
Text tests
1. A patient, 34th. She was hospitalized into an antitubercular dispensary in connection with
infiltrative changes with destruction in the upper particle of the right lung presence, which have
been found on roentgenogram. Complains on weakness, subfebrile temperature of body, cough
with sputum expectoration. No pathological changes from the respiratory organs have been
revealed at physical examination. MBT+ have been in sputum analysis (bacteriologically). The
diagnosis of lung tuberculosis has been established in a patient. What diagnosis formulation
correct is?
A. FDT (15.11.2004) (nidus), Destr+, MBT- M- K- HIST0, Cat3 cog4(2003).
B. FDT (15.11.2004) of lungs (disseminated, the phase of infiltration), Destr-, MBT- KHIST0, Cat3 cog4(2004).
C. FDT (15.11.2004) of the middle particle of the right lung (infiltrative) Destr+, MBT- K+
HIST0, Cat3 cog4(2004).
D. CT (3.12.1999) of the upper particle of the right lung (cirrhotic) Destr-, MBT- KHIST0, Cat3 cog4(2003)
E. * FDT (15.11.2004) of the upper particle of the right lung (infiltrative) Destr+, MBT+
M- K+ Resist0 ResistІІ0 HIST0, Cat3 cog4(2004).
2. A patient, 40. She complains of a cough with sputum expectoration, weakness, raising of body
temperature. No changes from respiratory organs have been revealed at physical examination.
Roentgenologically decay cavity with perifocal inflammation of lung tissue and nidi of sowing
in both lungs has been found in S1,2 of the right lung. MBT are revealed in sputum. A
diagnosis: FDT (15.01.2004) of the upper particle of the right lung (infiltrative), Destr +, MBT+
M+ K+ Resist0 ResistІІ0 HIST0,Cat1cog1 (2004) has been established in a patient. What
method of revealing tuberculosis mycobacterium is the answer to the abbreviation of M+?
A. bacteriological
B. biological
C. culturally
D. bacterioscopy
E. * method of sowing
3. A rink-like shadow of 5 cm in diameter with thick walls in the upper part of the left lung, around
which there are fibrous traces and nidal shadows at roentgenological examination in a 53-years
old patient. MBT have been found in sputum. What form of lung tuberculosis is most reliable?
A. Cirrhotic
B. Infiltrative
C. Disseminated
D. Tuberculoma
E. * Fibrous-cavernous
4. Each tuberculosis patient can infect annually:
A. 1-5 persons
B. * 10-15 persons
C. 25-30 persons
D. 35-40 persons
E. 45-50 persons
5. Fluorographic examination has been conducted for a patient 25, on the occasion of the complains
of the raising of body temperature and cough, as a result of which darkening of small intensity
of 4,0-5,0 cm in diameter with the destruction present has been revealed in the upper part of the
right lung. MBT has been revealed in sputum. What rales will be the most characteristic for
such changes in lungs?
A. Disseminated rales
B. Diffused single rales
C. * Local rales
D. Moist and dry rales along lung lesion
E. Moist rales in lower parts of lungs
6. For a patient a "fork" symptom is determined. What do pathological changes we think about?
A. Primary tubercular complex
B. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
C. * Cirrhosis of lung.
D. Dry pleurisy.
E. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodus.
7. Formulating the clinical diagnosis of lung tuberculosis, first of all should be defined:
A. The process phase
B. The clinical form
C. Bacterial secretion
D. Localisation process
E. * Type of tuberculuos process
8. From how many parts does the root of lung consist of? (roentgenologicaly)
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. * 3.
D. 4.
E. 5.
9. From what age and in what terms is mass tuberculinization performed:
A. * From 12-months age, annually
B. From 12-months age, once in 2-3 years
C. At 7 and 14 years of age only
D. From 7 up to 14 years annually
E. From 7 and each 5 years up to 30-years old age
10. How do tuberculosis patients explain the weight loss more frequently?
A. Appetite worsening
B. Taste distortion, disgusting to the separate types of meal
C. Economy on the meal
D. * They can not explain, because appetite and rhythm of feed are remained ordinary
E. Wishing to lose flesh
11. How many segments can be in left lung?
A. 8-11.
B. 8-12.
C. * 9-10.
D. 9-11.
E. 9-12.
12. How often does the second medicinal firmness of MBT develop to antimycobacterial
medications in patients with tuberculosis?
A. 1-5%.
B. 5-10%.
C. 10 - 20 %.
D. 20-40%.
E. * 50 - 60 %.
13. If there is the positive reaction on the tuberculin with 2 TU on the skin of antebrachium there
can be visible:
A. * Infiltrate by the size of 5 –16 mm
B. Infiltrate with a vesicle in the centre
C. Hyperemia more than 5 mm
D. Infiltrate by the size more than 16 mm
E. Infiltrate by the size of 2-4 mm
14. In how many times contact persons are more frequently ill , than uncontacts with tuberculosis?
A. 2-4.
B. * -10.
C. 15-20.
D. 25-30.
E. 31-35.
15. In the patient 1 month after the completed treatment of infiltrative tuberculosis of upper particle
of right lung, appeared intermittent rise in temperature up to 37,1-37,2°C and coughing. It was
made an extraordinary roentgenological inspection - changes weren`t discovered in lungs. What
roentgenological method is expedient to use for visualization of the changes of bronchial tubes
of upper particle of right lung?
A. Sciagraphy.
B. * Bronchography.
C. Rentgenoscopy.
D. Tomography.
E. Spot-film sciagraphy.
16. In the patient of 20 years on the fluorography inspection in the apex-back segment of the left
lung found out area of dark patch small intensity with unclear contours up to 1sm in a diameter.
To what roentgenological syndrome does the founded out formation belong to?
A. clearing up syndrome.
B. round shade syndrome.
C. * focal shades syndrome.
D. the changed focal picture syndrome.
E. Desimination syndrome
17. ?In the patient of 35 years it was first found out infiltrative tuberculosis of the overhead particle
of the right lung with the presence of destructive changes. On the survey sciagram cavity of
disintegration we can see unclear. What does roentgenological method of research need to be
applied for visualization of cavity?
A. Bronchography.
B. Fluorography.
C. Lateral sciagraphy.
D. * Tomography
E. Radioxerography.
18. In what age of men tuberculosis disease is the most reliable?
A. * 20-29 years
B. 30-39 years
C. 50-59 years
D. 60-69 years
E. above 70 years
19. In what age of women tuberculosis disease is the most reliable?
A. 20-29 years
B. * 30-39 years
C. 40-49 years
D. 50-59 years
E. above 60 years
20. In what term it should be expect results of culturally examination with a view to reveal MBT at
using of hard eggs mediums?
