Sport Management - University of Wisconsin Whitewater

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Curriculum Proposal Form #1
New Degree, Major, or Submajor
Effective Term:
2157 (Fall 2015)
Program Title:
Sport Management
GPA Required in the Major/Submajor:
Dr. Kelly Witte, Dr. Kristina Navarro
Consultation took place:
(list departments and attach consultation sheet)
Check if:
New Degree: Intent to Plan *
New Degree: Final Proposal
New Major: Intent to Plan *
New Major: Final Proposal
New Submajor: Minor
New Submajor: Emphasis/Track
New Submajor: Certificate Program
Module: Intent to Plan
Module: Final Proposal
Other (list):
Proposal Information:
(Procedures for form #1)
* Note: You must receive approval from System to plan a new Degree or Major (submajors not included)
For System requirements see ACIS-1guidelines at
Form 1 - Sport Management Minor Supplemental Information
Ia. Program Catalog Description
This minor will enable students to understand and develop knowledge of event management, budget/finance,
marketing, sponsorship, program development, risk management and managerial leadership. This minor couples inclass experiences and field study to prepare students for future employment in the sport industry.
Ib. Student Learning Objectives of the Program
Recent data collection demonstrates that the Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Coaching
continues to experience increases in the number of students desiring to pursue careers in the sport management
industry. The literature also demonstrates that this field continues to grow, providing additional internships, practica
sites and career outlets for undergraduate students upon graduation. Literature also posits the importance of specific
training and transcript designation in sport management to be marketable as a professional upon graduation. This
minor presents an opportunity for students to understand, apply and develop knowledge as future sport managers.
Upon completion of this minor, students will be able to:
1. Understand the history of the sport industry to inform future practice (History)
2. Understand the global influence of the sport industry and apply this to future practice. (Global Influence)
3. Identify and explain different marketing and promotion methods in the sport industry. (Marketing and
4. Recognize the financial impact that marketing has within the sport industry. (Financial Management,
Marketing and Promotion)
5. Understand the multifaceted process of short and long range event planning. (Event Planning)
6. Develop a strategic event management plan including a comprehensive operating budget and post event
assessment plan. (Strategic Planning, Financial Management)
7. Understand what risk management is and how risk management plans can be incorporated to improve sport
and recreation organizations. (Risk Management)
8. Apply elements of Title IX regulations to sport and recreational activity. (Risk Management)
9. Define the nature and importance of effective supervision, appropriate selection and conduct of activities,
and safe environmental conditions. (Risk Management, Safety)
10. Understand the economic and financial aspects of the private and commercial recreation/sport industries.
(Financial Management)
11. Understand the importance of public relations, social media, and promotional efforts in the sport and
recreation industry. (Marketing and Promotion)
12. Apply basic sponsorship development principles to develop a sponsorship and funding proposal for an
organization of choice. (Sponsorship)
13. Recognize proper risk management, operation and maintenance protocols. (Facility Management)
14. Consider necessary facility accommodations for special populations. (Facility Management and Design)
15. Design and develop a comprehensive facility master plan. (Facility Planning)
16. Provide a positive learning environment that is appropriate to the characteristics of the athletes and goals of
the program. (Field Study)
17. Use effective communication skills to enhance individual learning, group success, and enjoyment in the
strength training experience. (Field Study)
II. List of Courses and Rationale
RECREATN 233 Introduction to Sport Management
Literature posits the importance of specific training and transcript designation in sport management to be
marketable as a professional upon graduation. This course presents an opportunity for students to
understand, apply and develop knowledge as future sport managers including the history of the industry, an
introduction to career opportunities in this robust industry, and growing trends in the field to inform future
RECREATN 388 Special Event Management
This course is necessary as students will be expected in the sport industry to understand the fundamental of
both small and large scale event management. This course examines the process of developing local,
national and international events. Skills and knowledge required by professionals involved in Event
Management include conceptualizing an event, managing an event, staffing an event, operating and
managing an event budget, developing sponsorships, managing facility operations and developing propos
risk management protocols will be addressed through readings, lectures, and group event management
RECREATN 450 Planning Design and Management of Facilities in Sport and Rec
This course is necessary as students will be expected to understand how to maintain as well as manage
facilities in their day to day functional roles as sport managers. This course will introduce management
theories and provide practical experience in the design, development, operation, maintenance, and
administration of sport facilities. Student will develop a comprehensive facility management plan that can
be utilized in future practice.
RECREATN 440 Commercial and Entrepreneurial Recreation
This course is necessary as students will be expected to understand the primary principles of operating and
sport and recreation for profit entities. Students will develop and apply concepts of managerial leadership,
data driven decision making, which includes marketing, promoting and financing commercial endeavors.
