UNIVERSITIES AND THE TECHNOLOGY INTENSITY OF THE LOCAL WORKFORCE: EVIDENCE FROM METROPOLITAN AND MICROPOLITAN AREAS A report from the Productivity and Prosperity Project (P3), an initiative supported by the Office of the University Economist November 2009 Kent Hill, Ph.D. Research Professor, Department of Economics, and Center for Competitiveness and Prosperity Research Dennis Hoffman, Ph.D. Professor of Economics, University Economist, and Director, L. William Seidman Research Institute Timothy D. Hogan, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, and Research Associate, Center for Competitiveness and Prosperity Research Eva Madly, M.S. Economics Research Economist, L. William Seidman Research Institute Center for Competitiveness and Prosperity Research L. William Seidman Research Institute W. P. Carey School of Business Arizona State University Box 874011 Tempe, Arizona 85287-4011 (480) 965-5362 FAX: (480) 965-5458 EMAIL: Dennis.Hoffman@asu.edu www.wpcarey.asu.edu/seid Over the past three decades, interest has increased in providing an answer to the question of how research universities shape the economies of the regions in which they are located. The BayhDole Act in 1980 allowed universities, nonprofits, and small businesses to control the inventions and other intellectual property arising from federally funded research. Since then, universities themselves have encouraged the commercialization and local application of their research as a way of generating new revenues from the licensing of university-held patents. State and local governments now view universities not only as providers of higher education but as potentially valuable economic development assets. On a more academic level, economic geographers and growth theorists have also shown interest in the effects that research universities have on local economies. For geographers, the synergy between the university and the business community in the production and transfer of knowledge offers a prime example of the type of economic activity that benefits from the concentration of resources in localized areas. For growth theorists, the many examples of the localization of the economic rewards from knowledge developed at universities provides evidence of the selfreinforcing nature of growth from ideas resulting from the interaction between academia and industry. The Office of the University Economist at Arizona State University (ASU) has been working with the Commission on Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Prosperity (CICEP) of the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities to conceptualize and quantify how universities contribute to their local economy. (For more information on this effort, see http://economist.asu.edu/.) A particular emphasis is the impact of research universities on the economic prosperity of regions. The initial phase of this line of research, discussed in this paper, focuses on the influence of research universities on the concentration of high-technology activities in the private-sector economy of a region. This paper specifically looks at the link between the presence of research universities and employment in technology-intensive industries in more than 900 metropolitan and micropolitan areas across the United States. Numerous models of the relationship between high-technology employment and the presence of research universities are examined in this paper. High-tech employment is alternatively defined as actual employment, per capita employment, and the share of total employment. High technology is defined three ways: total high tech, high-tech services, and scientific research and development. The presence of research universities also is examined in multiple ways based on the three classifications of research universities defined by the Carnegie Foundation. In this initial phase of research, statistically significant positive relationships were found between variables measuring the presence of research universities and the technological intensity in U.S. metropolitan/micropolitan areas. Universities with “very high research activity” are more strongly related to employment in technology-intensive industries than universities with lesser amounts of research activity. 1 BACKGROUND The contribution of technology innovations induced by research and development (R&D) to economic growth is well documented. As noted by Lane (2009), citing Jorgenson (2008) et al., a substantial portion of productivity gains in recent years in the United States may be traced to science investments. Yet, as Lane noted in citing Japanese and Swedish examples, rates of return on investments may not be observed in all circumstances. One focus in this line of research is to determine accurate rate-of-return measurements for investments made by universities in developing research faculties and degree programs designed to foster the enhancement of knowledge and skills in the workforce. An important issue for policymakers is to measure the benefits to regions from universities that produce quality undergraduate and graduate students and that maintain faculties who are active researchers. Many regions of the United States are contemplating transitions from an emphasis on old-line manufacturing employment bases to alternatives requiring more knowledge, training, and skills. Sunbelt states that have reaped steady benefits from the north-to-south migration in recent decades may also be seeking more stable economic base industries by diversifying heavily growth-reliant economies with knowledge-based activities. The quality of the research infrastructure maintained by the region can assist in this transition and universities can provide a key component of that infrastructure. Regions that nurture research and innovation conceptually should serve as a magnet for inventors, provide a business climate conducive to the development of a technology-based workforce, and ultimately attain superior economic growth due to its productivity-enhancing technological innovations. By this line of reasoning, universities serve as catalysts for research and innovation, and regions with research universities should reap the benefits predicted throughout the literature. Empirically, however, the evidence is weak regarding exactly how universities provide benefits to surrounding communities and the types of investments that are required of local communities to yield these benefits. Issues also remain regarding the distribution of university benefits: to university graduates, local residents, local businesses, and others. Resolving these questions will help citizens understand the return from their investments of tax dollars, tuition dollars, or philanthropic dollars to local universities. A starting point is to compare regions with research universities to similar regions that do not have a research university. The Case for the Relationship Between a Research University and the Local Economy The low cost of and technological improvements to telecommunications have led some to predict that physical proximity will become a less important attribute to economic development. High population mobility also may contribute to a spatial diversification of economic activity. Thus, it is easy to be skeptical of the claim that spatial proximity to a university can have great value for a commercial firm. Economic geographers, however, remain impressed by and continue to document the power of agglomeration economies in some industries, including those that create knowledge. 2 As far as knowledge itself is concerned, if it is codified (written down and transmitted through formulas or text), the cost of transferring knowledge is negligible. Proximity to an original source of codified knowledge is unimportant. Some knowledge, however, is highly complex and difficult to write down. The transfer of tacit knowledge requires frequent face-to-face interaction with the knowledge source. Geographic proximity is critical for transferring tacit knowledge. Darby and Zucker (2003) have argued that “metamorphic” innovations—those associated with the creation of new industries or the radical technological transformation of an existing industry—typically are driven by breakthrough discoveries in science and engineering. Examples include integrated circuits, recombinant DNA, and nanotechnology. These kinds of discoveries are not well understood initially and cannot be codified. In the beginning, the new knowledge is largely tacit, and it is difficult for anyone other than the discoverer to see commercial value in the findings. Transfer and application to industry require bench-level relationships between industry scientists and the pioneering scientists. If the scientist making the metamorphic discovery has a university appointment that he wishes to maintain and does not want to commute long distances, he will serve as a fixed factor that determines the location of firms entering the market