GESD 2nd Trimester Social Studies Standards – Grade 4 – November 5th-February 22nd State Standards On-Going Standards/Integrated Literacy Standards Unit 8: Westward Expansion (HSS Unit 2, Lesson 4, pg. 96-103, 106-107) Strand 1: American History Concept 5: Westward Expansion PO 1. Recognize the change of governance of the Southwest from Spain to Mexico as a result of the Mexican revolution. PO 2. Describe the influence of American explorers and trappers (e.g., James O. Pattie, Kit Carson, Bill Williams) on the development of the Southwest. PO 3. Describe the events that led to Arizona becoming a possession of the United States: a. Mexican-American War b. Mexican Cession Treaty (Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo) c. Gadsden Purchase PO 4. Describe the impact of Native Americans, Hispanics, and newcomers from the United States Compare Historical Maps (HC Unit 2, Lesson 4, pg. 104-105) Strand 4: Geography Concept 1: The World in Spatial Terms PO 2. Interpret political and physical maps using the following map elements: a. title b. compass rose (cardinal and intermediate directions) c. symbols d. legend Related Harcourt Trophies Stories HT Theme 3, Sarah Plain and Tall, pg. 274- 287 HT Theme 6, The Gold Rush, pg. 612- 633 HT Theme 6, I Have Heard of a Land, pg. 638- 661 Strand 4: Geography Concept 4: Human Systems PO 2. Describe how Mexico and Arizona are connected by the movement of people, goods, and ideas. Unit 9: Native Americans (HSS Unit 2, Lesson 2, pg. 78-85, 102-103, 120-123) Strand 1: American History Concept 3: Exploration and Colonization PO 3. Describe the location and cultural characteristics of Native American tribes (e.g., O’odham, Apache, Hopi) during the Spanish period. Concept 5: Westward Expansion PO 4. Describe the impact of Native Americans, Hispanics, and newcomers from the United States and the world on the culture of Arizona (e.g., art, language, architecture, mining, ranching). PO 5. Describe the conflict of cultures that occurred between newcomers and Arizona Native Americans: a. Indian Wars b. Navajo Long Walk c. formation of reservations Concept 7: Emergence of the Modern United States PO 5. Recognize the formation of Native American communities and reservations in Arizona (e.g., Gila River Reservations, Yaquis, Colorado River Indian Tribes). Reading Strand 1: Reading Process Concept 6: Comprehension Stategies PO 6. Use reading strategies (e.g., drawing conclusions, determining cause and effect, making inferences, sequencing) to comprehend text. Strand 1: American History Concept 1: Research Skills for History PO 1. Use the following to interpret historical data: a. timelines- B.C.E. and B.C.; C.E. and A.D. b. graphs, tables, charts and maps Strand 4: Geography Concept 1: The World in Spatial Terms PO 2. Interpret political and physical maps using the following map elements: a. title b. compass rose (cardinal and intermediate directions) c. symbols d. legend Concept 2 Places and Regions PO 5. Describe how regions and places (e.g., Grand Canyon, Colorado River, Casa Grande Ruin, Canyon de Chelly, Yucatan Peninsula) have distinct characteristics. GESD 2nd Trimester Social Studies Standards – Grade 4 – November 5th-February 22nd Unit 10: Civil War (HC Unit 3, Lesson 1, pg. 124-127 Tell Fact From Opinion (Unit 3, Critical Thinking Skills, pg. 130-131) Strand 1: American History Concept 6: Civil War and Reconstruction PO 1. Describe the events in Arizona during the Civil War: a. Battle of Picacho Peak b. Battle of Apache Pass c. Arizona becomes a territory Unit 11: Arizona Statehood Reading Strand 3: Comprehending Informational Text Concept 1: Expository Text PO 2. Distinguish fact from opinion in expository text. Related Harcourt Trophies Stories (HC Unit 3, Lesson 2, pg. 26-31, 132- 141) HT Theme 3, Stealing Home, pg. 300-318 Strand 1: American History Concept 7: Emergence of the Modern United States PO 1. Describe the economic development of Arizona: a. mining b. ranching c. farming and dams PO 2. Describe the advent of innovations in transportation (e.g., steamboats, freighting, stagecoaches, railroads) that helped Arizona’s growth and economy. PO 3. Identify key individuals and groups (e.g., Charles Poston, Sharlot Hall, Buffalo Soldiers, Geronimo, George W.P. Hunt, Manuelito, Cochise) related to Arizona territorial days and early statehood. PO 4. Recognize that Arizona changed from a territory to a state on February 14, 1912. Strand 3: Civics/Government Concept 1: Foundations of Government PO 1. Describe state and national symbols and monuments that represent American democracy and values: b. Arizona symbols (e.g., seal, flag) PO 3. Describe Arizona’s transition from territory to statehood: a. locations of capital b. founding people c. Arizona’s constitution Strand 4: Geography Concept 4: Human Systems PO 1. Describe the factors (push and pull) that have contributed to the settlement, economic development (e.g., mining ranching, agriculture and tourism) and growth of major Arizona cities. PO 3. Describe how the building of transportation routes (e.g., trails, stage routes, railroad) settlement and economic development in Arizona. PO 4. Describe the cultural characteristics (e.g., food, clothing, housing, sports, customs, beliefs) of Arizona’s diverse population. Strand 4: Geography Concept 1: The World in Spatial Terms PO 7. Locate physical and human features in Arizona using maps, illustrations, or images a. physical (e.g., Grand Canyon, Mogollon Rim, Colorado River, Salt River) b. human ( e.g. Phoenix, Yuma, Tucson, Flagstaff, Prescott, Hoover Dam) GESD 2nd Trimester Social Studies Standards – Grade 4 – November 5th-February 22nd PO 6. Describe the elements of culture in areas studied (e.g., Mexico, Central and South America). Concept 5: Environment and Society PO 1. Describe human and dependence on the physical environment and natural resources. PO 3. Describe the impact of human modifications (e.g., dams, mining, air conditioning, irrigation, agricultural) on the physical environment and ecosystems. Technology Standards Resources Websites 1T-E2. Demonstrate increasingly sophisticated operation of technology components. PO 2. Retrieve and save information remotely (e.g., Internet). PO 3. Demonstrate functional operation of technology devices (e.g., presentation devices, digital cameras, scanners, document cameras, scientific probes). 3T-E1. Use formatting capabilities of technology tools for communicating and illustrating. PO 1. Use word processing editing tools to revise a document (e.g., cut and paste, tabs and margins, font size, font style, delete and undo, selecting, spell check, click and drag. PO 2. Design a word processing document with graphical elements (e.g., clip art, digital photographs, symbols, using text wrap, cropping, sizing, drawing tools). Map of Tribal Lands Community Profiles Books Harris, Marian and Harris, Jim. Tuesday in Arizona. Pelican Publishing Company, 1998. Wroble, Lisa A. Kids During the American Civil War. PowerKids Press; first edition, 1997. Flanagan, Alice K. The Buffalo Soldiers (We the People). Compass Point Books, 2005. Swarthout, Glendon, and Swarthout, Kathryn. Whichaway. Rising Moon Books, 1997. Mann, Elizabeth. The Hoover Dam: The Story of Hard Times, Tough People, and the Taming of a Wild River. Mikaya Press, 2001.