2009 – 2010 6th Publication UC Berkeley Leadership Award is a merit-based scholarship for students planning to attend UC Berkeley in the fall 2010. Applicant must have a 3.3 GPA, demonstrating innovative, motivational leadership impacting academic, work, or community environments. Applicant must also submit a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) to UC Berkeley by May 1, 2010. This is one of the most prestigious merit-based scholarships at UC Berkeley. To apply, go to http://alumni.berkeley.edu/services/scholarships/leadership-award Deadline: February 24, 2010 Alhambra Latino Association (ALA) is offering a $500 scholarship to one lucky Latino student that plans to attend a university, college or community college. Applicant must complete the following: essay, letter of recommendation and application. Pick up an application in the Career Center NOW. Deadline: March 26, 2010 by 3:00pm to Mrs. Marquez in the Career Center or Guidance Office. Quest Bridge’s 2010 College Prep Scholarship is offering Summer School Scholarships to Harvard, Notre Dame, Stanford, Emory, Penn & Yale for juniors. This is available to high achieving low-income students. Please go to the QuestBridge website at www.questbridge.org Deadline: March 29, 2010 N E W California Alarm Association is offering several scholarships to children of active duty law enforcement and fire service personnel in California who are graduating from high school in 2010. Eligibility: students who have excelled academically and are active in community service and extracurricular activities. To apply, go to www.CAAonline.org Deadline: March 31, 2010 Updated 03/19/10 1 The Taiwanese American Citizens League –Los Angeles Chapter (TACLLA) is offering a scholarship to graduating seniors planning to attend college; a well-rounded student who has demonstrated leadership, extracurricular activities, community service and academic success. This scholarship is open to all seniors regardless of race, national origin and financial need. Please pick up an application in the Career Center. Deadline: March 31, 2010 N E W Ramona Museum of California History invites all high school students to express their interest in California history by participating in the Ramona Museum annual public speaking competition. Students may choose any topic within the theme of California History and must be 5-7 minutes long. Preliminary speeches will be made on April 5th & 6th. The scholarship competition is April 8, 2010. Pick up an application in the Career Center. Deadline: April 2, 2010 Incight Scholarship is for students with ANY disability, attending ANY post secondary school, ANYWHERE in the U.S. Requirements: must plan to attend school full time, must provide documentation of your disability, must provide a letter of recommendation and complete the entire scholarship application. To apply, go to http://www.incighteducation.com/scholarships.php Deadline: April 1, 2010 Civil Service Employees Insurance Company is pleased to announce the Youth Automobile Safety Scholarship Program for 2010. This is an essay competition for high school seniors who are children of full-time or retired public employees. Scholarships are awarded based on the merit of student essays that propose “ways to reduce the accident rate among teenagers.” Eligibility: Must have a 3.0 GPA minimum, planning to attend an accredited two- or four-year college/university, or trade school in the U.S. Please pick up an application in the Career Center. Deadline: April 5, 2010 (Mail before April 1, 2010) Cuban American Teachers’ Association is offering a scholarship to high school students of Cuban descent who are planning to continue their education at the college level. Applicant must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA, be active in school and community affairs, speak acceptable Spanish and demonstrate an interest in their cultural heritage. Please pick up an application in the Career Center. Deadline: April 1, 2010 N E W Walsh Family -CAVC Scholarship Foundation Eligibility: minimum 2.5 GPA, a graduating high school senior, be a U.S. citizen, a California resident, and be sponsored by a CAVC member company. The Scholarship will be forwarded in the student’s name to the college of choice prior to registration in the Fall 2010 semester. For more information and to pick up an application visit the Career Center. Deadline: April 7, 2010 N E W Delta Sigma Theta Sorority – Foothill Alumnae Chapter is offering a scholarship to a graduating African-American student attending a 4-year college, university, or community college in the fall. Eligibility: Minimum GPA 2.75, community service involvement and extra-curricular activity involvement. For details and to pick up an application, go to the Career Center. Mail out by Deadline: April 12, 2010 Updated 03/19/10 2 Friar Tux Shop 2010 Scholarship Program is offering scholarships to graduating high school seniors. Criteria: academic success, school and or community involvement and financial need. Applicant must complete an online application, personal essay, official transcript (showing 1st semester senior grades) and 2 signed letters of recommendation. To