CURRICULUM VITAE Proposed role in the project: Category: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Family name: First names: Date of birth: Nationality: Residence: Education: Betke Friedhelm 06 March 1952 German Germany, Detmold Institution / Dates Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: University of Bielefeld, 1/10/19714/7/1973 University of Bielefeld, 5/07/197319/04/1978 “Zwischenpruefung” (equivalent to BA in Sociology) University of Bielefeld, 16/06/8716/01/1989 “Diplom-Soziologe” (equivalent to MA in Sociology): Development Policy and Planning, Evaluation of Technical Aid Implementation, Rural Sociology, Political Economy, Social Psychology, Applied Social Research, Social Statistics “Dr. rer.soc.” (Doctorate in Social Sciences), thesis: “The Indonesian Blue Revolution: A Bureaucratic Dream or Grim Reality? An Interpretation of Planned Socio-economic Change in Contemporary Indonesian Fisheries” 7. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic) Language German English Indonesian Reading 1 1 1 Speaking 1 1 1 Writing 1 1 2 8. Membership of professional bodies: 9. Other skills: Qualitative and quantitative assessment methods and respective analysis techniques; Rapid (rural/urban) assessment techniques; Social Statistics and data analysis techniques; Reporting and presentation of research results to cross-cultural audiences at the regional, national, and international level (Indonesian/English); Computer literacy: Microsoft and Apple Office suits; data analysis (SPSS) and data presentation; basic website design; iOS applications; knowledge management applications Translation skills: Indonesian – German/English; German/English – Indonesian. 10. Present position: Independent Consultant / Social Analysis Specialist 11. Years within the firm: 12. Key qualifications: Fields of activities: Socio-cultural, socio-economic, socio-demographic, political, and gender-sensitive analysis; Quantitative and qualitative and research and statistical/qualitative data analysis; Rural and urban poverty assessment and monitoring; programme and project monitoring and evaluation; livelihood and life-span approach application; High impact advocacy for, and conceptualisation of, national and regional human development; Teaching/coaching skills in cross-cultural environments; Programme development and planning, programme and project administration, organisation and management within the UN system; Sectoral experience: Rural and Agricultural Development; Fisheries Development and Planning; Rural Poverty Reduction and Livelihood Improvement; Urban Poverty Reduction through Civil Society Strengthening; Government Strengthening and Statistical Capacity Building; Social Information Policy Development and Social Research Management; Public Health Monitoring; Child and Maternal Health and Nutrition Monitoring; Millennium Goal Monitoring; Advocacy for Human Rights, Children’s and Women’s Rights in Particular 13. Specific experience in the region: Country Date Malaysia/Singapore/Thailand Indonesia Frequent visits (field survey, library studies) since 1976 Since 1979, various short- and long-term assignments accumulating to more than 30 years, covering almost all provinces 1994, International (UNICEF) observer of polio immunisation activities 1992, training course at ANU 1997, study visit to Australian Bureau of Statistics and ANU 1995 and 2005, training course and workshop in Manila 2005 GIZ Workshop Series on Poverty Monitoring in Asia, Colombo 1999-2000, assigned to UNICEF International Research Centre in Florence 1990 Reporting on mission findings, FAO, Rome 1995 UNICEF Workshop on Gender Equity in Families, Kingston East Timor Australia Philippines Sri Lanka Italy Jamaica 14. Professional experience Date from Date to Location Company: Donor/ Contracting Company and Reference person contact details Position Description: Name of the project; Responsibilities 04/11present Indonesia / Germany Self-Employed Social Analysis Specialist Operating out of Seminyak, Indonesia and Rheine/Detmold, Germany: (1) researching and drafting of inputs for production of a private e-book series on health and nutrition issues in the context of globalization (ongoing), Bali, Indonesia; (2) Concurrently advising German ITcompany on health and nutrition issues in the course of the “Healthy Living iOS Application Development Project” (Innodyne GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany, finished) 07/200803/2011 Jakarta, Indonesia Team Leader Evaluation Consultants/ Sociologist Leading, supervising, and reporting on, a multi-year qualitative programme evaluation, designing and supervising the work of 8 research teams from multiple disciplines operating in eight selected cities throughout the Indonesian archipelago. 