Conargo Shire Council Policy Salary System Policy Policy 6.8 Salary System Policy Version: 1.5 Date Version No 2009 1 July 2011 1.5 Minute No Conargo Shire Council TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 2 DOCUMENT CONTROL .......................................................................................................................... 4 REVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 4 1. POSITION EVALUATION............................................................................................................... 6 BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................................... 6 BANDS & LEVELS IN THE SALARY SYSTEM ................................................................................. 6 THE EVALUATION PROCESS ........................................................................................................... 14 2. SALARY SYSTEM ADOPTED GRADES AND PAY RATES ......................................................... 16 3. TRAINING AND SKILLS CRITERIA ............................................................................................. 18 CORE UNITS......................................................................................................................................... 18 OPTIONAL UNITS ............................................................................................................................... 19 SUPERVISORY UNITS ........................................................................................................................ 19 GRADER FINISHER UNITS ................................................................................................................ 20 MOTOR MECHANIC UNITS ............................................................................................................... 20 CARPENTER ......................................................................................................................................... 20 BAND 1 LEVEL 3 ................................................................................................................................ 21 BAND 1 LEVEL 4 ................................................................................................................................ 22 BAND 2 LEVEL 1 ................................................................................................................................ 23 BAND 2 LEVEL 2 ................................................................................................................................ 24 4. SALARY SYSTEM - OPERATING PROCEDURES ....................................................................... 25 OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................ 25 THE SALARY STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................... 25 APPOINTMENT AND PLACEMENT OF NEW EMPLOYEES ......................................................... 25 PRESENT OCCUPANT ........................................................................................................................ 25 SALARY SYSTEM PROGRESSION ................................................................................................... 26 SKILLS AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT................................................................................. 26 CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE SALARY PROGRESSION MAY BE WITHHELD ............................. 27 RIGHT OF APPEAL .............................................................................................................................. 28 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................................... 29 POSITION EVALUATION ................................................................................................................... 29 RELIEVING IN A HIGHER GRADED POSITION ............................................................................. 30 5. SKILLS AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT ............................................................................. 31 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 31 PART A - THE POSITION .................................................................................................................... 35 PART B - MANAGEMENT/ORGANISATION AND IMPROVEMENT PROCESSES ..................... 39 Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 2 Conargo Shire Council PART C - PERFORMANCE REVIEW FACTORS AND WORK PLAN............................................. 40 C1 – GENERAL WORK BEHAVIOURS ............................................................................................. 40 C2 - SUPERVISORY WORK BEHAVIOURS ..................................................................................... 47 WORK PLAN ........................................................................................................................................ 48 PART D – SKILLS ASSESSMENT AND TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ..................... 49 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN.......................................................................................... 49 PART E – REVIEW SUMMARY (SECTION 1) .................................................................................. 51 PART E – REVIEW SUMMARY (SECTION 2) .................................................................................. 52 APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................ 53 APPENDIX A - SKILL DESCRIPTORS............................................................................................... 53 APPENDIX B - JOB DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................. 53 APPENDIX A – SKILL DESCRIPTOR CHECKLIST APPENDIX B – JOB DESCRIPTIONS Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 3 Conargo Shire Council DOCUMENT CONTROL Controlled copies of this Salary System are listed in the table below. Controlled Copy No Holder of copy Organisation Electronic 1 H:\ Conargo Shire Salary System\ Conargo Shire Salary System Conargo Shire Council 2 Printed 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 REVISIONS Authorised revisions will be issued to all holders of controlled copies of this Salary System. The holder is to correctly file the revision and note it in the table below. Revision (Issue No. / Details) Page(s) Revised Date Issued Date Entered Entere d By 1 / State Award Wage Increase Page 14 1/11/2009 15/12/2009 DK 2 / Administration Staff Grades and Added extra page 23/12/2009 23/12/2009 DK Pay Rates after Page 14 3 / Added Band 2 Level 2 Grade 8 Added extra page 1/12/2010 1/12/2010 DK Training descriptors after Page 21 3 / Added Plant Foreman Skill Added 1/12/2010 1/12/2010 DK Descriptors to Appendix A pages extra 11 after Page 117 Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 4 Conargo Shire Council Revision (Issue No. / Details) Page(s) Revised Date Issued Date Entered Entered By 4 / State Award Wage Increase Page 15 & Page 16 1/11/2010 16/03/2011 DK 5. / Added Job Description for Plant Added extra pages 17/6/2011 17/6/2011 DK Operator (Stabilser) to Appendix B in Appendix A & and Skill Descriptors to Appendix A Appendix B 5. / Added Stabilser to the Salary Page 15 17/6/2011 17/6/2011 DK 7/9/2011 DK System Adopted Grades and Pay Rates 6. / Added Overseer B2L3 to the Page 16 & 17 Salary System Adopted Grades and Pay Rates and updated the rates to for July 2011 increases. 7 / State Award Wage Increase and Page 16 & Page 17 1/7/2012 4/01/2013 DK 8 / State Award Wage Increase Page 16 & Page 17 1/7/2013 4/7/2013 KJ 9 / State Award Wage Increase Page 16 & Page 17 1/7/2014 10/9/2014 DK added Grade 10 and Grade 11 Administrative Stream Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 5 Conargo Shire Council 1. POSITION EVALUATION BACKGROUND The information booklet called “Structure of the New Award” was used as the basis for the Position Evaluation System. This information booklet was developed by the Shires Association and Unions. This booklet lists six key skill descriptors, being: 1) Authority and accountability 2) Judgement and problem solving 3) Specialist knowledge and skills 4) Management skills 5) Interpersonal skills 6) Qualifications and experience After consideration of the skill descriptors there have been four Bands created, being: i. Operational ii. Administrative/Technical Trades iii. Professional/Specialist iv. Executive BANDS & LEVELS IN THE SALARY SYSTEM The above Bands have a number of levels which are determined by skills. These Bands and Levels are defined according to the following skill descriptors: (i) Operational Band 1, Level 1 Authority and accountability: Completion of basic tasks with work closely monitored by the team leader or supervisor. Judgement and problem solving: Judgement is limited and coordinated by other workers. Specialist knowledge and skills: Specialist knowledge and skills are obtained through on-the-job training and council-based induction training. Off-the-job training may lead to trade, technical or professional qualifications. Management skills: Not required. Interpersonal skills: Limited to communications with other staff and possibly, with the public. