Ms - Quaid-i-Azam University

(Ms) Salma Malik
Ms Salma Malik is an Assistant Professor at the Department of
Defence and Strategic Studies, Quaid-I-Azam University,
Islamabad Pakistan. She specializes in the areas of War, Arms
Control & Disarmament, Military Sociology, South Asian Affairs
and the research areas include; Conflict Management &
Transformation, Human Security, CBMs & Micro-Disarmament.
Contact Information
Department of Defence &
Strategic Studies
Quaid-I-Azam University
Islamabad Pakistan 44000
Phone: 9251-90643076
2005 PhD (In progress),
Dept of International
Relations, QAU,
Islamabad, Pakistan.
Violence: Impact of
the Proliferation of
Small Arms and
Light Weapons on
Pakistan’s Internal
2003 M Phil
Defence & Strategic
Studies. Quaid-IAzam University.
Islamabad Pakistan.
Scourge of Small
Arms Challenge to
Human Security - A
Case Study for
1995 M Sc Defence &
Studies.Quaid-IAzam University
Islamabad Pakistan.
Building Measures
- A Case Study of
India & Pakistan
Prior to joining QAU, she worked as a Research Officer at the
Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan from
June 1996 to August 1999. She has also been on the Visiting
Faculty list of the Intelligence Bureau Directorate and has
rendered lectures as a guest speaker at the PAF Air War
College, Karachi, as well as Command & Staff College,
Quetta, and Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi. .
She has rendered her expertise as an anchor and expert both
in various current affairs programs. Ms Salma Malik has many
publications to her credit and has co authored various books
including “Small Arms and the Security Debate in South Asia,”
RCSS Policy Studies, No. 33, Manohar Publications, New
Delhi, 2005. She is widely traveled and has attended quite a
few international and national conferences. (List annexed)
Following is the list of the numerous honors that Ms Salma
Malik has received for her research in the fields of defence
strategy and international relations.
(2011) Member, COSATT, Consortium for South Asian Think Tanks.
Member, National ARF Unit, established by the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs Pakistan & ARF headquarters.
(2010) Member, International Institute for Strategic Studies,
IISS, London.
(2003-04)Member, Asian Studies Association, USA.
(June 2007) Awarded a Fellowship under the South Asian Regional
Fellowship Program by the Social Science Research Council, New
York on “Revisiting Pakistan through Popular Culture: A Comparative
study of India and Pakistan.”
(May 2006) Certificate in International Humanitarian Law for
Working Professionals, by the International Committee of the Red
Cross, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Awarded fellowship by the Social Science Research
Council under the South Asia Research Fellowship Program, on
“Pakistan: A Praetorian State or Crisis of Governance?”
Diploma in Advance International Program in
Conflict Resolution, Department of Peace and Conflict Research,
Uppsala University, Sweden.
Mahbub-ul-Haque Research Award 2003 for
collaborative research on non-traditional security issues, on
“Introducing the Small Arms Debate in the Security Discourse of
South Asia.”
(Jan- April 2003) Graduate of Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies
APCSS Executive Level Course, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Awarded University Research Fund to conduct research on
“Towards a Viable Nuclear Risk Reduction Regime in South Asia,” for
year 2003- 04.
(1999 – 2000) Awarded University Research Fund to conduct
research on “The Kargil Conflict and India-Pakistan Normalization
Process,” for year 1999- 2000.
(Since 2002) PTV regular analyst and Anchor on Current Affairs &
International Politics Programs, like South Asia Watch, News
Morning and various other current affair programs.
Conferences & Seminars Coordinated & Organized:
October 6th, 2011
October 4th, 2011
May 25th, 2011
May 14th, 2011
MAY 04, 2011
May 02, 2011
March 21-22, 2011
March 10, 2011
Feb 22, 2011
Feb 03-04, 2011
Dec 09th, 2010
Nov 11, 2010
Nov 01, 2010
Distinguished Guest Lecture on A Chance for America and
Pakistan to Enhance Coordination to Fight Common Threats,
by Brian Katulis, Center for American Progress, Washington DC.
The Evolving Constitutional & Legal Regime in FATA,
Roundtable organized by the DSS Department in collaboration with
Community Appraisal & Motivation Program (CAMP).
Round-table Discussion on Internal Security Dynamics of
Pakistan with the Visiting Royal College of Defence Studies (RCDS)
UK at the DSS department.
Distinguished guest lecture on India as a Factor in US Pakistan
Relations by Daniel Markey, Council on Foreign Relations,
Washington DC.
Pakistan’s Relations With SCO, One Day Seminar organized by
DSS Department in collaboration with Center for Research & Security
Studies, (CRSS).