08/200712/2007 Banda Aceh, Indonesia Urban Poverty Project (PNPM-P2KP); Ministry of Public Works Contact: Gatot Mulyono, Administrator Email: UNICEF/UNORC Information Analysis Section (IAS) Contact: Ingrid Kolb-Hindarmanto, MSc. (Programme Officer, retired) Email: Social Analysis Specialist Guide the UNICEF/UNORC Information Analysis Section (IAS) in compiling, grouping, and analysing the data collected for the second Tsunami Recovery Indicators Package (TRIP) Report. More specifically this comprised: (1) Reviewing the data gathered and link it to relevant indicators; carrying out timeline, cross-sectoral and other analysis of the data; (2) working closely with Government Counterparts, UN agencies and NGO’s to substantify data and qualitative issues; (3) reviewing data quality and reliability (availability); (4) reviewing the relevance of indicators in relation to disaster recovery, rehabilitation efforts and the MDGs; (5) finalising/authoring the analysis part of the draft TRIP Report including graphs, tables and maps. 07/200106/2007 Jakarta, Indonesia Indonesian National Statistics Agency (BPS) Contact: Dr. Soedarti Surbakti (Director General, retired) Email: Senior Advisor Social Statistics Assisting the Director General in developing the newly founded “Directorate for Social Resilience Statistics”(Statistik Ketahanan Sosial) in general, and in developing the Subdirectorate of Political and Security Resilience as well as the Sub-directorate of Regional Resilience in particular. In general this implied (1) assisting in the development of major conceptual terms (such as understanding of societal change, social institutions, social capital, social solidarity, social safety) and the formulation of their operational definitions, respective indicators and measurement procedures; (2) liaising with respective legislative bodies, the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), key government sectors, government and private, national and international research agencies, professional organisations and other representations of civic society on the above matters; (3) conceptualising, conducting and evaluating special (qualitative and quantitative) studies necessary in the course of preparation the above tasks. Eventually, these efforts contributed to the inclusion of further capacity development in locally adequate statistics provision as major long-term goal in the BPS strategic development plan (RENSTRA). 02/200106/2001 Jakarta/Mak assar, Indonesia Social Analysis and Planning Specialist Developing a model district-level Situation Analysis of Women and Children (Analisis Situasi Ibu dan Anak, Tingkat II) in Bone, South Sulawesi, which was later applied, with appropriate adjustments, to all districts receiving UNICEF assistance 04/199907/2000 Florence, Italy Project Officer (L4) Social and Economic Policy / Social Information Management Specialist Documenting “The Family-in-Focus Approach - developing policy-oriented monitoring and analysis of human development in Indonesia”. 05/199102/1999 Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia/ Rome, Italy Project Officer (L-4) Research, Evaluation and Monitoring, since Feb. 1994: Co-ordinator, Planning and Social Statistics Programme Rural Institutions Specialist Collaborating closely with various government agencies regarding social indicator development, lobbying for improvement of various national survey and reporting instruments; administrating independent programme budgets; conducting supervisory and high level representational duties. Developing an interagency approach to life-span based social information management (cf. above assignment’s documentation) 07/199009/1990 UNICEF Indonesia Contact: Mr. Purwanta Iskandar Email: UNICEF International Research Centre (IRC) Contact: Dr. Mehr Khan-Williams (Director, retired) Email: UNICEF Contact: Stephen J. Woodhouse (Representative, retired) Email: World Bank/FAO Investment Centre, Rome Mr. T. Tecle, Chief Services VI (retired) 11/198902/1990 Jakarta, Indonesia Inter-University-Centre for Social Sciences, University of Indonesia Contact: Dr. Manasse Malo (Director, retired) Social Data Management Specialist FAO Mission on Agribusiness Development in Indonesia, (especially development of the horticulture sub-sector) covering four sample areas (North Bali, East Java, West Java, North Sumatra, West Sumatra). The mission was conducted in co-operation with five other consultants from different disciplines (Agricultural Economist, Horticulture Specialist, Marketing Specialist, Economist, Financial Advisor); activities comprised interviews and discussions at ministry and provincial government level as well as intensive interviews with farmers and local field extensionists. Advising on the development of a model system for computerized data management for the IUC-SS, UI; staff training to support the data management system; advising on-going research conducted by the IUC-SS, UI; lecturing at the Faculty of Post-graduate Studies, Department of Social Sciences, University of Indonesia (subjects taught: Sociology, and Research Methodology) 05/198907/1998 Jakarta, Indonesia Ministry of Industry/GIZ, Contact: Agroprogress International GmbH Social Institution Specialist 12/198407/1989 