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 6 Conargo Shire Council Qualifications and experience: Completion of School Certificate or the Higher School Certificate may be sought. Completion of an appropriate labour market program or similar short-term work / skills experience is desirable. (ii) Operational Band 1, Level 2 Authority and accountability: Responsible for completion of basic tasks with individual guidance or in a team. Judgement and problem solving: Applies standard procedures with normally few if any options in the application of skills. Specialist knowledge and skills: Job specific skills and knowledge would normally be gained through on-the-job training and experience. Short courses may be completed at TAFE. Management skills: Not required. Interpersonal skills: Frequent communication with other staff and/or the public common but normally at a routine level. Qualifications and experience: Incumbents may have attended short courses in specific work areas or be undertaking a technical college certificate as completion of structured training program in work-related area. (iii) Operational Band 1, Level 3 Authority and accountability: Responsible for completion of regularly occurring tasks with general guidance on a daily basis. Judgement and problem solving: Judgement is required to follow predetermined procedures where a choice between more than two options are present. Specialist knowledge and skills: Application of skills, including machineoperation skills, following training "on the job" or accredited external training over a number of months. Management skills: Some guidance/supervision may be required. May assist a co-coordinator / trainer with on-the-job training. Interpersonal skills: Skills required for exchange of information on straightforward matters. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 7 Conargo Shire Council Qualifications and experience: Suitable experience or qualifications in a number of defined skill areas. (iv) Operational Band 1, Level 4 Authority and accountability: Responsible for supervising staff in operational duties or for work requiring independence in the application of skills, subject to routine supervision. Responsible for quality of work function. Judgement and problem solving: Option on how to approach tasks requires interpretation of problems and may involve precise judgement in operational areas. Specialist knowledge and skills: The number of work areas in which the position operates makes the work complicated and a variety of skills are required in its completion. Position may require competence in operation of complex machinery. Management skills: Supervisory skills in the communication instructions, training and the checking of work may be required. of Interpersonal skills: Skills are required to convince and explain specific points of view or information to others and to reconcile differences between parties. Qualifications and Experience: Experience to adapt procedures to suit situations and a thorough knowledge of the most complex operational work procedures to achieve work objectives. (v) Administrative / Technical / Trades Band 2, Level 1 Authority and accountability: Responsible for the completion of work requiring the application of trades, administrative or technical skills. Judgement and problem solving: Skills in assessing situations and in determining processes, tools and solutions to problems. Guidance is available. Specialist knowledge and skills: Positions will have demonstrated competence in a number of key skill areas related to major elements of the job. Management skills: Positions may require skills in the supervision or coordination of small groups. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 8 Conargo Shire Council Interpersonal skills: Communication skills to explain situations or advise others. Qualifications and experience: Appropriate work-related trade, technical or administrative qualifications or specialist skills training. (vi) Administrative / Technical / Trades Band 2, Level 2 Authority and accountability: Responsibility as a trainer/co-coordinator for the operation of a small section which uses staff and other resources, or the position completes tasks requiring specialised technical / administrative skills. Judgement and problem solving: Skills to solve problems which require assessment of options with freedom within procedural limits in changing the way work is done or in the delegation of work. Assistance may be readily available from others in solving problems. Specialist knowledge and skills: Positions will have specialised knowledge in a number of advanced skill areas relating to the more complex elements of the job. Management skills: May require skills in supervising a team of staff, to motivate and monitor performance against work outcomes. Interpersonal skills: In addition to interpersonal skills in managing others, the position may involve explaining issues/policy to the public or others and reconcile different points of view. Qualifications and experience: Thorough working knowledge and experience of all work procedures for the application of technical / trades or administrative skills, based upon suitable certificate or post certificatelevel qualifications. (vii) Administrative / Technical / Trades Band 2, Level 3 Authority and accountability: May be responsible to provide a specialised / technical service and to complete work which has some elements of complexity. Make recommendations within council and represent council to the public or other organisations. Judgement and problem solving: Problem solving and judgements are made where there is a lack of definition requiring analysis of a number of options. Typical judgements may require variation of work priorities and approaches. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 9 Conargo Shire Council Specialist knowledge and skills: Positions have advanced knowledge and skills in a number of areas where analysis of complex options is involved. Management skills: May supervise groups of operational and / or other administrative / trades / technical employees. Employees supervised may be in a number of different work areas, requiring motivation, monitoring and co-ordination to achieve specific outputs. Interpersonal skills: Skills to communicate with subordinate staff and the public and/or negotiation / persuasive skills to resolve disputes with staff or the public. Qualifications and experience: An advanced certificate, associate diploma, appropriate in-house training or equivalent combined with extensive experience in the application of skills in the most complex areas of the job. (viii) Professional / Specialist Band 3, Level 1 11 Authority and accountability: Provides specialised / technical services to complete assignments or projects in consultation with other professional staff. May work with a team of technical or administrative employees requiring the review and approval of more complex elements of the work performed by others. Judgement and problem solving: Problems require assessment of a range of options having elements of complexity in reaching decisions and making recommendations. Precedent is available from sources within the council, and assistance is usually available from other professional / specialist staff in the work area. Specialist knowledge and skills: Positions require considerable knowledge in a specific area with a sufficient level of skills and knowledge to resolve issues having elements of complexity that may not be clearly defined. Management skills: Positions at this entry level to the Professional / Specialist Band are not required to possess management skills. Interpersonal skills: Persuasive skills are required to participate in technical discussions to resolve problems, explain policy and reconcile viewpoints. Qualifications and experience: Professional / specialist positions require professional qualifications to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 10 Conargo Shire Council (ix) Professional / Specialist Band 3, Level 2 Authority and accountability: Provides a specialised/technical service in the completion of work and / or projects which have elements of complexity (composed of many parts that may be more conceptual than definite). Judgement and problem solving: Positions require the interpretation of information and development of suitable procedures to achieve agreed outcomes. Problem solving and decision making require analysis of data to reach decisions and / or determine progress. Specialist knowledge and skills: Experience in the application of technical concepts and practices requiring additional training are required at this level. Management skills: May manage a number of projects involving people and other resources requiring project control and monitoring as well as motivation and co-ordination skills. Interpersonal skills: Interpersonal skills in leading and motivating staff in different teams / locations may be required, as well as persuasive skills to resolve problems or provide specialised advice. Qualifications and experience: Positions at this level would have supplemented base level professional qualifications with additional skills training. Considerable practical experience or skills training would be required to effectively control key elements of the job. (x) Professional / Specialist Band 3, Level 3 Authority and accountability: Provides a professional advisory role to people within or outside council. Such advice may commit the council and have significant impact upon external parties dealing with council. The position may manage several major projects or sections within a department of the council. Judgement and problem solving: Positions have a high level of independence in solving problems and using judgement. Problems can be multi-faceted requiring detailed analysis of available options to solve operational, technical or service problems. Specialist knowledge and skills: The skills and knowledge to resolve problems where a number of complex alternatives need to be addressed. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 11 Conargo Shire Council Management skills: May be required to manage staff, resolve operational problems and participate in a management team to resolve key problems. Interpersonal skills: Interpersonal skills in leading and motivating staff may be required. Persuasive skills are used in seeking agreement and discussing issues to resolve problems with people at all levels. Communication skills are required to enable provision of key advice both within and outside council and to liaise with external bodies. Qualifications and experience: Tertiary qualifications combined with a high level of practical experience and an in-depth knowledge of work. (xi) Professional / Specialist Band 3, Level 4 Authority and accountability: Accountable for the effective management of major sections or projects within their area of expertise. As a specialist, advice would be provided to executive level and to council on major areas of policy or on key issues of significance to the organisation. The position's influence would have an important role in the overall performance of the function. Judgement and problem solving: Positions would determine the framework for problem solving or set strategic plans with minimal review by senior management. At this level, the position may represent senior management or council in the resolution of problems. The oversight of problem solving and assessment of the quality of judgements made by less qualified staff will apply at this level. Specialist knowledge and skills: Positions require knowledge and skills for the direction and control of a key function of council or major functions within a department. Positions require expert knowledge and skills involving elements of creativity and innovation in addressing and resolving major issues. Management skills: Positions may direct professional or other staff in the planning, implementation and review of major programs, as well as participating as a key member of a functional team. Interpersonal skills: Interpersonal skills in leading and motivating staff will be required at this level. Positions require the ability to negotiate on important matters with a high degree of independence. Positions are required to liaise with the public and external groups and organisations. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 12 Conargo Shire Council Qualifications and experience: Specialist tertiary qualifications in an appropriate field of study combined with extensive practical experience in all relevant areas in order to plan, develop and control major elements of work. (xii) Executive Band 4 Authority and accountability: Accountable for the direction and control of council or a department or the like. Influence and commit council or a department or the like to long-term strategic directions. Lead policy development and implementation. Judgement and problem solving: Positions solve problems through analytic reasoning and integration of wide-ranging and complex information, and have a high level of independence in determining direction and approach to issues. Specialist knowledge and skills: The position requires the application of a range of specialist knowledge and skills, including relevant legislation and policies and other areas of precedent. Ability to provide authoritative advice to council. Management skills: Application of corporate management skills in a diverse organisation to establish goals and objectives. Manage and control staff, budgets and work programs or major projects of council or a department or the like utilising leadership, evaluation and monitoring skills to facilitate achievement of objectives. Ability to generate innovative approaches to more effectively deploy resources, meet changing circumstances and improve service to the council's clients. Interpersonal skills: Positions use persuasive skills with external parties on major items of critical importance to council. They motivate managers and staff at all levels by leading and influencing others to achieve complex objectives. They influence the development of the council. Qualifications and experience: Positions will have a relevant degree or equivalent and management experience, combined with accredited management qualifications. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 13 Conargo Shire Council THE EVALUATION PROCESS After banding and leveling of Conargo Shire Council’s existing positions, utilising the above information and seeking staff comment, the following has been adopted for outside staff. Band 1 Level 2 Band 1 Level 3 Band 1 Level 4 Bank 2 Level 1 Band 2 Level 2 Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1 2 to 4 5 to 6 7 8 to 9 Refer Section 2 “Salary System Adopted Grades and Pay Rates” The grade shows that some positions, within the same Band and Level, require more skills than other positions. Example a dozer driver is the same Band and Level as a Backhoe (Bl L3) but requires additional skills therefore that position is B1 L3 but grade 4 where B1 L3 commences at Grade 2. For re-evaluation of existing positions or for newly created positions a similar process should be followed. To consistently evaluate positions, the first step is to gain an understanding of the position to be evaluated. This may be provided through a position description and other associated job documentation and/or may also include personal input by the position holder’s supervisor and the position holder. When seeking personal input be careful of the potential effect a strong, or weak, advocate may have on your perception of the position. The benchmarks provided by previous evaluations should be used to ensure consistency in applying the process. The Structure of the new award also advised of typical positions within each Band and Level. The second below: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) step is to determine which band the position will fit into as Operational Administrative/Technical Trades Professional/Specialist Executive Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 14 Conargo Shire Council Then the position needs to be matched to the skill descriptors for the appropriate band and level. The recommended evaluation position should then be referred to the Consultative Committee for endorsement and/or amendment. Finally the General Manager should approve the job evaluation. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 15 Conargo Shire Council 2. SALARY SYSTEM ADOPTED GRADES AND PAY RATES These rates will be updated in July each year in line with award increase % set by the Local Government State Award. OPERATIONAL STAFF BAND LEVEL GRADE B1 L2 Labourer B1 L3 Plant Operators / Truck HR B1 L3 B1 L3 Patching Truck & Backhoe Plant Operator(Grader & Stabiliser) ENTRY LEVEL AWARD GRADE ENTRY LEVEL CONARGO STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 $770.50 1 $770.50 $798.24 $825.98 $853.71 $881.45 $909.19 826.40 $826.40 2 3 $826.40 $856.15 $856.15 $886.97 $885.90 $917.79 $915.65 $948.61 $945.40 $979.44 $975.15 $1,010.26 $826.40 4 $885.90 $917.79 $949.69 $981.58 $1,013.47 $1,045.36 B1 L4 Large Truck & Trailer, Dozer Operator, Team Leader $915.10 5 $915.10 $948.04 $980.99 $1,013.93 $1,046.87 $1,079.82 B1 L4 Plant Operator (Grader Finisher & Project Officer) $915.10 6 $948.04 $982.17 $1,016.30 $1,050.43 $1,084.56 $1,118.69 B2 L1 Plant Mechanic & Maintenance Person / Carpenter(Qualified) $905.00 7 $948.04 $982.17 $1,016.30 $1,050.43 $1,084.56 $1,118.69 B2 L2 Plant Foreman $1,037.70 8 $1,037.70 $1,075.06 $1,112.41 $1,149.77 $1,187.13 $1,224.49 B2 L2 Overseer Overseer (Plant / Public Works Supervisor and Roads Supervisor) $1,037.70 9 $1,075.06 $1,113.76 $1,152.46 $1,191.16 $1,229.87 $1,268.57 $1,242.00 10 $1,242.00 $1,286.71 $1,331.42 $1,376.14 $1,420.85 $1,465.56 B2 L3 Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 16 Conargo Shire Council ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 1. These tables are current as 1st July 2013 BAND LEVEL GRADE ENTRY LEVEL AWARD GRADE ENTRY LEVEL CONARGO B2 L1 Administrative & Technical $905.00 1 $905.00 $937.58 B2 L2 B2 L2 Administrative & Technical Administrative & Technical $1,037.70 $1,037.70 2 3 $1,037.70 $1,075.06 B2 L3 Administrative & Technical $1,242.00 4 B3 L1 Professional & Specialist $1,037.70 B3 L2 Professional & Specialist B3 L3 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 $970.16 $1,002.74 $1,035.32 $1,067.90 $1,075.06 $1,113.76 $1,112.41 $1,152.46 $1,149.77 $1,191.16 $1,187.13 $1,229.87 $1,224.49 $1,268.57 $1,242.00 $1,286.71 $1,331.42 $1,376.14 $1,420.85 $1,465.56 5 $1,037.70 $1,075.06 $1,112.41 $1,149.77 $1,187.13 $1,224.49 $1,242.00 6 $1,242.00 $1,286.71 $1,331.42 $1,376.14 $1,420.85 $1,465.56 Professional & Specialist $1,446.30 7 $1,446.30 $1,498.37 $1,550.43 $1,602.50 $1,654.57 $1,706.63 B3 L3 Professional & Specialist $1,446.30 8 $1,590.93 $1,648.20 $1,705.48 $1,762.75 $1,820.02 $1,877.30 B4 L1 Executive Band $1,650.80 9 $1,650.80 $1,710.23 $1,769.66 $1,829.09 $1,888.52 $1,947.94 B4 L2 Executive Band $2,059.90 10 $2,059.90 $2,134.06 $2,208.21 $2,282.37 $2,356.53 $2,430.68 B4 L3 Executive Band $2,570.80 11 $2,570.80 $2,663.35 $2,755.90 $2,848.45 $2,941.00 $3,033.54 2. STEP 1 No allowances are included in the above rates Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 17 STEP 2 Conargo Shire Council 3. TRAINING AND SKILLS CRITERIA The Consultative Committee has adopted the following core and optional units for various positions. These courses can be altered by agreement. CORE UNITS No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TRAINING COURSE COMPETENT First Aid Certificate RTA Traffic Control Tickets – blue & yellow Manual Handling Course Follow Defined OHS Policies and Procedures. To complete first year if not skilled in that unit Work with others in Local Government Chainsaw Operations Control Traffic at a worksite Organise and complete daily work activities Complete plant sheets, timesheets, fuel sheets and other forms correctly Complete Leave Application forms correctly Knowledge of Council’s Works Program Use of small plant and equipment Motor Grader Operator Chainsaw Operations Roadside Vegetation Management Knowledge of Conargo Council Policies and Procedures White Card – OHS TAFE/In House In House TAFE/In House LGACORE 102B Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 LGACORE 105B Level 1 - TAFE LGAWORK 201A Council Council Council Council BCCCM 2002B External Level 2 - TAFE External Council TAFE Ver 1.5 Page 18 Conargo Shire Council OPTIONAL UNITS No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TRAINING COURSE Perform weed control duties Work effectively in Local Government Provide service to Local Government Customers Promote and maintain positive employee relations Implement effective communication techniques Roadside Vegetation Management Certificate II – Civil Construction Certificate III – Civil Construction Certificate IV Workplace Assessment and Training Defence Truck Course Dogman Certificate Operate and Maintain Equipment Smarttrain Chemical Application Bonded Asbestos Removal Safety Checking Electrical Appliances Caterpillar Equipment Training Level 1 Caterpillar Equipment Training Level 2 COMPETENT LGAEHRA 304A LGACORE 104B LGACORE 103B LGAGOVA 413B LGACOMP 009A External External External External External External Council TAFE TAFE TAFE Westrac Westrac SUPERVISORY UNITS No. TRAINING COURSE 1 Provide team leadership 2 Develop, implement and reviews policies and procedures 3 Manage a Local Government Project 4 Apply conflict resolution strategies 5 Provide quality and timely advice to council 6 Prepare a budget 7 Certificate four (4) in Local Government 8 Manage Finances within Budget 9 Traffic Controller - Orange Card 10 Read and interpret plans and specifications 11 Carry out measurements and calculations Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 COMPETENT LGACOMP 026A LGACOMP 603B LGACOMP 025A LGACOMP 008A LGACORE 501B LGACOMP 503B LGACOMP 407B TAFE/Council BCCCM 2003B BCCM 1004B Ver 1.5 Page 19 Conargo Shire Council GRADER FINISHER UNITS No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TRAINING COURSE Grader – In charge construction Conduct grader operations Conduct road pavement construction Indentify, locate and protect underground services Provide team leadership Traffic Controller – Red Card Caterpillar Equipment Training Level 3 COMPETENT Council BCCP0 3006B BCCRC 3007B BCCCM 2014B LGACOMP 026A TAFE/Council Westrac MOTOR MECHANIC UNITS No. TRAINING COURSE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Caterpillar dealer service training RTA heavy vehicle authorised inspection stations Computer training Forklift Drivers Certificate Fleet Management Airconditioning Auto Electrics Welding COMPETENT OR PROVIDER External RTA TAFE Licence External External External External CARPENTER No. 1 2 3 4 5 TRAINING COURSE Playground inspection Safety checking electrical appliances Computer Data Input Read and Interpret Plans & Specifications General Plumbing Experience Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 COMPETENT BCCCM2003B Ver 1.5 Page 20 Conargo Shire Council The Consultative Committee has adopted the following steps to ensure salary progression. It should be noted that both the training and the application of the skills is important in assessing the salary increases. BAND 1 LEVEL 3 Plant Operator/Truck HR Patching Truck & Backhoe & Plant Operator Grader Grade 2, 3 and 4 Entry Level (Essential) Refer position description for essential skills Step 1 Minimum two core units Minimum one optional unit Proficient in plant use At least one year in plant operation Step 2 Minimum two core units Minimum one optional unit Proficient in plant use Step 3 Three core units Two optional units Proficient in plant use Step 4 Three core units Two optional units High performance in plant operation Step 5 Two core units One optional unit High performance in plant use Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 21 Conargo Shire Council BAND 1 LEVEL 4 Large Truck and Trailer, Dozer, Team Leader, Plant Operator Finisher Grade 5 and 6 Entry Level (Essential) Refer position description for essential skills Step 1 Minimum two core units Minimum one optional unit Minimum two supervisory units Minimum one grader finisher (grader position only) Proficient in operation At least one year operation in plant use applicable to this Band and Level Step 2 Minimum two core units Minimum one optional unit Minimum one supervisory unit Minimum one grader finisher (grader position only) Proficient in plant use or as a team leader Step 3 Three core units Two optional units Two supervisory units One grader finisher (grader position only) Proficient in plant use or as a team leader Step 4 Three core units Two optional units Two supervisory units One grader finisher (grader position only) High performance in plant use or team leader Step 5 Two core units One optional unit One supervisory unit One grader finisher (grader position only) High performance in plant use Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 22 Conargo Shire Council BAND 2 LEVEL 1 Grade 7 Mechanic/Carpenter (Qualified) Entry Level (Essential): Refer job description for essential skills Step 1 Minimum two core units Minimum one optional unit Minimum two supervisory units Minimum one mechanic / carpenter unit Proficient in work Minimum one years experience in the trade Step 2 Minimum two core unit Minimum one optional unit Minimum one mechanic / carpenter unit Minimum two supervisory units Proficient in work Step 3 Minimum three core units Minimum two optional units Minimum one mechanic / carpenter unit Minimum two supervisory units Proficient in work Step 4 Minimum three core units Minimum two optional units Minimum one mechanic / carpenter unit Minimum two supervisory units High level of skill Step 5 Minimum two core units Minimum one optional unit Minimum one mechanic / carpenter unit Minimum one supervisory unit High level of skill Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 23 Conargo Shire Council BAND 2 LEVEL 2 Grade 8 Plant Foreman (Qualified) Entry Level (Essential): Refer job description for essential skills Step 1 Minimum two core units Minimum one optional unit Minimum two supervisory units Minimum one mechanic unit Proficient in work Step 2 Minimum two core unit Minimum one optional unit Minimum one mechanic unit Minimum two supervisory units Proficient in work Step 3 Minimum three core units Minimum two optional units Minimum one mechanic unit Minimum two supervisory units Proficient in work Step 4 Minimum three core units Minimum two optional units Minimum one mechanic unit Minimum two supervisory units High level of skill Step 5 Minimum two core units Minimum one optional unit Minimum one mechanic unit Minimum one supervisory unit High level of skill Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 24 Conargo Shire Council 4. SALARY SYSTEM - OPERATING PROCEDURES OBJECTIVES The objectives of the salary system are: 1) To maintain and reinforce internal equity between positions, so that pay relativities are fair and upfront. 2) To have a salary system which is straightforward enough to be able to be administered easily and understood effectively by the workforce. 3) To ensure that our actual salary levels can attract and keep skilled/competent staff and that Conargo Shire is regarded as a preferred employer. 4) To ensure that discrimination has no part in: (i) the setting of any salary range or (ii) the identification/assessment of any skills, and that the salary system is consistent with equal employment opportunity principles. 