Prasad Calyam's Resume - Ohio Supercomputer Center

1224 Kinnear Rd,
Columbus, OH 43012
Phone: (614)270-5254
Multimedia Networking, Network Management, Cyber Security, Thin-client Cloud Computing, Cyberinfrastructure Systems
Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University
M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University
B.E. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bangalore University
Jan 2003 – Oct 2007
Sept 2000 – Jun 2002
Oct 1995 – Sept 1999
Ohio Supercomputer Center/OARnet, Columbus, Ohio
Senior Systems Developer/Engineer
Oct 2005 – Present
Systems Developer/Engineer
Aug 2002 – Oct 2005
- Principal Investigator in the Cyberinfrastructure software development and networking research groups; led consulting and
sponsored research-and-development projects that dealt with performance measurement and adaptation of advanced Internet
technologies such as VoIP, Videoconferencing, Video Streaming, Network Measurement Infrastructures, Cyber Security,
Remote Instrumentation, Thin-client Cloud Computing, and Disaster Data Recovery.
- Project Lead and Developer of “H.323 Beacon”- an open-source software tool for Voice and Video over IP (VVoIP) end-toend performance measurement and troubleshooting; ~45,000 downloads on since 2003.
- Project Lead and Developer of “ActiveMon” and “OnTimeMeasure”- extensible software frameworks for instrumentation and
measurement of wide-area network and cloud systems; Top software pick in a GENI-wide software sustainability study.
- Project Lead and Developer of “RICE” - Remote Instrumentation Collaboration Environment software used to train and
conduct research on remote scientific instruments; Featured on OSU Home Page, PC Magazine, CPU Magazine.
- Project Lead for developing user Quality of Experience (QoE) models for videoconferencing, IPTV and remote desktop access
under varying network health; Models used in product development at Huawei Technologies and Apparent Networks.
- Project Lead for developing OnTimeDetect - a network anomaly detection tool that is interoperable with perfSONAR; Tool is
being used in high-performance networking communities for proactive monitoring of networks with large data movements.
- Project Lead for developing DISC: a service that enables Data Import, Storage and Collaboration of large research data sets.
OARnet/Ohio Supercomputer Center, Columbus, Ohio
Jun 2001 – Jun 2002
Summer Intern and Graduate Research Associate
- Developed a software prototype of the “H.323 Beacon” tool; Conducted research in quantifying Quality of Service metrics for
acceptable H.323 video/audio performance and recommended best practices for large-scale H.323 Videoconferencing systems.
Office of Information Technology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Sept 2000 – Jun 2001
Graduate Research Associate for the Chief Research Engineer
- Developed advanced technology integration demonstrations (“Barbershop Quartet”, “Classroom of the Future”) for various
national events using technologies such as smart boards, videoconferencing, and video streaming.
MphasiS Ltd., Bangalore, India – A SEI CMM Level 5 Company
Nov 1999 – Jul 2000
Associate Systems Engineer
- Designed and developed a software security system for Samsung Electronics Corporation, Korea that restricts the usage of a
dual line fax machine and also logs, maintains and generates reports relating to the usage of the fax machine. (pSOS, C)
- Developed Vehicle Message Simulator software for Eaton Corporation, USA to simulate messages that test the Driver
Display Module software installed on Truck PCs to monitor the performance of trucks. (VC++)
1. National Science Foundation, Computer and Network Systems
Sept 2010 – Aug 2012
Title: Thin Client Performance Benchmarking based Resource Adaptation in Virtual Desktop Clouds
Role: Principal Investigator;
Award No.: CNS-1050225
- Develop resource allocation schemes and performance benchmarking tools that can enable building and managing thin-client
based virtual desktop clouds at Internet-scale.
2. U.S. Department of Energy, Network Environment Research
Aug 2009 – Jul 2012
Title: Sampling Approaches for Multi-Domain Internet Performance Measurement Infrastructures
Role: Principal Investigator;
Award No.: DE-SC0001331
- Develop sampling approaches and policy frameworks for multi-domain Internet performance measurement infrastructures to
serve analysis techniques such as forecasting, anomaly-detection, fault-location identification and diagnosis.
