For reply please quote: PDO/FP – TF/11/14562 – DOC/11/45389 The Honourable Curtis Pitt MP Minister for Disability Services, Mental Health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships GPO Box 806 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Dear Minister Ministerial Charter of Goals I am writing to advise you of your Ministerial Charter of Goals for 2011. Our focus continues to be to drive delivery of our commitment to build a Queensland that is strong, green, smart, healthy and fair. We remain committed to whole-of-Government priorities, reconnecting and rebuilding Queensland, delivery of our election and other commitments, delivery of the strategic priorities for your portfolio, delivery of improved public services within a tightening fiscal environment, improved relationships with our major stakeholders and partners, and reform of services that are not achieving desired outcomes or not providing value for money. Your responsibilities are outlined in the attached Portfolio Priorities Statement. Where you have a Parliamentary Secretary assisting you, I expect that they will work with you on the delivery of these government priorities. Whole-of-Government priorities Toward Q2: Tomorrow’s Queensland Our vision for the State’s future, Toward Q2: Tomorrow’s Queensland (Q2), represents the Government’s objectives for the community through five ambitions and 10 long-term measurable targets for a strong, green, smart, healthy and fair Queensland by 2020. Q2 is about protecting our unique lifestyle and ensuring tomorrow’s Queensland is everything we love today, only better. The Toward Q2: Tomorrow’s Queensland Annual Progress Report 2009–10 shows variable progress toward the targets since Q2 was launched. These results mean that we need to do more. All Ministers and departments have a role in the continued delivery of the Government’s objectives by linking the Q2 ambitions to strategic planning, by leading or contributing to the Q2 targets through focused, collaborative planning and joint action and funding across departments, and by leading by example in your department and daily lives. More also needs to be done to engage industry and the community to achieve those targets which require substantial behavioural change. Reconnecting, rebuilding and improving Queensland’s communities and the economy During our recovery from the 2010–11 natural disasters we will focus on maintaining Queensland’s self-confidence through: continuing support and restoration of essential services to affected communities implementation of Operation Queenslander to restore community structures, public infrastructure, support economic growth and facilitate environmental rehabilitation maintain engagement with affected communities, local government and industry groups and enhance the resilience of Queensland and Queenslanders. These efforts will also be informed by the recommendations from the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry into the 2010–11 flood events. Jobs First: Delivering Jobs for Queensland We need to maintain our focus on our jobs pledge from the 2009 election. There is a long road ahead to achieve the same level of economic growth and dynamism that exemplified Queensland's national leadership in the years leading up to 2008. We need to continue to encourage investment in ground-breaking projects that support jobs and encourage economic growth. We also need to maintain the momentum of our investment in skills to ensure that economic recovery is not held back by skills shortages in key sectors of the economy. Growth The Queensland Growth Management Summit in March 2010 engaged the community about the future of Queensland and the decisions we all need to make to ensure population growth contributes to, rather than diminishes, the liveability and environmental sustainability of the region. You and your department(s) need to maintain commitment to implementing and strengthening strategies to manage growth, to ensure government services and infrastructure are planned in a way that best supports Queenslanders’ lifestyles and the natural environment. You and your department(s) may also have led or held contributory responsibilities for delivery of specific outcomes from the summit. The Queensland Regionalisation Strategy focuses on how we will support regional economies by encouraging investment and providing critical infrastructure. I expect you and your department(s) to promote sustainable growth in regional and rural Queensland, through policy, planning and service delivery. Community and stakeholder engagement The community rightly expects more of government services — better quality, and more accessible services and we face a significant challenge to meet public expectations. We are faced with a number of significant, intergenerational challenges — recovery from natural disasters, climate change, surging population growth, aging of the population, increasing demand for services and infrastructure, the impact of the global financial crisis — that require tough decisions and tough choices. We need to engage more effectively with the community to explain the choices and trade-offs and seek community views on achieving our shared ambitions. COAG reform agenda The COAG reform agenda sets a number of challenges for the states and territories across a range of areas of national significance including health, education and training, Indigenous reform, early childhood development, housing, microeconomic reform, climate change and energy, water reform and natural disaster arrangements. The public reporting of our performance as a Government confirms our high level of commitment to achieving the outcomes and performance indicators in these national agreements and national partnership agreements. Integrity and accountability This year will see a continued focus on building the structures for a transparent, accountable and ethical public sector. I expect you to continue to embed a culture of transparency within your agencies, including through the Right to Information and Information Privacy reforms and the Queensland Contact with Lobbyists Code. Investing in our people We need to assist our CEOs to focus on motivating and increasing the capability of public servants to increase our productivity. Public servants must be valued, their work – life balance respected, and opportunities provided to them to improve their development and health, so that they perform at their best. Regulatory simplification and best practice Under the Queensland Regulatory Simplification Plan 2009–13, government agencies are reviewing existing regulations to identify outdated, unnecessary, duplicated and/or excessive legislative requirements, and opportunities to streamline administrative and procurement processes. Achievement of net regulatory savings target will be supported by: compliance with the Regulatory Assessment Statement (RAS) system achieving commitments and milestones under the COAG National Partnership Agreement to Deliver a Seamless National Economy. An important part of this process is agencies working closely with their stakeholders, ensuring that the practical effects of government regulations and administrative and procurement processes are taken into account — both in relation to agencies' actions to reduce the existing stock of regulation via Regulatory Simplification Plans and improve the quality of future regulation via the RAS system, and more generally, in terms of how the Government interfaces with community, business, and not-for-profit organisations. I expect all agencies to work closely with their stakeholders to identify practical opportunities for real improvement. Government commitments We must expedite and drive timely delivery of commitments made by our Government. I also expect you to actively monitor delivery of other government commitments, including Cabinet decisions, and approved government responses to reports, including those recommendations from the Auditor-General, Crime and Misconduct Commission, the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry and the Coroner. Portfolio delivery priorities In addition to the Government’s ambitions for Queensland under Q2 and other commitments, I expect you to drive delivery of strategic priorities specific to your portfolio(s). Performance management I expect you to request relevant, timely and accurate information on the delivery and performance of programs and services within your portfolio and use this information to: inform and encourage innovation in policies and service delivery continually monitor and evaluate the performance of services within your portfolio to ensure that they remain relevant and deliver value to the communities we serve identify and manage delivery risks, including initiating early remedial action and implementing prevention and early intervention measures where appropriate ensure delivery of services and commitments occur on time and within budget work collaboratively with your colleagues and with other levels of government, non-government organisations, industry and the community to deliver Q2 ambitions, targets and emerging government priorities comprehensively examine spending, prioritise investments, pursue opportunities for real savings, and reallocate resources from programs and services that are not delivering outcomes for the community. While global economic conditions are improving, the State's fiscal position is under significant pressure and the need for fiscal responsibility is still paramount. I remain committed to bringing the Queensland budget back to surplus through careful financial management. I expect you to work with your CEO(s) to instil strong performance management within department(s). I will continue to meet with you regularly to discuss performance in delivering our Government’s priorities and commitments. This letter and your Portfolio Priority Statement(s) will inform your CEO(s) performance agreement(s). Your Director(s)-General will also receive a copy of these documents. Your Portfolio Priorities Statement will be published on the Cabinet website. I look forward to working with you and our colleagues to deliver value from government services for the people of Queensland. Yours sincerely ANNA BLIGH MP PREMIER OF QUEENSLAND *Encls Portfolio Priorities Statement Minister: Minister for Disability Services, Mental Health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships The Hon Curtis Pitt MP Department: Department of Communities The Department of Communities (DoC) provides integrated human services that strengthen Queensland. Whole-of-Government Priorities Toward Q2: Tomorrow’s Queensland All Ministers and their staff work toward achieving all of the ambitions through their portfolio work, and lead by example for all of the ambitions. Contribute to the following Q2 targets – Smart – All children will have access to a quality early childhood education so they are ready for school Healthy – Queensland will have the shortest public hospital waiting times in Australia Healthy – Cut by one-third obesity, smoking, heavy drinking and unsafe sun exposure Reconnecting, rebuilding and improving Queensland’s communities and the economy All Ministers contribute to the work and goals of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority including: maintaining Queensland’s self-confidence through continuing support and restoration of essential services to affected communities. implementing a comprehensive and integrated recovery and reconstruction plan to restore community structures and public infrastructure, support economic growth, and facilitate environmental rehabilitation. maintaining engagement with affected communities, local government and industry groups during the reconstruction effort. participating in and implementing recommendations from the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry to build the resilience of Queensland and Queenslanders. Jobs Growth Community and stakeholder engagement All Ministers contribute to Jobs First: Delivering Jobs for Queensland All Ministers ensure that their departmental service planning recognises and manages areas of significant population growth. All Ministers lead or contribute to delivering on outcomes from the Queensland Growth Management Summit. All Ministers and their staff focus on meeting regularly with the community and key stakeholders to build stronger relationships and inform policy development. STRONG GREEN SMART HEALTHY FAIR COAG reform agenda Lead – National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery National Partnership Agreement on Indigenous Clearinghouse National Disability Agreement Contribute to – National Partnership Agreement on Indigenous Economic Participation National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Public Internet access Integrity and accountability All Ministers and their staff demonstrate transparent, accountable and ethical behaviour. Investing in our people All Ministers support their CEOs to focus on motivating and increasing the capability of the public sector to increase productivity. Regulatory simplification All Ministers work with agencies to ensure achievement of their commitments under the COAG Seamless National Economy and Qld Smart Regulatory Reform Agendas. Government Commitments Government commitments All Ministers to drive and expedite delivery of all government commitments. Portfolio Delivery Priorities Disability and community care services Develop and progressively implement the 10 Year Plan for Disability Services, which includes the Action Plan for Children with a Disability. Organise, under a rights-based, client-focused framework, co-tenancy arrangements for people with high support needs. Implement the Positive Futures Initiative – the Government’s response to the recommendations of the Hon W.J. Carter QC in his report on Challenging Behaviour and Disability – a targeted response (Carter Report), including: review the restrictive practices legislative regime under the Disability Services Act 2006, including the requirements comprising the new legislative scheme, implications for service providers and relative benefits for clients, along with its sustainability and ongoing resource implications. monitor the number of approvals of Positive Behaviour Support Plans required under the restrictive practices legislative, scheme. undertake an independent process and outcomes evaluation of the positive futures initiative during its four-year implementation period. work with Minister Wilson to ensure the timely commencement of operation of the 10 bed forensic facility. Advance and present to Government initiatives for people with a disability in the criminal justice system. Complete an investigation into the support needs of people with a disability currently residing in Queensland Health facilities. This investigation will include an assessment of the feasibility of transferring the care and support of these people from Queensland Health to Disability and Community Care Services. Shift service delivery, under the Growing Stronger initiatives, from only supporting people with very complex needs to providing support to a wider range of people. STRONG GREEN SMART HEALTHY FAIR Mental health Indigenous Justice Strategy Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services Implement the non-clinical components of the Queensland Mental Health Natural Disaster Recovery Plan 2011-2013 to help people and communities cope with the emotional and financial pressures brought on by the floods and cyclone Yasi. Complete all Priority 3 initiatives funded under Stage 1 of the Queensland Plan for Mental Health 2007-2017. Ensure successful finalisation and implementation of the Indigenous Justice Strategy to drive down Indigenous over representation in the justice system. Meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients through a collaborative, cross-agency approach to government service delivery, with a particular focus on urban and regional locations. Implement programs related to Closing the Gap on Indigenous Disadvantage and the: National Urban and Regional Service Delivery Strategy National Remote Indigenous Food Security Strategy Cape York Welfare Reform Trial Alcohol management reforms. Support program improvement across the State through structured reporting requirements. Progress and/ or facilitate work relating to the Torres Strait. Monitor and report on the Government’s response to the Crime and Misconduct Commission’s Restoring Order report. STRONG GREEN SMART HEALTHY FAIR Summary of 2009 Election Commitments Status as at June 2011 Table of Contents Completed .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Not completed ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30 Completed Minister Commitment Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State "Ban the banners", by outlawing Body Corporates and developers from banning energy efficient building materials. This will be achieved by amending the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 to ban new covenants and specific provisions within body corporate by-laws and statements that restrict an owner from using sustainable features such as lighter roof colours, solar hot water systems etc. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State In addition, it is the Government's intention to release a draft SEQ Climate Change Management Plan for community consultation at the time the final Regional Plan is released later this year. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State A re-elected Bligh Government will play a role in rebuilding the Flinders Street Mall. Announce a plan to reinvest $18.9 million from land sales in the new Townsville suburb of Cosgrove, to help fund the redevelopment. The commitment from the Bligh Labor Government is provided on the basis of equal contributions from the Commonwealth Government and Council. (Minister for Tourism and Fair Trading to maximise tourism benefits) Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State $10 million for Jezzine Barracks. (Minister for Tourism and Fair Trading to maximise tourism benefits) Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State To help deliver on our commitment to ensuring aged people have access to appropriate accommodation the Bligh Government has tasked the Department of Infrastructure and Planning with the development of a specific strategy to ensure both government and the private sector are responding to the accommodation needs of our seniors. A re-elected Bligh Government is committed to finalising the release of this draft strategy for public comment within 6 months of returning to Government. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State A re-elected Bligh Government is committed to finalising the Blueprint for the Bush regional plans. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State Require electricity sub-metering in new units and new office buildings, giving many commercial tenants an incentive for the first time to reduce their own power bills and in turn reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This will be achieved by introducing new legislation by the end of 2009 to mandate the installation of electricity sub-meters in all new office buildings and multi unit dwellings. Minister Commitment Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State Expanded powers will be given to the Planning Minister to issue "ministerial directions" to councils at any time to fast-track approvals where a development exhibits exemplary sustainability features. Currently, the Integrated Planning Act allows the Planning Minister to give a "ministerial direction" to councils to make a decision on a Development Application within a specified timeframe - but only where the Council has already exceeded all reasonable timeframes. This new power will explicitly define sustainability as a "state interest" - meaning councils can be directed early in the approvals process that they must make decisions in shortened time frames - giving a green light to green development. Powers will also be expanded so that the Minister can give directions to State agencies at any time where they relate to sustainable developments. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State A "Green Door Advisory Committee" will be established to advise the Planning Minister on appropriate developments that should be considered for a ministerial direction. Committee members will include local government representatives as well as industry and sustainability experts. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State The Department of Infrastructure and Planning will also designate new "Sustainable Development Case Managers" to provide a dedicated single entry point to government for all major sustainable developments. This will improve the coordination of state agency approvals and advice, liaison with councils, and clear any roadblocks that arise. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State Require higher sustainability standards for all new houses and units. We will amend the Queensland Development Code to require: new houses and major renovations to meet 6 star or equivalent energy efficiency standards by the end of 2010. For this 6 star rating, up to one star could be achieved through initiatives such as outdoor living areas and efficient lighting and appliances; new units to meet 5 star or equivalent energy efficiency standards by the end of 2010. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State Require end of trip facilities for cyclists (including racks, lockers and showers) in all new major developments around key activity centres, and all new commercial buildings greater than 2,000m2. We will achieve this by working with councils to include this requirement in all relevant local government planning schemes, and where necessary using state agency concurrence powers during the development assessment process. This will be phased in over time as councils develop new planning schemes giving industry time to adjust to new design requirements. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State The Mackay Showgrounds will remain at its current site for at least three years. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State A re-elected Labor Government will declare the existing Mackay Showgrounds - an Urban Development Area (UDA). Mr Mulherin said: "A declaration will allow planning and development approval process to create a vibrant urban precinct featuring a mix of residential, retail and community facilities on the existing 10 hectare site. Minister Commitment Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State A re-elected Bligh Government will complete a review of old development approvals issued by local government within 18 months. This review will be undertaken with local governments, and will also include an opportunity for the community to identify any old approvals they may have specific concerns with. At the conclusion of this review, the Government will determine an appropriate mechanism for dealing with each identified old approval on a case by case basis. Options may include: A legislative sunset clause to the development rights; the use of a state planning instrument such as a regulatory provision or the declaration of a master planning area to ensure a contemporary planning approach to development and continuing to allow the approval to stand in circumstances where it is appropriate to do so. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State A re-elected Bligh Government is committed to introducing the new Planning Bill to the Parliament within 3 months. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State A re-elected Bligh Government would be committed to continuing this partnership approach to dealing with the legacy issues on the Bay Islands. If re-elected, the Bligh Government would establish a joint working party of senior officers to identify cooperative solutions to the issues you have raised. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State We will consider the feasibility of introducing anti-bikie laws such as anti-fortification laws. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State A re-elected Bligh Government is committed to finalising and implementing the draft Rural Futures Strategy. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State We will develop an integrated research program to examine the social and economic implications of gambling for Queensland, with the aim of building new knowledge to support prevention, protection and rehabilitation policies. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State Provide $33.3 million to Townsville City Council for major upgrades of local water treatment projects. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State Provide a $4.95 million grant to the Fraser Coast Regional Council for the Hervey Bay Water Park. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State Invest $32 million in the Gold Coast City Council's redevelopment of the Southport Broadwater Parklands into recreational parkland and cultural facilities for local residents. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State Continue developing the South-East Queensland Regional Recreational Trails, including the 148km Brisbane Valley Railway Trail from Ipswich to Blackbutt and the 76km Boonah to Ipswich Trail. Minister Commitment Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State Refurbish the Toowoomba Courthouse at a cost of $10.4 million. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State Cut red tape to fast track the delivery of all non state school infrastructure and specifically, the new buildings and upgrades in Independent and Catholic Schools under the Federal Government's Building the Education Revolution initiative. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State In addition, newly installed air-conditioners will be required to meet 4-star Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) from 1 July 2009. Laws will also be introduced to prohibit the sale of air-conditioners in Queensland that do not meet this minimum rating. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State From 1 January 2010, my Government will also require a sustainability declaration to be completed as part of the sale of a house or unit. It will not form part of the contract of sale, but rather serve to inform prospective buyers about the sustainability features of the dwelling. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State The Bligh Government has also committed to annual Development Assessment Monitoring Report, showing how high-growth councils, State Government departments and developers performed against legal timeframes for processing development applications. The first annual report will be published in the second half of 2010. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State In August 2007, Planning for a Prosperous Queensland was released which documented the issues that were to be reformed as part of a review process. This includes a significant body of work to streamline and simplify the development assessment process. A re-elected Bligh Government is committed to progressing these reforms and will continue to consult with stakeholders, including the Council of Mayors, to finalise this process. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies A re-elected Bligh Government is also committed to delivering the $12 million allocated to QRL to construct three synthetic racing surfaces. I can confirm that $4 million to fund the new surface at Clifford Park at Toowoomba will be delivered upon completion of construction of the synthetic surface. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies The Bligh Government acknowledges the significant role the food and wine industries play in the Queensland small business sector. A re-elected Bligh Government would be pleased to appoint a suitable food service industry representative to the Council. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies I have already indicated my intention to continue discussions with Queensland Racing Limited regarding facilities at the Gold Coast Turf Club in the near future. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies "We will provide three additional mobile offices to reach as many food producers as possible and to support emergency responses.” Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies "We're developing a new $5m Queensland Centre for Advanced Agriculture that will address better agricultural environmental outcomes in Queensland, including Climate Change preparedness, water use efficiency and farm Management Systems." Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies A new Science and Training Precinct for Horticulture at the DPI&F Research Station at Bundaberg. Minister Commitment Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies The Bligh government would implement Queensland's Biosecurity Strategy, including an Emergency Management Unit to handle biosecurity threats. "A dedicated Control Centre will be established to respond to biosecurity outbreaks; and a high-level advisory council will give industry the opportunity to have input into key biosecurity issues." Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies "We will review biosecurity science capability and infrastructure to ensure Queensland's investment in biosecurity science is targeted where the risk is greatest. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies Under a re-elected Bligh Government, the state's commercial forestry plantations will be expanded with new land acquired for softwood and hardwood plantations in the Rockhampton and Gympie regions. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies Hardwood plantations will also be expanded in areas stretching from Kingaroy to Gayndah with an injection of $48m over three years commencing 2008-09. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies Establishment of a Ministerial Advisory Council to provide industry leadership on key biosecurity issues. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies We will also provide 10,000 hours of tailored training to Queenslanders affected by the downturn in the mining sector to re-skill and to take advantage of jobs in the primary industries sector. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies Immediately generate maximum employment opportunities through the $100 million Sustainable Resources Communities program in Regional Queensland. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies Keep professional fishing out of Pumicestone Passage. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies No professional fishing on Scarborough Reef Minister for Child Safety and Sport $60 million in funding towards redevelopment of Carrara Stadium on the Gold Coast, to be used by the Gold Coast team granted a licence to compete in the AFL. This will create a 175 metre by 128 metre AFL oval capable of being scaled to accommodate an international standard cricket oval, athletics field and soccer field on the Gold Coast. It will have a capacity of 25,000. Should the Queensland Government decide to bid for the 2018 Commonwealth Games, to be held on the Gold Coast, the design will provide for the venue’s expansion for use in the bid. The current budget does not provide for expansion costs. The project was dependent on the AFL securing the balance of the funding, including funding arrangements with the Australian Government and the Gold Coast City Council. The State’s contribution will begin with a $2 million allocation in 2009/10 prior to commencement of construction. In 2010/11 the State will contribute $7 million, with $51 million allocated for 2011/12. The stadium redevelopment is expected to be completed by August 2011. Minister for Child Safety and Sport Cloncurry Pool upgrade - $400 000 contribution to Cloncurry Regional Council for the further upgrade to the pool including a mobility hoist, upgrade of the amenities block, and other priority works to improve all year round access to the pool. To be completed by June 2010. (Funding is from the $100 Million Sustainable Resource Communities support package. Funding for each of these projects will start in June 2009). Minister for Child Safety and Sport Premier Anna Bligh has announced $100,000 in funding to complete a vital upgrade to the Eimeo Surf Lifesaving Club. Minister Commitment Minister for Child Safety and Sport Heart Foundation Walking Program - In recognition of the success of this program, the Government will continue funding the Program at $235,000 per annum plus CPI over the next three years. I am advised a funding agreement is currently being developed by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Recreation on this basis. Minister for Child Safety and Sport Provide $1 million for the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre. Minister for Child Safety and Sport Continue the redevelopment of the Clive Berghofer Stadium-Athletic oval at a cost of more than $2 million. Minister for Child Safety and Sport To facilitate the relocation of Football Mackay's Junior sporting facilities, a re-elected Bligh Labor Government would convene a meeting of stakeholders including Queensland Airport Limited, the Mackay Port Authority, the Mackay Regional Council, Football Mackay and Mackay Hockey as soon as practical. Minister for Child Safety and Sport New Change rooms, gym and meeting rooms at Mt Gravatt Australian Rules Football Club costing $350,000. Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women Give courts specific powers to place curfews on juvenile offenders to reduce the chances of them reoffending and to ensure they are properly supervised. Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women Increase the minimum mandatory detention period for young people convicted of multiple murders from 15 years to 20 years’ imprisonment. Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women Widen court powers in relation to naming juvenile offenders, allowing orders to be issued allowing publication of identifying information if the court considers it to be in the interests of justice to do so. Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women Give police stronger powers to arrest young people who do not comply with youth justice conferencing requirements, who contravene an agreement or who fail to attend a drug assessment session, and take them to court. Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women A re-elected Bligh Government will also undertake a review of the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 1989 this year and will focus on ensuring the Act's effectiveness in protecting victims and holding perpetrators responsible for their behaviours. Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women A consultation paper was released in October 2008 calling for public comment on the development of a Queensland Government Strategy targeting Domestic and Family Violence. The model for a Death Review Board, proposed by the Domestic Violence Death Review Action Group, will be considered by a reelected Bligh Government as part of this strategy. Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women In addition a re-elected Bligh Government will work in partnership with the Rudd Government to provide new affordable accommodation through the National Rental Affordability Scheme with 448 dwellings approved in the first round for Queensland. Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women $3.53 million for a new affordable housing project in Whitsunday. Minister for Community Services and Housing and Minister for Women $865,000 to redevelop Acacia Ridge Leisure Centre into a community hub, building a new YMCA Minister for Disability Services, Mental Health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Residents of the Indigenous community Mona Mona, near Kuranda, in far north Queensland, say they welcome news the State Government has scrapped plans to give most of its land to the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. The Member for Barron River, Steve Wettenhall, says the Government changed its position because the community strongly opposed the plan. Minister Commitment Minister for Disability Services, Mental Health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships The newly sworn Minister for Disabilities and senior management of Disability Services Queensland will sit down with the key representatives of the sector to discuss and find practical solutions to this matter (unsatisfactory accommodation arrangement for people with a disability). Minister for Education and Industrial Relations A Bligh Government will provide capital grants for the construction costs of kindergartens selected for delivery on non state school sites. