Portfolio Grading – ENG 201 - CM

Portfolio Grading ENG 201
The descriptions, in general, are the features of portfolios awarded each grade. Some variations
within letter grades will occur.
Portfolio is neat and professional in appearance.
Documents are prepared according to prescribed formats and meet the standards of
written English.
Sentences are clear, concise and fluent.
Content is complete and well tailored to the audience and purpose.
Supplemental materials are relevant and clear, tied logically to and enhance the text
of the document.
Substantive, independent revisions reflect a clear understanding of the process of
All documents meet standards for ethical treatment of information, respecting the sources of
the information and providing correct documentation.
Portfolio is neat and well organized.
Documents meet most standards for format with few errors in sentence mechanics.
Documents effectively demonstrate the writer’s grasp of technical or business writing.
Though sentences could be edited further, most present no major problems with readability.
Content is appropriate for the purpose and audience.
Supplemental materials aid in understanding, though slight improvements can be made.
Revisions for all documents are included though may not address all needed changes.
All borrowed information is documented correctly.
Portfolio is adequate, but complete.
Errors in standard written English appear more frequently than in A or B portfolios, but
generally don’t obscure the meaning of the sentences.
Documents meet most requirements for technical business writing, but may not be effectively
In general, the material attempts to meet expectation of purpose and audience, but may not
address all considerations.
Supplemental materials, while included, need further revising for completeness and clarity.
Sentences need editing for fluency, clarity and tone.
Revisions appear hasty, superficial, and insufficient.
Borrowed information is documented, though some errors in format may occur.
Portfolio is marginal, but complete.
Errors in standard written English may appear frequently and distract the reader.
Errors in format and content may appear in some documents.
Style is writer-based, and requires further editing.
Supplemental materials may be sloppy and amateurish.
Revisions do not demonstrate an acceptable understanding of the role of revision in writing.
Sources are identified, but format is incorrect.
Portfolio is unacceptable for any of the following reasons:
 Incomplete
 No evidence the student understands the principles of technical style and format
 Elements may be unclear or absent
 Sentences are awkward and contain too many errors
 Revising not done
 Ethical standards are compromised regarding use of borrowed information.