
9th Grade World History I and Eastern Hemisphere Geography
Teacher: Mr. Melton
Length of course: Full academic school year
History Blog:
I. Course Description:
This course will teach students the World History I from Bible times to the Renaissance. Students will
learn the history of the world from creation through early civilizations (Rome, Greece, Persia) to the
Renaissance. The students will also explore the geography of the Eastern Hemisphere – touching on Europe,
Asia, Africa and Oceania. Students will learn the different projections of maps, how to read the different types
of maps and the history of geography.
World History (Book A) with Student Activities, BJU Press Third Edition
Geography for Christian Schools Textbook, Bob Jones University Press, Second Edition
Geography for Christian Schools Student Activity Book, Bob Jones University
Class Verse:
For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we
should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10(HCSB)
Assessment Design:
Check RenWeb daily for grades and updates
Socratic Seminars
Standard Quizzes over Chapters covered
Geography Map Quizzes and Facts
Standard Test over Chapters covered
Projects (Tic-Tac-Toe)
Map Project
Cake Project
Homework is posted in Renweb in advance and is
expected to be completed and ready for review at the
beginning of class.
Classwork that is assigned are learning activities that are
meant to be completed within the class context. At times,
some classwork may need completion as homework at the
teacher’s discretion.
Quizzes will be given with a week’s advance noticed and
will be posted on RenWeb in the lesson plans and
Quiz dates are subjected to change but only to be pushed
back (never forward). Socratic Seminars will be counted
as a quiz grade unless stated otherwise.
Tests will be given with a week’s advance notice and will
be posted on the RenWeb in the lesson plans, homework
and calendar.
Grove Christian School 2015-16
Assignment Type:
Activity Book Assignments
Small written Assignments
Website Assignments
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9th Grade World History I and Eastern Hemisphere Geography
Projects will count for a test grade unless stated
Projects: Each Semester students will be given at least
two projects to complete from the Tic-Tac-Toe Project
Options. All of the forms and guidelines are on Renweb for
you to see at any time during the year.
Exam review material will be posted at the end of each
quarter and be placed on the class website and Renweb.
The exams will be in the format of a 20/20/20 – 20 people,
20 dates or vocabulary, 20 events. The exam will consist of
10 of each and the students will choose 5 to write about –
covering 75% of the exam. The rest of the exam will be
standard test format (multiple choice, true/false, maps, fill
in the blank and etc) making up the rest of the exam
(25%). Please check the classroom website and Renweb
for the exam review material.
Mid-Term Exam
Final Exam
Study Helpful Hint for Tests:
To help in studying for tests some good advice is to review past quizzes and homework questions. I
will be taking some of the same questions off the quizzes but the best advice is to think about how the
question could be switched around.
Example: The question below has three underline possible questions for a fill in the Blank question.
Question #1: June 6th, 1944 otherwise known as D-Day, is when the Allies landed in Normandy, France.
Quarterly Objectives:
Quarter 1
Map Skills
 Read basic information on maps; latitude, longitude, and elevation
 Label the countries on each continent
 Label the major cities in each country
Physical Features
 Distinguish the various types of landforms and bodies of water
 Identify the basic differences between the Tropics, the middle latitudes, and the polar regions
 Distinguish the twelve types of climate and the eight types of vegetation
 Identify the various physical features in each country
Bodies of Water
 Locate the four oceans
 Identify major bodies of water on the Earth
Western Europe
Identify the four sub regions of Western Europe and the countries in each sub region
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9th Grade World History I and Eastern Hemisphere Geography
Identify and label the major cities in Western Europe, and explain how geography influenced the rise of
these cities
Identify the geographic regions within Europe
Locate all major land and water features in Western Europe
Locate and distinguish the various moderate climates in Europe
Contrast the northern and southern countries of Western Europe
Summarize key events in European history and identify the impact of those events on the world today
Identify the major industries in each region or country of Western Europe
Identify famous landmarks in Western Europe
Identify the sub regions of Central Eurasia
Identify and label the major cities in Central Eurasia
Locate all major land and water features in Central Eurasia
Recognize that Central Eurasia has a history of conflict and a wide diversity of
different people groups because it lies on the crossroads of the massive Eurasian continent
List examples of the lasting impact of Soviet Communism
Identify the major industries in each sub region of Central Asia
Identify famous landmarks in the major countries of Central Eurasia
Eastern Europe
Identify the five sub-regions of Eastern Europe
Locate every country and capital in Eastern Europe
Locate the major geographic characteristics of Eastern Europe
Explain the concept of a shatter belt, and identify sources of conflict in each country of Eastern Europe
Locate the Balkan Peninsula
Explain the conflicts and tensions in the Balkans
Distinguish between the Baltic States and the Balkan States
Identify sub regions of Asia and label every Asian country
Identify and label the major cities in Asia
Locate all major land and water features in Asia
Explain the impact of geography, especially the Himalayan Mountain system, on the development of
Eastern culture
Explain monsoons and their impact on temperature and rainfall throughout Asia
Compare and contrast Eastern and Western culture
Give examples of the impact of the West, particularly Communist leaders, on Asia
