October Roll Assignments packet

Name: _______________________
Period: ____
Sophomore English October 2015 Roll Assignments
Thursday, October 1
Possessive form of ‘they.’ It shows that ‘they’ own it. That’s their house; that’s their car.
A contraction that means ‘they are.’ They’re (they are) going to see a movie.
In that place. The place you’re looking for is over there. Meet us over there.
Is that __________ car? Meet us over ____________, in that place. ____________ nice folks.
Word of the Day: delicacy
Part of speech: (noun)
Root words of the day: reg, reig, meaning: _________________ Examples: regal, regicide, reign, regime,
Friday, October 2nd
It is ‘would have,’ not ‘would of.’ When you think you’re hearing someone saying “Would of” what you’re
actually hearing is “Would’ve,” which is a contraction (shortening, like “cannot” becoming “can’t”) for “would
have.” ‘Have’ is the ANSWER!
CORRECT (RIGHT): Would have (WRITE THE WORD ‘have’ in the blank below)
INCORRECT (WRONG): Would of (DO NOT WRITE THE WORD ‘of’ in the blank)
I would ________________ arrived on time, but I was unavoidably delayed.
Word of the Day: thin-hided
Part of speech: (adjective)
Root word of the day: vict, meaning: _______________ Examples: victory, convict, evict
Monday, October 5th
A lot.
A lot (two words) = a great quantity. That is a lot of information. They have a lot more land than their neighbors.
Allot is a verb meaning to give out portions. The government allotted land to the farmers.
Alot (not a word).
I will ___________ some land to all the peasants, but no one will have ________ more land than any other
Word of the Day: unimpaired
Part of speech: (adjective)
Root words of the day: poss, pot, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: possessive, potent,
impotent, omnipotent
Tuesday, October 6th
Nonetheless and however (‘nonetheless’ is one word and ‘however’ is one word, with no spaces between the letters; these are the answers, so
WRITE ‘nonetheless’ in the 1st blank space and ‘however’ in the 2nd blank space)
Despite anything to the contrary.
None the less and how ever (these are WRONG; DO NOT EVER write them this way!).
I’m afraid, __________________, I shall go.
I will go there; _________________, I know what I’ll find.
Word of the Day: volition
Part of speech: (noun)
Root words of the day: jac, ject, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: adjacent, subjected,
projectile, eject, ejection
Wednesday, October 7th
Used to introduce alternative possibilities; either. I do not know whether that is true or not.
Climate conditions (rain, snow, sunshine, cold, hot, etc.) The weather outside is cold and rainy today.
I will go _________________ or not the __________________ outside is nice and warm.
Word of the Day: caliber
Part of speech: (noun)
Root words of the day: ball, bol, bl, meaning: ______________________________
Examples: ballistic, parable, symbolize
Thursday, October 8th
Each other. (putting a space between ‘each’ and ‘other’ is the RIGHT WAY to do it, so write ‘each other’ with a
space between ‘each’ and ‘other’ in the first blank space below)
One another. The two foes faced each other in battle.
Eachother (this is not a word; DO NOT EVER WRITE IT THIS WAY).
Go and say hello to ________________________!
Word of the Day: corrupt
Part of speech: (verb)
Root word of the day: pass, meaning: _________________________________
Examples: compass, encompass, passable, passage, trespass
Friday, October 9th
Go after. You drive there and I will follow you in my car.
Unused (usually applies to fields that farmers choose not to grow crops in for awhile).
Those fields are lying fallow this season, to give the soil a chance to recover its nutrients.
__________________ that car! They’re getting away!
The field was ___________________ when the farmer didn’t plant crops in it.
Word of the Day: apoplectic
Part of speech: (adjective)
Root words of the day: pend, pends, meaning: _________________________________
Examples: appendix, suspend, pendant, pendulum, pending, pensive
Monday, October 12th
One who fights in war or serves in a military. Many soldiers are injured in war.
More firm/solid than something else. This mattress is solider than that one.
The _________________ in the army was _______________ than his opponent and so beat him.
