Connecticut Technical High School System Biology Physiology - Microorganisms Grade 11 or 12 Marking Period 2 Biology CTHSS 1 Unit/Topic/Lesson Organization of the Body/Human Organ Systems (An Overview) /Maintaining Homeostasis/The Nervous System/Hormone Function Overview State StandardsIV.10.1, V.10.5, II.9.4 , V.10.6.a, IV.10.1, IV.10.1, IV.10.1.b, I.9.1.a III.9.6.b, II.9.5.a Content Standards – Physiology – As a result of the coordinated structures and functions of organ systems, the internal environment of the human body remains relatively stable (homeostatic) despite changes in the outside environment. The complementary activity of major body systems provides cells with oxygen and nutrients and removes toxic waste products such as carbon dioxide. The kidneys have a homeostatic role in the removal of nitrogenous wastes from the blood. National Standards - B.4, C.6.a, A.1, C.6.a, C.6.d, - A.1, F.1, A.2, NSTA Core Competencies Regulation of biological systems including homeostatic mechanisms. Behavior of organisms and their relationships to social systems. Life processes in living systems including organization of matter and energy. Essential Questions � Which systems work together to nourish cells and remove waste products? � How do feedback loops work to maintain homeostasis? � What are the major parts and functions of a neuron and of the nervous system? � What is the role of the various neurons in sensation, thought and response? How is a nerve impulse transmitted? � What is the function of glands that make up the endocrine system? � How do hormones help maintain homeostasis at the cellular level and in the whole organism? (Suggested) Objectives Expected Performances Textbook Alignment/ Connected Reading Topic/Section/pp. Explain how the major body systems work together to help maintain homeostasis? Identify the levels in which the body is organized and Explain their how they are connected. Organization of the Body Bio. Sec. 35-1 pp. 891-893 # of Days Marking Period 2 Cycle 1 1-2 days 1 Maintaining Homeostasis Bio. Sec. 35-1 pp. 895-896 (Suggested Resources) (Suggested Resources) CL - Connected Labs PH-A - Prentice Hall Activity P-Project W-Worksheets Media Resources Disc.Ed.-Discovery Education Video V - W-Gl. F. The Human Body pp. 24-25 The Nervous System PH-L- 7 Investigating Cells, Tissues, and Organs, SE guidAssetId=d601fce2-b6f4-446e-8763a1b9a9ba86c7&blnFromSearch=1&productcode= HUB /index.cfm?guidAssetId=D205A755AC80-4F1F-9339980721EACA25&blnFromSearch=1&p roductcode=US Dis.Ed.- Cells, Tissues, Organs, Systems Dis.Ed.- Intro to the Nervous Sys guidAssetId=4677782c-1733-4b0f-a8e1652735418f73&blnFromSearch=1&productcode= HUB Textbook ~ Biology-Miller/Levine C/2006 2 CL-A -Prentice Hall Online Activity or Web Quest or Interactive Lab 3 –NOTE-You must be open in in order for hyperlink to go directly to applied video 5 Gl.F.-Globe Fearon Science Test Practice Workbooks-Characteristics of Life/The Human Body/ The Variety of Life/Environmental Science 4 Biology CTHSS (Suggested) Objectives # of Days Marking Period 2 Cycle 1 2-5 days Know the basic unit of the nervous system and Explain how it works. Explain how the nervous system mediates communication among different parts of the body and mediates the body’s interactions with the environment. Expected Performances Locate the parts of a neuron. Textbook Alignment/ Connected Reading Topic/Section/pp. The Nervous System Bio. Sec. 35-2 pp. 897-898 2 (Suggested Resources) (Suggested Resources) CL – Connected Labs PH-A –Prentice Hall Activity P-Project W-Worksheets Disc.Ed.-Discovery Education Video V - PH-A Section 35-2, Web Code-CBN-0352 The Nervous System PH- L -Examining a Cow’s Eye ex.