Prospects For No-War Pact Between India And Pakistan,
Roundtable discussion organized by the DSS Department in
collaboration with UK based think tank, Forum for International
Relations Development
Stabilizing FATA: Security, Governance, Developmental
Challenges, Internal & External Dimensions, two day conference
organized by the DSS Department in collaboration with CAMP.
Peace & Development in FATA: A Non-Military Approach, one
day Roundtable organized by the DSS Department in collaboration
with Community Appraisal & Motivation Program (CAMP).
Obama’s Afghan Policy: Impact on FATA, one day Roundtable
organized by the DSS Department in collaboration with Community
Appraisal & Motivation Program (CAMP).
Strategic Stability, Escalation Control, Nuclear CBMs & IndiaPakistan Peace Process, two day international workshop organized
by DSS Department in collaboration with Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace & Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington DC.
The Challenge of the Human Dimensions of Proliferation in
the Current International Security Framework, roundtable by
Prof Maurizio Martellini, Secretary General Landau Network-Centro
Volta, Italy.
Distinguished guest lecture on Spiritual Dimension in the Era of
Globalization by HE Franco Fratinni, Foreign Minister Of Italy.
Distinguished guest lecture on Global & Regional Developments:
Perspective from Bangladesh, by the visiting foreign secretary of
Bangladesh, his Excellency Ambassador Mohammed Mijarul Quayes.
August 09-10, 2010 Great Powers in South Asia: Implications for Pakistan, a two
day workshop jointly organized by the DSS Department in
Collaboration with USIP, Washington DC.
July 29, 2010
Dynamics of US Foreign Policy and Implications for Pakistan,
Roundtable with Prof. Walter Russell Mead, Henry L Kissinger Sr.
fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, Washington DC at DSS
June 10-11, 2010
Pakistan and the Emerging World Nuclear Order, A Joint Event
of DSS-ISSI-SASSI with Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
& Henry L. Stimson Center, at the ISSI.
May –August, 2010 Jointly Conducted a series of skills building workshops on Conflict
Transformation: Dynamics, Skills and Strategies, for the
legislators of provincial assemblies of Pakistan and AJK legislative
assembly, organized by the Pakistan Institute of
Development & Transparency, PILDAT.
May 31, 2010
Process of Democratisation & Civil-Military Relations in
Pakistan, Roundtable with Dr. Siegfried Wolf, Heidelberg University,
Germany at DSS Dept QAU.
May 25, 2010
De-Radicalisation: Perception & Responses of Pakistani Civil
Society & Youth, Roundtable with Stockwell Green Community
Service, UK at the DSS Dept, QAU.
May 17, 2010
US Pakistan Strategic Relations, Roundtable discussion with
National War College, NDU, DC at DSS Dept, QAU.
April 27-28, 2010
Two day international bilateral conference between Afghanistan and
Pakistan on the theme Prospects and Challenges in Afghanistan
– Pakistan Relations, held at DSS Dept, QAU.
August 15-18, 2009 Coordinated and organized a three day workshop on Effective
Teaching and Research Methodology Skills For PhD
Candidates and Teaching Faculty, at the DSS Department QAU,
in collaboration with the learning Innovation Division, HEC,
March 21, 2009
Organized and moderated Societal Violence and Militancy, and
its Impact on Youth, at the DSS Department QAU, Islamabad in
collaboration with the CAMP, Peshawar.
April 27-28, 2006
Participated & moderator at the National Conference on Political
Parties & Challenges of Democratic Development, by Center for
Civic Education, Pakistan, National Endowment for Democracy, USA
& International Institute for Democracy & Electoral Assistance
(IDEA), Sweden, Islamabad.
Feb. 09, 2005
Conducted & organized Seminar Towards a Landmines Free
World, in collaboration with Peshawar based NGO, Sustainable
Peace & Development Organization (SPADO), & Department of
Defence and Strategic Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
Conferences & Seminars Attended:
Sept 25–Oct 10, ’11 Part of four member group on Public Diplomacy & Crisis
Management in South Asia, organised by US Dept of Energy,
Albuquerque & Washington DC.
July 3rd-5th, 2011
Commented on “Assessment of the Status Quo: Major Obstacles to
Regional Cooperation and Initiatives to Overcome Them,” at the
Conference, Common Grounds: Ways to Regional Cooperation
in South Asia, organized by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Berlin,
June 12-18, 2011
Attended the Trilateral Summer School, for Pakistani, Afghan &
German Practitioners, organised by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung,
April 1st, 2011
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
March 28-29, 2011
Dec 14-15, 2010
Dec 13-14, 2010
June 10-11, 2010
June 04-06, 2010
Feb 22-25th, 2010
Oct 08-09, 2009
Sept 22-25, 2009
July 07, 2009
June 12-19, 2009
Presented “Small Arms & Rising Security Dilemma,” in a Panel
discussion at the Department of Security Studies, Kansas State
University, Kansas.
