Department of Computer and Information Technology College of Business Arkansas State University Course: Semester: Instructor: Home page: Office: Phone: Fax: Home: Cell: E-mail: MIS 6543 Business Analytics Fall 2009 Dr. Ahmad Syamil, CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP Associate Professor BU 406 (870) 972-3732 (870) 972-3868 (870) 268-9833 (Phone/Fax) (870) 530-3378 (emergency only – not for discussing your assignment). (I open it most of the time at my office) and (I open it most of the time at my home) although I can open any one of them anywhere I like. When you send an e-mail to me, always include the course # or name, campus location, and topic in the subject line of your email message, e.g., MIS 6543 Jonesboro Quiz 1. You can also write the course # or name and location in your signature line. You will confuse me if you do not write your course # or name and location. COURSE SCHEDULE: 1. CIT 3523-01 Operations Management, MWF 9:00-9:50 AM, BU 401. 2. CIT 3523-02 Operations Management, MWF 11:00-11:50 AM, BU 205. 3. MIS 6543-01 Business Analytics, T 2:00 – 4:50 PM, BU 315, ASU Jonesboro. OFFICE HOURS: 1. Monday: 9:55 AM - 10:55 AM, 11:55 AM – 1:00 PM. 2. Tuesday: 11:00 AM – 12:00 noon. 3. Wednesday: 9:55 AM - 10:55 AM, 11:55 AM – 1:00 PM. 4. Friday: 9:55 AM - 10:55 AM, 11:55 AM – 12:55 PM. 5. By appointment. REQUIRED TEXTS: For management science: “Introduction to Management Science with Student CD” by Frederick S. Hillier and Mark S. Hillier. Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 3rd edition, 2008. ISBN-10: 0073337978. ISBN-13: 978-0073337975 For data mining: “Data Mining: A Tutorial Based Primer” by Richard Roiger and Michael Geatz. Publisher: Addison Wesley/Pearson, ISBN-10: 0201741288; ISBN-13: 978-0201741285 OPTIONAL TEXTS: 1. Any self-paced reference for the Microsoft Excel or Office version (2003 or 2007) you will be using. You can find the reference at Office Max and bookstores. You can also borrow a similar reference from the ASU library or public libraries. Please note that the ASU College of Business computer labs use Excel 2007. Homework requires Excel. Page 1 of 7 2. “Data Mining for Business Intelligence: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in Microsoft Office Excel with XLMiner,” by Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, and, Peter C. Bruce, 2005, ISBN-10: 0470084855, ISBN-13: 978-0470084854, published by Wiley. 3. “Making Sense of Data II: A Practical Guide to Data Visualization, Advanced Data Mining Methods, and Applications” by Glenn J. Myatt and Wayne P. Johnson, 2009, ISBN-10: 0470222808, ISBN-13: 978-0470222805, published by Wiley. OTHER MATERIALS: 1. You are required to have (and to know how to use) a calculator with exponential capabilities; i.e., a calculator with e x and yx keys. You must use your calculator when you take the quizzes and exams. 2. You also need Microsoft Excel. ASU students can download Excel, Symantec Norton Anti Virus, and other software free of charge on 3. If you have a laptop, you may bring your laptop to class. However, if you use your laptop to work on non MIS 6543 assignments, I will ask you to leave the class room. IMPORTANT LINKS: Blackboard 8 . You must enroll in Blackboard. My website: Visit my website to learn how to enroll in Blackboard. Management Science: The Online Learning Center at features practice quizzes, updates to the text, Excel Spreadsheets, PowerPoint Lecture Slides, web links and other assets students will find valuable. Some free trial software described below is limited by days, e.g. expires after 15 days. Therefore, please install them only when we are ready to discuss them in class. I can put PowerPoint slides and Excel data files on my web site or Blackboard. However, because of copyright issues I will NOT put the software described below in Blackboard. Management Science: You can get Premium Solver for non linear programming in chapter 8 from Premium Solver can work with either Windows XP or Windows Vista. Management Science: You can get Crystal Ball simulation software for chapter 13 from Crystal Ball can work with either Windows XP or Windows Vista. Management Science: You can get Microsoft Office Project software, either standard or professional, for chapter 16 from Microsoft Office Project can work with either Windows XP or Windows Vista. Please note that Microsoft does not use the term "Microsoft Project" anymore, but now it uses the term "Microsoft Office Project." Page 2 of 7 Data Mining: You can get the Intelligent Data Analyzer (iDA), a data mining software program described in “Data Mining: A Tutorial Based Primer,” and other files from any of the following websites: 1. Information Acumen Corporation (the maker of iDA): 2. Author’s website: Acumen’s website is recommended because it has newer iDA. Please note that iDA works only with Windows XP but not with Windows Vista. Data Mining: You can get XLMiner, a data mining software program described in “Data Mining for Business Intelligence,” and other files from XLMiner can work with either Windows XP or Windows Vista. Data Mining: You can get Traceis, a data mining software program described in “Making Sense of Data II,” and other files from Traceis can work with either Windows XP or Windows Vista. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces MBA students to the basic tools in using data to make informed management decisions. This course presents a normative approach to making decisions in one's personal and professional life. It covers basics of optimization including linear programming, simulation, business modeling, and data mining. The computer exercises, cases, and examples are drawn from marketing, finance, operations management, and other management functions. It should, therefore, enhance one's problem-solving capabilities as well as computer skills. PREREQUISITES: 1. Graduate standing. 