010. Foreign Procurement Department (FPD) Attn: Mr.Samimullah Samin General Manager for External Procurement Procurement Department, Ministry of Communications and IT (MCIT) Mohammad Jan Khan Watt Kabul, Afghanistan Office: +93 20 210 37 41 Cell phone: +93 700 222 009 Email: Web site: Copy to: Eng.Baryalai Hassam Deputy Minister Technical Ministry of Communication and IT, I.R of Afghanistan Mohammd Jan Khan Watt, Kabul Afghanistan Landline: +93 20 210 11 03 Email: Any queries on the position may also be addressed to the above mentioned email addresses, latest 3 working days before the deadline for submission of applications. 6