Title: Which Brand of Antacid Tablet is the Best To use a PH indicator solution to determine which antacid tablet is the most effective. I think that the CVS brand of antacid tablet will be the most effective. 1 red cabbage, pot, heat source, graduated cylinder, water, strainer, funnel, beaker, pipet, vinegar, club soda, baking soda, ammonia, 5 test tubes, 4 different brands of antacid tablets, Ziploc bag, camera 1. Fill a pot about ½ full of torn pieces of red cabbage 2. Add 300ml of water. Boil on high for 5 minutes 3. Strain the liquid out through a piece of strainer over a funnel and into a container. 4. Create a scale by filling 5 test tubes with the following substance 5. Add cabbage indicator to each tube. Record your results. 6. Obtain a zipper-lock bag. 7.Add 5ml of vinegar 10ml of water and enough cabbage juice to impart a distinct color. Record your observations. 8. Add your assigned antacid to the bag, squeeze out the excess air, and seal the bag 9. Squeeze the antacid tablet to break it up into small pieces. 10. When the reaction has ceased record the color and approximate ph value . 11. Compare your data of all the antacids to determine the most effective brand of antacid. 12. Calculate the amount of active ingredient per tablet in mg. In conclusion all of the antacids will neutralize stomach acid but the most effective was the Rolaids brand because it was proven to contain the most base, which means that it will neutralize more acid. I think this is because it had two active ingredients. All of the antacids contained Calcium carbonate but the Rolaid brand also had Magnesium hydroxide in it as another active ingredient. The most cost effective antacid was the CVS brand because it will neutralize acids and was only $0.04 for each tablet. My hypothesis was correct in this analysis because the Rolaid brand cost twice as much as the CVS brand and the difference in PH value is not twice as much, only a value of 2. Experimental Results Brand and Product Name Active ingredients Amount of active ingredient per tablet Number of tablets per bottle Cost per bottle Cost per tablet Color PH Rolaids Calcium Carbonate 675mg 30 $2.49 $0.083 Green 13 Magnesium hydroxide 135mg Tums Calcium Carbonate 500mg 36 $2.99 $0.083 Blue 9 CVS Calcium Carbonate 500mg 36 $1.99 $0.055 Blue 9 Rite Aid Calcium Carbonate 750 mg 96 $3.99 $0.042 Blue 9 Red Cabbage Indicator PH Chart Test Tube Substance Color Approximate PH 1 Vinegar Red 3 2 Club soda Pink 5 3 Water Purple 7 4 Baking soda Blue 9 5 Ammonia Green 13