Dodd, VJ Underage drinking seems to be endless for police

Department of Health Education & Behavior
University of Florida
FLG 5 / P.O. Box 118210
Gainesville, FL 32611-8210
(352) 392-0583 ext. 1359
Injury Prevention; Social Marketing; Health Risk Behaviors of Adolescents and Young
Adults; Health Disparities; Health Message Design for Priority Populations
Department of Family and Community Health,
College of Public Health, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida,
Major: Public Health Education, 2000
Department of Family and Community Health, College of Public Health,
University of South Florida,
Tampa, Florida, Major: Health Education, 1994
St. Petersburg Junior College, St. Petersburg, Florida
Major: Dental Hygiene, 1990
Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida,
Major: General Education, 1986
December 2008
Courtesy Faculty
Department of Community Dentistry & Behavioral Science
College of Dentistry
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
August 2008- Present Associate Professor
Department of Health Education & Behavior
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
2001 – July 2008
Assistant Professor
Department of Health Education & Behavior
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Community and Family Health
College of Public Health
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
Acting Program Director
Florida Prevention Research Center
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
1997 - 2000
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Community and Family Health
College of Public Health
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
Manuscript Reviewer
Guide to Community Preventive Services
Oral Health Chapter
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1998 – 2000
Graduate Research Assistant
Deep South Agricultural Health and Safety Center
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
College of Public Health
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
1996 - 1999
Project Assistant
Development and Evaluation of the Florida Safe Communities Project
Department of Community and Family Health
College of Public Health
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
Child Advocacy Intern
St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital
Tampa, Florida
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Accepted for Publication
Largo-Wight, E., Chen, W., Dodd, V. & Weiler, R. The Nature Contact Questionnaire: A
measure of healthy workplace exposure. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and
Rehabilitation. Accepted for publication April 4, 2010.
Thombs, D.L., O’Mara, R.J., Hou, W., Wagenaar, A.C., Dong, H., Merves, M., Goldberger,
B.A., Weiler, R.M., Dodd, V.J. 5-HTTLPR Genotype and Associations with intoxication and
intention to drive: Results from a field study of bar patrons. Addiction Biology (accepted for
publication December 3, 2009).
Taliaferro, L.A, Rienzo, B.A., Miller, M.D., Pigg, R.M., Dodd, V.J. (in press). Exploring
potential mediating pathways through which participation in sports relates to reduced risk of
suicidal ideation. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. (Accepted for publication February
19, 2009).
Published Manuscripts
Glassman, T., Dodd, V., Sheu, J. J., Rienzo, B. A., & Wagenaar, A. C. (2010). Extreme
ritualistic alcohol consumption among college students on game day. Journal of American
College Health,58 (5).
Dodd, V.J., Glassman, T,J., Arthur, A., Webb, M.C., & Miller, E.M. (2010). Why underage
college students drink in excess: Qualitative research findings. American Journal of Health
Education, 41(2), 93-101.
Glassman, T., Dodd, V., Kenzik, K., Miller, M., Sheu, J.J. (2010). Social norms vs. risk
reduction approaches to 21st birthday celebrations. American Journal of Health Education 41(1),
Haun, J., Dodd, V.J., Varnes, J.W., Graham-Pole, J., Rienzo, B., & Donaldson, P. (2009).
Testing the brief health literacy screening tool: Implications for utilization of a BRIEF health
literacy indicator. Federal Practitioner Journal, 26 (12): 24-28, 30-31.
Glassman, T., Braun, R.E., Dodd, V., Miller, M.M, & Miller, E.M. (2009). Using the Theory of
Planned Behavior to Explain the Drinking Motivations of Social, High-Risk, and Extreme
Drinkers on Game Day. Journal of Community Health, 2009, On-Line First at DOI
O’Mara, R., Thombs, D.L., Wagenaar, A.C., Rossheim, M., Merves, M.L., Hou, W., Dodd, V.J.,
Pokorny, S.B., Weiler, R.M. & Goldberger, B.A. (2009). Alcohol Price and Intoxication in
College Bars. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 33, (11), 1973-1980.
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Reingle, J., Thombs, D., Weiler, R., Dodd, V., O’Mara, R. & Pokorny, S. (2009). An exploratory
study of bar and nightclub expectancies. American Journal of College Health, 57, (6), 629-637.
Taliaferro, L.A., Rienzo, B.A., Pigg, R.M., Miller, M.D., Dodd, V.J. (2009). Spiritual well-being
and suicidal ideation among college students. Journal of American College Health, 58 (1), 83-90.
Watson, J.M., Tomar, S.L., Dodd, V.J., Logan, H.L. & Choi, Y. (2009). Effectiveness of a social
marketing media campaign to reduce oral cancer racial disparities. Journal of the National
Medical Association, 101 (8), 774-782.
Thombs, D.L., O’Mara, R., Dodd, V.J., Merves, M., Weiler, R.M., Goldberger, B.A., Pokorny,
S.B., Moore, C., Reingle, J., & Gullet, S. (2009). Event-specific analyses of poly-drug abuse and
concomitant risk behavior in a college bar district in Florida. Journal of American College
Health, 57 (6), 575-585.
Thombs, D.L., O’Mara, R., Dodd, V.J., Hou, W., Merves, M.L., Weiler, R.M., Pokorny, S.B.,
Goldberger, B.A., Reingle, J., & Werch, C. (2009). A field study of bar-sponsored drink specials
and their associations with patron intoxication. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 70 (2),
Dodd, V.J.N. & Li, Y., (2009). Reimbursement as a legitimizing strategy for health education.
Health Promotion Practice, 10, (1), 34-40.
Taliaferro, L.A., Rienzo, B.A., Pigg, R.M., Miller, M.D., Dodd, V.J. (2009). Associations
between physical activity and reduced rates of hopelessness, depression, and suicidal behavior
among college students. Journal of American College Health, 57(4):427-436.
Taliaferro, L.A., Rienzo, B.A., Miller, D.M., Pigg, R.M., & Dodd, V.J. (2008). High school
youth and suicide risk: Exploring protection afforded through physical activity and sport
participation. Journal of School Health, 78 (10), 545-553.
Li, Y., Chen, W.W., Sheu, J.J., & Dodd, V.J. An assessment of Certified Health Education
Specialists’ attitudes on direct third-party reimbursement for health education services, Health
Promotion Practice Online First, published May 14, 2008 as doi: 10.1177/1524839908317231.
Sims, E.N. & Dodd, V.J. & Tejeda, M.J. (2008). The relationship between severity of violence
in the home and dating violence. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 4 (4), 166-173.
Glassman, T., Dodd, V., Sheu, J. J., Rienzo, B. A., & Wagenaar, A. C. (2008). Using the theory
of planned behavior to predict alcohol consumption among college students on game day. The
Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice,2 (3), Paper 4. Available from:
Glassman, T.J., Dodd, V.J., Miller, M., Arthur, A., Book, E., & Sheu, J.J. (2008). Winning isn’t
everything: A case study of high-risk drinking the night of the 2006 National Championship
Football Game. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 52 (2), 31-48.
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Thombs, D.L, Dodd, V.J., Pokorny, S., Omli, M.R., O’Mara, R., Webb, M.C., Lacaci, D.M., &
Werch, C. (2008). Effects of drink specials on patrons exiting college bars. American Journal of
Health Behavior 32 (4), 411-419.
Dodd, V.J., Watson, J.M., Choi, Y., Tomar, S.L., & Logan, H.L. (2008). Using social marketing
principles to increase oral cancer screening rates in African Americans. American Journal of
Health Behavior 32 (6), 684-692.
Choi, Y., Dodd, V.J., Watson, J., Tomar, S.L., Logan, H.L.,& Edwards, H. (2008). Perspectives
of African Americans and dentists on oral cancer and dentist-patient communication. Patient
Education and Counseling, 71 (1), 41-51.
Haun, J., Glassman, T., Dodd, V.J.N. & Young, G. (2007). Game Day survey results: Football
fan alcohol-related behaviors. American Journal of Health Education, 38 (2), 91-96.
Noland, V.J., Daley, E.M., Drolet, J.C., Fetro, J.V., Brown, K.M., Hassell, C.D., & McDermott,
R.J. (2004). Connotative interpretations of sexuality-related terms. Sex Roles: A Journal of
Research, 51(11), 523-534.
Noland, V.J., Brown, K.M., Troxler, C., Morrison, S., & Ladd, S. (2004). The Florida Five
County Physical Activity and Healthful Nutrition Project: Formative research. The Health
Education Monograph Series, Special Issue on Social Marketing, 21(1), 46-51.
Noland, V.J., Liller, K.D., McDermott, R.J., Coulter, M.L., & Seraphine, A.E. (2004). Is sibling
violence a precursor to college dating violence? American Journal of Health Behavior, 28
(Supplement 1), S13-S23.
Noland, V.J., Troxler, C., & Salemi, A. (2004). School health is public health. Florida Public
Health Review, 1(1), 24-29.
McDermott, R.J. & Noland, V.J. (2004). Condom use history as a determinant of university
students’ condom evaluative index. Psychological Reports, 94, 889-893.
Liller, K.D., Nearns, J., Cabrera, M., Joly, B., Noland, V.J., & McDermott, R.J. (2003).
Children’s bicycle helmet use and injuries in Hillsborough County, Florida before and after
helmet legislation. Injury Prevention, 9(2), 177-179.
Liller, K.D., Noland, V.J., Rijal, P., Pesce, K., & Gonzalez, R. (2002). Development and
evaluation of the Kids Count farm safety lesson. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 8
Noland, V.J., Kumar, A., Voss, A., Langness, A., Daley, E.M., & McDermott, R.J. (2002). Sex
education, access to contraception and rates of teenage pregnancy: A contrast between the
Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America. International Electronic Journal
of Health Education, 5(1), 1-11.
Page 5 of 42
Daley, E.M., & Noland, V.J. (2001). Intimate partner violence in college students: A crosscultural comparison. International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 4(1),
Noland, V.J., Joly, B.M., & Liller, K.D. (2000). Child Death Review Team findings:
Implications for health educators. International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 3(4),
Liller, K.D., & Noland, V.J., & Lehtola, C. (2000). An analysis of child and adult injury deaths
on Florida farms for years 1989-1998. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 6(2), 131-140.
Noland, V.J., & Liller, K.D. (1999). In support of legislation mandating four-sided barrier
fencing for residential swimming pools. Florida Journal of Public Health, 11(1-2), 9-14.
Liller, K.D., Morrissette, B., Noland, V., & McDermott, R.J. (1998). Middle school students
and bicycle helmet usage: Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Journal of School
Health, 68(8), 325-328.
Submitted (under review)
Largo-Wight, E., Chen, W., Dodd, V. & Weiler, R. Healthy workplaces: The role of nature
contact office exposures on employee stress and health. Public Health Reports, submitted March
Daley, E., DeBate, R., Dodd, V., Dyer, K., Fhurman, H., Helmy, Smith, S. Exploring awareness,
attitudes, and perceived roles among oral health providers regarding HPV-related oral cancers.