Students will also explore the robust career opportunities available in the commercial and private sector of
sport/recreation. Students will develop a sponsorship and marketing proposal as components of a
comprehensive start-up business plan.
RECREATN/COACHING 480 Legal Aspects of Sport and Recreation Activity
This course is necessary as students will be expected to understand aspects of risk management and the
legal implications of their work with sport. This course will examine the complexities of sport and
recreation litigation, primarily focused on educational institutions. Students will use this knowledge to
enhance their professional growth in the fields of sport and recreation. Topics such as risk management,
contracts, liability, and policy development will provide a better understanding of the law with respect to
challenges encountered by sport and recreation professionals.
RECREATN 492 Recreation Field Study
This course is included as a requirement to encourage practical application of classroom skills to work in
the field. Current employers require practical experiences in the field. To this end, this course enables our
students to leave UWW as extremely marketable, job ready, career ready individuals.
RECREATN 489 Managing Recreational Sport Programs
This course is included as an elective option for students who wish to work intimately with program
development in the collegiate recreation sport setting. Students will be expected to oversee and manage day
to day operations, lead programs and engage in comprehensive strategic planning initiatives. Students will
learn management concepts in the areas of human resources, facility operations, budget development,
marketing, public relations, policy development, and program service design applicable to their future
career fields.
RECREATN 491 Globalization of Sport and Recreation
 This course is included as an elective option for students who wish to travel abroad and understand the
global influence of European culture on the sport and recreation industry. Students will develop an
enhanced understanding and appreciation for European sport and recreation. Students will be introduced to
and apply concepts of international sport marketing, branding, sponsorship, fundraising, and grass roots
program development via an international experience in Ireland, Netherlands, Germany and England. This
course seeks to broaden students’ perspectives with respect to the global influence of sport and recreation
on culture.
RECREATN 382 Sport and Adventure Tourism
This course is included as an elective option for students who wish to pursue career fields specific to the
sport tourism industry. As an increasing segment of the industry, a focused course is necessary as an
elective option. Students who aspire to positions in this segment of the industry must demonstrate they have
completed hands-on experience with adventure sport leadership. This class will fulfill this need.
COACHING 460 Organization and Administration of Interscholastic Athletics
 This course is included as an elective option for students who wish to pursue career fields specific to
interscholastic athletic administration and sport management. Students who aspire to positions in this
segment of the industry must demonstrate knowledge of budget and personnel management, scheduling,
marketing, interpersonal communication, and risk management. This course will introduce the
aforementioned topics and apply this to future career field placements.
RECREATN 498 Independent Study
This is included for students with unique areas of interest to work with a faculty member to hone career
skillsets in the field. Students who desire unique niche positions may choose to complete an independent
study to best prepare for future employment opportunities. This course will be arranged with approval of
faculty advisor.
III. 4 Year Plan of Course Offerings
Year 1 Fall
Year 1 Winterim
Year 1 Spring
Year 1 Summer
RECREATN 388 Special
Event Management
Sport and Adventure
Introduction to Sport
RECREATN 388 Special
Event Management
Managing Recreational
Sport Programs
Organization and
Administration of
Interscholastic Athletics
RECREATN 440 Commercial
and Entrepreneurial Recreation
480 Legal Aspects of Sport
and Recreation Activity
COACHING 460 Organization
and Administration of
Interscholastic Athletics
RECREATN 492 Recreation
RECREATN 450 Planning
Design and Management of
Facilities in Sport and Rec
Recreation Field Study
Recreation Field Study
Independent Study
Field Study
Independent Study
RECREATN 498 Independent
Year 2 Fall
Year 2 Winterim
Year 2 Spring
Year 2 Summer
RECREATN 388 Special
Event Management
Sport and Adventure
Introduction to Sport
RECREATN 388 Special
Event Management
RECREATN 440 Commercial
and Entrepreneurial Recreation
Managing Recreational
Sport Programs
480 Legal Aspects of Sport
and Recreation Activity
Globalization of Sport
and Recreation
RECREATN 450 Planning
Design and Management of
Facilities in Sport and Rec
Organization and
Administration of
Interscholastic Athletics
COACHING 460 Organization
and Administration of
Interscholastic Athletics
Recreation Field Study
Recreation Field Study
RECREATN 492 Recreation
Field Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
RECREATN 498 Independent
Year 3 Fall
Year 3 Winterim
Year 3 Spring
Year 3 Summer
