Executive Committee Ballot 2011

College of Business Administration Chapter
UTEP Alumni Association
2011 – 2013 Executive Committee Ballot
Please place your vote for the following candidates by September 16, 2011
 Joseph “Jody” W. Mullings – President
“The need for alumni support is greater now than at any other time in UTEP’s history. The efforts we
provide to the College of Business Administration will have a lasting positive impact on College of
Business Administration and the University as a whole. We all need to do our part, whether big or small,
to help UTEP achieve its goal of becoming the first national research university with a 21st century
student demographic. From my perspective UTEP reaching Tier One status will be the economic engine
that will move our entire region forward as we strive to be the first choice academically for our best and
brightest incoming students.”
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Finance - Class of ’84
Current Job: JPMorgan Chase Bank - Senior Vice President / Division Manager - Commercial Bank Group
Past UTEP Involvement: President of UTEP Alumni Association 1993, College of Business Administration
Advisory Board, UTEP 2014 Commission
 Bobby Blanco, CFRA™ – Vice President
“I graduated from UTEP in 1998 after having launched my career in the financial services in 1996. I
understood the value of a degree from the college of business administration at UTEP and have since
been successful as a result of my degree. I look forward to becoming a member of the board for College
of Business Administration and I am ready to give back to a great institution that makes El Paso stronger
every day."
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Management - Class of ’98
Current Job: Partner and Director of Risk Management with Strategic Wealth Advisors
 Carlos Chavez Jr. – Secretary
“UTEP is and will forever be a part of my life. The work ethic, education and character that were
inculcated in me by the College of Business have served me very well. I wish to give back to that which
has done so much for this community and my family. I can imagine no better way than through the
College of Business Administration Alumni Chapter.”
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Accounting, M.B.A. - Class of ‘07
Current Job: Commercial Loan Officer-Vice President First Savings Bank, El Paso, Texas
Past UTEP Involvement: Active UTEP Alumni Association Member
Executive Committee Ballot 2011 - 13
 Patricia Norman Brunson – Treasurer
“When I first set out, far from the Southwest, the question I always heard was what UTEP is? Now they
know. I want to be part of this momentum. I can help by looking for opportunities for grads who ask for
help, by expanding and connecting our community out here - far from the border, and by mobilizing
other resources.”
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Degree: BB.S. Accounting - Class of ‘85
Current Job: Wolf Designs Inc., Director – National Sales
Past UTEP Involvement: Member of Women’s Track and Cross Country Teams 1981-1985, Currently
New York City Alumni Representative
 Salvador J. Gonzalez – Nomination Committee Chair
“I take great pride in my degree and the opportunities it has afforded me. I want to help others achieve
the same dream.”
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Finance - Class of ’97
Current Job: Registered Representative in financial products
Past UTEP Involvement: Various career day programs through the College of Business Administration.
 Alexis Dowling – Social Committee Chair
“I am a Miner and El Pasoan down to my core. My time spent at UTEP was a wonderful experience for
me, so much I almost didn’t want to leave. The College of Business Administration has produced many
bright, successful leaders throughout the years, many of which are my friends and mentors. I would be
honored to sit on this board working towards building our school’s core alumni group, bringing us closer
to Tier 1 status, and making UTEP an even stronger educational institution.”
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Marketing - Class of ‘05 and M.B.A., International Business - Class of ‘10
Current Job: Commercial Lines Marketer for JDW Insurance in El Paso, Texas
Past UTEP Involvement: I participated in a co-ed fraternity when I was an engineering student my
freshman year.
Member-at-Large Positions
Seven positions available – place your vote for up to seven candidates
 Victor Aragones
“UTEP marked my life forever by providing the college education and confidence to start my professional
career. Now I believe that as an alumnus, I can contribute to my alma mater by being an active member
of the College of Business Administration and UTEP Alumni Association. As an economist, I work with
economic and demographic data all the time, and I see that the future of the nation puts UTEP at the
forefront of college education. Due to my experience both as a student of UTEP and in my professional
career, I believe I can be part of the team that nurtures the College of Business Administration and
contributes to its success.”
Executive Committee Ballot 2011 - 13
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Economics - Class of ’01 and M.S. Economics - Class of ‘04
Current Job: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration
 Gregg Bush
“I am proud to be a UTEP Alumnus and support the University when traveling for business throughout
the United States. I look forward to assisting our newest graduates connect with the business community
by helping them cultivate relationships with existing alumni. By building a coordinated network of UTEP
graduates all over the country, we can help each other achieve all of our career objectives.”
