New Economic School CASES IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT June 2010 Syllabus Professor: Ilona Babenko ( Assistant: Dates: May 29 (Saturday), June 3 (Thursday), June 11 (Friday), June 19 (Saturday). Summary: This is a case-based class that will cover some of the corporate finance topics in more depth. Specifically, we will focus on executive and non-executive compensation issues, IPOs, SEOs, and alternative financing methods, and short-term financing decisions. Textbook and Readings: There is no required textbook for the course. The required materials are in the lecture notes, assigned articles, and cases. Berk and de Marzo’s textbook can serve as background reading on some of the topics. Grading Policy: Your grade will be calculated as follows: Cases (3): 75% Take-home exam: 20% Class Participation: 5% Class Participation and Attendance: Your class participation will count on the margin towards your final grade. An important pre-requisite for getting participation points is attending the class. You can not participate if you are frequently absent. Please be on-time for the class. Coming to class late will lower your participation grade and I may call you more frequently to answer the questions in class. Please switch off your cell-phones completely for the class time. It is very disruptive for the whole class and disrespectful to your classmates when your phone rings during the lecture. Teaching Assistant and Administrative Information Teaching assistant for this course is TBA. His Email is TBA. TBA will answer questions via Email and will meet with you by appointment. Name Cards: I would like you to have your name cards in front of your seat each time you come to class. Please be attentive during the class, occasionally I will use cold calling using your name. 1 Course outline: (tentative, subject to change) Week 1 Executive Compensation: Agency theory and Pay-for-Performance, Risk-Taking Behavior, Liquidation Decisions and Compensation, Mergers and Acquisitions and Compensation, Valuation of non-tradable stock options, Relative-performance evaluation, Benchmarking to peer compensation, Hedging by Executives, Legal and Illegal Insider Trading Non-Executive Compensation: Pay-for-performance and the free-rider problem, Retention, Attraction, Sorting and Compensation, Tax and Compensation Structure, Employee Financing, Hidden Compensation (Accounting and other issues) Week 2 Case 1 Due and Presentation: Compensation at Level 3 Communications Asymmetric information and the Sale of Securities to Public Investment Banking, Advantages and Disadvantages of an IPO, Investment Performance of IPOs, seasoned equity offerings, private placements Week 3 Case 2 Due and Presentation: Netscape’s Initial Public Offering Alternative Financing Instruments: Warrants, Convertible bonds, Right Issues Week 4 Case 3 Due and Presentation: MCI Communications Corporation Short-term Financing Decisions: Cash Conversion, Inventory, and Receivables Management Class Review 2