to develop the new technology. The period during which discovering scientists play a major role in transferring new knowledge to industry may last only 10-to-15 years. Eventually, scientific findings become codified and can be learned by graduate students at any major research university. But once an industry has been established in a given location, agglomeration economies associated with the rise of specialized suppliers or markets for specialized labor may serve to lock in an industry’s location. In this way, the initial geographic residences of path-breaking researchers have a long-term effect on industry location. Research universities also generate local economic impacts through their graduate programs. Availability of scientific labor is an important concern for managers of industrial laboratories, and they may choose to site a lab in an area if local universities can provide a steady supply of highly qualified science and engineering graduates [Malecki (1987), and Malecki and Bradbury (1992)]. Because of a variety of local attachments people develop while in school, young professionals often prefer to remain in the vicinity of their graduate school, especially if that school is located in a large urban area. As shown by Hill (2006), there is a significant positive correlation between graduate degrees awarded in a state and the share of the state’s population with a graduate degree. This correlation is especially apparent after adjusting for weather, which is known to be an important factor in people’s migration decisions and which also correlates with the location of major universities. Evidence of Local Impacts Evidence of local economic impacts from research universities comes from a variety of sources: case studies of local industries born from the ideas of university scientists, analysis of data on patent citations which make it possible to trace the spatial flow of new knowledge, and use of econometric techniques to quantify the relationship between the level of economic activity in an area and the presence of a research university. The evidence shows conclusively that university research programs can have significant local economic impacts. But these impacts are highly skewed across universities and, for the average university, are modest in size. 3 Silicon Valley and Route 128 The most highly celebrated cases of local economic development stimulated by university research are the electronics clusters in Silicon Valley, California, and the Route 128 beltway around Boston, Massachusetts. Agglomeration economies associated with knowledge spillovers and thick markets for specialized suppliers have played an important role in reinforcing industry growth in these areas. But the conventional wisdom is that the initial reason the industry took root in these particular locations is to be close to researchers and research facilities at Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Local firms also were aided by a readily available supply of electrical and computer engineers graduating from nearby schools. See Dorfman (1983), Rogers and Larsen (1984), and Saxenian (1996) for a review of the origins of the electronics industry in Silicon Valley and Route 128. The Biotech Industry Biotechnology offers the most recent example of an important new industry built directly on basic scientific research in which commercial firms are known to have close ties to universitybased scientists. A single scientific moment defines the beginning of the industry—the 1973 discovery by Stanford professor Stanley Cohen and University of California-San Francisco professor Herbert Boyer of the basic technique for recombinant DNA. Techniques for genetic engineering would eventually become standardized and widely known. But for 15 years following the discovery, knowledge of how to identify promising gene sequences and even the skills of gene transfer were held by a small group of discovering scientists and their co-workers. Knowledge of the techniques was difficult to transfer because of its complexity and tacitness. Commercial development required frequent face-to-face contact with discovering scientists. Since many of these scientists were academics who were unwilling to leave university appointments, their location often served to determine the location of commercial firms. Zucker, Darby, and Brewer (1998) were among the first to systematically test for and find a geographic coincidence between new biotechnology firms and university scientists who made early contributions to gene sequencing. Zucker, Darby, and Armstrong (1998, 2002) showed that the most successful biotech firms were those in which university scientists had a financial interest and remained actively involved throughout the development phase of the product. Analysis of Patent Citations The case for linkages between university research and local economic development ultimately hinges on the argument that knowledge created at universities tends to stay in the local area. Jaffee and Trajtenberg (2002) used a clever way of finding a “paper trail” with which to track invisible knowledge flows. U.S. patent records contain highly detailed information on the identity and location of the inventor and references or citations to previous patents. The citations make it possible to study knowledge spillovers by tracing the connections between inventors. In one particular analysis of U.S. patents originating in 1980 and their citations through 1989, Jaffee, Trajtenberg, and Henderson (1993) found that after excluding self-citations, the frequency that a university-owned patent is cited in the same metropolitan area as the university is six times higher than what would be expected given the existing distribution of technical activity. 4 Location of Corporate R&D A number of authors have used econometric techniques to measure the effect of university research on the level of local corporate R&D activity. Industry labs directly promote local economic development by providing high-paying jobs for scientists and technical workers. They may also generate competitive advantages for local producers who make use of the innovations coming out of these labs. Jaffe (1989) used state-level data to relate the number of patents assigned to corporations in a state to industry R&D expenditures and university research in the state. Jaffee found a large and statistically significant effect of university research on corporate patent activity. His results indicate that the most important way university research stimulates corporate patent awards is by inducing additional corporate R&D spending. Anselin, Varga, and Acs (1997) employed the same model as Jaffee to represent the relationships between corporate innovation, corporate R&D, and university research. Counts of innovation are measured using data from the Small Business Administration on the number of new hightechnology products introduced into the U.S. market in 1982. Anselin, et al. were able to sharpen the geographic focus of Jaffee’s analysis by using professional employment in private high-tech research laboratories as a proxy for corporate R&D activity. The employment data were aggregated to the metropolitan area level. The findings of Anselin, et al. generally confirm the earlier results of Jaffee. University research has a positive and significant effect on local corporate innovation, both directly and through its effect on private R&D activity. Bania, Calkins, and Dalenberg (1992) examined the role of university research in determining the geographic distribution of industry R&D activity. R&D activity is measured by the number of Ph.D.s working in industry labs. The geographic unit of analysis is the metropolitan area and the data are for 1986. Bania, et al. find that university research expenditures have a statistically significant effect on R&D doctorate employment. The estimated effects are fairly small, however. Local Area Income, Employment, and Productivity Beeson and Montgomery (1993) used Census data for 218 metropolitan areas to measure the contribution of university variables to alternative measures of labor market activity, including average individual income in 1980 and employment growth over the periods 1975-1980 and 1980-1989. University characteristics included in the regressions were university R&D funding, university quality (as measured by the number of highly rated science and engineering programs), the total number of bachelor’s degrees awarded, and the percentage of degrees awarded in science and engineering. The authors also included other variables that might affect the local labor market such as weather, crime rates, taxes, and the size of the metro area population. Beeson and Montgomery found that none of the university variables were statistically significant in explaining average income, at least in random effects models that allow for metro areaspecific error components. The estimated coefficients also were