Presented “Engaging New Audiences,” at the conference,
Generation Prague: Arms Control and Nonproliferation in the
21st Century, George C. Marshall Conference Center, US
Department of State, Washington, DC
Panel discussant at a US – Pakistani Young Scholars’
Roundtable organized by the Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, Washington DC.
Participated in the 2011 Carnegie International Nuclear Policy
organized by the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace Washington DC.
Presented “Security Sector Reform in Pakistan,” at the Promoting
Security Sector Reform in South Asia: Lessons from Japanese
Experience, Organised by Bangladesh International Institute of
Strategic Studies (BIISS) with support from the Japan Foundation.
Presented “The Nature of Complex Emergencies: Impact of
Earthquake,” at the International Conference on Management
of Complex Emergency, organized by the Bangladesh Institute of
Peace & Security Studies (BIPSS), in collaboration with the ICRC and
Embassy of Switzerland in Bangladesh.
Presented “Nuclear Issues and US Pakistan Relations,” at the
conference Pakistan and the Emerging World Nuclear Order, A
Joint Event of DSS-ISSI-SASSI with Carnegie Endowment & Stimson
Center, at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad.
Participated in the 9th IISS Asian Security Summit, the ShangriLa Dialogue, organized by the International Institute for Strategic
Studies, Singapore.
Participated in a Dialogue & Information Seminar, to Kabul,
organized by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Germany.
Presented “Tackling Militancy: Political Developments and Internal
Stability,” at the The U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Partnership: A
Track-Two Dialogue for Long-Term Security Cooperation,
Organised by the Center for Contemporary Conflict (CCC) at the U.S.
Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California, held in Dubai, UAE.
Participated in Building Local Capacity for Security and Rule of
Law in Fragile and Conflict Affected States, organized by the
British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Wilton Park, UK.
Participated in The Importance of Good Relations between
Pakistan and Afghanistan – are they Improving? a
teleconference organised by International Institute for strategic
Studies (IISS), London UK.
Participated in “Appraisal of Pakistan US Bilateral Relations,”
organized by the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs,
May 29-31, 2009
May 29, 2009
May 25, 2009
May 22-26, 2009
Participated in the 8th IISS Asian Security Summit, the ShangriLa Dialogue, organized by the International Institute for strategic
Studies, Singapore.
In-House Discussion on “Politics of Radicalization & Deradicalization: Impact on Pakistan's Internal & External Security,” at
the Institute of South Asian Studies, National University Singapore.
In-House Discussion on “Current Security Scenario in Pakistan,” at
the Institute for Peace & Conflict Studies, New Delhi.
Participated and presented, “Afghanistan – Pakistan Relations,” and
Peace building in Jammu & Kashmir: A Pakistani Perspective,” at the
Seventh Annual Conflict Transformation Workshop on Seeking
Peace in Changing Worlds, organized by Women in Security,
Conflict Management & Peace, (WISCOMP) in New Delhi, India.
May 04-05, 2009
Participated in and presented, “De-radicalization: Prospects for
Future,” at the international seminar, Countering Extremism:
Strategies and Sharing Best Practices, organized by the PakInstitute for Peace Studies (PIPS) in collaboration with the
Department of Defence & Strategic Studies (DSS), Quaid-i-Azam
University Islamabad.
Sept 30-Oct 1, 08
Participated in South Asian Peace Studies Review, Curriculum
Development on South Asian Peace Processes, by The Nelson
Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Jamia Millia
Islamia, New Delhi, India.
Sept 10-12, 2008
Participated in and presented, “Towards A Viable Risk Reduction
Regime in South Asia,” at the international conference, Still The
Asian Century, organised by the Department of Political Science
and International Studies, University of Birmingham, UK.
August 26-27, 2008 Participated in and presented, “Sir Creek: A Geo-Strategic
Perspective,” at the International seminar, Pakistan – India Peace
Process: The Way Forward, organized by the Islamabad Policy
Research Institute (IPRI), in collaboration with Hanns Seidel
Foundation (HSF), in Islamabad.
April 11-13, 2008
Participated in and presented, “Security Sector Governance &
Reforms: Case Study of Pakistan,” at the conference Security
Sector Governance in South Asia organized by Institute of Peace
and Conflict Studies (IPCS) in collaboration with the International
Development Research Centre (IDRC), in Bangkok, Thailand.
Feb 21-23, 2008
Participated in and presented, “Revisiting 1947 through Popular
Cinema: A Comparative Study of India and Pakistan,” at the InterAsian Connections organized by the Social Science Research
Council (SSRC) New York, held in Dubai, UAE.