5) To utilise Council’s Position Evaluation System to determine the grades in the salary structure. THE SALARY STRUCTURE The salary structure has 9 Grades. Each Grade has a total range of 18% divided into five (5) Steps and an entry level of approximately 3.6% between each Step from the entry level. APPOINTMENT AND PLACEMENT OF NEW EMPLOYEES Appointments will be made to the Rate of Pay of the Grade appropriate to the position and at a step that is assessed as fitting the skill, experience and formal qualifications of the employee. PRESENT OCCUPANT Present Occupant refers to a situation where an employee’s rate of pay prior to a restructure or other organisational change exceeds the maximum salary available to their position under the salary system. The position that the present occupant holds will be placed in accordance with Clause 3 above, but the present occupant will not suffer a salary deduction and future general salary increases shall continue to be applied to the employee. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 25 Conargo Shire Council SALARY SYSTEM PROGRESSION Progression through the salary system shall be based on the acquisition and use of skills and the performance of these skills in a manner which provides added value to the role within Council’s activities. The identified training requirements and performance measurements for positions are defined in Section 3 “Training and Skills Criteria” and will be assessed annually in accordance with the Clause below and Section 5 “Skills and Performance Assessment” document. Salary progression will be dependent on the outcome of the assessment and requires: Consistent application of the job specific and common skills required to carry out the key responsibilities in the job description; and Achievement of the performance objectives, training and standards outlined in the agreed work plan. Increases in salary as a consequence of the annual assessments shall be effective from the first pay period commencing on or after 1st January following the assessments for the prior year (even if the assessment is delayed by undue circumstances). SKILLS AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Formal assessments shall be completed annually from November through to January. The assessment will be conducted in accordance with Section 5 “Skills and Performance Assessment” and Appendix A and B by a review panel of a maximum two people and the employee. Indoor staff assessments will be carried out by the immediate supervisor and the outdoor staff by the immediate supervisor and the Works Manager. In the event of any perceived conflict of interest the panel will be nominated by the General Manager. Work plans (performance plans) for the next 12 months will be developed jointly at the annual skills and performance assessment review by the reviewing panel and employee. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 26 Conargo Shire Council The following methods will be adopted for establishing individual work plans: Managers – the development of work plans based on the key responsibilities in the position description, and ongoing or planned activities which relate to the achievement of key performance indicators in the management plan. Other Employees – the development of work plans based on the key responsibilities, in the position description, as they contribute to ongoing or planned activities. The work plans developed should be relevant, and contain realistic and achievable performance objectives and standards. The review panel shall consider the results of the assessment in a “holistic” manner to determine the overall skill level of the employee. It should be noted that just because some check boxes have not been completed will it preclude the employee from progression. CIRCUMSTANCES WITHHELD WHERE SALARY PROGRESSION MAY BE Salary progression may be withheld where any of the following circumstances are identified during the assessment year and/or at the time of assessment: Where the outcomes of the agreed Training Plan have not been achieved (where the opportunity has been provided or available); or Where, by mutual agreement between the employee and management, it is determined that the employee is not required to participate in the development and acquisition of skills and qualifications as identified in the Training Plan developed as a result of annual assessment; or Unjustified non-participation in organised training; or Refusal to actively participate in the maintenance, development and acquisition of skills and qualifications as identified in the Training Plan developed as a result of annual assessment; or Where it is justified on grounds of discipline and/or performance which is being managed and documented through formal processes; or Where the agreed standards for performance objectives as outlined in the work plan have not been achieved. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 27 Conargo Shire Council In determining whether salary progression is to be withheld the following matters will be taken into account: The additional and higher level skills held and applied; The specialisation that have been achieved within the position; and Additional qualifications that are held and applied. Where an employee may not be able to progress given the above, the Training Plan developed at annual assessment should explore opportunities to develop specific specialisations or higher level skills and qualifications applicable to the employee’s area of work in an attempt to overcome the withholding of future salary progression. Where progression on the acquisition, application, maintenance and development of skills is no longer available because the position has reached the maximum step, further progression will only be available if the occupant obtains a new position within the organisation or the existing position is re-evaluated to a new position in a different grade. The General Manager in consultation with the relevant Director may authorise additional progression where circumstances warrant it. RIGHT OF APPEAL An employee may appeal the outcomes of the Skills and Performance Assessment on the following grounds: Does not agree with the reasons for salary progression being withheld; or Considers the process of the review was not in accordance with Council policy. The appeal process should only occur after every effort has been made as part of the performance assessment to resolve any issues. Frivolous appeals will not be considered. The appeal will need to be lodged by the employee in writing to the General Manager within 30 days of the assessment and should state all of the reasons why the employee considers the appeal is merited. The General Manager will consider the argument on merit and either refer the appeal to the next supervisory level above the review panel for a full review or consider the matter himself. The final review will be referred to the General Manager for decision and that decision will be final. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 28 Conargo Shire Council TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Training and development will occur in a manner which reflects the opportunities to add value to the work undertaken by Council and will involve a strategic allocation of Council’s finances to ensure the most effective outcome with the available funds. The salary system provides the basis for the development of training plans by identifying the skills required for progression. The identification of the skills required for each job linked to the annual review will determine any shortfall in skills and/or qualifications. The annual reviews assist in identifying any gaps and individual training requirements, which will provide input into the training plan and training budget each year. It is recognised that both staff and Council will benefit from effective staff training and development. Council will ensure that all employees have reasonable and equitable access to education and training, which enables employees to acquire the range of skills and/or qualifications they are required to apply in their positions. The training required to reach the next level of skill will be identified in each assessment period. This training may be in the form of on-the-job training, internal corporate training, external courses, seminars or conferences or a combination thereof. POSITION EVALUATION Position evaluation is the process by which each position in the organisation (not the person in the position) is evaluated and placed in the salary grade structure. This will be undertaken in accordance with Section 1 “Position Evaluation”. Positions will be evaluated in the following circumstances: If the position is newly created. If a significant change has occurred in the duties and responsibilities of the position, which is confirmed by the relevant Manager and approved by the General Manager. If an evaluation has been conducted and results in an apparent anomaly. