Library COLLEGE at FLORHAM FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY Selected Recent Acquisitions March 2003 PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY, RELIGION BF30 .A56 v. 56 Fiske, Susan; Schacter, Daniel L. and Carolyn Zahn-Waxler, eds. Annual Review of Psychology. Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews, 2003. BF311 .G627 1999 – GIFT Gopnik, Alison; Meltzoff, Andrew N. and Patricia K. Kuhl. The Scientist in the Crib: Minds, Brains, and How Children Learn. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1999. BF637 .H4 S65 1998 – GIFT Sober, Elliott and David Sloan Wilson. Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 1998. BL238 .A28 2003 Almond, Gabriel A.; Appleby, R. Scott and Emmanuel Sivan. Strong Religion: The Rise of Fundamentalisms around the World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. BL1272.892 .S52 G28 2002 – GIFT Gautier, François. The Guru of Joy: Sri Ravi Shankar & The Art of Living. New Delhi: Books Today/The India Today Group, 2002. BP60 .A8 1998 ‘Ashmawy, Muhammad Sa’id al- and Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, ed. Against Islamic Extremism: The Writings of Muhammad…. Gainesville: University Press, of Florida, 1998. HISTORY (Outside Western Hemisphere) DD247 .H5 S654 2003 – GIFT Spotts, Frederic. Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 2003. DS135 .G3 R54 2002 – GIFT Rigg, Bryan Mark. Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2002. DS135 .R92 J4635 2003 Gitelman, Zvi, ed. Jewish Life after the USSR. Bloomington: Indiana U. Press, 2003. DS571 .W6 1924 Wood, W. A. R. A History of Siam: From the Earliest Times to the Year A.D. 1781, with a Supplement Dealing with More Recent Events. Bangkok: Chalermnit Press, 1924. DS589 .B2 W36 2002 Warren, William. Bangkok. London: Reaktion Books, 2002. HISTORY – AMERICA – UNITED STATES E169.02 .C72 1992 Carter, Dale. Cracking the Ike Age: Aspects of Fifties America. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus U. Press, 1992. E178.1 .I58 2003 Maier, Pauline et al. Inventing America : A History of the United States. New York: W. W. Norton, 2003. E184 .O6 C63 2002 Odo, Franklin, ed. The Columbia Documentary History of the Asian American Experience. New York: Columbia U. Press, 2002. E591 .S83 1998 – GIFT Still, William N.; Taylor, John M. and Norman C. Delaney. Raiders & Blockaders: The American Civil War Afloat. Dulles, VA: Brassey’s, 1998. E840.8 .F46 S33 2003 Schapiro, Amy. Millicent Fenwick: Her Way. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers U. Press, 2003. E841 .F74 1987 – GIFT Morrison, Joan and Robert K. Morrison. From Camelot to Kent State: The Sixties Experience in the Words of Those Who Lived It. New York: Times Books, 1987. HISTORY – AMERICAS F1569 .C2 F35 1998 – GIFT Falcoff, Mark. Panama’s Canal: What Happens When the United States Gives a Small Country What It Wants. Washington, DC: AEI Press, 1998. GEOGRAPHY, ANTHROPOLOGY, RECREATION GE170 .P74 2003 Tickner, Joel A., ed. Precaution, Environmental Science, and Preventive Public Policy. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2003. GT2853 .C6 R63 2002 Roberts, J.A.G. China to Chinatown: Chinese Food in the West. London: Reaktion Books, 2002. SOCIAL SCIENCES HC59.72 .E5 P36 1993 – GIFT Panayotou, Theodore. Green Markets: The Economics of Sustainable Development. San Francisco: ICS Press, 1993. HC141 .E255 2001 v. 2 – GIFT Larraín B., Felipe, ed. Economic Development in Central America: Structural Reforms. Cambridge, MA: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2001. HC141 .Z9 E53 2001 – GIFT Panayotou, Theodore, ed. Environment for Growth in Central America: Environmental Management for Sustainability and