RECREATN 388 Special
Event Management
Sport and Adventure
Introduction to Sport
RECREATN 388 Special
Event Management
RECREATN 440 Commercial
and Entrepreneurial Recreation
Managing Recreational
Sport Programs
480 Legal Aspects of Sport
and Recreation Activity
RECREATN 450 Planning
Design and Management of
Facilities in Sport and Rec
COACHING 460 Organization
and Administration of
Interscholastic Athletics
Recreation Field Study
RECREATN 492 Recreation
Field Study
Organization and
Administration of
Interscholastic Athletics
Recreation Field Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
RECREATN 498 Independent
Year 4 Fall
Year 4 Winterim
Year 4 Spring
Year 4 Summer
RECREATN 388 Special
RECREATN 388 Special
Event Management
Sport and Adventure
233Introduction to Sport
RECREATN 440 Commercial
and Entrepreneurial Recreation
Managing Recreational
Sport Programs
480 Legal Aspects of Sport
and Recreation Activity
COACHING 460 Organization
and Administration of
Interscholastic Athletics
RECREATN 492 Recreation
Field Study
Organization and
Administration of
Interscholastic Athletics
Recreation Field Study
Recreation Field Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
IV. List of Required Courses
Required Introduction Course: (2 credits)
RECREATN 233 Introduction to Sport Management
2 Credits
Additional Required Minor Courses: (12 credits)
RECREATN 388 Special Event Management
3 Credits
RECREATN/COACHING 480 Legal Aspects of Sport and Recreation Activity
3 Credits
RECREATN 450 Planning Design and Management of Facilities in Sport and Rec
3 Credits
RECREATN 440 Commercial and Entrepreneurial Recreation
3 Credits
III. Field Experience (3 Credits)
RECREATN 492 Recreation Field Study
3 Credits
IV. Electives (5 Credits)
RECREATN 489 Managing Recreational Sport Programs
3 Credits
RECREATN 491 Globalization of Sport and Recreation
3 Credits
Globalization of Sport
and Recreation
RECREATN 450 Planning
Design and Management of
Facilities in Sport and Rec
RECREATN 498 Independent
Event Management
RECREATN 382 Sport and Adventure Tourism
3 Credits
COACHING 460 Organization and Administration of Interscholastic Athletics
2 Credits
RECREATN 498 Independent Study
2-3 Credits
Total=22 Credits
V. Assessment Plan
This minor will follow the Department wide assessment plan in a similar fashion to the Coaching, Health
Promotion and Recreation and Leisure Studies minors. The course will be assessed once annually
utilizing the following assessment rubric as a guide.
Note: This is based on departmental assessment measures in place. I-Introduce, D-Develop, AApply.
Standard I: Entry Level Knowledge and Integration Across Disciplines
I.A. Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate
entry-level knowledge and appreciate the perspectives,
opportunities and responsibilities in the broadly defined health,
human performance and recreation professions.
I.B. Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate
entry-level knowledge and integrate health, human performance
and recreation in the context of professional practice.
1.D. Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate
entry-level knowledge and integrate health, human performance
and recreation from the perspective of the global society in the
technological millennium.
Standard III: Health and Safety
III.A. Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate
entry-level knowledge of characteristics, activities and strategies
leading to active and healthy lifestyles.
III.B. Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate
the ability to create conditions that promote health and safety in
programs and services for health, human performance and
Standard IV: Programming
I, D
IV.A. Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate
the ability to design, facilitate and lead programs and services
clearly reflecting application of knowledge from the relevant
facets of contemporary professional practice, science, and
IV.B. Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate
entry-level knowledge of methods available to evaluate
programs and services and in order to use evaluation data to
improve the quality of programs and services
I, D
Standard V: Administration
V.A. Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate
the ability to recognize basic facts, concepts, principles, and
procedures of management and administration in health, human
performance and recreation professions.
VI.B. Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate
the ability to apply entry-level concepts, principles, and
procedures of management and administration for health, human
performance and recreation professions.
I, D
I, D
LEAP Essential Learning Outcome: Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical
and Natural World
LEAP Essential Learning Outcome: Intellectual and Practical Skills
Problem Solving
I, D, A
Written Communication
D, A
Oral Communication
I, D
Information Literacy
D, A
LEAP Essential Learning Outcome: Personal and Social Responsibility
I, D
Civic Knowledge (Local and Global)
Civic Engagement (Local and Global)
Foundations and Skills for Lifelong Learning
VI. Resources Needed to Support
Student Need and Demand
A) Student Demand
A comprehensive student survey was conducted which demonstrated an overwhelming desire on behalf of
the current student population for a focused minor in sport management.