Journal of Public Health Dentistry, submitted March 17, 2010.
Glassman, T., Dodd, V., Preventing high-risk drinking among college students: A social
marketing case study. Social Marketing Quarterly, submitted February 12, 2010.
Book Review
Dodd, V.J.N. Injury and Violence Prevention: Behavioral Science Theories, Methods, and
Applications. Gielen, A.C., Sleet, D.A., & DiClemente, R.J. (eds). Family & Community Health,
30 (4): 367, October/December 2007.
Powers, S.K., Dodd, S.L., & Noland, V.J. Total Fitness and Wellness (5th Edition): San
Francisco: Benjamin Cummings. (2008).
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Powers, S.K., Dodd, S.L., & Noland, V.J. Total Fitness and Wellness, Brief Edition (3rd
Edition): San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings. (2008).
Powers, S.K., Dodd, S.L., & Noland, V.J. Total Fitness and Wellness (4th Edition): San
Francisco: Benjamin Cummings. (2005).
Powers, S.K., Dodd, S.L., & Noland, V.J. Total Fitness and Wellness, Brief Edition (2nd
Edition): San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings. (2005).
Edited Encyclopedia Contributions
Noland, V.J. Lead poisoning. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World
Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers. (2004.)
Noland, V.J. Marketing Strategies. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to
World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers. (2004).
Dodd, V.J., Glassman, T.J., Chen, W.W. (August, 2008). Competition To Prevent High Risk
Drinking & Violent Behavior Among College Students. Annual report submitted to the U.S.
Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools (16 pp.).
Dodd, V.J.,& Pigg, R.M.P. (February 20, 2008). Self Study Report Ph.D. Program in Health and
Human Performance Concentration Area: Health Behavior (46 pp.).
Dodd, V.J., Glassman, T.J., Chen, W.W. (April, 2007). Competition To Prevent High Risk
Drinking & Violent Behavior Among College Students. Annual report submitted to the U.S.
Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools (14 pp.).
Noland, V.J., McCormick, K.M., Bryant, C.A., Troxler, C.K., Morrison, S.M. & Bryla, K.
(January 2003). Florida Five County Physical Activity and Healthful Nutrition Project.
Submitted in conjunction with the University of South Florida Prevention Research Center to the
Florida Department of Health, Obesity Prevention Program (254 pp).
Noland, V.J. & Weiler, R.M. (January 2002). The Hillsborough County Child Death Review
Team Data Analysis: Year 2000. Report to the Hillsborough County Child Death Review Team.
McCormack Brown, K.R., Noland, V.J., & McDermott, R.J. (August 2001). Pinellas County
Middle School Youth Risk Behavior Survey and Report. University of South Florida, College of
Public Health. Report to the Pinellas County Health Department.
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McCormack Brown, K.R., Noland, V.J., & McDermott, R.J. (August 2001). Pinellas County
High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey and Report. University of South Florida, College of
Public Health. Report to the Pinellas County Health Department.
Noland, V.J. & Liller, K.D. (January 2001). The Hillsborough County Child Death Review
Team 1999 Data Sheet Analysis. Report to the Hillsborough County Child Death Review Team.
Noland, V.J. & Liller, K.D. (July, 1999). The Hillsborough County Child Death Review Team
1998 Data Sheet Analysis 1998. Report to the Hillsborough County Child Death Review Team.
Noland, V.J. & Liller, K.D. (March, 1999). The Hillsborough County Child Death Review Team
1997 Data Sheet Analysis. Report to the Hillsborough County Child Death Review Team.
Noland, V.J. & Liller, K.D. (July, 1998). The Hillsborough County Child Death Review Team
1995- 1996 Data Sheet Analysis. Report to the Hillsborough County Child Death Review Team.
Liller, K.D., Morissette, B., & Noland, V.J. The MORE HEALTH Bicycle Safety Project 1997
Final Report. Report to MORE Health, Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, Florida.
Submitted Presentations
Dodd, V.J. & Miller, M. Transitioning into College: Is alcohol use decreasing among first year
students? Submitted to NASPA Region III – Summer Symposium (June 13-16, 2010) Ponte
Vedra, Florida.
Dyer, K., Fuhrman, H., Helmy, H., Smith, S., Wheldon, C., Daley, E., DeBate, R., Dodd, V.
Continuing education preferences among oral health providers for HPV-related oral cancer
information. Submitted to Oral Health section for the 138th American Public Health Association
Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2010) Denver, CO.
Daley, E., DeBate, R., Dodd, V., Dyer, K., Fuhrmann, H., Helmy, H., Smith, S. Oral cancer and
HPV: An exploration of oral health providers’ perceived roles, attitudes, and communication
behaviors. Submitted to Oral Health section for the 138th American Public Health Association
Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2010) Denver, CO.
Chandler, R., Daley, E, Wheldon, C., DeBate, R., Dodd, V. Smith, S., Dyer, K., Helmy, H.,
Fuhrmann, H. Dentists’ knowledge, perceived roles, attitudes and communication behaviors
regarding oral cancer and HPV: Results from a Florida Statewide Survey. Submitted to Oral
Health section for the 138th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (November 610, 2010) Denver, CO.
McDermott, R., Malo, T., Dodd, V., Daley,E., Mayer,A. Contraception use history as a
determinant of college students’ assessment of selected contraception methods. 138th American
Public Health Association Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2010) Denver, CO.
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Cook, R., Hu, X., Dodd, V., Treloar, D., Sonke, J., Oliverio, J. Digital technology use and
interest in digital health interventions among persons attending public health STD clinics.
Annual Meeting Society of General Internal Medicine, April 28 – May 1, 2010, Minneapolis,
MN (submitted January 12, 2010).
Logan, H. & Dodd, V.J. Can community based and theory driven research co-exist? Third
Annual NIH Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation: Methods and
Measurement, March 15-16, 2010, Bethesda, MD. (submitted November 6, 2009).
Accepted Presentations
Dodd, V.J., Riley, J.L., Logan, H., Porter, C, & Aygemang, C. Listening to our neighbors:
developing culturally sensitive survey instruments. 7th Biennial Cancer, Culture & Literacy
Conference on methodologies, Skills and Innovations. Clearwater Beach, FL., May 20,2010.
Hu, X., Dodd, V., Oliverio, J., Cook, R. Substance use and patients’ access to digital
technologies in public STD clinics. University of Florida Public Health and Health Professions
Research Day, DATE.
Daley, E., Dodd, V.J., DeBate, R., Briggs, C. Human Papillomavirus and Oral Pharyngeal
Cancer: Continuing Education Needs of the Oral Healthcare Team. 60th Society for Public
Health Information (SOPHE) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Delivered Presentations
Riley, JL III, Porter, C., Logan, HL, Dodd, V.J., Muller KE. Field test of an oral and pharyngeal
cancer knowledge survey. AADR Annual Meeting March 3-6, 2010, Washington, DC.
Riley, JL III, Logan, HL, Dodd, V.J., Porter, C, Muller KE. Race differences in knowledge of
oral and pharyngeal cancer. AADR Annual Meeting March 3-6, 2010, Washington, DC.
Dodd, V., Gullet,S., O’Mara, R., Rossheim, M., Thombs, D., Weiler, R., Pokorny, S. Collection
of nighttime BrAC levels in collegiate hospitality zones: Translation of field methodology.
American Academy of Health Behavior, Tenth Annual Scientific Convention, Clearwater, FL,
Poster Session February 8, 2010.
Dodd, V., Riley, J., Logan, H., Muller, K. Porter, C. Developing culturally sensitive survey
instruments to inform health promotion campaigns. American Academy of Health Behavior,
Tenth Annual Scientific Convention, Clearwater, FL, Poster Session February 8, 2010.
Dodd, V., Thombs, D., O’Mara, R., Tsukamoto, M., Rossheim, M., Weiler, R., Merves, M.,
Goldburger, B., Grimme, D. Event-level analyses of energy drink consumption and alcohol
intoxication intoxication in bar patrons. American Academy of Health Behavior, Tenth Annual
Scientific Convention, Clearwater, FL, Poster Session February 9, 2010.
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Thombs, D., O’Mara, R., Hou, W., Wagennar, A., Dong, H., Merves, M., Goldberger, B.,
Weilwer, R., Clapp, J., Dodd, V. 5-HTTLPR Genotype interaction with drink specials and
associations with intoxication and intention to drive: Results from a field study of bar patrons.
American Academy of Health Behavior, Tenth Annual Scientific Convention, Clearwater, FL,
Poster Session February 9, 2010.
Riley, J., Dodd, V., Logan, H., Porter, C. Developing a survey instrument about oral cancer
communication for use in a rural setting. American Association for Public Opinion Research
Annual Meeting, May 14-17, 2009, Hollywood, Florida.
Glassman, T., Braun, R., Dodd, V.J., & Miller, J. “Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to
explain the drinking motivations of social, high-risk, and extreme drinkers on game day.”
Submitted for the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs program of the 137th American Public
Health Association Annual Meeting (November 7-11, 2009) Philadelphia, PA.
Thombs, D., O’Mara, R., Hou, W., Wagenaar, A., Dong,H., Merves, M. Goldberger, B., Weiler,
R.,& Dodd, V. 5-HTTLPR Genotype Interaction with Drink Specials and Associations with
Intoxication and Intention to Drive: Results from a Field Study of Bar Patrons.
Florida Genetics 2009: Fifth Annual Symposium of the UF Genetics Institute, University of
Florida October 27-28, 2009 Gainesville, FL.
Dodd, V.J., Daley, E.D., DeBate, R.D., Vamos, C., Smith, S.A., Hernandez, N., & Chandler, R.
A preliminary study of HPV-related oral cancer curricula within schools of dentistry and dental
hygiene in Florida. Florida Public Health Association (FPHA) Annual Conference, August 6,
Naugle, K., Borsa, P., Dodd, V., Tillman, M., Behar-Hornstein, L., & Garvan, L. “Perceptions of
wellness and burnout in the Southeastern Athletic Trainers’ Association NATA District (9).”
National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, June 2009, San Antonio, Texas.
Marhefka, S.L., Fleming, K., Clarke, R., Ealey, J., Chandler, R. & Dodd, V. “Perceptions of
HIV-related risks and sexual behavior following childbirth among young women living with
HIV. “ Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Eastern and Mid-continent Joint Regional
Conference, St. Petersburg, FL May 2009.
Marhefka, S.L., Chandler, R., Ealey, J., Clarke, R., Fleming, K. & Dodd, V. “Disclosure
practices and disclosure-related intervention needs for HIV+ young women.” Society for the
Scientific Study of Sexuality, Eastern and Mid-continent Joint Regional Conference, St.
Petersburg, FL May 2009.
Naugle, K., Borsa, P., Dodd, V., Tillman, M., Behar-Hornstein, L., & Garvan, L. “Perceptions of
wellness and burnout among certified athletic trainers: Contributions of the wellness domains.”
Southeastern Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium, March 21,
2009, Panama City, Florida.