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Marketing - Class of ‘90
Current Job: Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. - Independent Associate Small Business, CDLP, Group Benefits
Specialist, & Identity Theft Shield
Past UTEP involvement: President of the El Paso Chapter UTEP Alumni Association '06-'07, A founding
member of the College of Business Administration Council, President of the American Marketing
Association and Alumni Relations Officer for Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity.
 Lorraine Frias
“For me helping UTEP achieve its goal as a Tier I designated research institution is both a privilege and
an honor. The education and experience UTEP provided me not only paved a positive future for me, but
for my kids and future generations. Providing educational opportunities for the community, such as the
one I grew up in, is of great importance to the brilliant minds of the many talented students in the
community. This will allow UTEP to be the University of choice for our best and brightest incoming
students. A Tier I designated research institution would benefit the city of El Paso as it will not only
attract elite students, but it would secure significant research and endowment funds that pave a great
outlook for the University and the people of El Paso.”
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Marketing - Class of ‘82
Current Job: Director of Development with the Phoenix Zoo
Past UTEP Involvement: None since graduation
 David M. Rapisand
“Having spent my entire career outside of El Paso, I have been able to work with and observe how the
alumni of “name” universities support their school, both in time, talent and resources. I have not
witnessed the same for UTEP alumni. For UTEP to continue the path of growth and to be a Tier One
school, it is imperative UTEP has an active alumni support both within the El Paso area and outside the El
Paso area. Without this support, UTEP and the College of Business will only maintain the status quo and
that is not acceptable in the 21st century global market. Establishing the COBA Alumni Chapter to work
on behalf of UTEP and specifically COBA is taking the Right Step forward to continue growth and success.
Hometown: Fort Worth, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Accounting and Marketing - Class of ’76; M.B.A. Finance
Current Job: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Fort Worth, Texas - Finance Director
Executive Committee Ballot 2011 - 13
Past UTEP Involvement: I have been recruiting at UTEP for 15 years; have led Lockheed Martin
Operation Bold Stroke which is the relationship building between UTEP and LM which has resulted in
doubling of UTEP graduates working at LM Aeronautics and more than $3M of LM Engineering research
projects awarded to UTEP graduate and undergraduate students to work.
 Lucinda Vargas
“I think it is very important that I participate in the College of Business Administration Alumni Chapter.
The fact that the College took the initiative to launch its own chapter is indicative of the leadership
behind the University who are demonstrating a commitment to engage its past students to help solidify
the connection between the institution and the immediate El Paso-Juarez community and places beyond,
since alumni from the College will be found most anywhere in the globe. I felt this leadership should be
supported since, indeed, by tapping into alumni the University can gain strength in fulfilling its mission
and goals which include achieving Tier 1 status and continuing to admirably serve what should not be
taken for granted: a 21st-century demographic.”
Hometown: Juarez, Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Economics - Class of ’81; M.A. Economics - Penn State University Class of ‘85
Current Job: Principal at Center for Strategic International Economic Integration; Doctorate of Economic
Development Program Participant, New Mexico State University
 Grace Vaughn
“I do believe that alumni support is very important to the success of UTEP. I am a believer that UTEP
reaching its “Tier One” status can only be positive to attracting the best students who are looking for a
GREAT choice in their academic career and UTEP should become their first choice.”
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Human Resource Management - Class of ’93; M.B.A. – Webster University Class of ‘95
Current Job: El Paso Community College - Assistant Professor, District Wide Business Coordinator
 Mike H. Bassett
“I received my degree from UTEP over 27 years ago. Time and time again I am reminded how fortunate I
was to have the professors that I did. I am reminded how lucky I was to be in an environment that
encouraged learning. As a member of the Board of Directors, I would work tiresly to make sure that
future students - - and future employers - - know what a great institution UTEP is. “
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Degree: B.B.A. Dual Major – Class of ’84; J.D. – St. Mary’s University School of Law Class of ‘87
Current Job: Owner, The Bassett Firm, Dallas, Texas
We encourage alumni to use the electronic ballot, however there are options to return ballot to The Office of
Alumni Relations via email, fax, or in person by September16th to:
Peter and Margaret de Wetter Center
500 W. University Ave
El Paso, TX 79968
Phone: (915) 747-8600
Fax: (915) 747-5502
Email: alumni@utep.edu