During the Spring 2014 semester the ACTIVE student organization comprised of an executive board of
HHPR students developed a comprehensive survey to better understand the career and professional
development needs and interests of current students. This survey was developed in survey monkey,
featured 12 open ended questions, and was distributed to all students enrolled in the Health, Human
Performance and Recreation emphasis. This survey was utilized as a pilot study to gather qualitative data
to guide the development of a quantitative Fall study. Results identified student dissatisfaction with
current minor offerings; namely, and a lack of specificity to current curriculum. Students noted this lack of
specificity in their academic program emphasis minors made them less marketable than students state and
region wide. Qualitative analysis provided evidence that students had strong interest in more specific
minor options to meet career goals and be marketable to potential employers. Areas of highest interest
included strength and conditioning and sport management. This information was triangulated with market
information and data (Bureau of Labor Statistics) as well as job descriptions of entry level positions in the
field (attached). This process demonstrated a clear growth and development of the number of jobs in the
sport and strength and conditioning fields.
Building from this pilot qualitative study, a quantitative survey was developed in Fall 2014. A sample of
current HPERC students (131 respondents, 121 completed surveys) completed a survey electronically
(Qualtrics) during a Fall 2014 class
Legal Aspects of Sport
Commercial and Entrepreneurial Recreation
Event Management
Intro to Recreation and Leisure Studies
Facilitation of Games
Athletics Coaching Education courses
Student-status of the respondents:
Minors that the respondents are currently enrolled in:
Question: How interested would you be in a Sports Management minor if it was offered?
Question: How interested would you be in a Strength & Conditioning minor if it was offered?
Question: What is you dream job?
(Open-ended question – responses listed by 5 or more students are included in the chart)
B) Market Demand:
This information was triangulated with information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that jobs in the
Sport Industry are expected to grow significantly over the next 10 years.
Included as an appendix as entry level job postings from the last 6 months in the sport industry that
notate specific training in sport management is necessary.
According to Forbes, the sport industry is projected to grow $145.3 billion between 2010-2015. Forbes
notes the sports industry is flourishing with opportunities in all areas including: event management, sports
marketing and sponsorship, sports media (traditional and social media), sports facilities, youth sport, club
sport, professional and intercollegiate sport. These career fields are growing at faster than average
projected rate of 15%. There are numerous opportunities to work in sports, but the competition to land one
of them is high. In turn, focused academic programming paired with practical experience is critical for job
The number of agencies, organizations and institutions small and large in the U.S. sports industry today are
seemingly endless. Each of these entities hires a number of interns each semester to help support their
operations. While obtaining an internship in sports is extremely competitive, it is also a necessity for
anyone that want’s to eventually work in the business.
Belzer, J. (2014). Sports industry 101: Breaking into the business of sports. Forbes, 1(1), p. 1-2.
VII. Relation of this Program to other Programs on Campus, in the UW System, and Region
Currently no sport management program exists on the UW-Whitewater campus. Currently students often completed
the HPERC Coaching minor, but have a true desire to work in the management and administration of sport.
Consultation has occurred with the Coordinator of the Coaching Minor (Dr. Kelly Witte), Coordinator of the COEPS
Business Education Program (John Smith) and the College of Business and Economics (Dr. John Chenoweth). All
support this minor proposal as a viable minor opportunity for General Management and Business Education students
who have specific interest in work in sport related field. The coaching education coordinator is also in support of
this more focused minor for students to prepare for careers in the management and administration of sport programs.
UW System
Currently UW-La Crosse has a sport management major in the Department of Exercise and Sport Science. Since we
are located in a different area of the state, and are proposing a minor, not a major, we do not see this as posing
conflict. In addition, we are located in closer proximity to Milwaukee and Chicago, cities with multiple sport
management related jobs, while La Crosse is in closer proximity to the Minnesota sport industry.
Regionally the following institutions have sport management programs:
Illinois State, Northern Illinois, Concordia College
We see the minor option paired with a major in Health, Human Performance and Recreation, General Business
Management, or Marketing as a unique offering that will make our students highly marketable in the sport industry.
Below are example job descriptions for entry level and internship positions in the sport industry that
require coursework specifically in sport management.
Coordinator of Athletic Marketing & Promotions
Northern Kentucky University
The Coordinator of Athletic Marketing and Promotions assists the Assistant Athletic Director of Marketing
and Promotions in all marketing and promotional activities for NKU Athletics and its 17 NCAA varsitylevel sports; coordinates ticketing activities with ticket office to include group sales, season tickets, luxury
suites, and single-game tickets; coordinates all game-day activities to fulfill sponsor and promotional
obligations; emcees or oversees emcee for selected NKU home athletic events; directs campus marketing
activities; assists in creating and managing website and social media content; handles all donation requests;
organizes “ball kids” for various NKU home athletic events; assists in solicitation of corporate sponsors;
plans and directs event management activities for NKU Athletic events; co-directs Norse Force Student
Rewards Program and Norse Kids' Club, represents NKU Athletics on various University committees and
in the Greater Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky community.