A. 2-5 days
B. 10-14 days
C. * 2-2.5 months
D. 4-6 hours
E. 20-30 days
21. Indicate the incorrect formulation of clinical diagnosis of lung tuberculosis
A. FDTB (16.06.2003) of the lungs upper sections (disseminated), Destr +, (infiltration ),
MBT +M+C+, Resist -, Hist 0, Cat1 Coh2(2003).
B. CTB (12.01.2000) the upper section of the right lung (fibrous-cavernous), Destr +,
(infiltration), MBT +M-C+ Resist I (S, H) Hist0. Lung haemoptysis. RI II, Cat 4
C. FDTB (20.03.2001) of the lower part of the right lung (tuberculoma), Destr +, MBT- MC-, Hist 0, Cat1 Coh1(2001).
D. * FDTB (20.09.2003), (nidus tuberculosis), (infiltration), MBT-M-C-, Hist 0, Cat3
E. RTB (20.06.2003) of the upper part of the right lung (infiltrative), Destr -, MBT- M-C-,
Hist 0, Cat2 Coh2(2003).
22. Infiltrative tuberculosis of the upper part of the right lung in decay phase has been revealed in a
patient, MBT (+). What breathily murmurs do you expect to hear above the area lesion?
A. Dry whistling rales
B. Crepitation
C. Murmur of pleural rub
D. Bronchial breathing
E. * Local moist rales
23. Isoniazidum was synthesized in the laboratory of:
A. S.Waksman
B. * Fox
C. R.Koch
D. R.Roentgen
E. R.Philip
24. Koch’s testing is used for:
A. Prophylaxis of tuberculosis
B. Early tuberculosis revealing
C. Determination of infection index of population with tuberculosis
D. * Differential diagnostics of infectious and postvaccinal allergy
E. Revealing the persons with the increased risk of tuberculosis illness
25. Multiple nidal shades of weak and medium intensity in the upper and middle parts of lungs
have been found at roentgenological examination in a 19-years old patient. MBT have been
found in sputum. The blood analysis: ESR-38 mm/hr. What diagnosis is most reliable?
A. Lung infiltrative tuberculosis
B. Nidus lung tuberculosis
C. * Disseminated lung tuberculosis
D. Caseous pneumonia
E. Fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis
26. On the exposure of what changes in biopsy material is based histological confirmation of
tubercular character of inflammation?
A. * Pirogov-Langerhans cells , caseous necrosis.
B. Cells of foreign bodies, fibroblasts.
C. A big amount of neutrophiles, colicvation necrosis.
D. Proliferation of lymphocytes.
E. Proliferation of poorly differentiated cells.
27. Patient 30, has been delivered on treatment into an antitubercular dispensary on the occasion of
firstly diagnosed infiltrative tuberculosis of the upper part of the right lung. The intoxication
syndrome is expressed. Which of cited complaints do intoxication syndrome at tuberculosis
refer to?
A. Haemophthisis, weakness, chest pain, cold, shortness of breathe
B. Cough, sputum excretion, hectic temperature, chest pain
C. Nausea, vomit, cough, pain in joints, indisposition
D. * Subfebrile temperature, weakness, appetite and weight loss, disposition to perspire
E. Cough, sputum excretion, broken-sleep, headache, hoarseness of voice
28. Patient 32, has been delivered on treatment into an antitubercular dispensary on the occasion of
relapse of tuberculosis process. The presence of bronchi-lung-pleura syndrome has been
determined in a patient at examination. What are characterized symptoms for this syndrome?
A. The raising of body temperature, weakness, appetite loss, weight loss, disposition to
B. Cough, weakness, broken-sleep, headache, hoarseness of voice
C. * Cough, sputum presence, chest pain, haemophthisis, shortness of breathe
D. Cough, weakness, hoarseness of voice, dry rales, shortening of percussion note
E. Shortness of breathe, broken-sleep, moist rales, increasing voice tremor, indisposition
29. Patient 35-ty, complains of the shortness of breath at walking, weakness pain is in the area of
heart. He is ill tuberculosis during 15 years. An intensive shade in the upper part of the left lung
due to which a particle is diminished in a volume on inspection roentgenogram. The left root
smart upwards, a shade of mediastinum is dislocated to the left. MBT have been found by
sowing method in sputum analysis. What clinical form of tuberculosis for a patient is marked?
A. Fibrous-cavernous
B. Infiltrative
C. Caseous pneumonia
D. * Cirrhotic
E. Tuberculoma
30. Patient 38, is on treatment into an antitubercular dispensary on the occasion of firstly diagnosed
infiltrative tuberculosis of the upper part of the left lung in decay phase (lobit).No changes have
been revealed at physical examination. How should patient breath right to improve informing of
the auscultative method?
A. To breathe frequently
B. To breathe deeply
C. To cough strongly
D. * To cough slightly and to do a deep breathe
E. To breathe by opened mouth
31. Patient 38th years. He complains of the body temperature rising up to 37,2?C, weakness,
promoted perspiration, cough with sputum expectoration. Roentgenologically infiltrative shade
with decay cavity in S1,2,3 of the right lung and nidi of sowing in S6 of healthy lung.
Tuberculosis mycobacterium was found in sputum. The clinical diagnosis of tuberculosis was
established in a patient. What diagnosis should be answered classification fully?
A. FDT (12.01.2005) of the upper part of the right lung (infiltrative) Destr+, MBT+ M+ K+
HIST0, Cat1cog1(2005).
B. * FDT (12.01.2005) of the upper part of the right lung (infiltrative) Destr+, MBT+ M+
K+ Resist0 ResistІІ0 HIST0, Cat1cog1(2005).
C. FDT (12.01.2005) (infiltrative), MBT+ M+ K+ HIST0, Cat1Cog1 (2005).
D. FDT (12.01.2005) of the upper part of the right lung (infiltrative) MBT+ M+ K+ Resist+
ResistІІ0 HIST0, Cat1cog1 (2005).
E. FDT (12.01.2005) of the upper part of the right lung (infiltrative) Destr+,Resist0
ResistІІ0 HIST0.
32. Patient 38th years. She is on treatment into an antitubercular dispensary. FDT (12.11.2004) of
lungs (disseminated, the phase of infiltration and decay) Destr+, MBT+ M+ K+ ResistResistІІ0, Cat1 cog4(2004) has been established in a patient at hospitalization..
Roentgenologically multiple nidi in all pulmonary fields with decay cavities presence have been
revealed in S1-2 of the left lung. MBT+ have been in sputum analysis. After the performed
course of treatment during 4th months nidi in both lungs have resolved partly, bacteria
excretion and sizes of caverns have decreased. How to estimate efficiency of treatment?