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations A Bligh Government will provide capital funding for kindergartens on state school sites. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Teacher-led kindergarten education will be available to a range of services such as day care centres, C&K centres, state and non-state school sites, as well as mobile services and outreach centres working closely with playgroups and family day care services. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations State Government funding for C&K will continue and parents will continue to contribute for C&K, day care, and other services. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations A Bligh Government believes child care should be affordable for all families and it will continue to work with the Commonwealth to finalise subsidy arrangements as kindy services are extended particularly to private child care centres. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open eight new kindergartens in 2010 at: Seaforth State School Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open eight new kindergartens in 2010 at: Mudgeeraba State School Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open eight new kindergartens in 2010 at: Stretton State College Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open eight new kindergartens in 2010 at: Prince of Peace, Everton Hills Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open eight new kindergartens in 2010 at: Beaconsfield State School, Mackay Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open eight new kindergartens in 2010 at: Oonoonba State School, Townsville Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open eight new kindergartens in 2010 at: Moorooka State School Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open 10 new kindergartens in 2011 at: Woodford State School Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open 10 new kindergartens in 2011 at: Tin Can Bay State School Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open 10 new kindergartens in 2011 at: Beachmere State School Minister Commitment Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open 10 new kindergartens in 2011 at: Forest Lake College Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open 10 new kindergartens in 2011 at: Gaven State School Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open 10 new kindergartens in 2011 at: Deception Bay North State School Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open 10 new kindergartens in 2011 at: Fairview Heights State School, Toowoomba Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open 10 new kindergartens in 2011 at: Sunset State School, Mt Isa Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open 10 new kindergartens in 2011 at: Creastmead State School Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open 10 new kindergartens in 2011 at: Rochedale South State School Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open two extended kindergartens in 2011 at: Carina State School Minister for Education and Industrial Relations We will employ more than 1000 teachers in the next three years. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Committing up to $9.4 million to engage 80 literacy and numeracy teaching coaches to coach teachers in target schools that are not reaching the national standards in literacy and numeracy. This initiative with a total cost of up to $28.2 million over three years will be regularly reviewed to ensure its continued performance. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Committing up to $7.4 million over three years to establish 72 Summer Schools which will provide additional classes for around 9,000 Year 5 to 7 students who need extra support and also provide intensive professional development support to teachers. This initiative will employ the equivalent of around 28 teachers. The 72 Schools would run for 1 week during the September holidays and 1 week at the end of the Christmas holidays and provide 5 classes to support students from about 360 schools. Students would attend for 3 hours in the morning and teachers would stay on for another 2 hours to receive advanced literacy and numeracy training, hear from experts and share best practice strategies. Priority would be given to students requiring extra literacy and numeracy support. Minister Commitment Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Introduce the $43.5 million Science Spark program to reignite student interest in science. Under the Science Spark program, we will employ 100 new science teachers in primary schools, at a cost of $22.5 million, to work with students in years 4 to 7. We will hire an additional 15 science teachers to roll out a comprehensive professional development program to primary schools that will support the teaching of science, at a cost of $15.2 million over three years. Labor will also spend $5.8 million over three years to expand the number of Earth Smart Science (ESS) Schools and declare 2010 as the Year of Environmental Sustainability in Schools. As part of this initiative, we will hire another 10 experts to help harness student interest in science and maths and to lift the number of environmentally sustainable ESS schools from 60 to 1000. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Boost School Resources by lifting the core school grants for all state schools by $10,000 from the 2010 school year. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Boost School Resources by introducing a needs component that will see 127 schools in areas of disadvantage receive an additional $3,000 increase to their core grants. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations If re-elected, the Government will also commit to $50 million in 2010/11 to assist the most vulnerable students. These funds will provide money to the non-state sector for new schools or the extension of existing school facilities to cater specifically for disengaged young people, allowing teachers to get on with the job in mainstream classrooms. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Treasurer Andrew Fraser announced a new Highfields State High School was a step closer yesterday. As a Chamber of Commerce lunch at Picnic Point, Mr Fraser committed $2.5 million to buy land for the new school. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Step Up to increase volunteering by guarantee the government’s support for registered volunteers in the public service to access 5 days leave for attendance at incidents and natural disasters. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations WHSQ will fund Farmsafe an additional $50,000 this year and next year to assist the rural industry with the removal of exemptions, and a re-elected Bligh Government is committed to honouring that additional funding. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Complete a new education precinct at Innisfail. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Provide additional maintenance funding for projects at local schools. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Build the new state of the art Thornlands South State School, due for completion by 2010. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Increase funding for important maintenance projects at local schools. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations New Bremer State High School next to UQ Ipswich. Construction start 2009. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Brand new primary school will be built at Yamanto. Land being purchased. Minister Commitment Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining The Gateway Schools initiative will be expanded to 15 schools in 2010 to provide career pathways through direct employment or vocational and educational training. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Will fund the $57 Million Green Army by (1) $20 million from the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations Community Employment Program (2) $10 million from the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations First Start Program for the green traineeships (3) $27 million from the Department of Education, Training and the Arts Skilling Solutions Queensland budget allocation. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Support the growth of apprentices and trainees by: Expanding the 10% government training policy for building and construction contracts to include any construction or civil works contract let by the state government. This will include any contract for infrastructure and any information technology contract which have a value of more than $500,000 We will implement this on contracts delivered with Federal Funds administered by the Queensland Government Education and Training This commitment is at no cost to government as it will be a contractual requirement to ensure deliver and compliance This policy will now require private companies who are awarded State government contracts to have 10% of all labour hours attributed to apprentices and trainees Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining A re-elected Bligh Government will move to provide clearer direction of the roles and responsibilities regarding native title processes and indigenous affairs in the mining sector, and to consolidate native title services within one department (DME). Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining A re-elected Bligh Government will also provide the Department of Mines and Energy with additional reserve powers to assess and process development applications relating to resource development and infrastructure projects. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Further, we will establish an industry working party to review the efficiency of Government tenure approval and regulatory processes. That working group will make recommendations to Government about how the tenuring approval regimes can be made more efficient, and also about how Government agencies can more effectively regulate tenure conditions. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining We will assist explorers affected by the global financial crisis, by allowing exploration companies that are experiencing financial difficulty to request special consideration of their circumstances where they are conducting exploration to develop a later project that will deliver employment and economic benefits for regional communities. Where appropriate, we will also allow explorers to bundle exploration spending for whole projects, rather than requiring exploration expenditure on individual exploration permits. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining A re-elected Bligh Government will establish industry exploration ambassadors who will promote Qld exploration opportunities across the world. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining We will also produce a new North West Queensland Mineral Province Report. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Continue with our 20 year moratorium on Shale Oil mining. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Inject $4.3 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 80 classrooms and 12 science spaces in schools throughout the region. Minister Commitment Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining $20 million to support apprentices and trainees who may lose their jobs in the current economic climate. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining $6.45 million to ensure "every single job" was squeezed out of the $17 billion infrastructure program being rolled out this financial year. The funding is for the Industry Capability Network, which would aim to include the state's businesses, products and people in the building program. Under the expansion plan the ICN will receive: $4 million over five years to work directly with up to 100 additional businesses per year to help them identify the skills they need to maximise their potential to gain work on major projects. $2 million over five years to allow ICN to increase its role in ‘match making’ local business to major projects. $0.45 million per over three years to conduct targeted seminars to educate Queensland business on the requirements of tendering for Government projects. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining The Treasurer has said a re-elected Bligh Government would not increase royalties on the mining sector in the next budget. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining In addition, a re-elected Bligh Government is committed to consulting with industry prior to any changes to the royalty regime for minerals. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining We have already publicly committed to undertaking a Regulatory Impact Statement assessment (RIS) in relation to the review of petroleum and gas royalties and we commit to that process prior to implementing any other significant royalty changes. While the RIS process is already enshrined in legislation, the Bligh Government is open to discussions with industry about any appropriate further measures to provide certainty for all stakeholders. In that regard, the successful negotiations and implementation of the Coal 21 Fund provide a model for future agreements around royalties. Minister for Energy and Water Utilities $4 million towards a solar plant which would supply a third of Hervey Bay's energy. Minister for Energy and Water Utilities A re-elected Bligh Government will co-operate with CoAG and the Ministerial Council on Energy, which are together investigating models for a nationally consistent feed-in-tariff. We are committed to that process, and its outcome, because consistency across State borders is good for the renewable energy industry, which is good for Queensland. Minister for Energy and Water Utilities If Labor is re-elected to Government on Saturday, we expect to announce the first round of Queensland Renewable Energy Fund (QREF) spending in the first hundred days after the election. Minister for Energy and Water Utilities Consultation with the Council of Mayors will continue to progress policy and legislative development to enable the establishment of the distribution and retail entities by late 2009 and the completion of the SEQ regulatory framework by July 2010. Minister for Energy and Water Utilities Upgrade the Stanwell Power Station. Minister for Energy and Water Utilities Continue to progress work on raising the Hinze Dam. Minister for Energy and Water Utilities Construct new powerlines and substations, including the new substation at Cawdor Drive, Highfields and upgrade existing infrastructure with funding of $67.8 million. Minister Commitment Minister for Environment We will work with recreational fishers as part of this further package of artificial reef development to investigate a future site for an artificial reef at or near the Habitat Protection Zone South of the Marine National Park MP32 in the Moreton Bay Marine Park, adjacent to South Stradbroke Island. Minister for Environment Fund a $1.23 million feasibility study on the Great Walk and work with the Rudd Government’s Federal Infrastructure Fund to secure further financial commitment to build the track. Minister for Environment Work closely with the Cape York Institute, Cape York Land Council and the Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation to map the new Great Walk, assisting negotiations with land owners whose land the track traverses, maximising employment and economic opportunities for Cape York Indigenous residents. Minister for Environment $250,000 for Fraser Island infrastructure. Minister for Environment A re-elected Bligh Government is committed to developing climate change summaries for all regions of Queensland, including South East Queensland. The summaries will show historical and projected changes to temperature, rainfall, evaporation rates and sea level as a result of climate change. The information will be valuable for planning activities, such as land-use planning and water planning. Minister for Environment As part of developing the proposed waste management strategy, a re-elected Bligh Government will investigate options to provide assistance to local governments to implement new programs, technologies and infrastructure to help reduce their exposure under the CPRS. Minister for Environment The State Government will spend $1.5 million to begin to restore Kirra Beach on the Gold Coast. The money will fund a short-term sand excavation program and a long-term plan to solve the problem which has been caused by sand pumping in the Tweed River program. The Premier says up to 200,000 cubic metres of sand will be moved. Minister for Environment If re-elected, my Government will develop a suite of new regulatory reforms to be introduced to Parliament by June 2009 to restrict damaging land use practices in reef catchments such as cleaning of riverine vegetation, wetland filling and draining and incorrect use of pesticides and fertilisers. My Government will introduce new legislation to require all agricultural earthworks within 500 metres of a freshwater wetland to be approved under the Integrated Planning Act thereby bringing agriculture into line with other industries such as tourism and property development. We will provide precise mapping of these wetlands to farmers along with written advice on their management and rehabilitation to support the implementation of these new wetland protections. Minister for Environment The Bligh Government appreciates the constructive role you have played in progressing the Tourism in Protected Areas initiative (TIPA) which the Bligh Government is committed to progressing in the next term of Government. Minister for Environment Invest $48,000 for interpretation facilities in Cape Hillsborough National Park. Minister for Environment Upgrade the Coral Beach Walking Track in Conway National Park. Minister for Environment Introduce laws to further protect the Great Barrier Reef including reefs around Lady Elliot and Lady Musgrave Islands. Minister for Environment Continue the ClimateSmart Home Service which will provide Queenslanders with tools to monitor and reduce their energy use to deliver savings in household electricity costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Minister for Environment Upgrade amenities at Lake McKenzie on Fraser Island, Great Sandy National Park. Minister Commitment Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts To cover the $15 million cost of (the payroll tax relief to businesses who hire more apprentices or trainees) the QWC public relations budget will be cut. Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts No jobs will be lost at the QWC which will now report to the Department of Natural Resources and Water rather than the Deputy Premier's office. Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts Endangered regrowth vegetation will be the subject of a three month clearing moratorium to allow talks between farmer groups and a new Labor Government about the best way forward on regrowth clearing. Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts Secure our water through the $20 million, 33 kilometre Rockhampton-Yeppoon pipeline. Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts Build the Toowoomba pipeline linking Wivenhoe Dam with Cressbrook Dam to secure water and connect Toowoomba to the SouthEast Queensland water grid. Minister for Government Services, Building Industry and Information and Communication Technology Thank you for raising the issue of minimum standards that apply to cleaning contractors and cleaners operating in State Government buildings and buildings substantially tenanted by State Government Departments. I can advise that a re-elected Bligh Government will commence negotiations with your union immediately upon return to Government with a view to reaching agreement on the matter within the first two months of Government. Minister for Health $250,000 will be immediately directed to Bundaberg Hospital to modify the ED waiting area to include a dedicated paediatrics area. The triage area will also be modified to ensure a single triage process is in place. On-site security will also be made more visible. Minister for Health $4 million at Bundaberg Hospital to enhance the new Emergency Department project by providing additional observation beds and ensuring support services like radiology and x-ray are easily accessible. (Related to EC 4387) Minister for Health 44 more rehabilitation beds at Eventide Sandgate on Brisbane’s bayside. Minister for Health 15 rehabilitation places at Rockhampton Hospital and outreach services to Yeppoon and Mt Morgan. Minister for Health Dialysis Patient Accommodation – $800 000 new four bedroom/bathroom dwelling to provide accommodation for renal dialysis patients from Mt Isa Hospital. To be completed by June 2010. (Funding is from the $100 Million Sustainable Resource Communities support package. Funding for each of these projects will start in June 2009). Minister for Health New Staff retention accommodation - facilities to retain key frontline health and police staff – 5 new or upgraded dwellings to ensure attraction and retention of key health and Police staff for Mt Isa. $4.52 million. (Funding is from the $100 Million Sustainable Resource Communities support package. Funding for each of these projects will start in June 2009. Joint reporting between Queensland Health and QPS ). Minister for Health We will employ at least 3500 doctors, nurses and allied health workers over the next three years. Minister for Health $5 million investment in new maternity services that will give one-on-one midwifery support to women. Minister for Health $2.7 million so that women in nine towns and their surrounding districts will have access to Newborn and Family Drop-in Clinics that provide specialist advice to new parents on a range of areas such as breastfeeding, nutrition, child development and other supports. Minister for Health The Premier said the new maternity services that will give one-on-one midwifery support to women will commence in nine locations covering their surrounding rural and regional areas from 2009-10: Atherton Minister Commitment Minister for Health The Premier said the new maternity services that will give one-on-one midwifery support to women will commence in nine locations covering their surrounding rural and regional areas from 2009-10: Gladstone Minister for Health The Premier said the new maternity services that will give one-on-one midwifery support to women will commence in nine locations covering their surrounding rural and regional areas from 2009-10: Longreach Minister for Health The Premier said the new maternity services that will give one-on-one midwifery support to women will commence in nine locations covering their surrounding rural and regional areas from 2009-10; Dalby Minister for Health The Premier said the new maternity services that will give one-on-one midwifery support to women will commence in nine locations covering their surrounding rural and regional areas from 2009-10: Ipswich Minister for Health The Premier said the new maternity services that will give one-on-one midwifery support to women will commence in nine locations covering their surrounding rural and regional areas from 2009-10: Caboolture Minister for Health The Premier said the new maternity services that will give one-on-one midwifery support to women will commence in nine locations covering their surrounding rural and regional areas from 2009-10: Logan Minister for Health The Premier said the new maternity services that will give one-on-one midwifery support to women will commence in nine locations covering their surrounding rural and regional areas from 2009-10: Charters Towers Minister for Health The Premier said the new maternity services that will give one-on-one midwifery support to women will commence in nine locations covering their surrounding rural and regional areas from 2009-10: Proserpine Minister for Health The Newborn and Family Drop-in Clinics will be located in: Hervey Bay Minister for Health The Newborn and Family Drop-in Clinics will be located in: Mount Isa Minister for Health The Newborn and Family Drop-in Clinics will be located in: Bundaberg Minister for Health The Newborn and Family Drop-in Clinics will be located in: Caboolture Minister for Health The Newborn and Family Drop-in Clinics will be located in: Redcliffe/Deception Bay Minister for Health The Newborn and Family Drop-in Clinics will be located in: Kingaroy Minister for Health The Newborn and Family Drop-in Clinics will be located in: Longreach Minister for Health The Newborn and Family Drop-in Clinics will be located in: Proserpine Minister for Health The Newborn and Family Drop-in Clinics will be located in: Emerald Minister for Health $1 Million toward the total $2 million cost of a new Rockhampton Cancer Education Support and Accommodation Centre. The new $2M centre, located next to the Cancer Council's existing accommodation facility would include: a support centre for cancer patients and the families; a health education facility for the regional community; a venue for health professional training and development and a point of contact for cancer-related information and affiliated support services. Minister for Health $12.5 million to upgrade primary health care centre in Hopevale to provide public health and outreach services. Minister for Health A re-elected Bligh Government is also willing to explore your proposals further in relation to the opportunity for school Dental Vans to visit aged care facilities during term breaks. As aged care is ultimately a Commonwealth responsibility, a re-elected Bligh Government would be prepared to work with Aged Care Queensland to seek support for this proposal from the Rudd Government. Minister Commitment Minister for Health A re-elected Bligh Government will sit down with physiotherapists and discuss transport and access issues for physiotherapists and their patients. Minister for Health Continue to examine the adoption of a corporate model of general practitioner services for the Cardwell community, and if adopted, will include Government provision of medical services by senior medical offers, with a staffing level appropriate to the service requirements of the community Minister for Health Continue negotiations between Queensland Health and the Queensland Ambulance Service to establish a walkway between the Warnock Health Centre and the Ambulance Station to enhance collaboration and clinical care. Donate land for future expansion and, as a priority, continue to lobby the Commonwealth Government to finalise secure capital works funding. Minister for Health Review the provision of x-ray services in the Tully and Cardwell region with a view to ensuring that appropriate levels of service are offered to the community. Minister for Health Prior to the announcement of the 2009 Queensland State Election, a whole-of-government approach to chronic disease prevention was being developed by the Government. A re-elected Bligh Government is committed to continuing this process to identify the most effective ways to combat the increasing burden of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes on our Queensland population. Minister for Health In addition, a re-elected Bligh Government will also undertake a review of the Medical Aids and Subsidy Scheme to consider the issues you have raised. As part of this, the Government will explore a repair / replacement system for medical aides and opportunities to improve forward-planning for people requiring medical aides. Minister for Health In recognition of the issues you have raised a re-elected Bligh Government will commit to establishing a taskforce with NGO representation to provide advice to Government on how implementation of the Queensland Health policy for the provision of health services for people with a disability can be improved. We will also establish cross agency Committee to examine issues in relation to access to health services by adults with a decision making impairment. Minister for Health I am advised that 18 February 2009 the Minister for Health, Stephen Robertson MP, approved inclusion of the list of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) approved drugs for the treatment of glaucoma in the Ocular Therapeutics Protocol. A re-elected Bligh Government is committed to finalising these policy reforms as one part of our commitment to making Queenslanders Australia's healthiest people. Minister for Health A re-elected Bligh Government will provide in-principle support to the proposal to investigate changes to the Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996 with respect to the prescribing of drugs by podiatrists. Minister Commitment Minister for Health Subsequently, the second Bill due for introduction into the Queensland Parliament in mid 2009 will repeal and replace the first Act, and will establish the registration and accreditation functions of the boards and the Agency. A re-elected Bligh Government would ensure that an exposure draft of this Bill is released as soon as possible for consultation with stakeholders and would welcome the participation of your State Committee in these discussions. Further, in relation to the role that Colleges such as yours will have under this scheme, a transitional measure will be introduced whereby for the first three years of the scheme, the Ministerial Council will assign accreditation functions to existing bodies, with the requirement that within the first 12 months of the national scheme they meet the standards and criteria set by the Agency. Further accreditation arrangements subsequent to this transitional period will be developed by the national boards in consultation with the relevant profession and recommended to the Ministerial Council for approval. Minister for Health If elected, the Bligh Government, on the advice of this Taskforce, will develop new policies and arrangements to encourage education and training in regional areas, making them a more attractive option for medical professionals. Minister for Health $1m refurbishment to provide a new birthing centre at the Toowoomba Hospital. Minister for Health Yeppoon Lagoon (contribution of state land). (Minister for Tourism and Fair Trading to maximise tourism benefits) Minister for Health Continue to deliver the $650,000 extension to the Middlemount Community Health Centre (Funding is from the $100 Million Sustainable Resource Communities support package). Minister for Health Open the Yeppoon Hospital including a state of the art acute care wing, an emergency department, 22 inpatient beds and an imaging department, a total investment of more than $20 million. Minister for Health Commence a $122 million expansion of the Ipswich Hospital which will provide an additional 84 beds. Minister for Health Provide $3.3 million for the ongoing redevelopment of the Toowoomba Hospital. Minister for Health Continue a $27.5 million refurbishment of the Redcliffe Hospital including expanded specialist outpatients department and allied health services. Minister for Health Our commitment to northside residents is that we will continue the emergency department at the Royal Children's Hospital until at least 2014. In 2014, if consultation with the local community and medical experts shows there is a need for an emergency children's specialist at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, then there will be one. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Box Creek. Raising of a key section of the road, replacement of existing drainage structures and reconstruction of pavement. Work will be conducted on a critical 1km section of the Flinders Highway located around 50km west of Julia Creek. Project will cost approximately $3 million. (Funding is from the $100 Million Sustainable Resource Communities support package. Funding for each of these projects will start in June 2009). Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Holy Joe Creek. Construction of new culverts to provide additional drainage capacity, replacement of existing drainage structures and reconstruction of pavement. Work will be conducted on a critical 400 metre section of the Flinders Highway located around 45km west of Julia Creek. Project will cost approximately $1.9 million. (Funding is from the $100 Million Sustainable Resource Communities support package. Funding for each of these projects will start in June 2009). Minister Commitment Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure The road between Charter Towers and Mount Garnet is made up of the Gregory Developmental Road (Charters Towers to the Lynd) and the Kennedy Developmental Road/Kennedy Highway (The Lynd to Mount Garnet), a total length of 421km. The Bligh Government's plan is to widen about 90km of narrow pavement at a cost of $55 million over the current five-year Roads Implementation Program (RIP). Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Mt Lindesay Highway. $91m Mount Lindesay Highway upgrade project Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Mt Lindesay Highway. Planning and design for the grade separated interchange at Chambers Flat Road/Crowson Lane and the 4 laning from Rosia Rd to Chambers Flat Rd. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Mt Lindesay Highway. A Safer Roads Sooner project for $320,000 to improve the Millstream Road intersection scheduled for construction in 2010/11. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Captain Cook Highway - 28km section south of Mossman. Installation of guardrail at various sections near Oak Beach. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Gillies Highway - Gordonvale to Yungaburra Replacement of culverts on the range section (NDRRA) Further asphalt works are planned for 2009/10 under the Blackspot program Work to reseal sections of the top of the Gillies Range Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Kuranda Range Road. Kuranda Range Safety Improvement works worth $1.1m funded from SRS program. In 2009, the focus will be curve widening works to improve safety. Work is almost complete on a curve located 1.2km from Avondale Creek heading towards the Rex Lookout. Work on another curve at Avondale Creek to commence after the 2009 wet season. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Proserpine-Shute Harbour Road (Whitsunday Way). $5.6M to construct roundabout at Beach Road/Stewart Drive intersection. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Proserpine-Shute Harbour Road (Whitsunday Way). $2.5M to construct roundabout at Tropic Road intersection. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Proserpine-Shute Harbour Road (Whitsunday Way). $800,000 from Safer Roads Sooner to improve lighting, delineation and sight lines on sections of the Whitsunday Way between Cannonvale and Jubilee Pocket. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure D'Aguilar Hwy (Caboolture to Woodford and sections to Yarraman). $6.3 million project to rehabilitate and widen the D’Aguilar Highway between Mary Smokes Road and Arnolds Road North. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure As well, we have strengthened powers for police to remove cargo and stricken vehicles from our roads without first having to seek permission from the owner. Main Roads plans a comprehensive consultation and education process, and if re-elected we will implement this initiative on 30 April 2009. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure All non-local heavy vehicles banned from using Kessels and Riawena Roads (Brisbane Urban Corridor). Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Trial of Trucks use Left Lane only (on the Brisbane Urban Corridor (BUC), the link between the Gateway Motorway and the Ipswich Motorway, runs 11 kilometres along the Mt Gravatt-Capalaba, Kessels, Riawena and Granard Roads) Minister Commitment Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure $1.2 million for 24-7 police officer co-ordination in the Metropolitan Traffic Management Centre and throughout the traffic incident response system. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide $175 000 funding to continue the very popular “Living the Queensland Lifestyle” Free Kids Fishing Clinics program with 100 new clinics. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure $6.5 million for two specially designed heavy vehicle recovery units capable of lifting heavy trucks and semi-trailers from the roadways of south-east Queensland, with the first truck due to arrive by June 2009. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Three mobile depots based at Nathan (Pacific Mwy), Deagon (Gateway North) and Brassall (Warrego Hwy/ Ipswich Mwy) for recovery and emergency equipment and signage with fast access to key traffic corridors and heavily trafficked roads. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure $630,000 for three special incident cameras that take 360 degree images of the accident scene to go to the South Coast, North Coast and Ipswich/ Toowoomba. This will speed up the time taken to record the scene of an accident. The system will be introduced before May 2009. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Indooroopilly (Meiers Road) boat ramp reconstruction. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Rivers Heads (eastern side) boat ramp reconstruction. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Rosslyn Bay boat harbour pontoon. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Committed to funding two thirds of the cost of replacing Jubilee Bridge. Would be able to provide more than $12 million to the project and lobby the Federal Government for the remainder. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Build the Hospital Bridge at Mackay. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Rehabilitate and widen the Rockhampton-Emu Park Road between Cobb and Co Road and Whitely Road at a cost of $2.1 million. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Fund Gladstone Regional Council with a $275,000 contribution for upgrades of Don Young Drive and Mt Larcom-Bracewell Road, north of Mt Larcom. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Complete construction of the Bundaberg Ring Road at a total cost of $92 million. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Build a new $272 million Airport Flyover. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Complete the new $315 million Houghton Highway Bridge, linking Brighton to Clontarf, with bus priority lanes. With a new 2.7km, three lane bridge, fishing platform and pedestrian-cycle path. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Continue to improve sections of the M1 in partnership with the Federal Government, including interchange improvements at Mudgeeraba. Minister Commitment Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Continue to improve sections of the M1 in partnership with the Federal Government, including improvements at the Nielsens Road and Pacific Motorway interchange, Nerang South. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Continue to improve sections of the M1 in partnership with the Federal Government, including interchange improvements at the Robina (Somerset Drive) and Varsity Lakes (Reedy Creek Road) interchanges. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Continue duplication of Bribie Island Road between Aerodrome Road and Pasturage Road at a cost of $45.7 million. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Complete widening between Uhlmann Road and the Caboolture turn-off, on the Bruce Highway, at a cost of $183 million (federally funded, Queensland delivered). Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Critical roadworks including the duplication of Mackay Bucasia Road. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Begin a planning study for upgrade of Beaudesert Road between Compton and Park Ridge roads Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services The Funding for this initiative will come from the Climate Change Fund. The Climate Change Adaptation 2007-12 action plan identifies - Action 55 – to extend the preparedness and awareness programs to communities were the risk of extreme climatic events has increased. This funding supports those activities. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Donate a twin engine EC 135 helicopter, valued at more than $6 million, to SLSQ to replace the 15 year old single engine aircraft. This will provide greater capacity for surf rescues and patrols along beaches from Coolangatta to Noosa. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Allocate $400,000 annually to cover the increased operating costs of the twin engined helicopter Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Allocate $200,000 annually (over four years) for 23 new beach patrol services and additional equipment on regional beaches north of the Sunshine Coast Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Cairns region – New Service – Implement inflatable rescue boat patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Cairns region – New Service – Implement full-time SurfCom (communications centre) operations Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Cairns region – New Service – Implement full Rescue Water Craft (RWC/jet ski) service Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Cairns region – New Service – Implement 24 Hour Emergency Response Service Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Cairns region – New Infrastructure – Radio Communications network servicing Etty Bay and Mission Beach. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Port Douglas (Four Mile Beach) – Service Enhancement – Increase daily patrol duration Minister Commitment Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Port Douglas (Four Mile Beach) – Service Enhancement – Increase number of lifeguards on duty Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Port Douglas (Four Mile Beach) – New Service - Implement roving surveillance mobile patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Ellis Beach – Service Enhancement – Increase duration of operations throughout the year Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Cairns (Palm Cove) – Service Enhancement – Increase daily patrol duration Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Cairns (Palm Cove) – Service Enhancement – Increase number of lifeguards on duty Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Cairns (Palm Cove) – New Service – Implement roving surveillance mobile patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Green Island – Service Enhancement – Increase number of lifeguards on duty to 365 days a year Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Green Island – Service Enhancement – Increase number of lifeguards on duty November to May Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Tully (South Mission Beach) – New Service – Implement roving lifeguard to operate between North and South Mission beaches and Wongaling beach and Kurrimine Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services North Mission Beach – New Service – Implement school holiday patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Townsville region – New Service – Implement Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Townsville region – New Service – Implement full-time SurfCom (communications centre) operations Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Townsville region – New Service – Implement full Rescue Water Craft (Jet Ski) service Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Townsville region – New Service – Implement 24 Hour Emergency Response Service Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Magnetic Island (Alma Bay) – Service Enhancement – Implement patrol service 7 days per week 52 weeks per year Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Bowen (Horseshoe Bay) – Service Enhancement – Increase weekend patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Bowen (Horseshoe Bay) = Service Enhancement – Implement school holiday patrols Minister Commitment Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Mackay – Service Enhancement – Increase services to Eimeo Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Mackay – Service Enhancement – Increase services to Blacks Beach Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Mackay – Service Enhancement – Increase services to Lamberts Beach Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Mackay – New Infrastructure – Communications Network Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Mackay – New Service – Implement Duty Officer Service Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Yeppoon Service Enhancement – Increase weekend patrol times to start at 8am Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Emu Park Service Enhancement – Increase weekend patrol times to start at 8am Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Agnes Water Service Enhancement – Increase weekend patrol times to start at 8am Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Tannum Sands Service Enhancement – Increase weekend patrol times to start at 8am Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Moore Park Service Enhancement – Increase weekend patrol times to start at 8am Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Bundaberg Service Enhancement – Increase weekend patrol times to start at 8am Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Elliot Heads Service Enhancement – Increase weekend patrol times to start at 8am Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Hervey Bay Service Enhancement – Increase weekend patrol times to start at 8am Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Bundaberg New Infrastructure – Implement radio communications network Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Capricorn Coast New Infrastructure – Implement radio communications network Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Tannum Sands New Infrastructure – Implement radio communications network Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Agnes Water New Infrastructure – Implement radio communications network Minister Commitment Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services New Infrastructure – Implement surf safety surveillance cameras at Kelly’s Beach Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services New Infrastructure – Implement surf safety surveillance cameras at Agnes Water Beach Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Bundaberg New Service – Implement a Duty Officer system Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Capricorn Coast New Service – Implement a Duty Officer system Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Yeppoon Beach – Service Enhancement – Expand lifeguard service levels to incorporate an eight-week period, one week either side of the Christmas school holidays Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Kemp Beach New Service – Implement roving surveillance patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Lammermoor Beach New Service – Implement roving surveillance patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Rydges Capricorn Resort Beach New Service – Implement roving surveillance patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Yeppoon Beach – New Service – Implement 24-hour Emergency Response Group Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Emu Park – Service Enhancement – Expand lifeguard service levels to incorporate an eight-week period, one week either side of the Christmas school holidays Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Mulambin Beach New Service – Implement roving surveillance patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Kinka Beach New Service – Implement roving surveillance patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Zilzie Beach New Service – Implement roving surveillance patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Emu Park New Service – Implement 24-hour Emergency Response Group Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Tannum Sands – Service Enhancement – Expand lifeguard service levels to incorporate an eight-week period, one week either side of the Christmas school holidays Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Tannum Sands – New Service – Implement 24-hour Emergency Response Group Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Tannum Sands – New Service – Implement roving surveillance patrols Minister Commitment Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Agnes Water – Service Enhancement – Increase service duration to 365 days a year Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Agnes Water – New Service – Implement 24-hour Emergency Response Group Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Agnes Water – New Service – Implement roving surveillance patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Kelly’s Beach – Service Enhancement – Increase service levels to include coverage on all weekends during the off-season (May to September) Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Kelly’s Beach – New Service – Implement early morning surveillance and/or roving patrols from 6am to 8am/9am over the four-day Easter long weekend – Rescue Water Craft (RWC) Service Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Kelly’s Beach – New Service – Implement early morning surveillance and/or roving patrols from 6am to 8am/9am 7-days/week during the Christmas school holidays – Rescue Water Craft (RWC) Service Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Mon Repos – Service Enhancement – Increase service to cover all weekends and public holidays between September and May Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Oaks Beach – Service Enhancement – Increase service to cover all weekends and public holidays between September and May Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Bundaberg – New Service – Implement 24-hour Emergency Response Group Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Bundaberg – New Service – Implement roving surveillance patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Hervey Bay – Service Enhancement – Expand lifeguard service levels to incorporate an eight-week period, one week either side of the Christmas school holidays Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Hervey Bay – New Service – Implement 24-hour Emergency Response Group Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Hervey Bay – New Service – Implement roving surveillance patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Hervey Bay – Service Enhancement – Increase minimum club patrol times to start at 8am from Sept to May Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Hervey Bay – New Service – Implement a Duty Officer system Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Woodgate – New Service - Implement school holiday patrols Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Sunshine Coast – New Service – Implement Sunshine Coast helicopter patrols from September to May on weekends and public holidays Minister Commitment Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Sunshine Coast – New Service – Implement aerial surveillance December to January, seven days a week, two flights per day Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Double Island Point – New Infrastructure – Implement Surf Safety Camera at Double Island Point Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Gold Coast – New Infrastructure –New camera to be installed to cover Tallebudgera Creek Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services New Staff retention accommodation - facilities to retain key frontline health and police staff – 5 new or upgraded dwellings to ensure attraction and retention of key health and Police staff for Mt Isa. $4.52 million. (Funding is from the $100 Million Sustainable Resource Communities support package. Funding for each of these projects will start in June 2009. Joint reporting between Queensland Health and QPS ). Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services The Premier said the State Government’s Re-joiner Accelerated Competency Education (RACE) program to get former Queensland police officers back into the service would continue. “Under the recruitment plan these officers will receive refresher training and then be re-deployed.” Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services $53.6 million over three years for the new contact centre – Policelink – to be opened at Zillmere in early 2010 to provide state-wide 24 hour contact number for non emergency police matters. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services $7.2 million to complete the replacement station and watchhouse in Murgon. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services $8.9 million to complete the replacement police station and watchhouse at Mareeba Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services A new police hotline 13HOON giving local people an easy way to report crime will be in the Cairns area early next year. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services 13HOON will be rolled out across the State. The new contact centre for the general public will be 131 444 for all non urgent enquiries and 13HOON for the reporting of all hooning activities. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services A re-elected Bligh Government commits to seize the assets of any person who seeks to exploit others by operating an illegal prostitution escort business, and a re-elected Bligh Government will also make it an offence to be a client or employee of an illegal escort business. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services We will continue to progress the new Queensland Police Academy at Wacol to be completed in 2014. This year we will invest $12.8 million to complete phase one and open the police driver training centre. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services We will trial mobile Livescan and RapidID devices with a view to introducing them. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services We will also investigate the distribution of data-dot technology through PCYC Queensland to assist Queenslanders to mark their personal property and safeguard against theft. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services We will finalise delivery of $2.2 million for an aircraft for the Torres Strait, based on Horn Island. Minister Commitment Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Redevelop the Townsville Ambulance Station. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Expand Townsville Correctional Centre. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Upgrade the heritage-listed Mount Morgan Police Station. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Complete $15,000 in upgrade works to the Nebo Emergency Services Centre. (Initiative is also part of the Sustainable Resource Communities Initiative launched 31 August 2008) Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Complete and commission the new 24-hour police station at Yeppoon. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Provide a new $1.4 million 22-metre Yeppoon Water police boat for police patrol and search and rescue operations. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Complete the $3.8 million Reedy Creek police station. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Finish the new courthouse, police station and watchhouse in Ipswich at a cost of $110 million. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Redevelop and upgrade the Kitchener Street Toowoomba Fire and Rescue Station. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Replace the ambulance station at Redcliffe at a cost of $2 million. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services A new police station in Cannonvale. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Establish a new $3.2 million Mitchelton Ambulance Station on Samford Road with construction due to start this year. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services $3 million refurbishment of the Richlands Watchhouse Minister for Tourism, Manufacturing and Small Business Maintain annual funding commitments to Tourism Queensland. Minister for Tourism, Manufacturing and Small Business The Queensland Government has partnered with Jetstar to deliver four new services a week between Osaka in western Japan and Cairns – a massive 62,400 per year seat increase. The Premier said the new seats, to start before the end of this year, reflected the work the State Government have done over the past year to strengthen the case for more Japanese airline services. Minister for Tourism, Manufacturing and Small Business Your proposal of a Ministerial Forum which would comprise of the Ministers from each of the key portfolio’s which impact tourism is welcome, and a re-elected Bligh Government would be committed to convening such a forum within 6 months. Minister Commitment Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Shorncliffe (Sinbad St) boat ramp reconstruction and new pontoon. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Manly boat harbour (northern) boat ramp reconstruction. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Scarborough boat harbour boat ramp reconstruction and new pontoon. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Saunders Beach boat ramp reconstruction. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Adaluma Avenue (Buddina) boat ramp reconstruction. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Pelican Waters – 2 by single lane boat ramp reconstructions. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Norman River Gilbert Street Karumba pontoon. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Meiers Rd Indooroopilly Replace BCC Pontoon. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs *Continue to preserve the rail corridor. Any suggestion that we will dispose of the corridor is absolutely false. *Clarify the description of the project in the South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan and Program so that it is listed as the "Petrie to Kippa-Ring passenger rail line. * Offer members of the Rail09 Committee a full briefing on the project by Queensland Transport and the Translink Transit Authority. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Provide $10 million worth of targeted priority safety works at level crossings in North and Far North Queensland. Two Bruce highway level crossings - one at Brandon and the other near Big Red at Bowen - will be included in a state wide trial of closed circuit television cameras to monitor safety and driver behaviour. Boom gates will be added to three level crossings near Cardwell including the site of the crash that killed Townsville train drivers. Boom gates will also be installed at crossings at Garradunga road north of Innisfail and Wainai Road near Mackay. A crossing at Aerodrome Road near Mundoo will not receive boom gates but will receive other safety measures Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Progress the Southern Access Corridor Planning Study. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Provide $20 million for new and upgraded infrastructure at the Port of Townsville. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Inject $400 million for the Jilalan Rail Yard upgrade. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Complete the final stage of the $780 million RG Tanner coal facility. Minister Commitment Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Complete the $444 million busway extension stretching from the Royal Brisbane Hospital to Kedron as part of the $2.5 billion Northern Busway. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Commence the first stage of the Eastern Busway from Buranda to Capalaba, at a cost of $358 million. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Build the new Eprapah Creek Cycle and Pedestrian Bridge that will provide a critical link between Thornlands and Victoria Point. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Continue to build the Robina to Varsity Lakes rail extension. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Continue to progress the Rapid Transit for the Gold Coast. The Queensland Government will build Gold Coast's Rapid Transit System with or without Federal Government help Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Improve the rail service between Corinda and Darra. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Enhance public transport services, including to Bribie Island. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Complete construction on the Acacia Ridge Rail Overpass Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Extra bus services, upgraded Railway Stations and retail outlet to sell Go Cards at Eight Mile Plains Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Review Inala's Bus zone boundaries following claims commuters pay to much for fares Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs A new $2 million customer service centre at the (Gladstone) city's Paterson Street depot. Construction would more than likely be carried out in the six months after the election and once all the approvals were in place Premier and Minister for Reconstruction Guarantee 5,000 public sector apprenticeships and traineeships over the next four years. Premier and Minister for Reconstruction Agreed on a politicians' pay freeze. She would continue last year's freeze until the economy improves. Premier and Minister for Reconstruction Improve sporting facilities such as Marley Brown Oval. Premier and Minister for Reconstruction All of the [carbon] emissions that have been created in this campaign by both Mr Springborg and myself will be fully offset as part of my Government's plan to offset all air travel. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade Under a re-elected Bligh Government's Carbon Outlook Scheme, 50 Queensland firms will receive an individual assessment of the impact of the scheme on their business in June 2009. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade Establishment of the Q-Tropics Regional Hub at James Cook University Townsville Campus to lead commercialisation of tropical expertise and network commercialisation managers and research across Queensland. The Hub will also include a brokerage facility to assist industry and business win collaborative contracts. Engagement of a Business Development Manager to establish and support the functions of the Regional Hub. An international symposium and conference to support a series of leading expert events and seminars. Support will also be given to targeted marketing and trade missions. Minister Commitment Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade A re-elected Bligh Government is committed to finalising this draft ICT industry development strategy. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade I am also interested in discussing some of your other suggested initiatives in further detail following the election, should we be reelected. I think they would form a useful agenda for the first Manufacturing Leaders Group following the election and will ask that the incoming Industry Minister convene a meeting of the group as soon as practically possible following the election. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade Premier Anna Bligh has outlined the four point plan that a new Bligh Government will use to create 100,000 new jobs over the next three years - Not cut back on the State’s capital building program because of the global financial crisis. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade The construction of the Q-Tropics Health Alliance at James Cook university at Townsville and Cairns, in partnership with the QIMR and Griffith University in Brisbane, to lead in the research into a range of tropical health issues and diseases including dengue fever. Consultation is expected to commence in 2010. The Queensland Government committed $19.45 million to fund this facility. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade Committed to acquiring the land corridor where the underground gas pipeline to the proposed Curtis Island LNG plants will be built. The land has an estimated value of up to $30 million. A new Labor Government would begin acquiring the 70 km by 200 metres wide corridor between Callide and the Gladstone State Development Area in a matter of months. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade Maintain annual funding to the successful Queensland Investment Incentive Scheme. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade Employers who hire an apprentice or trainee will get a rebate of 125% of that wage off their payroll tax for another employee. That means an employer who hires four apprentices will not only pay no payroll tax on the apprentices but no tax on an equivalent employee who earns the same wage. Payroll tax rebate to apply from 1 July 2009 for 1 financial year. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade Ms Bligh has guaranteed no new or extra business taxes in the next Budget if Labor wins next month. Treasurer Andrew Fraser reversed his previous refusal to rule out tax increases this year. "I'm happy to rule it out, absolutely," he said. He says that applies to mining royalties as well. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade This commitment complements the work of the Office of State Revenue (OSR), which aims to reduce red tape by 20 per cent. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade Provide $11.2 million to improve the Trinity Heritage Wharf which will deliver a world-class cruise ship facility. (Minister for Tourism and Fair Trading to maximise tourism benefits) Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade Treasurer Andrew Fraser said Labor would pay for the promises by postponing the construction of the $55 million Nathan Dam in Central Queensland Not completed Minister Commitment Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State For this reason, a re-elected Bligh Government has signalled an intention to introduce urban encroachment legislation to ensure existing lawful uses are not adversely impacted by new urban uses. Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State Complete the $600 million new Brisbane Supreme Court and District Court complex. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies "We will upgrade the DPI&F IT platform to make services integrated, modern and user-friendly, with 50pc of the departmental services delivered online by 2012. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies "The Government will also provide the Queensland Farmers Federation and Agforce with $300,000 in joint funding over three years to improve the capacity of rural industries to engage in regional planning initiatives statewide." Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies Establishing a new Plant Science Centre of Excellence on the Darling Downs. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies Mr Mulherin said new and contemporary legislation for biosecurity would be introduced as part Queensland's Biosecurity Strategy. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies "The Government will spend $7.5m over three years for research and support to the forestry industry through genetic improvement and productivity. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies A comprehensive consultation process with industry to develop legislation to implement the biosecurity strategy. Minister for Child Safety and Sport A re-elected Bligh Labor Government will provide financial assistance up to $1 million to Football Mackay to relocate from its current facility to a new facility on Milton Street by 2012. Minister Commitment Minister for Disability Services, Mental Health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships A re-elected Bligh Government will provide three million dollars to help fund respite care for young people with disabilities on the Gold Coast. Premier Anna Bligh said her Government will team up with Youngcare and the Adam Scott Foundation to help fund a state-of-the-art residential complex to accommodate and care for young people with complex disability and health care needs. Ms Bligh said a new 14 apartment complex would be built on the Gold Coast consisting of 10 single bedroom units, two two-bedroom family units and two respite units. Minister for Disability Services, Mental Health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships A re-elected Bligh Government will work with disability advocates to finalise an appropriate policy on co-tenancy. This policy will formalise current practices relating to the sharing of accommodation and support by promoting best practice in service delivery. Importantly, the policy will reinforce that it is not government policy to require co-tenancies where they are not supported by an individual's preference. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations To ensure every child can access a high quality education program, a Bligh Government will introduce a noncompulsory teacher-led kindergarten education program for 31/2 to 41/2 year olds. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations A Bligh Government will provide 240 additional new and expanded kindergarten services across the State by 2014 at a cost of more than $300 million. The first eight new kindergartens will open in 2010, costing an estimated $13 million, with a further 12, estimated to cost $19 million to be operational in 2011. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open eight new kindergartens in 2010 at: St Andrews, Redlynch Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Open two extended kindergartens in 2011 at: Jimboomba State School **Jimboomba kindergarten NOT PROCEEDING - see below for replacement** DET to: 1. confirm replacement service at Flagstone State School ready to commence first day Term 1, 2011; then 2. report on the replacement kindergarten service at Logan Village State School scheduled for delivery first day Term 1, 2012 Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Committing up to $12.25 million in 2010 to provide between 10 and 20 hours of intensive teaching for students in Years 3 and 5 who are struggling to meet national standards in literacy or numeracy or both. This initiative, with a total cost of up to $36.75 million over three years, will be regularly reviewed to ensure its continued performance. It will employ the equivalent of up to 145 full time teachers. Minister Commitment Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Create an extra 500 full-time equivalent teacher aide positions, providing an extra 15,000 hours of assistance every school week. Ms Bligh said the 500 extra teacher aide positions, costing $43 million over three years, would provide vital support across all primary school year levels from Prep to Year 7. Schools may choose to support Prep teachers at the start of the year, then move the extra aide time to years 3, 5 and 7 to help students in the lead-up to the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests. They may also be assigned to classes where students have learning difficulties or need other types of the support. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Solar panels in every one of the 1,251 state primary and high schools by 2011. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations $11,219,000 for classroom upgrades at local schools over the next three years under Tomorrow's Schools Program. (TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND) Minister for Education and Industrial Relations 13 new kindergarten services as part of the 240 new kindergartens statewide (570 places). Minister for Education and Industrial Relations 18 new kindergarten services as part of the 240 new Kindergartens State Wide.(880 places) Minister for Education and Industrial Relations $13,329,000 for classroom upgrades at local schools over the next three years under the Tomorrow's Schools Program. (NORTH QUEENSLAND) Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Build or expand 12 kindergartens to provide 530 new kindergarten places in the region (Campaign Brochure) . 6 new kindergarten services as part of the 240 new Kindergartens State Wide (Flies into Rocky media release). Minister for Education and Industrial Relations $7,357,000 for classroom upgrades at local schools over the next three years under the Tomorrow's Schools Program. (ROCKHAMPTON) Minister for Education and Industrial Relations 16 new kindergarten service as part of the 240 new Kindergartens State Wide (700 places). Minister for Education and Industrial Relations $9,755,000 for classroom upgrades at local schools over the next three years under the Tomorrow's Schools Program. (MACKAY) Minister for Education and Industrial Relations $1 Million for classroom upgrades at local schools over the next three years under the Tomorrow's Schools Program. (HERVEY BAY) Minister for Education and Industrial Relations 20 new kindergarten services as part of the 240 new Kindergartens Statewide Program (800 Places) Minister Commitment Minister for Education and Industrial Relations $11,402,600 for classroom upgrades at local schools over the next three years under the Tomorrow's Schools Program. (GOLD COAST) Minister for Education and Industrial Relations A re-elected Bligh Government will commit a further $3 million to continue the current State Government Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care program for another three years. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $6.7 million of additional funding into State schools up upgrade 13 classrooms and 11 science spaces in schools throughout the region. FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Deliver a new Cairns Early Years Centre to support parents and encourage child development. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $8.7 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 78 classrooms and 5 science spaces in schools throughout the region. NORTH QUEENSLAND Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $6.5 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 59 classrooms and 8 science spaces in schools throughout the region. MACKAY-WHITSUNDAY Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $3.3 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 32 classrooms and a science space in Mirani. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Deliver a $3.6 million expansion of childcare capacity in the Bowen Basin, with new, upgraded, expanded or refurbished facilities for Blackwater, Clermont, Middlemount, Moura, Theodore and Moranbah. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $7.3 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 114 classrooms and 5 science spaces in schools throughout the region. KEPPEL Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $5.2 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 48 classrooms and 9 science spaces in schools throughout the region. GLADSTONE Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Build or expand 4 kindergartens to provide 180 new kindergarten places in Bundaberg, as part of the program to provide 240 new kindergartens across Queensland. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $3 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 22 classrooms and 4 science spaces on schools throughout the region. BUNDABERG Minister Commitment Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Build or expand 5 kindergartens to provide 220 new kindergarten places in Hervey Bay, as part of the program to provide 240 new kindergartens across Queensland. (Campaign Brochure). 10 new kindergarten services as part of 240 kindergartens statewide (Bligh's jobs not cuts touches down in Hervey Bay media release) Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $1 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 4 science spaces in schools in Hervey Bay. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Build or expand 22 kindergartens to provide 960 new kindergarten places on Brisbane's northside, as part of the program to provide 240 new kindergartens across Queensland. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject more than $20 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade classrooms and science spaces in schools throughout Brisbane's northside. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Build or expand 31 kindergartens to provide 1370 new kindergarten places on the Brisbane southside, as part of the program to provide 240 new kindergartens across Queensland. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject more than $30 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade classrooms and science spaces in schools throughout Brisbane's southside. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Build or expand 19 kindergartens to provide 840 new kindergarten places in our area, as part of the program to provide 240 new kindergartens across Queensland. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $4.3 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 80 classrooms and 12 science spaces in schools throughout the region. GREATER BRISBANE Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject more than $8 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade classrooms and science spaces in schools throughout the Gold Coast. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Build or expand 17 kindergartens to provide 750 new kindergarten places in the Ipswich area, as part of the program to provide 240 new kindergartens across Queensland. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $6 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 72 classrooms and 9 science spaces in schools throughout Ipswich. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Build or expand 7 kindergartens to provide 300 new kindergarten place in the Toowoomba region, as part of the program to provide 240 new kindergartens across Queensland. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $3.2 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 26 classrooms and 6 science spaces in schools throughout Toowoomba. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Build or expand 18 kindergartens to provide 840 new kindergarten places in the region, as part of the program to provide 240 new kindergartens across Queensland. Minister Commitment Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $565,000 of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 4 computer spaces at Caboolture State High School. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Build or expand 19 kindergartens to provide 840 new kindergarten places on Brisbane's northside, as part of the program to provide 240 new kindergartens across Queensland. Minister for Education and Industrial Relations Inject $4.3 million of additional funding into State schools to upgrade 27 classrooms and 3 science spaces in schools in Redcliffe. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Creating a Green Army to employ 3000 people across the state to deliver 'green' public works. $47 million over three years for paid green work placements for up to 2,300 Queenslanders for up to six months each, with participants completing basic training. $10 million over three years for subsidised Green Traineeships for up to 700 Queenslanders and nationally recognised vocational qualifications. Will also provide assistance for participants to find a full time job or enter higher education upon completion of the program with up to six months follow up support. This will include grants to organisations to deliver green environmental and conservation projects which provide training for unemployed Queenslanders Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Premier Anna Bligh has outlined the four point plan that a new Bligh Government will use to create 100,000 new jobs over the next three years - Prepare for recovery by developing skills for the future. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Premier Anna Bligh has outlined the four point plan that a new Bligh Government will use to create 100,000 new jobs over the next three years - Create new jobs by supporting the new industries of the future like Liquid Natural Gas and Solar while focusing on our traditional strengths like tourism. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Premier Anna Bligh has outlined the four point plan that a new Bligh Government will use to create 100,000 new jobs over the next three years - Develop new job creation programs. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Utilising the data from our Smart Mining, Smart Exploration, and Q2 Resources initiatives, we will produce a new Geological Map of Queensland, and Geology of Queensland in time for the International Geological Congress, in Brisbane 2012 Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Establish a $500,000 Green Building Skills Fund, to skill up to 3,000 industry participants with green building skills. This will be achieved by partnering with peak industry bodies like the Green Building Council of Australia (on the Green Star Accredited Professional course) and HIA (GreenSmart introduction and GreenSmart professional training course) to deliver accredited training courses, with a particular emphasis on undertaking training in regional Queensland. Training course participants will have 50% of their course costs subsidised, with the $500,000 fund resulting in around 3,000 training places over 4 years. Minister Commitment Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining A re-elected Bligh Government will invest $124.3 million over the next four years to deliver approximately 102,000 training places for Queensland workers to up skill and increase their qualifications levels and approximately 46,000 training places to skill Queenslanders newly entering the workforce with trade, training and tertiary qualifications. This investment will leverage an additional $259.3 million from the Rudd Commonwealth Government into Queensland and $30.8 million from industry to deliver 61,014 additional training places for Queensland workers to up skill their qualifications and 46,096 additional training places for new job seekers. This will deliver a $414.4 million program over the four calendar years to 2012, with a total of 148,110 new additional training places to support Queensland workers and job seekers during the global recession. The Bligh Government’s $124.3 million investment will be provided from the Department of Education, Training and the Arts forward budget allocation to create these training places and leverage the Commonwealth Government and industry funding. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Upgrade the Mt Gravatt campus of the Southern Metropolitan Institute of TAFE. Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining Invest $3.4 million to continue modernisation of the Alexandra Hills campus of the Southern Metropolitan Institute of TAFE. Minister for Energy and Water Utilities $28 Million for undergrounding powerlines (4.4km section from the Elanora water treatment plant to the Currumbin substation and an 800m section along Asperia Street, at Reedy Creek). Minister for Energy and Water Utilities Our Clean Energy Act implemented a Smart Energy Savings Program of energy efficiency initiatives for business. The program is designed to reduce emissions, lower costs of energy and delay demand for new energy infrastructure. In addition, the Office of Clean Energy (OCE) will be developing a comprehensive strategic framework for both energy efficiency and demand side management in the second half of 2009. Minister for energy and Water Utilities Upgrade the hydroelectric power station at Barron Gorge. Minister for Environment We commit to a further three reef sites to increase recreational fishing opportunities from late 2010 at a cost of $1 million creating eight jobs. These sites will be selected in consultation with fishing interest groups and after assessment of initial outcomes of the above trial sites. Sites where reefs were once naturally occurring will also be considered to reinstate bay and inshore reefs to support these once great fishing spots as they are easier to access for small craft. Minister Commitment Minister for Environment The discharge of dangerous pesticides and fertilisers capable of killing the Great Barrier Reef will be cut by 50 per cent within four years. “I gave a commitment then that regulations to address this pollution would be introduced to the Queensland Parliament by June this year. “My commitment today is to set clear targets for pollution reduction through these regulations.” Ms Bligh said that targets would be met with a regulatory approach that would complement the federally-funded voluntary program and the good work already being done by many farmers. Minister for Environment Commit to begin to build the walk over the next three years with the first 230 kilometre stage stretching from Daintree through to Cooktown. Minister for Environment Segment the walk into five distinct cultural and geographic sections with themes such as the rainforest experience, the outback experience, cascades, coastlines and cultural experiences, Shelburne and the Great North. Minister for Environment Progress with the Federal Government a World Heritage nomination for those parts of Cape York that have the agreed support of both conservation and Indigenous interests. If re-elected, my Government will commit to undertake all work at the state level for a World Heritage nomination within its next term of government, to enable a World Heritage nomination to proceed with the consent of Traditional Owners within the next term of the Commonwealth Government. Minister for Environment Committed to developing a comprehensive state-wide Biodiversity Strategy in consultation with key stakeholder organisations. Minister for Environment Labor in Government will prohibit the taking of species of fish for the fresh fish market as by catch from bait netting in Conservation Park Zones in State Marine Parks. Minister for Environment Expand Springbrook National Park. Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts Extend its ground-breaking Wild Rivers protection program to south-west Queensland’s channel country. Three rivers in south west Queensland would be declared as wild rivers: Cooper Creek, The Georgina and Diamantina Rivers will be nominated and gazetted as Wild Rivers in the next term of Government in the channel country of South West Queensland. Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts Premier Anna Bligh will change the law to make sure all Queensland farmers, including leasehold farmers, can take advantage of carbon trading schemes for financial reward. Under the plan she would also work with the Federal Government to ensure that re-growth on cleared land, and not just plantation forest, was eligible for carbon trading." We will change the law to make sure they have the same rights as freehold farmers in allowing vegetation to grow on their property to earn carbon trading rewards.” Minister Commitment Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts I also re-affirm my commitment to delivering 100 wild river rangers. Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts The completion of the tenure resolution process remains (for existing State Lands on Cape York Peninsula) among the top priorities for a re-elected Bligh Government. Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts A re-elected Bligh Government is committed to finalising the declaration of all 19 original Wild Rivers in Far North Queensland by the end of 2010. Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts We will achieve this by reviewing primary and subordinate legislation to identify and remove red tape and other impediments to business. All government agencies, with input from stakeholders, will set targets. Minister for Finance Natural Resources and the Arts A re-elected Bligh Government is committed to an initial target of saving business $150 million per annum by the end of 2012-13. Minister for Government Services, Building Industry and Information and Communication Technology Developing the environmental park at Oxley Common Minister for Health Guaranteeing the future of the successful Surgery Connect program by committing an extra $90 million during the next three years. An additional 20,000 procedures, through Surgery Connect, over the next three years to keep Queensland’s waiting lists the shortest in the country. The additional operations will commence from July this year. Types of surgery that will be prioritised include ophthalmology, general surgery and orthopaedic. Paediatric surgery prioritised will include ear, nose, and throat and orthopaedic. The additional procedures include up to 3,300 operations on children over the period. Guaranteeing the future of the successful Surgery Connect program by committing an extra $90 million during the next three years. Minister for Health $45.6 million for the Prince Charles Hospital for a new 12 bay Paediatric Emergency Department, 20 short stay paediatric ward beds and specialist outpatient clinics (previously announced). Minister for Health $44 million expansion of the Logan Hospital Emergency Department including 18 adult treatment bays and dedicated paediatric waiting area and treatment bays. Minister for Health $18 million expansion of Redland Hospital Emergency Department including a helipad, four paediatric ED treatment bays and four consulting rooms (building on a previous $7M commitment). Minister for Health $19 million upgrade to the QEII Hospital Emergency Department including refurbishment to create 11 fast track bays and additional short stay capacity for people requiring observation. Minister for Health $6.7 million expansion of the Ipswich Hospital Emergency Department including paediatric treatment spaces and six paediatric short stay observation beds. Minister Commitment Minister for Health $5.2 million expansion of the Caboolture Hospital Emergency Department including five treatment bays, dedicated paediatric space and to improve patient privacy. Minister for Health $2 million upgrade to the Toowoomba Hospital Emergency Department for a new lounge accommodating up to 12 patients awaiting discharge or transfer by ambulance. Minister for Health 30 rehabilitation or step down beds at Parklands, Townsville. Minister for Health World class new online tools to assist doctors and nurses assess elderly patients faster. Minister for Health We will train and recruit 30 new specialist nurses in three years to work in our busiest EDs, starting with 10 in the next 12 months. These nurses will either be fully accredited Nurse Practitioners or experienced nurses training to become Nurse Practitioners. They will cost $7.8 million over the next three years to train and recruit into the system. Minister for Health Cloncurry Hospital Aged Care Annex – $6.5 million new 10 bed aged care annex attached to the Cloncurry Hospital upgrading the communities existing 3 bed capacity and adding 7 new beds. To be completed by June 2012. (Funding is from the $100 Million Sustainable Resource Communities support package. Funding for each of these projects will start in June 2009). Minister for Health $25 million expansion of the neo-natal intensive care unit in Townsville with an additional $9 million to fund ongoing services to provide state-of-the-art-facilities for north Queensland's sickest babies. Minister for Health A new $6.5 million cancer oncology centre in addition to Rockhampton Hospital’s $74 million redevelopment. It will be completed by 2011 but the additional treatment sessions will come online from next year using visiting oncology specialists. When the centre is fully operational, it will employ at least 10 additional oncology staff. It will provide 4,140 extra cancer treatment sessions each year Minister for Health $15 million in grants over three years for non-government organisations to build or enhance accommodation