For detailed job duties and responsibilities please visit
Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in sport management, other related field. One to two year’s experience in
athletic marketing, communications, public relations. Knowledge of photoshop/Adobe Creative Suite.
Ability to multi-task and communicate well to other departments within the university, works closely with
athletic communications, athletic development, and university marketing & communications. Create
detailed marketing & promotional plans for all sports. Understanding of NCAA rules is desired.
Additional Salary Information: Open
Graduate Assistant for Ticket Operations
The University of Akron
The University of Akron is now accepting applications in the Department of Athletics for the position of
Graduate Assistant for Ticket Operations. The University of Akron, a Division I institution located in
Akron, Ohio, is a member of the Mid-American Conference, is part of the Football Bowl Subdivision and
maintains 19 men’s and women's intercollegiate sports. The Graduate Assistant for Ticket Operations will
assist in the management of the ticket office for the Department of Athletics. This position, which reports
to the Director of Ticket Operations, will be responsible for building and maintaining a master event
calendar for all athletics events, scheduling game-day staff members for all events, setting up ticket
operations for events, processing the payroll for all game-day staff members and serving as the primary
ticket contact for all home women’s volleyball matches. Additional duties include assisting with mailings,
season ticket invoicing, and game-day ticket operations for all ticketed sports as assigned by the Director of
Ticket Operations. The Graduate Assistant must be experienced at taking and fulfilling ticket orders –
including building an account on ticketing software, buying tickets into the account, paying off the
account, and then distributing them to the patron either at the window or by mail. This position will assist
with individual game audit procedures to ensure proper NCAA compliance.
Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree required with major in Sport Management or related field preferred.
Strong communication, accounting, and event management skills required as well as a proficiency in
computerized ticketing software. Previous experience with Ticketmaster’s Archtics software is strongly
preferred, as well as being familiar with Microsoft Excel and Access. Application Process: Must be
admissible to The University of Akron Graduate School and be a full-time graduate student. Compensation
includes a $6,000 stipend (9-month contract) and tuition waiver, and potential for supplemental payment as
gameday staff for rental events in UA venues. Student is responsible for any fees. When not conflicting
with class, candidate must be available to work events, including on nights and weekends. Position is
renewable (pending Athletics approval) for a second year. Position begins July 2014. Forward a letter of
application, resume, and references to: Adam O’Connell, Director of Ticket
Operations, The University of Akron Department of Athletics, InfoCision Stadium-Summa Field, 375 E.
Exchange St. Akron, Ohio 44304 Review of applications will begin immediately and will be accepted until
position is filled.
Graduate Assistant - Team Laundry and Equipment Services
The University of Akron
The University of Akron is seeking two (2) qualified candidates. Duties will include, but not limited to,
assisting with all phases of Athletics team equipment program, including team issue, practice and game
laundry, equipment and apparel ordering, inventory, scheduling, assisting with game and special event
management and working closely with the Athletics Facilities and Operations office and university
Bachelor's degree in Sports Management or related degree required. Strong personal communication and
organizational skills are essential. Previous experience in athletic equipment management is desired.
Candidates must have a valid driver's license and must be admissible to graduate school. Both positions are
12-month contracts and begin July 1, 2014 or soon thereafter which include a $10,000 total stipend and
tuition waiver. Qualified applicants should send a cover letter, resume, and three references
Assistant Athletic Director for Communications and Media Services
Northern Kentucky University
Oversees all communications, media relations and video services for the Athletics department, with the
goal of increasing the awareness of Norse Athletics.
Duties include coordinating daily media relations efforts, generating content for website, particularly video
content, coordinate webcasting of live events, maintaining up-to-date records, statistics and results of
players, teams and coaches, design, write and edit high quality informational and promotional material and
publications, responding to media and public information requests, coordinate all media operations during
games, media events etc.
Supervise and coordinate a comprehensive daily media relations effort designed to generate and maintain
interest in Norse Athletics, as well as Northern Kentucky University. Generate content for website, with
specific attention to generation of video content that is designed to provide fans and supporters of the
program with up-to-date information on sport programs, online coaches shows (live and taped), special
features of sport programs and/or athletes, student-athlete bios, etc.
