
Date of Meeting: 17th January 2007
Parish/Ward: Furze Platt
Agenda No. 2
Reference No:
Erection of a cycle storage unit
Furze Platt Senior School Furze Platt Road Maidenhead SL6 7NQ
Kevin Dandridge
Not applicable
Date Received:
6th November 2006
Case Officer:
Daniel Gigg
Planning Context:
Excluded Settlement
Important Urban Open Space
Sustainable Development Implications:
Encouraging the use of sustainable
forms of transport
Main Relevant Policies
Local Plan – DG1, R1, T7
Structure Plan – DP5, T1
Previous Relevant Decisions
Since the 1950s there have been numerous planning applications relating to
extensions and additions to the school, but none directly relevant to the current
Tree Officer
No objection subject to conditions.
Neighbour Notification Responses
One representation received by email seeking clarification in respect of the location of
the cycle storage unit. The Case Officer has contacted the neighbour to clarify the
position of the proposed development.
The Site and Surroundings
Furze Platt Senior School occupies a site area of 10.3 hectares and is situated off
Furze Platt Road, Furze Platt. It lies within the settlement area in a predominantly
built-up residential area.
The existing school buildings comprise a mix of ages, styles and heights of buildings.
The Proposal
The application proposes a replacement cycle store. This will be sited in the north
east of the school campus, just beyond the hard surfaced games courts.
The cycle store will be 6.5 metres wide, 19.9 metres in length and with a height of
nearly 2.1 metres. The store will provide secure parking for 100 cycles. It will be a
part covered, metal-framed, structure with lockable gates at either end.
Principal Planning Issues
The principle issues on this case are:
The principle of development;
The impact on the character and appearance of the area an Important Urban
Open Space;
The impact on living conditions of occupiers of neighbouring properties; and,
Highways considerations.
The principle of development
The application site comprises an educational establishment within a built up area
excluded from the Green Belt, wherein the principle of the development is acceptable,
subject to complying with all other relevant considerations.
Impact upon the character and appearance of the area and Important Urban
Open Space
The cycle shed will be largely screened from public viewpoints by the dwellings that
back on to the site. Whilst the side of this development will be visible from the
entrance to the school, these will be long distance views of only a small part of the
structure. There will not be a detrimental impact on the appearance of the street
scene from this proposed development.
The main views of the cycle storage unit will be from within the campus itself. This
development provides the opportunity to improve the quality of the campus through
the replacement of an existing cycle shed, which has a worn and dated appearance.
Furthermore, whilst it will be necessary to remove a young Norway Maple in order to
accommodate the structure, this is a small tree that is not visible from public
viewpoints; the Tree Officer does not object to its loss, subject to it being replaced
elsewhere within the campus as part of an overall landscaping scheme for this
development. In addition, it is recommended that a condition be attached to any
planning permission requiring submission of tree protection measures to ensure the
long term retention of two Birch trees which lie to the south of the Caretaker’s
The playing fields at the school are designated as Important Urban Open Space, but
this proposal is sited beyond the designation and the structure would not impact on
the purpose of designating the land in this way.
In summary, the cycle storage unit would not have a detrimental impact on the street
scene and there is an opportunity to improve the appearance of the school campus
as a result of this proposal. Accordingly, the proposal complies with Policy DP5 of the
Structure Plan and Policy DG1 of the Local Plan.
Impact upon living conditions of occupiers of neighbouring properties
The cycle storage unit would be located close to the rear boundaries of the residential
properties of numbers 93 to 99 Furze Platt Road. There would be a distance of over
21m between the dwellings and the structure, which is considered to be a sufficient
distance to mitigate any impact upon living conditions from noise and disturbance.
Furthermore, there are already cycle sheds in the vicinity and objections have not
been received from any occupiers of neighbouring properties.
Highways considerations
There is a dedicated cycle route to Furze Platt School. The availability of secure cycle
parking should encourage both pupils and staff to travel to the school by alternative
modes to the private car. The siting of the cycle store unit will not have any
detrimental impacts on existing parking arrangements at the site. The proposals
accord with Policy T1 of the Structure Plan and T7 of the Local Plan.
The principle of the development is acceptable, the proposal will not harm the street
scene and it provides the opportunity to improve the appearance of the school
campus through the removal of a dilapidated cycle shed and the through additional
landscaping. There is a sufficient separation distance to ensure that there will not be
any detrimental impact upon living conditions of occupiers of neighbouring properties.
The provision of secure cycle parking should encourage both pupils and staff to travel
to the school by alternative modes to the private car. The replacement cycle shed
accords with national planning policy and policies of the Development Plan.
That permission is granted subject to the following
Conditions and Reasons
C01A Commencement - full application - 3 year
C09 Samples of materials
Prior to any equipment, materials, site huts being brought onto the site or
commencement of any works in connection with planning permission, fence
protection details for the trees in close proximity to the proposal shall be submitted
and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and subsequently erected and
maintained throughout the development works.
Reason: To protect trees which contribute to the visual amenities of the site and
surrounding area. Relevant Policies - Local Plan DG1, N6, IMP1.
No materials, spoil, equipment or machinery shall be placed or stored, and no
excavations or changes in ground levels shall occur, within the tree root protection
areas unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To protect trees which contribute to the visual amenities of the site and
surrounding area. Relevant Policies - Local Plan DG1, N6, IMP1.
No development shall take place until details of a tree to replace that to be felled have
been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority and these
works shall be carried out as approved within the first planting season following the
substantial completion of the development and retained thereafter in accordance with
the approved details.
Reason: To ensure a form of development that maintains, and contributes positively
to the character and appearance of the area. Relevant Policies - Local Plan DG1.
If within a period of five years from the date of planting of any tree secured through
condition 5, that tree, or any tree planted in replacement for it, is removed, uprooted
or destroyed or dies, or becomes seriously damaged or defective, another tree of the
same species and size as that originally planted shall be planted at the same place,
unless the Local Planning Authority gives its written consent to any variation.
Reason: To ensure a satisfactory and continuing standard of amenities are provided
and maintained in connection with the development. Relevant Policies - Local Plan
DG1, N6.