Library Rules (Excerpts) 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. These Rules use the term ‘document’ to refer to any material object containing information in text, audio, or visual form. 2. USERS, THEIR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS 2.1 The library can be used by HSE undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students, graduates, teaching staff and other members of the HSE staff (hereinafter referred to as ‘users’). 2.2 During the time periods set by the Library, users can use the following key types of library and information services: - borrow documents from the Library’s academic and fiction (except for graduates) lending departments; - borrow key study documents from the Library’s study lending department, belonging to a certain faculty, and additional study documents in all study lending departments of the Library; - receive any documents from the Library archive for use in the reading halls; - receive full information about the Library stock through the system of catalogues and cards; - receive consultation on searches and choice of documents. 2.3. Users can get the following additional services on a fee-paying basis: Document photocopying: Price for photocopying 1 sheet – 1.50 roubles Price of the access card – 40 roubles 2.5. In order to register for the Library, users must: - show their passport and student or staff ID card; - bring one photo (3x4 cm) (except for HSE staff); - read these Rules and sign a Service Contract (see Appendix 2); Upon registration in the Library, a user is given a reader’s card and assigned a bar code (RFID mark) with a personal identifier. 2.6. Users are obliged to: - treat the documents received from the Library stock with care, making no marks in them, not tearing and bending the pages, not damaging the RFID mark; - treat the Library venues with care, including its furniture and equipment; - show their reader’s card at the checkpoint when entering the library; - return all documents from the Library stock within the terms set by the Library; 2 - every year before July 15 return all documents and re-register (except for graduates); - in case of signing out of the HSE, return all documents and the reader’s card to the library within 3 days, and sign the clearance checklist (except for graduates); - in the case of sabbatical leave, return all library documents; - not take documents out of the Library if they are not registered in the reader’s log book or other registration papers; - not alter the organisation and arrangement of documents in the free access stock; - in case of problems with the media library’s equipment and software, virus attack, change of system settings etc., immediately inform the library staff; - inform the Library of changes to the user’s place of residence and contact phone number; - remain silent, maintain cleanness and tidiness in the Library’s reading halls and other venues. It is strictly prohibited to smoke, consume food and beverages, including chewing gum, and to use mobile phones; - when receiving documents, to look through them and in case of any defects, to inform the librarian, otherwise the reader will be responsible for the damage; - in case of loss of the reader’s card, inform the Library and receive a replacement card upon showing the student or staff ID card. 2.8. Users are prohibited to give their reader’s card to other people for use in the Library. 3. THE LIBRARY’S RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS 3.1. The library serves the users in accordance with these Rules. 3.2. The library is obliged to: - inform the users of all kinds of services offered, including fee-paying services; - strive to provide the best service; - assist the users in choosing the necessary documents through oral consultations, provision with catalogues, card files, digital information and bibliographic resources; through organizing document exhibitions, bibliographic reviews etc.; - carry out constant supervision over the return of documents within the terms set by the Library. 3.3. Before a user leaves the Library’s venues, the checkpoint staff have the right to check correct registration of the documents taken by the user. 4. RULES FOR USING THE LENDING LIBRARIES 4.1. To get documents in a study lending library, users must show their reader’s card, complete a reader’s order, and sign the book log (initials and full surname). The book log is a document confirming the date and the lending of the document to the user and its subsequent return to the library. 3 In case of automated lending – users must register the RFID marks of the documents at the librarian’s desk. Evidence of RFID marks registration in the digital book log shall confirm the fact of lending the documents to the user. 4.2. The documents lent as part of the academic and fiction lending departments are chosen by the user on open access shelves (the documents are marked with ‘A’ on the spine). The user registers the bar codes (RFID marks) in the digital log at the librarian’s desk. The librarian stamps the date of return in the return form. The user shows the documents with marked return date stamp to the staff at the library checkpoint. 