small in value. More significant relationships were found between university characteristics and metro area employment growth. For both time periods considered, the authors were able to reject the hypothesis of no 5 relationship between university variables and the rate of employment growth. The estimated coefficients also were significant in size. Goldstein and Renault (2004) used annual data on 312 metropolitan areas from 1968 through 1998 to test for the effect of universities on local economic development. Economic development was measured by an index that indicates whether and in what direction relative earnings in an area changed over time. The presence of a university was measured by the existence of a top-50 research university, the size of university R&D, the number of degrees awarded, and the number of patents assigned to universities within the metro area. Goldstein and Renault find that over the period 1969-1986, universities had no effect on an area’s relative earnings. However, the presence of universities did become significant in the 1986-1998 period. The authors attributed this result to the often-cited claim that economic activity in the United States has become more knowledge-based in recent decades. In a notable international study, Andersson, Quigley, and Wilhelmsson (2009) took advantage of a natural experiment in which the government of Sweden undertook a spatial decentralization of higher education in the country beginning in the late 1980s. Using time series data for 284 local civil divisions, the authors found systematic evidence that expansion of university research in a community as measured by the size of the university research staff led to increases in output per worker in the local area. These productivity effects were highly localized. Approximately 40 percent of the cumulative gain in productivity occurred within 10 kilometers of the institution. CONDITIONING FACTORS Two universities with research programs that are similar in scale and quality may have very different local economic impacts. MIT and Harvard University have had huge, documented effects on the Boston area economy. However, Johns Hopkins University, which is routinely among the largest recipients of federal government research funds, has failed to stimulate significant high-tech production in the Baltimore area [Feldman and Desrochers (2003)]. A high level of research activity is not by itself a sufficient condition for a university to have large impacts on jobs and incomes in the local economy. Certain complementary factors need to be present if a university is to significantly affect the local economy. Quality of University Research and Graduate Programs Universities with the greatest local economic impacts are those with high-quality research and graduate programs. As argued by Zucker, Darby, and Brewer (1998) and Darby and Zucker (2003), the most compelling reason for new firms to locate near a university is to facilitate tacit knowledge transfer from faculty who are on the cutting edge of scientific breakthroughs. It is only these star researchers who have the power to determine firm location. Another reason why star academic researchers are the ones most likely to be successful in attracting new industry to an area is what Audretsch and Stephan (1996) referred to as “drawing power.” University researchers with a national reputation or researchers from an eminent university serve as a signal of quality which helps to attract resources such as venture capital, management, and technical workers that are necessary to start up new companies. 6 Finally, Malecki (1987) argued that availability of science and engineering workers is an important determinant of the location of industrial R&D facilities. But he noted that firms are particular about the institutions they rely on for new researchers. Especially among large firms, only the best graduate programs are an attracting factor. Agglomeration and Research Networks Agglomeration economies are known to be an important factor in the production of knowledge. Spatial concentration of research activity promotes the development of markets for specialized suppliers of materials, testing equipment, and even legal services. Agglomeration also helps to support informal channels of knowledge transfer. University research will be more productive and more likely to influence local economic activity if it takes place in an area with an existing concentration of corporate research activity and high-tech production. Studies of the biotech industry, for example, have found that university faculty who collaborate with industry in commercial ventures are more likely to do so with local firms if the industry has a significant local presence. Otherwise, faculty involvement will be long distance [Audretsch and Stephan (1996)]. In a case study of the Cleveland area, Fogarty and Sinha (1999) found that technology developed in local universities did not generate local jobs and incomes but instead was quickly diffused to Japan, California, and Texas. The authors attribute this to the fact that the Cleveland economy is heavily oriented toward mature industries and lacks the local research networks necessary to develop university technologies. Fogarty and Sinha measure the extent of local research networks by tracing the direct and indirect citations of university patents and calculating the tendency for subsequent innovations to be localized. Metropolitan areas with the strongest local R&D networks are San Francisco, New York, Boston, and Los Angeles. Areas with much weaker networks are Washington-Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland. Varga (2000) provided an exacting test of the importance of agglomeration as a factor conditioning the size of the effect of university research on local innovative activity. He used an econometric model to explain variations across metropolitan areas in counts of new product innovations made by the Small Business Administration for 1982. Agglomeration effects are identified using the amount of high-tech employment in a metro area. Using interactive variables, Varga found that university research led to a significant number of local area innovations only when high-tech employment was at least 160,000 workers. University Policy and Culture University policy toward the commercialization of research can have important effects on the extent to which faculty engage in and develop commercially relevant research. In an attempt to raise what are generally considered to be disappointing financial returns from resources used to promote technology transfer, more universities are making use of equity arrangements when licensing university inventions. When faculty have a financial interest in the performance of the firm that licenses their research, they are more likely to assist the firm in product development. Licensing firms believe that university equity positions confer a kind of halo effect that helps them secure venture capital funding. Data analysis indeed shows that universities that are permitted to take an equity position in companies that license their research have 70 percent more start-ups than universities that cannot. 7 The general orientation of a university toward local economic development also seems to influence the impact its research has on the local economy. Based on an analysis of eight cases of U.S. universities and their local areas, Paytas, et al. (2004) found that universities with the largest local economic impacts were those that were broadly engaged with local industry clusters— providing not only research services but business, marketing, legal services, and workforce education. The most engaged universities were those with a commitment to local economic development across many academic units including colleges of business, engineering, law, medicine, and public policy. Nature of Local Industry Paytas, et al. (2004) found through their case study approach that the nature of local industry was as important as were the characteristics of the university. Established clusters with mature products and processes were less able to absorb new technologies generated at universities. Innovation was likely to flow out of the region. Universities were more successful in generating local impacts when interacting with young, emerging clusters. In an econometric study of the effect of university research on local economic growth, Bania, Eberts, and Fogarty (1993) examined the number of start-ups of new manufacturing firms in 25 large metropolitan areas over the period from 1976 through 1978. Bania, et al. explained firm births using an econometric model with both traditional business climate variables, such as labor costs and taxes, and variables relating to knowledge infrastructure, including university research expenditures and the percentage of employed workers who were scientists or engineers. They found mixed evidence for the effect of