Coordinate webcasting of live events, including determining which events to webcast, hiring of play¬-byplay and color commentator talent, and fee to charge customers. Maintain accurate and up-to-date records,
statistics and results of players, teams and coaches. Make public release of records, statistics and player
background information to the media and other community outlets on a daily basis. Recruit, supervise and
instruct student assistants. Design, write and edit high quality informational and promotional materials and
publications, including graphic design pieces. Initiate, coordinate and conduct campaigns to achieve
conference, regional and national honors for student-athletes, coaches and staff members.
Provide timely, accurate responses to media and public informational requests. Generate interest in the
program through information dissemination to the media, including radio, newspaper, television and other
community outlets. Coordinate such events as media days, press conferences, conference championships
hosting media relations efforts and other media relations events. Coordinate all media operations during
games, including assignment of seating for writers, statisticians, radio, television, photographers and
scouts; and enforce post-game interview policies. Travel with sports programs to away contests as
determined by Director of Athletics. Establish effective interpersonal relationships with coaches, players,
administrators, students and the public.
Serve as a member of the senior staff with advisory duties to the director of Athletics. Serve as StudentAthlete Advisory Committee staff Advisor. Perform other duties as assigned by the Director of Athletics.
Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management
Other required skills include: - Computer and Video background - Excellent verbal/written communication
skills, - Good organizational skills - High degree of integrity, professionalism - Ability to portray a positive
image of the Athletics program
Varsity Athletics Communications Intern
Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College is seeking an energetic and enthusiastic individual for an internship position in the
office of varsity communications (sports information). This is a full-time position with benefits starting
around August 1 and ending June 30, 2015. The intern will assist the director and other staff members in
publicizing Dartmouth’s 34 varsity sports through publications, web sites, media relations, and record
keeping. The position will provide practical experience in the sports information field to enable the
individual to pursue a full-time career in the profession upon completion of the internship.
The successful candidate should possess the appropriate combination of: a bachelor’s degree in English,
journalism, sports management, or a related field; previous experience in a college sports information
office and/or newspaper writing experience; strong communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills
to interact effectively with coaches and student-athletes in a diverse community; proficient computer skills
in Stat Crew, PhotoShop, Word, HTML, and InDesign; and video editing experience. Candidates must be
able to work nights and weekends.
Applicants can view a full job description and complete a required online application at A letter of application, resume, and names of at least three professional
references are required.
Previous experience working in a college sports information office and/or newspaper writing experience
preferred. Bachelor’s degree in sports management
Bowling Green State University
The individual in this position is responsible for the design and development of strategies to increase ticket
sales for the Department of Athletics. Also includes cultivation and solicitation of corporations and other
organizations for the purpose of increasing season and group sales.
For a complete job description & instructions on how to apply for this position visit or contact the Office of Human Resources.
Minimum Qualifications; Bachelor’s Degree required, preferably in Sport Management, or related field.
Also required two to three years of ticket sales experience. Must have and maintain a valid driver’s license
and comply with the university’s vehicle use policy.
Assistant Director of Budget and Finance
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
The Assistant Director of Budget and Finance serves as a leader of the Department of Athletics budget and
finance team that is committed to excellence and advancing the department through its strategic plan.
This position will oversee all departmental accounting functions for revenues and expenses for
departmental operating funds and University Foundation accounts; develop annual unit action plans and
strategic initiatives for business/finance and travel operations; manage staff performance including goal
setting, coaching and reviews; collaborate with the Senior Associate Athletics Director/Chief Financial
Officer on the development, monitoring and reconciliation of the annual department operating and capital
budgets; serve as budget officer for select sport and support units including approval of purchases and
expenses, process journal entries/transfers, analyze budget to actual variances, provide monthly financial
statements, monitor and reconcile department general ledger accounts; prepares department's annual
EADA and NCAA Financial Reports; coordinates preparations for annual external and internal audits;
oversees monthly and annual reconciliation of booster club accounts; ensure all transactions are in
compliance with university expenditure policies and purchasing procedures; design, implement, and
enforce programs, procedures, education, and controls for the department fiscal and travel operations
according to University guidelines and best practices; identify opportunities to streamline controls and
monitoring activities via financial software and/or IT solutions; coordinate documentation, testing and
remediation of the university's internal controls over financial reporting.
This is a 100 percent, 12-month professional/administrative, and annual renewable contract (K)
Any offer of employment is contingent upon the successful completion of a background check. Our
presumption is that prospective employees are eligible to work here. Criminal convictions do not
automatically disqualify finalists from employment.
Job posting will remain open until filled. Review of applications will begin Monday, April 21, 2014;
Bachelor's Degree in sport management or related field.