Bielefeld, Germany Research Associate 03/198107/1984 Malang, Indonesia 09/197911/1989 Bielefeld, Germany 09/197902/1980 Jakarta, Indonesia 03/197707/78 Bielefeld, Germany 01/197605/1978 Bielefeld, Germany (WestMalaysia) University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Sociology Contact: Prof. emeritus Dr. H.D. Evers Email: Brawijaya University, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (/ DAAD) Contact: Dr. Taher Alhabsji University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Sociology Contact: Prof. emeritus Dr. H.D. Evers Email: Social Sciences Research and Training Centre, University of Indonesia (PLPIISUI) Contact: Dr. Mulyanto Sumardi (Director, retired) University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Sociology, and Department of Educational Research Contacts: Prof. emeritus H.D. Evers, Dr. Evelore Parey (retired) University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Sociology; EMNID Institute of Public Opinion Research Visiting Lecturer Research Associate Appraisal mission on socio-economic and socio-cultural "Development Perspectives of the Indonesian Agriculture Machinery Industry” covering three sample areas: the Special Province of Aceh, the Province of North Sumatra, and the Province of South Sulawesi. The mission was conducted in co-operation with three other consultants from different disciplines (mechanical engineer, agricultural engineer, and economist). Activities comprised interviews and discussions at ministry and provincial government level as well as intensive interviews with farmers and local field extensionists. Field study on socio-economic change in the coastal marine fisheries of East Java and and doctoral dissertation on fisheries development planning in Indonesia (funded by Volkswagen Foundation). Lecturing on Urban and Rural Sociology, Social Statistics, and Quantitative Research Methodology; advising on and participating in faculty research projects (funded by German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD). Participation in the research project on "The social organization of urban and rural subsistence production in Southeast Asia". Activities comprised a six-months assignment to the University of Indonesia (see below) that co-operated in the project, and preparation of the final report, data analysis, presentation, and publishing of results. Visiting Lecturer (Within above research assignment); research on basic needs among low-income households in Jakarta; lecturing on Sociology, Social Statistics, and Data Analysis Techniques. Research Assistant Supervising and actively participating in, pedagogic progress monitoring and related longterm basic research; data-processing, and analysis (SPSS/BMDP on mainframe computer), data management, filing, advice on modification of research instruments, supervising assistants, PRactivities, data presentation, and final report writing. Graduate Studies, concurrently participation on national study on unemployed youths Participation in the long-term research project on the “social role of development experts and foreign aid volunteers in the societies of developing nations”; four months field research on personnel aid impact in West Malaysia; participation in commercial survey on unemployed youth in West Germany. 15. Other relevant information: (e.g. Conferences, seminars, publications) Major Writings and Publications: MONOGRAPHS BETKE, F. (1978) and M. Grunewald / J. Weitekämper: Partner, Pläne und Projekte - Die personelle Hilfe der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in West Malaysia. Bericht über eine empir. Untersuchung in West Malaysia 1976, (Partners, Plans and Projects - German Technical Cooperation in West Malaysia. Report on an empirical study in West Malaysia in 1976). Bielefeld Studies on the Sociology of Development, Vol. I, Saarbrücken / Fort Lauderdale: Breitenbach, 368 p. BETKE, F. (1988): Prospects of a "Blue Revolution" in Indonesian Fisheries: A Bureaucratic Dream or Grim Reality? An Interpretation of Planned Socio-economic Change in Contemporary Indonesian Fisheries. Ph.D. thesis, Bielefeld: Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, 256 p. RAHARJO, Y. (1998) and F. BETKE, Mita Noveria, Titik Handayani (eds.): "Prihatin Lahir Batin" - Dampak Krisis Moneter dan Bencana El Nino Terhadap Masyarakat, Keluarga, Ibu dan Anak di Indonesia. ("A matter of physical and moral concern" - The impact of current monetary crisis and natural disasters on the situation of communities, families, women and children in Indonesia) Jakarta: Population and Manpower Studies Centre, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, in collaboration with UNICEF Indonesia, 245 p. JOURNALS BETKE, F. (1986): Von Meeren und Märkten. Wem nützt die Blaue Revolution? (Oceans and Markets. Who benefits from the Blue Revolution?) In: Entwicklungspolitische Korrespondenz, No. 3/1986 (Oktober) BETKE, F. (1986): Protein für die Armen oder Sea-Food für verwöhnte Gaumen? Widersprüchliche Entwicklung der