1 MCNPX simulations of the experiments with relativistic protons directed to thick, lead targets Mitja Majerlea*, V. Wagnera, A. Krásaa, J. Adama,b, S.R. Hashemi-Nezhadc, M.I. Krivopustovb, F. Křížeka, A. Kuglera, V.M. Tsoupko-Sitnikovb, I.V. Zhukd Nuclear Physics Institute of CAS, 250 68 Řež near Prague, The Czech Republic a b Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980, Dubna, Russia c School of Physics, A28, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia d Joint Institute of Power and Nuclear Research, Sosny, 220109 Minsk, Belarus Do not use this line: Received date here; revised date here; accepted date here Abstract For testing the basic principles of accelerator driven systems, the experiments with relativistic protons directed on thick, lead targets were performed in the JINR Dubna. Produced neutron and proton fluxes were studied at different locations of the experimental setup using activation detectors. In this paper, experimental results obtained using the “Phasotron setup”, a bare lead target, and the “Energy plus Transmutation setup”, composed of a lead target, surrounded with a uranium blanket, are presented. The MCNPX code was used to study the possible sources of systematic uncertainties and to estimate the influence of different parts of the experimental setups. Simulated results were compared with experimental findings. Observed trends of disagreement show that MCNPX predictions at high primary particle energies are underestimated. Keywords: spallation reactions, neutron production, neutron transport, MCNPX PACS: 25.40.Sc, 24.10.Lx 1. Introduction The basic principle of the Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) is to produce a large number of neutrons in the spallation process (relativistic protons + heavy metal target), and to introduce these neutrons into a sub-critical nuclear assembly. In an ADS, the energy is produced by the fission of the fissionable nuclei in the core and the excess neutrons are used to breed fuel from e.g. 232Th, and/or to transmute longlived nuclear waste to short-lived or stable isotopes. Experiments with simplified ADS setups were carried out at the JINR using incident protons of energies of 660 MeV up to 2000 MeV. Thick targets ——— * Corresponding author. Tel.: +420 266 173 170; fax: +420 220 941 130; e-mail: majerle@ujf.cas.cz 2 of lead were investigated and activation detectors were used to investigate the neutron fields in the experimental setups. The spallation process and transport of secondary particles can be simulated by MCNPX and other simulation codes. The results from the experiments at the JINR are a good tool for testing the codes. cm from the beginning of the target, and then decrease slowly up to the L = 30 cm, beyond which B(A) decreases in much faster rate with increasing L. The range of protons of energy 660 MeV in lead is 30 cm and obviously beyond that no spallation neutrons are produced (Fig. 2). 2.1. Phasotron experiment In the Phasotron experiment [1], a cylindrical lead target of diameter 4.8 cm and length 48 cm was irradiated along the target axis with protons of energy 660 MeV. The setup was placed in a long and narrow concrete corridor. The activation detectors in the form of thin metallic foils (Au, Al, Bi) were placed every 2 cm on top of the target (Fig. 1). During the irradiation, secondary neutrons and protons induce nuclear reactions in the activation foils (e.g.: 197 Au(n,2n)196Au, 27Al(n,)24Na,…) and produce radioactive isotopes. After the irradiation, the activities of the foils were measured using HPGe detectors and number of the produced radioactive isotopes was determined from their characteristic gamma spectrum. The final production rate of an isotope A is expressed by B(A), which is the number of produced isotope A per in one gram of material and per incident primary proton. Figure 1 : The layout of the “Phasotron experimental setup”. Longitudinal and transverse cross-sections. The production rates for 198Au, which is produced mainly by low-energy neutrons (E < 0.1 MeV), indicate a constant flux of low-energy neutrons along the whole target. The production rates for threshold reactions reach a maximum at distance of about L = 5 1E-05 Au-198 Au-196 Au-194 Na-24 1E-06 -1 -1 2. Experiments B [g proton ] 1E-04 1E-07 1E-08 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance along the target [cm] Figure 2 : Variations of the experimental B(A) values for different isotopes in Au and Al detectors with the distance along the target. 2.2. Experiments with the “Energy plus Transmutation” setup The target-blanket part of the “Energy plus Transmutation” (EPT) setup [2] is composed of four identical sections. Each section contains a cylindrical lead target (diameter 8.4 cm, length 11.4 cm) and 30 natural uranium rods (diameter 3.6 cm, length 10.4 cm, weight 1.72 kg) distributed in a hexagonal lattice around the lead target. Between the sections there are 0.8 cm gaps which are used for placement of activation detectors. The whole assembly is mounted on a wooden plate (thickness 6.8 cm) and placed inside a box with ca. 20 cm thick walls, filled with granulated polyethylene (density 0.8 kg/l). The inner walls of the polyethylene box are dressed with 1 mm thick cadmium layer. On the floor wall of the polyethylene box there is a textolite plate of