Manager of Athletic Communications
Saint Leo Universality
Saint Leo University Department of Athletics invites applications for the position of Manager of Athletic
Communications. This twelve-month, full-time position is responsible for managing, organizing and
administering all phases of the 19 sport intercollegiate athletics program. Responsibilities include all
phases of stastical record keeping, web site oversight, athletic media relations, internet broadcasts and
game event production.
This position will oversee two other full-time staff members as well as all interns and work-study positions.
To ensure full consideration, qualified candidates should submit cover letter addressing the qualifications
of the position, resume and contact information for three professional references by May 10, 2014. On-line
applications only are accepted.
Campus interviews will be conducted once the current athletic year is over so candidates will not be
impacted if current institution is active in post-season competition.
Visit our website at:
Additional Salary Information: Health benefits and tuition remission included in benefit package.
Bachelor's Degree in Sports Management, or related field required.
*A clear understanding of the Mission and Values of Saint Leo University
*Experience in an intercollegiate sports information environment
*Ability to effectively communicate with various constituents on a wide variety of topics
*Ability to update web-site and use various print and photo applications
* Ability to use various stat crew software is needed
Coordinator of Intramural Sports
University of Oregon
Under the supervision of the Assistant Director, the Coordinator of Intramural Sports will be responsible
for providing leadership to a diverse, dynamic and comprehensive intramural sports program including:
Hiring, training scheduling, supervising and evaluating student personnel with a focus on student
development and learning for 40 intramural sports and special event programs.
Assisting in the administration of sponsorships and marketing relating to Intramural Sports.
Overseeing all Intramural and Special Event sponsorships.
Supporting the Assistant Director for Intramural Sports with budget planning, policy development,
safety/risk management and assessment of intramural programs and special events.
Assisting with the development and implementation of intramural sports disciplinary process.
Serves on the Administrative Board that handles amendments, conduct, and eligibility rulings.
Managing the officiating personnel budget.
Assisting in supervising the maintenance of recreational field spaces and in the purchase and
inventory of sports equipment used in the intramural sports program.
Optional teaching opportunities are possible for the interested and qualified candidate.
Minimum Required Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management or related field.
Minimum of 2 years experience in sports officiating, training and supervision, which must include
evaluation of student sports officials and field/court supervisors.
Demonstrated experience with and/or commitment to working effectively with individuals from
diverse backgrounds, in support of an inclusive and welcoming environment.
Assistant Director, Fan Experience and Promotion
The Ohio State University
This position serves as a member of the department's Fan Experience and Promotion team that is
committed to excellence and advancing the Department of Athletics through its strategic plan. Provides
direction and oversight of the planning, forecasting, developing, and implementing of comprehensive and
innovative strategic marketing and promotion programs aimed at increasing the attendance and community
awareness of the 36 athletic programs. Creates and Implements strategies to maximize game atmosphere
opportunities and in-game promotional activities to produce remarkable experiences for fans. Develops
new initiatives, comprehensive sport marketing plans, logos, taglines, branded print collateral, and
promotional items. Executes an effective digital, social media, and e-mail campaign, as well as develops
and distributes promotional materials such as flyers, brochures, newsletters, and posters. Manages the fan
experience staff, interns, students, and volunteers; provides strategic goal setting, staff performance
management and professional development. Responsible for annual department budget and financial
planning. Explores non-traditional marketing opportunities, conducts market research, oversees grassroots
programs. This position works in a creative and collaborative team environment where change is embraced
and innovation is encouraged.
Bachelor's Degree in Sports Management, or a related field is required. Extensive experience in the
marketing industry; extensive experience developing and implementing successful marketing strategies is
required. Experience managing employees is required. Position will work extended days, evenings, and
weekends. Experience working in an NCAA Intercollegiate Athletic Department.
The Ohio State University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive
consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity,
national origin, disability status, or protected veteran status.
Assistant Athletic Director, Ticket Operations
The University of Delaware
The Assistant Athletic Director, Ticket Operations is the administrator responsible for directing all
ticketing operations within Athletics and University Ticketing. The position reports to the Senior Associate
Athletics Director for External Relations. He/she has primary accountability for decision-making in all
areas of ticketing, the primary revenue source for UD Athletics.
The position is administrative in nature and is one of the most highly visible positions in Athletics with a
very large volume of personal contact with the general public. (Athletics current season ticket holders,
potential new customers and non UD patrons). The position requires frequent creative problem-solving and
excellent "people skills" for general customer relations and individual, often emotional, customer
problems. In this role, the individual will serve a vital public relations role for Athletics and the University.