university research on new company start-ups. University research had a positive and significant effect on new business formation in the electronics industry but was statistically insignificant for five other manufacturing industries. The authors conjectured that the reason their strongest findings were for electronics was because their period of study coincided with the emergence of the electronics industry. They offered these results as evidence supporting the theory that the local impacts of university research are greatest in newly emerging industries. EMPIRICAL APPROACH A vast literature describes the relationships between knowledge/discovery and economic prosperity. If investments by universities are important to regions, the impact should be measurable by examining the economic geography of the region, such as the number and concentration of inventors, technology in the workforce, the growth or in-migration of technology-based firms, and the pace of prosperity gains. Such university impacts have not been well measured to date, at least to the extent and with the precision proposed in the research agenda of ASU’s Office of the University Economist. Outside academia, papers designed to extol the virtues of universities, produced largely by marketing and communications organizations, measure the value of research universities in the same way economists measure the value of a newly constructed prison—by counting direct payroll jobs and associated locally induced effects using input-output models. In contrast, the work by ASU is designed to provide tangible results for those seeking accurate measures of the impact of universities on the economic vitality of regional economies. 8 Numerous empirical questions could be addressed to inform this broad line of inquiry. In this paper, the focus is to investigate the empirical question of the role played by research universities in determining the technology intensity of a region’s workforce. Since technology and skills are associated with higher productivity, increases in the technological skills of the workforce due to the presence of a research university should result in higher standards of living. The foremost challenge in the investigation of this empirical question is to control for factors that affect high-technology employment other than the presence of a research university. The literature notes that, at a minimum, a region’s amenities, climate, natural attractiveness, culture, fiscal stability and predictability, and size are factors that can influence economic development. An area that is perceived favorably on such factors may attract educated and skilled workers and the companies that employ them regardless of the presence of a local university. Modeling the Technology Intensity of the Workforce The empirical model presented in this paper is based in part on the work of Jaffe (1989). Drawing from the knowledge production framework, a fundamental component in the production process is the flow of the knowledge created by university research from universities to industry. The basic hypothesis is that this production process attracts industry to locate in proximity to the universities to reap the direct effects of the research underway and to benefit from some key byproducts of that research activity. The additional benefits include the availability of faculty talent in consulting, lecture, and contract research projects and the availability of students, lab assistants, and research staff employed at the university but who could work at businesses in close regional proximity to the university. Indeed, there may be advantages and opportunities for workers to share joint appointments at universities and high-tech businesses. Thus, the model is consistent with the notion that while knowledge can easily diffuse and benefit industries located far away from the source of its creation, the by-products of this knowledge creation process will accrue disproportionately to those businesses in close proximity to the source. The amount and share of employment in high-technology industries in any particular metropolitan area may be influenced by many factors that need to be controlled for in the empirical specification. The control variables include measures of metro size, region of the country, cost of living, wealth or income, and the educational attainment and skill levels of the residents. The empirical models are then designed to measure whether the technological intensity of the workforce is influenced by the geographic proximity to research universities and by the volume of research dollars expended by all the universities in the metropolitan area. Data and Variable Definitions The unit of analysis is the 940 metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas located in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, as currently defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Incomplete data were available for six small micropolitan areas, so 934 observations were used. All models are cross-sectional in nature. The time period for the analysis is 2003 through 2006. To eliminate any short-term aberrations in the data, the average over the four-year period was calculated and used for each variable with annual values. The dependent variables are alternative measures of high-technology employment. Technology intensity is alternatively defined as total high-tech employment, employment in high-tech 9 services, or employment in the scientific R&D industry group. Each of these three definitions is alternatively measured as actual employment, per capita employment, and the high-technology share of total employment. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) was used to identify hightechnology activities. High-technology services includes the following industry groups: 5112– Software Publishers; 5179–Other Telecommunications; 5182–Data Processing, Hosting, and Related; 5413–Architectural and Engineering Services; 5415–Computer Systems Design and Related; and 5417–Scientific R&D. Total high-tech employment includes these services industry groups and the following high-tech manufacturing industry groups and industries: 3254– Pharmaceuticals and Medicine; 3341–Computers and Peripherals; 3342–Communications Equipment; 3343–Audio and Video Equipment; 3344–Semiconductors and Other Electronics; 3345–Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments; 3364–Aerospace; 333295–Semiconductor Machinery; 333314–Optical Instruments and Lenses; and 333315– Photographic and Photocopying Equipment. Employment was obtained from Metro Business Patterns, produced by the U.S. Census Bureau. Undisclosed employment was estimated by multiplying the number of establishments in each of the several employment ranges presented by the Census Bureau by the national average employment per establishment in each range and summing the results. The number and categorization of research universities in each metropolitan/micropolitan area were obtained from the National Center for Education Statistics IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Data System) Data Center. This dataset includes the classification of each university produced by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 2005 and the city in which each university is located. The latter was used to identify the metropolitan or micropolitan area in which each university resides. Research universities (defined as universities that awarded at least 20 doctorates in 2003-04) are split into three categories based on the Carnegie Foundation definition—those with very high research activity, those with high research activity, and other doctoral/research universities. Universities that do not grant doctorates were not included in this analysis, though any R&D spending by such institutions are included in the academic R&D variable discussed below. Based on the Carnegie Foundation data, three mutually exclusive independent variables were constructed to measure university presence in a metropolitan/micropolitan area and in its surrounding area, defined as within a radius of 60 miles of the metro/micro area: the total number of universities with very high research activity; the total number of universities with high research activity; and the total number of other research universities. A single composite variable also was constructed by weighting the universities with very high research activity by a value of three, the high-level universities by two, and the other research universities by a value of one. Total university R&D spending also was included as a direct measure of the level of research activity at universities by metro/micro area. Academic R&D expenditures for each university were obtained from the National Science Foundation. The R&D spending of all universities located in each metropolitan/micropolitan area was aggregated to obtain total academic R&D expenditures at the metro/micro level. 