2010 Annual Report St. Paul’s United Church 65 Kings Crescent Ajax, Ontario L1S 2M4 1 Minister’s Report ___________________________________________________________________________ 4 In Memoriam _______________________________________________________________________________ 5 Chair of Congregation _______________________________________________________________________ 6 Minutes of Congregational Meetings ___________________________________________________________ 8 Archives _________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Baptism __________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Benevolent Fund __________________________________________________________________________ 15 Bible Discussion __________________________________________________________________________ 16 Blood Pressure Clinic ______________________________________________________________________ 16 Board of Trustees__________________________________________________________________________ 16 Brain Tumour Support Group ________________________________________________________________ 18 Bridge Club _______________________________________________________________________________ 18 CGIT (Canadian Girls in Training) _____________________________________________________________ 18 Christian Education ________________________________________________________________________ 20 Church Council____________________________________________________________________________ 20 Church Office _____________________________________________________________________________ 21 Church School – GAPP (God’s Awesome People Place) __________________________________________ 22 Church Statistics __________________________________________________________________________ 23 Creative Worship Planning Team _____________________________________________________________ 23 Committee of Discernment Report ____________________________________________________________ 24 Communications __________________________________________________________________________ 25 Confirmation Class ________________________________________________________________________ 25 Connecting Hands _________________________________________________________________________ 25 Envelope Steward _________________________________________________________________________ 26 Explorers_________________________________________________________________________________ 28 Fitness Classes ___________________________________________________________________________ 28 Flower Guild ______________________________________________________________________________ 29 Food Bank________________________________________________________________________________ 29 Fundraising _______________________________________________________________________________ 29 Gifts Administration Committee ______________________________________________________________ 30 Junior Choir ______________________________________________________________________________ 30 Lay Visitors Team__________________________________________________________________________ 30 Library ___________________________________________________________________________________ 31 Men’s Club _______________________________________________________________________________ 31 Memorial Fund ____________________________________________________________________________ 32 Messengers ______________________________________________________________________________ 33 Ministry & Personnel _______________________________________________________________________ 33 Oshawa Presbytery ________________________________________________________________________ 34 Osteoporosis Support Group – Ajax/Pickering __________________________________________________ 35 Outreach and Social Action Committee ________________________________________________________ 36 Prayer Group _____________________________________________________________________________ 37 Program Co-ordinator ______________________________________________________________________ 37 Property Committee ________________________________________________________________________ 38 St. Paul’s Prayer Shawl Group _______________________________________________________________ 38 Senior Choir ______________________________________________________________________________ 39 Treasurer_________________________________________________________________________________ 39 United Church Women______________________________________________________________________ 41 Welcoming Committee______________________________________________________________________ 43 Worship & Music Committee _________________________________________________________________ 43 4th Ajax __________________________________________________________________________________ 44 Givings Analysis 2010 ______________________________________________________________________ 45 Budget____________________________________________________________________________________48 2 Minister Rev. Cathy Dilts Administrator Sharon Eagleson Voluntary Pastoral Associate Rev. H. A. Batstone Director of Music Lois Craig, M.M., B. Mus., A.R.C.T. Program Coordinator Cathy Shaw Custodian Lorne Alexander Chair Of Congregation Chair of Church Council Past Chair of Church Council Secretary of Congregation and Council Christian Education Connecting Hands Communications Finance Fundraising William Sheaves Linda Westendorp Ann Dobinson Barbara Kisil Cathy Shaw Cathy Dilts Ann Dobinson Robert Hunt Sharon Castellarin Louise Millette-Schwartz Julie Kubien Wilma Brown Wendy Mason Dave Eagleson Gail Young Sandra Lawson Linda Westendorp Dorothy Wilkins Jeff Shaw Cathy Shaw Sonja O’brien Cathy Houston Nancy Lomax Mark Johnson Ministry and Personnel Property Treasurer Trustees Outreach and Social Action United Church Women Worship Envelope Steward Epistle Editor Church School (G.A.P.P) C.G.I.T. Explorers Messengers 4th Ajax Group Commissioner 3 Minister’s Report Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” (Matthew 18:20) Looking back on all we have shared this past year I am reminded of the truth of Jesus’ words. Where people gather in community, where all are made welcome, friendships are formed, gifts are shared, and caring is shown, Christ is present there. This past year there have been many opportunities to gather as part of God’s family and witness to the love of Christ in our midst; be it singing together in the choir, learning from each other in GAPP, sharing our stories at Bible Discussion, working at the bazaar, gathering around the table for spaghetti dinner, visiting with those who are unable to attend church regularly, or reaching out to the community through Healthy Snack Program; and these are just a few. Be our gatherings large or small, located in the church or in a coffee shop, Christ is present when we gather as loving community. In the Building Up God’s House visioning exercise that we did as a congregation in 2009, identified priorities included a renewed focus on worship and communication as essential parts of congregational vitality. Steps have been taken to address these areas including the formation of Creative Worship Planning Teams twice yearly to plan “contemporary” services, monthly celebrations of the Sacrament of Communion, services of prayer on second Sundays of the month, bimonthly worship at Ballycliffe, and partnering with our friends at St. Timothy’s Presbyterian Church for occasional Taize services. We are blessed to have wonderful gifts; talent, creativity, and leadership in this congregation and we are all enriched through the sharing of them. As part of an ongoing communications strategy we have updated our church’s web site in en effort to ensure it is both current and relevant; Ann Dobinson and Joel Varty for their efforts in this. In addition, many thanks to Steve Kubien for providing the council team with an overview of a Blog and working with myself to understand how to use the technology. That being said the best tool for communicating is our membership. What a joy it is to welcome visitors and new people to this church each week. So keep spreading the word of all that God is doing in this place. Find what it is that gives you joy here and share that with someone else by inviting them to St. Paul’s. The Spirit is moving here, and where it will lead us no one can know, only God. In closing, I wish to thank our staff – Sharon, Cathy, Lois, and Lorne, who give generously of themselves and their time to this church. You are a blessing, and I am grateful for all the ways you support me, and each other, in this work that we share. Thanks too to Valerie Grant, my very thoughtful M&P represent. Your kindness and caring mean a great deal. And so it is with great excitement, but also with an awareness of the hard work that lies before us, that we move into this new year in the life of our church. May God bless us with wisdom and passion as we meet the opportunities before us. Happy New Year! Yours in Christ, Cathy Dilts 4 In Memoriam This page is dedicated to the memory of the members and friends of St. Paul’s United Church who passed away in 2010. In Memoriam Margaret Munro Raymond Dean David Thomas Clarke James Michael Robinson Marion Viola McCleary Douglas Hunter Coy Mary Flora Cope Alice Barker Howard Gibson 5 UNTIL TOMORROW According to the eternal plan, The body returns to the earth as it was, And the spirit to God who gave it. Of all that is material we say, “Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust”; But to the spirit we cry: “Now thou art free, Free from pain and sickness and sorrow, Free from all physical handicaps, Free to dream and sing and work and love. Free to greet old friends and new And Jesus Christ, And to adventure with them forever.” Therefore we say, “Good-bye, good-bye until tomorrow”. By Chauncey R. Piety Chair of Congregation 6 Therefore, now that we have been justified through faith we are at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given us access to that grace in which we now live; and we exult in the hope of the divine glory that is to be ours. St. Paul’s letter to the Romans 5: 1-2. (NEB) I had almost finished this report on a different piece from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans with the theme of FAITH. However, as I was finisihing it, I became aware of the tragedy of the death of a Toronto Police officer. As I learned a few of the circumstances, the old phrase - but for the GRACE of God go I - kept popping in my head. Grace is defined in the Oxford dictionary as; a) the unmerited favour of God, a devine saving and strengthening influence, b) the state of receiving this, c) a devinely given talent. Have you ever been touched by Grace? How does if feel? When does it happen? What does it do to you? You have probably felt it. No, it’s not like indigestion but you do have a warm feeling inside. It is the good feeling when you leave church after a particularly meaningful sermon. Its the warm feeling you get at Christmas sitting with your family and friends. Its the understanding that you have at Easter when you appreciate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins. It is the meaningful good things that we observe and receive without doing something to achieve it. It is the feeling that someone is looking after us. Some call it luck, but that is inferior reasoning and one that does not give GRACE its true credit. It happens all the time but we do not see it for what it is. We take life and our expectations for granted; its what we expect to happen; that we deserve it. We have become somewhat selfish and self serving. We have become a cynical people fortified by scientific reasoning and the blunt negative opinion of those that try to make us swerve from our faith. Do we know all the answers, all the causes, all the facts? There are still quite a number of things we have to yet to understand. Grace and Faith are two of those mysteries that are so profound that it leaves us in awe when we have experienced them. The above citation is quite reflective and I ask you to read it once more. It is very exciting. Grace is a inexplicable wonder, not meant to be understood. It is only faith that allows us to see those moments when God actually touches our life. Be it our blessings, a child born, a warm smile, our family and our friends, some writing, a good word, it is how we see the Grace of God in our life. To see it is to live it. I pray that in the year past and in years future, that God GRACES you as He has GRACED me. God Bless, Bill Sheaves, Chair of Congregation 7 Minutes of Congregational Meetings Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday February 7, 2010 The annual meeting of St. Paul’s United Church was called to order by our Chair Bill