
Questionnaire and Form Design
True/False Questions
1. Two apparently similar ways of posing a question always yields the same
2. Respondents do not answer questions on which they are not informed.
3. Respondents with responses that are difficult to articulate should be given aids such
as pictures, maps, and descriptions to help them articulate their responses.
4. Sensitive topics should be placed at the beginning of the questionnaire to get the
difficult questions over with.
5. To control for order bias, several forms of the questionnaire should be prepared with
the order in which alternatives are listed varied from form to form.
6. Deciding on question wording is probably the most difficult task in developing a
7. Mentioning the sponsor of a project in the question might bias the respondent towards
the sponsor.
8. There is evidence that the response to a question is influenced by the directionality of
the question.
9. Qualifying questions should not serve as opening questions.
10. In questionnaire design, assigning a code to every conceivable response before data
collection is called pre-coding.
11. Respondents for the pretest and for the actual survey should not be drawn from the
same population.
12. Observational forms and questionnaires require adequate pretesting.
13. Information on demographic characteristics such as marital status, education,
household size, occupation, income, and dwelling unit may have to be specified
differently for different countries, as these variables may not be directly comparable
across countries.
Multiple Choice Questions
39. Which of the following is not an objective of a questionnaire?
a. A questionnaire must translate the information needed into a set of specific
questions that the respondents can and will answer.
b. A questionnaire must be easy to use.
c. A questionnaire must uplift, motivate, and encourage the respondent to become
involved in the interview, to cooperate, and to complete the interview.
d. A questionnaire should minimize response error.
40. The first step in the questionnaire design process is _____.
a. specify the type of interview method
b. identify the form and layout
c. specify the information needed
d. determine the content of individual questions
46. A _____ is a single question that attempts to cover two issues.
a. structured question
b. dichotomous question
c. double-barreled question
d. branching question
55. _____ refer to open-ended questions that respondents answer in their own words.
a. Dichotomous questions
b. Structured questions
c. Unstructured questions
d. Branching questions
56. _____ specify the set of response alternatives and the response format.
a. Filter questions
b. Structured questions
c. Unstructured questions
d. Branching questions
66. Choosing between the questions “Do you think the distribution of soft drinks is
adequate?” (Incorrect) and “Do you think soft drinks are readily available when you
want to buy them?” (Correct) are examples of situations that pertain to _____.
a. avoiding leading questions
b. avoiding ambiguous words
c. using positive and negative statements
d. using ordinary words
67. When developing a questionnaire, if the researcher is asking him/herself if the word
means what he/she intended; if it has any other meanings; if the word has more than
one pronunciation; or if a simpler phrase is suggested then, he/she is probably
concerned with _____.
a. avoiding leading questions
b. avoiding ambiguous words
c. using defining the issue
d. using ordinary words
72. _____ are questions used to guide an interviewer through a survey by directing the
interviewer to different spots on the questionnaire depending on the answers given.
a. Leading questions
b. Branching questions
c. Opening questions
d. Multiple choice questions