Seefischerei in Indonesien. (Protein for the Poor or Seafood for Precious Gourmets? Contradictory Development of Indonesian Marine Fisheries.) In: Entwicklungspolitische Korrespondenz, No. 3/1986 (Oktober) BETKE, F. (1985): Die "Blaue Revolution" - eine erneute Entwicklungstragödie? Indonesiens Seefischerei heute. (The "Blue Revolution" - a Renewed Development Tragedy?) In: Internationales Asien Forum, Nos. 3-4/85, Vol. 16, Nov. 1985, München / Köln / London: Weltforum Verlag CONFERENCE AND WORKING PAPERS, RESEARCH REPORTS ALHABSJI, T. (1981) and F. Betke: The Role of Provincial Universities in the Development of East Java - The Case of Brawijaya University. Paper read at the Asian-German Conference on 'Higher Education and Development in Asia', organized by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ) in co-operation with the Asian Institute of Technology, Eschborn: GTZ/AIT, 15p. BETKE, F. (1982a): Penyajian dan analisa data berdimensi satu (presentation and analysis of one-dimensional data). Paper prepared for the Teachers' Training Institute (IKIP) of Malang, Malang: IKIP Malang, 41p. BETKE, F, (1982b): Proses penelitian sosial (the process of social research). Paper prepared for the Upgrading Course for Research Personnel at Brawijaya University), organized by the Research Centre of Brawijaya University, Malang: Brawijaya University, 13p. BETKE, F. (1982c): Pengantar aplikasi statistik induktif dalam penelitian sosial (Introduction to the Application of Inductive Statistics in Social Research). Paper prepared for the Training Course for Research Personnel (Penataran Tenaga Peneliti) at the Teachers' Training Institute (IKIP) of Malang, Malang: IKIP Malang, 21 p. BETKE, F. (1983): Penyajian dan 'manipulasi' data penelitian: contoh-contoh akibat pengelompokan data penelitian terhadap besarnya nilai ukuran-uku-ran statistik (Presentation and 'manipulation' of research data: examples of the effects of data- grouping on the values of statistics). Paper prep. for the Upgrading Course for Junior Academic Staff Members, Faculty of Administr. Science, Malang: Brawijaya Univ., 45 p. BETKE, F. (1984): Die entwicklungspolitische Bedeutung der Seefischerei in Indonesien. (The Importance of Indonesian Marine Fisheries' Development) Working Paper No. 44, Sociology of Development Centre, Bielefeld: Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, 28 p. BETKE, F. (1985a): Planning the Satisfaction of Basic Needs: The Allocation of Protein in Java, Indonesia. Working Paper No. 69, Sociology of Development Centre, Bielefeld: Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, 20 p. BETKE, F. (1985b): Modernization and Socioeconomic Change in the Coastal Marine Fisheries of Java: Some Hypotheses. Working Paper No. 72, Sociology of Development Centre, Bielefeld: Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, 30 p. BETKE, F. (1989): The Prevailing Situation in the Agricultural Sector of Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, and South Sulawesi. Report on an appraisal mission on "development perspectives of the Indonesian agricultural machinery industry" for the Indonesian Ministry of Industry and the German Technical Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ GmbH), 39 p., 23 p. bibliography. BETKE, F. (1990): The Fishermen of LEKOK: Traditional Technology and Socio-economic Transition in Two Fishing Villages of East Java, Indonesia. Working Paper No. 4, Inter University Centre for Social Sciences, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 60 p. BETKE, F. (1990): Farmers' Organization, Credit, and Extension, Annex 2 in: Indonesia, Study on Agribusiness Development, World Bank/FAO Investment Centre, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 40 p., charts. BETKE, F. (1992): An Analytical Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation of Infant, Child, and Maternal Survival and Development in Indonesia. Paper presented at the Training Seminar on Social Welfare Indicator analysis organised by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) for Socio-Demographic Analysts from all 27 Provincial BPS Representations. Cisarua, Bogor, 12 October 1992, UNICEF Country Office, Jakarta, 42 p. BETKE, F. (2001): The ‘Family-in-Focus Approach: Developing Policy-oriented Monitoring and Analysis of Human Development in Indonesia. Innocenti Working Paper No. 83. Florence: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, 62 p. BETKE, F. (2002) Assessing "Social Resilience" Among Regencies and Communities in Indonesia. Draft discussion paper, Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS - Statistics Indonesia). BETKE, F. and H. Ritonga (2002) Managers of Megalithic Power: towards an understanding of contemporary political economy in East Sumba. Report on a rapid assessment of challenges and opportunities for development of an area-specific and culture-sensitive approach to poverty monitoring in the district of East Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia, Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik (National Statistics Agency) in collaboration with GTZ/PRODA-NT. BETKE, F. (2002) Making Use of Statistics for Local Development: Towards an area-specific and culture-sensitive approach. Annual report on activities as Advisor to the Director General of BPS - Statistics Indonesia (implemented during July 2001 - August 2002, and planned for August 2002 - July 2003) supported by the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM), Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik (National Statistics Agency). BETKE, F. (2002) Statistik Ketahanan Sosial: menuju operasionalisasi konsep baru dalam bidang statistik sosial. Makalah diskusi dalam rangka seminar nasional "Membangun Konsepsi dan Strategi Ketahanan Sosial Masyarakat" diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Pengembangan Ketahanan Sosial asyarakat, Departemen Sosial R.I. Jakarta, 7 Oktober, 2002, (Social Resilience Statistics: Towards ooerationalisation of a new concept in the field of social statistics. Discussion paper presented at the national seminar “Developing concept and strategy for society’s social resilience”), Jakarta: Pusat Pengembangan Ketahanan Sosial Masyarakat, Departemen Sosial R.I. BETKE, F. and H. Ritonga (2004) 'Developing a Local-specific Approach to Poverty Monitoring in Rural East Indonesia', in H. Gsänger and M. Fernando (eds.) Poverty Monitoring in Asia: A publication of selected papers from the Regional Conference on Poverty Monitoring in Asia, March 2004, Colombo: Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA). BETKE, F. (2004) 'Dig for clues behind E. Sumba poverty' The Jakarta Post, Jakarta. BETKE, F. (2004) East Sumba: Dynamics of Solidarity and Inequality in a Resource-poor Socio-ecological System. Preliminary considerations on progress and further requirements for development of localspecific poverty indicators. Draft discussion paper, Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS - Statistics Indonesia). BETKE, F. (2005) Counting without Context: could statistical housing profiles and household characteristics mislead damage assessment and reconstruction strategies in Northern Sumatra? Inputs for background discussion during the 4th Annual GTZ/CIM Conference, 1-3 March 2005, Jakarta: Mimeo. BETKE, F. (2005) Report on a Joint Field Visit to East Sumba. In Collaboration with Dr. Hamonangan Ritonga, BPS (29 November – 03 December 2005, incl. annex of illustrated field-notes) Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS-Statistics Indonesia). BETKE, F. and H. Ritonga (2006) 'Pilot-Survey BPS dan PEMDA Sumba Timur tentang Dinamika Kemiskinan dan Kesejahteraan dalam Sistem Penghidupan di Kecamatan Rindi, Sumba Timur. Kumpulan penyajian interpretasi dini data sementara dalam rangka pengembangan lanjut sitem pemantauan kemiskinan dan kesejahteraan lokal di Sumba Timur. Laporan sangat sementara, disajikan pada diskusi persiapan publikasi final, Waingapu, 22 December 2006', Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). BETKE, F. (2007) 'Interim Report on Progress of the Joint BPS/PEMDA/GTZ/UNICEF Initiative on Local-Specific Poverty Monitoring in East Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timur. ' Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). BETKE, F., S. Handayani Ningsih (2011) ‘FINAL REPORT Evaluation Consultant Team of the National Community Empowerment Program (NCEP-Urban) FY 2007: Contributions from Eight Thematic Studies to Qualitative Evaluation of the Indonesian Urban Poverty Programme (UPP2/UPP3) 2009-2010’, Jakarta: National Urban Poverty Programme (PNPM-P2KP), 260 p. EVERS, H. D. (1977) and F. Betke, W. Clauss, M. Grunewald a.o.: Die soziale Rolle von Entwicklungsexperten und Entwicklungshelfern in der Gesellschaft des Gastlandes (The Social Role of Development Experts and Foreign Aid Volunteers in the Societies of Developing Nations). Unpubl. research report, Programme in Development Studies, Bielefeld: Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, 52 p. EVERS, H. D. (1982) and S. Pitomo, F. Betke, H. Buchholt: A Survey of Low Income Households in Jakarta - Selected Summary Tables. Working Paper No. 17, Sociology of Development Research Centre, Bielefeld: Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, 72 p. EVERS, H. D. (1982) and F. Betke, S. Pitomo: Die Komplexität der Grundbedürfnisse: Eine Untersuchung über städtische Haushalte in Jakarta. (The Complexity of Basic Needs: A Study on Urban Households in Jakarta). Working Paper No. 14, Sociology of Development Research Centre, Bielefeld: Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, 72 p. GRUNEWALD, M. (1978) und F. Betke, J. Weitekämper: Secondary Effects of a Development Project on the Peasant Economy of Fishing in West Malaysia. Paper read at the International Seminar on Underdevelopment and Subsistence Reproduction in Southeast Asia, organised by the Programme in Development Studies, Bielefeld: Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, 18p.