Litu rgical Ass’t:
Rev’d Dr Eleanor Sanderson
Rev’d Judith Wigglesworth
Jane Tippett
Valerie Carson
Margaret Turner, Valerie Carson
Peter Baldock
Lit. Ass’t:
Rev’d Dr Eleanor Sanderson
Rev’d Judith Wigglesworth
Philip Plimmer (Mike Parker)
Annie Hayward
Sunday Clubs:
Morning Tea:
Philip Plimmer
Phyliss and Stuart Mossman
Peter Baldock
Stefi Plimmer, Jenni Champion
Hedda Bleasdale, Leonie Burke
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Psalm 90:1-2 Matthew 25:14-30
SENTENCE: God has destined us not for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore encourage one another and build up each other. 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11
COLLECT: We pray you, Jesus, take the old water, our busy conscientious lives, and turn them into gospel wine, that everyone may see your life and thirst; for the glory of your holy name. Amen.
Our Sunday Clubs for children meet today in the hall during the 9.30am service.
Follow the candle after the first hymn, and return to the church for Lucy’s Baptism.
Thank you to Margaret Turner and Leonie Burke who arranged our flowers this week, and to Cushla Jamieson who cleaned the church.
PSALM 90:1-2 (from A New Zealand Prayer Book)
1. Lord you have been our refuge: from one generation to another.
2. Before the mountains were brought forth, or the earth and the world were made: you are God, from age to age everlasting.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now and shall be forever. Amen
We pray for Lucy Chatfield and her family as Lucy is baptised today. May she be blessed this day, and grow in faith.
We pray for Simon Hanbury-Sparrow and his family as
Simon’s chemotherapy begins.
We pray for Rev’d Alex as he explores new possibilities for employment. We pray that his gifts and skills are recognised and for a stable period of transition for him,
Elisabeth and CJ.
We pray for all to be ordained on Saturday: (Deacon) David Atkinson, Sue Fordyce,
Andrea Lukin, Sarah McMenamin, Cheryl Repia, Alison Robinson and Guy Savage.
(Priest) Rev’ds Ben Arcus, Karl Dickson, Brendan Drew, Jon Hartley, John Merriman and Henry Yap.
Today in our diocesan cycle of prayer we recognise the Feast of Christ in all
Creation. We pray for the Anglican Social Services Wanganui Trust Board (Miles
Bockett, George Bowers, Grame Carter, Joy Douglas, and Lorraine Jamison).
Today in our Anglican Missions prayer cycle we pray for mission in New Zealand, and for those who lead the Anglican Church in New Zealand and Aotearoa. In this the bicentenary year of the first proclamation of the Gospel in this land, we give thanks for the builders of the church over the past two hundred years, and pray for renewed imagination, energy and joy as we seek to proclaim the good news of
Jesus Christ in fresh ways today.
We pray that our homes and families will be places where the Christian story comes alive day by day in our love, encouragement and support of one another.
Thank you to those who have committed to praying for our parish in a regular rhythm through the week. There are also specific prayer requests which we receive in our parish, which Ellie circulates. Do talk with Ellie if you would like to participate in this rhythm of prayer, or the ministry of intercession, or if you would like to receive prayer support.
If you would like to support the mission and ministry of this church by giving regularly, and/or helping out on a roster, please talk to the wardens or contact the office.
Holy and enabling Spirit, give wings to our prayers.
May those we support and cherish with our love receive your grace to help them in their time of need.
Women of the Parish Christmas Evening The women of the parish are invited to a
Christmas Celebration at Helen Hosegood’s home, 9 Cheviot Road, Lowry Bay this
Tuesday at 7.30 pm. Please bring a drink of your choice. RSVP today by filling out the form attached to the glass door inside the back of the Church. All warmly welcome.
Coracle Canon Peter Stuart will sign and sell copies of his new book next Sunday between the 8 and 9.30am services, and at morning tea after the 9.30am service. $25 cash/cheque on the day.
Eastbourne Carnival Also next Sunday, St Alban’s will have a stall at Muritai School hall.
We will be selling beautiful note cards and other items, and have a table of craft activities for children. Thanks to those who have volunteered to help at the stall – more volunteers welcome. Please email Rev’d Judith who is preparing the roster of helpers.
Parish Advent Retreat 28-30 November If you ar e keen to come along but haven’t got around to registering, please see Rev’d Judith today or email her by the end of this week, as we need to finalise the accommodation requirements and catering responsibilities. Full details about the retreat are in the leaflet in the foyer. A chance to spend a weekend together as God’s family.
