COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION SAMPLE SYLLABUS TEMPLATE COURSE NUMBER: IT104 TITLE: Discrete Structures DEPARTMENT / PROGRAM: BSIT SCHOOL: SEMESTER AND SCHOOL YEAR: INSTRUCTOR: COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces the foundations of discrete mathematics as they apply to computer science. Topics include functions, relations and sets, basic logic, proof techniques, basics of counting and introduction to digital logic and digital systems. COURSE OBJECTIVES (DESIRABLE OBJECTIVES) At the end of the course, the student must be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Perform operations associated with sets, functions and relations Apply formal methods of symbolic prepositional and predicate logic Discuss which kind of proof is best for a given problem Compute permutations and combinations of sets COURSE OUTLINE AND TIMEFRAME TOPICS AND READINGS 1. Functions, Relations and Sets 2. Basic Logic Propositional Logic Logical Connectives Truth Tables Normal Forms Validity Predicate Logic Universal and Existential Quantification IT104 DATE Page 1 Modus Ponens and Modus Tolens Limitations of Predicate Logic 3. Proof Techniques 4. Basics of Counting 5. Introduction to digital logic and digital systems REQUIRED READINGS SUGGESTED READINGS COURSE REQUIREMENTS CONSULTATION HOURS IT104 Page 2