Identify major industries in each major country of Asia
Identify famous landmarks in each major country of Asia
South Asia
Locate each country and capital of South Asia
Locate all of the major geographic features in South Asia
Explain the cause and effects of monsoons
Explain the religious and political conflicts of South Asia
Identify the main religions of South Asia
List the Major industries and landmarks of each country in South Asia
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9th Grade World History I and Eastern Hemisphere Geography
East Asia
Locate each country and capital of East Asia
Identify the major geographical features in East Asia
Locate the main geographic regions in non-autonomous China
Locate Chain’s autonomous regions and its nearly independent regions (Taiwan and Mongolia)
Locates Japan’s four main islands and identify unique characteristics of each
Name at least one major product of each country in East Asia
Trace the influence of communism in East Asia
Southeast Asia
Locate each country and major city in Southeast Asia
Identify all of the major geographic features in Southeast Asia
Understand the causes for continued political and economic instability in Southeast Asia
Explain the Europeans influence in Southeast Asian countries
Identify the major products and industries of each country in Southeast Asia
Caucasus and Central Asia (Southwest Asia)
Locate every country and its capital in the Caucasus and Central Asia
Locate all of the major geographic characteristics in the Caucasus and Central Asia
Summarize the impact of culture in the Caucasus and Central Asia
Describe the impact of the dry climate on Central Asia
Compare and contrast the Caucasus and Central Asia
Identify the lasting impact on Soviet rule on Central Asia
List the major industries and landmarks of every country in the Caucasus and Central Asia
Describe the causes of conflict in the Caucasus and Central Asia
The Persian Gulf(Southwest Asia)
Locate and label on a map the countries and capitals of the Persian Gulf
Identify the major physical features in the Persian Gulf
Recognize the dry climate of the Persian Gulf and the scarcity and vital importance of fresh water there
Identify the major teachings of Islam and evaluate them using Scripture
Identify the central role of the United States in modern events in the Persian Gulf
Explain the impact of oil on the Persian Gulf
Eastern Mediterranean(Southwest Asia)
Locate and label on a map the countries and capitals of the Eastern Medit.
Identify the major physical characteristics of the Eastern Medit.
Recognize the scarcity and vital importance of fresh water in the Eastern Medit.
Identify the key teachings of Judaism, distinguish the main branches of Judaism and evaluate them using
Identify the ethnic diversity of Eastern Medit.
Explain how problems keep rising to the breakup of the Ottoman Empire after WW1
Identify the central role of Israel in the modern wars and politics of the Middle East
Recognize the causes behind the many conflicts in the Eastern Medit.
Identify the major industries, landmarks of each country in the Eastern Medit.
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9th Grade World History I and Eastern Hemisphere Geography
 Locate the major countries and cities in Oceania
 Locate all major land and water features in Oceania and Antarctica
 Explain the impact of wide open ocean on the settlement of Oceania
 Identify the native races of Oceania and the challenges of acculturation
 Identify the major industries in each sub region of Oceania
 Identify famous landmarks in the major countries of Oceania
Identify the sub regions of Africa; label all of the major countries
Identify and label the major cities in Africa
Locate all major land and water features in Africa
Explain the impact of geography on exploration, trade, and settlement of Africa
Identify the major similarities and differences between Africa, the West, and the Orient
Identify the major industries in each sub region of Africa
Identify famous landmarks in the major countries of Africa
Quarter 2
Beginnings of World History
Explain why Christians should study World History
Describe how historical accounts are written and by what resources
Know the difference between a primary source and a secondary source
State basic components of a Christian worldview and explain how they affect one's interpretation of history
Identify the important people and events from Creation to the rise of nations explain the significance of these
people and events for the development of human civilization
Recognize cause and effect in historical events
Analyze political cartoons
Intrigued maps
Use globes appropriately
Locate boundaries among countries
Early Civilizations (4000-1000BC)
Identify passages of Scripture related to the civilizations mentioned in this chapter
List and discuss the main contributions and weaknesses of Mesopotamia and the Amorite civilization
Identify several aspects of the Egyptian civilization
Locate the major cities, regions, and special features of these early civilizations
Describe the interaction between God's people, the Hebrews, and the other civilizations of the ancient Near East
Recognize the account of Daniel's interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream and see what yet remains to be
Quarter 3
Major Religions and Empires (1000BC-300AD)
Outline the major periods in Greek history
Identify and discuss the contributions made by the Greeks to government, philosophy, science, medicine,
mathematics, literature, and the arts
List and discuss ways in which the Greeks perverted God's truth and identify the consequences of their unbelief
and wickedness
Define and discuss monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny, and democracy and explain the differences among them
Relate biblical prophecy to Alexander the Great's empire
Contrast Roman civilization with Greek civilization
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9th Grade World History I and Eastern Hemisphere Geography
Compare Roman Republic with the American Republic
Trace the history of the Roman Republic including their wars
Describe the government of the Roman Republic
Explain the stages of Rome's geographic expansion