Page 10 of 42
Dodd, V.J. Glassman, T.J., Kenzik, K. & Hovermale, L. “Social norms vs. harm reduction
approaches to 21st birthday celebrations.” American Academy of Health Behavior, Ninth Annual
Scientific Convention, Hilton Head, SC, Poster Session March 8, 2009.
Dodd, V.J. Glassman, T.J., Kenzik, K. & Hovermale, L. “Assessment of 21st birthday
intervention with alternatives.” American Academy of Health Behavior, Ninth Annual Scientific
Convention, Hilton Head, SC, Poster Session March 8, 2009.
Dodd, V.J. “Is your program working? How, when and why to evaluate.” National Drowning
Prevention Alliance 8th Annual National Drowning Prevention Symposium, Miami, Florida,
February 23, 2009. (1 hour workshop: invited)
Dodd, V.J. “Using theory to boost your program’s effectiveness.” National Drowning
Prevention Alliance 8th Annual National Drowning Prevention Symposium, Miami, Florida,
February 23, 2009. (1 hour workshop: invited)
Dodd, V.J., O’Mara, R.J.,& Gullet, S. “Employing Participatory Field Research to Study
College Student Drinking in Ybor City, Florida.” University of Tampa, February 12, 2009.
Invited lecture and training in field research data collection methods.
Marhefka, S.L. & Dodd, V. Assessing sexual behavior of and intervention possibilities for HIV+
young women. Annual Meeting of the Florida Center for AIDS Research, Gainesville, FL.
January 30, 2009.
Dodd, V.J., O’Mara, R. & Thombs, D.L. “Field methodology for assessing late-night drinking,
drug use, and related risk behaviors in college bar districts.” U.S. Department of Education 22nd
Annual Meeting on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention in Higher
Education, November 18, 2008, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Dodd, V.J., O’Mara R., & Thombs, D. “Security, Service and Safety: Identifying risk and
reducing harm in hospitality establishments.” Responsible Hospitality Institute Networking
Conference, November 14, 2008, San Francisco, California. Invited presentation.
Thombs, D., O’Mara, R., Dodd, V., Merves, M., Weiler, R., Goldberger, B., Pokorny, S., Moore,
C., Reingle, J., Gullet, S., & Tsukamoto, M. Assessing poly-drug abuse and other risk behaviors
in a college bar district. Oral presentation at The Fourth Annual Conference of the Social
Sciences at UF.
Dodd, V., O’Mara, R., Hovermale, L., Haderxhanaj, L., Thombs, D., Pokorny, S., Weiler, R., &
Cruddas, B. A field assessment of patron intoxication at a charity pub crawl. Oral presentation at
The Fourth Annual Conference of the Social Sciences at UF.
Thombs, D., O’Mara, R., Dodd, V., Hou, W., Merves, M., Weiler, R., Pokorny, S., Goldberger,
B., Reingle, J., Werch, C., Sweet, J., & Huang, T. Association between bar sponsored drink
specials and patron intoxication. Oral presentation at The Fourth Annual Conference of the
Social Sciences at UF
Page 11 of 42
Tomar, S.L., Watson, J.M., Thompson, A, Logan, Henrietta, Dodd, V.,Choi, Y. “Social
marketing and community mobilization for the prevention and early detection of oral cancer in
Florida.” Oral presentation: Oral Health Communications for Behavior and Social Change.
American Public Health Association 136th Annual Meeting, October 29, 2008 (10:30 am), San
Diego, CA.
Haun, J., Larkey, L., Dodd, V.J., & Rienzo, B. Assessing health literacy in whole systems of
complementary and alternative modalities of care. American Association of Naturopathic
Physicians/American Holistic Medical Association Annual Conference. Phoenix, Arizona,
August 13-16, 2008.
Dodd, V.J. “Examining College Student Drinking Through a Different Lens.” Orlando, Florida.
Invited Speaker: Orange County Underage Drinking Task Force, July 18, 2008.
Taliaferro, L., Rienzo, B., Pigg, R.M., Jr., Miller, M.D. & Dodd, V. Association between
physical activity and suicidal behavior among college students. American College Health
Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida, June 2008.
Thombs, D.L., O’Mara, R., Dodd, V.J., Weiler, R.M., Merves, M., Goldberger, B.A., Pokorny,
S.B., Werch, C., & Feldman, G. (2008). Characterizing Impaired Driving Among Patrons of a
College Bar District. Poster presented by Greg Feldman and Peter Bingham at the American
College Health Association Annual Meeting, June 5, Orlando, Florida.
Dodd, V.J., O’Mara, R., Hovermale, L., Haderxhanaj, L., Thombs, D.L., Weiler, R.M., &
Pokorny, S.B. (2008). Does Gator Stompin’® promote high levels of intoxication among its
participants? Poster presented by Lindsay Hovermale and Laura Haderxhanaj at the American
College Health Association Annual Meeting, June 5, Orlando, Florida.
Reingle, J., Thombs, D.L., Dodd, V.J., Weiler, R.M., O’Mara, R., & Pokorny, S.B. (2008). Bar
and Nightclub Expectancies of College Students. Poster presented by Jennifer Reingle at the
American College Health Association Annual Meeting, June 5, Orlando, Florida.
Glassman, T.J., Dodd, V.J., Miller, E., and Hovermale, L. Using Social Marketing Principles to
Reduce High-risk Drinking Among 1st Year Students. Poster presentation at the Eighteenth
Annual Social Marketing Conference, Clearwater, Florida, June, 2008.
Haun, J., Donaldson, P., Dodd, V.J., Varnes, J.W., Graham-Pole, J., Rienzo, B.A., Allen, M.L.,
& Sutton, S. Screening patients’ health literacy skills in an ambulatory care setting. Poster
submitted to the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN) annual meeting,
Chicago, IL, April 19, 2008.
Li, Y., Chen, W., Sheu, J., & Dodd, V. An assessment of CHES holders’ willingness to
participate in a hypothetical campaign requesting direct third party reimbursement for health
education services. American Academy of Health Behavior, Eighth Annual Scientific
Convention, Oxnard, CA, Poster Session March 10, 2008.
Page 12 of 42
Thombs, D.L., Dodd, V.J., Pokorny, S.B., Weiler, R.M., Werch, C.E., & Reingle, J.M. Evidence
for regulating drink specials in campus communities. American Academy of Health Behavior,
Eighth Annual Scientific Convention, Oxnard, CA, Poster Session March 11, 2008.
Thombs, D.L., O’Mara, R., Dodd, V.J., Merves, M., Weiler, R.M., Goldberger, B.A., Pokorny,
S.B., Moore, C., Reingle, J., & Gullet, S. (2008). Event-Specific Analyses of Drinking and PolyDrug Abuse. American Academy of Health Behavior, Eighth Annual Scientific Convention,
Oxnard, CA, Poster Session March 11, 2008.
Thombs, D.L., Dodd, V.J., Pokorny, S.B., Weiler, R.M., Werch, C.E, Weiler, R.M. .& O’Mara,
R.J. Examining college student drinking through a different lens: Findings from field studies of
nighttime intoxication. Eighth Annual Scientific Convention, Oxnard, CA, Poster Session March
11, 2008.
Thombs, D.L., Dodd, V.J., Pokorny, S.B., Weiler, R.M., Werch, C.E.& O’Mara, R.J. Feasibility
of collecting biological samples from patrons exiting bars. American Academy of Health
Behavior, Eighth Annual Scientific Convention, Oxnard, CA, Poster Session March 10, 2008.
Dodd, V.J. & Glassman, T.J., Sheu, J.J., Rienzo, B.A., & Wagenaar, A.C. Extreme Ritualistic
Alcohol Consumption on Game Day. American Academy of Health Behavior, Eighth Annual
Scientific Convention, Oxnard, CA, Poster Session March 10, 2008.
Taliaferro, L.A., Rienzo, B., Dodd, V.J.,& Pigg, R.M. Psychosocial and lifestyle variables
associated with suicidal ideation among female college students. American Academy of Health
Behavior, Eighth Annual Scientific Convention, Oxnard, CA, Poster Session March 11, 2008.
McDermott, R.J., Dodd, V.J., Daley, E.M., & Malo, T. Attributes assigned to contraceptive
options by university students compared to previous user experience. American Academy of
Health Behavior, Eighth Annual Scientific Convention, Oxnard, CA, Poster Session March 11,
McDermott, R.J., Dodd, V.J., Daley, E.M., & Malo, T. Factors associated with assessing
contraceptive options among university undergraduates. American Academy of Health Behavior,
Eighth Annual Scientific Convention, Oxnard, CA, Poster Session March 11, 2008.
McDermott, R.J., Dodd, V.J., Daley, E.M., & Malo, T. Connotative meaning assigned to
contraceptive methods by university undergraduates. American Academy of Health Behavior,
Eighth Annual Scientific Convention, Oxnard, CA, Poster Session March 11, 2008.
Taliaferro, L.A., Rienzo, B., Dodd, V.J.,& Pigg, R.M. Sport as a promising factor in reducing
adolescent suicide. School Health Education and Services Poster Session of the 135th Annual
American Public Health Association Meeting & Exposition, Washington, DC. November 3-7,
Page 13 of 42
Price, A.E., Weiler, R.M., Sheu, J.J., & Dodd, V.J. An exploratory study of body mass index,
self-perception of weight, and weight management goals and practices among undergraduates.
School Health Education and Services Poster Session of the 135th Annual American Public
Health Association Meeting & Exposition, Washington, DC. November 5, 2007.
Dodd, V.J. & Glassman, T.J. Alcohol-related fan behavior on college football game day. U.S.
Department of Education’s 21st Annual National Meeting on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and
Violence Prevention in Higher Education, Omaha, Nebraska. October 19, 2007 (Oral
Taliaferro, L., Rienzo, B., Miller, M.D., Dodd, V., & Pigg, R.M., Jr. Exploration of the pathways
through which sport participation reduces suicide risk among college students. Society of Social
Sciences at the University of Florida 3rd Annual Conference. Gainesville, Florida, October, 2007.
Glassman, T.J. & Dodd,V.J. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to predict Extreme ritualistic
alcohol consumption on game day. 3rd Symposium on Addictive & Health Behaviors Research
Poster Session September 24, 2007, Amelia Island Plantation, Florida.
Taliaferro, L., Rienzo, B., Miller,M.D., Pigg, R.M., Dodd, V.J. High School Youth and Suicide
Risk: Exploring Protection Afforded Through Physical Activity and Sport Participation.
Addictive and Health Behaviors Research 3rd Symposium. Amelia Island, Florida,
September 2007.
Thombs, D., Dodd, V., Pokorny, S., O’Mara, R., Lacaci, D., Omli, M., Webb, M., & Werch, C.
Preliminary evidence for eliminating drink specials in campus communities. 3rd Symposium on
Addictive & Health Behaviors Research Poster Session September 24, 2007, Amelia Island
Plantation, Florida.
Choi, Y., Dodd, V.J., Watson, J., Tomar, S.L., Logan, H.L., & Edwards, H. Perspectives of
African Americans and dentists on oral cancer and dentist-patient communication. Association
for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2007 Convention, Washington,
D.C., August 9, 2007.