3. National Science Foundation, Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI)
Oct 2009 – Sept 2012
Title: OnTimeMeasure: Centralized and Distributed Measurement Orchestration
Role: Principal Investigator;
Award No.: 1764
- Develop “OnTimeMeasure-GENI” platform for centralized and distributed measurement orchestration as part of a measurement
service for GENI experiments in ProtoGENI and PlanetLab, as well as for the GENI operations group (GMOC).
4. Dell, VMware, IBM, & Ohio Board of Regents, Columbus, Ohio
Mar 2009 – Sept 2012
Title: VMLab Testbed for Desktop Virtualization to Support Research and Education
Role: Principal Investigator;
- Support proof-of-concept experiments (e.g., sandboxes, classroom labs) related to desktop virtualization and thin-client
computing technologies for enterprise and scientific applications in research and education.
5. Raytheon BBN, NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Jul 2010 – Jun 2011
Title: Research and Prototype Development of Network Measurement Analysis Techniques
Role: Research Mentor;
Award No.: 1764-REU
- Advise an undergraduate student to impart research and development skills via applied projects in the area of network
performance measurement and analysis.
6. Huawei Technologies, Beijing, China
May 2008 – Apr 2009
Title: Objective and Subjective user QoE Models for IPTV Applications
Role: Principal Investigator;
Award No.: YBON2008024
- Development of objective and subjective user Quality of Experience models to assess Internet TV (IPTV) quality for multiresolution video codecs operating at different bit rates, and network health conditions.
7. Apparent Networks, Vancouver, Canada
Oct 2007 - Mar 2008
Title: Video over IP Traffic Modeling
Role: Principal Investigator;
- Modeling of source-side and receiver-side traffic of video codecs used in video-on-demand and videoconferencing applications
for use in the AppCritical© Video over IP performance testing framework.
8. Ohio Board of Regents, Columbus, Ohio
Oct 2007 - Mar 2009
Title: RICE: Remote Instrumentation Collaboration Environment
Role: Project Lead;
- Developed the “Remote Instrumentation Collaboration Environment” (RICE) software for cyber-enabling scientific instruments
such as Scanning Electron Microscopes, 800 MHz NMR and Raman-FTIR Microprobe.
9. Polycom, Cleveland, Ohio & Ohio Board of Regents, Columbus, Ohio
Oct 2006 - Dec 2007
Title: Balancing Multimedia Performance and Data Security Trade-offs in Secure Videoconferencing Deployments
Role: Principal Investigator;
- Conducted a study of state-of-the-art firewall traversal solutions and signaling-and-media flow architectures in secure
videoconferencing deployments; evaluated gatekeeper proxy solutions using load, interoperability, and vulnerability testing.
10. American Distance Education Consortium, NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Jun 2007 – Aug 2007
Title: High Definition Videoconferencing: Codec Performance, Security, and Collaboration Tools
Role: Research Mentor;
- Advised two undergraduate students to impart research and development skills via projects in the area of High Definition
Videoconferencing: Codec Performance, Security, and Collaboration Tools.
11. Plannet Group, Columbus, Ohio
Apr 2006 - Jul 2006
Role: Network Management Expert Consultant
- Invited as an expert to discuss capabilities and uses of active measurements in application performance troubleshooting
techniques; also provided a conceptual basis for an active measurements solution within their Mission Control© framework.
12. Apparent Networks, Vancouver, Canada
Jun 2005
Role: Internet Voice and Video Expert Consultant
- Invited as an expert to discuss characteristics of “Voice and Video over IP” applications and their performance troubleshooting
techniques so as to develop a conceptual basis for a solution within the AppareNet© network performance testing framework.
13. Ohio Board of Regents, Columbus, Ohio
Oct 2004 – Mar 2006
Role: Project Lead;
- Developed the “ActiveMon” software for routine network monitoring of OARnet’s upgraded network backbone to support
advanced Internet applications such as VoIP, Videoconferencing, Video Streaming, and Disaster Data Recovery.