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&w cprefix=cbp&wcsuffix=415340 Identify the major parts and functions of the nervous system. The Nerve Impulse Bio Sec. 35-2 Pp. 898-900 Differentiate between the functions and organs of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Identify the functions of the central nervous system. Describe the functions of the two divisions of the peripheral nervous system. Divisions of Nervous System Bio. Sec. 35-3 p. 905 Explain how the nervous and endocrine systems work together to regulate the conditions in the human body. Identify and describe the function of glands that make up the endocrine system. The Excretory System Bio. Sec. 39-1 p. 997 Hormones Bio. Sec. 39-1 pp. 997- 998 Dis.Ed.- Nervous System & Endocrine work together to maintain homeostasis cfm?guidAssetId=F3B084CD-8613-46FF-BE4355A645D327EE&blnFromSearch=1&productc ode=US PH-A – Resting Potential Membrane CL-Quick Lab How do reflexes occur? P. 905 imations/content/electricalsignaling.html CL-A -The Nerve Impulse Dis.Ed.- Negative Feedback and Homeostasis ex.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&w cprefix=cbp&wcsuffix=0352 W-Gl. F. The Human Body pp. 24 The Nervous System cfm?guidAssetId=744D7585-B10D-4608AAD57D72F1B4DF0B&blnFromSearch=1&productc ode=US Attitudinal Energy and the nervous system htm W-Gl. F. The Human Body NOTE pp. 26-27 The Endocrine System Student Home page Website All Human Body-Online articles ex.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&w cprefix=cbe&wcsuffix=0351 1 Media Resources This url will take the student to any chapter, then section, then activity you may ask them to do as a homework, classwork or extra credit assignment. Simply right click, then scroll to Open Hyperlink x.cfm?area=view&wcprefix=cbk&wcsuffix=99 99 Textbook ~ Biology-Miller/Levine C/2006 2 CL-A -Prentice Hall Online Activity or Web Quest or Interactive Lab 3 –NOTE-You must be open in in order for hyperlink to go directly to applied video 5 Gl.F.-Globe Fearon Science Test Practice Workbooks-Characteristics of Life/The Human Body/ The Variety of Life/Environmental Science 4 Biology CTHSS 3 Unit/Topic/Lesson Circulatory System/Blood/Respiratory System Essential Questions � What are the major structures and functions of the blood and the circulatory, respiratory and excretory systems of the body? � How are the functions of the circulatory, respiratory and excretory systems connected? � How are the kidneys and livers role in maintaining homeostasis? (Suggested) # of Days Marking Period 2 Cycle 1 2-5 days Objectives Explain how the circulatory, transports nutrients and oxygen to cells and removes cell wastes. Expected Performances Identify the main functions of the circulatory system. Name the three types of blood vessels in the circulatory system. Trace the flow of blood through the heart and body. Differentiate between the Pulmonary and systemic pathways of circulation. Textbook Alignment/ Connected Reading Topic/Section/pp. Functions of the Circulatory System Bio. Sec 37-1 Pp. 943 Structures of Heart Diagram p. 944 The Heart Bio. Sec.-37-1 pp. 944-946 Blood Vessels Bio. Sec.-37-1 pp. 946-949 (Suggested Resources) (Suggested Resources) CL – Connected Labs PH-A –Prentice Hall Activity P-Project W-Worksheets Disc.Ed.-Discovery Education Video V - CL- The Beating Heart ogy_place/biocoach/cardio1/intro.html ogy_place/labbench/lab9/intro.html Media Resources ProjectDiseases of Circ./Blood/Resp./ Dig. & Exc. Sys. Assign a different chronic disease from each of the systems and produce a power point/pamphlet/video on the essential information /Share PH-L~ The Vascular Highway Webcode 37-1 PH-Lab Bench-Transpiration ogy_place/biocoach/cardio2/intro.html YouTube-Journey through the body 2A&feature=related PH-A -Capillary Function;Pump Your Blood ology_place/biocoach/cardio2/capillar y.html pzQgY PH-A-Pulmonary/Systemic Functions YouTubeJourney through the body ology_place/biocoach/cardio2/circuits .html 2A&feature=related W-Gl. F. The Human Body pp. 12-13 The Circulatory System Anatomy ch?v=H04d3rJCLCE&feature=re lated 1 Textbook ~ Biology-Miller/Levine C/2006 2 CL-A -Prentice Hall Online Activity or Web Quest or Interactive Lab 3 –NOTE-You must be open in in order for hyperlink to go directly to applied video 5 Gl.F.