2 Resources for Stre..

Resources for Strengthening Marriage, Family, and Individuals
1) Divorce Busting, Michelle Weiner-Davis
2) Why Marriages Succeed or Fail, John Gottman
3) The Knight in Rusty Armor, Robert Fisher
4) And They Were Not Ashamed: Strengthening Marriage Through Sexual Fulfillment, Laura Brotherson (LDS)
5) Between Husband and Wife: Gospel Perspectives on Marital Intimacy, Stephen Lamb & Douglas Brinley (LDS)
6) What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women, James Dobson
7) The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, Dr. Laura Schlessinger
8) Everyday Parents Raising Great Kids, James MacArthur (LDS)
9) www.byubroadcasting.org; click on “find a talk” and type in keyword, author, etc
10) www.providentliving.org; click on link for “social and emotional strength”
11) www.stepfamilies.info; click on related links, such as “programs and services”
12) Agency and Love in Marriage, Ensign, October 2000, Elder Lynn G. Robbins
13) Don’t Let Negativism Ruin Your Marriage, Ensign, March 2001, Terry Baker
14) Bonds That Make Us Free: Healing Our Relationships by Coming to Ourselves, C. Terry Warner (LDS)
15) Finding Wholeness and Happiness After Divorce, A. Dean Byrd (LDS)
16) Real Families, Real Answers website (BYU): http://realfamiliesrealanswers.org/
17) Positive Discipline website: www.positivediscipline.com, parenting resource
18) Parenting with Love and Logic website: www.loveandlogic.com, parenting resource
19) Helping and Healing our Families: Principles and Practices Inspired by “The Family: A Proclamation to the
World” Ed. by Hart, Newell, Walton, Dollahite
20) The Sanctity of Womanhood, Ensign, May 2000, Richard G. Scott
21) Forever Families website: http://griggs.byu.edu:8232/Default.aspx, parenting, marriage, family resource
22) Brain Lock, Jeffrey Schwartz; dealing effectively with obsessive compulsive disorder
23) The Drug of the New Millennium, Mark Kastleman (regarding the plague of pornography)
24) The Pornography Trap, article link: http://overcome.byu.edu/Articles/Cline.asp
25) You Can’t Pet a Rattlesnake, Ensign, May 2001, David E. Sorenson