A. Cessation of bacterial excretion
B. Recovery
C. * Prolongation treatment
D. Ineffective treatment
E. Completed treatment
33. Patient aged 20. He complains of a weakness, subfebrile temperature, insignificant cough with
sputum expectoration. FDT (16.12.2004) of lungs (disseminated, the phase of infiltration),
Destr +, MBT+ M- K+ Resist- ResistІІ0 HIST0, Cog4 (2004), as to clinico-roentgenologicalal
and laboratory data was established. What category does it follow to deliver a patient to?
A. Cat 5
B. Cat 4
C. * Cat 1
D. Cat 2
E. Cat 3
34. Patient K., 53. Roentgenologic examination showed in the upper segment of the left lung a
ringlike shadow with a diameter of 5cm with thick walls and fibrous heaviness and focusness.
Sputum contains MBT. What clinical picture is the most probable one?
A. Lung cirrhotic tuberculosis
B. Infiltrative lung tuberculosis
C. Disseminated lung tuberculosis
D. Lung tuberculoma
E. * Lung fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
35. Patient N., 26. Roentgenologic examination showed multiple focal shadows in upper and
medial lungs segments of low and medium intensity. Sputum contains MBT. Blood analysis:
ESR – 38 mm/hour. What diagnosis is the most probable one?
A. Infiltrative lung tuberculosis
B. Nidus lung tuberculosis
C. * Disseminated lung tuberculosis
D. Caseous pneumonia
E. Lung fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
36. Patient of 20 went to tuberculosis dispensary with complaints about a weakness, indisposition,
cough with sputum. On a survey rontgenography were discovered infiltrative changes on the
upper part of right lung with the presence of cavity of disintegration. Using bacterioscopic
method MBT were found in sputum.What amount of MBT should be found in 1 ml of sputum
(at a revision 300 eyeshots)?
A. 500.
B. * 5000.
C. 1000.
D. 100.
E. 100000.
37. Patient of 25 is on treatment in tuberculosis dispensary with a diagnosis: FDT (2.02.2004) of
right lung’s upper part (infiltrative, phase of disintegration and semination), Destr- mbt+ m- k+
Resist+ (N,R) resist O, GIST O, Cat4 Cog1(2004). The patient was appointed proper treatment:
N, R, S, Z. In two months during conducting roentgenological control positive dynamics was
not seen. As a result of determination of MBT sensitiveness to untuberculosis preparations was
got in 2 months after patient’s receipt .What is the principal reason of treatment’s
A. * Existence of MBT’s resistance to unmycobacterial medications.
B. Smoking.
C. Periodic using of alcohol.
D. Protracted reception of chemo medication.
E. In the absence of fifth preparation. '
38. Patient of 29 years on a roentgenological inspection found out in the right lung under a collarbone dark patch in a diameter to 1sm, small intensity with unclear contours. What type of
pathological shade is certain in the woman?
A. focal
B. Infiltrative .
C. focal-infiltrative .
D. * Annular.
E. Linear.
39. Patient of 30-ty years. He was hospitalized into an antitubercular dispensary in connection with
changes which have been found in fluorography: a shade about 1 cm in diameter of small
intensity with vague contours has been revealed in S1 of the right lung. On tomogrami
destruction is determined in the center of shade. MBT+ have been in sputum analysis
(bacteriologically). A diagnosis of nidus lung tuberculosis has been established in a patient.
What phases of nidus lung tuberculosis are representing changes which have been revealed on
A. Infiltration and sowing
B. * Infiltration and decay
C. Suction and scarring
D. Decay and sowing
E. Condensation and suction
40. Patient of 30-ty, was on treatment in an antitubercular dispensary with a diagnosis: FDT
(16.06.2003) S1-2 of the left lung(infiltrative), Destr +, MBT+ M+ K+ Resist- ResistІІ0 HIST0,
VNII Cat1cog2(2003). During 6 months a course of antimycobacterial therapy was performed
in hospital. Then next 2 months he was treated ambulatory. At the present time excretion of
bacteria has ceased in a patient, a cavern has scarred. How to define efficiency of treatment of
this patient?
A. completed treatment
B. * ineffective treatment
C. Interrupted treatment
D. Left
E. recovery
41. ?Patient of 35 at a reception to tuberculosis dispensary complains about a weakness, promoted
sweating, cough with sputum of mucus character. Roentgenological: in S1,2 of left lung
darkening of weak intensity with unclear contours was found. What kind of research should be
done to confirm diagnosis tuberculosis?
A. General blood test.
B. Biochemical blood test.
C. * Sputum’s test on MBT.
D. Immunological research of blood.
E. Sputum’s test on the second flora.
42. Patient of 35-ty years. At prophylactic examination nidal shade of small intensity with vague
contours has been found in lateral zone of the under clavicle area of the right lung. What
segment of lung should be noted in a clinical diagnosis?
E. * S11
43. Patient of 36 is on treatment in tuberculosis dispensary with a diagnosis: FDT (23.11.1997) of
right lung’s upper part (Fibrosis - cavernous, phase of infiltration and semination), Mbt+ ,m,K+ resist+ (R,E) resist O, GIST O, Cat4 Cog4(2004).What kind of research should be
primarily done to a patient?
A. Histological
B. Luminescent microscopy.
C. * Determine sensitiveness of MBT to chemo medication of the II row.
D. Immunological research.
E. Biological research.
44. Patient of 36 went to the stationary section of tuberculosis dispensary with complaints about
cough with sputum, weakness, temperature - 38,0°C, severe headache, nausea and vomit that
does not bring a facilitation. A disease has begun gradually. Patient went to the therapeutist and
then X-ray examination was made. As a result of examination small (1-2 mm in diameter)
multiply nonintencive shades with unclear contours along lungs were determined. Patient was
diagnosed: a FDT (3.12.2003) of lungs (miliary in a phase of infiltration and disintegration),
Destr+, Mbt+m-k+ rezist-rezistpo, GIST O Kat1kog4(2003). What kind of research will
reliably confirm possibility tubercular meningitis’ development?
A. Bacterial analysis of sputum.
B. Immunologic research.
C. Encephalography.
D. Bacterioscopy of spinal liquid.
E. * Biochemical analysis of composition of spinal liquid.
45. Patient of 42 grumbles about weakness, bad appetite and sleep, decline of body’s mass.
Roentgenlogical: in S1 infiltrative darkening was found out in a right lung. General analysis of
blood: Er.- 4,8х1012, Нb - 146 г/л, L - 8,5х109, E-3%, P-7%, s-66%, l-20%,m-4%, ESR - 22
mm/hr. What research should be done to a patient with the purpose to exposure MBT?
