September 5, 2014 - LAUC-D

LAUC-D Executive Board Meeting
September 5, 2014
Carlson Health Sciences Conference Room
Present: Bruce Abbott, Cory Craig, Laura Soito (minutes), Matt Conner, David Michalski, Jared
Campbell, Amy Studer, Bill Garrity
Absent: Jean Stratford, Adam Siegel
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:03 am.
2. Approval of Minutes
The August minutes were approved.
3. Announcements
a. Quarterly meetings with Library Executive Council
Previously, Matt met with MacKenzie on a quarterly basis. Bruce was approached with a proposal
from Bill to meet with the Library Executive Council on a quarterly basis. Bruce suggested that he and
the Vice Chair (Cory) might attend these meetings. No concerns were raised with this proposal.
4. Review of Action Items
a. LAUC Committee on Professional Governance
Deanna Johnson volunteered to serve on the LAUC Committee on Professional Governance. This
appointment recommendation was sent to Nick Robinson and has been accepted.
5. Old Business
a. Law Librarian Forms
Dan Goldstein met with Academic Affairs (Daniel Gray) to get outline of what is expected. Dan,
David and Adam will be meeting with librarians at the Law Library today. This group will make a
recommendation to serve of as LAUC recommendation by end of the month.
Both the old and new PEARLS forms are still present on the LAUC-D website. This should be
updated once the new forms are approved by AFT and Academic Affairs.
6. New Business
a. Draft SAG3 proposal
Adam organized a meeting for librarians to provide feedback on the Draft SAG 3 Proposal related to
changes in the bibliographer group organization with Myra (the library’s SAG 3 representative). The
meeting was attended by 5-6 people and additional feedback was sent by email. The LAUC-D
comments will be organized by Adam and sent by September 10th.
b. Provisional membership in LAUC-D for AULs and DUL
Earlier in the year, the changes in payroll titles brought up issues with non-academic series
employees reviewing librarians, and led to questions about LAUC-D membership status for
AULs and the DUL. There was confusion about what the current bylaws allow and it was decided by
the membership to maintain status quo.
Interpretation and application of the bylaws varies by campus. LAUC has decided not to interfere with
local decisions. Each division will be reporting their current membership practices to the LAUC
President for a report to be released in two weeks. Academic Librarians are described in LAUC
Position Paper no. 5 ( The Committee on Professional
Governance will provide a report to advise changing of state bylaws to be addressed at the next LAUC
Understanding to maintain provision membership of the AULs and DUL until statewide decision is
c. Replace version of Bylaws on website with PDF version
Bylaws that are currently on the LAUC-D website are difficult to work with. Research & Professional
Activities bylaw change is also not reflected.
ACTION ITEM: Update the document and save a PDF to be posted on the LAUC-D Website after
review. [Jared]
d. MIV discussion – Matt Conner
As previously discussed, MacKenzie has suggested that librarian review information needs to be
entered in to MIV in a way that can be mined by the campus. Information is currently arranged in a
way that respects librarian categories that do not map directly to existing categories in MIV. It has
previously been recommended that librarians put committee work, publications, and presentations in
existing MIV sections and also use the page with categories.
ACTION ITEM: Obtain clarification on MIV reporting requirements for librarians. [Bill]
7. Committee Reports
a. Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Advancement
Committee roster still needs to be firmed up.
b. Professional Activities Committee
Juri Stratford was added to committee and roster is now full. Statewide grant call was forwarded to
membership earlier this week. Basic reminders on submission process will be forwarded soon.
c. Program Committee
Beth Callahan was added to the committee and the roster is now full. The first program will be on Oct
16th from 3:30-5pm with two speakers from Future of the UC Berkeley Library report. Matt asked if it
would be possibility of broadcast presentation statewide.
ACTION ITEM: Contact systems about use of video camera. [Matt]
8. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned 10:09 am.
9. Interim Business (9/17/14)
Request to officially appoint two remaining members to CAPA to allow committee to attend to
pressing business. Deanna Johnson nominated for 2 year term and Bob Heyer-Gray nominated for 1
year term. Email vote. Passed.