all of Chapter 16 broken up 16 1 SOCIAL THINKING 16 2

percent of AP exam
1. Where were you on 9/11/01? Why do you believe you remember it so clearly?
2. Summarize the following quotes in your own words, “we cannot live for ourselves alone” “Our lives
are connected by a thousand invisible hands”
3. Define Social Psychology-
4. Define attribution theory and name which researcher came up with idea?
5. Define Fundamental attribution error-
6. Explain Napolitan and Goethals study at Williams College-
7. Where is the F.A. E. more likely to be made- (Individualist or Collectivist countries) Why?
8. Do you believe your AP Psych instructor is extroverted or introverted in class? Do you believe that this
temperament is always persistent?
9. Explain Fincham, Bradbury, & Fletcher’s studies on attribution on happily and unhappily married
10. Explain Furnham, Pandey, Wagstaff, Zucker, & Weiner’s studies on political effects of attribution?
11. How might we make the F.A.E on a homeless person?
12. Define attitude-
13. Define central route persuasion and give an example-
14. Define peripheral route persuasion and give an example-
15. Which persuasive technique is more likely to be durable and more likely to influence behavior?
16. Define the foot in the door phenomenon and give 3 separate examples of how this works-
17. Define role-
18. Name 2 of the new roles Mr. Vora has had to get used to in the last 10 years?
19. Explain Phillip Zimbardo’s famous laboratory study on role playing- What does this tell us about the
power of the situation? How long did the study go on for?
20. Explain these two quotes in your words, “What we do, we gradually become.” “Fake it till you make
21. What happened at Abu Ghraib Prison in 2004? How were the soldiers who committed these actions
described? Summarize on how did Zimbardo explain the situation?
22. What happens when people’s attitudes and actions do not align?
23. Define cognitive dissonance theory and name who proposed it?
24. Explain the two examples the e-book gives on WMD’s in Iraq and Democracy in the Middle East that
involve changing of attitudes?
25. Last question- Let’s see if you get it- Driving to school one snowy day. Marco narrowly misses a car
that slides through a red light. “Slow down! What a terrible driver.” He thinks to himself. Moments later,
Marco himself slips through an intersection and yelps, ”Wow! These roads are awful. The city plows need
to get out here.” What social psych principle has Marco just demonstrated? Explain.
percent of AP exam
1. Name 5 examples on how we can potentially be socially influenced?
2. Name 3 examples the e-book gives on how behavior is contagious. Name 1 example in your personal
life where you notice conformity at DHS?
3. Define the chameleon effect-
4. Define mood linkage and give an example where you have seen this occur in your personal life-
5. How many states reported threats of copycat violence after Columbine?
6. If you were in charge ABC’s 10 pm news program, would you report a story like this (Columbine)?
7. What happened to the suicide rate when Marilyn Monroe committed suicide in 1962?
8. What happened after Saddam Hussein’s widely public execution in Iraq?
9. Explain the cartoon entitled “Banking on the Youth Market”-
10. Define conformity –
11. Explain Asch’s conformity experiment0
12. Name 7 conditions that strengthen conformity-
13. Explain the following quote- “Have you ever noticed how one example- good or bad- can prompt
others to follow? How one illegally parked car can give permission for others to do likewise? How one
racial joke can fuel another?
14. Define and give an example of normative social influence-
15. Define and give an example of informational social influence-
16. Explain Baron and his colleagues experiment on informational social influence- Draw Figure 16.3
into notes
17. Summarize Stanley Milgram’s experiment on obedience?
18. What percent complied fully- up to the last switch of shocking the participant?
19. What happened the second time Milgram repeated the experiment telling participants that the
confederate (actor) had a slight heart condition?
20. List 4 characteristics that ensure a high level of obedience?
21. Explain how conformity occurred in Jozefow, Poland?
22. Explain how foot in the door phenomenon was involved in Milgram’s study?
23. Explain the following quotes, “I was only following orders” and “ The normal reaction to abnormal
situation is abnormal behavior”
24. Explain Norman Triplett’s hypothesis on the presence of others in competition?
25. Define social facilitation-
26. What happens when the task is difficult compared to being easy?
27. Explain James Michaels and his associates findings on expert pool players-
28. I once did an open mic night at a comedy club. Explain why I wanted that crowd to be packed prior to
my performance?
29. Draw in Table 16.1 from your book. If you play sports or have friends that do, do you believe they
compete better at DHS? Why or why not?
30. Do you think people pull harder in tug of war one on one or in group situations?
31. Define social loafing-
32. Which of the following students will most likely fall victim to social loafing; An A student, an B
student, or C student?
33. Define deindividuation-
34. Do class colors near Homecoming contribute to deindividuation?
35. Give 2 examples where deindividuation becomes more responsive to the group experience.
36. Explain why a student might be more prone to say something over Facebook that they would not say
to a friend in person? (hint use the last term)
36. Define group polarization-
37. Explain McCauley and Segal’s study on terrorists-
38. How does the internet contribute to group polarization?
39. Draw figure 16.5 into notebook
40. Define groupthink-
41. Give 5 examples from history that contributed to mistakes due to groupthink?
42. Explain the significance of the following quote, “Truth springs from argument among friends” Hume1711-1776
43. Explain the difference between personal control and social control?
44. Explain minority influence and what must a minority do to sway the majority? What historical figure
does the text give as its example of a a minority swaying the majority?
