Business Plan Template Stage 2 New Business Track This template is for schools who are starting a business for the first time IMPORTANT: HOW TO COMPLETE AND SUBMIT YOUR BUSINESS PLAN This template should be completed by students with the support of teachers. Please use the format provided as this is aligned to our marking scheme. There are 2 Parts to the Business Plan template. - Part 1: Business Plan. Please answer ALL questions. - Part 2: Financial Plan. Please answer ALL questions in Sections A-F. Section G and H are optional. You can use add extra pages to this document. However, please try and keep your submission to 10 pages maximum. The numbers in brackets e.g. (10) indicates the highest number of points that can be awarded for that question. Follow our top tips to score high points and increase your chances of winning a prize! You can also earn bonus points by including supporting documents in the Appendix! When you are ready to submit your completed business plan to us, please follow these instructions:- Log in to your account at: - Go to the ‘Progress Report’ on the right hand side. - Click on 2) ‘Submit Your Business Plan!’ - Choose your file and upload your completed Template. Click SUBMIT! ? Any Questions Contact the School Enterprise Challenge team at:E-mail: Blog: Website: 1 New Business Plan Template 2015 PART ONE Section A: Your Details School name Country Lead teacher Al Qamar Academy India Aneesa Jamal Section B: Your Business Details Business Name Business Activity Main product / service No. of students in business team No. of students in school Total Start Up Budget in US $ (Estimated) Total Sales Income in US $ (Estimated) Net Profit in US $ (Estimated) TenderHands – A Children’s Craft Cooperative Sale of craft items Eco friendly handicrafts 10 + New co-op members 120 $23 $457.06 $80.89 Section C: Market Research and Target Market 1. What Market Research did you do? a) We did a market survey using online Google forms. We had 97 respondents (See Appendix) b) We test marketed our products at a soft launch during an All Parent Meeting at school. We had 30 test customers. 2. What were the results of your Market research? Customer Profile Women 30-50 years Spend 100-1000 rupees a year. Willing to support children’s businesses Buy crafts physically (not online) Look for good quality, usefulness and tasteful colours. Why will they buy from us Most respondents were willing to support children’s businesses There are few alternative shops to buy low-priced, eco-friendly, handmade crafts in Chennai. Customers in our trial sale appreciated the fact that we had a large and varied range of products to buy from. We found, on the day of the trial sale, that many buyers asked for custom-made products. This option is not found in most craft stores. Which Products were most popular: Paper products: 51 votes Glasswork: 39 votes Paintings: 32 votes Pottery: 29 votes Crochet: 18 votes 2 New Business Plan Template 2015 How much they spend in a year RS 500-1000: 33 votes RS 100-500: 32 votes RS 1000+: 14 votes What they look for in a handicraft Good quality: 60 votes Usefulness: 47 votes Tasteful colours: 40 votes Environmentally friendly: 35 votes Low price: 27 votes Online/ real shops Real shops: 91 votes Online: 6 votes How often they buy crafts Sometimes: 45 votes Rarely: 26 votes Often: 10 votes Section D: Competitors and Competitive Advantage 3 New Business Plan Template 2015 3. Who are your main competitors and what are their strengths and weaknesses? Please fill in the table below. Competitor Name Who are your main competitors? DakshinChitra Strengths What are your competitor’s main strengths? Reputation for good quality, ecofriendly, handicrafts. Great variety of different products. Good ambience. Weaknesses What are your competitor’s main weaknesses? Bad location, far away from town. No online presence. High prices. Few new products. Single place of sale. Cottage Emporium Have huge variety of products from all over India. Good location. Good quality. Large, well-established store. Good reputation. Good ambience. Bad marketing. Bad customer service. Roadside Vendors Mobile. Cheap. Visible. Fancy stores Found everywhere. Cheap prices. Good location. Boutique craft stores(usually in malls) Branded. High quality. Fashion statement to buy from one. Online presence. Good reputation. Innovate with new products. Socially