Pittsburgh CAPA 6 – 12 A Creative and Performing Arts Magnet School 111 9th Street | Pittsburgh, PA 15222 | Phone: 412- 338-6101 | Fax: 412-338-6143 Ms. Melissa A. Pearlman, Principal Ms. Joan Murphy, Director A 2009 Blue Ribbon School of Distinction www.pghboe.net/capa Physics I Mr. Finch afinch1@pghboe.net https://finchphysics.wikispaces.com/ Dear Parent/Guardian of _____________________________ It is a privilege and pleasure to work with you while teaching your child physics this semester. This letter (containing the grading policy, list of required materials, and basic classroom etiquette) and the attached physics syllabus were reviewed with your child during class. Please review them with your child, and if either of you have questions, write or call me. Please include your email address so I may occasionally update you on our class activities This year I am working on a project that will require students to watch educational videos as part of their homework. These videos will in part to replace some of the traditional in class lecture and place that task as homework. This will allow more class time for hands-on activates and problem solving in school with support from their peers and myself. Our focus in class then will be more on the assimilation of the information and how best to apply it. These videos will allow students to stop and start the teacher to take notes, think about questions, rewind the teacher, and go back to something they need to review individually. It will also be available if they are absent and help them to stay with the class. For this project to be successful it will be vitally important for students to do the “homework” before coming to class. Since they will be submitting assignments related to the video online, I will have record who has watched the video and who has not. The videos can be accessed from any computer, or smart phone and I encourage parents watch them also. I am learning the technology and hope to improve the videos as the year progresses and I learn how to do things better. The video will typically be around 10 minutes long and I am asking that they take notes, and submit answers to a few questions related to it. If your child does not have access to a the Internet, he or she may view these at the library, in my classroom before school, or they can be downloaded on a disk or thumb drive. This is my first year for completing this project so I am sure we will have some technology and procedural issues to work through, and I thank you in advance for your support and patience as we do so. I hope that students will also be creating some of these videos to demonstrate their knowledge of physics concepts and become a tutor to others. Once you have read and understood the policy and expectations, sign in the space provided following the policy. Classroom Etiquette: Upon entry into the classroom: leave book bag and/or purse in common designated area take class materials to your designated seat review previous day’s lesson, start warm-up assignment, etc. During class: comply with the CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT delineated in the student handbook contain cellular telephone and other non-class related items in book bag in designated area NO CELL PHONES OR FOOD IN CLASS (they will be taken away and returned to your parent or guardian) step outside the classroom space to take care of personal hygiene issues. We are an equal rights and opportunity school district. | Parent Hotline: 412-622-7920 | www.pps.k12.pa.us Pittsburgh CAPA 6 – 12 A Creative and Performing Arts Magnet School 111 9th Street | Pittsburgh, PA 15222 | Phone: 412- 338-6101 | Fax: 412-338-6143 Ms. Melissa A. Pearlman, Principal Ms. Joan Murphy, Director A 2009 Blue Ribbon School of Distinction www.pghboe.net/capa Required Class Materials: to be brought to class daily. Due to the limited number of hardcopy textbooks an online access key will be provided for students to access. Text books will then be used in class. basic scientific calculator (sin, cos, tan, 1/x, x2 functions) 1.5” or larger 3-ring binder for physics only blue or black pen red pen highlighter pencils protractor metric ruler loose leaf paper student handbook Grading Policy: Credit will be given for assignments turned in on time. (See CAPA Homework Procedures) Individual concerns regarding homework due dates should be discussed with the teacher prior to the due date. The final grade is based on the weighed average of all graded work in accordance with district policy as outlined below. Assessments Labs/notebooks Coursework Homework 30% 30% 30% 10% A – 90-100 % B – 80 - 89 % C – 70 – 79 % D - 60 – 69 % E – below 59 % Because the success of the class depends on consistency, I need your help to ensure that your child is present and prepared every day. Every graded piece of work that your child does in this class will be promptly returned to her/him. It is to be reworked and placed in her/his three-ring binder, notebook. Please refer to her/his notebook on a regular basis to monitor her/his progress. If you have an interest or related career to physics and are interested in sharing your knowledge and talents with the class, please contact me so we can schedule a class presentation, volunteer opportunity or special activity. ______________________________________________________ telephone number__________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature indicating that you have reviewed the above Parent e-mail address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Student e-mail address_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sincerely, Allan Finch Physics Teacher afinch1@pghboe.net We are an equal rights and opportunity school district. | Parent Hotline: 412-622-7920 | www.pps.k12.pa.us