A. * Taking of washing liquid of bronchial tubes.
B. Tomography.
C. To take a Manta’s sample from 2 PPD-L.
D. To explore sputum.
E. To make immunological research.
46. Patient of 43 complains about weakness, bad appetite, decline of body’s mass, subfebrile
temperature (37,1°-37,4°C), pain in left side. During roentgenological examination in S 1-2 of a
left lung limited microfocal disseminations has been determinated, to the bottom from the IV
rib exudation. At bacterioscopic research of liquid MBT were not found.What research is
optimum for confirmation of etiology of found changes for this patient?
A. Examination of sputum.
B. Making bronchoscopy.
C. Immunologic research.
D. * Biopsy of pleura.
E. Cytological research of exudation.
47. Patient of 43 undergo a course of anmycobacterial medication treatment concerning FDT
(12.12.1998) of left lung’s upper part (fibrocavernous, phase of infiltration and semination),
Destr-+ Mbt+ M+ K+ rezist 0, GISTO, Cat4 Cog4(2004). What research above all should be
done to a patient to set an optimum combination of chemo medication?
A. Determine a type of MBT.
B. Determine presence of the second flora.
C. * Determine sensitiveness of MBT to anmycobacterial medication.
D. To define massiveness of bacterioexcretion
E. To define virulence of MBT.
48. Patient of 44 underwent a course of medical treatment during 1 week. Patient was diagnosed:
the lungs’ FDT (15.01.2004) (desemination, phase to infiltration and disintegration), Destr+,
MBT+M+K+rezisto GISTO Cat1 Cog1(2004). MBT has been discovered by bacteriological
method in 3 analyses. What is the most reliable reason that the record of K O was made in a
A. Kulturalniy analysis was not conducted.
B. Negative result of sputum’s sowing was got.
C. * Insufficient period for MBT’s growth
D. Absence of MBT in sputum.
E. Incorrect results of bacterioscopy.
49. Patient of 45 is on treatment in tuberculosis dispensary concerning FDT (13.12.2003) of upper
part of the right lung (infiltrative, phase of disintegration and semination ), Destr+ Mbt+ m+ k+
resist- , GIST O, Сat2 Сog4((2003). He does not use alcohol and narcotics and does not smoke.
In spite of adequate chemotherapy (N,R,S,E) patient still has a progressive tuberculosis. On the
control radiography the increasing of cavity disintegration and appearance of semination fires
have been determined on a left lung. What kind of research should be done to a patient to
determine possible reason of treatment’s ineffectiveness?
A. General blood test.
B. Biochemical blood examination.
C. Koch’s test.
D. * Immunological research.
E. Functions’ research of the external breathing.
50. Percussion note with tympanic tinge, amphoric respiration at auscultative above the upper part
of the right lung in a tuberculosis patient. What should be changes in lungs thought about?
A. Infiltration of the lung tissue
B. Lung cirrhosis
C. Atelectasis
D. * Large cavern
E. Spontaneous pneumothorax
51. Primary forms of tuberculosis comprise:
A. Nidus
B. Disseminated
C. * Tuberculosis intoxication
D. Caseous pneumonia
E. Infiltrative
52. Sick women 35 years old. She grumbles about a cough with sputum, pain in the right part of
thorax, weakness, increase body's temperature up to 37,8°C. On the survey sciagram of the right
lung it is found out an area of unhomogeneous structure without clear contours. It was
established the diagnosis: tuberculosis What disease does have alike roentgenological signs?
A. Bronchial asthma.
B. * Pneumonia.
C. Cyst.
D. Bronchitis.
E. lungs oedema.
53. Sick men 35 years old. He is directed to the T.B. prophylactic center with a diagnos of
tuberculosis. It was made more inspection and as a result were revealed destructive changes in
the overhead particle of right lung. What roentgenological method of research was used for
more inspection?
A. Lateral sciagraphy.
B. Bronchography.
C. Radioxerography.
D. * Tomography.
E. Fluorography.
54. Sick woman 20 years old is directed to phthisiatrician, concerning changes, that were
discovered on fluorogram (prophylactic inspection). We can see changes not very good,
because they are hidden behind the collar-bone. What roentgenological research we need to use,
to find out these changes?
A. entgenography.
B. Bronchography.
C. Rentgenoscopy.
D. Lateral sciagraphy.
E. * Sciagraphy with the maximal taking of collar-bone.
55. Sick woman 50-ty years acted in to the T.B. prophylactic center complaining on a cough,
weakness, decline of mass , cough with sputum. A differential diagnostic is conducted between
infiltrative tuberculosis of upper particle of left lung and a cancer of lungs .What
roentgenological method of research is optimum to confirm the diagnosis?
A. Radioxerography.
B. Bronchography.
C. * Computerized tomography.
D. Pleurography.
E. Rentgenoscopy.
56. Single nidal shades of small intensity with vague contours were revealed on the apex of both
lungs of a 19-years old woman patient during the prophylactic fluorographyc examination.
What is the clinical form of tuberculosis?
A. Infiltrative
B. Lung tuberculoma
C. * Nidus
D. Caseous pneumonia
E. Disseminated
57. Single nidi of small intensity with vague contours have been revealed in apexes segments of
both lungs at prophylactic fluorographic examination in a 19-years old patient. What form of
tuberculosis such changes are characteristic for?
A. Infiltrative tuberculosis
B. Tuberculoma
C. * Nidus lung tuberculosis
D. Caseous pneumonia
E. Disseminated lung tuberculosis
58. Specific complications comprise:
A. Haemophthisis
B. Chronic lung heart
C. Lung atelectasis
D. * Larynx tuberculosis
E. Amyloidosis disease
59. The antituberculosis vaccine BCG was produced by:
A. R.Koch
B. S.Waksman
C. * A.Calmette and Guerin
D. F. Seibert
E. M.Linnykova
60. The characteristic phase of tuberculous process progression is:
A. Suction
B. * Sowing
C. Condensation
D. Scarring
E. Calcination
61. The patient of 45 years . He is on treatment in T.B. prophylactic center concerning the relapse
of tuberculosis of the left lung (infiltrative tuberculosis). In patient's phlegm appear MBT but on
a survey sciagram destructive changes are not determined. What roentgenological method of
research should we use to find the source which excretes bacterias?
A. * Tomography.
B. Bronchography.
C. Spot-film sciagraphy.
D. Rentgenoscopy.
E. Lateral sciagraphy
62. The Patient 37 years old. He is ill with cirrhotic tuberculosis of overhead particle of the right
lung during 10 years. The patient is prepared to the operation. It is needed to define mobile of
lower edge of lungs. What method of roentgenological research is used in this case?
A. Tomography.
B. Bronchography.
C. Sciagraphy.
D. * Rentgenoscopy.
63. The patient is 35 years. At a prophylactic inspection in infraclavicular region of right lung
(lateral part of it) found out the area focal shade of small intensity. What segment of lung does
the area belongs to?