10 The models also incorporate a set of variables meant to control for other factors that may affect the technology intensity of a region—population, total employment, personal income (total or per capita), a set of binary regional indicators, cost of living, and educational attainment. The full list of variables is presented in Table 1. Descriptive statistics for each variable are displayed in Table 2. EMPIRICAL RESULTS Models of the Labor Force Shares of Technology Workers Tables 3 through 12 report the results of 10 variants of the regression analysis in which the dependent variable is expressed as a share of total employment. In each of these 10 tables, three alternative dependent variables were specified: total high-technology employment, employment in high-technology service (nonmanufacturing) industries, and employment in scientific R&D industries. In each specification, the control variables include population, regional dummy variables, and measures of cost of living, educational attainment, and income per person. The two independent variables of key interest are university presence (within 60 miles of each metro/micro area) and the amount of academic R&D spending (within each metro/micro area). Five of the tables differ only in the way that university presence is measured. Table 3 contains results based on the presence of universities with very high research activity. Results suggest that having one or more of these very-high-intensity research universities within 60 miles of the metro/micro area has a statistically significant impact on the high-technology share of the area’s total employment. The impact of the presence of one or more very-highintensity research universities on total high-tech employment (column 1 of Table 3) is an additional 0.35 percent in the share of technology workers in the workforce. For high-technology service employment, the impact is 0.18 percent; for R&D employment, it is 0.097 percent. Similarly, an additional $100 million in academic research spending is associated with an additional 0.36 percent in the share of all high-technology employment, 0.27 percent more in the share of high-technology service employment, and a 0.12 percent addition to the share of R&D employment. While these shares may appear small, high-technology employment on average was just 2.55 percent of total employment in the metro/micro areas, as seen in Table 2. Thus, the coefficient of the very-high-intensity research university variable (0.35 percent) represents a 13.7 percent increase in the share of all high-technology employment. Similarly, the effect is an 11.5 percent increase in the share of high-technology service employment and a 31.6 percent increase in the share of R&D employment. Each of these increases was measured after controlling for various area-specific attributes. Using the same approach, an additional $100 million in university R&D spending results in percentage increases of 14.1, 17.3, and 39.1 in the respective employment shares of all hightechnology workers, high-technology service workers, and R&D workers. Given that the average annual level of university R&D spending across the entire sample of metro/micro areas was about $28 million, an increment of $100 million is a large change, but the difference between having a research university and not having a research university located in the area is also very 11 big. Since all of these are linear models, the implication of the choice of a smaller increment is easy to calculate—for example, an additional $10 million would imply a 1.4 percent increase in overall technological intensity. Table 4 also focuses on universities with very high research activity, but expresses the dependent variables as shares of the overall population. The results are very similar to those based on employment shares, though the t-scores on the university presence variable and the academic R&D spending variable are somewhat higher, as is the adjusted R-squared. The presence of one or more very-high-intensity research universities is associated with what appears to be a small increment to the overall share of per capita technology workers, but it translates into a 14.9 percent increase in the share. Similarly, the share of high-technology service workers per capita is boosted by 12.8 percent and the share of R&D workers per capita surges 39 percent. The small statistically significant coefficients on the university research spending variable represent an 18.1 percent, 22.8 percent, and 46.8 percent increase in the shares of total, services, and R&D workers per capita as a result of an additional $100 million in university R&D expenditures. Tables 5 and 6 examine the effects of the presence of universities with high research activity and other doctoral/research universities respectively. These results should be compared to those in Table 3, as the dependent variables all were measured as the share of total employment. Generally, the impacts of these research universities are smaller than those of universities with very high research activity. The magnitude of difference is small between institutions with very high and high research activity, and also is small with other research universities based on total high-technology employment. However, the research universities with less than high levels of research activity have an insignificant effect on the high-tech services and R&D employment shares. The impact of academic research spending remains high in these models since this variable measures total research dollars at all area universities—including those in the very high research classification. In Table 7, all three variants of university presence were included as explanatory variables. The results generally suggest that universities with very high research activity have greater impacts on the technology employment shares than do the other research universities, though the estimates are not as statistically significant. Table 8 employs a single composite variable for university presence: the doctoral, high, and very high classifications receive values of 1, 2, and 3 respectively, with a value of 0 assigned to areas without any research universities. This weighted variable is strongly significant but considerably smaller in size than the variable estimates in Table 3. The sets of models presented in Tables 9 through 12 all define university presence based on very-high-intensity research universities but are based on different subsamples of the metro/micro areas (less than 5 million residents, less than 1 million residents, less than 500,000 residents, and a population of less than 250,000 respectively). The results indicate that the presence of very-high-intensity research universities bolsters the high-technology employment share, though the strength of the effect wanes as larger metro areas are stripped from the sample. There is no support for the relationship in areas with populations less than 250,000. The impact of university research spending on the technology workforce shares is very strong except in areas of less than 250,000 residents and is especially strong in the less than 1 million and less than 12 500,000 specifications, with the percentage increase in the high-technology employment share two-to-three times higher than observed in the overall sample. Models Based on the Total Number of High-Technology Workers in Each Region The results shown in Tables 13 through 21 are designed to reveal the robustness of results observed in Tables 3 through 12. They are based on specifications in which the dependent variables are expressed as actual high-technology employment rather than the share of total employment. Otherwise, the model specification in Table 13 is nearly identical to that in Table 3, with Table 14 comparable to Table 5, etc. The set of control variables differs in two ways: a total employment variable is added and aggregate regional income is used to measure the wealth of the region rather than per capita income. Table 13 contains models examining the effect of the presence of one or more very high research universities within a 60 mile radius on the number of technology workers in the metro/micro area’s workforce. For total technology workers, the results support the notion that proximity to very high research universities and research dollars bolster the number of technology workers, although the impact of additional university research dollars is not statistically significant in the service technology or R&D technology specifications. While the numbers of additional technology workers associated with the presence of research universities appears small, it represents a rather substantial share of the workforce, on average. For total technology workers, results suggest that the presence of one or more very high research universities is associated with a 19.9 percent increase in the number of total technology workers, a 19.1 percent increase in the