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 29 Conargo Shire Council RELIEVING IN A HIGHER GRADED POSITION An employee who is specifically required by their manager to relieve in a position which is at a higher grade in Council’s Salary System, shall be paid for the actual time spent relieving in that position. The rate to be paid shall be determined by considering the skills/experience applied by the employee relieving in the position but shall be at least the minimum rate for that position in accordance with the salary system except where the higher level skills have been taken into account within the salary of the relieving employee. When an employee is required to relieve in a position which is at a higher grade in Council’s Salary System, discussion between the employee and their direct supervisor or other authorised officer, will identify the expected level of responsibility, specific accountabilities and level of support that will be available and, unless approved otherwise by the General Manager or the relevant Director, the rate of pay. The outcome of these discussions shall be confirmed in writing where appropriate. These discussions will also form part of the skills and performance assessment. If the situation arises where the higher duties position actually represented a theoretical deduction in salary based on skill levels, then the employee would be paid at his normal rate. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 30 Conargo Shire Council 5. SKILLS AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT INTRODUCTION The Skills and Performance Review has been introduced, to be of mutual benefit to you and Council. It serves to meet a number of aims including; To provide an opportunity to review your current Position Description and agree on future priorities for the position. To discuss your application of skills on the job. To provide feedback on your application of skills or to help overcome individual problems with application. To look at appropriate training needs that you may have for your further career and/or position development. To provide Council with information to support salary progression. To provide feedback on management/organisation and improvement processes. This form will be used as the basis for a discussion to be conducted at the annual assessment. The Skills and Performance Review form contains the following parts: Part A The Position Part B Management/organisation and improvement processes Part C Performance Review Factors and Work Plan Part D Skills Assessment and Training and Development Plan Part E Review Summary Appendix A Skill Descriptor Checklist Appendix B Job Descriptions Please complete Part A and Part B before the discussion and read the remainder of the assessment form. You are encouraged to make notes to assist discussion at the meeting. Policy No: 6.8 Ver 1.5 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Page 31 Conargo Shire Council PART A - The Position - to be completed by you prior to the assessment discussion You should examine your position and identify any existing problems that should be raised in the discussion. You are also encouraged to bring forward any ideas that you may have for improving your job. PART B – Management/organisation and improvement processes - to be completed by you prior to the assessment discussion This section gives the employee the opportunity to discuss and offer suggestions on management and organisation practice, including practical suggestions for improvement. PART C – Performance Review Factors and Work Plan Section 1 - Work Behaviours This section contains Skills and performance review factors to enable discussion about your performance. During the discussion you should speak openly with the supervisor/manager/panel about each other's views and perceptions and mutually agree on comments to be recorded following each part of the form. If there is insufficient space for the comments please attach additional sheets. Section 2 - Work Plan This section provides an opportunity to plan the major objectives of your position and to agree on how the successful achievement of these objectives will be measured. Where factors beyond your control affect the achievement of the targets agreed at the time of establishing the work plan these should be noted in the Comments and Issues Confronted column. These factors may result in a change in the agreed target during the life of the plan. Policy No: 6.8 Ver 1.5 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Page 32 Conargo Shire Council PART D – Skills Assessment and Training and Development Plan Section 1 - Skills assessment This section provides an opportunity to review the attainment of generic skills relevant to your position. Section 2 – Training and Development Plan Where you are identified as not having the required Skills to progress to the next step a training plan will be developed to guide your development. You and your supervisor/manager will discuss, in this part, the skills you will acquire in the next 12 months. These skills will add value to your position within Council, support your career aspirations and will be incorporated into Council’s Training Plan. The type of training and development should be designed to build on your strengths and potential and to support salary progression. You and your supervisor/manager will need to prioritise the training in order that training needs may be considered consistent with budget constraints and availability of training. Priority will be given to compulsory training PART E – Review Summary This part provides you with the opportunity to make comments on any aspect of the Skills and Performance Review process. The supervisor/manager is to satisfy himself/herself that the discussion process has been properly conducted, recorded, and noted for implementation. The supervisor/manager is to ensure that each of the parts of the form has been appropriately completed and reflects the Skills and performance of the employee and the objectives of Council. If you and your supervisor/manager have any disagreement as to the content of the review form, you should agree on a third party to assist you to resolve any differences. If after this process a difference still exists, the matter should be referred to the assessment moderation panel. Policy No: 6.8 Ver 1.5 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Page 33 Conargo Shire Council APPENDIX A – Skill Descriptor Checklist This section provides an opportunity to review the attainment of core skills relevant to your position. These will be identified and assigned to steps in the position skills. (refer to the operation instructions at the start of the Appendix) APPENDIX B – Job Descriptions This section provides the job description in Conargo Shire. Policy No: 6.8 Ver 1.5 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Page 34 Conargo Shire Council PART A - THE POSITION This part asks you to examine your position in the context of the work performed and to identify any problems that exist which should be discussed in the interview with the supervisor/manager Note: Issues related to management or organisation problems should be documented in Part C. 1. Are there any recurring problems, which prevent you from carrying out your duties and responsibilities efficiently and effectively? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Can you make any suggestions that would assist in overcoming the problems you have identified in Question 1 or can you suggest other work improvements? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Are there any works accomplishments achieved in the last 12 months that you would like to highlight? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Have there been any major changes to the duties and responsibilities of your position since your last review and does your position description require revision? Yes No Policy No: 6.8 Ver 1.5 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Page 35 Conargo Shire Council 5. If you answered yes to question 4 please explain the changes. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. List the higher duties and approximate times that you performed them in the last twelve months. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Policy No: 6.8 Ver 1.5 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Page 36 Conargo Shire Council 7. Job satisfaction (please indicate) LOW MEDIUM HIGH Please provide comments below. Note: Issues related to management or organisation should be documented in Part B ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Policy No: 6.8 Ver 1.5 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Page 37 8. Please indicate Licences, Certificates of Compliance or Permits: Please note: This section should be completed only where the licences etc. are required by the position Type of certificate/ Licence: No.: Expiry date: / / Licence, etc., sighted Yes No Type of certificate/ Licence: No.: Expiry date: / / Licence, etc., sighted Yes No Type of certificate/ Licence: No.: Expiry date: / / Licence, etc., sighted Yes No Type of certificate/ Licence: No.: Expiry date: / / Licence, etc., sighted Yes No Type of certificate/ Licence: No.: Expiry date: / / Licence, etc., sighted Yes No Type of certificate/ Licence: No.: Expiry date: / / Licence, etc., sighted Yes No Type of certificate/ Licence: No.: Expiry date: / / Licence, etc., sighted Yes No Type of certificate/ Licence: No.: Expiry date: / / Licence, etc., sighted Yes No Type of certificate/ Licence: No.: Expiry date: / / Licence, etc., sighted Yes No NOTE: Where the certificate/licence Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 expires during the next year Ver 1.5 Page 38 please list in compulsory training PART B - MANAGEMENT/ORGANISATION AND IMPROVEMENT PROCESSES This part asks you to examine the organisation’s policies and practices and the management style and practice. 