St Alban’s Ministry Rev’d Judith is preparing the ministry schedules for January - April
2015, and is emailing or phoning everyone currently serving in the many ministries that su pport our community life and mission here at St Alban’s. If you are not serving in a ministry and would like to, please talk with Re’vd Ellie or Rev’d Judith, or email the parish office. We would love to grow our ministry teams, so if you sense a call to get involved or would like to find out more, please let us know. We’d love to hear from you.
Flowers More volunteers for arranging the flowers would be welcome. Please talk with
Jackie Levy about what’s involved. At present volunteers need to arrange them twice a year, so it’s not a big commitment. Phone or email Jackie 562 8939 or kjlevy@xtra.co.nz
Bubbles, Brunch and BBQ Save the date! Sunday 7 December after the 9.30am service - a time of refreshment and fellowship, and an opportunity to celebrate and thank all in our faith community who contribute to St Alban’s ministry and mission. All welcome!
The Hobbit!
Another date to save – Wednesday 17 December, 7.30pm for 8pm showing of the final Hobbit movie at the Lighthouse Cinema, Petone. Tickets $20. See the flier and sign up sheet in the foyer or talk to Rose Odlin 562 8657 rosieo@odlin.net.nz
Office this week Rev’d Judith will be away Wednesday-Friday this week as she leads the pre-ordination retreat at Ngatiawa. She may be in the office at some point on Tuesday.
Rev’d Ellie will be around all week (day off Friday).
Ballet Classes 2015 From Term 1 next year, we are pleased to welcome Hannah Ross, who runs the Wellington Ballet Studio, as she begins to take classes in our hall on Tuesday afternoons for 3-6 year olds. Hannah is a registered teacher of the Royal Academy of
Dance. Enrolments are open now – do check Hannah’s website and spread the word among local families www.wellingtonballetstudio.co.nz
Wellington City Mission Christmas Street Day Appeal Friday 5 December - collectors wanted. Email Ingrid at the Wellington City Mission to volunteer, or to donate look out for the collectors wearing red on Friday 5 December. ingrid@wgtncitymission.org.nz
Coming up….
Sun 23 Nov
Sun 23 Nov
Sun 23 Nov
Canon Peter Stuart, Coracle
Eastbourne Carnival
book signing after 8am & 9.30am services
Youth Group, Vicarage, 6.30pm
Fri 28-Sun 30 Parish Advent Retreat, Magnificat Community, Featherston
Sun 30 Nov Advent Sunday
Ezee Meals 10am-12noon, hall
Interment of Ashes - Roma Burrows 3.30pm
Tuesday “Me, My Shelf and I” (Don McIlroy) 11am,
Eastbourne Library
Women’s Christmas Evening 7.30pm,
9 Cheviot Rd, Lowry Bay
Wednesday Morning Prayer 9am, church
Centering Prayer 12 noon, church
Reading partners
2pm, San Antonio’s
Thursday Morning Prayer 9am, church
Vestry Meeting
10am, church
7.30pm, Lounge
Friday Pop In and Play 9am, hall
Saturday Meditation Group 8am, church
St Michael’s Kelburn, Retreat Day at St Alban’s
Ordination Service 2pm, Cathedral
Christ the King – Ko te Karaiti te Kīngī
Liturgical Ass’t:
Rev’d Judith Wigglesworth
Rev’d Dr Eleanor Sanderson
Gillian Howard
Keith Levy
Luke 18:35-end
Luke 19:1-10
Luke 19:11-28
Luke 19:41-44
Luke 19:45-end
Luke 20:27-40
Keith Levy, June Aslett
Peter Baldock
Lit. Ass’t:
Rev’d Judith Wigglesworth
Rev’d Dr Eleanor Sanderson
Jane Tippett (Jutta Chisholm)
Sunday Clubs:
Morning Tea:
Jerry Wellington, Sandra Gillespie
Jane Tippett
Kevin and Helen Mosley
Peter Baldock
Libby Bloomfield, Rose Odlin tbc
Priest Assistant
Vicar’s Warden
People’s Warden
Rev’d Dr Eleanor Sanderson e.sanderson@xtra.co.nz
Rev’d Alexander Brunt
Heather Molloy
Philip Plimmer
562 6076
Day off: Friday
562 7210
562 8513
562 8211
Joy Baird, Libby Bloomfield, Keith Levy,
Franziska Plimmer, Tim Sanderson, Jerry Wellington
Priest Associate & Community
Ministry Coordinator Rev’d Judith Wigglesworth
Parish Office Thurs/Fri 9.30-12.30 stalbansch@xtra.co.nz
973 9036
562 6269
Parish Website
Diocesan Website http://stalbans.eastbourne.net.nz
For up to date news from the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, go to: http://www.anglicantaonga.org.nz
and http://www.www.anglican.org.nz