responsible message. Doubtful quality. Limited stock and variety. No online presence. No fixed place to sell from. No USP. No unique products. Have all kinds of products which are not necessarily craft. No online presence. No unique products. Poor ambience High prices. Usually small, so they can go unnoticed in a large group of stores. If you have more detailed information about your competitors, please include it here: DakshinChitra is a craft village with handcrafts from around India for sale. Cottage Emporium is a huge government store selling handicrafts from all over India. Roadside vendors are people with mobile stalls/pushcarts. They sell trinkets and knick-knacks at beaches, public places and roads. Fancy stores are single-location, small shops selling all kinds of non-edible items (toys, cutlery, clocks, trinkets, accessories, etc). Fancy stores are found in every locality. 4. How are you going to be better than your competitors? We will sell eco-friendly/recycled products at affordable prices. This is possible as our costs are low We will keep innovating and changing our products. We will develop close customer relationships and use their feedback We will custom-make products to the buyer’s specification. Unlike our competitors, we will actively advertise using social media and other internet tools. We shall have different points of sale (e.g. supermarkets, online etc). Section E: SWOT Analysis 5. Complete the SWOT Analysis below. (5) 4 New Business Plan Template 2015 Strengths – We have reasonably-priced crafts. Emotional appeal to buyers as we are children. Custom-made products. Low start-up and operational costs as we don’t pay rent and manufacturing costs are borne by the individual co-op member. The suppliers are co-op members so there is greater incentive to do their best and work hard. Our products are bio-degradable or recycled. Opportunities – School parents who would buy from us and spread the word to others. New channels of sale through internet and supermarkets. Creating and selling new crafts. Creating customer rapport and good reputation so buyers keep coming back. Weaknesses – No reputation. Bad location; on a small side road. As people usually buy crafts on impulse there is less chance of them seeing and buying from us. Limited time(hours per day) to sell our wares. Small amount of stock as we don’t have enough time to make our crafts. Low budget. Threats – Others opening eco-friendly, handmade craft stores. Other children opening craft stores in our locality. Handicrafts being fun and easy to make, buyers may decide to make them themselves. Section F: Operational Plan 6. What steps will you take to start your business? Conduct market research to identify our customers wants. Choose members for management (production, marketing and finance) teams. Enrol children interested in joining the co-operative. Create mission statement. Create our product list and pricing catalogue. Identify selling channels Spread the word about our business - create website, flyers, posters and Facebook page. Have our opening day at a Mothers Meet. 5 New Business Plan Template 2015 7. How will you produce or deliver your product or service? Use the table below to list the ongoing tasks you need to do to make your business run. You can add rows if you need to. (5) Task How long? How often? Who? What tasks need to be How long will these How often do these Who will be responsible done on a daily, weekly tasks take? tasks need to take for these tasks? E.g. or monthly basis to place? E.g. Daily? communications team make your business Weekly? run? Update website 2 hours Monthly Marketing & Sales team Marketing & Sales team Marketing & Sales team Update Facebook Page Put out posters 20 minutes 3 Daily 3 hours Monthly Preparing PTA sale 3 days 3 monthly Production team Rearranging the display case Preparing monthly theme-based sale Quality check on products Changing theme of display case Admitting in new members Meeting to discuss progress of business Keeping financial accounts. Paying off vendors Pay off debts 1 hour Weekly Production team 3 days Monthly Production team 1 hour Weekly Production team 1 hour Monthly Production team 2 hours Monthly Production team 1 hour Monthly 30 minutes Daily Coordinator and heads of management. Finance team 1 hour 1 hour Weekly Monthly Finance team Finance team 8. How is your