Sheaves, in the Sanctuary, at 10:58 am, during our regular worship. A light breakfast was served in the Auditorium this morning at 10am, prior to the commencement of worship. Bill welcomed everyone to the meeting. Rev. Cathy Dilts read the names of those members and adherents who had passed away during 2009: Brenda Gayle Ariss, Elva Brennan, Tina Fost, Roberta Margaret A. Cullingham-Hunt, Sandra Louise McDonald, Jean Murray, Lila Murray, Edith Schofield, Terrence (Terry) Taylor Wilkins, and Gertrude Mabel Willson. This reading was then followed by an opening prayer. Voting: Motion to give all persons in attendance the right to vote was moved by Wendy Mason and was seconded by Steve Lomax. Carried. Adoption of the Minutes: Barb Kisil moved adoption of the minutes of the Congregational Meeting of the Annual Congregational meeting of February 1, 2009, the Congregational meeting of May 31, 2009 and the Congregation Meeting of October 25, 2009. Seconded by Marilyn Mason. No errors or omissions were noted. Carried. Review of the 2009 Annual Report: Bill reviewed the annual report for us highlighting the various committees and the groups that make up our church family. The following change to be noted. Page 41: Under the title of Mission and Service Fund Givings at December 31, 2009, Commitment for 2009 should read $24,500.00. And the Overage for 2009 should read $1,708.65. Retirees: Rev. Cathy Dilts read the names of those people retiring from the various positions/committees within our Church. Bill Sheaves and Rev. Dilts thanked all of those that are retiring, and thanked them for their years of service. Mission and Service Motion: Wendy Mason moved that the target for our M & S Fund remain the same as last year at $24,500 for the year 2010. Motion seconded by Helen Dowse. Carried. Budget: Robert Hunt reviewed the results for 2009, sharing with us that are givings are down with a final result of -$6,586.00. Our bank balance beginning the year 2010 is -$3,436. Robert then continued to present our budget for 2010, resulting in a proposed deficit budget of -$13,779. Many questions were raised from the congregation concerning our financial position and what plans are in place. A synopsis of those includes the following. Can we have the line of credit increased? As a charitable organization we probably will not. Already utilizing the one we have, how will we be able to maintain a higher one? Where is PAR currently? We are currently receiving $5,898 per month via par givings. This represents 67 families and 50% of our donations. We need to increase this number. There is no minimum amount to utilize PAR. How do we compare financially with other churches in the neighbourhood? The struggle is out there in most churches. Robert shared the issues that are currently facing Harmony United Church in Oshawa. Can we loan ourselves the funds from our Capital Fund? It was suggested a motion be made to do so, however this will only be a band aid solution and not long term. We also have expenses that will require the funds in the Capital Fund. Can we access the funds in the Gift Administration Fund? 8 According to Chair of Trustees, Dave Eagleson, we can and the decision is up to the congregation. The following comment/summary was made: Capital funds are needed to cover their expenses and the Gift Administration Fund should be left alone and be allowed to grow. We have 2 options at this time: bring in more families and raise money or make some modifications. Election of Officers: Linda Westendorp moved that we nominate the following individuals: - Ann Dobinson as past chair of Council - Joyce Dawson and Grace Sheaves as members of the Ministry and Personnel committee - Eric Fisico as a member of the Property committee - John Scott and Sharon Castellarin as members of the Worship and Music committee This motion seconded by Randy Sitar. For a renewal of their commitment, we have - Bill Sheaves as the Chair of the Congregation - Dave Eagleson, as chair of the Trustees - Dorothy Wilkins, as Envelope Steward This motion seconded by Michael Morrison. Wendy Mason moved the following nomination: - Linda Westendorp as Chair of the Church Council. This motion seconded by Julie Kubien. Appointment of an Examiner: Ann Dobinson moved that John Fisico be nominated as Examiner for the year 2010. The motion was seconded by Robert Hunt and carried. Visioning Presentation: Rev. Cathy Dilts shared with us a visioning presentation. This presentation summarized the Visioning Event that was held in November 22, 2009. New and fresh brings new energy. Committees need to take some of this information and work with it. Details will be shared in an upcoming edition of the Epistle. Anniversary Year: Linda Westendorp informed us our 60th Anniversary Celebration will be held on Sunday March 7, 2010. The guest speaker will be Dr. Paul Wilson from Emmanuel College. We have extended an invitation to some of our former ministers as well. Our history writing team has been busy updating the last 10 years. And as well there will be a display for our Archives. Linda thanked all those involved. Sharon Castellarin will be contacting former choir members to join the celebration as well. Linda and Louise Johnson will be meeting with the News Advertiser. Linda extended the invitation to all to attend our 60th Anniversary Celebration. Wendy Mason also shared the “Fads”, of what was popular over the years. Do you have anything at home in your personal archives that we can use to represent these on Anniversary Sunday. New Business: St. Paul’s Constitution: Ann Dobinson informed us that the last revision to our constitution was done in February of 2007. After an extensive review it was found the following items required revision at this time. Motion: Ann Dobinson moved that we amend point #5 under the General Guidelines to read: Any changes to this document must be approved at a Congregational Meeting. The changes shall be communicated and made widely known at least two weeks prior to the meeting. The motion was seconded by John Fisico and carried. It was noted that a quorum is based on the Minister being present which therefore correlates to them sitting ex officio on each committee. Motion: Ann Dobinson moved that we amend point #6 under the General Guidelines to read: A quorum of each committee, or the Church Council, shall be a simple majority of the total membership of the group, and the presence of the Minister. The motion seconded by Randy Sitar. 9 After much discussion the above noted motion was retracted. Motion: Ann Dobinson moved that we amend point #13 under the General Guidelines to read: Order of Ministry staff covenanted with St. Paul’s are ex officio members of the Council and all its committees (except for the M&P Committee) However, they are not eligible to be elected as Chairs of committee, with the exception of the Connecting Hands, nor to be elected as congregational representatives to Presbytery or Conference. It is also recognized that Order of Ministry staff are entitled to vote except within the Worship Committee. The motion was seconded by Wendy Mason and carried. Motion: Julie Kubien moved that we approve the deficit budget as it was presented to us in the annual report. The motion seconded by Reg Lawrance. After discussion the motion was amended to read: With the proviso that a recovery plan be developed by Council and any interested parties by our June Congregational Meeting that would lead to a balanced budget by December 2010. That any recovery plan takes into consideration that we include the items recommended by the visioning event specifically to worship and community outreach. The motion was carried with 6 opposed, and 1 abstention. On behalf of the congregation Karen Strong thanked those that prepared our breakfast this morning, and a reminder to take home containers. Karen continued by thanking our staff for an incredible year. Adjournment: On a motion by Wendy Mason at 12:15 pm, the Annual Congregational Meeting was adjourned. Rev. Cathy Dilts led us in a closing prayer. Respectfully submitted, _________________________ Barb Kisil Secretary of the Congregation ___________________________ Bill Sheaves Chair of Congregation St. Paul’s United Church, Ajax Congregational Meeting Sunday March 14, 2010 Bill Sheaves, Chair of the Congregation called the meeting to order at 11:42 am. Bill explained to all those present the agenda for our meeting this morning. Voting: Motion to give all persons in attendance the right to vote was moved by Wendy Mason and seconded by Sean Hayes. Carried. 10 Bill began by sharing photos explaining the state of our roof. The roof is rotting under the steeple. This area was not repaired when the roof had been done. At this time we have to have the roof repaired and determine what will be done with the steeple. An estimate to repair the roof was received at a cost of $4725 which will include the removal of the steeple. Questions and discussion followed. It was explained that when the roof was repaired last time a Coppersmith did take a look at our steeple. There is a hole on the top of the steeple where the cross came off quite some time ago and water is now collecting at the base. A major concern was if we had the funds to have this done. There are funds for the removal of the steeple and the roof repair in the Capital Account. Motion: Move that at this time we go ahead with the roof repair and removal of the steeple to a cost of $4725. The cost will be paid from the Capital Account. The motion was moved by Robert Hunt and seconded by Louise Johnson. Motion was carried. Linda Westendorp informed us that Wendy Mason has retired as a Presbyter. Motion: Move that at this time we nominate Debbie McAdam as a Presbyter to represent St. Paul’s United Church at Oshawa Presbytery. The motion was moved by Linda Westendorp and seconded by Wendy Mason. Carried. Debbie will join Bill Sheaves as our representatives to Presbytery. And finally, Cathy Dilts and Sharon Eagleson shared with us a new candle snuffer and lighter to be used to light our candles during worship. This was purchased with funds from our Memorial Fund. On a motion by Wendy Mason, the meeting was adjourned at 12:07 pm. Bill informed everyone that there is coffee downstairs, to enjoy in fellowship. Respectfully submitted, ______________________ Barb Kisil Secretary to Congregation __________________________ Bill Sheaves Chair of the Congregation 11 St. Paul’s United Church, Ajax Congregational Meeting Sunday June 6, 2010 Chair of the Congregation, Bill Sheaves welcomed all present and called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm. Voting: Motion to give all persons in attendance the right to vote was moved by Karen Strong and seconded by Louise Johnson. The motion was carried. Announcements: Marilyn Cruickshank shared with us the following: Women’s Choir practice will be from 7:00- 7:30 to practice the Father’s Day song. Upper Room Magazine is now available in the Narthex Archives: No Report Bazaar: No report as Jennifer Cree is away and sent her regrets. Discernment Committee: Sharon Eagleson presented a final report from the Discernment Committee for Kim Lawrance. Linda Westendorp advised that the report was accepted and a recommendation to provide support to Kim in her journey as a Lay Minister. In addition, the Discernment Committee has been disbanded. On behalf of the congregation Cathy Dilts conveyed to Kim that we celebrate her discernment and her future journey. The President of B’nai Shalom V’Tikvah, on behalf of their congregation, had presented to St. Paul’s a 60th Anniversary card and a digital photo frame. Debbie McAdam – Presented a request from the UCW for permission for a raffle. Discussion followed to limit/restrict the number of tickets to be purchased by an individual and that tickets will only be sold on the church premises on the day of the Bazaar. Motion: Debbie McAdam moved on behalf of the UCW, “we have permission, in small form, to have a raffle during the Bazaar to raise money for St. Paul’s United Church. Every appropriate safeguard will be taken to do no harm”. The motion seconded by Rolly Grant. Motion was carried with 1 opposed and 1 abstention. Lois Craig recognized, with certificates, the following people who participated in World Religion Day: Lois Craig, Pam George, John Scott, Rolly Grant, John Gutsell, Mabel Spencer, Joyce Dawson, Catherine Ottaway, Sharon Castellarin, Katie Cronin-Wood and Dorothy Wilkins. Financial position: Robert Hunt presented an update on St. Paul’s current financial state. Much discussion occurred reviewing all possible options. Motion: Robert Hunt, Chair of the Finance Committee, moved to allow access to the Capital Fund over the summer months. The