B. VI.
C. IV.
D. VI.
E. * VII.
64. The patient of 24 years acted into the T.B. prophylactic center complaining about a weakness,
decline of appetite, cough with sputum. A survey sciagram was made, on which in the part of
the left lung an annular shade is determined. Such character of shade is inherent for:
A. Hearth.
B. Infiltration.
C. Fibrosis.
D. * Disintegration of pulmonary tissue.
E. Exudat accumulation.
65. The patient of 35 years grumbles about the shortness of breath, weight in a right side increasing
of body's temperature up to 39°C. On a survey sciagram found out the homogeneous intensive
dark patch from the level of the IV rib to the diaphragm with an oblique high bound. Such
roentgenological changes are inherent for:
A. Pneumonia.
B. Cancer.
C. Eosinophylic infiltration.
D. * Exudatic pleurisy.
E. Dry pleurisy.
66. The patient of 52 years old, during 9 months was treated because of the infiltrative tuberculosis
of the upper part of the right lung, decay phase, MBT (+). At X-ray examination: the upper part
of the right lung became smaller in volume, under the clavicle there’s a decay cavity 3 cm in
diameter, the trachea is moved to the right, MBT (-). Define the form of tuberculosis.
A. Cyrrhotic
B. Caseuos pneumonia
C. * Fibrous-cavernous
D. Infiltrative
E. Nidus
67. The sensitivity of organism to tuberculin may be intensified with:
A. Senile age
B. Lymphogranulomatosis
C. Lymphosarcoma
D. Treatment with immunodepressants
E. * Bronchial asthma
68. The total number of tuberculosis patients in the world is:
A. 3-5 mln
B. 10-15 mln
C. 20-30 mln
D. 40-45 mln
E. * 50-60 mln
69. The world first antituberculosis dispansery was founded by:
A. R.Koch
B. * R.Phylip
C. A.Calmette and Guerin
D. Abre
E. F.G.Yanovsky
70. To the primary forms of tuberculosis belong:
A. Disseminated
B. Nidus
C. Infiltrative
D. Tuberculoma
E. * Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes
71. Treatment of what state is most perspective and important from the epidemiological point of
A. At first diagnosed tuberculosis without destruction.
B. * At first diagnosed tuberculosis with destruction.
C. Relapse.
D. Chronic tuberculosis.
E. Primary tuberculosis.
72. What is the method of provocation of wheezes for patients with tuberculosis?
A. deep breathing
B. breathing through the mouth.
C. * deep inhalation after the easy coughing.
D. breathing through the nose.
E. quiet breathing
73. What types of MBT are the most pathogenic for a human being?
A. M. Africanum.
B. M Avium.
C. M. Bovinus.
D. * M.Tuberculosis.
E. Kansasii.
74. What are the most frequent segmental localization of the second forms of tuberculosis of lungs?
A. * I, II, III segments.
B. II, III, IV segments.
C. III, V, VI segments.
D. I, II, VI segments.
E. II, III, X segments.
75. What are the terms of appearance of tuberculosis’s mycobacterium growth on hard nourishing
A. 2-3 days.
B. 7-14 days.
C. * 3-4 weeks.
D. 3-5 months.
E. 6 months.
76. What biochemical components of MBT cause their firmness to acids, alkalis and alcohols?.
A. Albumen
B. Hydrocarbon
C. * Lipids
D. Polysaccharide.
E. Mineral salts.
77. What changes in the number of leucocytes at the uncomplicated tuberculosis are the most
A. Expressed leucocytosis with a considerable bacillarnuclear shift, leukemia reaction
B. Changes are not characteristic
C. * Moderate leucocytosis with an unsignificant bacillarnuclear shift
D. Leucopenia
E. Both leucopenia and leucocytosis is possible
78. What changes of ESR at the uncomplicated tuberculosis are most characteristic?
A. Accelerated up more than 60 mm on hour
B. * Changes are absent
C. Reduction
D. Accelerated up to 30 mm on hour
E. Accelerated only in woman
79. What changes of the urine at a lung tuberculosis which courses with expressed phenomena of
intoxication are most characteristic?
