Thornleigh West Public School P&C

P&C Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 30th July 2013
Apologies – Juliet Kelly, Julie Granville, Finbar O'Doherty
Attendees: Dana Loguidice, Judy Reilly, Kerith Massey, Nicole Reid, David
Stanton, Tony Smallwood, Hannah Grummett, Veryan McAllister, Jenny Chaplin,
Paul Miller, Laurelle Knight, Trish Stephens, Michelle Christopher, Nicola Brown,
Kerryn Daly, Anke Vaughan
Minutes of the Meeting – 18th June 2013
Moved: Tony Smallwood
Seconded: Veryan McAllister
Business Arising from Previous Minutes
Cert of Incorporation for BASC received
Principal’s Report
Safety around cars
 There was an incident last week where a student has sustained an
 Police council and ranger notified, Mr Miller has been advised the
council will be increasing ranger visits due to complaints from
 An application for barriers to bushland area to prevent parking in
these spots.
 There will be increased patrols by both police and rangers
 School zone lengthened
 Signage improved
 Newsletter will have this information
 Safety banner displayed at the front of the school
Nature Reserve
 Clearing has commenced - control of weed
 Hope to be finished in next holiday period
 Need for replanting and maintenance, putting right plants in the
Hearing Loop
 To be installed in our school hall next holidays - no cost to school,
costs approx 10-15K
 Provision for students with hearing impairment
 Suitable for many visitors to our hall
DEC Restructure
 No regions in new structure
 Reform Agenda
 Executive Director - Jane Simmons
 Director, Public Schools NSW - Tim McCallum
 Dural network of schools
 Valuing existing networks/ relationships
Question: Mr Miller was asked about the distribution of numbers across
the school houses. Mr Miller said these are checked but he will have a
look into this.
Other Reports – from P&C Subcommittees
President – Dana Logiudice
 Not a lot happening at the moment for P&C outside of Spring
Fair preparations
 I did not apply for Community Grant as we have no idea of the
cost of regeneration of the bush area until we see what we’ve
got. Grants always ask for an amount needed and we don’t
know yet.
 Waiting on an election date to see if a BBQ/cake stall is viable. If
election is in school holidays we may have to re-think.
 A big thank you to the Spring Fair co-ordinators, class parents &
other parents helping organise or man stalls. All efforts are
hugely appreciated by the P&C.
Treasurer – David Stanton.
 Budget behind in payments, learning support and
sandpit/amphitheatre and white board not paid, not sure if
invoice has come through. Need paying. If approved just pay
Uniform shop – Nicole Reid
Financial Position (approx 29/7/13)
Cash in bank
Outstanding debt to suppliers
Pre loved cheques to be cashed
Refund cheques to be cashed
Balance of cash
Sales from 18 June to 31 July = $3,851.50(A total of 170 items)
 Question on Lodging BAS how does Nicole pay GST back.
Liaise with treasurer
 Volunteer update – Big thank you to all my lovely volunteers
who are so helpful and reliable!!
 Spring Fair – Still not sure whether to open on Spring
Fair….happy to do so but not sure if it is feasible with eftpos
machine etc being utilised elsewhere??
 General – The shop has been generally quiet end of Term 2 and
start of Term 3.
Canteen – Karen Edmond
 The canteen is still doing well we had a bumper day on Sports
Day - it was my third one at the school and definitely the most
successful - notes have been made and next year will run even
 The new urn has been ordered and also a coffee percolator that
the P&C is paying for.
 One of our chest freezers has a broken lid - I have had the
freezer repairmen in and I am waiting to hear if its fixable - if not
there is a parent at the school with one for sale
 I have obtained another pie oven from Mrs Macs for the Spring
fair and then to replace one of our old warmers. I have enquirer
about getting a pie cart for the Spring Fair and I am still waiting
to hear back from the people at Mrs Macs if we can't get it for
this year it is worth bearing in mind for next year - they also have
pie vans (minimum carton orders apply but that's ok)
French Day was also a success after the profiterole disaster was
averted by Dana (thank you). We did not offer hot chocolate this
year and the canteen was a much safer place.
MDFDGG – Judy Reilly
 Currently working on the Fathers Day Breakfast, the note for the
Breakfast should be out tomorrow with the Wednesday Weekly.
 Numbers are limited and tickets for the Breakfast last year sold
out before the cut off date.
BASC - Laurelle Knight
 Attendance had dropped at the end of term 3, however bookings
are increasing again.
 6 Children on the waiting list for Tuesdays
 Once again vacation bookings were slow but exceeded last
years for the same period. 345 children attended, and included
families from Pennant Hills PS, Barker and Galston PS.
 Staff are attending some Professional development course
 Need to provide outdoor plans with scale for Certificate of
 AASC will be run on Mondays and Fridays this term, with a
chance to learn soccer skills and dancing.
Fundraising General – Dana Logiudice
Nothing to report
Spring Fair - Kerryn Daly
 Offering parents reduced priced Armbands to encourage
flexischools and to offer parents some discount.
 Streamline Armband Purchases on Flexi schools. Payment via
other methods are by exception only
 Flexi school Sales currently about 77
 IGA support, advertising, staff etc
- 400 x red enviro bags
- x happy clappers
- 400 x balloons (you will need to organize the helium) – I
am still working this out due to the cost of the helium,
IGA may be paying hire the tank and pass these out
- 1000 x vouchers with a bounce back offer into your store
(we will print, say $5 off when you spend $50 in IGA
Westleigh – with dates and conditions)
- Loan of IGA Marquee
- 2 staff wearing IGA shirts (red ones u sent me)
- potential face painting
- donating bread
- providing other materials at cost prices - I can apply a 7%
discount so when you apply this on top of specials in
store. This will guarantee best price.