motion seconded by Helen Dowse. Motion was carried with 1 abstention. Cathy Dilts reviewed “VISIONING” – Renewal of Church finances must begin with renewal of Church Life. Renewal of the United Church of Canada is not a “program”. Renewal of the United Church of Canada is a way of living – there is no risk and the cost is low. On a motion by Reg Lawrance at 12:10 the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, 12 _______________________ Ann Dobinson Past Chair of Council Secretarial Supply _________________________ William Sheaves Chair of Congregation St. Paul’s United Church, Ajax Congregational Meeting Sunday October 24, 2010 Bill Sheaves, Chair of the Congregation, called the meeting to order at 11:50 am. Bill informed those in attendance that our mandate is to have a minimum of 3 congregational meetings per year. Since forming the agenda is an act of council and since there were no items to be discussed which is cause for celebration, it was decided the meeting was to share Celebrations! Celebrations: Marilyn Cruickshank/Joyce Dawson shared with us the enjoyable presentation, “Music We Love” by Gary Faulkner, Lois Craig and Cathy Dilts. This was so well received and enjoyed by all of those that attended the thought is to have another one with additional performers or perhaps an encore performance? Diane Fleming: Joyce Dawson celebrated a milestone Birthday recently with an auction held at her Birthday celebration. All items were donated by Joyce and monies raised were ($371.00) were donated to St. Paul’s. Congratulations and many thanks Joyce! Brian Sheppard shared with us the following: The Men’s Breakfast Group is meeting the second Saturday of every month, with an average attendance of 12 men. Mini Market was such a great success, that the date for 2011 has already been set with the hopes to have more Vendors present. Prayer Request can be made at praying for godschildren@hotmail.com. You can have prayer requests for both speed bumps and joyous occasions. Karen Strong informed us that members of the UCW are preparing dinner for the Marjorie and Norm White every Friday. Should you like to add your name to the list, please contact Karen Strong. Wendy Mason, our Treasurer, shared with us some of our incredible fundraisers over the past while. The golf tournament netted a profit of $5, 027. The spaghetti dinner raised $678.45. Wendy thanked all of those who supported and assisted. And finally in a matter of 10 minutes $320 was raised from the pie sale! Dorothy Wilkins reminded us that our Stewardship Campaign is scheduled for next Sunday, October, 31, 2010. A potluck luncheon will be held following worship. Dorothy shared with us how much she enjoys volunteering at St. Paul’s in the capacity of the Envelope Steward. Thank you Dorothy! Property Committee Update: On behalf of Wilma Brown, Bill shared with many of items this committee has looked after on our behalf: The new railing was installed in the sanctuary. A reminder that supporting the Capital Fund is key. With these generous donations we were able to complete the following items: Steeple was removed Roof was repaired Railing was installed 13 Elevator repaired Fire panel replaced Thank you to Wilma and her very busy committee. Presbytery Presentation: As one of our presbyters, along with Debbie McAdam and Cathy Dilts as Minister, Bill Sheaves attends Presbytery meetings on our behalf. Bill is a member of the Pastoral Oversight Committee, which looks at how congregations are doing, and ensures that all congregations are adhering to the same principles. Bill shared with us a detailed presentation on the Courts of the United Church. Congregational responsibilities and the duties of the congregation. Our presbytery currently consists of 32 churches, which are represented by lay members and Ministers. Oldest of these being Simcoe Street United Church which is 193 years old. We are reminded that we are all part of a greater thing and can do many more things! Cathy Shaw: During the children’s story this morning the children were all given coins. We should be so very proud of our children as they in turn gave these moneys to St. Paul’s this morning during their offering. Reverend Cathy Dilts led us in a closing prayer. On a motion by Ron Ellis the meeting was adjourned at 12:32 pm. Respectfully submitted, ______________________ Barb Kisil Secretary to Congregation ___________________________ Bill Sheaves Chair of Congregation 14 Archives Our archives are stored in that cabinet on the top floor just outside of the church office. There are some truly amazing things housed in this cabinet as I found out when your Anniversary Committee got together to compile information we wanted to share with the congregation for our anniversary celebration. For instance, there are records that pre-dated our formation as a congregation. That means we have documents and information store here that are older than me! On behalf of the Anniversary Committee I would like to thank the Rev. Dr. Paul Scott Wilson, who was our guest speaker on Anniversary Sunday, and also the members of our congregation who shared their stories and memories of St. Paul’s from years gone by. These antidotes brought back a lot of memories for me and, I am sure, for other members of our congregation. 1950 was indeed, a remarkable year in the life of our congregation. Submitted by Wendy Mason, Archivist Baptism Wendy Mason, Janette Scott and Nancy Longworth assist Reverend Dilts with the sacrament of Baptism. Baptisms are scheduled the third Sunday of each month with the exception of July and August. A prep meeting is held the Thursday prior to the "big day", where we welcome the families, provide a summary of what to expect, and answer any questions they may have. This past year, St. Paul's United Church welcomed nine beautiful children into the family. Submitted by Nancy Longworth Benevolent Fund This discretionary fund is used by the Minister and Office Administrator to help people who find themselves with extraordinary needs. Offerings from Communion Sundays and special donations from congregation members and the United Church Women are deposited in this account. This past year we reached out to fifty-seven people/or families. St. Paul’s gave six $50.00 gift cards each for Walmart to the Youth Shelter and Herizon House as seed money to help people who are beginning a new life on their own. We also made a special Christmas delivery to ten families in the area. They received a food basket, a turkey with all the trimmings and a Christmas card with a gift card from Walmart so that the children would have something special under the tree Christmas morning. We also reached out this past Christmas to a family from Carruther’s Creek Public School with gift cards for Sobeys and Walmart and the Azimi Family with a cash donation. We would like to express our gratitude to the south end Sobeys and their manager John Elderkin for their generous gift of a $40.00 gift card to help purchase the turkeys for our baskets. Also a huge thank you, to the UCW for their generous contribution of gifts for the Christmas Families, as well as others in the community. St. Paul’s - be very proud for all the smiles and happiness your brought to so many. Respectfully submitted by Cathy Dilts and Sharon Eagleson 15 Bible Discussion Our group decided to change its name (formerly Bible Study) to Bible Discussion to better reflect our purpose. We meet each Wednesday morning in the Fellowship Room at 10 AM to 11 AM with Cathy Dilts, our wonderful leader. We have a great group of 16 members (both men and women) who express their thoughts as we discuss parts of the Bible and interpret how it affects our lives. Please consider being a part of this group as you enjoy this fellowship of learning. Submitted by Isobel Bond Blood Pressure Clinic The St. Paul’s Blood Pressure Clinic was held on the second Tuesday of each month from 11 AM to 2PM in the main level back hall. Attendance averaged between 12-25 people, with most being regular attendees. Thank you to Mary Younie for running the clinic when I am not available, and thank you to Lorne Alexander for leaving the table and chairs in the hall for our use. This Blood Pressure Clinic was started in 2000, so we’ve been of benefit to many people over that time, and that’s a great thing!!! Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Ellis, RN (retired) Board of Trustees The current Board of Trustees consists of the following members of St. Paul’s United Church. Term of Service Jewel Cooney Jan. 2012 Wilma Brown Jun. 2011 Dave Eagleson (Chair) Jan. 2013 As a general statement, the Trustees are responsible for the administration of all real and personal property, which is held in trust for the use and benefit of the congregation. Insurance Information Insurance coverage for the period June 1, 2010-June 1, 2011 was arranged on the following basis: Property (building & contents) Boiler and Machinery Comprehensive General Liability Excess Liability Directors’ & officers Liability $3,339,371 $3,339,371 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 16 Financial Details Cash balance at December 31, 2009 $ .48 Interest Income Net Investment Sales $ 7,130.15 $ 71.37 Disbursements (Housing Allowance) ($ 7,202.00) Cash Balance at December 31, 2010 Nil Investments The original investment fund was established on June 29,1988 in the amount of $162,492.93 which represented the proceeds from the sale of the manse. The current portfolio consists of the following investments held in an account at CIBC Wood Gundy. Face Value Fixed Income $27,000 $25,000 $25,000 $23,000 $22,000 $26,000 Description CIBC (GIC) 3.53%, Jan. 14/11 National Bank(GIC) 4.35% Feb. 15/11 Manuilife 6.24% Feb. 16/11 CIBC 4.35% Nov. 1/11 Maple Trust(GIC) 4.65% Jul. 15/12 Manulife 4.08% Aug. 20/15 Mutual Funds Manulife Bank Investment A/C Renaissance T-Bill A/C Total Market Value at December 31, 2010 including cash balance Market Value $ 27,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,116.15 $ 23,507.82 $ 22,000.00 $ 26, 213.28 $ 195.07 $ 20,768.55 $169,800.27 The market value of the fixed income investments reflects current interest rates. However; at maturity only the face value will be repaid. Respectfully submitted by David Eagleson Chair, Board of Trustees Examined by Jim Bond 17 Brain Tumour Support Group The Brain Tumour Support Group has been holding meetings at St. Paul's United Church for over 10 years. Brain tumour survivors and their caregivers receive support, help, care, good information, and friendship from participation in this group. We service people from across Durham Region as we are the only group of this kind in this area. We meet in the Fellowship Room on the first Thursday of every month. All are welcome! As a token of our appreciation for the generous use of this room in St. Paul's, our coffee drinkers' club has donated $125 to the church's benevolent fund. Thank you St. Paul's! For more information about brain tumour support, please contact the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada at 1-800-265-5106 or visit the website at http://www.braintumour.ca Submitted by Lesley-Ann Senior Bridge Club Would you believe there is a great Bridge Club at the church, which invites you to come and join! Meetings are on the second Friday of the months Jan.-May and Sept.-Nov. at 7.30 PM. Where could you have a better time for only $ 2.00 a night? Come and find out! How about all Cribbage players -come and try your hand at this great game. The more people the better the snacks! You would be amazed at how everyone pitches in to tidy up afterwards. Our special thanks, to Bob and Helen Turner who bring the drinks and ice and lend a hand so willingly. A super special thanks to Eileen Phelp for looking after the club for so many years with such grace and charm. A donation of $200.00 was made to the church for the privilege of playing every second Friday of the month at the church. Respectfully submitted, Mabel Spencer. CGIT (Canadian Girls in Training) The year 2010 was a year of transition for our group. Cathy announced she would be retiring from CGIT, and I decided to take over leadership responsibilites. I was lucky enough to rejoin the group in Apil, and was happy to spend some time getting to know the girls. In June we ventured to Camp Ademac for a weekend of Christian Camping and tons of fun before our summer break. We saw ten of our senior girls graduate, and in September we started back with nine members. Our Christmas Vesper Service was titled, “A Change and A Promise” and was graciously received by all who attended. We were happy to welcome our CGIT comrades from Dunbarton Fairport United Church, as well as members of their congregation, for our Vesper service. We celebrated Christmas with a small party which saw us decorating gingerbread cookies and exchanging gifts. 