Haun, J., Dodd, V.J.N., Rienzo,B.A, Dale-Young, G.C. Testing a BRIEF health literacy
screening tool: Implications for identifying and responding to individuals’ health literacy needs.
Oral Presentation. American School Health Association 81st Annual Conference, Honolulu,
Hawaii. Concurrent Session #12, July 12, 2007.
Dodd, V.J., Kirkland, N.L., Watson, J., & Tomar, S. It spreads faster than you think: Oral cancer
message pretesting. American Academy of Health Behavior, Sixth Annual Scientific
Convention, Savannah, GA, Poster Session March 27, 2007.
Dodd, V.J., Watson, J., Choi,Y., Tomar, L., & Logan, H. Using social marketing principles to
increase oral cancer screening rates among African American males. Society of Behavioral
Medicine 28th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, Washington, DC, Poster Session March
23, 2007.
Page 14 of 42
Dodd, V.J., Watson, J., Choi, Y., Tomar, S., & Logan, H. Social marketing approach to increase
oral cancer exams among African Americans. International Association for Dental
Research/American Association for Dental Research 85th General Session and Exhibition, New
Orleans, LA, Oral Presentation March 23, 2007.
Lindley, L.L., & Dodd, V.J.N. Religious organizations’ involvement in HIV-related programs
and services in two Florida cities. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston,
MA., November 6, 2006. Blending HIV/AIDS Research and Service Provision Poster Session.
Price, A.E., Weiler, R.M., Sheu, J.J., & Dodd, V.J. An exploratory study of sleep, BMI, diet, and
physical activity among undergraduates. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting,
Boston, MA., November 7, 2006. Promoting Fitness and Activity for Students Poster Session.
Li, Y., & Dodd, V.J.N. Expanding the role of health educators through the creation of the
Licensed Clinical Health Education Specialist certification. 24th National DHPE/CDC
Conference on Health Promotion and Education, Washington, D.C., May 23 – 26, 2006, Poster
Session May 24, 2006.
Lindley, L.L., & Dodd, V.J.N. Religious organizations’ involvement in HIV-related programs
and services in two Florida cities. 2006 National STD Prevention Conference, Jacksonville, FL,
Poster Session, May 8 – 11, 2006.
Dodd, V.J.N., Glassman, T., & Wight, E.L. Sober is Sexy: Changing drinking attitudes, norms,
and behaviors among college students. American Academy of Health Behavior, Fifth Annual
Scientific Convention, Carmel, CA, March 5 – 8, 2006, Poster Session March 8, 2006.
Lindley, L.L., & Dodd, V.J.N., “Religious organizations’ Involvement in HIV-Related
Programs and Services.” 2005 South Carolina HIV/STD Conference, Greenville, South Carolina,
Oral Presentation, October 28, 2005.
Dodd, V. J. Noland, McDermott, R.J., & Weiler, R.M. Sexual abstinence history as related to
university students’ evaluation of abstinence as a contraceptive strategy. American Academy of
Health Behavior, Fourth Annual Scientific Convention, Charleston, South Carolina, Poster
Session , February 23, 2005.
Liller, K.D., Nearns, J., Cabrera, M., Joly, B., Noland, V.J., & McDermott, R.J. Children’s
bicycle injuries in Hillsborough County, Florida before and after helmet legislation. American
Public Health Association Annual Convention, Poster Session , November 19, 2003.
Weiler, R.M., Pealer, L.J., & Noland, V.J. A comparison of health behaviors between members
of social fraternities and sororities and non-members. American Academy of Health Behavior,
Third Annual Scientific Convention, St. Augustine, Florida, Poster Session , March 2003.
Noland, V.J., Weiler, R.M., & Pealer, L.J. The association between early initiation of sexual
intercourse and subsequent risk-taking behaviors among university students. American Academy
Page 15 of 42
of Health Behavior, Third Annual Scientific Convention, St. Augustine, Florida, Poster Session ,
March 2003.
McDermott, R.J., Noland, V.J., Drolet, J.C., Fetro, J.V., Daley, E.M., & McCormack Brown,
K.R. Semantic meanings assigned to selected contraception options as related to ever use versus
never use status among university undergraduate students. American Academy of Health
Behavior, Third Annual Scientific Convention, St. Augustine, Florida, Poster Session , March
Noland, V.J. & Brown, K.M., “Evaluating Your Social Marketing Program.” Food, Nutrition,
and Health Update 2003, IFAS Extension Training, Sponsored by the Department of Family,
Youth, and Community Sciences, University of Florida, Oral presentation, February 18, 2003.
Noland, V.J., Liller, K.D., McDermott, R.J., & Coulter, M. Is Adolescent Sibling Violence A
Precursor to Subsequent Dating Violence Among College Students? American Public Health
Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Poster Session, November 12,
Cline, R.J.W., & Noland, V.J. Exploring the dark side of the Internet: Risk-promoting functions
of interactive “health communication" American Public Health Association Annual Convention,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Oral Presentation, November 11, 2002.
Cline, R.J.W., & Noland, V.J. The dark-side of “information seeking” on the Internet:
Interactive health communication and risk promotion. National Communication Association
Annual Convention, New Orleans, Panel Presentation, LA, November 22, 2002.
Liller, K.D., & Noland, V.J. Kids Count Farm Safety Lesson. American Public Health
Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, PA, Poster Session , November 12,
Noland, V.J., Liller, K.D., McDermott, R.J., & Coulter, M. An exploratory study of adolescent
sibling violence: Experiences of community college students. American Academy of Health
Behavior, Second Annual Scientific Convention, Napa Valley, California, Poster Session ,
March 25, 2002.
Noland, V.J., Brown, K.M., McDermott, R.J., Johns, P., & Smith, C. Tobacco use in middle
school students: Results of the Pinellas County, Florida, revised YRBSS. American Association
for Health Education Annual Convention, San Diego, California, Poster Session, April 10, 2002.
Brown, K.M., Noland, V.J., McDermott, R.J., Johns, P., & Smith, C. Youth risk behaviors and
academic achievement among middle school-age youth. American Association for Health
Education Annual Convention, San Diego, California, Poster Session, April 11, 2002.
Noland, V.J., Daley, E.M., Fetro, J.V., Drolet, J.C., McCormack Brown, K.R., & McDermott,
R.J. Gender differences in assigned connotative meaning of sexuality related terms: Results
Page 16 of 42
from a university cohort. American Public Health Association Annual Convention, Atlanta,
Georgia, Poster Session, October 21-25, 2001.
Noland, V.J., & Liller, K.D. An analysis of child deaths in Hillsborough County, Florida: 19961999. American Public Health Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, Poster
Session, October 21-25, 2001.
Noland, V.J., & Liller, K.D. An exploratory study of adolescent sibling violence. American
Public Health Association Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts, Poster Session,
November 12, 2000.
Liller, K.D., & Noland, V.J. & Lehtola, C.J. An analysis of child and adult injury deaths on
Florida farms for years 1989- 1998. American Public Health Association Annual Convention,
Boston, Massachusetts, Poster Session, November 15, 2000.
Noland, V.J. & Liller, K.D. Florida Farm Safety 4 Just Kids. Farm Safety 4 Just Kids National
Leadership Conference, Des Moines, Iowa, Poster Session, March 17, 2000.
Noland, V.J., Morissette-Joly, B., & Liller, K.D. Findings from the Hillsborough County,
Florida Child Death Review Team for years 1997-1998: Implications for policy and health
promotion. American Association for Health Education Annual Convention, Orlando, FL,
Poster Session, March 23, 2000.
Noland, V.J., & Liller, K.D. The first analysis of child death review data in Hillsborough
County, Florida. American Public Health Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, Poster
Session, November 8, 1999.
Liller, K.D., & Noland, V.J. Evaluation of the Florida Safe Communities Program. American
Public Health Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, Poster Session, November 8, 1999.
Liller, K.D., & Noland, V.J. The Deep South Agricultural Health and Safety Center and Florida
Farm Safety 4 Just Kids. American Public Health Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL,
Poster Session, November 10, 1999.
Noland, V.J., & Liller, K.D. The first analysis of child death review data in Hillsborough
County, 1996. Health Sciences Center Research Symposium, University of South Florida,
Tampa, Fl, Poster Session, February 25, 1999.
Liller, K.D., Morissette, B., Noland, V., & McDermott, R. What predicts middle school
students' bicycle helmet use? American Public Health Association Annual Convention,
Washington, DC, Poster Session, November 16, 1998.
Published Abstracts
Naugle, K., Borsa, P., Dodd, V., Tollman, M., Behar-Hornstein, L., Garvan, C. “Perceptions of
wellness and burnout in the Southeastern Athletic Trainers Association NATA District (9).
Page 17 of 42
National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting. San Antonion, Texas, J. Athl Train
2009; 44(3): S-62.
Naugle, K., Borsa, P., Dodd, V., Tillman, M., Behar-Hornstein, L., & Garvan, L. “Perceptions of
wellness and burnout among certified athletic trainers: Contributions of the wellness domains.”
Southeastern Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium, March 21,
2009, Panama City, Florida, Conference Proceedings, CDROM.
Dodd, V.J. & Glassman, T.J. Alcohol-related fan behavior on college football game day.
Harvesting Ideas for Safe and Healthy Campuses; Effective strategies built on research and
practice. U.S. Department of Education’s 21st Annual National Meeting on Alcohol and Other
Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention in Higher Education, Omaha, Nebraska Program Agenda,
p. 55, October 2007.
Academic Lectures
Dodd, V.J. “Early Detection of Oral Cancer in a Rural Hispanic Population.” College of Health
and Human Performance Advisory Council Meeting, Gainesville, Florida. April 9, 2010.
Dodd, V.J. “Underage Drinking is Everyone’s Problem.” Partners in the Prevention of
Substance Abuse Coalition: A Town Hall Meeting. Gainesville, Florida. March 24, 2010
(Invited Keynote Speaker).
Dodd, V.J. & Miller, E.M. “Alcohol Prevention Efforts: University of Florida” Presentation
delivered to the President’s Community Alcohol Coalition, University of Florida, October 23,
Dodd, V.J. & Miller, E.M. “Alcohol use in college students: Innocent rite of passage or a cause
for concern?” University of Florida Family Weekend workshop presentation October 3, 2009.
Dodd, V.J. “Drinking patterns of emerging adults: Innocent rite of passage or a cause for
concern?” UF Gator Boosters Club, Pinellas County Florida, September 9, 2009.
Dodd, V.J. & Daley, E.M. “Oral health providers’ knowledge, attitudes and Perceived Roles
Regarding HPV and Oral Cancer: An Exploratory Study in Florida.” University of Florida
Scientific Retreat, August 21, 2009, Ocala, Florida.
Dodd, V.J. & Schenck, D. “Early Detection of Oral Cancer in a Rural Hispanic Population.”
University of Florida Scientific Retreat, August 21, 2009, Ocala, Florida.