9. Satisfaction with management and organisation (please indicate) LOW MEDIUM HIGH Please provide comments below. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Policy No: 6.8 Ver 1.5 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Page 39 PART C - PERFORMANCE REVIEW FACTORS AND WORK PLAN C1 – GENERAL WORK BEHAVIOURS This element recognises actions and behaviours that significantly contribute to both internal and external success. Employees who exhibit a high level in this attribute help create a positive work environment through the following actions; Work in the area is well organised and safe in accordance with relevant standards and policies; Instructions are correctly interpreted and followed: Workload is assessed, prioritised and completed within allocated timeframes; Need for additional support to improve performance is communicated clearly to the appropriate supervisor; Responsibilities and duties are performed in accordance with Council policies, protocol and procedures; and Positive input and participation in the performance appraisal process. Reliability, planning and acceptance of responsibility Anticipates requirements and instructions. Highly reliable, always gets the job done. Reliable, almost no follow-up required. Generally follows instructions, follow-up sometimes required. Instructions regularly not followed and follow-up is required. Extremely well organised and plans work ahead of requirements. Organised and reviews and updates plans on a regular basis. Organised and plans work consistent with time requirements. Planning does not support the efficient operation of the position, can be disorganised. Disorganised and work is poorly planned. Actively seeks to increase responsibility. Keen to assume additional responsibility. Accepts responsibility consistent with the position. Reluctant to lead or accept responsibility. Tries to actively avoid responsibility. NOTE: Please select and circle the description (one per row) of the behaviour that best describes that of the employee over the period of review. Comments/basis of assessment/opportunities for development: .......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 40 This element recognises the employee’s ability to work and to maintain effective contact with others. Employees who exhibit a high level in this attribute ensure that Council is an enjoyable place to work and help to ensure a positive work environment through the following actions: Responsibilities and duties are undertaken in a positive manner to promote cooperation and good teamwork; Information relevant to the work is shared with co-workers; Commitments to assist or undertake work for co-workers are fulfilled; Communication with others is conducted in a clear concise and professional manner; Problems and conflicts are recognised and resolved and/or referred to the appropriate person; and Agreed changes to improve work outcomes are acted upon in a timely manner. Teamwork and contact Goes out of the way to be helpful, creates team spirit. Consistent and cooperative, good team worker. Works well with others. Sometimes reluctant to help others and needs to be asked to provide assistance. Creates friction, pursues own goals and is not concerned with others. Exhibits excellent listening and comprehension skills and consistently keeps others well informed. Communicates well with other team members and customers and keeps others informed. Communicates consistent with the requirements of the position and generally keeps others informed Communicates generally consistently with the requirements of the position and sometimes fails to keep others informed. Communication is regularly inappropriate and fails to keep others informed. Comments/basis of assessment/opportunities for development: .......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 41 This element recognises the employee’s ability to present a positive image of Council to the public and internal customers. Employees who exhibit a high level in this attribute ensure that Council is valued by the community through the following actions: Communications with the public is conducted in a courteous manner; Appropriate standards of personal presentation are maintained; Information provided to the public is accurate and timely and more detailed requests for information are referred to the appropriate person/s; and Complaints or disputes are identified and resolved promptly or referred to the appropriate person/s. Customer service (External and Internal) Creates opportunities to enhance customer service. Always leaves good impression with customers. Pleasant manner and develops a good perception with customers. Understands and anticipates the needs of customers. Always pleasant and provides appropriate customer service. Could display more enthusiasm and provide better customer service. Does not recognise the needs of customers. Receives adverse comments from customers. Comments/basis of assessment/opportunities for development: .......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 42 This element recognises the employee’s compliance with occupational health and safety and risk management policies and procedures. Employees work in a safe manner through the following actions: Hazards in the work area are recognised and reported to the supervisor/manager; Workplace procedures and work instructions to control risks are followed accurately; and Workplace procedures for dealing with accidents, fire and emergencies are followed wherever necessary Council’s OH&S policies and procedures are followed; OH&S concerns are raised with the supervisor/manager or in the appropriate forum; and Injuries and incidents are reported on time and in accordance with Council’s policies and procedures. Risk and safety management Always focuses on OH&S processes and is regarded as a leader in safety in Council. Well developed appreciation of OH&S standards and always works consistent with requirements. Works within OH&S standards and requirements. Generally works within OH&S standards. Does not focus on OH&S and pays little regard for safety. Consistently exceed the position’s requirements in the management of risks and guides other staff in risk management techniques. Often exceeds position requirements in the identification and management of risks. Identifies and manages risks consistent with the requirements of the position. Sometimes fails to effectively manage all risks. Often fails to effectively manage all risks. Comments/basis of assessment/opportunities for development: .......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 43 This element recognises the employee’s ability to accept change readily, both in job responsibilities as well as in the work environment. Employees who exhibit a high level in this attribute help the organisation to respond effectively to changing customer demands by: Adapting to changes in the work environment; Managing competing demands; Accepting criticism and feedback; Meeting challenges with resourcefulness; Developing innovative approaches and ideas; and Changing approach or method to best fit the situation. Adaptability Highly innovative and creative and has initiated significant work improvements. Self-sustaining, requires minimal instruction. Plans work well, often takes initiative. Waits for directions and carries out obvious tasks. Not a self-starter always needs direction. Anticipates emerging challenges in the work environment. Flexible to changing needs and regularly exceeds demands. Responds positively to change and meets new demands. Generally accepts change and meets demands. Resists change and is unable to adapt. Comments/basis of assessment/opportunities for development: .......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 44 This element recognises the ability of the employee to apply skill developed from training and experience to the most important aspects of their responsibilities. Employees will exhibit a high level of application and understanding of the training and experience they have gained in this attribute are by: Having completed relevant training and being able to understand, use and apply lessons learnt from the training to the position; Have gained experience from on the job training or life experience and able to apply the skills developed over time to the position; Being able to undertake tasks without constant supervision and instruction to a high standard of achievement; Understand, recognise and implement Council policy and local politics; Continuing enthusiasm and input into developing improved practices and methods Application of training & experience Enthusiastic in improvement processes and applies training and experience to the position Attempts to improve the work place and position by application of training. Exhibits a reasonable understanding and application of training and experience. Limited understanding of training that has been provided and has some difficulty in its application to the position. Has not applied or shown any intent of applying any of the relevant training to the work place or has no real understanding of what has been learnt. Comments/basis of assessment/opportunities for development: .......