March 21-22, 2007 Participated in and presented, “Reforms in the Party Domain:
Proposals & Possibilities,” at the Conference on The State of
Political Parties in South Asia, organized by the International
Institute for Democracy & Electoral Assistance, (IDEA), Sweden in
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Nov. 10-11, 2006
Participated in and presented, “Revisiting 1947 through Popular
Culture: A Comparative Study of India and Pakistan,” at the
Capstone Workshop on Collaborative and Comparative
Research in South Asia, organized by the Social Sciences Research
Council, in Goa, India.
Oct. 28-Nov 04, 06 Participated in Fifth Annual Conflict Transformation Workshop
on Collaborative Explorations, organized by Women in Security,
Conflict Management & Peace, (WISCOMP) in New Delhi, India.
June 10-12, 2006
Participated in the Author’s Conference for the IPCS book project on
Human Security in South Asia, organized by Institute of Peace &
Conflict Studies, New Delhi in collaboration with Japan Foundation, in
Katmandu Nepal.
Dec. 20-22, 2005
Attended the Fellows’ Workshop held by the Social Science Research
Council, in connection with South Asia Regional Fellowship
Program, in Negombo, Sri Lanka.
Sept. 21-22, 2004
Participated in First Asia Meeting on Security Sector
Governance held in Bangkok, Thailand by the Global Facilitation
Network for Security Sector Reform (GFN-SSR), by Cranfield
University, UK.
Apr. 14-May 27, 04 Attended the Advance Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS 2004)
Course at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala
University, Uppsala Sweden,
March 04-07, 2004
Nov. 09-21, 2003
July 28-31, 2003
June 02-08, 2003
March 25-27, 2003
Jan.-April 2003
May 25-29, 2002
April 20-22, 2001
April 16-May 4, 01
June 23-25, 2000
June 20-23, 2000
Sept. 21-23, 1999
May 24-28, 1999
April 22-28, 1999
Dec. 15-16, 1998
Sept. 20-29, 1998
October 4th, 2011
Participated and Read a paper on “Terrorism: Implications for
Pakistan’s Security,” at the Annual Meeting of the Association of
Asian Studies, San Diego California.
Workshop on Liberalism, The Examination of its Basics
organized by the Friedrich Neumann Stiftung, at the Intl Academy for
Leadership Gummers Bach, Germany
Conflict Prevention and Peace-Building in South Asia: What
Needs to be Done? Organized by the Ford Foundation in
collaboration with the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
Wilton Park, South Asia Forum UK
Conflict Transformation Workshop Transcending Conflict,
organized by WISCOMP, “Women in Security, Conflict Management &
Peace,” in New Delhi, India
Participant at The Pacific Symposium 2003, Toward A Durable
Regional Security Strategy, Co-Sponsored by The National
Defense University, United States Pacific Command and Asia-Pacific
Center for Security Studies, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Participant at the 03-1 Executive Level Course at the Asia-Pacific
Center for Security Studies APCSS, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Conference on Shaping the Future: A South Asian Dialogue,
organized by the Regional Center for Strategic Studies, Colombo Sri
Lanka in collaboration with the European Commission, at Bantota, Sri
11th Annual International Arms Control Conference organized
by the International Security Center, Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Represented the Country at the International Visitors Program of
the United States Department of State, focusing on International
Security issues.
International Conference on, Conventional Arms in South Asia:
Proliferation, under the aegis of University of Bradford, UK in
collaboration with RCSS, Colombo & UNDDA, Kandy Sri Lanka
Read a paper on “Domestic Production, Illegal Manufacture and
Leakage of Small Arms & Light Weapons,” at the Workshop on Small
Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia, organized
by the RCSS Colombo & UN Department of Defence Affairs (UNDDA),
Kandalama, Sri Lanka
International Conference on South Asia Facing the New
Millennium, held at Ahungalla, Sri Lanka by the Regional Centre for
Strategic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Five-day, Indo-Pakistan Internet Training Workshop for South
Asian Communicators on Regional Security Issues, Salzburg, Austria
Presented a paper on “India’s Relations with USA and Russia,” in
Beijing, China as part of the visiting Inst. of Strategic Studies team
at the China Institute for International Strategic Studies.
International Workshop on Regional International Affairs
Program in Asia, at Colombo; organized by the RCSS, Colombo, Sri
Workshop on, Defence, Technology and Cooperative Security in
South Asia; at Shanghai, arranged by the Regional Centre for
Strategic Studies (RCSS), Colombo and the American Studies Centre,
Fudan University; Shanghai, China.
Moderated the launching ceremony of Project on Women
Empowerment, organised by the Pakistan United States Alumni
Network, on educating Women Electorate, Islamabad.