Success in this area will have a direct financial impact to Athletics. In addition, strict adherence to
University, Conference and national governing body regulations is required.
The position will have direct supervisory responsibility for the professional staff positions, Supervisor,
Athletics Season Tickets and Group Sales and the Box Office Coordinator, as well as periodic
miscellaneous wage and Work-Study staff. The position requires fairly extensive night and weekend work
during certain periods, including home football, men's and women's basketball contests, concerts, etc.
Direct and manage all functions of Athletics Ticketing and University Ticketing and supervise/train the
professional staff positions, and all other ticketing miscellaneous wage and Work-Study employees.
Develop and monitor policies and procedures. (Includes season ticket and group sales and distribution for
football, men's and women's basketball, season and group parking, petty cash fund administration, alumni,
players/cheerleaders/band, parents tickets, opponents home and away tickets, handicapped seating/parking,
will call and complimentary tickets, including player tickets which are subject to strict NCAA regulations.)
Increase Athletics ticket customer base, especially through group sales. Includes identification of potential
new buyers. (Includes cultivation through interaction with corporate entities (e.g. MBNA human resource
personnel), community groups, service organizations (e.g., Kiwanis), social clubs (e.g., Touch-Down
Clubs) and current UD Athletics fans through conversations, meetings, speaking engagements,
development of marketing literature and attendance at home contests). Primary focus will be on football,
men's and women's basketball with secondary emphasis on all other programs which charge admission.
Develop and monitor customer service strategies to enhance relations with current season ticket holders
and attract potential new ones. (Includes creation of specific procedures for handling customer problems,
mechanisms for retention of current season ticket holders, establishment of a "presence" at home contests
for purposes of cultivation of new customers and proactive handling of potential customer problems and
Develop and monitor procedures for financial and accounting functions related to University Ticketing and
Athletics Ticketing, which provides the bulk of Athletics self-¬supporting revenue, in excess of $1 million
annually (e.g., payroll deduction plans, batch processing, reconciliation of daily sales, etc.). Ensure
compliance with University audit requirements. Monitor BCC Box Office sales for compliance with
Athletics regulations and University audit requirements.
Administer operation of computerized ticketing systems (Archtics for athletics ticket sales, TicketMaster
for individual event sales - Includes management/oversight of approximately six computer manifests per
year, 23,000 seat stadium and 5,000 seat arena mapping of assigned seating, compliance with University
audit requirements for a UNIX based system, assigning/managing access to various functions, frequent
consultation with outside vendor for software and hardware revisions, maintenance and upgrades.
Assist other External team members with design, production and distribution of primary marketing
publications for all Athletics ticketing initiatives(Includes football, men's and women's basketball season
ticket applications, ticket stock, invoices, schedule cards, flyers, brochures, etc.).
Serve as primary Athletics contact for Athletics Development staff to identify potential season ticket
holders and donors to the University and consult with the Director of Athletics, the Director of
Development for Athletics and the Senior Associate Athletics Director for External Relations to assign
priority seating.
Perform other duties as assigned.
Bachelor's degree, preferably in Sports Management. Effective communication and interpersonal skills are
a must. Ability to manage a busy office, maintain a professional atmosphere and handle occasional
customer relations crises with aplomb, strong administrative/organizational skills, all are required.
Assistant Sales Coordinator
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Temporary Professional-Internship Position
Assistant Sales Coordinator
The University of Massachusetts Athletic Department is seeking to fill the Internship position of Assistant
Sales Coordinator. The Assistant Sales Coordinator is responsible for assisting in all aspects of the
strategic ticket sales efforts. Work directly with the Director of Sales to increase awareness and attendance
at athletic events, with a specific emphasis on men’s and women’s basketball, hockey, men’s lacrosse, and
softball. Work directly with the Director of Sales to lead all phases of the sales plan.
Start date is to be determined.
Submit cover letter and resume, and names and telephone numbers of three references. Applications will
only be accepted through Interview Exchange. Please apply to URL address:
Send applications materials by May 28, 2014.
The University of Massachusetts is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer of women,
minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities and encourages applications from these and
other protected group members.
Successful applicants will need to have a Bachelor’s degree in sport management or related field required;
excellent oral and written communication skills; excellent interpersonal and organizational skills;
knowledge of NCAA rules & regulations preferred; basic computer skills (Excel and Word); knowledge of
Adobe Photoshop preferred; ability to multi-task and work in fast-paced environment; ability to work
flexible schedule including evenings and weekends as needed; moderate to high movement and activity
required; responsibilities include extended periods of standing. Bachelor’s degree must be earned by the
time of hire