18 We would like to thank everyone who has helped our group this year, especially our members, their families, and our congregation. A special thanks also goes to John and Janette Scott, for helping us stay financially fit, year after year. As well, I would like to thank Cathy Shaw for all her continued support and guidance. We are looking forward to 2011 as we continue to be guided by our CGIT Purpose…Cherish Health, Seek Truth, Know God and Serve Others. Respectfully submitted by, Sonja O'Brien CGIT Financials: Opening Balance January 1, 2010 Income Expenses Closing Balance December 31, 2010 Additional Information $189.20 $1,869.31 $909.31 $1,149.20 Unpaid Expenses $320.00 Outstanding Receipts $ Nil Submitted by: John Scott Examined by: Dave Eagleson 19 Christian Education Mission Statement: Christian Education is Life-long learning and growth through Christian Fellowship”. This committee is diverse and represented by many different groups. They include the 4th Ajax Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, Bible Study, Messengers, Explorers, CGIT, St. Paul's Youth Group, Confirmation Class, Nursery and GAPP (Church School). The CE Committee are group leaders and members of our congregation who believe that it is important to continue learning about God, no matter what age we may be. In 2010, we said goodbye to two of our longterm leaders, Jordan Shaw (Explorers) and Cathy Shaw (CGIT). At the same time we warmly welcomed Deb Gillis and Cathy Houston as our new Explorer Leaders. We also made another addition to our CE family as Sonja O’Brien took over the leadership of our CGIT group. We celebrated with the 4th Ajax as their Scout Troop returned to St. Paul’s and as new leaders were commissioned at all levels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. The 4th Ajax group was also proud to welcome Cub Packs from the Owasco area to our church as they hosted a one-day leadership event designed specifically for the youth. The event was a huge success! To all of our leaders and to all of our dedicated CE members, you have our heartfelt thanks...you are very much appreciated! Respectfully submitted by Cathy Shaw, Chair of Christian Education Church Council The church council of St. Paul’s meets each month from September to June, and we welcome visitors who are interested in witnessing how our group functions. This year’s council members are Rev. Cathy Dilts(minister), Dave Eagleson (chair of Trustees), Ann Dobinson (past chair of council/chair of Communications), Wilma Brown (chair of Property), Julie Kubien( chair of Ministry and Personnel), Cathy Shaw( chair of Christian Education & Program Coordinator), Barb Kisil(secretary to council), Sandra Lawson (president of UCW), Sharon Eagleson(Administrator), Robert Hunt(chair of Finance), Gail Young(chair of Outreach and Social Action), Wendy Mason(treasurer) and Linda Westendorp(chair of Worship and Music). Many groups and committees within the church are represented on this council, and I consider myself very fortunate to work with such a talented group of dedicated individuals. Each of these people should be praised for their ongoing efforts on behalf of their committee or group, and the council as a whole. Without them, the church would not function as smoothly as it does. Thanks to you all! It was with great anticipation that we turned our calendar page last December to realize that in 2010 our church would be celebrating its 60th anniversary in March. A great deal of planning by a few dedicated people made it all possible and it was a wonderful opportunity to be reunited with many of our former members, as well as make those important connections with our current congregation. Making connections and keeping people informed and involved has always been a priority of St. Paul’s. For those of you who attend our weekly Sunday worship service, you are always made to feel welcome. We reach out to our members and adherents in many ways each week through the bulletin, the calendar, the 20 monthly Epistle and in the ongoing work of the church. Our desire is to reach out to you with our message of acceptance and to truly be “the church with the open arms.” The council looks forward to the coming year with faith and a renewed strength which comes from your support. There are always struggles to face, and this congregation has never let us down. When faced with a financial crisis last spring, you responded overwhelmingly to the needs at that time. New people are stepping up and accepting leadership roles, and getting involved in various areas of church life. Others are stepping back and supporting us in a different way. With our lives being so hectic, it is important to seek the level of involvement with which you can be comfortable. It may be just one activity per year, but one for which you have great passion. With God’s guidance and your personal commitment, your faith will be restored and enlightened. I look forward to the next year of my term and to continuing the work of this congregation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Barb Kisil, who is retiring after many years of serving our council as secretary. You will be sorely missed, and we wish you all the best the future holds in store for you. Respectfully submitted by Linda Westendorp, Chair Church Office Report from the office at the top of the stairs: Yes I am still producing the weekly bulletin and monthly calendar but read on to find out some of the other things that have happened. The telephone does certainly ring a lot and that is not a bad thing. I really enjoy talking to members of our congregation as well as people within the community about everything from weddings, baptisms, to assistance for personal needs. I am so grateful for the support I receive from all of you for the Christmas Family baskets - the food and other items to be added to the baskets - it certainly lightens my load. Thank you Barb and Len Kisil for your help on delivery day! Give the Benevolent Fund report a read to see all the good deeds of St. Paul’s. Thank you John Fisico for all your hard work maintaining my computer. Hopefully I only drove you a little crazy!! When I think back to when I first came to St. Paul’s and now, the amount of time I spend producing reports, maintaining the database for the membership of St. Paul’s, Epistle Routes, Connecting Hands and of course the Internet correspondence my computer time has increased tremendously. Thank you too to Helen Dowse for her contribution of supplies to the office. They certainly came in very handy! This year we baptized nine children and gave out the scrolls, produced the certificates and filled out the registers for all of them. Three brides walked down our centre aisle to their waiting groom in 2010. We will not be having a Confirmation Class in 2011. I contacted all the parties but no one was able to attend. But we are trying something new this year! Sarah Wood and Cathy Dilts will be doing an Explorations In Faith gathering the second and fourth Sunday of each month January to April between 12 and 1 p.m. for adults and youth. Good luck you two! I tried a couple things new this year, first an idea had been germinating in my brain for about a year and I decided to present it to Council. As St. Paul's is the home church for the Legion would it not be a wonderful gesture for St. Paul's to present a wreath at the service at The Legion Hall on Hunt Street on 21 November 11, 2010. Council was very supportive and gave me their blessing. I contacted a lovely lady there and she told me the cost would be $65.00 all of which goes to support the Poppy Fund. Many thanks, to the members of St. Paul's and Cathy Dilts for being there and laying the wreath on our behalf. Secondly, I put up a mitten/glove tree in the Narthex for the four Sundays of Advent. And what an outpouring of support!!!!! Thirty-four pairs of mittens, 37 pairs of gloves and 6 mitten/glove and hat sets. I distributed them to Herizon House, the Youth Shelter and our Christmas Families. Thank you to one and all. I just may do this again next year!!!!! Numerous sympathy, get well, encouragement, thinking of you, birthday and other cards were sent to members of our congregation and others in the community. On behalf of St. Paul’s I sent out a total of fiftythree cards and received calls from people saying how great it was to know that the congregation cares and is there for them. Thank you St. Paul’s for making my time here so enjoyable and don’t forget our open door policy. Come by for a cup of coffee, a joke, a laugh, a shoulder to lean on, you are always welcome. Thank you to the volunteers that make my load much lighter with all their help. To Cathy D., Cathy S., Lorne and Lois thanks for the laughs and support you have always given so freely. To my M & P Rep., Grace Sheaves, thank you so much for all the kindness, caring and support you have given me this past year. Respectfully submitted by Sharon Eagleson Church School – GAPP (God’s Awesome People Place) GAPP is a continuous cycle of growth and learning and we’ve done a great deal of each this past year. Our program continues to be geared to hands-on and interactive learning, with provisions made for all age groups. BabyGAPP looks after our nursery aged children, while KinderGAPP provides a program for 3-5 year olds. Children in grades 1-6 are known as GAPPKids and rotate to different workshops each week. Our JWT (Junior Worship Team) did not meet very much this year due to conflicting schedules, however they did come together to present a humorous and memorable play for the White Gift Service and they did help with a variety of charitable projects throughout the year. Special mention needs to go to Valerie Mandarich and Alison Siefert for dedicating their time and talents each week to our KinderGAPP program. They are doing so much more than just babysitting our kids, they are teaching and leading and spreading God’s message to the next generation of believers, and we owe them our thanks. Throughout August and September changes were underway to make our Nursery (BabyGAPP) more appealing and more welcoming. Many thanks to the Property Committee for the work they did to fix the foundation and for the painting that followed. Many thanks also to the Shaw Family for everything they did to help make the room sparkle. Our new BabyGAPP was re-opened with a congregational celebration and is now being staffed on a rotational basis by an incredibly generous roster of volunteers. Our thanks and appreciation to those who are caring for our littlest ones. Respectfully submitted by, Cathy Shaw Program Co-ordinator 22 Church School Financials: Opening Balance: January 1, 2010 $ 549.44 Income: $ 100.25 Expenses: $ 363.78 Closing Balance: December 31, 2010 $ 285.91 There are no unpaid expenses or outstanding receipts. Submitted by: Marie Nesbitt Examined by: Dave Eagleson Church Statistics Membership - December 31, 2009 Resident Non-Resident Inactive Received during 2010 By Certificate of Transfer Total Received Removed during 2010 By Death By Certificate of Transfer Act of Council Other Total Removed Membership - December 31, 2010 Resident Non-Resident Inactive Baptisms Weddings Funerals 322 307 1 14 3 4 7 4 1 0 3 8 300 0 21 321 9 3 3 Respectfully submitted by Sharon Eagleson Creative Worship Planning Team Worship is central to life as a faith community. It reminds us how much God loves us and strengthens us for the work of discipleship in God’s world. Through worship the God-given gifts of all are shared in a 23 variety of different ways; be it singing, greeting, reading, praying or preaching, that together we may feel the presence of the holy in our midst and by grace receive new life. The Creative Worship Planning Team created two worship services each year; one in the spring and one in the fall. In preparation for each service we met five times over the course of 5 weeks to study scripture, reflect on its meaning and message, and then work collaboratively to plan, prepare, and lead services of worship that were creative, inspiring, and engaging. In 2010 this dynamic group created two special services; one focusing on a New Heaven and a New Earth from Revelation that incorporated small group discussion and culminated in a “gallery walk.” The other service explored, through drama and poetry, the story of Adam and Eve and how Christ came to redeem us from the power of sin. Many thanks to Gary Faulkner, Jeff Hibbard, Wendy Mason, Debbie McAdam, Michael Morrison, Winston Pinnock, Susan Reed, Brian Sheppard, Laura Springate, Dorothy Wilkins, Katie Cronin-Wood, Sarah Wood and the many others who shared their creative gifts and participated helping to make these services meaningful and memorable for all. Submitted by Cathy Dilts Committee of Discernment Report At the beginning of 2009, Kim Lawrance, a member of St. Paul’s United Church-Ajax applied to Council for the purpose of becoming an inquirer into the call of ministry. Council appointed the following members to act as its Committee of Discernment: Sharon Eagleson, Helen Martin, Cathy Shaw and Bill Sheaves. Upon application, Oshawa Presbytery appointed Rev. Brian Gee and Rev. Carol Reardon-Smith to assist and authorize the Discernment. (Rev. Gee subsequently resigned from the committee). On April 20 the matter came before the court of Presbytery starting the process. We were guided by the United Church handbook, “Discerning a Call”. The United Church of Canada mandates a minimum of six (6) meetings with the inquirer during a process lasting 12 months. During the year of discernment, the committee met seven times. At the end of the seventh meeting Kim advised us that she no longer wished to follow the path to ordination. To this end the committee made the following recommendations: 1) The Discernment Committee of St. Paul’s – Ajax feel that we have completed the process as laid out in the Manual and fully support Kim’s decision to pursue the call as a Licensed Lay Worship Leader for Oshawa Presbytery. This was our unanimous recommendation to Council. 