June 17th, 2011
May 9-10, 2011
Dec 06-07, 2010
October 14, 2010
Oct. 13-14, 2010
May-July, 2010
June 29, 2010
March 25-26, 2010
July 20-22, 2009
March 27, 2009
March 05, 2009
Presented “SALW as the Real Weapons of Mass Destruction &
Changing Nature of War,” at the Seminar Proliferation of Small
Arms and its impact on Internal Security Dynamics, organized
by CAMP in collaboration with IANSA.
Presented “Militancy and Its Impact on the Future of Pakistan,” at
the 6th Techno Moot organized by the COMSATS Institute of
Information Technology (CIIT), Abbottabad.
Presented “Conflict Transformation and Disempowered Groups,” at
the international workshop on Conflict Transformation & The
Challenge Of Peace, organized by the Department of International
Relations, Karachi University, in collaboration with Hans Sidel
Foundation, Germany.
Lead speaker at the seminar on Radicalization in Pakistan,
organized by Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS) Islamabad.
Presented “Radicalization & its Impact on Pakistan’s Foreign Policy,”
at the conference Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Analysis at
Domestic, Regional & International Level, organized by the
Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar in
collaboration with the Hans Seidel Foundation, Islamabad.
Co-trainer & conducted a Conflict Transformation: Dynamics,
Skills and Strategies, a series of skill building workshop organized
by PILDAT for legislators provincial assemblies (Punjab, Sindh, &
Participated in & Session Chair at the Seminar on Pak-U.S.
Relations: Youth
Dialogue on Culture, Education &
Leadership, organized by the Pak-US Alumni Network, US-IRC,
Participated in two days National Workshop on Pakistan’s
Responses to Terrorism: Need for a Conceptual Framework,
held by the Department of International Relations, University of
Peshawar in collaboration with the Hans Sidel Foundation, Pakistan.
Participated in a two day Afghan-Pak Dialogue Forum on
Bridging Bilateral Gaps, organized by the Konrad Adenauer
Stiftung, between Afghan and Pakistani Academics and Social
Scientists, in Islamabad.
Presented “Small Arms and Security in Pakistan and South Asia,” at
the conference Weapon Culture and its Impact on Pakistani
Society, jointly hosted by the Department of International Relations,
University of Peshawar & CAMP, Peshawar.
Presented “Unregulated arms transfer in the region, with particular
emphases on Pakistan case,” at the National Civil Society
Consultation on Arms Trade Treaty, by the Community Appraisal
and Motivation Programme (CAMP) in collaboration with the British
High Commission, Islamabad.
February 07, 2009 &
January 29-30, 2009
Nov. 26-27, 2007
May 22, 2007
Presented “Lifecycle of a Conventional Weapon: From production and
Sale to Transfer and Delivery; Small Arms and Light Weapons trade
from Pakistan an Analysis,” at the Provincial Civil Society
Consultation on Arms Trade Treaty, by the Community Appraisal
and Motivation Programme (CAMP) in collaboration with the British
High Commission, Islamabad, at Peshawar and Karachi respectively.
Presented “The Role of Research institutes & think Tanks in the
Process of Conflict Management,” at the International Workshop on
Conflict Management Mechanisms & The Challenges of Peace
by the I.R. Department, University of Karachi in collaboration with
the Hanns Seidel Foundation, Germany.
Presented “Current Status of Licit & Illicit Proliferation and Trade of
Small Arms in Pakistan,” at the CAMP - SPADO & International
April 9-14, 2007
August 17, 2006
May 15-19, 2006
March 27, 2006
March 22, 2006,
Nov. 10, 2005
Feb. 14, 2005
Dec. 06-07, 2004
Dec. 05, 2004
Oct. 09-10, 2004
Sept. 07, 2004
Dec. 16-17, 2003
Dec. 15-17, 2003
Dec. 15, 2003
July 08, 2003
Oct. 30, 2002
Control Arms sponsored conference, The National People’s
Consultation on the Arms Trade Treaty, Islamabad.
Visiting Faculty at Command & Staff College, Quetta.
Participant at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),
Islamabad sponsored Seminar on International Humanitarian
Laws: Implementation in Pakistan, Islamabad.
Attended the Certificate Course on International Humanitarian
Law for Working Professionals, by the International Committee of
the Red Cross, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Presented “Academician Perspective on Access to Information for
Promoting Good Governance,” at the Stakeholders Dialogue on
Access to Information for Promoting Good Governance, by
Center for Civic Education, Pakistan & European Initiative for
Democracy & Human Rights (EIDHR), Islamabad.
Participated in Pugwash Workshop on Promoting Nuclear Stability
in South Asia, Islamabad.