4.3. Terms of use and number of documents given to one user: - documents from the study lending department are given for the period of one academic block, not more than a total of 25 titles; the period of the loan can be extended if the subject continues into subsequent blocks. The last day of document return are as follows: - 1st block – November 15; - 2nd block – January 25; - 3rd block – April 15; - 4th block – July 15. - documents from the academic lending department are lent for 10 calendar days, no more than three documents at a time, with the opportunity to renew twice personally or by phone; - documents from the fiction lending department are lent for 20 calendar days, no more than three documents at a time, with the opportunity to renew twice personally or by phone; - students who have academic debts cannot renew lending library documents for the summer period (July 15 – September 1). 5. RULES FOR USING THE READING HALLS 5.1. A user must show the reader’s card at the entrance to the library reading halls. 5.2. It is prohibited to enter the reading halls with files, cases, bags, and wearing outdoor clothes. Bags must be left in the storage room, and outdoor clothes in the cloakroom. If you visit the open access reading halls with your personal printed documents, please show them to the checkpoint staff when entering and leaving the Library. 5.3. Only individual work is allowed in the reading halls. 5.4. Documents from the reading halls are not lent. It is strictly prohibited to remove any of the library’s documents from the reading halls. 5.5. Documents from the closed access stock are delivered 30 minutes after the librarian is given the completed reader’s order or a user books the document in the e-catalogue. The ordered documents are stored on the reservation shelf for 2 days. When the user receives the document, he signs the book log and leaves his reader’s card. A maximum of five documents can be taken at any one time. 4 5.6. In the open access stock, users choose the documents themselves, and upon finishing the work put them on the designated carts. It is prohibited to arrange the documents on the shelves. The documents selected by users are stored on the reservation shelf in the reading hall for 2 days. 5.7. To work in the media library, a user registers with the librarian, completes a user’s card, signs it and gets a personal login and password for work in the Library’s computer network. 5.8. The maximum time of work in the library is two hours. If there is no queue for computer workplaces, the session can be extended. Upon finishing work in the media library, a user must log out from his session. 5.9. In the media library it is prohibited to: - use computers for purposes not related to searching and processing bibliographic information (particularly: to create or install software, play computer games, create and edit web resources, read and send emails, participate in web forums and discussions). - change the system settings; - use personal CDs, memory sticks and other media; if you need to save information please ask the media librarian; - sign up for any fee-paying materials or order fee-paying services through the internet. 5.10. Remote access to the media library’s e-resources is given to the following types of users, providing they have no debts in the lending libraries: undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students, as well as teaching and other staff of the HSE. 5.11. To use remote access to the media library’s e-resources, a user must complete a form on the library website, get a personal login and password, and show his reader’s card and ID (passport) at the Library’s Office of Information Systems and E-resources. 5.12. When using remote access of the media library’s e-resources, a user must follow the restrictions of license agreements with resource owners; in particular, it is prohibited to: - give the login and password to another person; - make full copies of the documents (for example, all articles from one journal or all chapters from one ebook); - use special software robots to open or download the documents from e-resource websites; - use and quote the downloaded documents without reference to their authorship. 6. USERS’ RESPONSIBILITY 6.5. In case of loss of the library’s documents, users must replace them with identical versions or documents recognized by the Library as equivalent. 6.6. In case of damaging a document, a user must replace it or pay for restoration work. They shall also be given a reprimand and banned from using the Library for one year. 5 6.7. In case of damaging the library equipment (to the sum of over 5,000 (five thousand) roubles), a user shall pay for the damage. The perpetrator shall also be given a reprimand and banned from using the Library for one year. 6 Library Rules, Appendix 2 Service Contract Moscow Date: ________________ The National Research University Higher School of Economics, hereinafter referred to as the University, represented by Natalia Maximova, Director of the Library, acting on the basis on the power of attorney issued on _________, No. ___________________ from one side, and _________________________, hereinafter referred to as the User, passport # _________ issued on _________ from the other side, concluded this Contract on the following: 1. Subject of the Contract 1.1. The University renders the User with library, information, bibliographic and other services provided in the Library Rules approved by the University Rector’s order No. _______ issued on _______ (hereinafter referred to as Library Rules), on terms of this Contract. The Library Rules are available for reference on the University’s official website. 