A. Moderate proteinuria, moderate leucocyturia, total macrohaematuria
B. * Moderate leucocyturia, single erythrocytes
C. Significant proteinuria without changes in the number of leucocytes, initial
D. Pyuria, cylindruria, microhaematuria
E. Total macrohaematuria with a pain syndrome
80. What character does temperature curve at tuberculosis carry usually?
A. Constant
B. One-day
C. Hectic
D. Three-day
E. * None of the above
81. What character of pain in a thorax at “fresh” uncomplicated lung tuberculosis is the most
A. Attackable
B. * Constant
C. Sanestopathetic
D. Migrated
E. Phantomlike
82. What character of sputum at uncomplicated lung tuberculosis is most reliable?
A. * Slime, transparent
B. Bright-yellow
C. Green-yellow
D. Green with a sharp odour
E. Rusty
83. What character of sputum secretion at uncomplicated lung tuberculosis is most typical?
A. The sputum is secreted mainly in the morning after smoking in an amount of 10-15 ml
B. * The sputum is secretion during a day in an amount of 30-100 ml
C. Liquid waterly sputum is secreted constantly to 1,5-2,0 l for a day
D. A patient can tell, when thick stinking sputum was one-time secreted by “full mouth”
E. Viscous sputum is secreted after completion of asthma attacks only
84. What color is used for the revealing MBT?
A. According to Gram
B. * According to Tsil-Nilsen
C. According to Romanovskij-Gimza
D. By fuxyne
E. By methylene-blue
85. What complication does specific belong to?
A. Haemophthisis
B. * Chronic lung heart
C. Atelectasis
D. Larynx tuberculosis
E. Amyloidosis
86. What components of lungs tissue are not visible on a sciagram?
A. Roots of lungs.
B. Dig vascular barrels.
C. The walls of bronchial tubes.
D. * Teeth ridges.
E. Interstice of lungs.
87. What constituent combinations of MBT are the basic transmitters of antigens’ characteristic
A. * Albumen
B. Hydrocarbon
C. Lipids
D. Polysaccharide.
E. Mineral salts.
88. What data clinical diagnosis formulation begin from?
A. The process phase
B. Clinical form
C. Bacterial excretion
D. Localization of process
E. * Type of tuberculous process
89. What definition does atypical mycobacterium characterize most exactness?
A. There are unpathogenic mycobacteria for a human being
B. They cause tuberculosis with atypical course
C. * They cause an illness, similar to tuberculosis, for persons with lowered immunity
D. There are pathogenes of leprae
E. There are changed mycobacteria under act of chemotherapy
90. What definition of role of clinical blood examination in tuberculosis patients is most correct?
A. It allows to define an etiologic diagnosis
B. It has no importance
C. * It allows to evaluate expressiveness of inflammatory and intoxication changes in an
D. It form the basis of differential diagnostics
E. It form the basis of working capacity examination
91. What disease anamnesis is the most characteristic for lung tuberculosis?
A. A patient felt ill acute three day ago, nowadays the state is some improved
B. * A patient considers himself to be ill a few months
C. A patient considers himself to be ill “all life”, repeatedly inspected without a result
D. A patient notes the state worsening every fourth day
E. A patient notes the state worsening at reduction of light day every year
92. What disease can a "fork" symptom be determined at?
A. Miliary tuberculosis.
B. Tuberculoma
C. Dry pleurisy.
D. * Cirrotic tuberculosis .
E. Silicotuberculosis.
93. ?What do patients with the unfolded clinical picture of tuberculosis, regardless to the
localization of the process complain of?
A. * Weakness, excessive perspiration, loss of weight, promoted temperature of body
B. Attacks of stuffiness at the change of weather
C. Disturbance of sensitiveness, “creeping of ants” in extremities
D. Consciousness blank
E. Headache, pain in abdomen without clear localization
94. What does cause the pain at “fresh” uncomplicated tuberculosis?
A. Lung tissue decay
B. Expressed exudation in a lung tissue
C. Bronch`s lesion
D. * Pleura`s lesion
E. Prevailing productive reaction
95. What form do normal roots of lungs have?
A. Optus corner opened aside pulmonary field.
B. Triangle, by the apex turned to middle shade.
C. * Sector of a circle.
D. Rectangle.
E. Complex polycyclic figure.
96. What form of tuberculosis does primary belong to?
A. Nodus
B. Disseminated
C. * Tuberculosis of the unstated localization.
D. Caseous pneumonia
E. Infiltrative
97. What form of tuberculosis is referring to primary?
A. Disseminated
B. Nidus
C. Infiltrative
D. Tuberculoma
E. * Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes
98. What formulation of clinical diagnosis of lung tuberculosis is not correct?
A. FDT (16.06.2003) of the upper parts of both lungs (disseminated, the phase of
infiltration), Destr+, MBT+ M+ K+ Resist0, HIST0, Cat1 cog2(2003).
B. * CT (12.02.2000) of the upper part of the right lung (fibrous-cavernous), Destr+,
MBT+ K+ M+ Resist+(8,K), HIST0, haemophthisis, CLH, HI ІІA degree, Cat4
C. TR (20.11.2003) of the lower part of the right lung (tuberculoma), Destr+, MBT- M- K-,
HIST0, RI 1st degree, Cat2cog4(2003). Diabetes, І type, severe form.
D. FDT (20.09.2003) (nidus, the phase of infiltration), MBT- M- K0, HIST0, Cat3
E. State after the lobectomy of the upper part of the right lung (20.06.2003) on the occasion
of tuberculoma of the upper part of the right lung in the decay phase, MBT(+).
99. What information is the most important at questioning of patient with suspicion on
A. Family status of patient.
B. Profession.
C. Material well-being .
D. * Contact with a patient with tuberculosis.
E. Presence of cattle in the housekeeping (cows).
100. What information must not contain the classification of any illness according to the IKD-10?
A. Clinical form of disease.
B. Localisation of affection.
C. * Prognosis.
D. Accompanimental diseases.
E. Complication.
101. What is primary medical firmness of MBT?
A. * MBT firmness of the patients which had not been yet treated by antimycobacterial
B. MBT firmness of patients with the primary form of tuberculosis.
C. MBT firmness of patients with the chronic forms of tuberculosis.
D. MBT firmness of patients with the relapses of tuberculosis.
E. MBT firmness of patients with the small forms of tuberculosis.
102. What is the “range” of tuberculin reactions?
A. Transition of negative reaction to tuberculin to a positive one after BCG vaccination
B. Transition of negative reaction to tuberculin to a positive one after BCG revaccination
C. * Sensitivity change to tuberculin due to the primary infection with tuberculosis
D. Appearance of hyperergy reaction to tuberculin in patients infected with tuberculosis
E. Negative reaction to tuberculin in seriously ill tuberculosis patients
103. What is the aim of mass tuberculinization:
A. For prophylaxis of MBT infection
B. For prophylaxis of tuberculosis illness
C. * For early tuberculosis revealing among children
D. For early tuberculosis revealing among adults
E. For revealing the persons with the increased risk of tuberculosis illness
104. What is the basic method of the discovering tuberculosis among people using masssurveys ?
A. Rentgenoscopy.
B. Computerized tomography .
C. Bronchography.
D. * Fluorography
E. Spot-film sciagraphy.
105. What is the criteria of optimum inflexibility of sciagram?
A. * On the sciagram evidently seen the first three-four pectoral vertebrae.
B. On the sciagram evidently contours of shoulder-blades.
C. On the sciagram evidently seen first six-eight pectoral vertebrae.
D. On the sciagram evidently seen ribs.
E. On the sciagram evidently seen breastbone.
106. What is the definition of primary tuberculosis?
A. At first diagnosed tuberculosis.
B. * Initial signs of tuberculosis.
C. Nondestructive tuberculosis.
D. Tuberculosis which arose up just after infection.
E. Tuberculosis with an affection of only one organ or system.
107. What is the definition of secondary tuberculosis?
A. Relapse of tuberculosis.
B. Destructive tuberculosis.
C. * Tuberculosis which arose up long after an infection.
D. Tuberculosis with the unfolded clinical picture.
E. Generalized tuberculosis.
108. What is the frequency of primary medicinal firmness of MBT in patients with tuberculosis?
A. 0,5-1%.
B. 2 - 5 %.
C. * 1-14%.
D. 15-20%.
E. 25 - 30 %.
109. What is the high bound of the norm of a lungs root width?
A. 1,0 sm
B. * 2,5 sm
C. 3,5 sm
D. 5 sm
E. 7,5 sm
110. What is the most informative phenomenon at auscultation of tuberculosis patient?
A. Dispersed dry rales
B. Inconstant dry and moist rales in the area by the root
C. * Moist local rales on the lung apexes
D. Pleura friction murmur
E. “Mute” lung
111. What is the most probable distance at the infectioning by MBT by the aerogenic way?
A. * To 1,5 m
B. To 3,5 m
C. To 4,5 m
D. To 6 m
E. To 10 m
112. ?What is the most substantial morphological sign determines weight of the tubercular process?