14. Internet2, End-to-End Performance Initiative, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Aug 2002 – Jul 2004
Role: Network Performance Measurement Consultant (0.5 FTE position)
- Developed H.323 Beacon for Internet2 Commons and developed Network Measurement Infrastructure software to indicate
performance capabilities and problems of the Abilene Network (Internet2 backbone).
1. P. Calyam, R. Patali, A. Berryman, A. Lai, R. Ramnath, “Utility-directed Resource Allocation in Virtual Desktop Clouds”,
Elsevier Computer Networks Journal (COMNET), 2011.
2. P. Calyam, M. Sridharan, Y. Xiao, K. Zhu, A. Berryman, R. Patali, “Enabling Performance Intelligence for Application
Adaptation in the Future Internet”, Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), 2011.
3. P. Calyam, P. Chandrasekaran, G. Trueb, N. Howes, R. Ramnath, “Multi-Resolution Multimedia QoE Models for IPTV
Applications”, International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (IJDMB), 2011.
4. D. Hudak, D. Stredney, P. Calyam, K. Wohlever, T. Bitterman, B. Hittle, T. Kerwin, A. Krishnamurthy, “Enabling DataIntensive Biomedical Science: Gaps, Opportunities, and Challenges”, OMICS Journal of Integrative Biology, 2011.
5. P. Calyam, G. Trueb, N. Howes, “Evaluation of Gatekeeper Proxies for Firewall Traversal in Secure Videoconferencing
Systems”, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology’s special Issue on Recent Advances in Network Security
Attacks and Defenses, 2009.
6. W. Yu, X. Wang, P. Calyam, D. Xuan, W. Zhao, “Modeling and Detection of Camouflaging Worm”, IEEE Transactions on
Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2009.
7. P. Calyam, A. Kalash, R. Gopalan, S. Gopalan, A. Krishnamurty, “RICE: A Reliable and Efficient Remote Instrumentation
Collaboration Environment”, Journal of Advances in Multimedia’s special issue on Multimedia Immersive Technologies and
Networking, 2008.
8. P. Calyam, E. Ekici, C. G. Lee, M. Haffner, N. Howes, “A ‘GAP-Model’ based Framework for Online VVoIP QoE
Measurement”, Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), 2007.
9. P. Calyam, C.G.Lee, E. Ekici, M. Haffner, N. Howes, “Orchestrating Network-wide Active Measurements for Supporting
Distributed Computing Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Computers Journal (TC), 2006.
10. K. Salah, P. Calyam, M. Buhari, “Assessing Readiness of IP Networks to Support Desktop Videoconferencing using OPNET”,
Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), 2006.
11. P. Calyam, C.G. Lee, “Characterizing voice and video traffic behavior on the Internet”, Published by Imperial College Press in
a special edition of "Advances in Computer Science and Engineering" Book Series, 2005.
12. A. Sukhov, P. Calyam, W. Daly, A. Illin, “Towards an Analytical Model for characterizing behavior of High-Speed VVoIP
applications", Computational Methods in Science and Technology Journal (Volume 11(2)), 2005.
1. M. Sridharan, P. Calyam, A. Venkataraman, A. Berryman, “Defragmentation of Resources in Virtual Desktop Clouds for CostAware Utility-Optimal Allocation”, IEEE Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2011.
2. A. Lai, D. Stredney, P. Calyam, B. Hittle, T. Kerwin, D. Reed, K. Powell, “Remote Interactive Volume Visualization
Infrastructure for Researchers”, AMIA Annual Symposium, 2011.
3. P. Calyam, J. Pu, W. Mandrawa, A. Krishnamurthy, "OnTimeDetect: Dynamic Network Anomaly Notification in perfSONAR
Deployments", IEEE Symposium on Modeling, Analysis & Simulation of Computer & Telecommn. Systems (MASCOTS), 2010.
4. A. Berryman, P. Calyam, A. Lai, M. Honigford, “VDBench: A Benchmarking Toolkit for Thin-client based Virtual Desktop
Environments”, IEEE Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2010.
5. P. Calyam, L. Kumarasamy, F. Ozguner, “Semantic Scheduling of Active Measurements for meeting Network Monitoring
Objectives”, IEEE Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) (Short Paper), 2010.