Competitiveness. Cambridge, MA: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2001. HD205 .M36 1999 – GIFT McAvoy, Gregory E. Controlling Technocracy: Citizen Rationality and the Nimby Syndrome. Washington, DC: Georgetown U. Press, 1999. HD2766 .D473 2000 – GIFT Peltzman, Sam and Clifford Winston, eds. Deregulation of Network Industries: What’s Next? Washington, DC: AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, 2000. HD9114 .C882 M33 2003 McAvoy, Muriel. Sugar Baron: Manuel Rionda and the Fortunes of Pre-Castro Cuba. Miami; Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2003. HD9710 .U52 S494 2002 Farber, David. Sloan Rules: Alfred P. Sloan and the Triumph of General Motors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. HF1385 .R65 2001 Sampson, Gary P. The Role of the World Trade Organization in Global Governance. Tokyo; New York: United Nations U. Press, 2001. HF1411 .E27 2001 – GIFT Porter, Roger B. et al., eds. Efficiency, Equity, Legitimacy : The Multilateral Trading System at the Millennium. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2001. HF5415.135 .N957 2003 Nykiel, Ronald A. Marketing Your Business: A Guide to Developing a Strategic Marketing Plan. New York: Best Business Books, 2003. HF5549.5 .T7 M64 2001 – GIFT Molden, David. NlP Business Masterclass: Skills for Realizing Human Potential. Harlow, UK: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2001. HG3204 .Z8513 2002 – GIFT Jung, Joseph, ed. Credit Suisse Group Banks in the Second World War: A Critical Review. Zurich: Neue Zürcher Zeitung Publishing, 2002. HG4910 .B863 2001 – GIFT Burton, Jonathan. Investment Titans: Investment Insights from the Minds That Move Wall Street. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. HM146 .G73 1981 – GIFT Green, Philip. The Pursuit of Inequality. New York: Pantheon, 1981. HQ767.87 .B49 2003 Koops, Willem and Michael Zuckerman, eds. Beyond the Century of the Child: Cultural History and Developmental Psychology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003. HQ777.5 .B796 1996 – GIFT Buchanan, Christy M.; Maccoby, Eleanor E. and Sanford M. Dornbusch. Adolescents After Divorce. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 1996. HQ778.63 .M52 1999 Michel, Sonya. Children’s Interests / Mothers’ Rights: The Shaping of America’s Child Care Policy. New Haven: Yale U. Press, 1999. HQ796 .W4726 2002 – GIFT White, Emily. Fast Girls: Teenage Tribes and the Myth of the Slut. New York: Scribner, 2002. HT169 .C5 C45 2002 – GIFT Glaeser, Edward L. and John R. Meyer, eds. Chile: Political Economy of Urban Development. Cambridge, MA: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard U., 2002. HV6431 .S54 2002 Shay, Shaul. The Endless Jihad…The Mujahidin, the Taliban and Bin Laden. Herzliya, Israel: International Policy Institute for counter-Terrorism, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, 2002. POLITICAL SCIENCE JC599 .A78 D4 1998 – GIFT De Bary, William Theodore. Asian Values and Human Rights: A Confucian Communitarian Perspective. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 1998. JF1525 .E8 G37 1999 – GIFT Garofalo, Charles and Dean Geuras. Ethics in the Public Service: The Moral Mind at Work. Washington, DC: Georgetown U. Press, 1999. JK2261 .L87 1982 – GIFT Lurie, Leonard. Party Politics: Why We Have Poor Presidents. New York: Stein and Day, 1982. JN2031 .F73 H63 2003 Höbelt, Lothar. Defiant Populist: Jörg Haider and the Politics of Austria. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue U. Press, 2003. JS344 .C5 A52 1993 – GIFT Newell, Charldean et al., eds. The Effective Local Government Manager. Washington, DC: Published for the ICMA Training Institute by the International City/County Management Assn., 1993. JX1255 .E73 v. 16 [Ref.] Rosenthal, Joel H., ed. Ethics & International Affairs: The Journal of the Carnegie Council. New York: Carnegie Council, 2003. JX1979 .B65 1963 – GIFT Bowett, D.W. The Law of International Institutions. New York: Praeger, 1963. JZ5185 .M66 2003 Moore, Mike. A World Without Walls: Freedom, Development, Free Trade and Global Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press, 2003. JZ6374 .F58 2002 Fleitz, Frederick H. Peacekeeping Fiascoes of the 1990s: Causes, Solutions, and U.S. Interests. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002. LAW KG3525 .F54 2001 – GIFT Field, Martha A. and William W. Fisher. Legal Reform in Central America: Dispute Resolution and Property Systems. Cambridge, MA: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard U., 2001. KNX2066.5 1978 Itoh, Hiroshi and Lawrence Ward Beer. The Constitutional Case Law of Japan: Selected Supreme Court Decisions, 1961-70. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1978. EDUCATION LB1051 .B736 1996 – GIFT Bruner, Jerome. The Culture of Education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 1996. MUSIC ML410 .B4 D36 1995 – GIFT DeNora, Tia. Beethoven and the Construction of Genius: Musical Politics in Vienna, 1792-1803. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. FINE ARTS N6351.2 .E39 E38 1994 Humbert, Jean-Marcel et al. Egyptomania; L’Égypte dans l’art occidental 1730-1930: [exposition] Paris, Musée du Louvre, 20 janvier-18 avril 1994; Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, 17 juin-18 septembre 1994; Vienne, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 15 octobre 1994-15 janvier 1995. Paris; Ottawa: Réunion des Musées Nationaux; Musées des beaux-arts du Canada, 1994. N6538 .N5 L38 2003 Lewis, Samella. African American Art and Artists. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. N6811.5 .D53 A4 2001 [Oversize] – GIFT Makarova, Elena. Friedl Dicker-Brandeis, Vienna 1898-Auschwitz 1944. Los Angeles: Tallfellow/Every Picture Press in assoc. with Simon Wiesenthal Center/Museum of Tolerance, 2001. N6888 .S38456 A4 2001 [Oversize] – GIFT Schult, Ha. Ha Schult: Art is Action. Wasmuth: Tubingen, 2001. N7350 .D7 2001 Dresser, Christopher. Japan: Its Architecture, Art, and Art Manufactures. London; New York: Kegan Paul, 2001. N7353 .K393 2002 [Oversize] – GIFT Rousmaniere, Nicole Coolidge, ed. Kazari: Decoration and Display in Japan, 15th-19th Centuries. New York: Japan Society, 2002. NA6846 .U6 J66 2003 Jones, Janna. The Southern Movie Palace: Rise, Fall, and Resurrection. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2003. NC1807 .S65 W48 1988 [Oversize] White, Stephen. The Bolshevik Poster. New Haven: Yale U. Press, 1988. ND237 .D67 A4 1997 Eldredge, Charles C. Reflections on Nature: Small Paintings by Arthur Dove, 1942-1943. New York: American Federation of Arts, 1997 ND237 .O5 A4 2002 [Oversize] Lynes, Barbara Buhler. Georgia O’Keeffe and the Calla Lily in American Art, 1860-1940. New Haven; Santa Fe, NM: Yale U. Press; Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, 2002. ND238 .J4 S65 2003 [Oversize] Soltes, Ori Z. Fixing the World: Jewish American Painters in the Twentieth Century. Hanover, NH: Brandeis U. Press, 2003. ND485 .C759 2002 [Oversize] Crookshank, Anne and the Knight of Glin. Ireland’s Painters, 1600-1940. New Haven: Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art by Yale U. Press, 2002. ND1808 .M55 2002 – GIFT Boyle, Richard J. et al. Milk and Eggs: The American Revival of Tempera Painting, 1930-1950. Chadds Ford, PA; Seattle: Brandywine River Museum; Washington U. Press, 2002. NK4340 .C44 M56 1986 [Oversize] – GIFT Mino, Yutaka and Katherine R. Tsiang. Ice Green Clouds: Traditions of Chinese Celadon. Indianapolis; Bloomington: Indianapolis Museum of Art in cooperation with Indiana U. Press, 1986. NK4784 .A1 T34 2002 Takeda, Sharon Sadako. Miracles & Mischief: Noh and Kyōgen Theater in Japan. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan, 2002. LANGUAGE and LITERATURE P95.82 .U6 M38 2000 McChesney, Robert W. Rich Media, Poor Democracy: Communication Politics in Dubious Times. New York: New Press, 2000. PC1129 .E5 B54 1997 – GIFT Blelloch, Paola and Rosetta d’Angelo. Eccoci! Beginning Italian. New York: J. Wiley, 1997. PC4120 .R4 D54 1990 – GIFT Diekelman, Donald. Survival Spanish for the Hospitality Industry: Employer-Employee Communications. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990. PG3476 .T75 V413 2003 Tsvetaeva, Marina. Milestones: A Bilingual Edition. Evanston, IL: Northwestern U. Press, 2003. PJ7846 .A96 V64 2002 – GIFT Mahfouz, Naguib. Voices from the Other World: Ancient Egyptian Tales. Cairo; New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2002. PK5461 .K48 2001 – GIFT Singh, K. Khushwant Singh selects Best Indian Short Stories, Vol. 1. New Delhi: Books Today, 2001. PL856 .A66 S313 2002 Maruya, Saiichi. Grass for My Pillow. New York: Columbia U. Press, 2002. PN80 .Y43 v. 10 McGowan, Kate, ed. The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory: Covering Work Published in 2000. Oxford: The English Assn., Oxford U. Press, 2002. PN701 .P36 2002 – GIFT Paolucci, Anne and Henry Paolucci. Hegelian Literary Perspectives. Smyrna, DE: Published for the Bagehot Council by Griffon House Publ., 2002. PN1995.9 .C55 S49 1994 – GIFT Sikov, Ed. Laughing Hysterically: American Screen Comedy of the 1950s. New York: Columbia U. Press, 1994. PN1997 .A44 L48 2000 Leutrat, Jean-Louis. L’Année Dernière à Marienbad. London : BFI Publishing, 2000. PN1997 .B3642 W66 2000 Wood, Michael. Belle de Jour. London : BFI Film Classics, 2000. PN1997 .I773 T75 2002 Tsivian,Yuri. Ivan the Terrible=Ivan Groznyi. London: British Film Institute, 2002. PN1997 .N5213 C35 2000 Callow, Simon. The Night of the Hunter. London: BFI Publishing, 2000. PN1997 .O25 T39 2002 Taylor, Richard. October=Oktyabr. London: British Film Institute, 2002. PN1998.3 .L36 G86 2000 Gunning, Tom. The Films of Fritz Lang: Allegories of Vision and Modernity. London: BFI Publishing, 2000. PN1998.3 .L96 C4813 1995 Chion, Michel. David Lynch. London: British Film Institute, 1995. PN1998.3 .S347 A3 2003 Schickel, Richard. Good Morning, Mr. Zip Zip Zip: Movies, Memory, and World War II. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2003. PN6111 .D68 1994 – GIFT Hoeper, Jeffrey D.; Pickering, James H. and Deborah K. Chappel. Drama. New York: Macmillan, 1994. PQ7798.29 .A356 S4313 2000 – GIFT Sagastizábal, Patricia. A Secret for Julia. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2000. PS25 .F55 1999 – GIFT Fisher, Philip. Still the New World: American Literature in a Culture of Creative Destruction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 1999. PS1744 .G57 Y43 2003 – GIFT Knight, Denise D. and Cynthia J. Davis, eds. Approaches to Teaching Gilman’s “The Yellow Wall-Paper” and Herland. New York: Modern Language Assn. of America, 2003. PS3557 .L38 R45 2002 – GIFT Glaze, Andrew. Remembering Thunder; Poems. Montgomery: NewSouth Books, 2002. PS3565 .C57 Z92 2002 Westarp, Karl-Heinz. Precision and Depth in Flannery O’Connor’s Short Stories. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus U. Press, 2002. SCIENCE QA76.3 .C34 2000 – GIFT Calkins, Bill. Solaris 2.6: Administrator Certification, Part II. Palo Alto, CA: Macmillan Technical Publ., 2000. QA76.64 .T494 2001 – GIFT Thomas, David and Andrew Hunt. Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer’s Guide. