Lesson Plan Outline

Subject: Social Studies- Explorers – Anticipatory Set/Marco Polo Grade Level: 5th
Date: 10/24/13
Objective: Students will begin to understand exploration. Students will be able to recall
important facts about Marco Polo.
State: Standard 5. Relationships between people, place, idea, and environments are dynamic.
Assessment/Evaluation: I will know the students have achieved the lesson objectives
when they are able to record the important facts regarding Marco Polo in their flip
Gearing down: (provide more or differentiated support) – to meet the needs of
struggling students with the lesson I will have these students write bullet points in their
flip books.
Gearing up: (provide more extension) – to meet the needs of higher achieving students
who may need challenges, I will encourage these students to write a paragraph (4-5
sentences) in their flip books.
Co-teaching Roles: Berne – Lead teacher
Kempin – observing/evaluating Pam
Materials: text book, flip books (46),
Instructional Sequence (Hunter)
Discuss tests
1) Anticipatory Set:
Essential Question: What is an Explorer?
2) Communication of Objective(s): We just finished talking about Native Americans
correct? Were they the first ones to come to America? We are now going to be learning
about explorers and the reasons they came to America.
Hand out explorer flip book
- we are going to be learning about a lot of different explorers during this unit. This is
going to help us keep track. I want these to stay in your social studies folder!
3) Instructional Input:
- Has anyone ever played the game Marco Polo?
- Who can explain how you play?
- one person has their eyes closed and tries to tag someone in the pool. The
person searching says Marco and the other people respond polo.
- So when we are playing Marco Polo, “Marco” is in search for someone, but he
doesn’t know who exactly or where they are, correct?
- Why do you think the game is called Marco Polo
- What if I told you that Marco Polo is a real man, he is an explorer from Spain.
- I think the game Marco Polo because when Marco Polo began his exploration,
he did not know where he was going, or what he was looking for.
- Marco Polo wrote a book about his exploration of China called The Travels of Marco
Polo. It talks about what he found (pictures in slides). He found, silk, spices, jewelry,
gunpowder, a compass.
- Well all of the people in his hometown in Spain read his book. Soon everyone in
Europe was reading this book. Other people wanted to go find these objects and riches
in china.
4) Modeling:
- none today 6) Check for Understanding:
- So who was the explorer who started the
7) Independent Practice:
In your flip books, I want you to write three interesting things you learned about Marco
Polo. If you want to write more than three, go for it!
- I would start it off with “One interesting thing I learned about Marco Polo is….”
8) Closure:
- I am excited to begin this unit about explorers, we are going to be learning about
Christopher Columbus,
What is an