
The Choices Program
2014 Leadership Institute Application
The Choices Program
Brown University, Box 1948
Providence, Rhode Island 02912-9120
Tel 401-863-3155 Fax 401-863-1247
Exploring Current Challenges: Turkey in the 21st Century
A Choices Leadership Institute
The Choices Program, Brown University, Providence, RI
July 7-11, 2014
Application Deadline: Monday, March 17, 2014
The Choices Leadership Institute is an opportunity to be immersed in the Choices Program’s award-winning curriculum materials and
approach, and plan strategies for introducing the Choices Program to participants’ school districts and beyond. While using the
Choices Program’s forthcoming curriculum unit on modern Turkey as a content focus, participants will examine instructional
strategies for engaging secondary students in the study of contested international issues, share best practices with other dedicated
and innovative teachers, and explore methods for conducting effective professional development.
Content Focus: Modern Turkey
Situated at the intersection of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, Turkey has tremendous geographic, political, and economic
significance. Many world leaders value Turkey as a stable, secular democracy in a volatile region. As the oldest democracy
with a majority-Muslim population in the Middle East, Turkey has proclaimed itself to be a positive source of inspiration for
other countries. However, as Turkey works toward membership in the EU, questions of human rights and constitutional
reform, the meaning of secularism and democracy, the role of religion in society, and Turkey’s relationship with its neighbors
and the world are being explored.
Professional growth through content-rich presentations and discussions
Immersion in the Choices approach to teaching contested international issues to secondary students
Opportunity to interact with outstanding educators from across the country to share strategies for incorporating
content on modern-day Turkey, the new Choices unit on Turkey, and Choices resources in your district
Resources and ongoing support from the Choices Program to conduct professional development activities in your
school, district, and region as outlined in your Action Plan
Designation and recognition as a Choices Teaching Fellow
32-hour certificate of completion
Attend the Institute in its entirety
Complete activities listed in your self-designed Action Plan
Commit to an online discussion with Choices on the progress of your activities
NOTE: Meals, housing, and reading materials throughout the institute are provided and arranged by Choices. There is no cost
for the institute. Participants are required to cover their own travel and parking costs (if any) to and from the institute.
The Choices Program
2014 Leadership Institute Application
The Choices Program
Brown University, Box 1948
Providence, Rhode Island 02912-9120
Tel 401-863-3155 Fax 401-863-1247
Home address:
Email address:
Home or cell phone number:
School name:
School address:
How did you hear about this institute?
The questions below are meant only to help us form a diverse group of educators.
Years of teaching experience:
Grade levels taught:
Subjects currently teaching:
Subjects previously/occasionally taught:
Please describe the type of school and/or district in which you teach (e.g. public or private, urban or rural,
How many students
attend your school?
How many students
are in your district?
The Choices Program
2014 Leadership Institute Application
The Choices Program
Brown University, Box 1948
Providence, Rhode Island 02912-9120
Tel 401-863-3155 Fax 401-863-1247
How would you describe your school’s current use of Choices curriculum units?
Most social studies educators use Choices units on a regular basis
A few teachers use Choices
Most have never heard about Choices
Not sure
How would you describe your district’s current use of Choices curriculum units?
Most social studies educators use Choices units on a regular basis
A few teachers use Choices
Most have never heard about Choices
Not sure
Application Questions
Your participation in this institute represents a significant investment by the Choices Program. We are looking for
educators who will use the skills and knowledge gained from the institute to become leaders in their district and
educational community by introducing Choices materials and approach to other educators.
Please answer each of the following four questions. Please limit your response to two to three paragraphs
for each question.
a. Describe how you currently use a Choices unit in your classroom. How do Choices units fit your
approach to teaching?
b. Why do you want to attend this institute?
c. In what ways have you demonstrated a leadership role in your district or profession?
d. How does your school or district conduct professional development? How many hours are allocated
for professional development? Are teachers required to participate?
The Choices Program
2014 Leadership Institute Application
The Choices Program
Brown University, Box 1948
Providence, Rhode Island 02912-9120
Tel 401-863-3155 Fax 401-863-1247
Your Action Plan
The Choices Leadership institute differs from some summer opportunities for teachers in that we are looking for
teachers who would like to take a leadership role in their school, district, and/or state. While participants do gain
significant content knowledge on the Institute topic — modern Turkey — that will be useful in the classroom, an
additional component of the institute is focused on building leadership.
There are two parts to your Action Plan. In Part A, we ask you to discuss how you will share the knowledge gained
at the institute with teachers in your school and/or district. In Part B, we ask you to tell us how you can share your
knowledge with the greater educational community.
Part A
Please describe your plans for implementing Choices materials and approach in your school and/or district. Please
be specific in terms of dates, number of hours, and whatever other details you can realistically commit to in the
2014-2015 school year. We recognize that plans often change and things happen that are beyond your control.
You will be able to modify the Action Plan as the year progresses.
Part B
In addition to spearheading the implementation of Choices in your school and/or district, we encourage you to
design and conduct other types of outreach. Please tell us how you will conduct this outreach. These strategies
might include (but are not limited to) the following:
Conducting workshops at state social studies conferences;
Demonstrating Choices materials and approach to student teachers at a local institution of higher
education; and
Writing Choices curriculum unit reviews or articles for educational journals or websites.
Note: Choices provides workshop participants with a complimentary pdf copy of the unit featured in a workshop,
so that everyone leaves with a sample to use in his or her classroom.
The Choices Program
2014 Leadership Institute Application
The Choices Program
Brown University, Box 1948
Providence, Rhode Island 02912-9120
Tel 401-863-3155 Fax 401-863-1247
Supervisor Information
Please provide us with contact information for someone who serves in a supervisory role in relationship to you
and can act as a reference for you.
Position and School:
Phone number:
Email address:
How many years have you worked with this person?
Please ask your supervisor to fill out the Supervisor Evaluation Form and return it directly to the Choices
Program. He/she will also need a copy of your Action Plan before completing the recommendation.
Application Instructions
Your application and Supervisor Evaluation Form must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 17.
All parts of the application should be emailed to Choices, with the exception of the Supervisor Evaluation
Form, which may be faxed. Please do not mail your application. Return applications to the Choices Program via
email ( Please put Turkey Summer Leadership Institute application in the subject line.
Choices will communicate with applicants via email. Please add to your email address book to
be sure you receive our messages. Applicants will receive a confirmation email when the Choices Program has
received all pieces of their application. If you do not receive a confirmation email, then we are still waiting for some
part(s) of your application.
Selection and Notification
Applications are due by Monday, March 17, 2014. The selection committee strives to select a group that is diverse
in its geographic location, number of years teaching, and school setting, among other factors. Notification will be
provided via email only on or before Monday, March 31. This is a competitive process. We regret that we cannot
accept all applicants.