Course Outline and Syllabus for Futures 1 As a direct result of students taking the course entitled Futures 1, the student will: 1. Gain insight into occupations that fall under the five pathways of Human and Family Services, Engineering, Industrial & Technological Sciences, Business/Information Management and Marketing, Arts & Communications, and Health & Natural Resource Sciences. In light of this being a year long course, we will spend approximately three weeks discussing each of the five pathways. 2. Identify educational backgrounds, talents, and personalities that are needed to be successful with specific occupations within career pathways. 3. List employment opportunities for specific occupations within the five pathways. 4. Participate in Holland, personality, and self-assessments to determine possible matching of a pathway to a personality type, and select a career pathway. 5. Interact and listen to speakers employed within various pathways to gain knowledge about their chosen occupational area. 6. Participate in group and/or classroom discussions. 7. Utilize the bridges program to take assessments, research occupations, and to compare occupations to each other. 8. Use the software to make comparisons to 4 yr and 2 yr institutions. 9. Create and maintain a career portfolio, both written and online. 10. Define what a “demand occupation” is. 11. Research a demand occupation that falls with one of the career pathways and create a report that describes the occupation, educational requirements, potential salary, job placement, and advancement. This will be a long term assignment, and will become part of the student portfolio. 12. Be able to list essential interpersonal skills (soft skills) that employers need their employees to possess. 13. Point out differences between educational degrees and two and four year educational institutions, and utilize vocabulary that is commonplace with degrees and institutions of higher learning. Course Requirements 1. All students will be required to keep and maintain an online and written portfolio for the class. This portfolio shall contain all assignments and research that is assigned to successfully complete the course. 2. All students must choose a minimum of one occupation within a pathway to research. 3. Bring a pen or pencil each day to class. Be prepared. 4. Class participation is imperative to successfully complete the class. 5. Class assignments must be in on time. If there is a problem with turning in an assignment, see the instructor. 6. As the course develops, students will be using the computers a great deal. The internet policy established in the student handbook will be enforced with students. Infractions will be dealt with via the disciplinary policy. 7. Students are responsible to see the instructor when they are absent for make up work. The policy established in the student handbook will be followed. 8. As mentioned above, speakers will be coming into the class at various times throughout the year speaking about various occupations within the pathways. You as a student are expected to show respect at all times towards volunteering individuals who are giving up work time, pay, and personal time to assist you in making a career choice. Getting volunteers to come in to school is not easy to do, and takes a great deal of time and effort on the instructor’s part to coordinate. Disrespect towards speakers and/or volunteers will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely. I regret that I have to mention this negative component, but problems have arisen in the past with students who lack maturity and self discipline. Grading I will arrive at the nine –weeks grade as follows: 1. Portfolio check- 20% 2. Class assignments – 30% 3. Class participation- 30% 4. Progress on Occupational pathway research – 20% . Each student will receive each week a possibility of receiving 50 points. The 50 points is based upon what is accomplished in the period of a week, classroom behavior, being prepared, assignments being turned in on time and overall attitude. This numerical score is added in with the above listed categories. This grade will be based upon 10 points/day. If we have a short school week, for example, a four day week, instead of 50 points for that week, there would be 40 points available for that week. Being that Futures 1 is a year long course, the occupational pathway research project shall be graded at the end of quarter 4 as a final project. The research project shall be the main focus of the student the last three to four weeks of the school year. Course Outline 1. Overview of the five different career pathways. A. Human and Family Services B. Engineering, Industrial & Technological Sciences C. Business /Information Management& Marketing D. Arts and Communications E. Health & Natural Resource Sciences 2. Education/Skills necessary for career pathways A. High School Courses B. LCCC C. Post Secondary Education 3. Activities A. Assessments to determine individual personality types. B. Assessments to determine individual likes/dislikes C. Soft skills assessments D. Self-paced student work and discovery through online assignments. E. Choosing a career pathway. F. Researching various occupational titles. G. Selecting an occupational title of interest to research. H. Interaction with speakers of a variety of occupational careers. I. Classroom discussions 4. Classroom assignments A. Tests/Quizzes- These will be announced beforehand B. Worksheets- Classroom work, some outside class work C. Research of an occupation – This will be an ongoing process. At a point in the class, the student will be assigned a career pathway based upon personality, compatibility, and skill level. They will then choose a demand occupation to research within that pathway. Once the choice is made, the student will begin to research the occupation. This research will contain a specific definition of the occupation, job placement, areas where the demand for the occupation is the greatest, educational requirements necessary to perform the occupation, post secondary schools that offer this education, salaries, and why the student feels this is a good career choice for themselves. This is a required assignment for the course, and will be a part of the final grade for the class. Standards: E3a, Group Meetings, E2d, Narrative Process, E2c, Acquire Information, E1d, Comprehends Material, S4d, Impact of Technology, S4b, Designed World, E3a- Conferences with a Peer Date: ____________ Parent Signature __________________