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2001. QA76.73 .C153 D36 2000 – GIFT Davis, Stephen randy. C++ for Dummies. New York: Hungry Minds, 2000. QA76.73 .C153 L542 1999 – GIFT Liberty, Jesse. SAMS Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours 2nd ed. Indianapolis: SAMS Publ, 1999. QA76.73 .C25 B83 1997 – GIFT Budlong, Mo. Teach Yourself COBOL in 21 Days 2nd ed. Indianapolis: SAMS Publ., 1997. QA76.73 .J39 J395 1999 – GIFT Jaworski, James. Mastering JavaScript and Jscript. San Francisco: SYBEX, 1999. QA76.73 .P22 B43 2000 – GIFT Blank, Edelman, David N. Perl for System Administration. Cambridge, MA: O’Reilly, 2000. QA76.73 .P22 H64 1998 – GIFT Hoffman, Paul. Perl for Dummies. Foster City, CA: IDG Books, 1998. QA76.73 .P47 H65 1999 – GIFT Holzner, Steven. Perl Core Language: Little Black Book. Scottsdale, AZ: Coriolis, 1999. QA76.76 .I57 W37 2001 – GIFT Warner, Nancy D. StarOffice 5.2 Writer Handbook. Palo Alto, CA: Sun Microsystems, 2001. QA76.76 .O63 C335 1999 – GIFT Calkins, Bill. Solaris 2.6 Administrator Certification Training Guide, Part 1 1st ed. Palo Alto, CA: Macmillan Technical Publ., 1999. QA76.76 .O63 D99 1996 – GIFT Dyson, Peter. The UNIX Desk Reference: the pages. San Francisco: SYBEX, 1996. QA76.76 .O63 H453 1999 – GIFT Siever, Ellen et al. Linux in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference. Beijing; Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 1999. QA76.76 .O63 K566 2000 – GIFT Kirch, Olaf & Terry Dawson. Linux Network Administrator’s Guide 2nd ed. Beijing; Sebastopol: O’Reilly, 2000. QA76.76 .O63 M3734 1999 – GIFT Maxwell, Steve. UNIX Network Management Tools. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. QA76.76 .O63 P744 1999 – GIFT Preston, W. Curtis. UNIX Backup & Recovery 1st ed. Beijing; Sebastopol: O’Reilly, 1999. QA76.76 .O63 W3655 2000 – GIFT Ward, Brian. The Linux Problem Solver: Hands-On Solutions for Systems Administrators. San Francisco: No Starch Press, 2000. QA323 .A33 1999 Adams, David R. and Lars Inge Hedberg. Function Spaces and Potential Theory. Berlin: Springer, 1999. QC879.7 .M34 1995 – GIFT Makhijani, Arjun and Kevin R. Gurney. Mending the Ozone Hole: Science, Technology, and Policy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. QD101.2 .H37 2003 – GIFT Harris, Daniel C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th ed. New York: W.H. Freeman, 2003. QH46 .H438 2002 [Oversize] Malin, David. Heaven & Earth: Unseen by the Naked Eye. London: Phaidon, 2002. QH301 .C6 v. 53 Long Island Biological Assn. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology; Vol. LIII: Molecular Biology of Signal Transduction. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1988. QH353 .L68 2002 Low, Tim. Feral Future: The Untold Story of Australia’s Exotic Invaders. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. QH360.5 .R874 1999 – GIFT Ruse, Michael. Mystery of Mysteries: Is Evolution a Social Construction? Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 1999. MEDICINE RA601 .N465 2003 Nestle, Marion. Safe Food: Bacteria, Biotechnology, and Bioterrorism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. RA644 .P93 S3913 2003 Schwartz, Maxime. How the Cows Turned Mad. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. AGRICULTURE SD131 .253 2003 Williams, Michael. Deforesting the Earth: From Prehistory to Global Crisis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. TECHNOLOGY T385 .A775 2000 – GIFT Ashford, Janet and John Odam. Start with a Scan: A Guide to Transforming Scanned Photos and Objects into High-Quality Art. Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 2000. T385 .I4754 2001 – GIFT Bouton, Gary David et al. Inside Adobe Photoshop 6. Indianapolis, IN: New Riders, 2001. TD793 .D36 1995 – GIFT Daniel, David E. and Robert M. Koerner. Waste Containment Facilities: Guidance for Construction, Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Liner and Cover Systems. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1995. TK5102 .S48 2001 [Ref.] Sheldon, Tom. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Networking & Telecommunications. Berkeley, CA: Osborne, 2001. TK5105.585 .P38 1996 – GIFT Parker, Timothy. Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days 2nd ed. Indianapolis: SAMS Publ., 1996. TK5105.83 .O55 2001 – GIFT Werry, Chris and Miranda Mowbray, eds. Online Communities: Commerce, Community Action, and the Virtual University. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001. NON–CIRCULATING COLLECTIONS [Sp. Coll.] DB217 .B3 A35 1944 – GIFT Beneš, Edvard. Edvard Beneš in His Own Words: Threescore Years of a Statesman, Builder and Philosopher. New York: Czech-American National Alliance-Easter Division, 1944. [Sp. Coll.] NC1670 .S9 1941 – GIFT Szyk, Arthur. The New Order. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1941. [Sp. Coll.] PR6001 .M6 L6 1967 – GIFT Amis, Kingsley. A Look Round the Estate: Poems 1957-67. London: Jonathan Cape, 1967. [Sp. Coll.] PR6007 .A95 O8 1938 – GIFT Lewis, C. Day. Overtures to Death and Other Poems. London: Jonathan Cape, 1938. [Sp. Coll.] PR6009 .M7 A17 1949 – GIFT Empson, William. Collected Poems of William Empson. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1949. [Sp. Coll.] PR6052 .A3195 M37 1998x – GIFT Bainbridge, Beryl. Master Georgie. London: Duckworth, 1998. [Sp. Coll.] PS3503 .I796 T6 1938 – GIFT Bisno, Beatrice. Tomorrow’s Bread. New York: Liveright Publ. Co., 1938. [Sp. Coll.] PS3513 .A6418 Z68 1966 – GIFT Garis, Roger. My Father Was Uncle Wiggily 1st ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966. [Sp. Coll.] TS149 .D77 – GIFT Dreyfuss, Henry. The Measure of Man; Human Factors in Design. New York: Whitney Library of Design, 1960. Black Literature Collection [Sp. Coll.-Black Lit.] PS3515 .I713 Y47 1998 Himes, Chester. Yesterday Will Make You Cry. New York: Norton, 1998. [Sp. Coll.-Black Lit.] PS3531 .E933 N3 1953 – GIFT Petry, Ann. The Narrows. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1953. [Sp. Coll.-Black Lit.] PS3551 .N464 O53 1993 – GIFT Angelou, Maya. On the Pulse of Morning. New York: Random House, 1993. Douglas Lloyd Kahn Collection on the History of Film and Photography [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] D805 .P7 A932 2002 – GIFT Gutman, Israel et al. The Auschwitz Album: The Story of a Transport. Jerusalem; Oswiecim: Yad Vashem; Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, 2002. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DC707 .P77 1967 – GIFT Prošek, Josef & Jan Řezáč. Paříž v Paříži. Praha: Mladá fronta, 1967. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DG807 .I54 1989 – GIFT Parker, John Henry. Un Inglese a Roma, 1864-1877: La Raccolta Parker Nell’Archivio Fotografico Munale. Roma: Artemide, 1989. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DK246 .M69 1994 – GIFT Moynahan, Brian et al. The Russian Century: A Photographic History of Russia’s 100 Years. New York: Random House, 1994. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DS5.5 .K83 2000 – GIFT Kubota, Kiroji. Can We Feed Outselves? A Focus on Asia. New York: Magnum, 2000. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] DT60 .T4813 1992 – GIFT Teynard, Félix and Kathleen Stewart Howe. Félix Teynard: Calotypes of Egypt; A Catalogue Raisonné. New York; London; Carmel: Hans P. Kraus; Robert Hershkowitz; Weston Gallery, 1992. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] F128.65 .C3 F74 2001 – GIFT Freund, James. Central Park: A Photographic Excursion. New York: Fordham U. Press, 2001. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] F3001.1 .C47 2002 – GIFT Junior, Christiano. Un País en Transición: Fotografías de Buenos Aires, Cuyo y el Noroeste, 1867-1883. New York : Aperture, 2002. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] GV1703 .B3 C3 1954 – GIFT Cartier-Bresson, Henri. Les Danses à Bali. Paris: Robert Delpire, 1954. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] HV6459 .W57 2000 – GIFT Allen, James et al. Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America. Santa Fe, NM: Twin Palms Publ., 2000. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] N6811.5 .E95 O2 1999 – GIFT Fleck, Robert et al. Ob/De+Con(Struction): Valie Export. Philadelphia : Moore College of Art and Design, 1999. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] NA705 .M4 1928 – GIFT Mendelsohn, Erich. Amerika: Bilderbuch eines Architekten mit 100 meist eigenen aufnamen des verfassers. Berlin: Rudolf Mosse, 1928. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] NC999.4 .B76 P87 2002 – GIFT Purcell, Kerry William Purcell. Alexey Brodovitch. London: Phaidon, 2002. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] NK5198 .C43 A4 2000 – GIFT Chihuly, Dale and Pendleton Woolen Mills. Chihuly’s Pendletons and Their Influence on His Work. Seattle, WA; Albuquerque, NM: Portland Press, 2000. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] NK5198 .C43 A4 2000a – GIFT Chihuly, Dale et al. Chihuly Projects. Seattle, WA: Portland Press, 2000. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] PN451 .S57 1995 – GIFT Soames, Sally. Writers: Photographs by Sally Soames. Preface by Norman Mailer. London: André Deutsch, 1995. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] PQ1165 .B75 1949 – GIFT Brassaï; Bryen, Camille et Alain Gheerbrant, eds. Anthologie de la poésie naturelle. Paris: K éditeur, 1949. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] PQ2611 .A66 B25 1930 – GIFT Fargue, Léon-Paul; Loris & Parry. Banalité. Paris: Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française, 1930. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] PQ2623 .E14 P2 1953 – GIFT Léautaud, Paul. Pages de Journal. Souillac, Lot: Le Point Revue Artistique et Littéraire, 1953. [Sp. Coll-Kahn] PQ2631 .R387 C5 1952 – GIFT Prévert, Jacques & Izis Bidermanas. Charmes de Londres: Photos d’Izis-Bidermanas. Lausanne: La Guilde du Livre, 1952. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR23 .L67 2001 – GIFT Hur, Suhjung & Robert A. Sobieszek et al. Lost & Found: Rediscovering Early Photographic Processes. University Park, Los Angeles: Fisher Gallery, Univ. of Southern California, 2001. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR71 .H53 1981 – GIFT Jammes, Isabelle. Blanquart-Evrard et les Origines de L’Édition Photographique Française: Catalogue raisonné des albums photographiques édités, 1851-1855. Genève; Paris; Librarie Droz, 1981. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR71 .V476 1998 – GIFT Verneuil, Maurice. The Verneuil Collection: Photographs from Paris, 1928-1935; Monday, April 6, 1998 at 6:30 p.m., 406 East 79 Street, New York. New York: Phillips, [1998?]. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR95 .Y8 D4 1977 – GIFT Debeljković, Branibor. Stara srpska fotografija. Beograd: Muzej primenjene umetnosti, 1977. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR125 .B5 1951 – GIFT Bristol, Horace. Tokyo on a Five Day Pass; with Candid Camera. Tokyo: East-West, 1951. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR140 .B45 S3 1967 – GIFT Scheffer, H.J. Portret van een Fotograaf: Henri Berssenbrugge, 1873-1959. Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff, 1967. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR140 .P35 A3 1990 – GIFT Parks, Gordon. Voices in the Mirror: An Autobiography 1st ed. New York: Doubleday, 1990. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR140 .S7345 P38 1990 – GIFT Stange, Maren, ed. Paul Strand: Essays on His Life and Work. New York: Aperture, 1990. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR645 .S432 H96 2002 – GIFT Andrews, Richard et al. Short Stories on Photography: The Joseph and Elaine Monsen Collection at the Henry Art Gallery. Seattle: Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, 2002. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR646 .G32 H366 1999 – GIFT Kopanski, Karlheinz W. et al. Meisterwerke; russischer un deutscher Kunstphotgraphie um 1900: Sergej Lobovikov und die Brüder Hofmeister. Munchen; New York: Prestel, 1999. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR647 .B54 1999 – GIFT Bisson, Louis-Auguste et al. Les frères Bisson photographes: De flèche en cime 1840-1870. Essen; Paris: Museum Folkwang ; Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1999. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR653 .I28 1999 – GIFT Stepan, Peter. Icons of Photography: The 20th Century. Munich; New York: Prestel, 1999. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR653 .N37 1973 – GIFT Causey, Andrew. Paul Nash’s Photographs: Document and Image. London: Tate Gallery, 1973. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .B596 2002 – GIFT Carver, Antonia. Blink. 100 Photographers, 010 Curators, 010 Writers. London; New York: Phaidon Press, 2002. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .D67 1981 – GIFT Donnels, Johnny. Johnny Donnels: A Selective Vision. New Orleans, LA: Intophotography Press, 1981. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .L23 1995 – GIFT Lagerfeld, Karl. Karl Lagerfeld: Off the Record. Zurich; New York: Scalo, 1995. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR654 .M46733 1992 – GIFT Mihailovskis, Vilhelms. Veltījums Rīgai = Posviashchenie Rige = Devotion to Riga. Rīga: Avots, 1992. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR659.5 .L47 1999 – GIFT Leśniak, Janusz. Smuga stońca = A streak of sunlight. Krakow: Artemis, 1999. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR660.5 .C874 1996 – GIFT Cuvelier, Eugène and Ellen Shultz, ed. Eugène Cuvelier: Photographer in the Circle of Corot. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1996. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR660.5 .A345 1989 – GIFT Adams, Robert. To Make it Home: Photographs of the American West. New York: Aperture, 1989. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR679 .B34 1997 – GIFT Bassman, Lillian; Harrison, Martin & Catherine Chermayeff et al. Lillian Bassman. Boston: Little, Brown, 1997. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR681 .F3 S76 1988 – GIFT Stone, Janet. Thinking Faces: Photographs 1953-1979. London: Chatto & Windus, 1988. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR708 .B87 1998 – GIFT Burns, Stanley B. A Morning’s Work: Medical Photographs from The Burns Archive & Collection, 1843-1939. Santa Fe, NM: Twin Palms Publishers, 1998. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR780 .M64 1971 – GIFT Moss, George H. Double Exposure: Early Stereographic Views of Historic Monmouth County, New Jersey and their Relationship to Pioneer Photography. Sea Bright, NJ: Ploughshare Press, [1971]. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] TR849 .M87 M3 1972 – GIFT MacDonnell, Kevin. Eadweard Muybridge: The Man Who Invented the Moving Picture. Boston: Little, Brown, 1972. [Sp. Coll.-Kahn] U768 .F63 1996 – GIFT Florio, Giorgia. Legio Patria Nostra. Paris: Marval, 1996.