6. E. Sagatov, A. Sukhov, P. Calyam, “Influence of Distortions of Key Frames on Video Transfer in Wireless Networks”, IEEE
International Symposium on Image/Video Communications over fixed and mobile networks (ISIVC), 2010.
7. P. Calyam, P. Chandrasekaran, G. Trueb, N. Howes, D. Yu, Y. Liu, L. Xiong, R. Ramnath, D. Yang, “Impact of Router
Queuing Disciplines on Multimedia QoE in IPTV Deployments”, IEEE Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience
(QoMEX), 2009.
8. P. Calyam, A. Kalash, A. Krishnamurthy, G. Renkes, “A Human-and-Network Aware Encoding Adaptation Scheme for
Remote Desktop Access”, IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), 2009.
9. K. Salah, K. Sattar, A. Baig, M. Squalli, P. Calyam, “Resiliency of Popular Network Firewalls against Remote Discovery of
Last-Matching Rules”, ACM Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN), 2009.
10. P. Calyam, A. Kalash, N. Ludban, S. Gopalan, S. Samsi, K. Tomko, D. Hudak, A. Krishnamurthy, “Experiences from
Cyberinfrastructure Development for Multi-user Remote Instrumentation”, IEEE Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 2008.
11. P. Calyam, A. Devulapalli, “Modeling of Multi-resolution Active Network Measurement Time-series”, IEEE Workshop on
Network Measurements (WNM), 2008.
12. P. Calyam, N. Howes, A. Kalash, M. Haffner, “User and Network Interplay in Internet Telemicroscopy”, ICST/ACM Immersive
Telecommunications (IMMERSCOM), 2007.
13. P. Calyam, M. Haffner, E. Ekici, C. G. Lee, “Measuring Interaction QoE in Internet Videoconferencing”, IEEE/IFIP
Management of Multimedia and Mobile Networks and Services (MMNS), Proceedings published in Springer-Verlag Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 2007.
14. W. Yu, X. Wang, P. Calyam, D. Xuan and W. Zhao, "On Detecting Camouflaging Worms", Annual Computer Security
Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2006.
15. P. Calyam, C.G.Lee, P. K. Arava, D. Krymskiy, “Enhanced EDF Scheduling Algorithms for Orchestrating Network-wide
Active Measurements”, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2005.
16. P. Calyam, D. Krymskiy, M. Sridharan, P. Schopis, "Active and Passive Measurements on Campus, Regional and National
Network Backbone Paths", IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2005.
17. P. Calyam, C.G. Lee, P.K. Arava, D. Krymskiy, D. Lee, “OnTimeMeasure: A Scalable Framework for scheduling active
measurements”, IEEE/IFIP End-to-End Monitoring Workshop (E2EMON), 2005.
18. P. Calyam, D. Krymskiy, M. Sridharan, P. Schopis, "TBI: End-to-End Network Performance Measurement Testbed for
Empirical-bottleneck Detection", IEEE Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and
Communities (TRIDENTCOM), 2005.
19. A. Sukhov, P. Calyam, W. Daly, A. Illin, "Network Requirements for High-Speed Real-Time Multimedia Data Streams", IPv6
Global Summit, 2004.
20. P. Calyam, W. Mandrawa, M. Sridharan, A. Khan, P. Schopis, “H.323 Beacon: An H.323 application related end-to-end
performance troubleshooting tool”, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network Troubleshooting (NetTs), 2004.
21. P. Calyam, M. Sridharan, W. Mandrawa, P. Schopis “Performance Measurement and Analysis of H.323 Traffic”, Passive and
Active Measurement Workshop (PAM), Proceedings published in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004.
1. P. Calyam, “5 analogies between adoption of virtual desktop clouds and good-old videoconferencing”, OSC/OARnet Technical
Report prepared for VMware End-user Computing Group, 2011.
2. P. Calyam, W. Mandrawa, C. Hartley, P. Schopis, “OnTimeMeasure: Centralized and Distributed Measurement Software”,
GENI Measurement Service Design Document, 2010.
3. P. Calyam, D. Hudak, A. Krishnamurthy, M. Kennedy, “Cyber-enabling of Ohio’s 850 MHz NMR”, OSC Technical Report
prepared for the Ohio Board of Regents, 2009.