number of service technology workers, and a 34.8 percent increase in the number of R&D technology workers. In comparison, with the “share” specification results in Table 3, the magnitude of these impacts is slightly greater. The impact of an additional $100 million in university research expenditures increases total technology workers by about 17.9 percent, while the impacts of university research spending on service and R&D workers in the “levels” specification is small and statistically insignificant. Tables 14 and 15 present the results of similar models for the other categories of research universities, and Tables 16 and 17 offer results for models in which all types of research universities are included simultaneously. As with the results of the “share” models, the impact of universities with less than very high research activity is not as significant on the size of hightechnology employment as are the effects of very-high-intensity research universities. The impact of university research spending in these specifications remains mixed, with overall technology jobs affected but not so with high-tech service and R&D employment. In contrast with the “share” models, the overall significance of research universities on the number of technology workers appears to be influenced by the population size of the metro/micro areas used to examine the impacts. Based on the subsamples of less than 1 million and less than 500,000 residents (Tables 19 and 20), support for the basic hypothesis that proximity to research universities matter for the technology intensity of the workforce is very strong. In the 1 million and under results, the impact on the technology workforce due to the presence of one or more research universities is 14.4 percent, 17.1 percent, and 46.5 percent on total, services, and R&D technology workers respectively. The impacts of an additional $100 million in research expenditures are greater, with the number of technology workers expanding 13 51.1 percent, 66.4 percent, and 138.2 percent respectively. In the 500,000 and under subsample, the impacts on the technology workforce due to the presence of one or more research universities is 24.7 percent, 21.3 percent, and 63.1 percent on total, services, and R&D technology workers respectively. The impacts of an additional $100 million in university research spending are even bigger, with the numbers of technology workers expanding 77.8 percent, 102.9 percent, and 190.6 percent respectively. With the potential for simultaneity between the dependent variables measuring technological intensity of the workforce and the personal income variable in the models, versions of the models excluding the income variable were also estimated. The signs, statistical significance, and magnitudes of the estimated coefficients for the research university variables were little changed in these alternate specifications. CONCLUSION The link between the presence of research universities and the high-technology intensity of a region’s economy is timely given that regions with technology/knowledge-based economies recently have been more successful in economic development. However, this is only one of the dimensions of interest in examining how research universities shape the economies of the regions in which they are located. This paper presents results of the initial analysis of the relationship between research universities and technology intensity as measured by high-tech employment. The models specified in terms of the high-tech share of total employment (and population) demonstrate a statistically significant positive relationship for the variable measuring research university presence. The relationship is stronger among universities with very high research activity (based on the Carnegie Foundation classification) than for the two other categories of research universities. Though small in absolute size, the estimated coefficients indicate substantially greater high-tech employment shares in metro/micro areas with one or more very-high-intensity research universities. The results of the models specified in terms of actual high-tech employment generally support the results of the “share” models. These results are consistent with previous research that found: (1) links between universities and the location of high-tech plants (Glasmeier 1991); and (2) connections between university activities and technology intensity measured in terms of occupation-based measures, such as employment shares of scientists/engineers/etc. (Beeson and Montgomery 1993). Models based on different subsamples of the metro areas by size indicate that the strongest relationship between research universities and technology intensity occurs in larger metro areas; no relationship is seen in less populous areas (250,000 or fewer residents). These results appear to be contrary to the findings of Goldstein and Drucker (2006) that the effects of universities are particularly important in small- and medium-sized metro areas, but Goldstein and Drucker measured growth in average earnings rather than technology intensity. Future work on the influence of research universities looking at different characteristics of regional economies/regional economic performance will address this issue more directly. 14 The analysis presented in this paper should be viewed as an initial exploratory look at the link between research universities and the technological intensity of regions. Future research on the general topic of the influence of research universities on the growth and prosperity of regions will include more sophisticated models of the connections between research universities and the technological intensity of a region. Another direction for further work is revealed by the results of the existing simple models that have included two variables related to research universities, one that measures the presence of one or more research universities in a region and one that measures R&D spending by all universities in the metro/micro area. The fact that the results generally demonstrate statistically significant positive relationships between both of these measures and technology intensity implies that research universities have effects on regional economies in addition to those associated with their research spending. Goldstein, Meier, and Luger (1995) identified eight research university functions, and other researchers have already begun to look at the importance of factors other than the amount of R&D spending. (See Drucker and Goldstein (2007) for a summary of this research.) 15 TABLE 1 DATA AND VARIABLE DEFINITIONS Data Academic Research and Development Expenditures Cost of Living and Bachelor’s Degree Employment Metropolitan and Micropolitan Areas Personal Income Population Research Universities Regions Variable Name Bachelor’s Degree Cost of Living Doctoral Research Universities Far West Great Lakes High Research Universities High-Tech Employment High-Tech Employment Share High-Tech Services Employment High-Tech Services Employment Share Mideast New England Per Capita High-Tech Employment Per Capita High-Tech Services Employment Per Capita Personal Income Definition and Source The average from 2003 through 2006 as reported by the National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics (http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/showpub.cfm?TopID=8&SubID=1) From Sperling’s Best Places (http://www.bestplaces.net/) All employment variables are expressed as the average from 2003 through 2006, as reported by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, in Metro Business Patterns (http://www.census.gov/econ/cbp/index.html) As defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/assets/omb/bulletins/fy2009/09-01.pdf) The average from 2003 through 2006 as reported by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA; http://www.bea.gov/regional/index.htm#state) The average from 2003 through 2006 as reported by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau (obtained from the BEA website) As defined in 2005 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; obtained from the National Center for Education Statistics (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/datacenter/) As defined by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis Definition Percentage of the population age 25 or older who have earned a bachelor's degree Cost of living index Number of research universities other than those with very high or high research activity, in and within 60 miles of the metro area Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin Number of research universities with high research activity, in and within 60 miles of the metro area Total of high-technology services employment and high-tech manufacturing Total high-technology employment as a percentage of total employment High-technology services employment Total high-technology services employment as a percentage of total