Dodd, V.J. “Injury Prevention 101.” Course sponsored by: Florida Injury Prevention Advisory
Council and Department of Health, Office of Injury Prevention, May 12, 2009, Ft. Lauderdale,
Page 18 of 42
Dodd, V.J. “Is Your program Working?” Workshop presented at the Broward County Health
Department, May 13, 2009, 2-4:00 PM.
Dodd, V.J., O’Mara, R.J., Gullet, S. “Collecting BrAc: On site training in methodology and
techniques.” Workshop presented to the Tampa Alcohol Coalition, February 12, 2009, 7:00 PM3:30 AM. At the University of Tampa and in Ybor City, Florida.
Dodd, V.J. & Sanders, S.B. “Alcohol Abuse and Drug Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, and Risk
Factors.” Invited presentation provided to UF Safety Sensitive Employees to fulfill federally
mandated (Department of Homeland Security) update: UF Human Resources Department,
University of Florida, November 2008 and December 2008, Gainesville, FL.
Dodd, V.J. “Injury Prevention 101.” Course sponsored by: Florida Injury Prevention Advisory
Council and Department of Health, Office of Injury Prevention, May 20, 2008, Tampa, Florida.
Dodd, V.J. “Preventing Underage Drinking. Partners in the Prevention of Substance Abuse
Coalition: A Town Hall Meeting.” Gainesville, Florida. March 26, 2008 (Invited Speaker).
Thombs, D.,Olds, S., Pokorny, S., & Dodd, V.J. “Using Participatory Field Research to Study
College Student Drinking.” American Academy of Health Behavior, Eighth Annual Scientific
Convention, Oxnard, CA, March 11, 2008 (Invited Lecture).
Dodd, V.J. & Glassman, T.J. “Alcohol-related Fan Behavior on College Football Game Day. “
Florida Center for Health Promotion Lecture Series, February 29, 2008, University of Florida.
Dodd, V.J. “Binge Drinking Among College Students.” Oak Hammock: Back to College at
HHP, February 7, 2008, University of Florida, Gainesville.
Thombs, D., Dodd, V., Pokorny, S., Werch, C., Weiler, R., & O’Mara, R. “Examining College
Student Drinking Through a Different Lens-Findings From Field Studies of Nighttime
Intoxication.” January 28, 2008 Florida Center for Health Promotion, University of Florida,
Dodd, V.J. “UF High-Risk Drinking Update.” Alcohol and Drug Education Policy Committee,
University of Florida, November 28, 2007.
Dodd, V.J., Book, E., & Huard K. Panel Member and Presenter, “Innovative Approaches to
Crime Prevention in Hospitality Zones.” National Webinar sponsored by the Responsible
Hospitality Institute (RHI) and the Gainesville Police Department. Presented 1:00 to 3:00 P.M.,
September 18, 2007.
Dodd, V.J., Panel Member and Presenter, Advancing Yourself within the Profession: Alternative
Careers in Dental Hygiene: Research, Administration, Community Health, Corporate
Representative, and Educator. American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) 2007 Annual
Session, Educator’s and Clinician’s Workshop, June 21, 2007, New Orleans, LA.
Page 19 of 42
Dodd, V.J. “Injury Prevention 101.” Course sponsored by: Florida Injury Prevention Advisory
Council and Department of Health, Office of Injury Prevention, May 15, 2007, Tampa, Florida.
Dodd, V.J. Panel Member: Women in Science/Academia. In conjunction with The Stanley
Lecture Series, College of health and Human Performance, University of Florida, April 3, 2007.
Thombs, D., Dodd, V.J., & Pokorny, S. Community Alcohol Coalition, “Findings From A Field
Study of Gainesville Drinking Establishments”, February 1, 2007, Emerson Alumni Hall,
University of Florida.
Dodd, V.J. “Injury Prevention 101 Course.” Sponsored by: Florida Injury Prevention Advisory
Council and Department of Health, Office of Injury Prevention, May 16, 2006, Tampa, Florida.
Dodd, V.J., Fahsholtz, W., Batia, A., & Wirth, C. The health effects of overweight and obesity:
An overview. University of Santa Marca, Mendoza, Argentina. May 12, 2006.
Santucci, P. & Dodd, V.J.N., “An Introduction to Injury Prevention.” Florida Injury Prevention
101 Course, Tampa, Florida, Oral Presentation, May 16, 2006. Sponsored by the Florida
Department of Health, Office of Injury Prevention.
Dodd, V.J.N., & Liller, K.D., “Program Planning and Evaluation.” Florida Injury Prevention
101 Course, Tampa, Florida, Oral Presentation, May 16, 2006. Sponsored by the Florida
Department of Health, Office of Injury Prevention.
Dodd, V.J.N., Community Alcohol Coalition, “Using Social Marketing Principles to Change
Social Norms”, September 6, 2006, Emerson Alumni Hall, University of Florida.
Dodd, V.J.N., “Play It Safe: Injury Prevention on the Playground and in the Water.” Taking
Action for Injury Prevention and Control, St. Petersburg, Florida, Oral Presentation, September
23, 2004. Sponsored by ACT for Health. (Invited)
Dodd, V.J.N., “Heat Stroke, Exhaustion, and Dehydration.” Aquatic Weed Control Short
Course, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Oral Presentation, May 6, 2004. Sponsored by University of
Florida IFAS Extension. (Invited)
Noland, V.J., “Research Findings from the Florida Five County Physical Activity and Healthful
Nutrition Project.” Governor’s Task Force on the Obesity Epidemic, Orlando, Florida, Oral
presentation, November 12, 2003. (Invited)
Noland, V.J., “Information Seeking on the Dark Side of the Internet.” Florida SOPHE Chapter
Meeting, University of South Florida, College of Public Health, Tampa, Florida, Oral
Presentation, October 9, 2003. (Invited)
Noland, V.J., “Research Findings from the Florida Five County Physical Activity and Healthful
Nutrition Project.” Five County Summit, Baker County Health Department, MacClenny,
Florida, Oral Presentation, March 6, 2003. (Invited)
Page 20 of 42
Noland, V.J., “The Florida Five County Physical Activity and Healthful Nutrition Project.”
Invited speaker Live Oak Rotary Club, Live Oak, Florida, Oral Presentation, August 5, 2002.
Noland, V.J., “Adolescent Sibling Violence and its Relationship to Family and Dating
Violence.” Meeting of the Minds National Violence Conference, Tampa, Florida, Workshop,
July 26, 2001. (Invited)
Noland, V.J., "Preventing Unintentional Injuries in Children,” Head Start Parent's Meeting,
Tampa, Florida, Oral Presentation, June 1999. (Invited)
Noland, V.J., “Introduction to Social Marketing” Mid-Winter Manager's Meeting, Poison
Control Centers, Jacksonville, Florida, Oral Presentation, March 1, 1997. (Invited)
Course Presentations
Dodd, V.J.N., Defining Social Marketing, April 11, 2007, College of Journalism and
Communication, University of Florida.
Dodd, V.J.N., College of Health and Human Performance, HSC 3032 Foundations of Health
Science Education: The History of Health and Health Education, September 6, 2006, University
of Florida.
Dodd, V.J.N., College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Anthropology. ANT 2301
Human Sexuality and Culture: Connotative Interpretations of Sexuality-Related Terms. March 9,
2005, University of Florida.
Dodd, V.J.N., College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology DEP 6936
Current Research in Developmental Psychology: Is Adolescent Sibling Violence a Predictor of
College Dating Violence? November 10, 2004, University of Florida.
Noland, V.J., College of Health and Human Performance Honors Course: The Florida Five
County Study of Healthful Nutrition and Physical Activity, January 15, 2003, University of
Noland, V.J., College of Health and Human Performance, Evaluation of Health Education
Programs: Logistics of Evaluation, September 19, 2002, University of Florida.
Noland, V.J., College of Health and Human Performance, HSC 3200 Community and
Environmental Health: Unintentional and Intentional Injuries, September 17, 2002, University of
Noland, V.J., College of Health and Human Performance, HSC 2100 Personal Family Health:
Unintentional and Intentional Injuries, June 17, 2002, University of Florida.
Page 21 of 42
Noland, V.J., College of Health and Human Performance, HSC 3200 Community and
Environmental Health: Unintentional and Intentional Injuries, March 21, 2002, University of
Noland, V.J., College of Public Health, Child Maltreatment Course: “Is adolescent sibling
violence a precursor to college dating violence?” March 7, 2002, University of South Florida.
Noland, V.J., College of Public Health, Scholarly Writing for Publication in the Health
Sciences: “Scholarly Writing and Time Management,” February 4, 2002, University of South
Florida. March 15, 2002.
Noland, V.J., College of Health and Human Performance, Community and Environmental
Health: “Unintentional and Intentional Injuries,” November 8, 2001, University of Florida.
Noland, V.J., College of Public Health, Principles of Maternal, Child Health: “Child Advocacy
and SAFE KIDS of Tampa Bay,” June 2, 2001, University of South Florida.
Noland, V.J., College of Public Health, Child Maltreatment Course: “Sibling Violence and
Abuse” March 7, 2001, University of South Florida.
Noland, V.J., College of Public Health, Contemporary Health Science: “Unintentional and
Intentional Injuries,” November, 2000, University of South Florida.
Noland, V.J., College of Public Health, Introduction to Public Health: “Unintentional and
Intentional Injuries,” October, 2000, University of South Florida.
Daley, E.M., & Noland, V.J. Violent sexual experiences among college students. 3rd Health
Education and Injury Prevention Partnership and Conference, Cologne, Germany, June 1, 2000.
Noland, V.J., College of Public Health, Interdisciplinary Studies in Health Science : “Data
Collection, Management, and Analysis,” March, 2000, University of South Florida.
Noland, V.J., College of Public Health, Community and Family Health Policy and Practice:
“Child Death Review Teams,” February, 2000, University of South Florida.
Noland, V.J., College of Public Health, Family and Community Violence: “Sibling Violence
and Abuse,” December, 1999, University of South Florida.
Noland, V.J., College of Public Health, Health Implications of Family, Intimate, and
Community Violence: “Sibling Violence and Abuse,” October, 1999, University of South
Noland, V.J. The importance of pool fencing legislation in the prevention of drowning. 1st
Health education and Injury Prevention Partnership Course and Conference, Cologne, Germany,
June 1, 1998.
Page 22 of 42
Dodd, V.J., Logan, H.N. “Developing Cancer Prevention Messages.” National Institute of
Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health. R21- Like Developmental
Project: Southeast Center for Research to Reduce Disparities in Oral Health, February 2010.
Total Direct Costs: $200,000; 24 months: Principal Investigator Dodd: .20 FTE.
Dodd, V.J., Miller, E.M., & Glassman, T.J. “High Risk Drinking among First Year College
Students.” U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, Q184H090122
October 1, 2009. Total Direct Costs: $207,172; 24 months: Principal Investigator Dodd: .20 FTE
Dodd, V.J., Miller, E.M., & Glassman, T.J. “Drug and Alcohol Prevention Models on College
Campuses” U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, 84.184N; July
1, 2009. Total Direct Costs: $99,937; 24 months: Principal Investigator Dodd: .17 FTE
Dodd, V.J. (UF PI) & Schenck, D.P. (USF PI). “Early Detection of Oral Cancer in a Rural
Hispanic Population.” Advancing the Partnership Awards: Moffitt/Shands Joint Cancer Center
Funding Opportunity. Accepted November 20, 2008. Total Direct Costs: $90,895 for 12 months.