2. MBA survey classes especially MBA 508V Survey of Statistics or their undergraduate equivalent. 3. Computer proficiency in Internet and Microsoft Office especially in Microsoft Excel. You must understand mathematics, statistics, and Microsoft Excel very well before taking MIS 6543. TEACHING OBJECTIVES: 1. Learn how to structure and analyze managerial decision problems. 2. Learn how to synthesize the available data into useful information. 3. Learn how to solve a variety of business decision problems in operations, finance, marketing and other management functions using Microsoft Excel, statistical software, and simulation package. 4. Learn how to evaluate the results, and determine if a satisfactory solution has been obtained Page 3 of 7 ABILITY AREA: 1. 2. 3. 4. Written communication Oral communication Knowledge application Teamwork/leadership OFFICE HOURS: Office hours will be held so that you may simply drop in if you need to discuss anything related to the course, your curriculum, your career, etc. I encourage you to take advantage of this time. If you have questions regarding assignments (other than about what is expected), I will expect you to demonstrate that you have already put a reasonable effort into solving the problems and/or analyzing the reading material and discussion questions. In this manner, we'll both benefit the most from the consultations. TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER USAGE: Computer usage is essential for you to succeed in this course and, more importantly, as a member of a modern organization. Use of the Worldwide Web is essential, as I will be communicating with you extensively via the class web site and the e-mail system. These communications are likely to include assignments, examples, and other supplementary course materials. You must apply for an ASU student account online at New or returning students: You must activate your digital ID this semester by visiting If you do not reactive your ID, you will not receive any information about this class such as assignments, quizzes, and exams. Setting up an email account should be done as soon as possible. Once your account has been setup, you will be required to logon daily to check and to respond to your e-mail. Clean your “Inbox,” “Sent,” and “Deleted Items” regularly. If they are full, you will not be able to get any new emails. If you would like to send an email to me, please use Microsoft Outlook from the ASU student email system. If you want to send your email only to me, please do NOT send your email via Blackboard to everybody because everybody will read your email. I will respond to your email ASAP. If I do not respond to your email within 24 hours, most likely I did not get your email. If that is the case, please resend your email or call me. QUIZZES: Brief (10- 20 min.) on-line quizzes on Blackboard 8 will be given over assigned materials. Please use a wired computer instead of a wireless computer because the latter may have more continuous connection problems with Blackboard. EXAM/QUIZ POLICY: Exams and quizzes must be taken at the scheduled time. If you are absolutely unable to attend, you must let me know in advance. In case of illness, call prior to the exam and quiz time. A makeup exam and quiz will be given for those with excused absences only. I have the right to reject your request to take a make-up exam and quiz or to take an exam and quiz earlier. The exams and quizzes may include multiple choice, problem, and discussion questions involving calculations, terminology, and the application of course concepts and techniques to various situations. You will be expected to integrate and to apply your own common sense and concepts addressed in this class and other business-related classes. You will likely have insufficient time to complete the exams and quizzes unless you are thoroughly familiar with the material. Remember that you are the customer in this system and it is up to you to get the most for your money. Page 4 of 7 Bring a pencil, eraser, ruler, calculator, and 8.5 x 11-inch formula sheets when you take a quiz/exam. Write any formulas you like and their notations (such as n = number of data) on both sides of the formula sheet. You can xerox/copy the equation from the textbook. Do not write any solved problem, table, figure, definition, calculation procedure, etc. on the formula sheet. If you write those items on your formula sheet, you will get an “F”. You must submit your formula sheet at the end of the exam/quiz. Write your name on the formula sheet. Don’t use your cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), smart phone, or iPhone when you take the quizzes and exams. If you do not have enough time to prepare the formula sheet before the exam day, it means that you are not ready to take the exam. Therefore, please do not take the exam because you will get an “F” on the exam. If you are not ready to take the exam, please prepare at least the formula sheet. There's no way you can memorize all formulas in the textbook. CLASS ATTENDANCE AT ASU JONESBORO: You are expected to be in your seat on time and ready to participate during the entire time designated for the class. Preparation for class (either this or any other class) should be done outside that time. Using cell phones, sleeping, reading newspapers, novels, and any other nonMIS 6543 materials are