for patients travelling to receive treatment for cancer, heart disease and other illnesses. Ms Bligh said capital grants totalling $15 million over three years will be given to non-government organisations such as Queensland Cancer Council, Red Cross, the Leukaemia Foundation to provide accommodation for patients and their families. The capital grants will focus on more accommodation in regional centres including Rockhampton, Townsville, Cairns and Mount Isa. Minister for Health Secure land in the south of Cairns for future health service growth. Minister Commitment Minister for Health $39 million to develop a Chronic Disease Centre on Thursday Island. Minister for Health $5.7 million for a primary health care facility at Saibai Island. Minister for Health Implement protocols so that senior registered nurses can discharge patients, in consultation with the treating doctor. Minister for Health Continue the $450 million redevelopment of the Cairns Hospital to provide 168 new beds and over 2,000 jobs Minister for Health Complete the Townsville Hospital Expansion - 100 additional beds, 30 of which have already been delivered and doubling the capacity of the Emergency Department Minister for Health Redevelop the Mackay Hospital, including a new operating theatre, coronary care unit and expanded ICU at a cost of $405 million. Labor's new Mackay Hospital will also deliver new emergency and outpatients' departments, renal support services, day oncology and dental services unit. Labor's new Mackay Hospital will also deliver new birthing and delivery suites, new special care nursery (neonatal), intensive care unit and day surgery suites. Labor's new Mackay Hospital will also deliver refurbishment of the existing main building which will be the new home of non-clinical services Labor's new Mackay Hospital will also deliver parking for 450 cars Labor's new Mackay Hospital will also deliver new staff residential accommodation Labor's new Mackay Hospital will also deliver new inpatient surgery and medical suites Minister for Health Complete the $74 million Rockhampton Hospital expansion including a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine. (Includes an additional 30 beds - EC 4441 2006) Minister for Health Build a new $9.5 million Health Clinic in Bundaberg with dental chair capacity more than doubled. Minister for Health Provide $2 million expansion of the Hervey Bay Hospital Pathology Laboratory. Minister for Health Build the new Hervey Bay Dental Clinic, which will double the number of dental chairs. Minister for Health Commence building the new world-class Queensland Children's Hospital, which will provide comprehensive paediatric specialist care for the State's sickest children. The Queensland Children's Hospital will be completed by 2014 and provide a total of 359 beds - 71 more that the total number of beds at the Royal Children's Hospital and the Mater Children's Hospital combined. Minister for Health Deliver an $88 million expansion of the Princess Alexandra Hospital - to deliver an expanded emergency department, relocated helipad and radiation oncology bunker. (Includes 30 extra beds - EC 4547 - 2006) Minister Commitment Minister for Health Provide expanded children's emergency services at Redcliffe Hospital. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Gregory Camooweal Road surface extension – Paving of sections of the Gregory Camooweal Road between Camooweal and Gregory, at a cost of $5 million. This project not only services the communities of Doomadgee and Gregory and Century Mine but also provides construction employment opportunities from Myuma P/L to deliver indigenous employment and training. (Funding is from the $100 Million Sustainable Resource Communities support package. Funding for each of these projects will start in June 2009). Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Two new overtaking lanes (one in each direction) between Westwood and the intersection with the Leichhardt Highway on the Capricorn Highway ($3 million). Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Two new overtaking lanes (one in each direction) between Bushley and Wycarbah on the Capricorn Highway, ($3 million). Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Mt Lindesay Highway. 3 Safer Roads Sooner projects totalling $895,000 to improve intersections at Greenbank road, Ceder Vale/Cedar Grove, and Tullamore Way scheduled to start construction in 2nd half of 2009. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Captain Cook Highway - 28km section south of Mossman. Culvert improvement works at Barron River, Yorkey's Knob, and Pebbley Beach. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Proserpine-Shute Harbour Road (Whitsunday Way). $1.2 million from Safer Roads Sooner to upgrade Whitsunday Way at the intersection at Rifle Range Rd, 10km east of Proserpine. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure A re-elected Labor Government would deliver three new widened sections of road on Beechmont Road. The widening will allow for easier overtaking and better passing opportunities for traffic travelling in opposite directions. The total project will cost $2.5 million and the work will commence in 2010. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Upgrade of the Mains and Kessels Road intersection. Building the Kessels/Mains road overpass at Macgregor Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure $4 million for four fixed incident response depots to service the Bruce Highway and the Centenary Motorway, the Pacific Motorway and the Gateway South. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: East Point (Pioneer River) new boat ramp. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: St George Bowen Street boat ramp widening. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Walkers Point boat ramp reconstruction Minister Commitment Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Winfield boat ramp reconstruction Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Shute Harbour new boat ramp. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Riverview (Bundaberg) boat ramp reconstruction and upgrade. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Invest at least $24 million over three years to construct or upgrade at least 15 new boat ramps over the next three years in partnership with Queensland councils: Russell Island (Jock Kennedy Park) new boat ramp. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Birdsville waterhole pontoon. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Dungeness Herbert River floating walkway Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Barron River Stratford pontoon. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Bradman Avenue Cod Hole floating walkway. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Murlong Crescent Tallebudgera Ck floating walkway. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Donald Avenue Paradise Pt floating walkway. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Weinam Creek boat ramp pontoon. Minister Commitment Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Queen St Bundaberg Pontoon. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Urangan Boat Harbour pontoon extension. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: South St Maryborough Pontoon. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Port Drive Whyte Island Fisherman Islands Pontoon. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Bellara Bribie Island floating walkway. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Beachmere Boat Ramp Ningi Creek floating walkway. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Coorooman Ck Zilzie pontoon. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Buxton floating walkway. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Tuan floating walkway. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Turkey Beach floating walkway. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Newell Port Douglas Pontoon. Minister Commitment Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Barramundi Creek Burdekin floating walkway. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Nelly Bay Harbour Magnetic Island boat ramp pontoon. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Provide funds of at least $10 million over three years to Queensland councils to support construction of more than 24 new pontoons or floating walkways to improve safety and access for boaties: Coconut Point Johnstone River Pontoon. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Further upgrade the Townsville Ring Road and $18.9 million duplication from two to four lanes of Hervey's Range Road (Bohle Rive-Ring Road). Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Commit to a new Townsville Ocean Terminal. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Upgrade the Peak Downs Highway between Nebo and Mackay. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Implement the $15 million Bowen Basin Safety Plan including $9 million upgrade of Dysart - Middlemount Road. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Replace Stoney Creek Bridge and Byfield Road at a total cost of $3 million. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Invest $67 million to complete the Calliope Range improvements on the Dawson Highway. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Complete the $15.4 million project to upgrade Bundaberg's eight busiest intersections including Walker Street and Branyan Street as well as Takalvan Street, Heidke Street and Johanna Boulevard. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Duplicate sections of the Maryborough-Hervey Bay Road from two to four lanes. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Complete the $1.88 billion Gateway upgrade project, including a second Gateway bridge, and upgrade the current Motorway between Mt Gravatt - Capalaba Road and Nudgee Road. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Invest $24.5 million for intersection upgrades on Cleveland-Redlands Bay Road. Minister Commitment Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Deliver the full upgrade of the Ipswich Motorway in partnership with the Federal Government. Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure Complete $45 million worth of safety improvements on the Warrego Highway between Ipswich and Gatton. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Committing $5.64M over five years for the State Emergency Service Provide 93 new vehicles, 19 flood boats and 4 new trailers for the SES groups. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services As part of a commitment of $7.34 million over four years for the Rural Fire Service by provision of 14 new fire engines and retro- fitting of the existing fleet to improve operational capability in the following areas: South East Region x 2 Brisbane Region x 1 North Coast Region x 3 South West Region x 2 Central Region x 2 Northern Region x 2 Far Northern Region x 2 These new vehicles will have a water carrying capacity of 3,000 litres of water and come equipped with essential communication and fire fighting requirements. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services As part of a commitment of $7.34 million over four years for the Rural Fire Service by providing; Retrofitting the Rural Fire Service's 965 vehicles with fire reflective curtains to protect fire fighters should they be trapped in their vehicle. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services As part of the commitment of $7.34 million over four years for the Rural Fire Service by providing Increasing the safety of vehicles used in fires by replacing petrol driven pumps with diesel driven pumps to improve safety during fires. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Premier Anna Bligh has pledged to create up to 600 new police jobs in Queensland over the next three years to keep numbers above the national average during the global financial crisis. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services $126 million program of capital upgrades and new stations for police over the next three years. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services $240 million over the next three years for new and upgraded equipment including cars, tasers and up to date communications technology. Minister Commitment Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services $75 million over 3 years for road safety enforcement initiatives such as extra police motorcycles and new fixed speed cameras. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services A new $10 Million Lockhart River Police Station. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services A new $10 Million Badu Island Police Station in Torres Strait. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services A new $12 Million Townsville District police facility at Deeragun. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services $1 Million upgrade to the Townsville Police Academy. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services $4 Million upgrade of the Mackay Police Station if the Labor Government is re-elected. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services $2 Million upgrade of Burleigh Heads Police Complex. This commitment has been redefined as: $1.5 million to establish a police beat in Burleigh $0.5 million to refurbish, rather than upgrade, the Burleigh complex Future reporting will only be on the refurbishment as this aligns to the original commitment. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services In addition, we are committed to implementing a new Queensland Police Service Computer-Aided-Dispatch system which allocates tasks to Police. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services We will also trial in-car cameras for the police traffic branch and Automatic Number Plate Recognition software with a view to implementing in Queensland. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services We will double the penalties for weapons offences, in particular knives. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services We will also re-introduce the Telecommunications Interception Bill into Parliament to ensure the Police and the Crime and Misconduct Commission have the powers necessary to fight serious criminal activity. The Bill will continue to provide a further safeguard - which is unique to Queensland - by involving the Public Interest Monitor to test the validity of applications. Minister Commitment Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Refurbish and upgrade the Walkerston Auxiliary Fire and Rescue Station. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Complete the $3.9 million replacement of the ambulance station at Ipswich. To be built in Thorn Street, next to SES. Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services A $2 million upgrade of Goodna Police Station Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services A new $3 million Oxley District Forensic facility Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services A $3 million upgrade of Calliope Police Station Minister for Tourism, Manufacturing and Small Business Deliver $1.8 million over three years to deliver roadside infrastructure to support the drive travel market. This funding of up to $50,000 per project will be available to local Councils, Regional Tourism Organisations or local community groups to undertake capital projects along Queensland’s highway network The grants will be available for minor roadside infrastructure such as interpretive signs, toilet facilities and shaded picnic areas. In order to get local tradespeople engaged on the projects as soon as possible the first year’s funding will be brought forward with applications due by the end of April so that projects can be underway this financial year. Minister for Tourism, Manufacturing and Small Business Provide an additional $36 million to Tourism Queensland over three years for new regionally focused tourism marketing and product development campaigns. Approximately $6 million of this money will by used by Tourism Queensland, in partnership with Queensland Events, to market major business, sporting and cultural events. Minister for Tourism, Manufacturing and Small Business Contribute $145,900 to Toowoomba and Southern Downs Tourism to encourage tourism and jobs. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs New bus station at Coomera Town Centre as part of $123 million for more than 1300 extra commuter car parks and station upgrades across Queensland, generating more than 900 new jobs. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Deliver Stage 1 of the cycle network for Cairns - Aeroglen to CBD - in partnership with local government. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Deliver 102 new trains on the Citytrain network adding an extra 23,000 seats for passengers. Minister Commitment Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Roll out new and upgraded cycleways across the South-East. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Continue bus priority works and bus station upgrades on the Gold Coast. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs Build a new rail line between Darra and Springfield and upgrade the Ipswich Motorway. Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs A Program to replace older school buses in regional areas will get a $35 million boost. The replacement buses will have rollover protection built into them Premier and Minister for Reconstruction Labor has committed to CBD upgrades and bringing 1200 new public servants to Ipswich. $5 million planning now underway. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade Anna Bligh announced she was putting aside (the tender process to try and find a commercial operator for an airport in the Whitsunday's) and instead committed $4 million to extend the runway and upgrade the terminal of the current facility south of Proserpine. (Minister for Tourism and Fair Trading to maximise tourism benefits of upgrades to Proserpine airport) As per CBRC Dec.No. 2906 Commitment is now for the terminal upgrade only at a total cost of $7m. Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade Whitsunday airport: "We will ultimately, at some time in the future, when the market returns to the buoyancy we saw in the past, we will go back out to the market and look for a commercial operator for a new airport in this region."