Co-Principal Investigator Dodd: .05 FTE
Dodd, V.J. (UF PI) & Daley, E. (USF PI). “Oral Health Providers' Knowledge Attitudes and
Perceived Roles Regarding HPV and Oral Cancer: An Exploratory Study in Florida.”
Advancing the Partnership Awards: Moffitt/Shands Joint Cancer Center Funding Opportunity.
Accepted November 20, 2008. Total Direct Costs: $98,207 for 12 months. Co-Principal
Investigator Dodd: .05 FTE
Logan, H. (Principal Investigator), Baccaglini, L., Riley, J., Dodd, V., Tucker, C. & Muller, K.
"Southeast Center for Research to Reduce Disparities in Oral Health." National Institute of
Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, Funding Period: September
2008- May 2013. (Total Direct Costs $3,567,872) Co-Investigator Dodd: .15 FTE
Marhefka, S. (USF Principal Investigator), Dodd, V. (UF Principal Investigator), Baldwin,
J. (Co-Investigator), Buhi, E. (Co-Investigator), Cook, R. (Co-Investigator), Daley, E. (CoInvestigator), Emmanuel, P. (Co-Investigator), Lawrence, R. (Co-Investigator), Shaw, K. (CoInvestigator), & Usitalo, A. (Co-Investigator). "Sexual Behavior among Youth Living with HIV:
Identifying Targets for Intervention," Application to the University of Florida Planning Group
for the Florida Center for AIDS Research, October, 2007, Total Direct Costs: $19,995 for 12
months. Start Date January 2008.
Dodd, V.J. (PI), & Glassman, T.(Co-PI) “Using Social marketing Principles to Change Social
Norms.” U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, Funding Period
June 2006-May 2008. ($283,745) Funding Period: June 1, 2006 – May 31, 2008. Principal
Investigator Dodd: .20 FTE
Page 23 of 42
Tomar, S. (PI), Logan, H. (Co-PI), Noland, V.J. (Co-Investigator), & Choi, Y. "Reducing Oral
Cancer Disparities in Florida", National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National
Institutes of Health, Funding Period: September 2004 – August 2009. ($1,250,000) CoInvestigator Dodd: .10 FTE
Brown, K.M. (PI), Bryant, C.A. (Co-PI), Noland,V.J. (Co-PI). “Florida Five County Obesity
Prevention Project, Formative Research Phase”, Florida Prevention Research Center, University
of South Florida, May 2002-December 2002. ($38,418)
McCormack Brown, K.R. (PI), Noland, V.J. (Co-PI), & McDermott, R.J. (Co-PI). “Secondary
Data Analysis of the Pinellas County Youth Risk Behavior Survey”, Pinellas County Health
Department, Pinellas County, Florida, January 2001-June 2001. ($8,000)
McCormack Brown, K.R. (PI), Noland, V.J. (Co-PI), & McDermott, R.J. (Co-PI). “Physical
Activity and Nutrition and Academic Achievement Literature Review”, Pinellas County School
Board, Pinellas County, Florida, September 2000-December 2000. ($7,000)
Submitted/Decision Pending
Cook, R., Barkley, P., Dodd, V., Giuliano,A.& Mullins, J. Quadravalent HPV Vaccination and
Oral HPV Infection in College Women. Conceptual proposal submitted to Merck Investigator
Studies Program HPV MISP Committee, December 28, 2009. Full proposal submission
requested by committee April, 2010. (Amount requested $200,000). Role: Co-investigator.
Chaney, E.H., Burke, S.C., Dodd, V.J., Rager, R.C. (2010). Development of a Latino Migrant
Farmworker Stress/Depression Outreach Program. Submitted to the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC). (Amount requested $382,885). Role: Co-Investigator .10 FTE..
Chaney, E.H., Dodd, V.J. Burns, A., Schenck, D. (2010). Methodological Triangulation of Data
Collection Techniques to Assess Stress, Depression, and Coping in Migrant and Seasonal
Farmworkers. Submitted to the University of Florida’s Research Opportunity Incentive Seed
Fund. (Amount requested $40,119.70). Role: Co-Investigator .10 FTE.
Not Funded
Daley, E.M., Dodd, V.J. DeBate, R. “HPV and Oral Cancer: Increasing oral health providers’
prevention capacity.” NIH Challenge Grant (RC-1) National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial
Research. Submitted May 2009 (Total Direct Costs: $999,604; 24 months: Dodd: .25 FTE).
Daley, E.M., Dodd, V.J. DeBate, R. “HPV and Oral Cancer: Oral health providers’ knowledge,
attitudes, and roles.” NIH PA-06-351 (R21) Submitted February 2009 (Total Direct Costs:
$275,000; 24 months: Dodd: .20 FTE).
Page 24 of 42
Cook, R., Oliverio, J., Dodd, V.J., Komro, K. Li, N. & Sonke-Henderson, J. “Interactive digitalmedia intervention for substance use in youth attending STD clinics.” R21: DA027179-01
Resubmission Date: July 16, 2009 ($400,206).
Cook, R., Oliverio, J., Dodd, V.J., & Sonke-Henderson, J. “Interactive digital-media
intervention for substance use in youth attending STD clinics.” CTSI Major Initiatives Program.
Submitted September 26, 2008 ($97,950).
Dodd, V.J., Miller, E.M., & Glassman, T.J. “High Risk drinking among First Year College
Students.” U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, 84.184H
Submitted January 30, 2009. Total Direct Costs: $298,125; 24 months: Dodd: .20 FTE
Dodd, V.J. “Early Detection of Oral Cancer in Rural Hispanic Farmworkers: The PEACE2
Approach (Populations Empowered via Active Communication, Education and Efficacy).” NIHX02 Innovative Investigator Award Pre-application. Submitted January 15, 2009.
Cook, R., Oliverio, J., Dodd, V.J., & Sonke-Henderson, J. Li, N.
Tailored alcohol pattern intervention, sexual risks, and HIV in adult women. Submitted NIAAA,
R-21, December 2008, Direct Costs $319,155, Total Costs $406,891.
Cook, R., Oliverio, J., Dodd, V.J., & Sonke-Henderson, J. “Interactive digital-media
intervention to Reduce Hazardous Drinking in HIV+Women.” NIH-R21, PA-08-007. Total
Direct Costs $284,825 24 months: Annual Effort Dodd: 05 FTE.
Cook, R., Oliverio, J., Dodd, V.J., & Sonke-Henderson, J. Li, N.
“Interactive digital-media to address substance use in youth attending STD clinics.” Submitted
NIDA, R21 DA027179-01, October 2008, Direct Costs $275,000, Total Costs $398,746.
Tomar, S.(Principal Investigator), Watson, J., Thompson, A., Fernandes, R., Sandow, P. &
Dodd, V. “Reducing Oral Cancer Disparities in Florida: Targeting Oral Healthcare Providers.”
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, Funding
Period: August 2008- July 2013. (R01: Total Direct Costs $1,659,825)
Cook, R.(Principal Investigator), Dodd, V. (Co-Investigator), “Integrative Prevention Research
for Alcohol Users At-Risk for HIV/AIDS” (R21: Priority Score 228)
Rienzo, B.(Project Director), Dodd, V.J. (Co-Project Director), Byrd, C., Brown, K. & Zhang,
J. “UF and Levy County: Partnering to Build Healthy Teen Relationships.” Robert Woods
Johnson Foundation, Funding Period: August 2008 – February 2009. (Total Direct Costs
Daley, E. (Principal Investigator), Dodd, V. (Co-Investigator), DeBate, R. (Co-Investigator) &
Kaste L. (Co-Investigator). “HPV and Oral Cancer: Oral Health Providers’ Knowledge,
Attitudes, and Roles.” NIH PA-06-351 (R21). National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial
Research, National Institutes of Health, September 2008 – August 2010, $275,000 (Direct
Costs)/ $401,500 (Total Costs). Submitted October 5, 2007.
Page 25 of 42
Dodd, V.J.(Principal Investigator), Thombs, D., Pokorny, S.B. & Glassman, T. UF Center for
Alcohol Research and Education. Congressional Appropriations Request Fiscal Year 2009.
$1,568,016.00 Submitted October 16, 2007.
Dodd,V.J. (Principal Investigator) & Glassman, T.J. (Co-Principal Investigator)
“High risk alcohol consumption: A comparison of knowledge, attitudes, and practices among
community college and university students in Gainesville, Florida,” Research Consortium of the
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Funding Period June
2008-May 2009, $14,710 (Total Costs). Submitted October 1, 2007.
Watson, JM (Principal Investigator), Tomar, S. (Co-Investigator) Selwitz, R. (Co-Investigator)
Jackson, H (Co-Investigator) Dodd, V, (Co-Investigator) Logan, H (Co-Investigator)
“Incorporating Oral Health Education into WIC Perinatal Programs, Health Resources and
Services Administration,” Department of Health and Human Services (April 08-March, 11)
$300,000 (Direct costs). Submitted September 15, 2007.
Dodd, V.J.N. (PI), Weiler, RM (Co-PI) “Project Ready To Wait”, Family and Youth Services
Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families. Department of Health and Human
Services, Funding Period: September 2006 – August 2010. ($2,662,922) Submission Date:
March 27, 2006.
Dodd, V.J.N. (PI), Weiler, RM (Co-PI) “Project Ready To Wait”, Family and Youth Services
Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families. Department of Health and Human
Services, Funding Period: September 2005 – August 2008. ($2,250,000) Submission Date: June
20, 2005.
James, D.C.S. (PI), Noland, V.J. (Co-PI), & Misra, R. (Co-PI) “’Keep it TIGHT Sisters’ Weight
Management Program”, September 2002-August 2005, National Institutes of Health, Submitted
March 14, 2002. ($450,000).
Internal Awards
James D.C.S. (Co-Recipient), Dodd, V.J. Noland (Co-Recipient). “ Health Literacy Issues
Surrounding Obesity and Weight Management Among African American Women in Lowincome and Moderate-income Housing Communities”, College of Health and Human
Performance Research Opportunity Fund, November 1, 2004. ($7,500)
King, B, Scott, T., & Wajeeh, S. (2005). Factors affecting individuals dissuading sexual partners
from using condoms: a comment on McDermott and Noland. Psychological Reports, 96, 586590.
McDermott, R.J. & Noland, V.J. (2004). Condom use history as a determinant of university
students’ condom evaluative index. Psychological Reports, 94, 889-893.
Page 26 of 42
Professional Journals
Peer Reviewer, Journal of American College Health, 2009 - Present
American Journal of Health Behavior
Ad Hoc Ethics Committee
October 1, 2008 – Present.