inappropriate. In addition, once you are in class, you will not be permitted to leave for the day unless prior arrangements have been made with me. Class attendance will be taken daily. If you have to miss your class, you must email me your excuse in advance or right after that. If you are sick and do not give any proof from your medical doctor, I have the right to reject your excuse. CELL PHONE AND PDA POLICY: Please turn off your cell phone, IPod. MP3 player or similar equipment in class. Any activities using your cell phone and PDA including text messaging are prohibited in class. You cannot use your cell phone or PDA as a calculator on quizzes and exams. DISABILITIES: If you have a disability that would cause you to have unique needs pertaining to assignments or exams, please provide a written statement from the Office of Disability Services. When the statement has been provided, I will work with you to accommodate your needs. Please remember, it is your responsibility to contact me to arrange times to meet. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: Each student or each group is expected to work independently on all exams and assignments. Each student is obligated to neither participate in, nor condone, any dishonest activity. Academic misconduct includes both giving and receiving assistance. Both parties are equally guilty of dishonesty. Each student has an active, individual obligation not to give the appearance of cheating. Do not allow another student to abuse you. Any dishonest activity discovered by the instructor will be dealt with under official university procedures. It is your responsibility to be familiar with these procedures, as outlined in The ASU Student Handbook. BLACKBOARD: The discussion contributions that you submit on Blackboard will identify you as the author and will be available to all students in the class. Additionally, I require all students to read every post and to write at least 1 post for every chapter. Your contributions will be public to other students in the class and will be part of your participation grade. Moreover, some questions on the quizzes and exams will come from the Blackboard discussion board. If I decide to make use of the "Virtual Classroom" feature of Blackboard (similar to chat spaces), your presence and contributions will be public to other students in the class. If you object to this openness, you need to drop this class. The grades you receive on assignments will be available to you on the electronic grade book within Blackboard. YOUR grades will be visible only to you and me. If you are uncomfortable having your grades available via the electronic grade book of Blackboard, you need to drop this class. Page 5 of 7 EVALUATION: Homework = …………..…..……………..…….……….…14 % Quizzes = ……………...……………………….…………18 % Midterm = …………………… …………..…….…….……20 % Article critique and presentation = …………………….… 6 % Data mining software project and presentation = …..…12 % Final exam (not comprehensive) = ………………..…… 25 % Participation and attendance = ……………………..…… 5 % Total = 100 % GRADING SYSTEM: Percent 90 or more 80 up to 89.99 70 up to 79.99 60 up to 69.99 Less than 60 Grade A B C D F HOW TO GET AN “A” 1. 2. 3. 4. Study everyday. Excellent quantitative/mathematics skills. Excellent Microsoft Excel skills. Reading and memorizing the textbook are useless without solving any single problem. 5. Working on all assignments on your own, i.e., do not copy other students’ work and do not depend on a tutor. 6. Calling or coming to my office for help, but only after having attempted to understand the textbook on your own. TENTATIVE LECTURE SCHEDULE Week Date MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (MS) 1 2 8/25 9/1 3 9/8 4 9/15 5 9/22 6 7 8 9 9/29 10/6 10/13 10/20 10 11 12 13 14 15 10/27 11/3 11/10 11/17 11/24 12/1 Class Introduction, Chapters 1 and 2 Chapter 2: Linear Programming: Basic Concepts Chapter 3: Linear Programming: Formulation and Applications Chapter 4: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets Chapter 5: What-If Analysis for Linear Programming Chapter 6: Network Optimization Problems Chapter 7: Using Binary Integer Programming to Deal with Yes-or-No Decisions Chapter 8: Nonlinear Programming Chapter 11: Queuing Models Chapter 12: Computer Simulation: Basic Concepts Exam 1: Management Science, Chapters 1 to 8 Chapter 13: Computer Simulation with Crystal Ball Chapter 16: PERT/CPM Models for Project Management DATA MINING (DM) Chapters 1 and 4 Chapters 2, 3, and 5 Chapters 6, 7, and 8 Article critique presentations No class. Fall Break. Data mining project presentations Page 6 of 7 TENTATIVE QUIZ SCHEDULE I will release each quiz on Blackboard by Friday. Due Day Quiz # Due Date 1 2 3 8/30 9/6 9/13 Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9/20 9/27 10/4 10/11 10/18 10/25 11/1 11/8 11/15 11/22 11/6 Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 PM Topic MS = Management Science; DM = Data Mining MS Chapter 1: Introduction MS Chapter 2: Linear Programming: Basic Concepts MS Chapter 3: Linear Programming: Formulation and Applications MS Chapter 4: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets MS Chapter 5: What-If Analysis for Linear Programming MS Chapter 6: Network Optimization Problems MS Chapter 11: Queuing Models MS Chapter 12: Computer Simulation: Basic Concepts MS Chapter 13: Computer Simulation with Crystal Ball MS Chapter 16: PERT/CPM Models for Project Management DM Chapter 1: Data Mining: A First View DM Chapter 4: An Excel Based Data Mining Tool DM Chapter 2: Data Mining – A Closer Look DM Chapter 3: Basic Data Mining Techniques Page 7 of 7