2) That Council, upon receipt and acceptance of this report, to notify Presbytery of the results and to vote to disband the Committee. The Discernment Committee was disbanded at the Congregational meeting of June 6. I am happy to report that in October 2010, Presbytery acceded to our recommendation and bestowed upon Kim her license to be a Licensed Lay Worship Leader. Submitted by Bill Sheaves 24 Communications The committee members are Jeff Shaw, Arlene McKnight, Jennifer Cree and Ann Dobinson. To reduce expenses some more people were moved to the email distribution list, reducing paper and or stamp costs. There was a thought to change the Epistle publication from monthly to bi-monthly, but with feedback from council, it was recommended that many people enjoyed the monthly update. The Church website is presently still only accessible by the former chair. This is in the process of changing and Communications is working with a member of the Ajax Community and friend of Reg Lawrance, who is highly technical & knowledgeable in the world of Computers. The goal is to have a more up to date website by the end of March this year and that the website is user friendly to allow a transfer of knowledge in the absence of the primary. Thank you to Steve Kubien who showed us the value of blogging which will allow people to submit pictures and other items for display and allow people to post their comments. This is seen as a more viable entity than a source such as Facebook as there is no need for the person posting to create a separate account. Once the website is up, we will have a blog link and on the blog a link back to the home page of the website. Advertisements of our Christmas Services were published in the December Christmas Book which is distributed through the Durham Region as well as the News Advertiser for the two weeks prior to Christmas. Submitted by Ann Dobinson, Chair Confirmation Class On Sunday April 25, 2010, we welcomed Sarah Lomax, Karen Lomax and Daniel Schwartz into full membership through confirmation. They celebrated by serving communion during worship and we assigned a member of Council to each youth to stand with them and represent St. Paul’s. Sarah, Karen and Daniel attended the retreat at Five Oaks the weekend of February 12 - 14 and had a wonderful time. Nancy Lomax saved the day and stepped in to accompany the youth on their trip. Many thanks Nancy! The class was led by Cathy Dilts and Sarah Wood. Respectfully submitted by Cathy Dilts and Sharon Eagleson Connecting Hands Jesus said, “I will not leave you.” (John 14:18) One of the blessings of being church is that we journey in faith as a community: rejoicing together in times of celebration and supporting each other when life gets hard. It is to know that we are never alone. The love of Christ is always near; in a smile, a kind word, in a phone call or a card that says, “We’re thinking of you.” This is the ministry of Connecting Hands: sharing God’s love by connecting people. 25 Through their regular contact with the congregation, members of Connecting Hands offer care and support, and help keep the congregation informed about the life of the church. The Committee met in June for a celebration tea, to share experiences, and exchange ideas. Being part of Connecting Hands is easy. It requires only a few minutes of your time each month and can be done from home at your convenience. If God is calling you to be part of a ministry of care and support we invite you to become part of Connecting Hands. For more information please contact Sharon Eagleson or Cathy Dilts. To those who share their gifts of time and care through this ministry, and to Sharon Eagleson, I say thank you. Submitted by Rev. Cathy Dilts Envelope Steward This year 168 sets of envelopes were distributed. This was 19 less than last year as a number of our congregation had moved away or were no longer supporting St Paul’s. Many thanks to the 163 givers who did contribute to the ongoing operation and outreach of this church in 2010!! Changes in Envelope use in 2010: Over the year Weekly envelope users increased by 2, Monthly users by 3 and PAR users by 5. A total of 8 envelope users were lost because of transfer to PAR, financial difficulties or moves out of our region. Changes to PAR documentation (March Epistle): Effective March 1st 2010, the rule governing preauthorized payments in Canada changed. The changes were primarily in documentation for the information and protection of the donor and included a new application /authorization form, written confirmation of changes requested and a new Cancellation form. Givings: The total tax receiptable donations this year, was $215,865.64 as compared to $201,025.04 in 2009 – wonderful! Givings to Local (general operating fund) was $164,416.64 and greater than the 2010 budgeted amount of $150,347 – amazing! Special thanks to all those who dug deep throughout the year to encourage and support this ministry! In particular the response in June was awesome! We received $32, 754.60 for Local in June compared to the budget expectation of $15,600. Thank you all very much! This year we added 3 new categories of giving, all of which will appear on your regular tax receipt for 2010: Memorial Hymn Sing which brought in $1530, half of which was sent to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank and the remainder to St Paul’s Memorial Fund. Bulletin Sponsorship and the Flower Guild monies ($200 and $160 respectively) are all directed to Local. 26 Summary 2009 Active envelopes, # 89 21 67 71 248 Givings, $ 2010 Active envelopes, # 70 19 75 83 247 Givings, $ Weekly $55,702.55 $55612.60 Monthly $23,213.25 $15,851.99 PAR $113,466.80 $132,987.25 “Other”* $8,642.44 $6,631.84 Total, $201,025.04 $211,083.68 Identifiable givers “Loose” $2,996.53 $4,781.96 collection Total, all $204,096.57 $215,865.64 givers * Visitors/ participants who do not normally give to St Paul’s, e.g. Golf day, Memorial Hymn Sing. It is a pleasure to serve St Paul’s and I owe special thanks to Robert Hunt and the members of the Finance Committee for their guidance in 2010. Thank you to the Ushers who ensure that the givings are properly collected and passed on for safekeeping. Also special thanks to June Gellatly, Delmar Coull, and Linda Westendorp who helped to count and deposit our collection. Submitted by Dorothy Wilkins Stewardship Campaign 2010 Together We Can This year we streamlined the whole process and I think we had a lot more fun with a lot less work. I hope you agree. The “epistle” format allowed more creativity and an easier read. It certainly was easier to collate and mail. It allowed many packages to be distributed by e-mail and the remainder to be mailed at a lower rate. A special thanks to Jeff Shaw and Ann Dobinson for working with us to make this happen! Summary: Total Campaign packages To members & adherents Distribution Returns 2009 292 2010 265 Pick-up and mail e-mail – 148 mail - 117 60 58 Although the returns were few, this process serves a number of very important functions. 1. It provides up-to-date financial information to the entire congregation 2. It sets aside a specific time to review our giving, evaluate our commitment and make plans for next year. 3. The returns provide information regarding congregational support and information to facilitate the changes in PAR for the coming year. 4. And last but not least, a great time for the congregation to celebrate at the Pot luck luncheon. This is the first Stewardship Campaign, I can truthfully say I enjoyed. First we sow and then we reap. 27 Thank you and God bless. Submitted by Dorothy Wilkins on behalf of the Stewardship Committee Cathy Dilts, David Eagleson, Robert Hunt, and Wendy Mason. Explorers Explorers started off after the summer break with a new leadership team of Cathy Houston and Deb Gillis, with Junior Leaders Laura and Elizabeth Houston. Jordan Shaw, who has moved onwards to life at University, has done a wonderful job for many years and will be sorely missed. The Explorers group was blessed to have her. We welcomed some new girls who graduated from Messengers to make a group of 11. Some of our activities so far have been running the White Elephant table at the Bazaar and using the proceeds to purchase presents for the White Gift service, singing at the CGIT Vesper service, drama night, games night, PJ party and country study on Haiti. We look forward to 2011. Respectfully submitted by Cathy Houston, Explorer Leader Explorers Financials: Opening Balance January 1, 2010 Income Expenses Closing Balance December 31, 2010 Additional Information $1,002.58 $1,053.61 $925.76 $1,130.43 Unpaid Expenses $ Nil Outstanding Receipts $ Nil Submitted by: John Scott Examined by: Dave Eagleson Fitness Classes My name is Janette Mcdermott. I have been a fitness instructor for over 20 years. In the last year, I have been offering fitness opportunities here at St. Paul’s. On Tuesdays throughout the year I offer an Ab class that works on general fitness with a focus on the abdominal areas and on Thursdays in the warmer months I offer a outdoor Boot camp that focuses on 28 stamina and general muscular development. Both classes are designed to help you set and reach your personal fitness goals. Join us at either or both classes. It will be the toughest hour you will ever love! For further information contact Sharon Eagleson at the church office. Submitted by Janette Mcdermott. Flower Guild Remembrance & Celebrations September 2010 was the inception of the Flower Guild. The congregation may request a rose be placed on the Communion Table in memory of a loved one passed, or in celebration of an anniversary or birthday. Your request is noted in the Sundays bulletin and and shared with the members of St. Paul's. We hope through prayer and acknowledgement we can bring comfort or brighten your day. Request forms can be found in the narthex. Respectfully submitted by Sharon Castellarin Food Bank See OSAC Report Fundraising QSP - Magazine Subscription Orders A total of $1,630.13 orders we processed this year giving St. Paul's a profit of $559.07. Submitted by Sharon Castellarin 29 Gifts Administration Committee Bequest Fund During the year, we received a bequest of $1000.00 from the estate of Howard Gibson. Investments Face Value Description Fixed Income $12,275 GE Capital Canada 4.88%, Jan. 17/14 Cash Market value at December 31, 2010 Market Value $10,908.55 $ 3,224.29 $14,132.84 The market value of the Fixed Income investments reflects current interest rates. At maturity, the face value will be repaid. Submitted By Dave Eagleson Examined by Jim Bond Junior Choir Early in 2010 due to the size of the group, it was decided to suspend it until the fall. In the fall through articles in the Epistle, it was communicated that a minimum of five members were needed, as not every member can attend all the practices and several times in the past, there had been only one child at a practice. Unfortunately there weren’t enough children to restart the group. If there are parents of children aged six and older who are interested in having their children sing in this group, please call me at 905-428-1457. Respectfully submitted Lois Craig, Director of Music for St. Paul’s Lay Visitors Team “The church is wherever the people are sharing the Word of the Bible