employment Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont Total high-technology employment divided by population Total high-technology services employment divided by population Personal income divided by population 16 TABLE 1 (CONTINUED) DATA AND VARIABLE DEFINITIONS Variable Name Definition Per Capita R&D Employment Personal Income Plains Population R&D Employment Scientific research and development employment divided by population R&D Employment Share R&D Expenditures Scientific research and development employment as a percentage of total employment Academic research and development spending expressed in 2006 dollars Rocky Mountain Southeast Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas All employment reported in Metro Business Patterns; excludes the public sector, farms, self-employed, and others Number of research universities with very high research activity, in and within 60 miles of the metro area Total number of research universities, in and within 60 miles of the metro area, with very high research universities receiving a weight of three and high research universities receiving a weight of two Southwest Total Employment Very High Research Universities Weighted Research Universities Earnings by place of work; dividends, interest and rent; and transfer payments Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota Number of residents in the metro area Scientific research and development employment 17 TABLE 2 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Variable Bachelor’s Degree Cost of Living ‘Doctoral’ Research Universities Far West Great Lakes ‘High’ Research Universities High-Tech Employment High-Tech Employment Share High-Tech Services Employment High-Tech Services Employment Share Mideast New England Per Capita High-Tech Employment Per Capita High-Tech Services Employment Per Capita Personal Income Per Capita R&D Employment Personal Income Plains Population R&D Employment R&D Employment Share R&D Expenditures Rocky Mountain Southeast Southwest Total Employment ‘Very High’ Research Universities Weighted Research Universities Number of Observations 934 934 934 934 934 934 912 911 911 911 934 934 912 911 934 694 934 934 934 694 694 934 934 934 934 912 934 934 18 Mean 0.1211 86.6 0.4454 0.0953 0.1734 0.5974 5,968 0.0255 4,099 0.0156 0.0824 0.0300 0.0094 0.0057 29,227 0.0012 1.07e+07 0.1263 294,580 919.4 0.0031 28.516 0.0557 0.3148 0.1221 119,488 0.5824 3.3878 Standard Deviation 0.0455 19.1 0.9749 0.2938 0.3788 1.0356 26,124 0.0300 18,851 0.0198 0.2752 0.1706 0.0120 0.0078 5,831 0.0027 4.33e+07 0.3324 1.01E+6 4,466 0.0068 101.0 0.2294 0.4647 0.3275 427,154 1.0076 5.1363 Minimum 0.0356 64 0 0 0 0 0 0.00014 1.59 0.00014 0 0 0 0.00006 12,5011 5.38e-06 219,649 0 11,501 1.59 0.00002 0 0 0 0 2,027 0 0 Maximum 0.3602 276 9 1 1 11 346,036 0.27566 275,872 0.25634 1 1 0.11352 0.08213 76,308 0.02786 8.83e+08 1 1.87e+07 61,765 0.08716 843.9 1 1 1 7.60e+06 8 55 TABLE 3 IMPACT OF VERY HIGH RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT SHARES Independent Variables Population ‘Very High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Per Capita Personal Income Constant Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment Share Share 8.1e-11 3.4e-10 0.0035*** 0.0018** 3.6e-05*** 2.7e-05*** 0.0095 0.0131*** -0.0032 0.0052 -0.0072 8.8e-04 0.0018 0.0097** -4.4e-04 0.0102** 0.0069 0.0129** 0.0080 0.0123** -1.8e-04* -1.2e-04** 0.2410*** 0.1569*** 6.5e-07** 7.2e-07*** -0.0111 -0.0242*** Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations 0.281 911 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 19 0.340 911 R&D Employment Share -4.5e-10 9.7e-04*** 1.2e-05*** 0.0053*** 0.0028 0.0014 0.0026 0.0029 0.0035* 0.0036* -2.6e-05 0.0229** 1.4e-07* -0.0055* 0.158 694 TABLE 4 IMPACT OF VERY HIGH RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY WORKERS PER CAPITA SHARES Independent Variables Population ‘Very High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Per Capita Personal Income Constant Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations Dependent Variables Per Capita High- Per Capita HighTech Tech Services Per Capita R&D Employment Employment Employment 1.5e-10 2.1e-10 -2.0e-10* 0.0014*** 7.3e-04** 4.5e-04*** 1.7e-05*** 1.3e-05*** 5.4e-06*** 0.0022 0.0045*** 0.0020*** -0.0011 0.0024 0.0014* -0.0019 9.1e-04 8.2e-04 4.2e-04 0.0038** 0.0013* -9.2e-04 0.0035* 0.0013* 0.0022 0.0050*** 0.0016* 0.0014 0.0038** 0.0015* -7.6e-05** -4.9e-05** -1.1e-05 0.0900*** 0.0617*** 0.0088** 4.7e-07*** 4.0e-07*** 8.1e-08*** -0.0103** -0.0132*** -0.0032*** 0.355 912 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 20 0.439 911 0.204 694 TABLE 5 IMPACT OF HIGH CLASSIFIED RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT SHARES Independent Variables Population ‘High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Per Capita Personal Income Constant Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment Share Share 2.7e-10 2.7e-10 0.0024* 0.0019** 4.2e-05*** 3.0e-05*** 0.0055 0.0111** -0.0079 0.0029 -0.0112 -5.8e-04 -0.0028 0.0077* -0.0057 0.008* 0.0024 0.0111** 0.0036 0.0107** -1.6e-04* -1.1e-04* 0.2329*** 0.1523*** 6.7e-07** 7.1e-07*** -0.0083 -0.023*** Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations 0.277 911 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 21 0.342 911 R&D Employment Share -4.4e-10 8.3e-04** 1.4e-05*** 0.004** 0.0015 4.1e-04 0.0014 0.0016 0.0024 0.0025 -1.9e-05 0.0200* 1.4e-07* -0.0047* 0.155 694 TABLE 6 IMPACT OF DOCTORAL CLASSIFIED UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT SHARES Independent Variables Population ‘Doctoral’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Per Capita Personal Income Constant Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment Share Share 6.4e-11 7.0e-10 0.0027** 1.9e-04 4.1e-05*** 2.9e-05*** 0.0078 0.0112** -0.0064 0.0025 -0.0111 -0.0023 -0.0016 0.0066 -0.0048 0.0066 0.0037 0.0098* 0.0038 0.0087* -1.8e-04* -1.1e-04* 0.2430*** 0.1540*** 6.4e-07** 7.6e-07*** -0.0075 -0.0224*** Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations 0.277 911 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 22 0.334 911 R&D Employment Share -3.2e-10 2.9e-04 1.3e-05*** 0.0043** 0.0014 -2.3e-04 0.001 0.0012 0.002 0.0019 -2.2e-05 0.0229** 1.5e-07* -0.0044* 0.144 694 TABLE 7 IMPACT OF ALL CLASSIFICATIONS OF UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT SHARES Independent Variables Population ‘Very High’ Research Universities ‘High’ Research Universities ‘Doctoral’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Per Capita Personal Income Constant Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment Share Share -3.2e-10 3.1e-10 0.0024 0.0016* 0.0011 0.0016* 0.0012 -0.0011 3.8e-05*** 2.8e-05*** 0.0094 0.0120** -0.0036 0.0044 -0.0070 0.0010 0.0018 0.0092* -5.4e-04 0.0098* 0.0072 0.0125** 0.0084 0.0124** -1.8e-04* -1.1e-04* 0.2422*** 0.1520*** 6.0e-07* 7.2e-07*** -0.0103 -0.0245*** Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations 0.281 911 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 23 0.343 911 R&D Employment Share -4.8e-10 8.4e-04* 5.5e-04 -2.9e-04 1.2e-05*** 0.0049** 0.0026 0.0015 0.0024 0.0029 0.0034* 0.0037* -2.2e-05 0.0206* 1.4e-07* -0.0056* 0.160 694 TABLE 8 WEIGHTED IMPACT OF ALL CLASSIFICATIONS OF UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT SHARES Independent Variables Population Weighted Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Per Capita Personal Income Constant Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment Share Share -2.7e-10 1.4e-10 7.6e-04*** 4.1e-04** 3.9e-05*** 2.8e-05*** 0.0089 0.0129*** -0.0039 0.0049 -0.0071 0.0010 0.0015 0.0096** -8.4e-04 0.0101** 0.0069 0.0131** 0.0082 0.0125** -1.8e-04* -1.2e-04** 0.2403*** 0.1566*** 6.1e-07** 7.0e-07*** -0.0104 -0.0239*** Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations 0.283 911 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 24 0.341 911 R&D Employment Share -5.4e-10* 2.1e-04*** 1.3e-05*** 0.0051** 0.0026 0.0014 0.0025 0.0028 0.0035* 0.0036* -2.5e-05 0.0223** 1.3e-07* -0.0053* 0.160 694 TABLE 9 IMPACT OF VERY HIGH RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT SHARES: METROS LESS THAN 5 MILLION IN POPULATION Independent Variables Population ‘Very High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Per Capita Personal Income Constant Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment Share Share 4.0e-09* 3.5e-09** 0.0034** 0.0017* 3.6e-05*** 2.8e-05*** 0.0089 0.0120** -0.0033 0.0048 -0.0067 0.0011 0.0012 0.0089* -0.0013 0.0094* 0.0072 0.0131** 0.0070 0.0114** -1.5e-04* -1.0e-04* 0.2275*** 0.1448*** 5.1e-07* 6.0e-07*** -0.0082 -0.0212*** Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations 0.277 903 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 25 0.336 903 R&D Employment Share -5.7e-10 9.7e-04*** 1.3e-05*** 0.0048** 0.0027 0.0013 0.0024 0.0028 0.0035* 0.0036* -2.4e-05 0.0202* 1.3e-07* -0.0049* 0.153 686 TABLE 10 IMPACT