Queens College, CUNY Flushing, New York ECON102 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 Credits) Course Syllabus Spring 2007 Semester Class Schedule: Class Times: Class Meetings: Instructor: Office Hours: Contact: January 29, 2007 – May 25, 2007 Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:30pm–7:45 pm Room RE/017 Leon M. Guendoo By Appointment email: pctutor4u@hotmail.com Course Overview This course is about microeconomics: how consumers and producers make decisions and how markets work. It is for students who want to learn about microeconomics and who are considering Economics as their major. The objective is that you should feel more competent in applying fundamental economic concepts; be able to use economic concepts in discussion and debate; and be able to think clearly and intelligently, using theory and evidence, about economics. You must be registered for this course to receive a grade. To succeed in this course attend as many lectures as you can – ideally, every lecture. The lectures provide an overview of the topics. For a full understanding you must read the textbook. Talk with friends about the topics. Email me if you are having difficulty. Do all the assignments and take all the exams. Required Text Mankiw, NG. 2004. Principles of Microeconomics. Thomson-SouthWestern. You can use any edition. ISBN: 0324319169 Grading System: Course grades will be assigned according to the following scale: A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F 97-100 93-96 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 60-66 0-59 1 Allocation of Scores Quizzes (8), top 6 scores Homework & Classroom Participation Total 80% 20% 100% Examination Makeup Policy The student will be given the opportunity to take a makeup examination within seven days. There is no makeup for the final examination. Class Policy I request that you treat attendance and punctuality seriously as they will affect your final grade. You are required to attend all class sessions. Late submission of assignments will receive reduced credit. The use of audible electronics (such as beepers and cellular phones) equipment during classes is prohibited. WEEK 1 2 3 4 TOPIC The big ideas in economics Thinking like an economist The gains from trade The market forces of Supply and Demand Elasticity of supply and demand Supply, demand, and government policies Market Efficiency The costs of taxation Chapter Quizzes 1,2,3 QUIZ 1 Chap. 1,2,3 4 5,6 7,8 5 International trade 9 6 The Costs of Production 13 7 8 Firms in competitive markets, Monopoly, Oligopoly Monopolistic competition Perfect competition 14,15,16 17 9 Money and personal financial management 29 10 Externalities 10 11 Public goods and common resources 11 12 The tax system 12 13 Earnings/discrimination 19 14 Income inequality and poverty 20 15 Frontiers of microeconomics 22 2 QUIZ 2 Chap. 4,5,6 QUIZ 3 Chap. 7,8 QUIZ 4 Chap. 9,13 QUIZ 5 Chap. 14,15,16,17 QUIZ 6 Chap. 29, 10 QUIZ 7 Chap. 11,12 QUIZ 8 Chap. 19, 20