in gift and in deed” This is our goal. Our dedicated team of volunteers make regular visits in person and by phone to bring words of encouragement to those shut-in and no longer able to attend worship. The elements for Communion are taken from the Communion Table and shared with those who wish to receive it. At Easter and at Christmas using the funds entrusted to us by the congregation, suitable gifts accompanied by a card signed by the Minister are delivered. These are sincerely appreciated by the shut-ins. 30 Lay Visitors include Isobel Bond, Rolly Grant, Valerie Grant, Marie Pos, Mary Younie, Gladys Snelling and we are delighted to have a new member, Susan Reed, who joined us this year. Those on the roster to visit in 2010 are; Charlotte Stinson, Sheila Galloway, Jean Elliott, Drucella Gomiz, Caroline Baird, Viiolet Hunter, Barb Pickell, Margaret Hopewell, Marjorie and Norm White, Ruth Killin, Shirley Allens, Ken and Flo Wood and Paul Gellatly. Howard Gibson passed away in December 2010. His faithful visitor attended the funeral. If there are others from our congregation who would welcome pastoral care, please contact the office and we will do our best. Sincere thanks to the congregation and the Minister for your prayers and financial support. Respectfully, Louise Johnson, Coordinator Library The Library Collection contains approximately 740 items. These can be found under the following classifications: Biblical/Issues, Church History, Devotional, Family/Teen Self-Help, Adult Self-Help, Adult Fiction/Non-fiction, Junior/Teen novels, Children Fiction/Nonfiction, Children’s Biblical, Multimedia. Weeding and reorganization of the adult book sections has been completed. All adult books are now arranged on the shelves in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Members of the congregation have donated new and gently used books. All donations were gratefully received and processed into the collection. The updating of the database is being worked on. The aim is for the database to reflect the current items in the collection and their arrangement on the shelves. Further goals for 2011 will be to locate additional shelving for the expanding collection and to improve the shelving labelling. Colleen McLaren Men’s Club All the best to the congregation in 2011 from the Men's Group! We have met four times, on the second Saturday of the month, for breakfast. Because of the heavy demands on our church facilities we might have to change the date to the third Saturday. The get togethers are strictly for fellowship. This group doesn't have a formal setting. If that is the type of environment you like please feel free to join us. On any given day we have 12 to 14 at the gathering. If you can only attend 1 or 2 breakfasts so be it. You don't have to call ahead because there is always plenty of food. The group has agreed to provide the Easter Sunday breakfast this year at 8:30am. By then we should have mastered the preparation of breakfast. 31 I hope you noticed that I refrained from referring to it as a meeting, it is not a meeting, it is fellowship. Our format is simple. A couple of group members volunteer to do breakfast and a number of men help them with setup and clean-up. We hope to see all the MEN of the church at breakfast. Submitted by Brian Sheppard Memorial Fund Donations to the St. Paul’s Memorial Fund were received this year in memory of the following people: Robert Alexander, Doug Coy, Howard Gibson, Roberta Hunt and Terry Wilkins. $150.00 was paid for the brass candlelighter we use during worship. A page in the Memorial Book shows all the names of the contributors and the people in whose name(s) the donation is being made. Our Memorial Hymn sing on September 19, 2010 was a huge success and the contribution to the Memorial Fund came to $764.00. We also made a purchase of new candles and brass followers for the candelabras (which debuted at our Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service) in the amount of $407.42 but that amount is not reflected in the totals as the bill did not come in until January 2011. Many thanks to all! Respectfully submitted by Sharon Eagleson Treasurer of the Memorial Fund FINANCIAL STATEMENT Opening Balance: January 1, 2010 Income: Expenses: Closing Balance: December 31, 2010 $1,725.83 $889.00 $150.00 $2,464.83 The investment money for the Memorial Fund is a high interest rate savings account through CIBC Wood Gundy. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Opening Balance: January 1, 2010 Income: Expenses: Closing Balance: December 31, 2010 $5,629.52 $47.96 $ 0.00 $5,677.48 Respectfully submitted by Sharon Eagleson Examined by James Bond 32 Messengers January to May 2010 During this time with had nine girls. Our leaders were Nancy Lomax, along with Junior Leaders Nicole Lomas and Mary Kehoe. We did crafts, read Bible stories, and played games during our weekly evenings. As well, we went Bowling, to Rotary Park, had a birthday party (one night to celebrate everyone getting older!) and a joint Graduation with the Explorer Group. We had three girls graduate and move on to the Explorer Group. September to December 2010 During this time we have four registered girls. Our leaders have changed somewhat. Nancy Lomax is still heading our Junior Leaders, however, Nicole & Mary have drifted more to the background, as they are in Grade 11 and are concentrating our their studies. Sarah Lomax and Karen Lomas have come on as the current Junior Leaders and have brought fresh ideas with them (we are hoping to bake one evening in the future) As well as our usual nights, we have had a game night and several parties. Our Halloween party was joint with the Explorere. Our Christmas party was our last night in December, before we took a break for the holidays. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Lomax, Messenger Leader Messengers Financials: Opening Balance January 1, 2010 Income Expenses Closing Balance December 31, 2010 Additional Information $938.21 $358.12 $286.08 $1,010.25 Unpaid Expenses $ Nil Outstanding Receipts $ Nil Submitted by: John Scott Examined by: Dave Eagleson Ministry & Personnel Our staff members are Rev. Cathy Dilts (Val Grant), Lorne Alexander (Reg Lawrance), Sharon Eagleson (Grace Sheaves), Lois Craig (Joyce Dawson), Cathy Shaw (Julie Kubien). At the time of printing we still have one opening for the committee. This committee, appointed by Council, has a mandate to oversee the human resource function within the pastoral charge of St. Paul's. We meet regularly to discuss staffing issues and concerns. We maintain and update job descriptions, remuneration, and working conditions. We offer support and encouragement for the continuing educations and training of our staff. April 2010 saw Julie Kubien and Val Grant attend the Ministry and Personnel Workshop, held at Courtice United Church. They updated the committee on the information and supportive materials available. 33 In May, some committee members, including Julie, met with representatives of the Pastoral Oversight committee from Presbytery. We discussed our current status, goals, and were asked to examine our attitudes. They offered suggestions and best practices from their experience. Thanks to Julie Kubien, chair of the committee, for setting such a positive team spirit and supplying guidance this year, despite being fairly new to her position. For the year of 2010, once again at St. Paul’s we have benefited from our experienced, cooperative, and dedicated staff, which makes the committee’s work that much easier. Respectfully submitted, The M&P Committee New Wine Group In 2009 we as a congregation spent a day dreaming about the future of St. Paul’s UC and visioning for the future. The process was called “Building Up God’s House.” That exercise identified as congregational priorities the areas of worship and communication; looking for ways to enhance and diversify worship experiences and make our presence known in the community. As part of that, a need was identified to create more frequent opportunities for us to gather as a faith family for fun and fellowship. Hence the New Wine Group was born. The mandate of this group is to launch new opportunities for fellowship and then invite others in to help bring them to life. On Sunday December 19th, 34 people from St. Paul’s attended the matinee presentation of “The Animal’s Gift” at Bowmanville Zoo. This version of the Christmas Story, as told by the animals, was a wonderful and endearing retelling of the sacred story. Kid’s were even invited to get autographs from the animals at intermission. Thanks to everyone who supported this endeavour, and to those who helped make it happen. Planned events for next year include a St. Paul’s Bowling Night in January and possibly a Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? event in the spring. If you would like more information or to be part of this Social Committee, please speak to Cathy Dilts. Submitted by Cathy Dilts Oshawa Presbytery There are presently three members of St. Paul’s that represent our congregation at Oshawa Presbytery. Rev. Cathy Dilts (ministerial member), Debbie McAdam and Bill Sheaves (lay members). Presbytery is the next level of church court in the United Church of Canada hierarchy. It acts as a supervisory body that is responsible for ministerial, administrative and property concerns of the individual congregations. Presbytery meets at different churches once a month except for the summer. There were three major activities that were addressed by Presbytery in 2010. 1. Oshawa Presbytery began a course of revisioning for our Churches in Presbytery. We began an investigation to look at where we are and where we want to go in our future. The present chair of Presbytery, Rev. Larry Doyle with our own Rev. Dilts have engaged a committee to facilitate this 34 investigation and all members of Presbytery are working hard to come up with recommendations to benefit our church. 2. Presbytery oversaw the closing of two churches: Harmony United (last service Jan. 9 2011) and Zion United. Harmony joined with Faith United in Courtice and Zion closed completely. 3. Presbytery members of St. Paul’s United (Ajax) supported a motion by Presbytery’s Education and Students committee (on recommendation by St. Paul’s congregation) to put forth the nomination of Kim Lawrance to become a Licensed Lay Worship Leader. This was unanimously passed. Bill Sheaves gave a presentation to the congregation of St. Paul’s on the responsibilities and obligations of Presbytery and Congregation as defined by the United Church Manual. This past year was a busy and exciting one, enjoyed by your members. Submitted by Bill Sheaves Osteoporosis Support Group – Ajax/Pickering Best wishes to everyone for a Happy and Healthy New Year! Thank you for letting our Group use the Fellowship Room – we really appreciate it! A special thank you to Sharon Eagleson and Lorne Alexander for all their help. It was another exciting year for the Ajax-Pickering Osteoporosis Support Group. We had an excellent variety of guest speakers. To name a few – Anne Gideon of Just Get Organized showed us how to declutter and organize our homes; Bunny Locket from the Regional Municipality of Duham’s Works Department helped us sort out our blue box (recycling) and green box (composting); Clair Boire from Homewell Senior Care explained all the services they can provide to seniors to make living at home easier; Michael Horbay from the Canadian Diabetes Association talked to us about living with diabetes; Angela Sokol, a R.N. and Foot Care Nurse explained the importance of taking care of your feet and wearing the proper shoes; Julian Rawlins of Osteoporosis Canada updated the Group on the latest information and treatments available for osteoporosis. Why not make 2011 the year you decide to join our Group! Our membership fee remains the same $10.00 for eight meetings or if you are unable to attend all eight, $2.00 per meeting. Our meetings are held from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM in the Fellowship Room on the first Wednesday of every month, except for June, July, August and December. Everyone is welcome – so come out and join our Group to gain knowledge and support while coping with osteoporosis. Even if you don’t have osteoporosis, come out and have some fun! Hope to see you at our next meeting – we have another fantastic year planned! If you would like additional information, please call Odette at 905-831-4471 or Linda at 905-509-6510. 