4. P. Calyam, D. Hudak, A. Krishnamurthy, G. Renkes, “Cyber-enabling of Ohio’s Raman-FTIR Micro-Spectrometer”, OSC
Technical Report prepared for the Ohio Board of Regents and National Science Foundation, 2009.
5. K. Kantardjieff, P. Calyam, et. al., “Cyber-Enabled Instrumentation in Chemistry”, Strategic Planning Workshop Report
prepared for the National Science Foundation, 2009.
6. P. Calyam, G. Trueb, N. Howes, “Balancing Multimedia Performance and Data Security Trade-offs in Secure
Videoconferencing Deployments”, OSC Technical Report prepared for the Ohio Board of Regents and Polycom, 2008.
7. P. Calyam, “Provisioning and Analysis of Application-specific Internet Measurements”, Ph.D. Thesis, Advisers: Prof. Eylem
Ekici and Prof. Chang-gun Lee – Supported by Ohio Board of Regents, Ohio Supercomputer Center, American Distance
Education Consortium, and Internet2, 2007.
8. P. Calyam, G. Trueb, S. Lammers, “High Definition Videoconferencing: Codec Performance, Security, and Collaboration
Tools”, NSF REU Report submitted to American Distance Education Consortium, 2007.
9. P. Calyam, L. Jorgenson, “Network Performance Infrastructures - Part-II”, Apparent Networks Whitepaper, 2007.
10. P. Calyam, S. Gordon, M. Woo, D. Walsh, “2006 ECOM-Ohio Study”, OSC Technical Report prepared for the Ohio
Department of Development, 2006.
11. P. Calyam, P. K. Arava, N. Howes, S. Samsi, C. Butler, J. Jones, “Network Tuning and Monitoring for Disaster Recovery Data
Backup and Retrieval”, OSC Technical Whitepaper, 2005. (Presented at Sun Microsystem’s SuperG Meeting)
12. P. Calyam, L. Jorgenson, “Network Performance Infrastructures - Part-I”, Apparent Networks Whitepaper, 2003.
13. P. Calyam, “Performance Measurement and Analysis of H.323 Videoconferencing Traffic”, M.S. Thesis - Supported by
American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC), 2002.
1. “Anomaly Detection Integration and Deployment in DOE Monitoring Infrastructures”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Fairbanks,
Alaska, 2011.
2. “Future Broadband Networking for Thin-client Cloud Computing in Health and Manufacturing Applications”, NSF-OSTP US
IGNITE Meeting, Cleveland, OH, 2011.
3. “Resource Allocation in Virtual Desktop Clouds: VMLab-GENI Experiment”, Demonstration in GENI infrastructure, 10th
GENI Engineering Conference, Puerto Rico, 2011.
4. “OnTimeMeasure Integration with GUSH Experimenter Workflow Tool in GENI”, Selected GENI project highlights session,
10th GENI Engineering Conference, Puerto Rico, 2011.
“Future Internet and Cloud Computing”, Invited Seminar at Department of Computer Science and Information Systems,
Youngstown State University, 2010.
“VMLab Testbed for Desktop Virtualization to Support Research and Education”, MERIT Desktop Virtualization Summit, East
Lansing, MI, 2010.
“Experiences from developing analysis techniques and GUI tools for perfSONAR users”, perfSONAR Workshop, Arlington,
VA, 2010.
“Kansei Connectivity Requirements: The Ohio State Univ. Campus Deployment Case Study”, GENI QUILT Workshop, San
Diego, CA, 2010.
“Multi-domain Internet Performance Sampling and Analysis Tools”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Columbus, OH, 2010.
“Effects of Network Conditions on Visual Communications”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Columbus, OH, 2010.
“Using Desktop Virtualization to access advanced Educational Software”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Columbus, OH, 2010.
“Multi-domain Internet Performance Sampling and Analysis”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Salt Lake City, 2010.
“VMLab Testbed for Desktop Virtualization Experiments”, Internet2 Fall Member Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2009.
“Remote Instrumentation Collaborations in Ohio”, Internet2 Fall Member Meeting – Demo Session, K-20 Advisory Committee
Meeting – Plenary Talk, New Orleans, LA, 2008.