-Globe Fearon Science Test Practice Workbooks-Characteristics of Life/The Human Body/ The Variety of Life/Environmental Science 4 Biology (Suggested) # of Days Marking Period 2 CTHSS Objectives Know the parts of the blood. Cycle 2 2-5 days Expected Performances Identify the parts and function of the blood. Explain what blood is composed of. Textbook Alignment/ Connected Reading Topic/Section/pps. Blood Plasma Bio. Sec. 37-2 p. 951 4 (Suggested Resources) (Suggested Resources) CL - Connected Labs PH-A - Prentice Hall Activity P-Project W-Worksheets Disc.Ed.-Discovery Education Video V - CL -Quick Lab- Contents of the Blood Students observe prepared slides of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, and sketch and describe the appearance of each structure. PH-A-The Process of Breathing WebCode - 0373 Know the functions of each type of blood cell. Explain the function of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Blood Cells Bio. Sec. 37-2 pp. 952-953 Media Resources m?wcprefix=CBP&wcsuffix=0373&area=view&x= 15&y=17 Disc.Ed. -Components of the Blood m?guidAssetId=96AC672C-54E2-43D0-B6FE9D4B5C0500C4&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US PH-A- Create a Concept Map of the functions of blood, and have them identify the parts of the blood involved in each function. Know the function of the lymphatic system. Describe the role of lymphatic system. The Lymphatic System *Bio. Sec. 37-2 pp. 954-955 PH-APredicting the Success of Blood Transfusions p. 954 W-Gl. F. The Human Body pp. 14-15 Blood PH-APredicting the Success of Blood Transfusions p. 954 W-Gl. F. The Human Body pp. 14-15 Blood CLWhat Blood Types can be Mixed? Using red/blue food coloring or kit.(no real blood necessary 1 Textbook ~ Biology-Miller/Levine C/2006 2 CL-A -Prentice Hall Online Activity or Web Quest or Interactive Lab 3 –NOTE-You must be open in in order for hyperlink to go directly to applied video 5 Gl.F.-Globe Fearon Science Test Practice Workbooks-Characteristics of Life/The Human Body/ The Variety of Life/Environmental Science 4 Biology (Suggested) # of Days Marking Period 2 Cycle 2 2-5 days CTHSS Objectives Expected Performances Identify the function of the respiratory system. Identify the main functions of the respiratory Describe respiration. Summarize the functions of the kidneys in the body. Describe gas exchange and breathing. 1 Distinguish between filtration and reabsorption in the kidney. Textbook Alignment Connected Reading Topic/Section/pp. Human Respiratory Sys Bio.Sec. 37-3 pp. 956-960 5 (Suggested Resources) CL - Connected Labs PH-A - Prentice Hall Activity P-Project W-Worksheets CL -Quick Lab-How does your body respond to increases in carbon dioxide? p. 960 W-Gl. F. The Human Body pp. 16-17 The Respiratory System PH-A-The Process of Breathing WebCode - 0373 (Suggested Resources) Media Resources Disc.Ed.-Discovery Education Video V - Disc.Ed- Respiration in a One-Celled organism guidAssetId=2ACCAE3E-1CCB-4E36-A2521E6E2A06E1AE&blnFromSearch=1&productcode= US Dis.Ed.- The Human Respiratory System uidAssetId=50EA330C-DFE3-4443-B142111DD7DB0764&blnFromSearch=1&productcode= US ex.cfm?wcprefix=CBP&wcsuffix=0373&area= view&x=15&y=17 Textbook ~ Biology-Miller/Levine C/2006 2 CL-A -Prentice Hall Online Activity or Web Quest or Interactive Lab 3 –NOTE-You must be open in in order for hyperlink to go directly to applied video 5 Gl.F.