Peer Review Panel, American Journal of Health Education, 2005 - Present
Peer Review Panel, International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 2005 – Present
Founding Member, Board of Directors, Florida Public Health Review,
November 2004 – Present
Co-Managing Editor, American Journal of Health Behavior, March 2003 – Present
Peer Review Panel, Journal of School Health, June 2002 – Present
Member, Review Board, American Journal of Health Behavior, November 2001 – Present
Reviews and Abstracts
Review Panel Member
Psychosocial Risk and Disease Prevention Study Section
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD: May 24-25, 2010
Abstract Reviewer, American Academy of Health Behavior 10th Annual Scientific Session,
Clearwater, Florida, October 2009.
Abstract Reviewer, American Academy of Health Behavior 9th Annual Scientific Session, Hilton
Head, SC, October – December, 2008.
Abstract Reviewer, American School Health Association 2008 Research Council Abstract
Reviewer, April. 2008.
Abstract Reviewer, American Academy of Health Behavior 8th Annual Scientific Session,
Oxnard, California, Georgia, October – December, 2007.
Review Panel Member
CD07-005 Translation Research Peer Review
Page 27 of 42
“Improving Public Health Through Translational Research”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA: June 25-26, 2007
Review Panel Member
Special Emphasis Panel (SEP)
“Health Promotion Research Directed to Improving the Oral Health of Women and Their
Infants.” RFA DE07-008
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD: May 22, 2007
Abstract Reviewer, American Academy of Health Behavior 7th Annual Scientific Session,
Savannah, Georgia, October – December, 2006.
Abstract Reviewer, American Academy of Health Behavior 6th Annual Scientific Session,
Carmel, California, October – December, 2005.
Abstract Reviewer, American Academy of Health Behavior 5th Annual Scientific Session,
Charleston, South Carolina, December 2004
Abstract Reviewer, American Academy of Health Behavior 3rd Scientific Session, St. Augustine,
Florida, December 2002
Abstract Reviewer, Research Council, American School Health Association National
Convention, February- June 2002
Reviewer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Guide to Community Health Services,
Oral Health Section, January 1999 - December 2000
Dodd, V.J. Sketchy Drunk Guys in Pittsburgh. Reporter: Joesph Smido, Pittsburgh Post
Gazette, City Government Coverage, April 16, 2010.
Southeast Center for Research to Reduce Disparities in Oral Health (SCRRDOH). “Head &
Neck Cancer: Public Perceptions and New Directions.” Colleen Porter, MA, writer for Today’s
FDA, 21 (8): 28-32.
Dodd, V.J. Gator Stompin’ gets makeover. Reporter: Lexy Scheen, TV 20 News, Local and
State, December 4, 2009.
Dodd, V.J. UF receives Model Program Status from U.S. Department of Education.” TV 20
News, June, 2009 Gainesville, Florida.
Page 28 of 42
Dodd, V.J. UF receives Model Program Status from U.S. Department of Education.”
WRUFAM 850 Radio News, University of Florida, June 2009.
Dodd, V.J. Gator Stompin’ gets community service makeover. Reporter: Nathan Crabbe, The
Gainesville Sun, Local & State, April 30, 2009.
Dodd, V.J. & Glassman, T.J. At the Legal Limit. Reporter: Kevin Sack, The New York Times,
October 29, 2008. This article directly references the “Less is More” health message “That Girl.”
Dodd, V.J. The effects of drink specials on levels of intoxication. Reporter: Rick Rommel,
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Interviewed August 27, 2008. Article published October 18, 2008:
Drinking deeply ingrained in Wisconsin’s culture,
Dodd, V.J. & O’Mara, R.J. Intoxication Levels Found Lower in Gator Stompin’ Survey.
Reporter: Kaitlyn Weller, The Independent Florida Alligator, March 26, 2008.
Dodd, V.J. & Glassman, T.J. Learning to Binge. Reporter: Jack Stripling, Gainesville Sun,
February 28, 2008.
Dodd, V.J. Alcohol-related Fan Behavior on College Football Game Day. Reporter: Francys I.
Vallecillo, WUFT News, University of Florida, February 29, 2008.
Dodd, V.J. Alcohol-related Fan Behavior on College Football Game Day. February 29, 2008,
WRUFAM 850 Radio News, University of Florida.
Dodd, V.J. Alcohol-related Fan Behavior on College Football Game Day. February 29, 2008,
TV 20 News, University of Florida.
Dodd, V.J. Societal factors underlying the new P.E. requirement for Florida K-5 children.
Reporter: David Cohen, AM 850 News, Gainesville. Interview November 15, 2007.
Dodd, V.J. Underage drinking seems to be endless for police. Reporter: Chad Smith, The
Gainesville Sun. Interview November 7, 2007 article published November 10, 2007, page 4A.
Dodd, V.J., New P.E. requirements just part of the fitness recipe. Reporter: Gary Kirkland, The
Gainesville Sun. Interview July 18, 2007, article published August 5, 2007.
Dodd, V.J., UF students create ad campaign aimed at excessive drinking. Reporter: Alex
Whalen, WRUF Radio AM 850. Interview April 25, 2007.
Dodd, V.J.N., UF students create ad campaign aimed at excessive drinking. Reporter: Sabeha
Hylton for Boaz Dvir. University of Florida News, Interview April 10, 2007; Press release April
25, 2007.
Page 29 of 42
Dodd, V.J.N., Moore, D., Wirth, C., “Forum teaches students about sexual safety during Spring
Break.” Reporter: Kiri Lanice Walton, The Gainesville Sun campus Edition, March 8, 2007.
Dodd, V.J.N., GameDay drinking at UF. Reporter: Panagiota Papakos, Inside UF, February 16,
Dodd, V.J.N., Glassman, T., Chen, W., & Thombs, D., “HHP to study high-risk drinking.” Staff
Writer: Michelle Dye, Performance Magazine, College of Health and Human Performance, Fall,
Dodd, V.J.N., “Fat, fact, and fantasy: From Dieting to Nutrition.” Reporter: Cheryl Clarke, The
Gainesville Sun Campus Edition, September 29, 2006.
Dodd, V.J.N., “Alachua County We Can! Program.” Reporter: Kendall Sharpe, The Independent
Florida Alligator, September 5, 2006.
Dodd, V.J.N., “Sibling Rivalry: What Should Parents Know?” Reporter: Jenna Tighe,
Gainesville Parenting Magazine, August 24, 2006.
Dodd, V.J.N., “Preventing high risk drinking among college students.” Reporter: Cheryl
Thompson, The Gainesville Sun Campus Edition, August 1, 2006.
Dodd, V.J.N., “Researchers will tap into freshman drinking myth.” Reporter: Melissa
Thompson, The Independent Florida Alligator, August 8, 2006.
Dodd, V.J.N., Preventing high risk drinking among college students. Classic Radio 99.5 STAR,
Gainesville, Fl. August 1, 2006.
Dodd, V.J.N., Preventing high risk drinking among college students. AM 850 Radio,
Gainesville, Fl. July 31, 2006.
Dodd, V.J.N., Preventing high risk drinking among college students. Reporter: Amy Saks, MidFlorida Public Radio, Gainesville, Fl. July 31, 2006.
Dodd, V.J.N., & Glassman, T., Preventing high risk drinking among college students. WCJB
TV 20 News, Gainesville, Fl. July 31, 2006.
Dodd, V.J.N., “The long-term effects of overweight and physical inactivity on the overall health
of children and adolescents.” Reporter: Elizabeth Pramm, The Gainesville Sun, November 15,
Dodd, V.J.N., The effect of increased fruit and vegetable prices on overall health and obesity in
children. WAMF/WUFT Radio, Gainesville, Florida October 11, 2005.
Dodd, V.J.N., “Connotative interpretations of sexuality-related terms.” Women’s News Section,
Chicago Tribune, March 9, 2005.
Page 30 of 42
Dodd, V.J.N., “Can’t we all just get along,” Performance Magazine, College of Health and
Human Performance, University of Florida, Spring 2005.
Dodd, V.J.N., Connotative interpretations of sexuality-related terms. Education Technology
News, January 14, 2005.
Dodd, V.J.N., Men’s and women’s opinions vary on sexual terms. The Independent Florida
Alligator, January 5, 2005.
Dodd, V.J.N., Young people’s views of sexual terms undergo big changes. Radio Interview,
News and Public Affairs, University of Florida, January 5, 2005.
Dodd, V.J.N., Connotative interpretations of sexuality-related terms. Radio Interview, News
and Public Affairs, University of Florida, January 3, 2005.
Dodd, V.J.N., Teens who have used condoms view them more favorably than non-users. The
Independent Florida Alligator, August 2, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Teens who have used condoms view them more favorably than non-users. Press
Release, News and Public Affairs, University of Florida, July 29, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Condom usage by university students. Radio Interview, News and Public Affairs,
University of Florida, July 16, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Study relates adolescent sibling violence to college dating violence,
Men’s Health, June 10, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Study relates adolescent sibling violence to college dating violence, Science and
Health Section, La Tercera Newspaper (Santiago, Chile), May 25, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Study relates adolescent sibling violence to college dating violence, Interviewed
for Child Magazine, May 14, 2004. (Quoted in July, 2004 issue, page 102)
Dodd, V.J.N., Study relates adolescent sibling violence to college dating violence, The
Delaware Review, May 13, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Sibling violence may herald later violence. Jacksonville Morning News Drive,
WOKV Radio, April 30, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Sibling violence may herald later violence. KSAT Radio, San Antonio, Texas.
April 27, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Sibling violence may herald later violence. KCSN Radio, North Ridge, California.
April 27, 2004.
Page 31 of 42
Dodd, V.J.N., Sibling violence may herald later violence. NBC News Affiliate Station, Charlotte,
North Carolina, April 23, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Is adolescent sibling violence a precursor to college dating violence? Health
Behavior News Service, April 26, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Sibling violence may herald later violence. Gainesville Sun, April 23, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Sibling violence and its long-term effects. Radio Interview, News and Public
Affairs, University of Florida, April 12, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Sibling violence leads to battering in college dating. Radio Interview, News and
Public Affairs, University of Florida, April 22, 2004.
Dodd, V.J.N., Study adds weight to rising obesity rates. Tampa Tribune, November 14, 2003.
Dodd, V.J.N., Violence in youth ups risk of violence in dating. Reuters Health Information
Service, December 12, 2002.
Dodd, V.J.N., Study relates adolescent obesity to parents’ habits. The Independent Florida
Alligator, October 21, 2002.
Noland, V.J., Long-term consequences of sibling violence. Democrat and Chronicle, June 12,
Noland, V.J., Sibling violence may have serious consequences. Reuters Health News Service,
December 13, 2000.
Noland, V.J., Protecting migrant workers is state moral duty. St. Petersburg Times, June 27,
Noland, V.J., Middle-Schoolers’ attitudes toward bike helmet use defined. Safe Ride News,
Spring 1999.
Noland, V.J., Tractors still killing Florida’s farm workers. The News, Health Sciences Center,
University of South Florida, July 15, 1999.
United States Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. Member: Expert
Panel National Meeting Planning Committee for 23rd National Meeting on Alcohol and Other
Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention in Higher Education, December, 2009 – October 2010.