- IGA advertising will be in front page of catalogue
- Local flyer
- Advertising in Hornsby advocate
- Boxes that they would normally throw out have been
requested so that we can use them for the toy and book
 Hydro Produce Plant Donation: ties in with Ready Set Grow
awareness campaign
- Checking out the markets hopefully next week
- What we will be getting
- How to get it to school
- Question on display props to promote them
Celebrity Guest – Kylie Miller MasterChef 2012
Face Book and School Website Page with link on school’s Home
Ready Set Grow Program supported by Council
Council support – “free” rubbish collection 35 bins, 5 recycle
All in-house supplied food only (exception one external food
stall holder Chronic Fatigue 60% profit to school and 40% to
chronic fatigue)
Buying in Bulk collectively and consideration to other P& C
events to economise ie. Election Day
Spring Fair Committee Show bags profit margin of 2.05 on pre
purchase bags and 3.05 on the day of the fair
A pie warmer has been secured by Karen from Mrs Macs Pie.
She also thinks she has secured a pie cart.
Tents on loan reducing our hire equipment costs
Advocate Article & Monthly Chronicle articles
External Market Stall Holders approx. 13 to date.
Expenditure on two large banner investments $670 – these will
be display on St Agatha and at the Duffy St round about
Community Awareness Interest/Support : Little A’s, Girl Guides,
SES, Westleigh Bush Fire Brigade, Hornsby Council workshop,
Mens Shed
School risk assess draft has been completed and reviewed with
Paul Miller. Some changes need to be made.
I am organising an electrical check to be completed. This needs
to be completed for the areas being used as extra electrical
requirements will be required for spring fair;
The entertainment band program has been drafted. The band
will commence playing at 10am when the fair opens.
- Juliette Kelly
Band Committee meeting held on 29/07/13 next meeting
Finances on budget. Approximately $10K in the bank,
Flexischools payment option working well. Full year payment
option to remain open, Bettina will give notice when to close.
Band Camp again a great success, Thanks to huge effort of Mel
Draper and the committee. Booking for 2014 is being
Most instruments were serviced over the holidays. An asset
register update is planned for this term. Second semester hire
fees payable to school this term. Early next term instrument
purchases will be made.
Performances:- Grandparents Day well received, Yamaha both
Senior and Funk Bands achieved Silver Awards which is
excellent for a first outing at Yamaha. All bands looking forward
to Education Day this week and UNSW School Bands Festival
this Sunday. Father’s Day performances for Funk Band planned
at Bunnings, 29/08/13 evening, and for school breakfast
Spring Fair discussed and planned with Kerryn yesterday
evening, thanks Kerryn.
Planning for 2014 Training Band recruitment is underway.
Senior Concert Band will demonstrate instruments to year 2 after
assembly 27/08/13; parent information session and band
demonstration will be 04/09/13 or 05/09/13 depending on hall
availability; a blow test morning will be held 13/09/13 for all year
2 and others interested in years 3-6.
Catering – Bronwyn Cooper
 Good feedback from Grandparents day, plenty of food and they were
well looked after.
Agenda Items
Year 2 Literacy support
 Ms Allen is wanting to encourage year 2 to read more for enjoyment.
 Kim Smallwood works in literacy, she can organise for the author
Duncan Davies to come to meet the year 2’s, talk about his book.
 They would like to get funding for each child to get a book from
Duncan Davies, this would cost $8 instead of $14.95, he can also
sign the book.
 Agreed that meeting an author can have an impact. Happy to
support. Positive response from meeting.
 Veryan McAllister moved the motion
Hannah Grummett seconded.
Crossing on Quarter Sessions Rd at back gate
 Problem of cars zooming through, students have been beeped and
have been unable to cross completely.
 School has control over car parks etc, out of school control.
 Ideas put forward - name and shame considered definite no various
problems with this. We would also like to get people on side and to
encourage people to do the right thing, change the culture.
 Need to remember kids are unpredictable.
 If you see repeat offenders, let school know or the police straight
away and report.
 The school is very fortunate with amount of parking. Not enough
traffic for lollipop person.
 Can't patrol ourselves need to be trained, apparently NWPS monitor
crossing. Tried other things in the past.
 Residents do not want speed limiters. Question asked if we can get
flashing lights??
 P&C to send letter home highlighting the issue, reminding people of
the fines and encourage people to do the right thing.
 Dana to look at flashing lights, might have email about this.
 Formal letter from P&C to Council re issues.
General Business
 Nicola Brown asked whether appropriate to allow a production
company to advertise for a family to film to the school. Need to
make sure appropriate, could do on P&C Facebook page.
 Nicole Reid raised question about how would they know if child goes
missing, would anyone would know until 3pm. Mr Miller explained
logistics of contacting parents if child didn't turn up, contact school if
know away for more than 5 days. Mr Miller rings 000 if a child leaves
the school grounds. Also other kids are usually very good at telling if
a child leaves.
9.0 Closing 9am
10.0 Next Meeting – 7.30pm, Tuesday 3rd September 2013