Word of the Day: detachment
Part of speech: (noun)
Root word of the day: serv, meaning: _________________________________
Examples: preservation, conservative, observant
Tuesday, October 13th
To get used to; to embrace or affirm in a positive way or to receive. I grew to accept the difficult conditions. I was accepted into the
program. I accepted the award.
Everything other than. I will take all of these items except that one.
I _________________________ you for who you are.
I invited everyone _________________________ him.
Word of the Day: discreet
Part of speech: (adjective)
Root word of the day: strict, meaning: _________________________________ Examples: restrict, restriction,
constrict, boa constrictor
Wednesday, October 14th
To not be able to find; to be defeated (the opposite of to win); get rid of. Be careful not to lose this book. Do you
think they’ll lose the game? Try to lose the car that’s chasing us.
Not tight; or, escaped and out and about. This knot is loose. The guard dogs are loose!
The killer is __________ in the woods. Don’t ________ your cool. If he attacks and you fight him, you’ll probably ________ to him.
Also, make sure your shoelaces aren’t _______________, because otherwise you could trip and then he’ll have a chance to kill you.
Word of the Day: iota
Part of speech: (noun)
Root word of the day: solut, meaning: _________________________________ Examples: solution, dissolution
Thursday, October 15th
The possessive form of ‘you.’ Here; I think this is your pencil.
The contraction for ‘you are.’ You’re going to the party, right?
Are these ______________ shoes? _______________ such a good person!
Word of the Day: minute (pronounced “my newt”)
Part of speech: (adjective)
Root words of the day: lib, liv, meaning: _________________________________ Examples: deliverance,
liberate, liberal, liberty, liberation
Based on our readings of “My Papa’s Waltz,” write why it is important to understand the tones (or, emotions) of
a poem in order to be able to understand what the poem is actually about (a father beating his son, not a dance):
Write your own original metaphor for these different emotions (don’t use ‘like,’ or ‘as’ or ‘than,’ because similes
use those words to make comparisons, but metaphors do not):
Anger is a ... _____________________________________________________________
Sadness is a … ___________________________________________________________
Happiness is a … _________________________________________________________
Friday, October 16th
Word of the Day: pauper
Part of speech: (noun)
Root words of the day: liter, meaning: ___________________________________ Examples: literate, literary,
literature, literal, literally, obliterate
Monday, October 19th
Word of the Day: obstreperous
Part of speech: (adjective)
Root word of the day: log, meaning: ___________________________________ Examples: logic, logical,
illogical, analogy, apologize, apologetic
Tuesday, October 20th
Word of the Day: temerity
Parts of speech: (noun)
Root words of the day: gram, graph, meaning: _________________________________ Examples: diagram,
program, biographical, graphic
Write about at least one time or at least one way that you were/are not true to yourself, and/or conceal(ed) some part of yourself from
others: why you did (or do) this, and how it makes you feel.
Wednesday, October 21st
Word of the Day: unmitigated
Part of speech: (adjective)
Root words of the day: script, scrib, meaning: _________________________________ Examples: descriptive,
subscribe, subscription, manuscript, scribe, inscribe, prescription
Monday, October 26th
Word of the Day: indignant
Part of speech: (adjective)
Root word of the day: ces, meaning: ___________________________________ Examples: access, accessible,
process, procession, succession, concession
Tuesday, October 27th
Word of the Day: cynical
Part of speech: (adjective)
Root words of the day: grad, gress, meaning: _________________________________ Examples: gradual,
graduate, grade, gradient, transgression, progressive, progression
Write (briefly) how you can relate to/personally connect your own life with either the short story “Shaving” by
Leslie Norris or the poem “Persimmons” by Li-Young Lee:
Wednesday, October 28th
Word of the Day: fatalistic
Part of speech: (adjective)
Root word of the day: it, meaning: ___________________________________ Examples: ambition, transit,
Thursday, October 29th
Word of the Day: feral
Part of speech: (adjective)
Root words of the day: cur, cours, meaning: _________________________________ Examples: occurrence,
course, currency, recurrent, current, recourse
Friday, October 30th
Word of the Day: heathen
Part of speech: (adjective or noun)
Root word of the day: fort, meaning: _________________________________ Examples: fortify, fortification,
fortitude, fortress, effort, effortless