11Cadet week race report day1

Day one of Waldringfield Sailing Club’s (WSC) 2011 Cadet Week, sponsored by
Gill, Harken and local chandlery, Seamark Nunn, saw 31 Gold Fleet Cadets and seven
Lasers line up for the first three races in this much anticipated five day series. With
race one taking place at the top of a very high spring tide and shifty west
northwesterly winds gusting up to 25 knots at times, conditions were challenging and
several boats capsized on the way to the startline at Gallions Point.
With 30 seconds to go to the first Cadet fleet start of a windward/leeward course, the
wind direction shifted giving the line a distinct port bias which was only taken
advantage of by one boat, helmed by Adam Leat (Fishers Green) in Dream On.
Chaos reigned amongst the rest of the fleet, who all took off on starboard.
At the windward mark, Zest, helmed by Emma White (WSC) rounded first, followed
by Charlie Linsell (WSC) in State of the Art, Annie Knott (WSC) in Trident and
Cameron Goodhead (WSC) in Optimus Prime. On the run, White extended her lead
and then gained further by heading for the far shore.
By the second leg, and with the wind easing off, there were four clear lead contenders
– White, Maddie Harris (WSC) in Mostly Harmless, Knott and Linsell – who had
drawn a long way clear of the chasing pack. On the final run, Knott overtook Linsell
to finish in third place, with the winning gun being taken by White, followed closely
by Harris.
In the Laser Fleet, Mark Yale (WSC) took a commanding lead on the first leg which
he maintained throughout what was a somewhat processional race, coming first, in
front of Charlie Young (WSC) and Emma Knott(WSC).
By race 2, the wind had eased off as the race officer set a figure 8 course up river at
The Tips. Several boats took port tack flyers including Harris, Knott and Linsell
while the rest of the boats started on starboard. First round the mark was Linsell
followed by Harris, Knott, and Josie Gummer (Fishers Green) in Challenger. By this
time the tide was ebbing strongly and many boats struggled to make the mark, with
several having to do turns as they hit marks or other boats or sometimes both!
Linsell extended his lead on the run, followed by Harris and White, but reading the
tide on the beat, Harris then moved into the lead, with White moving into second
place and Linsell third. With several more mark collisions the rest of the fleet
changed positions frequently. Harris maintained her lead at the windward mark but
with the ever increasing tide giving those who stood on a leebow, the beat was
effectively lost, with White gaining maximum advantage and moving into first place,
followed by Harris. The two boats further extended their lead on the reaches.
On the final beat, White appeared to be losing her lead as she endeavoured to lap two
of the backmarkers of the fleet but just managed to maintain her position over Harris
who finished in second. Meanwhile, Linsell became involved in a luffing match with
Knott, giving Gummer third and Linsell a fourth.
The Laser fleet enjoyed closer racing with Young keeping his lead after the first
windward mark, despite hitting it. He was followed by Yale and Knott. These
positions were maintained throughout the race.
Race three, a triangle/sausage course, started under threatening clouds and freshening
winds, with Linsell getting a great starboard start at the pin end and three boats being
recalled including Knott. The fleet split across the two river banks, battling against
the ever strengthening spring tide.
Linsell made it first to the windward mark, followed by Faye Gosling (WSC) in Cool
Runnings, White and Will Everitt (WSC) in I’m a Bullet Too. This lead was
maintained until the second leg, when Linsell went out into the channel where there
was significantly more tide, allowing White to overhaul him. Making the right tidal
tactical call and a great mark rounding, Alice Dearlove (WSC) in Hippy Hippy Shake,
moved into third place behind White and Linsell.
By now the wind had dropped and many of the boats were struggling to make the
second leg windward mark, resulting in mark and boat collisions and much changing
of fleet positions amongst the main fleet.
On the third leg and with the wind dying, White once again took the gun, followed by
Linsell, Dearlove and Gosling.
Meanwhile the Laser fleet racing became more competitive. Yale started on a port
tack flyer but jostled for lead position with Young. However, after hitting the
windward mark twice Young finished third with Yale finishing comfortably in first,
followed by White.
At the end of day one, White had a convincing lead in the Cadet fleet, followed by
Harris, Linsell, Gosling and Knott. The Laser fleet is led by Yale, with Young in
second and Knott in third.
Throughout what was some very competitive racing the Silver Fleet enjoyed a day of
training and is due to join the main fleet on Wednesday.