AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Unit 4 – POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY Unit Readings The Human Mosaic – Chapters 5 & 6 “The School” by C.J. Chivers in Esquire, June 2006 “The Killing Factory” by Jeff Tietz in Rolling Stone, April 20, 2006 “The End of Tibet” by Joshua Kurlantzick in Rolling Stone, February 8, 2007 “Playing War” by Michael Finkel in The New York Times Magazine, December 24, 2000 “Bin Laden Views the World” by Michael Sheuer in Imperial Hubris (2004) _________________________________________________________ Reading Quizzes Reading Quiz 1 Ch 5 (pp. 139-155) Ethnicity Race Ethnic Group Immigrant v. Indigenous (Original) Acculturation Assimilation Ethnic Homeland Ethnic Island Ethnic Substrate Ethnic Neighborhood Ghetto Barrio Ethnoburb Reading Quiz 3 Ch 6 (pp. 177-190) [through Islamic Law in Nigerian Politics] Political Geography State Sovereignty Territoriality Enclave Exclave Marchland Buffer State Satellite State Natural Boundary Ethnographic Boundary Geometric Boundary Relic Boundary Unitary State Federal State Nationalism Centripetal Force Centrifugal Force Supranationalism European Union Gerrymandering Reading Quiz 2 Ch 5 (pp. 156-175) Chain Migration Involuntary Migration Ethnic Cleansing Return Migration Cultural Simplification Genocide Cultural Preadaptation Cultural Maladaptation Environmental Racism Ethnic Flag Foodways Reading Quiz 4 Ch 6 (pp. 190-201) [through Political Imprint on Economic Geography] Core v. Periphery Transnationalism Nation-State Ethnic Separatism Cleavage Model Reading Quiz 5 Ch 6 (pp. 201-213) Geopolitics Folk Fortresses Heartland Theory (Halford Mackinder) Heartland v. Rimland Township & Range System Additional Terms Types and Shapes of States Microstate/Ministate Compact State Fragmented State Elongated State Prorupted State Perforated State Landlocked State Frontier Boundaries Antecedent Boundary Subsequent Boundary Superimposed Boundary Territory Confederation Decolonization International Organization Devolution Forward Capital Irredentism Shatterbelt Geopolitical Theories Organic Theory (Friedrich Ratzel) Sea Power (Alfred T. Mahan) Rimland Theory (Nicholas Spykman) Domino Theory Nationality Self-Determination Nation Multi-ethnic State Multinational State Balkanization