-Globe Fearon Science Test Practice Workbooks-Characteristics of Life/The Human Body/ The Variety of Life/Environmental Science 4 Biology (Suggested) # of Days Marking Period 2 Cycle 2 2-5 days CTHSS Objectives Expected Performances Textbook Alignment Connected Reading Topic/Section/pp. Be familiar with the 6 basic nutrients that living organisms require. List the 4 out of 6 basic nutrients and give use and source for each one. Food and Energy Bio.Sec. 38-1 pp. 956-960 Describe the process of digestion including secretion of stomach acid, digestive enzymes (amylases, proteases, nucleases, lipases and bile salts. Identify the organs of the digestive system. Explain how complementary systems (digestive and circulatory) work together to provide nutrients to the cell. 1 Describe the function of the digestive system. Identify the role of digestive enzymes, stomach acid and bile salts play in digestion. Describe how digestive and circulatory systems work together to provide cells with nutrients needed for cell growth and repair 6 (Suggested Resources) (Suggested Resources) CL - Connected Labs PH-A - Prentice Hall Activity P-Project W-Worksheets Media Resources Disc.Ed.-Discovery Education Video V - Bio - A Evaluating Food p. 977 CL- What are the Tests for Fats and Proteins CL-A -Digestive System The Process of Digestion Bio Sec. 38-2 pp. 978-984 y_basics/digestive.html Disc.Ed- Nutrients m?guidAssetId=6DFC7956-43C7-4D81-9759E84549A1AA89&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US Disc.Ed- The Digestive System fm?guidAssetId=F4055638-FF3E-4EE4-9853B932E885D3DE&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US Alimentary Canal/Digestive Sys. Song Bio. PH –Quick Lab How to villi help the small intestine absorb nutrients? P. 982 CL- Which Antacid works Better? Disc.Ed- How Nutrients get from Small Int. to rest of the body through the circulatory sys. fm?guidAssetId=0DF074A6-E7DA-49E0-AFB899361EA8BBD6&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US Textbook ~ Biology-Miller/Levine C/2006 2 CL-A -Prentice Hall Online Activity or Web Quest or Interactive Lab 3 –NOTE-You must be open in in order for hyperlink to go directly to applied video 5 Gl.F.-Globe Fearon Science Test Practice Workbooks-Characteristics of Life/The Human Body/ The Variety of Life/Environmental Science 4 Biology (Suggested) # #ofofDays Days Marking Period 2 CTHSS Objectives Objectives 7 (Suggested Resources) (Suggested Resources) Textbook Alignment CL – Connected Labs MediaResources) Resources (Suggested Resources) (Suggested TextbookConnected Alignment/ Reading Expected Performances Disc.Ed.-Discovery Education Video PH-A –Prentice Hall Activity Connected Labs -CL Media Resources Connected Reading Expected Topic/Section/pp. V P-Project PH-A - Prentice HallW-Worksheets Activity Disc.Ed.-Discovery Education Video Topic/ Chapter/pp. Performances V - Project-P Worksheets-W Know the parts and function of the excretory system. Describe the role of the kidneys in the excretory system. Know how kidneys and liver are closely associated with the circulatory system as they perform the function of removing waste from blood Explain how the kidneys contribute to homeostasis by filtering the blood. The Excretory System Bio. Sec. 38-3 p. 985 Cycle 2 2-3 days The Kidneys Bio. Sec. 38-3 p. 986-989 CL - Owl pellet dissection (virtual) ash/v4/index.htm Wrksht.-The Kidney & the Brain When the ADH hormone is released. Disc.Ed.-The Excretory System ?guidAssetId=4B03BBE4-95D4-44AB-A42C91A59F269B8F&blnFromSearch=1&productcode =US YouTube-Kidney Function Disc.Ed.-The Role the Lungs, Kidney, Liver & Skin plays on Excretion ?guidAssetId=4B03BBE4-95D4-44AB-A42C91A59F269B8F&blnFromSearch=1&productcode =US Excretory System Film Quiz uiz.cfm?guidAssetId=4096990C-0D78-4D41B710-7085241DBF36&strEditCopy=Copy 1 Textbook ~ Biology-Miller/Levine C/2006 2 CL-A -Prentice Hall Online Activity or Web Quest or Interactive Lab 3 –NOTE-You must be open in in order for hyperlink to go directly to applied video 5 Gl.F.