Introduction to MyInfoVault Nichol Runner Analyst School of Medicine Office of Academic Personnel (test region) Objectives 1.) Overview of MIV 2.) Accessing MIV 3.) Menus and adding data - entry exercises 4.) Creating a CV / NIH Biosketch 5.) Dossier Design (brief discussion) 6.) Help 7.) Questions & Answers Overview: What is MyInfoVault (MIV)? ¾ MIV is the official merit and promotion system of UC Davis ¾ Streamlined administrative review ¾ A database created for faculty z z z CVs NIH biosketch Allows for a continuous uploading and tracking of information for the faculty member: honors, publications, grants, teaching, etc. Accessing MIV ¾ ¾ Need Kerberos ID and password to log-in z Log-in with Kerberos here Admin Home Page Proxy another user account here Open Actions : Admin can finalize and submit actions and view the last snapshot taken. Completed Actions: Candidates and Admin can view archived files – useful for creating the next action Candidate Home Page Drop down menu for adding data Your name will appear in the gold bar, but the proxy account you are in will show in parentheses below the gold bar. Sign Documents: All candidates must sign this disclosure before their action can be submitted and reviewed. Entering & Adding Data ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Personal *Ag Experimental Station Candidate’s Statement Education Employment Extending Knowledge Grants & Contracts ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Honors & Awards List of Evaluations † Position Description Publications Service Teaching * Not typically used by SOM † Not used by all series Click any header in the gold bar and the page will open with all drop down menu options Entering & Adding Data ¾ Required fields noted by: * ¾ “Additional Information” sections should be used only if absolutely necessary ¾ Other Special considerations: z z Presentations in “publications” vs presentations in “extending knowledge” Please see the provided MIV Category Guide for detailed data entry explanations Personal data ¾ Personal Information ¾ ¾ ¾ Permanent Address Current Address Work Address MIV Formatting options will allow you to show or hide any of these areas when creating a CV or Biosketch Exercise 1: Honors & Awards ¾ Adding an entry to Honors & Awards ¾ ¾ ¾ z z 2010, MIV award 2009, MIV Trainer of the Year 2011, Employee of the Year Resequencing Deleting the entry Adding Publications: Journals ¾ Variety of ways to add peer-reviewed publications z z z Import data from EndNote (not used often) PubMed Download (most frequently used) Manually entering the data or managing the record • Switching from submitted, to in press, to published • Switching publication types ¾ Contributions to jointly authored works Significance of Research Special Character Palette You must be clicked in a writable field for the Palette to open Importing Data via EndNote ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Not recommended due to preferred PubMed method for data download Publication records can be imported from an XML file created by the EndNote program directly into MIV Primarily recommended for new users doing a one-time data import If you would like to use the EndNote function and already have publications in MIV, it is recommended that you use the EndNote tools to eliminate the records already existing in MIV and then creating and importing the file Exercise 2: PubMed Download Utility Exercise 2 Pub Med download Continued Search Please use the following information: ¾ z z z z z ¾ Rott, J Clear All Check the first four listed and click save Edit Delete Notice that items previously downloaded do not show up in the PubMed Download list any longer, but if you delete a downloaded item from your journal list, it will reappear in PubMed Download. Creating a CV / NIH Biosketch ¾ Adding a new document ¾ Editing an existing document ¾ pdf / rtf ¾ Mac users disclaimer Merit / Promotion Dossier Design ¾ Brief overview: z z Academic coordinators and Assistants handle dossier design (drawing the line, annotations, etc). Admin Helpers may just do data entry • Make sure your faculty notify you if they make ANY changes, add/delete entries so that notations can be made for future actions My Dossier Candidate View Help ¾ Variety of ways to receive assistance with MIV z z z SOM Dean’s office Analyst MIV Help email address Help button with manual and instructions Questions