Presented “Local Bodies Governance,” at 10 Years of IAF –
Pakistan Liberals Working Together for Freedom, at the 4th IAF
Alumni Meeting, 2005, by Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Pakistan,
Participated in ISSRA (NDC, Islamabad) - SASSU (Uni. of Bradford,
UK) workshop on Conflict Resolution at the National Defence
College, Islamabad.
Conference on Private Media for a Free Media for a Free Civil
Society, organized by the Liberal Forum Pakistan and Friedrich
Naumann Foundation, Pakistan, Islamabad.
National Seminar on Liberal Space in Political Culture of
Pakistan, organized by the Liberal Forum Pakistan and Friedrich
Naumann Foundation, Pakistan, Islamabad.
Presented papers on “The Dynamics of Conflict and Conflict
Resolution in South Asia,” & “Emerging Issues in Defence & Strategic
Studies, A Comparative Analysis with Uppsala Peace & Conflict
Research Program,” at the Regional Workshop on Teaching and
Research Methods in Conflict Resolution, organized by the
Program on Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution, Department of
International Relations, University of Karachi in collaboration with
Higher Education Commission.
Participated in the Pugwash Workshop on, The Emerging Regional
Situation and the Global Context, Islamabad.
National Seminar on Civil Society & Good Governance, organized
by the Liberal Forum Pakistan and Friedrich Naumann Foundation,
Pakistan, Islamabad.
Presented “Current Scenario and Emerging Trends in Defence &
Strategic Studies,” for at the national conference on The State of
the Social Sciences and Humanities: Current Scenario and
Emerging Trends, organized by the Committee on Development of
Social Science and Humanities, Higher Education Commission.
Presented “Development of Information Society,” at Pakistan in the
age of Globalization, for the 2nd IAF Alumni Meeting, 2003, by
Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Islamabad.
Participated in & read a paper on “Refugee Rights under
International Jurisdiction: A Case Study of Afghan Refugees,” at the
Seminar on, Refugee Rights Under International Protection,
organized by the Society for Human Rights & Prisoners’ Aid, SHARP,
in Islamabad.
Presented paper on “Small Arms & Human Security,” at the
Department of Defence & Strategic Studies, Quaid-I-Azam University
organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences.
March 20-21, 2002
Feb. 23-25, 2001
June 27, 2000
April 18-19, 2000
Feb. 27-28, 1998
Participated and read a paper on “Media’s Role in American Policy
Making: Case Study of the Balkans,” at the Sixth American
Studies Conference, arranged under the aegis of Area Study
Center for Africa, North & South America, Quaid-I-Azam University,
Participated and read a paper on, “Nuclear Confidence Building
Measures in South Asia,” at the International Workshop on The
Challenge of Confidence – Building in the 21st Century:
Problems and Prospects, under the United States Institute of
Peace (USIP) & IR Dept, University of Karachi
Delivered a Talk on “US Policies towards South Asia,” to the faculty
and members of the Senior Command & Staff Course, PAF Air
War College, Karachi
Presented a Paper on “Terrorism: Implications for Pakistan’s
Security,” at the 2nd Pak-German Dialogue on Security &
Stability in South Asia, by the Hans Sidel Foundation Pakistan &
Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad.
Read a paper on, “Role of Moderates & Hardliners in Indo - Pakistan
& Israeli - Palestinian Conflict,” at the Workshop arranged by the I.R.
Department, University of Karachi in collaboration with the Ford
Foundation on Peace by Process: Lessons for India and
Pakistan from the Arab-Israeli Peace Process.
Publications & Research
“Radicalisation & Its Impact on Pakistan’s Foreign Policy,” book chapter
in Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Analysis at Domestic, Regional &
International Levels, published by the Dept. Of International
Relations, University of Peshawar in Collaboration with Hans Siedel
Foundation, Germany.
“Politics of Radicalization and De-radicalization: Impact on Pakistan’s
Security Dynamics,” Published in Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol.
04, No. 02, Apr-Jun 2011, Research Journal of Pakistan Institute for
Peace Studies, PIPS, Islamabad.
“Small and Light Weapons Manufacturing in Pakistan,” published in
South Asian Journal, Vol. 33, July-September 2011. A quarterly
periodical for South Asian Journalists and Scholars, Publication of the
South Asia Free Media Association, SAFMA, Lahore, Pakistan.
“Bringing down the walls,” DAWN, Tuesday August 2nd, 2011.
“Carrying forward the engagement” is not enough,” DAWN, Thursday,
“Pakistan in Regional and Global Politics,” book review in the Pakistan
Journal of International Relations, Vol. 2 (2), July 2010, Publication
of the Dept of International Relations, Karachi University.