apply, go to www.friartux.com/schools Deadline: April 15, 2010 Why Education Matters Scholarship Contest CALSA and Fagen, Friedman and Fulfrost LLC (F3), and Hispanic Business Magazine have joined together to award five $1,000 Scholarships for graduating High School Seniors. Candidates will need to submit an essay of 700 words or less in the form of a Microsoft Word document on "Why Education Matters." To apply go to www.calsa.org Deadline: April, 15, 2010. The Taiwanese American Citizens League –Los Angeles Chapter (TACLLA) is offering a Journalism Internship to high school students. The purpose of this internship is to provide high school students with a fun newspaper internship opportunity and to work towards greater Asian American representation in the media. Enjoy writing? Like meeting new people? Want to work for a newspaper? Interested in Asian American issues? Please pick up an application in the Career Center. Deadline: April 15, 2010 N E W N E W Chinese American Citizens Alliance (CACA) is offering a scholarship to graduating high school seniors who plan to attend college. Eligibility: must have financial need, must have demonstrated services to both school and community, must be a permanent resident or citizen of the U.S. and have maintained a 3.0 GPA. Please pick up an application in the Career Center. Deadline: April 16, 2010 Jeanne Ward Foundation Grant is offering a scholarship for high school seniors in the Visual Arts who have or will apply for higher education in an effort to refine their artistic ability. Applicants must have successfully completed at least 2 courses in the Arts. Photography, video films, cinematography and music are NOT eligible. Please pick up an application in the Career Center. Deadline: April 16, 2010 Student-View Scholarship Program is offering scholarships to high school seniors who plan to attend a four-year college, community/junior college or career school. No minimum SAT/ACT score or GPA, and no essay required. It is quick and easy to apply, simply log on to www.student-view.com and complete a 15-20 minute survey about colleges in your area. Deadline: April 22, 2010 N E W Ayn Rand’s Essay Contest is offering several cash prizes. The essay contest is on the novel The Fountainhead. The contest is for 11th and 12th graders. No application is required. There are several topics on the novel to write about, essay must be no less than 800 words and no more than 1600 words. For more details, go to www.aynrand.org/contests/tf.html Deadline: April 26, 2010 N E W Northrop Grumman Engineering Scholarship program For High School Seniors interested in pursuing a career in an Engineering-related field. For more information and to download the Northrop Grumman Engineering Scholars Packet, visit http://www.es.northropgrumman.com/engscholars/. Deadline: April 30, 2010 Updated 03/19/10 3 N E W Mark Keppel High School PTSA is offering 2 different scholarships. The PTSA Vocational Scholarship: criteria: 2.3 GPA or higher, record of good citizenship, participate in school activities, intent to attend a 2-year college, trade school or business school. PTSA Academic Scholarship: criteria: 3.0 GPA or higher, record of good citizenship, participate in school activities, intent to attend a 4-year college or university. Applicant must be a current member of Mark Keppel P.T.S.A. Deadline: April 30, 2010 by 3:00pm N E W Seiji Isomoto Scholarship Fund is offering a $1,000 scholarship to one female and one male graduating senior of Asian-American descent who have demonstrated excellence in academics and athletics. Eligibility: One or both parents must be Asian, 3.0 GPA minimum in all academic classes, excluding physical education and service, must have lettered in a high school VARSITY sport and must be college bound. Please pick up an application in the Career Center. Deadline: May 1, 2010 N E W Sophia Ling Memorial Biological Sciences Scholarship A $1000 scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding graduating senior from MKHS who indicates an interest in pursing higher education in biological sciences or in mathematics. Eligibility: 3.5 GPA, demonstrate satisfactory citizenship. Please pick up an application in the Career Center. Deadline: May 3, 2010 by noon Hana Uno Shepard Memorial Scholarship sponsored by the Greater Los Angeles Singles JACL is offering a $1000 scholarship which may be applied to any college, university, community college, fine arts or vocational school. Applicant is chosen based on scholastic merit, outside activities and general financial need. Eligibility: a graduating high school senior, a member of a single-parent family, a resident of Los Angeles or Orange County and of Japanese ancestry. Please pick up the application in the Career Center. Deadline: May 3, 2010 N E W N E W STEP UP Positive Change Awards is awarding young adults ages 16-25 who have made a positive and lasting change in their lives. They are offering a scholarship not based strictly on academics, but on significant and productive life changes made by at-risk youth. For more details and to pick up an application, go to the Career Center. Deadline: May 6, 2010 Soroptimist International