2. The User’s Rights and Obligations 2.1. The User has the right to: 2.1.1. Borrow documents in the Library’s lending departments and reading halls upon presentation of the reader’s card and in accordance with the Library Rules. 2.1.2. Use bibliographic, reference and information services, as well as other library services, including those provided on a fee-paying basis. 2.2. The User must: 2.2.1. Become familiar with the Library Rules and follow them. 2.2.2. Provide authentic personal details when registering in the Library and inform the Library about changes in personal details promptly within 7 (seven) days of the changes. 2.2.3. Carefully treat the documents received from the Library stock, as well as the University’s property located in the Library. 2.2.4. Return the documents received from the Library stock within the terms set by the Library. 2.2.5. When signing out of the HSE, return all documents to the Library within 3 days, and sign the clearance checklist. 2.2.6. In case of loss or damage of the documents, replace them or reimburse their value in accordance with the Library Rules. 2.2.7. Reimburse any damage caused to Library property in accordance with the Russian Federation law and the University’s local acts. 7 2.2.8. Follow the license agreements with resource resources. owners when using remote access to the Library’s e- 3. The University’s Rights and Obligations 3.1. The University has the right to: 3.1.1. Determine the Library Rules and change them. 3.1.2. Determine the terms of access to the Library stock. 3.1.3. Establish the list of fee-paying services and their prices. 3.1.4. Apply sanctions to the User if he violates the Library Rules within the scope of regulations determined by the University Charter, University Rules and Regulations, Library Rules, and other local acts of the University. 3.2. The University shall: 3.2.1. Deliver services to the User in accordance with the Library Rules. 3.2.2. Inform the User of all services offered, including those delivered on a fee-paying basis. 3.2.3. Create and maintain the conditions necessary for the User’s work at the Library. 4. Liability of the Parties and Dispute Settlement Order 4.1. In case of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations hereunder the Parties shall be liable in accordance with applicable legislation of the Russian Federation, the University Charter and local acts. 4.2. The Parties are exempted from liability for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations hereunder in case of conditions beyond their control, including declared or de facto war, civil disorder, epidemics, blockade, embargo, earthquakes, floods, fires, and other force majeure circumstances. 4.3. This Contract provides for a pretrial complaint procedure to settle disputes between the Parties arising during execution of this Contract. The interested party before action shall send a written complaint to the other party. The complaint is sent by a registered letter. The party which received the complaint shall send a reply to it within 30 (thirty) calendar days of receipt. The party which sent a complaint and received no reply or an unsatisfactory reply has the right to take the matter to court in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation. 5. Contract Validity Period 5.1. This Contract comes into force upon its signing by both Parties. It terminates on the date of leaving of the student or employee from the HSE. 5.2. The Contract may be terminated by agreement of the parties, at the initiative from any party, and in case one of the parties violates the Contract terms. Notification of termination of the Contract shall be sent 8 to the other party not later than 7 (seven) days before the date of proposed termination of this Contract. The notification shall be sent by means which provide proof of receipt. 6. Other Conditions 6.1. In all cases not provided hereunder the Parties act accordingly to the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation, the University Charter and local acts. 6.2. This Contract is executed in two copies of equal legal validity, one copy for each Party. 7. Parties’ Addresses and Signatures Address, phone number: Address: 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa Moscow, 101000, Russia 628-85-10 Faculty, No. of the student ID card Place of work, position, No. of the staff ID card (for employees) University User _________________N. Maximova ________________ 9 Library Rules, Appendix 4 Payments for keeping documents in excess of the time limit established by the Library Rules 1. From the study lending library – 30 roubles for each overdue document per day (1 document/1 day = 30 roubles) 2. From the academic lending library – 50 roubles each overdue document per day (1 document/1 day = 50 roubles) 3. From the fiction lending library – 30 roubles for each overdue document per day on (1 document/1 day = 30 roubles)