thickness 3.8 cm (Fig. 3). The activation detectors (Au, Al, Bi foils) were placed in front and behind of the target and in between the three gaps between the blanket sections. There was a set of foils at a distance of 3 cm from the 3 target axis, and in the 1st gap there were three more sets of detectors at distances 6, 8.5 and 13.5 cm from the target axis. Radial and longitudinal distributions of production rates were studied. Four experiments were performed at proton beam energies of 0.7, 1, 1.5, and 2 GeV. At all four experiments, the maximum of the production rates was in the detectors in the 1st gap. The production rates in the detectors in radial direction in the 1st gap decreased with the distance from the target axis. 3. Simulations 3.1. Systematic uncertainties Both setups were put in MCNPX 2.5.0. Neutron, proton, (pion, and photon) fluxes at the places of the activation detectors were simulated and convoluted with appropriate cross-sections to obtain the production rates. The required cross-sections were previously simulated using the MCNPX. Satisfactory general description of the experimental results was obtained. Therefore, the MCNPX code was used to study the influence of the different parts of the setup, and systematic uncertainties of the experimental results were estimated. For the Phasotron experiment the simulations showed that the concrete walls around the setup moderate fast neutrons and reflect part of them back into the setup place, creating a homogenous lowenergy (E < 0.1 MeV) neutron field around the target. Concrete walls do not have influence on the highenergy (E > 1 MeV) neutron field. Other parts of the setup (beam tubes, iron table) do not have any significant effect on the experimental results [1]. The Energy plus Transmutation setup includes more parts that can influence the results. The Figure 3: Longitudinal and transverse cross-section of the “Energy plus Transmutation setup”. polyethylene box has the same effect on the neutron spectrum as the concrete walls in the Phasotron experiment: it moderates fast neutrons and reflects moderated neutrons back into the place with the target/blanket. The cadmium layer on the inner side of the box absorbs the reflected neutrons with energies less than 1 eV. Again, the box does not influence the high-energy neutrons at the place of the setup. The detectors used at the experiments were in the form of thin and small foils, and have negligible influence on the results as was confirmed by the simulations. The parameters of the proton beam directed to the target can influence the results. The shape of the beam is not important, as long as the beam is directed to the center of the target. However, it was calculated that in certain detectors 2 mm inaccuracy in the beam center coordinates can result in up to 15% inaccuracy in the B(A) values of the activation detectors. The activation detectors react also with protons, pions, photons. The protons can produce up to 30% of the radioactive isotopes, and need to be taken in account in simulations. Pions and photons have negligible influence. 3.2. Comparison of experimental and simulated production rates For the comparison of the simulation results with those of the experiments, the production rates were calculated with CEM2k model and LA150N + LA150H libraries [3]. The comparison for the Phasotron setup shows that after the 40th cm the ratio between experimental and calculated production rates rises, see Fig. 4. Ratio exp/sim 8 6 Au-196 Au-194 Au-193 Au-192 Au-191 4 2 0 4 0 5 10 15 Radial distance [cm] 1,6 Figure 5 : The comparison between experimental and simulated production rates for the 1.5 GeV experiment on the “Energy plus Transmutation” setup. The detectors were placed in the first gap at different radial distances. Ratio exp/sim 1,4 1,2 Au-198 Au-196 Au-194 Na-24 1 0,8 0,6 Czech Committee for collaboration with JINR Dubna. This work was carried out partly under support of the GACR (grant No. 202/03/H043) and IRP AV0Z10480505 (the Czech Republic). 0,4 0 10 20 30 40 50 References Distance along the target [cm] Figure 4 : The comparison between experimental and simulated production rates along the target for the Phasotron experiment. The EPT experiments with lower beam energies are well described by MCNPX. At the experiment with 1.5 GeV protons [4], the ratios (threshold reactions) between experimental and simulated production rates rise with the longitudinal and radial distance, see Fig. 5. The same behavior was observed for the experiment with 2 GeV protons. 4. Conclusion One of the aims of described experiments was to provide experimental data on the aspects of ADS for the comparison with the simulation codes. MCNPX predicts correct results in some parts of the setups, but at larger distances from the beam entrance it has problems with higher energy experiments – the disagreement between experiment and simulations is outside the experimental and simulation uncertainties. Future experiments will probably confirm these results, and maybe help to improve the MCNPX program. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the LHE of the JINR Dubna for offering the Nuclotron accelerator for the experiments. The experiments were supported by the [1] [2] [3] [4] M. Majerle, J. Phys.: Conf. 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