-Globe Fearon Science Test Practice Workbooks-Characteristics of Life/The Human Body/ The Variety of Life/Environmental Science 4 Biology CTHSS 8 Unit/Topic/Lesson Bacteria/ Viruses/Diseases caused by Micro organisms /The Immune System Recognize that viruses lack the standard cellular structure, they have the genetic material to invade living cells. Content Standards Cell Biology Cell Biology Physiology- Know that cell behavior can be influenced by other cells, chemicals or other organisms. Recognize that viruses lack the standard cellular structure, they have the genetic material to invade living cells. Organisms have a variety of mechanisms to combat disease. State Standards- III.9.7.b, IV.10.1.a, IV.10.2.a, SI.a, SI.b, SI.c, IV.10.2, IV.10.3.a, National Standards- A.1,2, C.4.e, F.1, F.6 A.1, NSTA Core Competencies Regulation of biological systems including homeostatic mechanisms. Behavior of organisms and their relationships to social systems. Essential Questions � How do infectious diseases differ from chronic and/or genetic diseases? � Why is immune system that is compromised unable to fight off normally benign organisms? � How does the body defend against and combat bacterial and viral infections? � What is the function of the immune system? (Suggested) (Suggested Resources) (Suggested Resources) Objectives Expected Textbook Alignment # of Days CL – Connected Labs Media Resources Performances Connected Reading Disc.Ed.-Discovery Education Video PH-A –Prentice Hall Activity Topic/Section/pp. V P-Project W-Worksheets Project-Etiology of Disease Explain how the two groups of Research an infectious Bacteria Disc.Ed.-Protists Marking Assign a different infectious or prokaryotes differ. and or communicable Classifying and Period 2 communicable disease to each student to Cycle 3 2-5 days Identify the parts and functions of a prokaryote. Describe the factors that are used to identify prokaryotes. Explain the metabolic diversity in prokaryotes. 1 disease to explore its etiology and epidemiology. Compare/Contrast structures of a prokaryote vs. the eukaryote cell discussed earlier in the year. Describe the two groups of autotrophs and heterotrophs found in prokaryotes. Identifying Prokayotes Sec. 19-1 pp. 471-472 research –see rubric Due –end of marking period PH-A- Think Visually p. 477 Lab Activity-Sam n’ Ella’s Cafe Metabolic Diversity pp. 473-474 Science Kit PH-L – Pond Water cfm?guidAssetId=48f297e6-39b4-4b27-bb1301a540eb9b6d Youtube-Prokaryotes XRE Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes cfm?guidAssetId=1B50BD2C-3D67-42EEAB5D27A988B8425F&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US Disc.Ed.-Understanding Bacteria W-Gl. F. The Variety of Life pp. 2-3 Bacteria cfm?guidAssetId=99DC6745-B55E-4907-9F25F7174E90AC2A&blnFromSearch=1&productc ode=US Textbook ~ Biology-Miller/Levine C/2006 2 CL-A -Prentice Hall Online Activity or Web Quest or Interactive Lab 3 –NOTE-You must be open in in order for hyperlink to go directly to applied video 5 Gl.F.-Globe Fearon Science Test Practice Workbooks-Characteristics of Life/The Human Body/ The Variety of Life/Environmental Science 4 Biology CTHSS (Suggested) Objectives # of Days Marking Period 2 Explain the process in which prokaryotes grow and reproduce. Cycle 3 2-5 days Expected Performances Differentiate between binary fission, conjugation, and spore formation. Textbook Alignment Connected Reading Topic/Section/pp. Growth and Reproduction Sec. 19-1 p. 475 9 (Suggested Resources) (Suggested Resources) CL – Connected Labs PH-A –Prentice Hall Activity P-Project W-Worksheets Disc.Ed.