OF VERY HIGH RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT SHARES: METROS LESS THAN 1 MILLION IN POPULATION Independent Variables Population ‘Very High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Per Capita Personal Income Constant Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment Share Share 1.6e-08** 1.2e-08** 0.0028* 0.0012 4.7e-05*** 3.9e-05*** 0.0076 0.0111** -0.0053 0.0033 -0.0077 3.9e-04 -6.5e-04 0.0075* -0.0043 0.0075 0.0076 0.0132** 0.0040 0.0096* -2.0e-04** -1.2e-04** 0.2065*** 0.1269*** 4.5e-07 5.9e-07*** -1.7e-04 -0.0167** Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations 0.243 861 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 26 0.295 861 R&D Employment Share -5.2e-10 8.2e-04** 2.0e-05*** 0.0044** 0.0019 8.8e-04 0.0019 0.0020 0.0036* 0.0030 -3.2e-05 0.0124 1.5e-07* -0.0035 0.159 644 TABLE 11 IMPACT OF VERY HIGH RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT SHARES: METROS LESS THAN 500,000 IN POPULATION Independent Variables Population ‘Very High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Per Capita Personal Income Constant Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment Share Share 2.2e-08* 2.3e-08*** 0.0031* 0.0012 5.6e-05*** 4.7e-05*** 0.0058 0.0100* -0.0069 0.0026 -0.0095 4.5e-04 -0.0026 0.0064 -0.0062 0.0072 0.0051 0.0128** 0.0021 0.0083 -1.9e-04* -1.0e-04* 0.1924*** 0.1084*** 4.6e-07 6.3e-07*** 0.0015 -0.0176** Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations 0.224 815 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 27 0.277 815 R&D Employment Share 1.8e-09 7.5e-04* 2.2e-05*** 0.0041* 0.0019 9.2e-04 0.0018 0.0020 0.0036 0.0028 -3.0e-05 0.0093 1.5e-07* -0.0035 0.146 598 TABLE 12 IMPACT OF VERY HIGH RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT SHARES: METROS LESS THAN 250,000 IN POPULATION Independent Variables Population ‘Very High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Per Capita Personal Income Constant Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment Share Share 3.6e-08 4.2e-08*** 0.0021 2.9e-04 3.1e-05 2.0e-05 0.0075 0.0105* -0.0073 0.0022 -0.0090 6.8e-04 -0.0041 0.0050 -0.0072 0.0060 0.0024 0.0107* 0.0013 0.0076 -1.7e-04* -8.6e-05 0.1692*** 0.0945*** 3.9e-07 5.3e-07** 0.0047 -0.0147* Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations 0.137 742 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 28 0.176 742 R&D Employment Share 4.9e-09 2.9e-04 8.4e-06 0.0035 3.7e-04 -1.0e-04 -3.9e-05 5.4e-04 0.0020 0.0015 -2.4e-05 0.0080 8.5e-08 -4.2e-04 0.039 525 TABLE 13 IMPACT OF VERY HIGH RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT Independent Variables Population Total Employment ‘Very High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Personal Income Constant Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment -0.0607*** -0.0491*** 0.1616*** 0.1030*** 1,188** 783** 10.67** 1.29 2,254 4,633** 818 2,858 1,409 2,195 2,188 3,928* 5,279* 5,442** 2,657 3,295 6,647** 6,105*** 43.63 7.73 1,925 1.8e+04* 3.6e-04*** 5.1e-04*** -6,693* -6,282** 0.881 912 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 29 0.855 911 R&D Employment -0.0126*** 0.0145*** 320*** 0.52 1,593** 945 519 992* 1,308* 674 1,527** -0.07 4,762 2.2e-04*** -1,454* 0.783 694 TABLE 14 IMPACT OF HIGH CLASSIFIED RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT Independent Variables Population Total Employment ‘High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Personal Income Constant Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations -0.0599*** 0.1599*** 77.9 12.30*** 779 -1,039 -795 30 2,748 348 4,113* 55.37* 1,716 3.6e-04*** -5,081 Dependent Variables High-Tech Services Employment -0.0484*** 0.1017*** 335.4 2.56 3,688* 1,729 1,052 2,715 4,033* 2,045 4,788** 14.77 1.8e+04* 5.1e-04*** -5,443* 0.880 912 0.854 911 High-Tech Employment * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 30 R&D Employment -0.0123*** 0.0139*** 179.8* 1.06 1,136* 452 66 483 734 158 1,009* 2.66 4,417 2.2e-04*** -1,108 0.781 694 TABLE 15 IMPACT OF DOCTORAL CLASSIFIED UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT Independent Variables Population Total Employment ‘Doctoral’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Personal Income Constant Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment -0.0602*** -0.0486*** 0.1611*** 0.1017*** 709* -179 12.37*** 2.31 1,478 3,478* -451 1,462 -140 500 783 2,265 3,542 3,509* 1,292 1,467 4,917* 4,144* 47.62* 17.58 2,340 1.8e+04* 3.5e-04*** 5.2e-04*** -5,414 -5,078* 0.881 912 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 31 0.854 911 R&D Employment -0.0124*** 0.0140*** -13 0.91 1,105* 348 -163 313 523 -56 754 2.91 5,099* 2.2e-04*** -951 0.779 694 TABLE 16 IMPACT OF ALL CLASSIFICATIONS OF UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT Independent Variables Population Total Employment ‘Very High’ Research Universities ‘High’ Research Universities ‘Doctoral’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Personal Income Constant Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment -0.0612*** -0.0490*** 0.1627*** 0.1022*** 1,301** 1,073** -516 126 291 -715* 10.22** 0.87 2,636 4,295* 1,078 2,741 1,369 2,146 2,354 3,745* 5,410* 5,321** 2,809 2,971 6,625** 5,996*** 40.47 12.51 3,274 1.8e+04* 3.6e-04*** 5.2e-04*** -6,604* -6,393** 0.881 912 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 32 0.855 911 R&D Employment -0.0125*** 0.0142*** 401*** 74 -231* 0.44 1,461** 893 511 919 1,243* 564 1,497** 1.64 4,312 2.2e-04*** -1,481* 0.784 694 TABLE 17 WEIGHTED IMPACT OF ALL CLASSIFICATIONS OF UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT Independent Variables Population Total Employment Weighted Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Personal Income Constant Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment -0.0601*** -0.0487*** 0.1606*** 0.1024*** 177* 118* 11.81*** 2.04 1,643 4,235* 47 2,356 712 1,745 1,423 3,433* 4,378* 4,857** 1,930 2,825 5,856** 5,594** 47.41* 10.16 1,223 1.8e+04* 3.5e-04*** 5.1e-04*** -6,147* -5,927** 0.881 912 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 33 0.854 911 R&D Employment -.0125*** .0143*** 54** .81 1,432** 769 383 831 1,128* 529 1,375** 0.67 4,534 2.2e-04*** -1,339 0.782 694 TABLE 18 IMPACT OF VERY HIGH RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT: METROS LESS THAN 5 MILLION IN POPULATION Independent Variables Population Total Employment ‘Very High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Personal Income Constant Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment -0.0441*** -0.0284*** 0.0216* 0.0034 129.9 -35.9 4.50 1.61 1,674 2,500** 1,466 2,410** 1,510 2,078** 1,968 2,769*** 3,149* 3,102*** 2,876 3,359*** 3,290* 3,081*** -8.27 -18.28* 6,459 6,609 0.0016*** 0.0012*** -2,270 -2,067* 0.877 904 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 34 0.917 903 R&D Employment -0.0074*** -0.003 127.5 1.06 694 595 286 520 694 421 693 -2.95 2,543 3.0e-04*** -580 0.684 686 TABLE 19 IMPACT OF VERY HIGH RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT: METROS LESS THAN 1 MILLION IN POPULATION Independent Variables Population Total Employment ‘Very High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Personal Income Constant Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment -0.0123*** -0.0082*** 0.0309*** 0.0264*** 249* 189** 8.84*** 7.30*** 249 711 -123 460 160 491 355 875* 439 878* 1,384* 1,405*** 389 898* -13.43* -7.23 6,213* 4,647** 5.0e-04*** 2.4e-04*** -369 -1,017* 0.698 862 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 35 0.691 861 R&D Employment -0.0042*** 0.0051* 119*** 3.5*** 419* 289 258 371* 376 485* 392* -0.96 -377 1.1e-04*** -309 0.428 644 TABLE 20 IMPACT OF VERY HIGH RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT: METROS LESS THAN 500,000 IN POPULATION Independent Variables Population Total Employment ‘Very High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West Cost of Living Bachelor’s Degree Personal Income Constant Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations Dependent Variables High-Tech High-Tech Services Employment Employment -0.0245*** -0.0186*** 0.0427*** 0.0239*** 276** 153* 8.68*** 7.36*** 11 427 -381 213 -286 287 101 595 101 657 909 1,201*** 349 686 -12.02* -7.72* 3,605 1,872 6.9e-04*** 5.8e-04*** 293 -289 0.570 816 * The t-statistic is significant at 95 percent confidence ** The t-statistic is significant at 99 percent confidence *** The t-statistic is significant at 99.9 percent confidence 36 0.550 815 R&D Employment -0.0071*** 0.0086*** 108** 3.30*** 282 244 222 345* 366* 477** 398* -1.32 -893 1.7e-04*** -164 0.350 598 TABLE 21 IMPACT OF VERY HIGH RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT: METROS LESS THAN 250,000 THOUSAND IN POPULATION Independent Variables Population Total Employment ‘Very High’ Research Universities R&D Expenditures Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast 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