Stage 6 Biology: Patterns in Nature Student: __________________ Date: ___________ First Hand Investigation: Surface area and rate of reaction DOT point: perform a first hand investigation to demonstrate the relationship between surface area and rate of reaction Aim: To demonstrate the relationship between surface area and rate of reaction Background Information: In this experiment using antacid tablets and HCl, we simulate the conditions of digestion in mammals. The antacid tablet represents the ‘food’ and the HCl represents a digestive chemical. When an antacid tablet comes in contact with acid it reacts with it, producing carbon dioxide bubbles, water and salt. The stomach of mammals naturally secretes HCl to provide the correct environment for stomach enzymes to work. If too much acid is secreted, digestive discomfort (heartburn) results. Antacid tablets are usually taken to relieve digestive discomfort. Safety: Avoid contact with skin or eyes with acid. Wear safety glasses. If there is contact, rinse well with cool running water. Materials: 3 test tubes Test tube rack 3 antacid tablets 30-50mL dilute HCl 2 spatulas stopwatch Procedures: 1. Place a whole antacid tablet, a tablet broken into quarters and a crushed tablet into three separate test tubes. 2. Pour the same amount of HCl into each test tube. (pour enough so that the whole tablet is covered) 3. Use the stopwatch to measure how long each test tube fizzes, until the tablet is completely dissolved. 4. Record your results in a table 5. Write a conclusion for this experiment Results: Tablet Time (seconds) 1 2 3 Stage 6 Biology: Patterns in Nature Student: __________________ Date: ___________ Conclusion: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Discussion: 1. Identify the dependent and independent variables in this experiment _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe all other variables that were kept constant _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. What is meant by the rate of a reaction? Explain why a stopwatch was needed. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. What pattern or trend could you identify in the rate of reaction related to the surface area of the antacid tablets? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Explain why you belch after taking an antacid tablet. Give a reason why taking an antacid tablet may relieve digestive discomfort. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Stage 6 Biology: Patterns in Nature Student: __________________ Date: ___________