Homework 7 Instructions

Marco Polo: A Prose Creation
Background: In 1271 CE, Marco Polo, along with his father and uncle, began travelling from Italy to
Mongol-controlled China via land. Marco recorded his journey and time spent in the Orient, providing
the western world with one of the first official accounts of the mysterious east. It took four years to
reach China. The journey was not easy; Marco Polo was forced to traverse through mountains and the
Gobi Desert, battling extreme climate conditions.
Marco Polo, his father, and his uncle stayed with Kublai Khan for almost 20 years, Marco detailing every
part of his stay in a journal. His accounts of architecture, trade, customs, and traditions inspired the
people who read his published works. Equally important, the Polo’s fostered a positive relationship with
the Khan, opening up trade between the east and west.
Instructions: You are Marco Polo, and you’ve just returned from China. You have been asked to speak
to at the Vatican and recount your travels.
Prose creation is:
UE1: 10-12 sentences
UE2: 15-17 sentences
UE3: 20-25 sentences
Prose creation is written in the
first person (I, me)
Prose creation is informative,
detailing historical details: Silk
Road, spices, raw materials,
architecture, political structure,
customs and traditions
Prose creation has no
spelling/grammar errors
Prose is read at a proper pace
(not too fast/not too slow)
Prose is read eloquently and
with proper pronunciation
Prose is presented with good
eye contact
EXTRA CREDIT: Student dresses
up like Marco Polo