35 Outreach and Social Action Committee In 2010, the Outreach and Social Action Committee has continued to promote the United Church of Canada’s Mission and Service fund through our “Minute for Mission” presentations during Sunday worship. The total M&S givings for 2010 were $27,069.90 exceeding our goal of $24,500.00. Thank you to all who have the supported the Mission and Service fund throughout the past year including the awesome St. Paul’s UCW who very generously donated $1,700.00! During 2010, St. Paul’s sponsored 12 Blood Donor Clinics throughout Ajax. This is the 13th year of this vital outreach and once again OSAC would like to take this opportunity to thank the many dedicated volunteers from St. Paul’s who help make this happen! The Canadian Blood Service continues to rely on us for this important service project. St. Paul’s involvement with the Healthy Snack program at Bolton C. Falby School is also in its 13th year. The program is under the umbrella of Durham’s Child Nutrition Project and is funded by such services as Ministry of Children and Youth Services, Durham Region Income Support department, Trillium Foundation and United Way of Ajax and Pickering. As well, through the volunteer efforts of Diane Fleming, Bell Canada (her former employer) has contributed $1,500.00 to the program over the last 3 years. Volunteers from St. Paul’s arrive at the school between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays to prepare a healthy well balanced snack for approximately 602 students. The following are our very dedicated volunteers from St. Paul’s: Debbie McAdam, Isabelle McLaren, Isobel Taylor, Delmer Coull, Rolly Grant, Cathy Shaw and Diane Fleming. We have continued to work with members of Crossroads Community Church. Other team members include Donna Frankum (from St. Timothy’s Presbyterian) and Swarn Parmer, Julia Needham, Mariah Peel and Pat Stokes (from the Ajax community). On an ongoing basis, OSAC continues to encourage the regular donation of items to the Salvation Army food bank utilizing boxes at the back of the church to collect these items. Once again, our heartfelt thanks to our faithful volunteers Sue and Cornie Tessman for their tireless dedication in delivering the contributions on our behalf to the food bank. As well, the December White Gift service provided many boxes of wonderful gifts (special thanks to the Explorers for their extraordinary support!) which were delivered to Herizon House (women and children), Cornerstone (men) and the Youth Shelter (youth, as well as monetary and food donations for the Salvation Army food bank. Some of our White Gifts and a monetary donation on behalf of St. Paul’s, were delivered to the Afghani youth who arrived in Canada in late January. Here is a quick rundown of St. Paul’s OSAC in action in 2010! In January, some of us participated in a Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament (C.A.P.P.) rally in Whitby. In March, we enjoyed a Class Act dinner theatre outing which raised $600 for the newly arrived Afghani youth. St. Timothy’s Presbyterian Church joined with us and donated $418.61 for the Afghani youth. On March 21, we organized an inspiring “Global warming…what next?” service featuring special guest speaker, Eric Novak, a Climate Project Canada presenter. We continued to support KAIROS by raising awareness of their funding cuts and by promoting their UNDRIP petition. We “connected” with the Inter-Church Immigrant Support Group for Durham and the Ajax Community Garden planning group. We organized a 100 Mile Diet service and mini farmers market in September, and a Down East Kitchen party in November. We truly had some of the most interesting discussions on an ever-changing variety of topics at our monthly meetings. Our regular monthly meetings are on the second Sunday of each month (excluding July and August) at 9 a.m. Please consider joining us for some of our fascinating discussions! We are also visible to our church family on the third Sunday of each month as we provide coffee service, and also at this time display our portable bulletin board, created to keep you up-to-date on M&S issues. Further information about your Outreach and Social Action Committee can be found on the St. Paul’s website (soon to be “refreshed”), or ask a member! 36 Thank you to all of our St. Paul’s family for your faithful involvement in the important outreach work of St. Paul’s! Your OSAC Committee – Gail Young (Chair), Colleen McLaren, Rev. Cathy Dilts, Mandy Johnson, Helen Dowse, Wendy Mason (M&S Enthusiast), Brian Sheppard, Laura Springate Prayer Group This small group gathers on the first Thursday of every month at 10 a.m. to share joys and concerns and to pray for people in our congregation, the community, and the world who have indicated a desire to be prayed for. We also give thanks for answered prayers and rejoice in the blessing of God. This group, in partnership with Wednesday morning Bible Discussion, helps to support the prayer ministry of St. Paul’s UC by communicating prayer needs through the email link prayingforgodschildren@hotmail.com and assisting with the Prayer Services after worship on second Sunday’s. If you would like more information about prayer ministry here at St. Paul’s please speak to Cathy Dilts. Submitted by Cathy Dilts Program Co-ordinator This past year, like all the others since I’ve worked for you, has been wonderfully busy and full of new experiences and lots of great people! As your Program Co-ordinator, I am fortunate to work and worship in a place where love and the laughter are abundant. In February, we celebrated our Volunteers once again at our 5th annual Appreciation Tea. What a wonderful way to honour all those who give so much to our church! This year I handed out 268 invitations…way to go St. Paul’s! Thank you also to our Church Council for providing the food for the celebration. I hope to see each of you this February for our 6th annual celebration! From February to July, I was busy preparing for another Vacation Bible School. In August we “Joined Forces with God” at our “Hero Headquarters” VBS. For one week we opened our doors each morning to share God’s love and message with forty children from our community. What a wonderful week of fun, laughter and learning…for all of us! My heartfelt thanks go out to the twenty-one young people and the “young at heart” who staffed our VBS this year and made it such a rewarding experience. At Easter we held our 3rd Annual EGGstravaganza! Between the Sunrise Service and the Easter Service, the church building was turned into a hunting ground for Easter goodies. After the hunt, there were crafts and treats to enjoy. Thank you to all of the “Easter Bunnies” who helped with this project. Our picnic in June was a little different this year as the weather forced us indoors. Not to be discouraged, we simply modified the games and the food and everyone still had a blast! As a delicious addition and fundraiser, Sharon Castellarin arranged for an ice cream truck to park outside the door and offer us sweet treats. 37 In October we held our second “Halloween For Hunger” campaign and were thrilled with the response. On Halloween, our church youth, our minister and my husband and I canvassed our church neighbours asking for donations for our local food bank. People were thrilled to “put a face to our church” as they generously handed us bags of groceries…and Halloween treats for the hard working youth. This year we also invited our congregation to add their contributions to that of the community and the end result was a donation of 810 pounds of food to the Salvation Army Food Bank on Kings Crescent! This will be a continuing program, so stay tuned to see how you can help next year. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be your Program Co-ordinator and for allowing me the privilege of working and walking with you as we journey together. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ideas and concerns with me and for your continued support. To Sharon, Lorne, Lois and Cathy, thank you for being the best colleagues in the world! Many thanks to Julie Kubien and the rest of the M&P Committee. It’s nice to have such great people in my corner! Respectfully submitted by Cathy Shaw, Program Co-ordinator Property Committee The Property Committee is responsible for the building and property of St. Paul’s. This includes negotiating contracts, recommending repairs and improvements to Council, and authorizing expenditures within our budget. Several projects were completed during the year. Wiring to the illuminated sign was completed. The nursery walls were repaired and painted. The exterior window frames in the CE wing, and the shed were painted. Budgeted expenses included fencing ($2956), furnace repair ($1253) and elevator repair ($3097). In addition there were unbudgeted expenses. The steeple was removed and the roof repaired ($4882). The fire alarm panel had to be replaced ($2011) and a new removable railing to the Chancel was installed ($1333). Your regular contributions to the Capital Fund enabled us to meet these unbudgeted expenses. The Spring and Fall cleanups were well attended. Thank you to those who helped. Thank you to the committee members: Lorne Alexander, Rolly Grant, Eric Fisico, Stephen Lomax, Scott McMullen and Bob Pellow, who donated their time and talents during the year and we would happily welcome more members to this group. Respectfully submitted by Wilma Brown, Chair St. Paul’s Prayer Shawl Group Prayer Shawls help provide a “hug from God”. This group, now entering its second year, meets monthly and our number is slowly growing. We have approximately 8 ladies who come together in fellowship and prayer, as we make shawls and lap robes to be given to people in time of need. We have made about 50 shawls and lap robes and a few prayer bears for children. At our December meeting, we had several shawls on hand and decided to give five to St. Timothy’s to be distributed at their discretion. 38 Some members of St. Paul’s, who don’t attend our monthly meetings, have made shawls and several people have generously made cash donations, which has been most helpful in purchasing yarn. A few people have also donated yarn, which has been put to good use. If you would like information or know of someone who you feel would be comforted by receiving a prayer shawl or prayer lap robe, please contact June Ruben or Cathy Dilts. Respectfully submitted by June Ruben Senior Choir The Senior Choir of St. Paul's United Church meet each and every Thursday evening from September to June in a two hour practice under the direction of Lois Craig. Our group of 17 strong, practice hymns for Sunday services, learn new anthems, prepare for special services, namely the Legion Remembrance Day, Christmas and Easter services. For 2010 this also included our Anniversary Sunday, in which former choir members were invited back to join in the service and celebrations. Renewing old friendships made the day extra special. With a little help from our friends, who stepped in on various occasions with their musical talents - our wonderful minister Cathy Dilts and her flute, Gary Faulkner, Rachel Wood, AJ and Eric Fisico, Nicholas Reynolds, Martine Miller, Grace Sheaves and Marilyn Cruickshank, we hope the music inspired and renewed your spirt for the coming week. At our Christmas get-together this year the choir visited the home of Norman and Margorie White with a carol sing and homemade pastries, a truly rewarding experience for our members to have brought some joy to a wonderful couple of St. Paul's. We are always happy to welcome new members, please feel free to join us any Thursday, we would love to have you. Respectfully submitted by Sharon Castellarin Treasurer TREASURER’S FINANCIAL REPORTS HOLDING ACCOUNT FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2010 Account Number 32102 0424889 Balance forward January 1, 2011* Capital Fund Givings: Congregation $8,172.00 UCW 500.00 $8,672.00 $15,988.31 8,672.00 39 Cheques: Precision Elevator Hamlet Roofing Wasdell Centre RBC Visa * RBC Visa ** Ajax Home Renovations Mircom Technologies Cheques from Choir Funds Balance forward * Keith Walton Liane James Pam George Canadian Choral $3,097.50 4,882.50 2,956.38 451.97 112.99 1,333.40 2,011.40 $ 16,099.31 -16,099.31 $2,060.00 412.50 100.00 510.52 26.85 $1,049.87 1,010.13 Interest .34 Bank Charges - 24.00 Balance at December 31, 2010 $ 9,547.47 *The balance forward at January 1, 2010 included the amount of $2,060.00 designated for the Senior Choir’s use and the cheques written against this amount is noted below. MISSIION AND SERVICE FUND GIVINGS AT DECEMBER 31, 2010 Givings: Congregation UCW TOTAL FOR 2010 $25,369.90 1,700.00 $27,069.90 FOR REPORTING PURPOSES ONLY FOOD BANK GIVINGS AT DECEMBER 31, 2009 Givings Cheque issued to the Salvation Army Food Bank $430.00 $430.00 BENEVOLENT FUND GIVINGS AT DECEMBER 31, 2009 40 Congregational givings Christmas families givings UCW TOTAL FOR 