-Discovery Education Video V - Antibiotic Sensitivity Lab Testing for Zone of Inhibition Media Resources Youtube-Bacteria Growth ciWc You tube-Bacterial Conjugation Youtube-Spore Formation Describe the conditions necessary for cultivating bacterial growth? List the 6 favorable conditions necessary for bacterial growth. Lab-Fermentation of Yeast knPs Conditions bacteria need to growFATTON QSnA You tube-Cell Phone Bacteria Explain how bacteria are beneficial to us and the surrounding world. Importance of Bacteria Sec. 19-1 pp. 476-477 Lab-Making Yogurt zClAc Youtube-Experiment with Antibiotics and bacteria Disc.Ed.-How Bacteria can help cfm?guidAssetId=5D8A6F72-5501-4CF0-AA59C8F8D58A200C&blnFromSearch=1&productc ode=US Cycle 3 2-5 days Explain the structure and function of a virus and its role in disease? Compare and contrast the growth requirements of bacteria and viruses. 1 Identify the stages of viral replication. What is a Virus? Sec. 19-2 pp. 478-483 PH-A- Bacteriophage lty/farabee/BIOBK/BioBookDiversity _1.html Phage Replication cycle 0/chapter17/animation_quiz_2.html DiscEd.- Bacteria: Good & Bad Side m?guidAssetId=3500E1AE-5D3A-4F0C-A14C162B698EF6E6&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US Disc.Ed.-Viruses cfm?guidAssetId=17E7B089-302E-4AA1-82044FEF64981CDD&blnFromSearch=1&productc ode=US Textbook ~ Biology-Miller/Levine C/2006 2 CL-A -Prentice Hall Online Activity or Web Quest or Interactive Lab 3 –NOTE-You must be open in in order for hyperlink to go directly to applied video 5 Gl.F.-Globe Fearon Science Test Practice Workbooks-Characteristics of Life/The Human Body/ The Variety of Life/Environmental Science 4 Biology CTHSS (Suggested) Objectives # of Days Marking Period 2 Cycle 3 2-5 days Explain how infectious diseases are transmitted. Observe how antibiotics affect bacteria. Identify the body’s nonspecific defenses against invading pathogens. Understand the various types of immunity. Describe how vaccinations build protection from infectious diseases. Expected Performances Textbook Alignment Connected Reading Topic/Section/pp. List the various examples of infectious diseases may be spread. Infectious Disease Sec. 40-1 Pp 1031- 1035 Compare / Contrast Natural/ vs/ Active & Passive Immunity. (Suggested Resources) (Suggested Resources) CL – Connected Labs PH-A –Prentice Hall Activity P-Project W-Worksheets Disc.Ed.-Discovery Education Video V - SEPUP- Who Infected Whom PH-L-Bacterial ID Lab YouTube-How bacteria cause disease. Bacterial Growth-Binary fission ciWc You-tube=Phagocytosis bs/bacterial_id/shockframe/shockframe _a1.html g09xw&feature=related PH-CL- Exploration: Investigating Disc.Ed.-The Bodies Defense Genetic Diversity in Bacteria Against Disease Bio. p 411 cfm?guidAssetId=17E7B089-302E-4AA1-82044FEF64981CDD&blnFromSearch=1&productc ode=US The Immune System Sec. 40-2 pp.1036-1042 Media Resources OY-tA&feature=related Online Bacteria and Virus Articles ndex.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCod e&wcprefix=cbe&wcsuffix=6193 Describe what antibiotics are and the effect they have of various bacteria. List the defense mechanisms of the integumentary system . Describe how the skin provides the first line of defense. 10 PH-A-Webcode Cbn-0402 Disc.Ed -Antibiotics cfm?guidAssetId=17E7B089-302E-4AA1-82044FEF64981CDD&blnFromSearch=1&productc ode=US DiscEd.- Resistance to Antibiotics m?guidAssetId=67BED153-03F1-4C3A-ACFB055634ECD4C0&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US Immunity and Vaccination cfm?guidAssetId=17E7B089-302E-4AA1-82044FEF64981CDD&blnFromSearch=1&productc ode=US Movie- Typhoid Mary 1 Textbook ~ Biology-Miller/Levine C/2006 2 CL-A -Prentice Hall Online Activity or Web Quest or Interactive Lab 3 –NOTE-You must be open in in order for hyperlink to go directly to applied video 5 Gl.F.-Globe Fearon Science Test Practice Workbooks-Characteristics of Life/The Human Body/ The Variety of Life/Environmental Science 4