Office of Research Administration – St. Michael's Hospital Contract ID # _______________________ Contract Review Document Tracking Sheet (DTS) Please complete the DTS and email the DTS, addendum (if applicable) and an electronic copy of the contract at If you do not have an electronic copy of the contract please hand deliver hardcopies of the DTS, addendum (if applicable) and Contract to April Kim at the address below: SMH - Office of Research Administration – 250 Yonge Street – 6th Floor - Toronto, ON M5B 2L7 Ph: (416) 864-6060 Ext. 7852 Fax: (416) 864-6043 Date Submitted: SMH Investigator: Name: Ext: SMH Contact person for pick-up/questions: Name: Ext: Department: Division: Please list the external parties to the contract (located on the first page of the contract): 1. 2. 3. Kindly select one of the following: AWA - Award Agreement 1 or 2 (Is this an award agreement from a Peer-Reviewed Agency?) CSA – Agreement for Human Subjects Research1 (Are human subjects involved in the study?) BSA – Agreement - No Human Subjects Involved2 (This can include basic or pure science, laboratory, animals, literature reviews, preclinical etc.) MTA - Material Transfer Agreement3 (Are you sending or receiving material from/to another party?) Study Title (as written on the first page of the contract): Who is funding the study? Please provide us with the name of the Funder: Room: Wing: REB ID (Research Ethics Board) # Pending N/A ACC ID (Animal Care Committee) # Pending N/A PRA - Privacy Agreement4 (aka Data Transfer Agreement - Are you receiving or sending patient data, samples etc. from/to another party?) SPA - Service Provider Agreement5 (Are you hiring a service provider to work on a study?) CDA Confidentiality Agreement (Are you receiving or disclosing confidential info from/to another party?) IP - Intellectual Property Agreement (e.g., Option Agreement, License Agreement, Assignment Agreement etc.) Protocol Number: Is this an amendment? Yes 6 No Type of Funder: Industry Who initiated/developed the Study? Please provide us with the name of a person, institution or company: Non-Industry Anticipated Start Date: Please provide us with the contact information for the external party to this contract: Name: Title: Phone: Anticipated Completion Date: Email: For office use only: Contract Approved by: _________________________________ Date: ________________________ Called for Pick-up by: _________________________________ Date: ________________________ Contract picked up by: __________________________________ Date: ________________________ (Print Name) Please scan and file a copy of the contract (preferably marked copy) on pick up 1 Please also fill out Addendum #1(Contract Assessment Form): Human Subjects Research 2 Please also fill out Addendum #2 (Contract Assessment Form): Research – No Human Subjects Involved 3 Please also fill out Addendum #3 (Contract Assessment Form): Material Transfer 4 Please also fill out Addendum #4 (Contract Assessment Form): Privacy 5 Please also fill out Addendum #5 (Contract Assessment Form): Service Provider 6 Please fill out Addendum #6 instead of any of the above Addenda * Please only fill out 1 Addendum per contract Acknowledgement: The Addenda are modified from a form used by the Hospital for Sick Children Revision Date: January 2010