List and discuss the contributions of the Roman Empire
Outline the causes of the republic's downfall and the step that led to the establishment of a dictatorship
Explain how God's timing was perfect for Jesus to be born during the rule of the Roman Empire
Consider the many achievements of the Roman Empire
Notice the persecution of the church and the following expansion during the Roman Empire
Explain the rule of certain emperors
Discuss the fall of Rome and the reasons why it happened in the midst of an immoral and godless society
Explain the causes that led to the split between the Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholic churches
Outline the significant men and events in the early history of the Russian state
List and discuss important events in the life of Muhammad and the early history of Islam
Refute the teachings of the Islamic religion with the truth of God's Word
Identify the cultural contributions of the Byzantine and Islamic civilizations
Outline the main periods in the early history of India, China, and Japan
Identify the basic tenets of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism, and use the Bible to point out the
error in the teaching of each religion
Explain the role played by the Mongols in the history of China, India, Muslim territory, and Russia
Identify the major geographical features of Africa, note the civilizations that flourished in the continent prior to
imperialism, and list the major characteristics of each civilization
Quarter 4
Middle Ages (300-1000AD)
List and discuss reasons that the papacy developed in Rome
List and discuss and explain the seven sacraments of the Roman church and contrast what Rome teaches
concerning the sacraments with the teaching of the Word of God
Outline the history of the Frankish kingdoms from the reign of Clovis to the Treaty of Verdun
Discuss the role of Charlemagne
Describe the roles of the clergy, nobility, and peasants in medieval society
Explain the feudal structure, and define key terms such as homage, investiture, fief, sub-infeudation, and aids
Describe the characteristic features of a typical medieval manor
List and discuss attempts to reform the medieval church and describe the nature and results of the reform efforts
Explain the proper roles of the church and state in society
List and discuss examples of church-state conflict in the Middle Ages
List and discuss reasons Germany and Italy did not become unified national states until the late nineteenth century
and discuss the Holy Roman Empire
Compare the growth of parliamentary government in England (the Magna Carta) with the growth of royal power,
the absolute monarchy in France
Explain the effects of the Crusades on Western Europe
List and discuss the factors that encouraged the revival of trade and the growth of towns in medieval Europe
Explain how the growth of trade and towns affected medieval life including markets, fairs, banking and business
Identify the distinguishing characteristics of Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles
Describe the significance of Dante and Chaucer to medieval literature and language
Identify the causes, outline the major battles and events, and list the consequences of the Hundred Years' War and
the War of the Roses
Outline the decline of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church from Boniface VIII to the Council of Constance
Identify patterns of crisis and recovery related to the Black Death... Bubonic Plague
Beginning of the Modern Age (1000-1500AD)
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9th Grade World History I and Eastern Hemisphere Geography
Contrast medieval and Renaissance attitudes toward life
List and discuss the major Renaissance writers, painters, sculptors, architectures, and musicians and Medici family
and identify the major works of each
Contrast the characteristic styles of medieval and Renaissance art
List and discuss positive and negative results of the age of the Renaissance
Consider the increased esteem of man and the decline of emphasis on God
II. Class Expectations
1. Students will be actively involved in all class procedures:
 Prayer
 Class Attendance
 Take out textbook and homework
 Check homework/Review previous day lesson
 Lesson (may be video, presentation, lecture, etc.)
 Class Assignment
 Homework Assignment
2. Students will bring all supplies to class (notebook, World History/Geography book, pencils/pens
and paper).
3. Students will complete all assignments on time.
If a student does not complete an assignment on time, I expect the student to attend
after-school academic detention within the week to replace the zero-grade assignment
with a minimum score of a 50. I expect that should this be more than an occasional
occurrence on the part of the student, that parents and administration will be engaged
with the student to resolve the chronic issue.
b. Unexcused absences or tardies will also be subject to after-school academic detention
for missed assignments.
4. Students will adhere to the Grove Handbook policies and demonstrate SOAR standards:
Stay impeccable with your word
Own your faith and actions
Assume positive intent
Respond lovingly with grace and truth
5. Students will follow the honor code at all times.
6. Students will honor instructional time.
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9th Grade World History I and Eastern Hemisphere Geography
a. Students should be responsible with hall passes for any reason (bathroom break, etc.)
and go and return promptly to minimize any loss of instructional time.
b. Students are responsible for lost instructional time and need to be proactive about what
they might miss.
c. If a student needs to miss my class more than four times in a quarter (medical condition
necessitating bathroom breaks for example), then I would expect that there will be
extenuating circumstances that the student or parent will communicate to me.
Closing Notes:
I look forward to teaching your child World History I and Eastern Hemisphere Geography and pray that the
year goes successfully for all the students and parents.
In Christ,
Mr. Melton
Note: This syllabus is subject to change.
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