“Ohio’s Cyber-enabled 850 MHz NMR - Demo”, IEEE/ACM Supercomputing Conference - Demo Session, Austin, TX, 2008.
“OSC led Remote Instrumentation Program in Ohio – Talk and Demo”, NJEdge.Net Technology in Education Conference,
Plainsboro, NJ, 2008.
“Remote Instrumentation Challenges and Future Directions”, NSF Cyber-enabled Instruments Workshop, Arlington, 2008.
“Balancing Multimedia Performance and Data Security Trade-offs in Secure Videoconferencing Deployments”, Internet2
Spring Member Meeting, Arlington, VA, 2008.
“Voice and Video over IP”, OSU-CSE 679 Class Lecture, 2002/2003/2004/2005/2006/2007/2008.
“Network Router Architectures”, OSU-CSE 677 Class Lecture, 2005/2006/2007/2008.
“Secure Videoconferencing”, OSU-CSE 551 Class Lecture, 2008/2009.
“Remote Instrumentation Collaboration Environment (RICE) for Online Training and Research”, SLOAN-C International
Conference on Online Learning, Orlando, 2007.
“Telemicroscopy Performance Measurements”, Internet2 Fall Member Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2006.
“State-wide Disaster Recovery for Ohio’s Higher Education”, Windows on the Future, Columbus, OH, 2006.
“AppareNet Deployment at OARnet”, Apparent Networks User Conference, Whistler, BC, 2006.
“Broadband 101: An Introduction to Broadband Technologies”, Ohio Department of Development sponsored Broadband
Basics Workshop, Wooster, OH, 2005.
“Tutorial: Troubleshooting Voice and Video Performance over IP using Measurement Tools”, Tools Tutorial at Internet2/ESCC
Joint Techs, Salt Lake City, UT, 2005.
“Third Frontier Network Measurement Project”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Columbus, 2004.
“How Friendly is the Internet to Videoconferencing?”, National Internet2 Day, Columbus, OH, 2004.
“E2E Measurement Issues for VoIP Systems”, Internet2 VoIP Workshop, Indianapolis, IN, 2003.
“Network Measurement Infrastructures: Motivations and Challenges”, Internet2/ESCC Joint Techs, Kansas, 2003.
(Recruited and mentored students in research projects that resulted in peer-reviewed publications and software packages)
Veena Raghavan (2001 – 2002; now at Citigroup), Prashant Reddy (2001 – 2002; now at Pramati
Technologies), Mukundan Sridharan (2003 – 2005; now a Ph.D. candidate at The Ohio State University),
Phani Kumar Arava (2005 – 2006), Mark Haffner (2006 – 2007; now a Ph.D. student at The Ohio State
University), Abdul Kalash (2007-2009; now at Schneider Electric), Prashant Chandrasekharan (2008 –
2009; now at Microsoft), Ramya Gopalan (2008 – 2009), Sowmya Gopalan (2008 – 2009), Lakshmi
Kumarasamy (2010 – 2011; now at Epic Systems), Kunpeng Zhu (2010 – 2011; now at Fuhu), Rohit Patali
(2010 – 2011), Arun Chockalingam (2011; now at NetJets), Aishwarya Venkataraman (2011 – Present),
Manojprasad Dhanapalan (2011 – Present); Jialu Pu (2011 – Present).
Post Doctoral
Dima Krymskiy (2003 – 2005, recipient of “Runner-up award for Best University Student Employee”, now at
Cardinal Health), Nathan Howes (2005 – 2009; now at Oracle), Omar Bahader (2005 – 2006; now at
Rockwell Automation), Peter Jaegersen (2005 – 2006), Suzanne Lammers (2007 Summer NSF REU
Student), Gregg Trueb (2007 Summer NSF REU Student, 2007 – 2009; now at Northrop Grumman), Alex
Berryman (NSF REU Student, 2009 – Present), Jialu Pu (2009 – 2011), Srinidhi Kundur (2011 Summer),
David Welling (2011 – Present).
Mukundan Sridharan (2010 – 2011), Yingxiao Xu (2011 – Present)
- Member of IEEE.