of Monterey Park/Rosemead Soroptimist is an international organization for business and professional women who provide volunteer service in their communities. The scholarship is funded this year through the estate of Norma Long and in her honor. Eligibility: graduating high school senior girl planning to attend a four year college. Student must be accepted, or in the process of being accepted, at an accredited four year institution with a 2.5 GPA or higher. For more details and to pick up an application, go to the Career Center. Deadline: May 7, 2010 Nordstrom Scholarship Program This program is offered to current high school juniors. Eligibility: at least a 2.7 GPA, have made a substantial contribution to the community, be involved in school activities, plan to attend a four-year college or university in the U.S. in the fall, and demonstrate financial need. Please download a copy of the scholarship application online at Nordstrom.com/scholarship Deadline: May 15, 2010 Updated 03/19/10 4 Hillcrest Elementary School PTA scholarship is now available. Eligibility: Must have graduated from Hillcrest Elementary School in Monterey Park, be a member of the 2010 graduating class, plan to attend a 2 or 4-yr college, university or trade school in the fall of 2010. For more information and to pick up an application visit the Career Center. Deadline: Friday, May 21, 2010. N E W Asian American Economic Development Enterprises (AAEDE) is offering a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior planning to attend college, demonstrating financial need, with a 3.0 GPA and first generation to go to college. To apply, go to www.aaede.org. Deadline: June 4, 2010 Balanced Man Scholarship The California Theta Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon is offering this scholarship to incoming male students who embody the principles of a Balanced Man. To qualify, applicants must be attending California State University, Sacramento in the fall of 2010 and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicant must submit an official transcript with their application. For more information and to pick up an application, visit the Career Center. Deadline: June 30, 2010 N E W Wendy’s High School Heisman Award program The award honors both male and female high school students who excel in academics, athletics and student leadership. Eligibility: high school juniors entering their senior year of high school in the 2010-2011 academic year who have at least a “B” grade average and participate in at least one school-sponsored sport. For more information or to apply visit www.wendysheisman.com Deadline: Completed applications are due by October 3, 2010. UC Davis chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon is offering several scholarships between $100 and $500 for incoming freshmen males to UC Davis for the 2010 fall quarter. To qualify, applicant must be attending University of California Davis in the fall of 2010 and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. To apply, go to balancedmanscholarshipucdavis@yahoo.com Deadline: July 30, 2010 Scholarships For ALL Students Regardless of Immigration Status For an up-to-date directory of scholarships that are available, go to www.maldef.org/pdf/scholarships.pdf (Contact each scholarship provider for applications and details about updated requirements and deadlines). Navy ROTC Scholarship program is offering a $180,000 scholarship for college. This covers tuition, fees and living expenses, choice of more than 160 world-class colleges and universities, a head start in your chosen career, and Navy Officer status while in school. You must give up 4 years as a Navy Officer. To apply, go to www.nrotc.navy.com Deadline: applications are accepted throughout the academic year. Mrs. Marquez/Career Ed Tech Updated 03/19/10 5 Nelnet Scholarships (Scholarship Search Engine): (www.nelnet.com/win) has $1 million in scholarships at your fingertips. The Federal Trade Commission web site: (http://www.ftc.gov) has information on scholarship scams and how to avoid them. The Financial Aid Information Page: (http://www.finaid.org) Has information on grants and scholarships. FastWeb! (Scholarship Search Engine): (http://www.fastweb.com) Provides free scholarship information and search for off campus scholarships. Students.gov: (http://www.students.gov) has everything you need from scholarship information to how to get a passport. The California Colleges web site: (http://www.californiacolleges.edu) Has information on scholarships and colleges across California. The College Board web site: (http://www.collegeboard.com) Has tips on ways to pay for college. College Net (Scholarship Search Engine): (http://www.collegenet.com) Has a powerful search engine and information on scholarships. The California Student Aid Commission home page: (http://www.csac.ca.gov) and The Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education: (http://www.ed.gove/offices/OPE) Have information on student aid. The Cal State L.A. Center for Student Financial Aid web site: (http://www.calstatela.edu/univ/finaid/scholar.htm) Has information regarding on-campus scholarships Updated 03/19/10 6