business team structured? You may like to include your Organogram here. (5) We have a Core Business Team as shown below, and as well as them we have the co-op members who make and supply TenderHands with handicrafts. The Core business Team Members are below: Section G: Marketing and Sales Plan 6 New Business Plan Template 2015 9. Tell us about your 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). (10) a) Product – What is your product? b) Price – What price will you sell it at? Product Name Price(INR) Painted Pots 105 Doodle Bulbs 50 Dolls 50 Crochet Hairbands 20 Phone Cases/Coin Purses 50 Crochet Earrings 15 Keychain Dolls 35 Crochet Coasters(set of 4) 120 Quilling Earrings 30 Paintings 1150 Bookmarks 7 Friendship Bands 7 Recycled Plastic Plant Pots Mason Jars 25 35 Glass Candle Jars 55 c) Place – Where will you sell your product? 1. We will host theme-based sales at every monthly mothers meeting. 2. A display shelf of our products will be placed in the school’s lobby for visitors to see and buy from everyday. 3. We shall sell our wares at certain supermarkets. 4. Our products will also be available online. d) Promotion – How will you promote your product? Through posters and flyers. On the Internet(Facebook, Whatsapp, website etc). Word of mouth Banners. 7 New Business Plan Template 2015 Section H: People, Profit, Planet 10. How does your business meet the People, Profit and Planet criteria? Please give an example for each criteria. People – “Teach a child to fish” There are many forums, co-ops and platforms for adults to sell art, craft, edibles etc. However there are none for children. In our business we are helping children by creating a forum for children to sell crafts and earn money, which will help them develop their craft and business skills. Profit – Our costs for running the business are low. They consist of marketing, administrative and Internet-related costs. All variable costs are paid for by the individual co-op members themselves. The Co-operative will mark up the price of each product before selling. After paying off the above costs the remainder is our profit. As our costs are relatively low, our profit margin is healthy. Planet – All our products are made from natural, bio-degradable materials (glass, paper, clay, wool) or from recycled material. Our products will also be packaged in recycled paper. In this way we help the planet. Section I: Financing Strategy 11. How much start-up capital do you need to start your business and how will you raise this money? (10) As shown in the table these are our start-up costs. Each craftsperson pays for her/his direct costs so we only have marketing, stationery and transport costs, which are quite low. Our school has agreed to cover all our start-up costs and we will pay them off at a monthly basis once our business starts earning money. Item Buying Website Travel Stationery Flyers Posters Total cost Price(INR) 200 200 100 700 300 1500 Section J: Sustainability and Business Development 12. How will you keep your business running after this school year?(5) There is a growing need for eco-friendly handicrafts as social awareness grows.This will increase our market and we will continue producing more products to meet the demand. We will keep expanding and innovating with our products so that customers will continue buying from us. We will find new channels of sale to reach more customers. We will use new marketing schemes like free products with every customer referral. We will produce more complex and expensive products which will earn more money for the co-op than smaller ones. We will keep admitting new members to our co-op and teaching them how to run the business so eventually the older co-op members will take over and keep the business running year after year. Some products of ours use material which would otherwise be thrown away and this 8 New Business Plan Template 2015 13. balances out any negative impact (e.g. using paper) our products may have on the planet. Using accounting to track our financial status. Where do you see the business in 5 years? E.g. We will grow our product range to include other vegetables and we will expand our market by selling our products in 3 new districts. (5) In five years we want to be THE shop people go to, to buy new, innovative, eco-friendly crafts. A brand name. We will have a thriving business with many