Research on the alcohol content in fruits by Luciano vd Veekens and Man Ho Chong Zaanlands Lyceum, The Netherlands Summary: Ethanol is the name for what we call alcohol in daily life. The molecular formula for ethanol is C2H5OH, you see this often as CH3CH2OH. Ethanol has a molar mass of 46.07 grams per mole and a density of 0.7894 grams per cm3. The boiling point of ethanol is at 78.4ᵒC. Using fermentation, destilation and titration in this study, we investigate from which kind of fruit you can retrieve the highest percentage of alcohol. We have bought apples, pears, bananas and white grapes from the supermarket for our project. The results from our research prove that bananas contain the highest percentage of alcohol. We went through some problems too. The amount of mL acid changed during the study. Because our teacher first told us to dilute the alcohol solution we got from destillation. But a week after we done it, he told us it wasn’t necessary. So with these tiny mistakes we got negative alcohol percentages. Introduction: Ethanol is used as fuel or blended fuel these days. The Netherlands are on the ninth place in the list of top fifteen producers of ethanol in the European Union. Currently, the largest national fuel ethanol industry is in Brazil. When ethanol is used as fuel it is called bio-ethanol. Bio-ethanol is the same ethanol as the alcohol in our drinks. Due the way it is used, it has a different name. Because almost everyone participates on the use of ethanol, it is running short. That is why the interest for the production from ethanol through fermentation has grown. Bio-ethanol is produced through fermentation of sugars with micro-organisms. The micro-organisms are often used yeast. Bio-ethanol is seen as an alternative to fossil fuels and as an environmentally friendly solution. CO2 emissions to the use of bioethanol is much lower than that of oil. Yeast is a unicellular fungus. In this study we use baker's yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ).These yeasts can convert glucose into ethanol and CO2 by anaerobic dissimilation of glucose. The yeast can only assimilate dissolved glucose from its environment The purpose of dissimilation is energy (in the form of ATP) release, necessary for various processes. If there is enough oxygen, aerobic dissimilation will occur because there so much more energy. However, this doesn’t lead to ethanol. The reaction of aerobic dissimilation is as follows: 6 H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy (enough for 38 ATP) Only when there is little or no oxygen present, there will be switched over to anaerobic dissimilation. The anaerobic dissimilation is as follows: First, during glycolysis from glucose into Pyruvic acid, several processes take place. This cost 2 ATP and 4 ATP is released. A profit of 2 ATP. This also occurs in aerobic dissimilation. Pyruvic acid will normally be burned aerobically, here is another 36 ATP won. Pyruvic acid in anaerobic dissimilation will however be converted into ethanol and CO2. And this shows us the reaction for anaerobic dissimilation: C6H12O6 (glucose) 2C2H5OH (ethanol) + 2CO2 + energy (enough for 2 ATP) With all of this information we came to the question: Which kind of fruit contains the highest amount of glucose? ( and we investigate this via the percentage of alcohol, glucose + yeast alcohol ). We got apples, bananas, pears and white grapes from the supermarket. 1 Our hypothesis is that the grapes contain the most glucose. In other words, from grapes you can receive the highest amount of ethanol. We have this idea because wines are made from grapes. Experimental procedure and approach: Before we could do the experiment, we first had to bought some fruit. This is because we wanted the fruit as fresh as possible. We wanted the water to absorb as many glucose as possible, so we needed to slice the fruit in small pieces. Of each fruit we used about 40 gram fruit and 4 gram yeast. We putted the 40 gram fruit in a Erlenmeyer and added some water (till all pieces of the