- Member of the Internet2 Performance Working Group, GENI Instrumentation and Measurement Working Group.
Member of the Technical Advisory Council for Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK), 2003 - 2008.
OSC Summer Institute Instructor, 2007/2008.
Technical Program Committees: IEEE ICCCN 2006/2007/2008/2011, Advanced Technology Summit 2007, ODCE 2008,
IMMERSCOM 2009, IEEE MMSP 2010, QUILT GENI Workshop 2010.
Peer-Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2006/2008, ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review 2007,
Elsevier European Journal of Operational Research 2007, IEEE ICCCN 2006/2007/2008, IEEE ICDCS 2005, IEEE HPSR
2007, ISCIS 2005, IEEE Globecom 2005/2007, Elsevier Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering 2008,
IMMERSCOM 2009, Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks 2009, Wiley Journal on Security and Communication Networks
2009, IET Communications 2009, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 2009, Elsevier Journal of Network and
Computer Applications 2009, IET Communications 2010, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2010,
Elsevier Computer Communications 2010, Elsevier Computer Networks 2010, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer
Applications 2011, IEEE ICCCN 2011, IEEE Internet Computing Journal 2011, Journal of High Speed Networks 2011,
Elsevier Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering 2011, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 2011.
Proposals Review Panelist: NSF, 2009(2 TC panels)/2010(1 TC panel, 1 CRI panel)/2011(1 NeTS panel); DOE, 2009 (1
ACM/IEEE Supercomputing 2009/2010 - SCinet Measurement Committee Member.
Master’s Thesis Committee Member, The Ohio State University: Lakshmi Kumarasamy (Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, 2011), Rohit Patali (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2011), Abdul Kalash
(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2009), Prashanth Chandrasekaran, (Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, 2009).
- “Using perfSONAR to Find Network Anomalies”, ESnet Network Matters Blog, 2011.
- “Capacity Crowd Enjoys Desktop Virtualization Summit in East Lansing”, MERIT Press Release, 2010.
- “Monitoring Advanced Network Health Status”, OSC Research Report, 2010.
- “GENI Project Office at BBN Technologies Announces $11.5M in NSF Funding for 33 Academic and Industry Teams”,
Reuters, 2009.
- “Research seeks to improve service for users of next-generation networks”, OSC Press Release, 2009.
- “Miami University Releases Cyber Tools To Share Its Spectrometer”, CPU Magazine, Vol. 9, Issue 5, 2009.
“Secure videoconferencing provides key to enhancing education, research collaboration, savings”, OSC Press Release,
Supercomputing Online, 2009.
- “Cyberinfrastructure Tools Improve Remote Use of Scientific Instruments”, HPCwire, 2008.
- “Software Helps Operate Instruments Remotely”, American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 86, No. 11, 2008.
- “Balancing security and performance tradeoffs for secure Internet videoconferencing”, OSC Research Report, Pg. 44, 2008.
“Remote use of scientific instruments expands research, education”, OSC Research Report, Pg. 32, 2008.
“Managing research instruments on the web”, ZDNet Emerging Technology Trends, 2008.
- “Software for Operating Tools Remotely – Ohio State University researchers present the Remote Instrumentation Collaboration
Environment”, Dr. Dobbs Journal, 2007.
- “Software Aids Remote Internet Research”, OSU News in Engineering Magazine, Vol. 79, No. 3, 2007.
- “Seeing is believing, and other benefits of high-definition videoconferencing”, OSC Research Report, 2007.
- “Researchers seek to keep monster Internet telescopes from getting destroyed”, Network World, 2007.
- “Software Overcomes Major Problems For Scientists Who Operate Research Tools Over The Internet”, Science Daily, 2007.
- “Remote Science”, OSU Home Page Feature, 2007.
- “Better View from Afar”, PC Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 25, 2007.
- “Software created to aid scientific inquiry”, WebIndia, 2007.
- “A Diagnosis for Videoconferencing Ills”, OSU News in Engineering Magazine, Vol. 76, No. 2, 2004.
- “Can You See Me Now? Better Videoconferencing Requires Less Computer Network Jitter, New Software Tools”, Science
Daily, 2004.