metro school lesson plan



NAME: Jane Huber DATE: April 9 – April 20, 2012




Competency Goal 1: The learner will sing, alone and with others, a variety of music.

Competency Goal 1.02: Match pitch within a developmentally appropriate range.


Competency Goal 2: The learner will play, alone and with others, a variety of classroom instruments.

Competency Goal 2.02: Echo simple rhythm patterns.


Competency Goal 6.04: The learner will respond through purposeful movement to prominent music characteristics while listening to music.


Competency Goal 9.04: Show respect for music from various cultures and historical periods



Mexico (middle-High school)

Note values – quarter and eighth

Maracas and Guiros

Prepare for Talent Show

INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANTS will be actively involved in student instruction by assisting with learning centers, physically assisting students with body motions and instrument playing, helping to monitor student behaviors, and data collection if needed.

Literacy is promoted in music class by reading song lyrics by words, symbols, touch, or eye gaze. Students are working on Music Journals (middle-high school) or table learning centers (elementary) where a work product is made that incorporates literacy.

Levels of Participation:

SYMBOLIC LEVEL- students communicate with symbols (read words) and can play instruments independently by following the musical notation.

EARLY SYMBOLIC LEVEL– students demonstrate an emerging knowledge of symbols. Read words by using PIC symbols and/or verbal cues. Play instruments by following musical notation with verbal/physical cues.

PRE-SYMBOLIC LELEL – students associate objects or physical settings with routine activities. Read words by using PIC symbols, verbal cues and/or assistance. Play instruments by imitation /physical assistance.

OBJECTIVE : The student will be able to…

Sing the greeting song (“Hello Everybody”) and the farewell song (“Goodbye My Friends”) by selecting and playing instruments, performing the motions independently (all classes).


Participate in directing duple, triple, and quadruple meters along with “I Am A Great Conductor” ( MATH )

Participate in playing and identifying maracas and guiros to accompany “Una Sola Voz” ( GLOBAL


Participate in singing “Miss Mary Mack” a rhyming song that incorporates PIC symbols. ( LITERACY )

 Participate in an activity song called “Mr.Troll”


 Learn a song and accompanying dance from Mexico called “Una Sola Voz” and discuss the country and culture. ( GLOBAL STUDIES )

Reproduce by notation or echoing the quarter and eighth note rhythms for “Jelly in the Bowl” ( MATH )

 Participate in directing duple, triple, and quadruple meters along with “I Am a Great Conductor” and decide which pattern to use to conduct other musical selections. ( MATH )


Keyboard for teacher to play “Hello Everybody”, “Goodbye My Friends” and PICS, words, or pictures for students to use to match to the instrument they will play.


Music Express March/April 2009 magazine and CD – track 6 – “I Am a Great Conductor”

Music Express May/June 2011 magazine and CD – track 8 – “Una Sola Voz”

Music K-8 April 2009 CD, track 12 – “Miss Mary Mack” and PIC symbols for the repeating words with

 individual cards for each student.

Keyboard for teacher to play “Mr. Troll” and the room arranged for students to have two sides with a

“bridge” in the middle.


Music Express May/June 2011 magazine and CD – track 8 – “Una Sola Voz” We will also use the choreography resource on the SmartBoard to learn the dance.

 Rhythm strips for the phrases of “Jelly in the Bowl” for students to manipulate and arrange in proper order.

Music Express March/April 2009 magazine and CD – track 6 – “I Am a Great Conductor” and assorted other musical selections with strong duple, triple, or quadruple meters.

LESSON PROCEDURES : (What the teacher will do)

Play the “Greeting Song” and the Goodbye Song” on the keyboard and sing with the class, encouraging participation in singing and performing on instruments.


Lead students in counting aloud and responding by body rhythms to a duple, triple and quadruple meter.

Play the CD for “I Am a Great Conductor” and let students take turns conducting the class.

Show students maracas and guiros. Talk about Latino music. Play the CD of “Una Sola Voz” and encourage students to play on the instruments they select.

 Have students seated at tables to manipulate the PICs for “Miss Mary Mack” Encourage participation in singing and following PICs and responding to the repeated pattern at the end of each line of music.

Lead students in singing “Mr.Troll” and acting out the story.


Select students to distribute and collect the magazines; play the CD and model following the score of the song from Mexico. Encourage participation in the dance by attending to the SmartBoard and copying the dance movements.

 Distribute the rhythm strips of Quarter and eighth note patterns for “Jelly in the Bowl” and lead students in correctly arranging the rhythms and reproducing them. This is a table group activity.

 Display the song “I Am a Great Conductor” on the SmartBoard and encourage students to follow the music as it is played. Demonstrate conducting patterns for duple, triple, and quadruple maters. Play other musical selections and have students decide on the meters and demonstrate conducting patterns. Provide students various opportunities for recognizing and reproducing rhythm values – drawing, clapping, pointing, echoing.

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Additional opportunities where you plan to implement the objectives of this lesson for the students to carry over the skills to other areas…this is to help in planning for generalization practice)

The activities and experiences in this music class will transfer to other areas in students’ lives: namely focusing, attending, following directions, and participating as a valuable member of a group. Participating in a familiar and established routine for beginning and ending music class encourages confidence and participation.


Assessment will be through teacher observation of performances of songs, including singing melodies, copying teacher’s movements, and reproducing motions and rhythmic patterns; anecdotal notes, and student data sheets charting student participation and behavior. The teacher will observe students’ good listening skills, ability to follow directions, success in taking turns, and level of participation in music activities and class discussions. I now utilize a Music Class Data sheet to chart student progress.