“Pakistan in Regional and Global Politics,” book review in the
International Journal of Peace and Development Studies, Vol. 1
“Sir Creek: A geo-Strategic Perspective,” book chapter in Pakistan –
India Peace Process The Way Forward, published by the Islamabad
Policy Research Institute (IPRI) in Collaboration with Hans Siedel
Foundation, Germany.
“Relations between Conjoined Twins and Friendly India,” published in
Pakistan Horizon, Vol. 63, No. 02, April 2010.
Sector Reforms in Pakistan: Challenges, Remedies and
Future Prospects,” published by South Asian Survey, Vol. 16, No.
2, July-December 2009.
“Afghanistan: Evolving an Indo-Pak Strategy: Perspectives from
Pakistan,” Issue Brief no. 123 for the Institute of Peace & Conflict
“Revisiting 1947 through Popular Cinema: A Comparative Study of India
and Pakistan,” co-authored with Gita Viswanath, published by the
Economic & Political Weekly, September 5, 2009, Vol xliv, No 36.
“Reviewing the Pakistan US Relations under the Obama Administration,”
published by AIIA Policy Commentary June 2009. Journal by the
“Pakistan, Afghanistan & the Holbrook Visit: Reviewing the Messy
Inheritance,” Article No. 2816 for the Institute of Peace & Conflict
“Role of Research Institutes & Think Tanks in the Process of Conflict
Management,” book chapter in Conflict Management Mechanisms
and the Challenge of Peace, published by the program on Peace
Studies & Conflict Resolution, Department of International Relations,
Karachi University in collaboration with the Hanns Sidel Foundation,
Islamabad, 2008.
“Obama-nia,” published in the Defence Journal, December 2008.
“Darra (Arms) – A Genuine Menace or Myth,” published in the
Defence Journal, November 2008.
“A Fresh Round of Kashmiri Intifada,” published in the Defence
Journal, October 2008.
“The Diplomatic Jam Reviewing Pakistan’s Foreign Relations,”
published in the Defence Journal, September 2008.
“The Proliferation Gauntlet,” published in the Defence Journal,
August 2008.
“Think Tanks as Tools of Conflict Resolution & Management,”
published in the Defence Journal, July 2008.
“Reforming Political Parties, Prospects & Possibilities,” published in
the Defence Journal, May 2008.
“The Need for Security Sector Governance & Reforms in Pakistan,”
published in the Defence Journal, April 2008.
“The Seamless Web of Terrorism & Militancy,” published in the
Defence Journal, March 2008.
“Myth of the Loose Nukes,” published in the Defence Journal,
February 2008.
“Pakistan: Small Arms Proliferation,” book chapter in Reintroducing
the Human Security Debate in South Asia, by Institute of Peace
& Conflict Studies, New Delhi
“Indian Ocean - as a Zone of Future Conflict or Cooperation,”
published in the Defence Journal, July 2007.
“Partition Cinema: Shared History, Differential Perceptions: A Study
of Pakistani & Indian Cinema,” Published in the South Asian
Journal, Vol. 17, July – September 2007, Publication of the South
Asia Free Media Association, SAFMA, Lahore, Pakistan.
“The A Q Khan Dossier: An Analysis,” for Pakistan Observer,
Monday May 21, 2007.
“Indian Ocean - as a Zone of Future Conflict or Cooperation,” for The
News, Sunday March 4, 2007.
“Terrorism: Implications for Pakistan’s Security,” published in BIISS,
Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, October 2006, a publication of the
Bangladesh International Institute for Strategic Studies, Dhaka,
“India - US Strategic Partnership, Implications for Regional Security,”
book chapter in Peace & Security in South Asia: Issues &
Challenges, published by the Pakistan Studies Centre, University of
the Punjab Lahore, 2006.
“South Asia Peace Process: the Need to Head down a New Path,” for
The News Monday January 2nd 2006.
“Emerging Issues in Defence & Strategic Studies, A Comparative
Analysis with Uppsala Peace & Conflict Research Program,” book
chapter in Different Perceptions on Conflict Resolution: Need
for an Alternate Approach, published by the Program on Peace
Studies & Conflict Resolution, Department of International Relations,
Karachi University, 2005.
“The Dynamics of Conflict and Conflict Resolution in South Asia,”
book chapter in Different Perceptions on Conflict Resolution:
Need for an Alternate Approach, published by the Program on
Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution, Department of International
Relations, Karachi University, 2005.
“Small Arms and the Security Debate in South Asia,” RCSS Policy
Studies, No. 33, Manohar Publications, New Delhi, 2005.
“US War in Iraq in the Light of the Major and Minor Powers Conflict,”
published in Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, Vol.