2009 $2,732.38 164.00 200.00 $3,097.38 Submitted by Wendy Mason, Church Treasurer Reviewer’s Statement I, John Fisico, have reviewed the financial records of St. Paul’s United Church as at December 31, 2010 and the statements of Income and Expense for the year then ended. I have obtained all the information and explanations I have required. Based on my review, nothing has come to my attention that causes me to believe that these financial statements do not accurately reflect the financial position of St. Paul’s United Church, Ajax, for the year 2010. Ajax, Ontario January 2011 John Fisico United Church Women We are women of St. Paul's who meet once a month to encourage one another to be involved in study, fellowship and service as it relates to our Church, the community and the world. We meet on the third Monday of the month at 7PM from September to June in the Fellowship Room. New members are always welcome. Our many talented members contributed to St Paul’s in so many ways. Just to name a few, UCW members knitted and provided prayer shawls, officiated at the UCW Service, participated at Presbytery and Presbyterial levels, worked diligently throughout the year making crafts for the bazaar, participated in St Paul’s 60th anniversary. Excellent speakers attended our meetings throughout 2010. Julien Rawlins from the Durham Region Health Dept provided helpful information about osteoporosis. Tom Clarkson took us on a pictorial trip to Africa. Paul Hamilton from St. Timothy’s Presbyterian Church presented information about Fair Trade as it is carried out in Nicaragua. Fund raising included ‘Love is in the Air’ bake sale in Feb. a soup sale in March, a pie sale in May, and a very successful bazaar in November. We thank all who helped make these fund raising events so successful. We continued to make Outreach donations. For example, locally, we supported Herizon House and a donation was made to Rouge Valley Health Centre to assist in the purchasing of an MRI machine. Globally we continued to support Sleeping Children Around the World and World Development and Relief. 41 Disbursements were made to the Church Council, Mission and Service Fund, the Benevolent Fund and Capital Funds Projects. We continued to supply the congregation with Fair Trade coffee for the after service get together and for special events. Watch for our Epistle messages throughout the year! Submitted by Diane Fleming UNITED CHURCH WOMEN Financial Statement Not-For-Profit Operating Account Balance January 1, 2010 4,719.34 Revenue: Offering Critters/Pavers Thank Offering Fellowship Least Coin Upper Room Donations Bazaar Net Concert Re: Gary Faulkner Funeral Teas Dutch Auction and Bake Sale Love Is In the Air Sale Transfer From Savings Account Soup Sale Pie and Craft Sale UCW National $3,108.25 950.00 360.00 134.00 66.00 5,843.00 850.00 580.00 382.00 375.00 4,960.51 375.00 372.00 40.00 18 395.76 23,115.10 Expenses: Church Council Mission and Service Benevolent Fund Capital Funds Project Bank Charges UCW National Custodial Gift Thank Offering A & P Hospital MRI Kitchen Supplies/coffee fair trade Literature/Church Library Miscellaneous Presbyterial Expenses Speakers UCW Projects Fund Transfer to Savings Outreach Least Coin Cards, Stamps and Stationary Social Convener Fellowship Room Sofa Set Balance at December 31, 2010 $5,000.00 2,400.00 200.00 500.00 47.56 40.00 300.00 360.00 158.35 290.89 400.01 300.00 160.00 5,400.00 1,080.00 138.00 65.00 25.00 4,960.51 21,825.32 1,289.78 42 Savings Account Balance January 1, 2010 Transfer from Operating Account Int Year 2010 Transfer to Operating Account Balance December 31, 2010 6,736.21 5,400.00 1.27 4,960.51 5,401.27 12,137.48 4,960.51 7,176.97 Submitted by Carole Perley, Treasurer U.C.W. Examined by Dave Eagleson Welcoming Committee I wish to thank Isobel and Jim Bond, Marilyn Cruickshank, Marilyn Mason, Marie Pos and Linda Westendorp for their continued assistance this year. We were happy to welcome Marie Nesbitt to our committee this fall. Our committee has the rewarding job of welcoming visitors and encouraging them to consider St. Paul's as their church home. We send a card thanking them for their visit. We endeavour to remember their name the next time we see them and make out a name-tag for them. We also give them an information pamphlet about St. Paul's so that they may be aware of all the many things that happen here. Please help us by introducing yourself to new or unfamiliar faces so that they can feel a part of St. Paul's. Submitted by Karen Strong Worship & Music Committee Your committee is comprised of the following members: Cathy Dilts and Lois Craig (staff), Nancy Longworth, Sharon Castellarin, John Scott, Jordan Shaw and Linda Westendorp. It is our responsibility to work together to provide a joyful and meaningful worship period, on Sunday mornings and on special occasions. The expression “Many hands make light work” is never truer as it is here at St. Paul’s. We would like to thank June Gellatly and Karen Strong who provide ushers each week, Isabelle McLaren who arranges for greeters at the door and Bill Miller who makes sure our sound system is up and running smoothly. We would also like to thank at this time the many volunteers who read Scripture lessons and those who tell the children’s story. Our minister, Cathy Dilts, has been very busy visiting shut-ins and those in hospital. She has been a dedicated and tireless supporter of the many programs here at St. Paul’s. Cathy provides wonderful leadership and inspires us in the way she leads her life. Her messages on a Sunday morning help guide us throughout the coming week Our thanks go out to our own members for providing leadership during our summer services: Cathy Shaw, Bill Miller, Kim Lawrance, Dorothy Wilkins and Helen Martin. 43 Communion services take place on the first Sunday of each month during our regular worship service. We also have a special Christmas Eve candlelight communion service. Many volunteers serve the elements to our congregation, using either of the two methods we currently use. We have tried to encourage couples and families to participate in this special service, with great results. Our music programme has highlighted many special offerings from the senior and junior choirs throughout this year as well as solo efforts. Many hours of practice have enabled the congregation to benefit from a truly rich musical experience. Thanks again Lois for all your hard work. Special holidays and services in our sanctuary require a little extra attention to detail. Thanks to the families and individuals who decorated our church sanctuary and narthex for these special occasions. Your efforts were appreciated by all! We want to wish Jordan Shaw a fond farewell as her term is over. She always made significant contributions to our committee, and we wish her well as she enters university in the fall. We welcome your feedback on things you would like to see included in the way we worship here at St. Paul’s. Please contact myself or any member of our committee at your convenience. Submitted by Linda Westendorp, Chair 4th Ajax Leaders Glad Lang & James Sobota lead the Beavers ages 5-7 years. Serge Trudel and Shannon Sobota lead the Cubs ages 8-10 years and Dan Cameron and Mark Johnson lead the Scouts ages 11-14 years. The 4th Ajax highlights of this year so far are that the Cubs and Scouts have completed one camp, all sections participated in the Ajax Santa Claus parade, Halloween and Christmas parties, the local Apple Day, a Popcorn Fundraising and recognized Remembrance Day. Submitted by Mark Johnson 44 Givings Analysis 2010 Distribution of Givings No. of Giving Range Givers 0 - 500 - 499 999 1000 - 1999 2000 - 10000 * Wkly Env Mthly Env PAR $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 12 1 - 9 7 10 - 24 20 $64.00 $10.00 25 - 50 37 $165.50 $47.00 51 - 99 14 $337.70 100 - 199 20 $854.75 200 - 299 20 $2,387.01 300 - 399 8 $1,502.25 400 - 499 7 $960.34 $1,305.00 500 - 599 15 $3,335.00 $577.00 Other* Total $34.00 $34.00 $251.00 $325.00 $0.00 $1,005.05 $1,217.55 $60.00 $515.69 $913.39 $215.00 $280.00 $1,000.00 $2,349.75 $509.00 $440.00 $1,250.00 $4,586.01 $750.00 $600.00 $2,852.25 $480.00 $476.10 $3,221.44 $2,712.34 $1,500.00 $8,124.34 600 - 699 5 $601.00 $2,482.00 $3,083.00 700 - 799 13 $2,233.25 $7,528.67 $9,761.92 800 - 899 12 $5,966.70 $1,689.80 $2,645.00 $10,301.50 900 - 999 6 $1,897.00 $950.70 $2,807.67 $5,655.37 1000 - 1099 5 $3,130.67 $2,100.00 $5,230.67 1100 - 1199 5 $2,300.00 $2,252.67 $5,722.67 1200 - 1399 12 $2,584.12 $12,543.37 $15,127.49 1400 - 1499 2 $1,415.00 1500 - 1599 7 $1,515.00 1600 - 1799 7 1800 - 1999 4 2000 - 2999 6 $2,150.00 3000 - 3999 8 4000 - 4999 3 >5000 5 $15,250.00 260 $55,612.60 $1,170.00 $1,440.00 $2,855.00 $4,659.04 $10,733.21 $3,258.06 $8,472.34 $11,730.40 $3,705.25 $3,755.00 $7,460.25 $7,264.00 $14,233.32 $26,185.90 $26,185.90 $4,559.17 $4,819.32 $8,640.00 $4,781.96 $35,489.25 $15,851.99 $132,987.25 $13,421.96 $50,739.25 $11,413.80 $215,865.64 Visitors, Guests, includes Loose offering of $4781.96 45 Number of Givers 0 - 500 - 499 999 1000 - 1999 2000 - 10000 * Giving Range Total Given Wkly Mthly PAR $0 $0.00 6 4 2 1 - 9 $34.00 Other* Total 12 7 7 10 - 24 $325.00 4 1 15 20 25 - 50 $1,217.55 5 1 31 37 51 - 99 $913.39 5 1 8 14 100 - 199 $2,349.75 6 2 2 10 20 200 - 299 $4,586.01 10 2 2 6 20 300 - 399 $2,852.25 4 2 2 8 400 - 499 $3,221.44 2 3 1 1 7 500 - 599 $8,124.34 6 1 5 3 15 600 - 699 $3,083.00 1 700 - 799 $9,761.92 3 800 - 899 $10,301.50 7 2 900 - 999 $5,655.37 2 1 1000 - 1099 $5,230.67 3 1100 - 1199 $5,722.67 2 2 5 1200 - 1399 $15,127.49 2 10 12 1400 - 1499 $2,855.00 1 1 2 1500 - 1599 $10,733.21 1 3 7 1600 - 1799 $11,730.40 2 5 7 1800 - 1999 $7,460.25 2 2 4 2000 - 2999 $14,233.32 1 3 6 3000 - 3999 $26,185.90 8 4000 - 4999 $13,421.96 2 >5000 $50,739.25 1 $215,865.64 76 1 3 2 4 5 10 13 3 12 3 6 2 5 8 1 4 23 77 3 5 84 260 Visitors, Guests, includes Loose offering 46 St. Paul's Financial Results 2010 Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Donations Facility Donation Fundraising In Out Investment Miscellaneous Income VBS Income Other >> Offerings Envelopes Loose 19,220 10,887 16,633 -5,747 20,098 10,400 16,914 -6,514 19,986 10,209 26,445 -16,236 19,844 9,850 29,388 -19,538 4,606 3,085 420 2,665 143,075 139,136 3,939 7,100 2,486 420 2,066 135,763 133,020 2,743 7,402 2,677 1,512 1,165 146,637 143,589 3,048 7,202 3,033 945 2,088 164,372 161,651 2,720 >> Offerings at 2010 level + 5% (June 2010 factored at 40% of givings that month) UCW Total Donations 5,000 185,872 6,000 181,847 4,000 190,910 5,000 209,300 1,672 4,762 4,523 537 7,725 0 1,000 1,583 5,064 3,676 200 5,944 164 1,932 1,897 5,676 3,713 148 7,132 17 952 112 1,792 5,608 4,091 33 5,176 37 728 107 5,271 4,929 5,835 4,590 1,198 886 100 238 887 535 20 994 722 1,259 200 909 677 Expenses Bank and Service Charges Conf and Presb Insurance Miscellaneous (incl. Archives) Office Finance and Treasurer Minister's Travel Expense Staff Travel Operating Group (Inc CE) Communications Conference Expense Envelope Steward Library Outreach Youth Group Resource Training 529 200 574 47 CE Operating Confirmation VBS Expenses CE - Other ** Property Elevator Furnace Repairs Maintenance ++ Salary & Benefits 2,848 1,120 966 762 2,494 840 1,167 487 2,747 991 1,551 204 2,609 575 1,158 877 14,288 4,448 10,759 736 9,840 13,381 878 12,503 10,023 11,287 11,287 123,196 144,577 144,258 146,703 ++ Salary at 2010 level + 0.3% as per UCC recommendation Employee Benefits CPP EAP EI Group Insurance Pension Employer HST on Group Utilities Gas Hydro Phone Water Internet Worship & Music Baptism Communion Music Guest Performers Junior Choir Piano and Organ Maintenance Senior Choir Music - Other 15,117 3,657 96 2,168 3,988 4,425 782 19,166 3,669 96 2,553 6,707 5,241 900 18,030 3,604 192 2,221 4,944 6,550 520 17,714 3,705 2,268 5,053 6,688 12,635 6,880 2,587 2,826 342 - 12,239 6,787 1,866 2,941 495 151 13,551 6,989 2,247 3,043 436 836 11,329 4,569 2,514 2,997 510 738 2,683 75 1,147 583 563 - 4,529 47 30 1,779 63 638 1,075 2 3,446 86 55 1,967 50 50 967 897 3 2,539 746 384 100 262 48 Special Events Good Friday Pancake Breakfast Anniversary Thanksgiving Christmas Home Week Parade Child Care Other Worship Bulletins & Supplies Organist Supply Pulpit Supply Sound System Worship - Other Candles Miscellaneous Ministerial Search/Support Total Donations Total Expenses Net Position 518 200 33 284 366 286 80 - 188 944 324 350 0 270 216 54 1,254 185,872 179,547 6,326 757 452 85 30 103 275 2,307 495 325 400 972 115 85 30 187 1,150 235 425 450 40 1,035 333 250 400 40 52 32 20 181,847 198,404 -16,557 190,910 197,496 -6,586 209,300 194,020 15,281 ** Expenses of $16,999 paid from Capital Fund not included. See Capital Fund report for details. 49 50