percent of AP exam
1. How often do you believe your prejudge people ( ___ out of 10 new people you meet)
2. Define Prejudice-
3. Define stereotype-
4. Define discrimination=
5. What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?
6. How many people in 10 would you have figured would be comfortable dating someone from another
7. Which of the following names is most likely to get a vacant apartment; Tyrell Jackson; Said- Al
Rahman; Patrick McDougall
8. Summarize the following quote in your own words, “Unhappily the world has yet to learn how to live
with diversity.” Pope John Paul II-1995
9. Draw Figure 16.6 in your notebook
10. What is the difference between implicit and explicit prejudice?
11. Explain Greenwald’s study on Implicit racial associations-
12. Explain Harber’s study on Unconscious patronization-
13. Should Mr. Vora read your name prior to grading your essays? Why or why not?
14. Explain Corell and Greenwald’s study on Race- Influenced Perceptions?
15. Explain Maddox’s study on black faces?
16. Summarize the following quote- “There are still barriers and biases out there, often unconscious”
Hillary Clinton- 2008 U.S. Presidential primary concession speech
17. Explain Cunningham’s study on Reflexive bodily responses?
18. Summarize Figure 16.7- No need to draw it; rather explain what it means
19. Explain why there are “101 million” missing women in the world?
20. In Figure 16.8, which image did woman pick in their personal ads? Why did they pick this face?
21. Explain Allport’s theory on the blame the victim dynamic?
22. Name a place in our society that you see this blame the victim dynamic?
23. How does the blame the victim mentality hurt woman who have been sexually assaulted?
24. Define ingoup and outgroup, as well as ingroup bias? State 3 examples in the text that relate to this
topic and tell me 3 groups that you consider yourself a part of?
25. Explain scapegoat theory and the following quote by Phillip Zimbardo,” Fear and anger create
aggression, and aggression against citizens of different ethnicity or race creates racism and, in turn, new
forms of terrorism.”
26. What is the other-race effect and when does it emerge? Have you noticed this phenomenon in your
daily lives?
27. Explain how vivid cases cause us to become prejudice? How does the media contribute to this?
(question is not in book, need to critically think)
28. Define the just world phenomenon? Explain Janoff- Bulman’s study on the phenomenon of blaming
the victim dynamic?
29. Define aggression
30. What are the three factors that make up aggression and give 2 examples of each?
31. Define the frustration-aggression principle?
32- Relate the frustration- aggression principle to hitters being by pitchers in baseball? Why does this
make sense?
33. Sum up Figure 16.10 in less than 15 words
34. Name four facts that support social and cultural influences on aggressive behavior?
35. Explain figure 16.11 and how it relates to men’s exposure to pornography?
36. Explain the rape myth-
37. Explain Harris’s 1994 study on watching X rated films?
38. Name 3 studies that support the notion that video games teach violence? Explain the catharsis
hypothesis and explain how this contradicts the idea that violence breeds violence?
39. Define and explain the term social scripts? State the 3 most dramatic parallels between smoking
effects and media violence effects?
40. Copy down figure 16.2 with 3 bulletpoints from the biopsychosocial understanding of aggression?
41. What are attraction’s three main ingredients?
42. Explain the relationship between proximity and the mere exposure effect?
43. Explain the irony of the Taiwanese man who wrote 700 love letters to his girlfriend who ended up
marrying the mailman?
44. Explain the relationship between the mere exposure effect and evolution?
45. Explain Hatfield’s study on new University of Minnesota students regarding physical attractiveness?
46. What type of experiments confirm that attractiveness influences first impressions?
47. Name 6 ways physically attractive people are perceived?
48. Are you surprised that physical attractiveness is not related to self- esteem and happiness? Why or
49. Give 3 examples from different cultures that show beauty is in the eye of beholder?
50. Explain how symmetry is related to physical attractiveness?
51. Name 6 examples from the text that support the notion that we respond to people who are similar to
52. Explain the reward theory of attraction?
53. Define passionate love and explain its two ingrediants? Explain how Carducci 1978 study supports
54. Explain why a young man interested in a female may want to bring her to Great America on their first
55. Define companionate love-
56 Where is the divorce rate lower; in western countries or non-western countries?
57. Define equity and self disclosure and give one example from a study in the text of each?
58. Briefly summarize the story of Carl Wilkens? Were you aware that he spoke at our school last year?
59. Define altruism and summarize the story of Kitty Genovese?
60. Explain Darley and Latane contribution to the decision making process for bystander intervention?
61. Draw Figure 16.6 into your notes
61. Explain the concept of diffusion of responsibility?
62. Name 8 characteristics that give us the best odds of helping someone out?
63. Explain the concept of cost- benefit anaylsis? Define social exchange theory?
64. Name two positive externalities to helping behavior?
65. Explain the reciprocity norm and give an example of how this has happened to you in your personal
66. Define the social- responsibility norm and reciprocity norm and explain the differences between
67. Define conflict and explain how it could lead to distorted perceptions?
68. Define social trap and read this section carefully, then draw figure 16.17 into your notes?
69. Define mirror image perception and summarize how Bush and Hussein viewed each other? Explain
how this perception can change over time using American attribution of the Japanese as an example?
70. Name 3 studies that show that increased contacts with groups reduces prejudice, conflict, and
71. Define superordinate goals and explain how this helped President Bush after 9/11?
72. Explain how a mediator can increase communication between parties who are at odds with one
73. Define GRIT and give two examples in history where this has worked?