A. Dystrophy.
B. Plethora.
C. * Destruction.
D. Hypostasis.
E. Metaplasia.
113. What is the reason of origin of primary medicinal firmness of MBT?
A. Untimely exposure of tuberculosis.
B. Late exposure of tuberculosis.
C. Nonregularly taking of antimycobacterial medications.
D. Treatment by chemicals of understated doses.
E. * Infection by stable cultures of MBT.
114. What is understood under a cohort at formulation the diagnosis of tuberculosis?
A. Group of patients with the identical clinical form of disease.
B. Group of patients, homogeneous on age, sex.
C. * Group of patients which found out during one quarter.
D. Group of patients with identical concomitant pathology.
E. Group of patients with east motion of disease.
115. What kind of sputum is characteristic for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Mucus-purulent, odourless, 10-50 milliliters per days.
B. Purulent with a strong unpleasant smell, ferruginous color, to 500 milliliters.
C. Purulent, odourless, to 300 milliliters.
D. Mucus-watery, 50-100 milliliters.
E. Purulent -containing soom blood with an unpleasant smell, 100-150 milliliters per days.
116. What kinds of mycobacterial cause mycobacterioz?
A. L-forms mycobacterium.
B. M. tuberculosis.
C. Acid-proof saprophytes.
D. * Atypical mycobacterium.
E. MBT, firm to antimycobacterial medications.
117. What method does allow to determinate mycobacterium sensitivity to antimycobacterial
A. Bacterioscopy
B. * Bacteriological
E. Biological
118. What method does allow to perform tipuvannya mіkobakterіy?
A. Direct microscopy
B. * Culturally examination
C. Biological testing
119. What method gives the detailed information about a structure and homogeneity of shade in
A. Tomography
B. * Computerized tomography.
C. Spot-film sciagraphy.
D. Rentgenoscopy.
E. Bronchography.
120. What method is most effective for clarification of localization of shade in a pulmonary tissue
mass and its correlation with surrounding tissues? (by ribs, spine, and others like that)?
A. Sciagraphy.
B. * Computerized tomography.
C. Fluorography.
D. Rentgenoscopy.
E. Bronchography.
121. What method more expedient to apply for control of dynamics to efficiency of treatment of
patients with tuberculosis ?
A. * Sciagraphy.
B. Roentgenokymography.
C. Fluorography.
D. Roentgenoscopy.
E. Bronchography .
122. What method more frequent will be used to exposure the destruction of lungs tissue?
A. Sciagraphy.
B. * Computerized tomography .
C. Spot-film sciagraphy.
D. Rentgenoscopy.
E. Bronchography.
123. What method of research is executed for confirmation of presence of liquid in a pleural cavity?
A. Fluorography.
B. Tomography.
C. Bronchography.
D. * Laterography.
E. Spot-film sciagraphy.
124. What method of research should be conducted for confirmation the small forms of tuberculosis
of intrathorax glands?
A. Spot-film sciagraphy.
B. * Computerized tomography .
C. Tomography.
D. Sciagraphy in a lateral proection.
E. Fluorography on inhalation and exhalation.
125. What method of revealing MBT is most economic?
A. * Direct microscopy
B. Culturally examination
C. Biological testing
126. What method of revealing MBT is most sensitive and specific?
A. Direct microscopy
B. * Culturally examination
C. Biological testing
127. What method of study of bacterioexcretion is not used in formulation of diagnosis according
to modern classification?
A. Microscopical.
B. Cultural.
C. Investigation of resistance to preparations of the I row.
D. Investigation of resistance to preparations of the II row.
E. * Biological.
128. What methods of research of breathing organs transferring are roentgenological?
A. Sciagraphy.
B. Computerized tomography.
C. Rentgenoscopy.
D. Bronchography
E. * Bronchoscopy.
129. What mycobacteriosis pathogenic is most typical?
A. M. marinum
B. * M. avium-intracellulare
C. M. smegmaticus
D. M. tuberculosis
E. M. leprae
130. What mycobacterium are called L-form?
A. Vaccine’s culture of MBT.
B. Avisual forms of MBT.
C. Atypical forms of MBT.
D. * MBT, which has partly lost a cellular wall.
E. Filtering forms of MBT.
131. What number of MBT in 1 ml of pathological material, if looked over 100 eye shots does
microscopic examination a positive result give at?
A. 5-10
B. 50-100
C. * 50000-100000
D. 5000-10000
E. 500-1000
132. What number of MBT in 1 ml of pathological material does bacteriological examination a
positive result give at?
A. 2-10
B. * 20-100
C. 200-1000
D. 2000-10000
E. 20000-100000
133. What organs are more frequently strucked by tuberculosis in Ukraine?
A. * Lungs.
B. Genital organs.
C. Kidneys.
D. Bones and joints.
E. Eyes.
134. What percent of patients with tuberculosis in Ukraine are detected at mass fluorographycal
A. 5 %.
B. 15%.
C. 25%.
D. 35%.
E. * 50%.
135. What percentage of MBT infected become ill with tuberculosis?
A. 1-2 %
B. 3-4 %
C. * 5-10 %
D. 15-25 %
E. 30-40 %
136. What percentage of the globe population is infected with tuberculosis?
A. 5 %
B. 10 %
C. 15 %
D. 30 %
E. * 50 %
137. What phase of tuberculosis is characteristic for progress of process?
A. Suction
B. * Sowing
C. Condensation
D. Scarring
E. Calcination
138. What phase of tuberculosis is not characteristic for healing process?
A. Calcination
B. Suction
C. * Sowing
D. Scarring
E. Condensation
139. What phases characterize the progress of tuberculosis?
A. * Infiltration, disintegration, semination.
B. Resorption, compression, scarring.
C. Encrustation, mineralization.
D. Hyperemia, exudation, resorption
E. Proliferation, metaplasia, degeneration.
140. What research method we have to use to confirm the presence of bronchiectasis?
A. Spot-film sciagraphy.
B. Survey sciagraphy.
C. Fіstulography.
D. Tomography.
E. * Bronchography.
141. ?What roentgenological method is used for skrining survey of population with the purpose of
exposure tuberculosis of breathing organs?
A. Sciagraphy.
B. Computerized tomography.
C. * Fluorography.
D. Rentgenoscopy.
E. Bronchography.
142. What symptoms do belong to the "pectoral" symptoms of tuberculosis?
A. low grade fever, cough, head pain, lack of breath, general weakness.
B. * hemoptysis, lack of breath, chest pain, cough, excretion of sputum
C. heart pain, low grade fever, cough, hemoptysis lack of breath.
D. hepatic colic, lack of breath, cough, hemoptysis low grade fever
E. Vomit, hoarse voice, cough, lack of breath, excretion of sputum
143. What thorax form in a tuberculosis patients is the most typical?
A. Hypersthenes
B. * Paralytic
C. Rachitic
D. Scoliotic
E. Emphysematic
144. ?What tuberculin and at dose is used at mass tuberculinization?