Research Issue Forum Advisory Council Member, Responsible Hospitality Institute, San Jose,
California, August 2009 to present.
Page 32 of 42
Social Marketing in Hospitality Zones Issue Forum Advisory Council Member, Responsible
Hospitality Institute, San Jose, California, August 2009 to present.
Goal Team Leader, Florida Injury Prevention Advisory Council “2009-2013 Florida Injury
Prevention Strategic Plan: Enhance the skills, knowledge, and resources of Florida’s injury
prevention workforce (Goal 5)”, Appointed by Dr. Ana M. Viamonte Ros, Secretary, Florida
Department of Health, May 2009.
Courtesy Appointment, Department of Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science, College of
Dentistry, University of Florida, 2009 – present.
Faculty Affiliate, U.F. Shands Cancer Center, University of Florida, 2002 – Present
Member, Head and Neck Cancer Research Working Group, College of Dentistry, University of
Florida, 2002- 2005.
Co-Team Leader, Florida Injury Prevention Advisory Council “2004-2008 Florida Injury
Prevention Strategic Plan: Build Capacity and Resources Statewide for Evaluation of Injury
Prevention Initiatives and Interventions (Goal 7)”, Appointed by Dr. John O. Agwunobi,
Secretary, Florida Department of Health, March 2005.
Courtesy Appointment, Center of Women's Studies and Gender Research, College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, 2003 – present.
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Physicians' Choice for Adolescent and Teen Weight Loss,
Gainesville, Florida, 2004 - Present
Member, Oral Health Network National Advisory Group, 2002-2004
Member, Formative Research Advisory Panel, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention/Association of Schools of Public Health Grant, “Impact of HPV-Related Diagnoses”,
College of Public Health, University of South Florida, 2001-2004
Charter Member, Florida Farm Safety 4 Just Kids, 1999 – 2005
Data Analysis Advisor, Hillsborough County Child Death Review Team, 1997 – 2002
DOE Grant Reviewer Webinar. Presented by the Department of Education Office of Safe and
Drug-Free Schools. February 11, 2010.
Introduction to a comprehensive AOD prevention approach. Webinar presented by Kelli
Anderson, Department of Education Higher Education Center.
Page 33 of 42
QSR Hosted eDemo: NVivo 8. Workshop presented by QSR International. December 1, 2009.
Evaluating AOD Prevention Programs. Workshop presented by Gloria DiFulvo, Ph.D. for The
Center for College Health and Safety. Course sponsored by the University of Tampa, Tampa,
Florida June 12, 2008.
Manuscript and Grant Writing: Maximizing Your Chances for Success. Workshop presented by
Jane Douglas, Associate Professor, Center for Management Communication, Warrington College
of Business, University of Florida. Six weekly sessions, College of Health and Human
Performance, University of Florida, Spring semester 2008.
Current Issues in Program Evaluation: Gloria DeFulvio, Higher Education Center for Alcohol
and Other Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention and Peggy Gilder, University of Arizona.
October 18, 2007, Omaha, Nebraska.
Grantees Meeting, Grant Competition to Prevent High-Risk Drinking or Violent Behavior
Among College Students (FY 2006), October 19, 2006, Arlington, Virginia.
Adolescent Family Life Grant Writing Technical Training Program, April 28, 2004, Dulles,
Qualified Administrator of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Training Program, Center for
Applications of Psychological Type, June 5-8, 2001, Gainesville, Florida
Improving Teaching and Learning Through Web-Enhanced or Web-Delivered Courses on
WebCT, Center for Teaching Enhancement, University of South Florida,
May 7-11, 2001
Multimedia Blitz: Using Multimedia Techniques in the Classroom, Center for Teaching
Enhancement, University of South Florida, February 20, 1999
Creating a Teaching Portfolio, Center for Teaching Enhancement, University of South Florida,
February 16, 1999
Motivating Adult Learners at a Distance, Distance Learning Program, College of Public Health,
University of South Florida, April 24, 1998
Methods for Assessing Adult Learning, Distance Learning Program, College of Public Health,
University of South Florida, April 24, 1998
Transforming Passive Listeners into Creative Thinkers, Center for Teaching Enhancement,
University of South Florida, August 18, 1997
Page 34 of 42
Researcher of the Year, Department of Health Education & Behavior, University of Florida,
April 2009.
Service Award: 2004-2008 Florida Injury Prevention Advisory Council. Florida Department of
Health, Office of Injury Prevention, October 2008.
Researcher of the Year, Department of Health Education & Behavior, University of Florida,
October 6, 2008.
Researcher of the Year, Department of Health Education & Behavior, University of Florida,
April 5, 2007.
Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Health Education & Behavior, University of Florida,
April 6, 2006.
Nominee, Teacher of the Year, University of Florida, January 10, 2006.
Teacher of the Year, College of Health and Human Performance, December 9, 2005.
Professional Excellence in Teaching Award, Public Health Student Association, University of
Florida, April 23, 2004
Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Health Science Education, University of Florida, April
10, 2003
Nominee, Teacher of the Year Award, College of Health and Human Performance,
October 9, 2002
Provost's Commendation, Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student, University of South
Florida, April 13, 1999.
Superior Presentation Award, Noland, V.J., & Liller, K.D., “First analysis of child death review
data in Hillsborough County, 1996”, Health Sciences Center Research Symposium, University of
South Florida, Tampa, Florida, February 25, 1999.
Recipient, Student Dissertation Research Scholarship, "An assessment of adolescent sibling
violence and its relation to parental and dating violence", University of South Florida, January
30, 1999.
Departmental Faculty Search and Screen Committee
Page 35 of 42
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, August 2009 – January 2010.
Tenure and Promotion Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, August 2008- October 2008.
Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, August 2007- Present.
Graduate Program Advisory Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, August 2007- Present.
Committee for HHP & PHHP
Departmental Representative (1 of 2)
June 21, 2007 – Present.
Departmental Chair Search and Screen Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, September – October 2006.
Eta Sigma Gamma
Faculty Advisor
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, September, 2005 – August, 2008
Faculty Search and Screen Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, September, 2005 – March, 2006
Graduate Program Advisory Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, August 2005 – May, 2007
Graduate Program Advisory Committee
Acting Chair
Department of Health Education and Behavior
Page 36 of 42
University of Florida, August - December 2005
Faculty Search and Screen Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, July, 2005- August, 2005
Faculty Search and Screen Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, 2004 – 2005
Graduate Program Advisory Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, 2003 – 2004
Strategic Planning Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, 2003 – 2005
Undergraduate Program Advisory Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, 2001 – 2002
Undergraduate Program Advisory Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, 2001 – 2002
Faculty Search and Screen Committee
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida, 2001 – 2002
Tenure and Promotion Committee
Appointed member
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, August, 2009
Council of PIs
Page 37 of 42
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, October 2008- Present
Tenure and Promotion Committee
Elected member
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, August, 2008
Teacher of the Year Committee
2006-2007 TOY Award
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, Fall 2006
Council of PIs
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, September 2006-Present
College Council
Member (Representing Council of PIs)
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, October 2008- Present
Committee on the Status of Physical Education
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, September 2006
Curriculum Committee
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, August-December 2005
August 2007 – Present
Graduate Studies Advisory Committee
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, August-December 2005
August 2007 – Present
Search Committee
Page 38 of 42
Living Well Program Director
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, 2004
Stanley Lecture Committee
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, 2004 – 2005
Stanley Lecture Committee
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, 2002 – 2003
Stanley Lecture Committee
College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, 2001 – 2002
Strategic Planning Committee
College of Public Health
University of South Florida, 2000
Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee
College of Public Health
University of South Florida, 1998 – 2000
Student Academic Misconduct Committee
Student Member
College of Public Health
University of South Florida, 1997
Accreditation Self-Study Committee
Student Member
Council on Education for Public Health
College of Public Health
University of South Florida, 1996 – 1998
Graduate Council
Member, appointed to 3 year term by the Provost
University of Florida
September 2009-May 2012
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Study Abroad Scholarship Review Committee
University of Florida International Center
Communication and Public Relations Work Group
Healthy Gators 2010 Program
University of Florida
2004 – Present
Gator Ride
Faculty Advisor
June 2008- August 2009.
Search Committee
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Program Coordinator
Gatorwell @ Student Health Care Center
University of Florida
August-September 2008
American Academy of Health Behavior
Member, 2001 – Present
Secretary and Executive Board Member 2007-2008
Chair, Research Abstract Committee, 2004
Member, Program Planning Committee, 2003, 2004
Member-at-Large, National Convention, 2003
Member, Communications Committee, 2003
Responsible Hospitality Network, 2008 – Present.
State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors’ Association (STIPDA), 2009 – Present.
American Public Health Association, 1997 – 2009
American School Health Association, 2000 – 2009
Society for Public Health Education, 1998- 2009
Eta Sigma Gamma, National Health Education Honorary, 2001 - Present
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American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 1999 - 2009
Florida Public Health Association, 1997 -2004
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 1994 – 2008
Golden Key Honor Society, 1994 - 2008
Secretary: Partners in Prevention of Substance Abuse Coalition (PIPSA) Town Hall Meeting
Planning Committee, February 2010 – April 2010.
Member: Florida Higher Education - Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention (FHE-ASAP)
October, 2007 – Present
Member: Gainesville Regional Hospitality Group
June 2006 - Present
Member: Partners in Prevention of Substance Abuse (PIPSA) Community Coalition
2006 – Present
Member: Partners in Prevention of Substance Abuse (PIPSA) Community Coalition
Community Assessment Committee, November 7, 2007 – Present.
University of Florida, 2001 – Present
HLP 4950/5925 – North American Perspectives on Health: Panama & Central America,
Study Abroad Program, University of Florida, Fall 2010.
HSC 4950/6935 - Community Health Strategies in Injury Prevention and Control
(Developed as new course; Taught 1 section in 6 week format: Summer A 2007
and 2 sections 16-week format Fall 2007, 2008; Spring 2009;Spring 2010)
HLP 4933/6935 – UF in Geneva, Switzerland, Geneva, Switzerland, Study Abroad
Program, University of Florida, June 23 – July 3, 2006.
HSC 4905 – UF in Geneva, Switzerland, Geneva, Switzerland, Study Abroad Program,
University of Florida, May 1-8, 2005
HSC 6604 – Theories of Health Behavior and Practice in Health Education
(Developed as new course; 5 sections taught)
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HSC 6637 – Social Marketing and Health
(Developed as new course; 8 sections taught)
PHC 6105 – Organization and Administration of Public Health Programs
(7 sections taught in 15-week format; 1 section taught in 3-week format)
HSC 3032 – Foundations of Health Education
(12 sections taught)
HSC3133/ 5138 – Human Sexuality Education
(4 sections taught)
HSC 5925 – Mind/Body Relationship in Health
(Seminar; 1 section taught)
HSC 6905 – Health Education in Germany: A Field Observation
(Study abroad course, 1 section taught)
University of South Florida, 1997 – 2001
HSC 2100, Contemporary Health Science
(9 sections taught)
HSC 2133, Sex, Health, and Decision-Making
(Developed as new course; 7 sections taught)
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