35, 2004, Published by the Faculty of Political Science, Ankara
“Terrorism and Its Implications on Internal & External Security
Dynamics of Pakistan,” Margalla Papers, Issue 2005, Journal of the
National Defense College, Islamabad.
“Situation Analysis of Small Arms & Light Weapons in Pakistan,”
paper for Peshawar based NGO Community Appraisal &
Motivation Programme (CAMP). February 2005.
“Refugee Rights under International Jurisdiction: A Case Study of
Afghan Refugees,” in IPRI Journal, Vol. V, No.1, Winter 2005.
“India- Pakistan Peace Process: The Way Forward,” for The News
Sunday January 1st 2005.
“Major and Minor Powers Conflict in the Light of the US-Iraq War,” in
N at io n a l D ev e lo p me nt an d S ec u ri t y , a Foundation for
Nat ional
Development and Security FRIENDS Quarterly Journal, Vol. XIII,
No. 1, Sr. No. 49, Autumn 2004, Islamabad.
“Impact of Inter-nation Jurisdiction on Afghan Refugee Rights,”
Refugee Watch Issue No. 22. August 2004.
“Tools of American Imperialism: Sanctions, Unilateralism &
Preemptive Containment,” book chapter in Unipolar World and the
Muslim States, Pakistan Forum, 2004.
“SAARC Summit & India - Pakistan Relations,” for the Political
Economy Section of The News on Sunday, April 12, 2004.
“12wen SAARC Conference ke Faislee Tabnaak Mustaqbal ke
Bunyaad Farahim Kaar Saktee Hain,” (Urdu Article) for Daily Jung
Monday 19 January 2004.
“Pakistan India Relations Cautious Optimism,” The News, Thursday
January 1, 2004.
1999- 1996
“The Kargil Conflict and India-Pakistan Normalization Process,” in
N at io n a l D ev e lo p me nt an d S ec u ri t y , a Foundation for
Development and Security FRIENDS Quarterly Journal, Vol. XII,
Sr. No. 45, Autumn 2003, Islamabad.
“Current Scenario and Emerging Trends in Defence & Strategic
Studies,” Paper prepared for the conference on The State of the
Social Sciences and Humanities: Current Scenario and
Emerging Trends, organized by the Committee on Development of
Social Science and Humanities, Higher Education Commission.
“American Media and the War in the Balkan. A Pakistani
Perspective,” in Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International
Relations, a publication of Dept of International Relations, Fatih
University, Istanbul, Turkey Vol. 2, No.1, Spring 2003
“9-11- An Assertion of "Clash of Civilization,” Margalla Papers,
Issue 2003, Journal of the National Defense College, Islamabad
“The Scourge of Small Arms: Challenge to Human Security,” in the
IPRI Journal, Vol. ii, No. ii, Summer 2002. (Publication by the
Islamabad Policy Research Institute).
"Media’s Role in American Policy -Making: Case Study of the
Balkans," for Pakistan Journal of American Studies, Vol. 20, No.
1. Spring 2002. (Publication by the Area Study Centre for African,
North & South America, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad.)
“Post Taliban Afghanistan & Regional Security,” Margalla Papers,
Issue 2002, Journal of the National Defense College, Islamabad.
“Nuclear CBMs in South Asia: A View from Islamabad,” book chapter
in The Challenge of Confidence – Building in South Asia,
published by The Foreign Policy, Peace & Security Series, Har –
Anand publications Pvt. Ltd.2001.
“Accept the Reality of the Kashmir Problem,” For Daily, DAWN,
October 23rd, 2001.
“Domestic Production, Illegal Manufacture & Leakage of Small Arms
– a Case Study of Pakistan,” Book Chapter in South Asia at Gun
Point, Regional Center for Strategic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka,
“Islam & Confucianism: Towards Mutual Understanding,” for The
Muslim, January 24, 1997.
“The Need for an Interfaith Dialogue,” for The Muslim, Sunday
October 20, 1996.
“India’s Weaponization Program: The Myth of Autarky.” (For ISSI,
Internal Circulation)
“Pakistan-US Relations in the light of May Nuclear Tests,” (For ISSI,
Internal Circulation)
“Indian Nuclear Explosions: Reaction of the Arab World,” (For ISSI,
Internal Circulation)
“Analysis of Indo-Pak Conflict: Adopting CBMs,” (For ISSI, Internal
“Elections in Israel and its Effects on the Middle East Peace Process,”
(For ISSI, Internal Circulation)
“The Hebron Shoot out & Jan 15th Accord,” (For ISSI, Internal
“Settlement Issue; Repercussions on the Peace Process,” (For ISSI,
Internal Circulation)
“D’ Amato Sanctions US intransigence in Iran & Libya,” (For ISSI,
Internal Circulation)