fruit were drown). When we were ready, we added the 4 gram yeast and putted a plumbing on the top of the Erlenmeyer(we fermentated the fruits so we could form ethanol). After a week we opened the Erlenmeyer and filtrated what was in it. We used the filtration so we could do the distillation method on the filtrate (we used the distillation so we could split the ethanol and water from the filtrate). We tried to keep the temperature about 100 Celsius and keep it for a while. After that we dilute the alcohol solution 40 times. We did this by appending 2.5 mL alcohol solution and 97.5 water together. The only thing left was the titration(with this titration we could get to the percentage of alcohol in the distillate). When we were ready we added 25 mL dilute solution with 5 mL 1,0 M sulfuric acid and 5 mL 0,10 M Cr2O72− in a beaker of 250 mL 3 CH3CH2OH + 3 H2O + 2 Cr2O72− + 28 H+ → 3 CH3COOH + 12 H+ + 4 Cr3+ + 14 H2O 2 Cr2O72− + 16 H+ + 3 C2H5OH → 4 Cr3+ + 11 H2O + 3 CH3COOH Then we heated the beaker to 60 Celsius and keep it on that temperature for like 5 minutes. After that we appended 12.5 mL KI (Cr2O72− + 14 H+ + 6 I− → 2 Cr3+ + 3 I2 + 7 H2O) and titrated with 0,1 M thio (2 S2O32− + I2 → S4O62− + 2 I−) till the solution is light yellow (before the titration was the solution brown). Then we added some drops of starch and titrated it again, but only this time till the solution is light blue. At we looked how many thio we used for both the titration and we repeated the same method on the other fruit. Results: Table 1 presents the total amount of Thio we had to use to get the alcoholic solution from brown to light yellow, and from there on to blue. Kind of fruit Mass used of the fruit (g) Mass used of yeast (g) Thio used (mL) White grapes Apple Pear Banana 41,616 4,094 38 40,675 40,864 41,383 4,006 4,165 4,300 33 36 32 Table 1: Shows the amount of Thio used for each fruit. Data analysis: Now we know how much Thio was used during the titration progress. We can calculate back to the percentage of alcohol from the solution. I’ll take white grapes as example: used thio 50,0 – 12,0 mL = 38,0 mL x 0,10 M = 3,8 mmol 3,8 mmol thio ↔ 1,9 mmol I2 ↔ 0,63 mmol Cr2O72− 5, 0 x 0,10 M Cr2O72− = 0,5 mmol – 0,63 mmol = -0,13 mmol that has reacted with C2H5OH -0,13 mmol Cr2O72− ↔ -0,195 mmol C2H5OH in 25,0 mL solution = -0,0078 M -0,0078 M x 46 g mol-1 = -0,3588 g L-1 -0,3588 g L-1 / 0,80 g mL-1 = -0,45 mL alcohol per liter = (-0,45 mL / 1000 mL) x 100% = -0,045 vol% White grapes -0,045 % alcohol Apple -0,017 % alcohol Pear -0,035 % alcohol Banana -0,012 % alcohol Table 2: The alcohol percentage from each fruit. As you see here, a banana contains the highest amount of glucose. By the study we did, it concludes here that a Banana is good for -0,012 % alcohol. 2 Conclusion and discussion: With a diluted solution we got negative alcohol percentages of each fruit. But if you take a look at the banana, you see the negative percentage is the closest one to 0. So we could say, of all these fruits we chose for this experiment, a banana is the most suitable for making bioethanol. We could easily say that without an experiment. Because for making bio-ethanol we needed glucose and yeast. So we used the fruits for the glucose. That means the fruit with the most glucose is the best suitable for making ethanol. And from all the fruit we tasted banana was the sweetest. When we were busy with the experiment we doubted that making bio-ethanol is a good replacement of fossil fuels. After doing some research on the internet. We found out bioethanol isn’t a good alternative after all. We found a pretty recent clip of the news program in the Netherlands, where they said bio-ethanol is bad for the environment. They reason they gave was : the world population still needs more food. So there isn’t any place for cultivate bioethanol. So what they could do is deforest to make place for building fruits that’s making bioethanol. But if you cut all the trees down, the remaining trees produce less O2 and absorb less CO2 then before. 3