craftskids and have many selling channels in important supermarkets and large stores. Appendix (OPTIONAL Bonus Points) You can use this space to paste any items which support your business plan, e.g. a completed customer survey, a detailed competitor analysis, reports or photos (4 photos MAX). (10 Bonus Points) Appendix Attachments: 1) Mission Statement 2) Completed customer survey 3) Photos PART TWO Financial Plan This section will be awarded a total of 15 Points. These 15 Points will be allocated as follows:Section A (5), Section B+C+D (5), Section E+F (5), Section G+H Local Currency used (E.g. Indian Rupees) Indian Rupees Exchange rate to US Dollars (E.g. 1 US $ = 59.7 Indian Rupees) Period of time budgeted for (E.g. 3 months) 1 USD= INR 63 12 months Section A: Start-Up Budget (Estimated) 1. Please list all your Start-Up Costs. Our business is a co-op with each co-op member supplying us with finished craft products. Therefore any equipment or supply costs are borne by the co-op member. We as a business have no equipment costs. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Section B: Income (Estimated) 2. Please list all the products or services that your business will sell. Please tell us the amount you think you will sell and the price at which you will sell them. Name of Product or service Quantity Sales Price Sales Income (Quantity 9 New Business Plan Template 2015 (annually) Painted Pots 45 Doodle Bulbs 45 Dolls 20 Crochet Hairbands 60 Phone Cases/Coin Purses 42.5 Crochet Earrings 20 Keychain Dolls 30 Crochet coasters (set of 4) 7 Quilling Earrings 90 Paintings 8 Bookmarks 60 Friendship Bands 50 Recycled Plastic Plant Pots 25 Mason Jars 35 Glass Candle Jars 22 Total Income (Add all the ‘Sales Income’ together) (INR) 105 50 50 20 40 15 35 120 30 1150 7 7 25 35 55 Local Currency x Sales Price) (INR) 4725 2250 1000 1200 1700 300 1050 840 2700 9200 420 350 625 1225 1210 28795 INR In US Dollars $ 457.06 USD Section C: Direct Costs (Estimated) 3. Please list all of the items you will need to buy in order to make or provide each product or service. As we are a co-op we collect finished products, from our members, and sell them. Therefore we (the co-op) have no product-based direct costs as they are all borne by the co-op members. Section D: Gross Profit (Estimated) 4. Please calculate your Gross Profit in your Local Currency and then convert it to US Dollars $. All direct costs are paid by the co-op member so our direct costs are only paying off the members for their products. Calculation Local Currency US Dollars $ Total Sales Income Total Direct Costs Gross Profit (Total Sales Income – Total Direct Costs) 28795 INR 22250 INR 6545 INR 457.06 USD 353.17 USD 103. 89 USD Section E: Indirect Costs (Estimated) 5. Please list all of your Indirect Costs. Name of item Quantity Unit Cost Buying a Website Travel Stationery Flyers Posters RS 200 RS 200 RS 100 RS 7 RS 21 1 N/A 100 14 10 New Business Plan Template 2015 Total Costs (Quantity x Unit Cost) RS 200 RS 200 RS 100 RS 700 RS 294 Total Indirect Costs (Add up all the Total Costs) Local Currency RS 1494 In US Dollars $ USD 23 Section F: Net Profit (Estimated) 6. Please calculate your Net Profit in your local currency and convert this to US Dollars. Calculation Local Currency US Dollars $ Gross profit RS 6545 103.89 Total Indirect Costs RS 1494 23 Net Profit (Gross Profit – Total Indirect Costs) RS 5051 80.89 Section G: Return on Investment (OPTIONAL) 7. Please calculate your Return on Investment (Optional) Net Profit Total Start Up Budget Net Profit / Start Up Budget x 100 = Return on Investment (%) % Section H: Pay Back Period (OPTIONAL) 8. Please calculate the Pay Back Period for your Start-Up Costs (Optional) a. Budget Period E.g. 4 months b. How many months until you make your first sales? c. Net Profit d. Average Net Profit per month once sales have started: c / (a – b) e. Start Up Budget f. Pay Back Period: b + ( e / d) Additional Comments: If you have any additional comments about your Financial Plan please put them in here: 11 New Business Plan Template 2015 APPENDIX Mission Statement Our mission is to connect craftskids with consumers, thereby providing customers with ecofriendly handicrafts and developing the entrepreneurial skills in our members Photos: Customer Market survey ~$Tender Hands market survey (Responses).xlsx 12 New Business Plan Template 2015