Land 1351 Landscape Management Resource List S2 2009 General Resources Barr, N & Cary, J 1992, Greening a Brown Land, MacMillan, Melbourne. Beatley, T. 2000. Green urbanism : learning from European cities, Washington, D.C. : Island Press. Benedict, M.A. and McMahon, E.T. 2006. Green Infrastructure:linking landsc apes and communities, Island Press, Washington, D.C. Birch, E.L. and Wachter, S.M., eds., 2008. Growing greener cities : urban sustainability in the twenty-first century, Philadelphia, PA : University of Pennsylvania Press Birkeland, J. 2002. Design for sustainability : a sourcebook of integrated eco-logical solutions / London ; Sterling, Va. : Earthscan. Conacher and Conacher, 2000, Environmental Planning and Management in Australia, Oxford University Press, Melbourne Corkery, N. 1999, ‘The Quest for a New Approach to the Art and Science of Landfill Design’, Landscape Australia, vol 3, pp. 180-184. Downton, P.F. 2009. Ecopolis: architecture and cities for a changing climate. 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Hitchmough, J.D. 1994, Urban Landscape Management, Inkata Press, Sydney. 1 Land 1351 Landscape Management Resource List S2 2009 Hough, M 1995, City form and natural processes, Routledge, New York. Hutton, D. & Connors, L. 1999, A History of the Australian Environment Movement, Cambridge University Press, London and Melbourne. Johnson, C. 2003, Greening Sydney: landscaping the urban fabric, Government Architect Publications, Sydney. Johnson, B.R. and Hill, K., eds 2002, Ecology and Design: Frameworks for learning, Island Press, Washington D.C. Kirkwood, N. ed., 2001. Manufactured Sites: rethinking the post-industrial landscape, ed., Spon Press, London and New York. Lyle, J.T. 1994. Regenerative design for sustainable development. John Wiley, New York. Lyle, J. T. 1985. Design for Human Ecosystems: landscape, land use, and natural resources. Van Nostrand Rienhold, New York Marsh, W.M. 1998, Landscape Planning: environmental applications, AddisonWesley. Reading Mass. 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Constructed Wetlands and Water Sensitive Urban Design ***much of the current material in this area is best accessed online via; or via the National Water Commission <<< >>> Campbell C. and Ogden, M. 1999, Constructed Wetlands in the Sustainable Landscape, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Department of Land & Water Conservation (NSW), 1998. The Constructed Wetlands Manual, The Department, Sydney. France, R.L. 2002 Handbook of Water Sensitive Design and Planning, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida. [online @ UNSW Library] Izembart, H. & Le Boudec, B. 2003, Waterscapes: using plant systems to treat wastewater, Land & Scape Series, GG Barcelona. LandCom, 2009. Water Sensitive Urban Design, Parramatta NSW. [Online @ UNSW Library] URS Australia Pty Ltd, 2004 ‘Water Sensitive Urban Design Technical Guidelines for Western Sydney, Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust’, [available on line] viewed 2 May 2005. 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Marquis-Kyle,P. and Walker, M. 1992, The Illustrated Burra Charter: making good decisions about the care of important places, Australia ICOMOS, Sydney. Mayne-Wilson, W. 2001, ‘Understanding and Managing Cultural Landscapes’, Landscape Australia, 1:10-16. National Trust Australia (NSW) 1989, Landscape Assessment—Manual of Practice, The Trust , Sydney. Pearson M. and Sullivan S. 1995, Looking After Heritage Places, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. 4 Land 1351 Landscape Management Resource List S2 2009 Legislation Australasian Legal Information Institute For all Australian legislation. Environmental Defenders Office 2001 Environmental Law Tool Kit. EDO Sydney. Environmental Defenders Office EDO Fact sheets Farrier, D., Lyster, R. Pearson, L. 1999, The Environmental Law Handbook. Third Edition Redfern Legal Centre Publishing, Sydney. Bush Regeneration, vegetation and ecology Angel, J. ed., 1999, Green print for Sydney: an environmental strategy for the 21st Century, Total Environment Centre, Sydney. Benson, D. and Howell, J 1994, ‘The natural vegetation of the Sydney 1:100 000 map sheet’, in Cunninghamia Volume 3(4) 677-787, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney. Benson, D and Howell, J 1990, Taken for Granted. The Bushland of Sydney and its Suburbs. Kangaroo Press. Bradley,J 1988 Bringing Back the Bush. The Bradley Method of Bush Regeneration. Lansdowne Press. Briggs, J. and Leigh, J 1995, Rare or threatened Australian Plants. CSIRO, Canberra Buchanan, R 1989, Bush Regeneration. Recovering Australian Landscapes. TAFE, NSW. Howell, J. & Benson D. 2000, Sydney’s Bushland. More than meets the eye. Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney Kartzoff, M. 1969, Nature and a City: the native vegetation of the Sydney Area, Edwards & Shaw, Sydney. Muyt, A. 2001, Bush Invaders of South East Australia. A guide to the identification and control of environemtnal weeds found in South-East Australia. RG and FJ Richardson, Meridith National Trust of Australia (NSW) 1991, Bush Regenerators’ Handbook. 5 Land 1351 Landscape Management Resource List S2 2009 NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources 2003, Bringing the Bush Back to Western Sydney. Best Practice Guidelines for Bush Regeneration on the Cumberland Plain. DIPNR Parramatta. , Read, I. 1994, The Bush. A guide to the vegetated landscapes of Australia. UNSW Recher, H., Lunney, D & Dunn, I. 1986, A Natural Legacy. Ecology in Australia. Pergamon Press. Seidlich, B. 1997, The Green Web Project: a vegetation management plan for the Sydney region, Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils, Blacktown. Department of Environment and Heritage, 2004, Ecologically sustainable development – National Strategy for ESD [available on line:] Falding, M. 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[Available online: +for+NSW+local+government] Databases in UNSW Library Avery Index Science Direct Journals: Cunninghamia Ecological Management and Restoration (online @ UNSW Library) Landscape Architecture Australia Historic Environment Journal of Environmental Management Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Landscape and Urban Planning Landscape Ecology Landscape Journal Landscape Research Restoration Ecology (online @ UNSW Library) Important organizations: a preliminary list…all have important and relevant information on their websites Australian Department of Environment and Heritage Australia ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) Australian Institute of Landscape Architects 6 Land 1351 Landscape Management Resource List S2 2009 Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Melbourne Water NSW Department of Environment and Conservation NSW Department of Planning NSW Heritage Office NSW Environmental Protection Agency NSW National Park and Wildlife Service NSW Local Government Association NSW National Trust Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney Olympic Park Authority Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Sydney Water The Total Environment Centre WIUCN 7