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 45 This element recognises the employee’s attention to Council Policy, management practise, attendance to work and general presentation by; Arrives and leaves work at correct times; Follows Council Policy; Fills out and maintains appropriate records Takes appropriate leave; Suitable presentation; Attendance, application of Council Policy and Practise and Record Keeping. Excellent attendance to work, appropriate leave entitlements or actively reducing the liability. Good attendance with few absences and manageable leave entitlements. Absent with satisfactory explanations, certificates and reasons. Gradually reducing leave liability Absent with some times not validated. Not pursuing leave reduction without prompting. Poor attendance to work, often without valid reasons for non attendance. High leave liability without an attempt to reduce. Always follows and implements Council policy and work practice and completes all necessary recording requirements without the need for follow up. Follows most policy and procedures and only requires minor follow up for record keeping. Follows some policy and practise but follow up is required to keep accurate records. Reluctantly follows policy and needs constant reminders to complete records or records are of poor quality. Does not recognise or follow Council Policy and complete records as required. Comments/basis of assessment/opportunities for development: .......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 46 C2 - SUPERVISORY WORK BEHAVIOURS Please note: This section should be completed only by those staff whose position has supervisory or management accountability refer the job descriptions for the responsibility of staff supervision. This element recognises the employee’s leadership ability. Employees who exhibit a high level in this attribute lead and develop the organisation to ensure it is capable of meeting customer demands by: Leading and developing staff to ensure continuance improvement of service; Fairly and consistently assessing team members and ensuring salary progression; Managing the finances of the unit effectively to ensure costs are controlled; Resolving potential conflicts and differences to ensure harmony in the workplace; and Ensuring ethical practice in all areas of work. Leadership Staff highly motivated through superior team facilitation and coaching to achieve outcomes in excess of work requirements. Motivates and encourages staff through effective team facilitation and coaching to achieve outcomes generally in excess of work requirements. Staff motivated through clear guidance in work allocation and direction. Direction generally clear and consistent and needs support in leadership. Demonstrated poor capacity to lead and direct others. Enthusiastic in the development of staff and ensures the assessment process is pivotal to enhancing staff motivation and work performance. Actively seeks opportunities for staff development and ensures that assessment is integral to development process. Steady and attentive to staff development opportunities. Undertakes assessment consistent with organisational requirements. Lacks enthusiasm in staff development and does not consistently pursue learning opportunities for staff. Sometimes inconsistent in assessment. Lacks interest in staff development. Does not undertake assessments consistently and fail to motivate staff in their development. Comments/basis of assessment/opportunities for development: .......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 47 WORK PLAN Note: Not to be confused with the training plan. Key Objectives Priority Targets or Measures Comments/Issues Confronted EXAMPLES Perform duties without major accidents or incidents 1 Develop Traffic Control Plans for routine works 2 Target – no incidents Measured by number of incidents Target – TCP’s for most normal routine works developed and approved Numerous prior incidents have been recorded. TCP’s for standard routine works could be used without the need to develop specific TCP for each job. Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. The column headed Key Objectives allows you and your supervisor/manager/panel to agree on the major goals for the position for the year ahead. At least one key objective needs to be developed for the coming year. The column headed Priority allows you and your supervisor/manager to identify the relative importance of the objectives and to ensure an agreed focus of work performance. The column headed Targets or Measures allows you and your supervisor/manager/panel to agree on an appropriate measure of the successful achievement of the objective (targets should be measurable e.g. time, cost, quantity or quality). The column headed Comments/Issues Confronted allows you and your supervisor/manage/panel to identify and detail any issues that are confronted in attempting to achieve the agreed targets. Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 48 PART D – SKILLS ASSESSMENT AND TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN Compulsory (or required) training and development is where Council will directly benefit from the outcomes of the activity, and where such outcomes are deemed to be a necessary requirement of employment. This training is directly related to the achievement of an employee’s skills, or their individual training plan. SKILLS TO BE ATTAINED TO JUSTIFY PLACEMENT AT CURRENT STEP DESCRIPTION OF TRAINING REQUIRED PRIORITY LIST AGREED TRAINING TO OBTAIN PROGRESSION (as a guide, 4 key elements) This training may not be available in one year DESCRIPTION OF TRAINING REQUIRED PRIORITY Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 49 Optional training Optional training and development activities are those activities which are consistent with an employee’s current position but not necessarily a requirement of it. This could include personal or professional development that demonstrates mutual benefit to both the individual and to Council. SKILL TO BE ATTAINED Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 DESCRIPTION OF TRAINING REQUIRED Ver 1.5 Page 50 PRIORITY PART E – REVIEW SUMMARY (SECTION 1) WORK GROUP ELEMENTS IMPROVEMENT FROM PREVIOUS ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE LEVEL Reliability, planning and acceptance of responsibility YES NO EQUIVALENT HIGH MEDIUM LOW Teamwork and contact YES NO EQUIVALENT HIGH MEDIUM LOW Customer service YES NO EQUIVALENT HIGH MEDIUM LOW Risk and safety management YES NO EQUIVALENT HIGH MEDIUM LOW Adaptability YES NO EQUIVALENT HIGH MEDIUM LOW Application of training and experience YES NO EQUIVALENT HIGH MEDIUM LOW Attendance, Application of Council Policy and Practise and Record Keeping YES NO EQUIVALENT HIGH MEDIUM LOW Leadership YES NO EQUIVALENT HIGH MEDIUM LOW STRATEGIC ELEMENTS TARGET MET Work plan objectives YES NO Training Offered YES NO Training Undertaken YES NO Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 N/A PARTLY Ver 1.5 Page 51 N/A PART E – REVIEW SUMMARY (SECTION 2) Supervisor/Manager's Summary: The supervisor/manager/panel is to give an overall summary of the review and a specific recommendation in terms of salary progression. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. Employee Comments: You can comment on any aspect of the review including the Supervisor/Manager's/Panel Summary. If you disagree with any of the outcomes of the review please outline the disputed areas. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. Consider Part E and Appendix A Has the employee fulfilled and applied all the skill skills required? If so, for what Grade and Step? YES Grade: Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 NO N/A Step: Ver 1.5 Page 52 PART E – REVIEW SUMMARY (SECTION 2) Higher Duties: List higher duties that may be possibly allocated in the next twelve months and the appropriate grade and step for remuneration. Higher Duties Grade Step Other Comments ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. The signatures below indicate that the supervisor/manager and employee have discussed all parts of the document. Employee .......................................................................... Date / / Supervisor/Manager/Panel ................................................ Date / / Supervisor/Manager/Panel ................................................ Date / / The signature below indicates that the Manager has reviewed all parts of the document. Manager ............................................................................ Date / / APPENDIX APPENDIX A - SKILL DESCRIPTORS APPENDIX B - JOB DESCRIPTIONS Policy No: 6.8 Date Reviewed: August 2015 Ver 1.5 Page 53