A. 100 % Koch alt tuberculin
B. * PPD-L in standard dilution in 2TU dose
C. PPD-L in standard dilution in 5TU dose
D. PPD-L in standard dilution in 10TU dose
E. 25 % dilution of purified dry tuberculin
145. What type of breathing in the projection of defeat at infiltrating tuberculosis is characteristic?
A. vesicular respiration
B. amphoric breath sounds
C. * Mixed breathing.
D. bronchial respiration
E. interrupted breathing
146. What type of exciter, after Runyon classification, is considered to be atypical mycobacterium?
B. M.africanum
C. Filtrate’s forms.
D. * M. avium.
E. M tuberculosis.
147. Whatever category of patients is not distinguished in clinical classification of tuberculosis?
A. Patients with the first diagnosed tuberculosis without bacterioexcretion.
B. Patients with the first diagnosed tuberculosis with bacterioexcretion.
C. * Patients with the first diagnosed tuberculosis without bacterioexcretion on background
of concomitant pathology.
D. Patients with relapse of tuberculosis.
E. Patients with chronic tuberculosis.
148. Whatever changes of pulmonary tissue usually do not arise up as a result of the tuberculosis?
A. Pneumofibrosis.
B. Calcinations.
C. * Karnification of lungs.
D. Emphysema.
E. Bronchiectasis
149. Whatever complication is not characteristic for pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Pulmonary bleeding.
B. Spontaneous pneumothorax
C. * Bronchial asthma.
D. Secondary pulmonary hypertension.
E. Atelectasis.
150. Whatever concept doesn't have the pathogenetical and clinical filling?
A. Primary tuberculosis.
B. Secondary tuberculosis.
C. * Tertiary tuberculosis.
D. Chronic tuberculosis.
E. Relapse of tuberculosis.
151. Whatever information has no matter at formulation the diagnosis of tuberculosis?
A. Presence or absence of destruction.
B. Presence or absence of bacterioexcretion.
C. * The way of contamination.
D. Resistance of mycobacterium.
E. Data of exposure of disease.
152. ?When did Robert Koch discover the pathogene of tuberculosis?
A. 1865
B. * 1882
C. 1887
D. 1919
E. 1944
153. When does the disposition of perspiration appear at tuberculosis?
A. At physical tension
B. At psychic-emotional tension
C. * At night
D. At becoming overheated
E. In the day-time
154. When were the X-rays discovered?
A. In 1882 year.
B. In 1895 year.
C. In 1944 year.
D. * In 1951 year.
E. In 1965 year.
155. Which of components does belong to etiological diagnostic of tuberculosis?
A. Revealing characteristic changes of blood
B. Revealing characteristic changes of immune status
C. * Revealing MBT in pathological material
D. Assessment clinical of manifestations of illness
E. Revealing infestation of tuberculosis
156. Which of diseases in anamnesis increase the risk of tuberculosis disease?
A. Ischemic heart disease
B. Neurodermitis
C. * Stomach ulcer
D. Deforming arthrosis
E. Appendicitis
157. Which of the cited data of life anamnesis is the risk factor of tuberculosis disease?
A. Vaccination against hepatitis B
B. Being in the countries of Western Europe 3 years less ago
C. * Illegal working migration
D. A change of profession on more skilled
E. Retirement
158. Which one from the mentioned diseases can decrease the sensibility of an organism to
A. Cataral otitis
B. Allergic rhinitis
C. Bronchial asthma
D. Hypertonic disease
E. * Measles
159. While carrying out the differential diagnostics between infectious postvaccinal reactions on
the tuberculin is not taken into account:
A. The contact with the tuberculosis patients
B. The intensiveness of the reaction on the Mantoux test of previous years
C. A presence of postvaccinal scar
D. The time of the carrying out of the vaccibation BCG
E. * The poisoning by the carbon oxide some yars ago
160. Who of Ukrainian scientists discovered X-ray earlier than Roentgen?
A. O.A.Kysel
B. B.M.Khmelnytsky
C. F.G.Yanovsky
D. I.Ya.Horbachevsky
E. * I.P.Puluy
161. Who synthezided the streptomycin?
A. Fox
B. * Waksman
C. A. Calmette and K. Guerin
D. K. Forlanini
E. Abre
162. Who was the first to recommend artificial pneumothorax for treating tuberculosis patients?
A. R.Koch
B. R.Philip
C. * C.Forlanini
D. A.Calmette and Guerin
E. S.Waksman
163. With the purpose of MBT chromosome revelation sowing sputum was done on hard
environment. What does the appearance of colony mean on a third day from sowing?
A. Mycobacterium’s growth, which are propagating quickly.
B. Growth of highly virulent mycobacterium.
C. Growth of atypical mycobacterium.
D. * Growth of unspecific microflora.
E. Growth of L-form mycobacterium.
164. With what roentgenological method is more expedient to begin additional inspection, if at
prophylactic fluorography inspection in the first and second segments of lungs focal shades are
A. * From survey sciagraphy.
B. From computerized tomography.
C. From spot-film sciagraphy.
D. From rentgenoscopy.
E. From bronchography.
165. A cloud-like darkening of the upper part of the right lung with a lightening in the center, to the
left paracardially a group of small intensity nidi have been revealed during fluorographic
examination of a female patient, 30, suffering from a stomach ulcer. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Lung tuberculoma.
C. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. Disseminated tuberculosis.
166. A cloud-like darkening of the upper part of the right lung with a lightening in the center, to the
left paracardially a group of small intensity nidi have been revealed during fluorographic
examination of a female patient, 30, suffering from a stomach ulcer. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Lung tuberculoma.
C. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. Disseminated tuberculosis.
167. A darkening of medium intensity with a lightening in the center and a path to the root has been
revealed to the right beneath the clavicle of a patient B., 40, during fluorographic examination.
He feels well. Formulate the preliminary diagnosis.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Lung tuberculoma.
D. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
E. Caseous pneumonia.
168. A darkening of medium intensity with a lightening in the center and a path to the root has been
revealed to the right beneath the clavicle of a patient B., 40, during fluorographic examination.
He feels well. Formulate the preliminary diagnosis.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Lung tuberculoma.
D. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
E. Caseous pneumonia.
169. A group of shadows of small and medium intensity of 3-8 mm in diameter has been revealed
in the upper part of the right lung in a patient of 25 years old on a fluorogoram. The patient’s
state is satisfactory. Mantoux test with 2 TU – 16 mm infiltrate. What disease is the most
probable one?
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Eosinophil infiltration
C. Nidus pneumonia
D. * Nidus lung tuberculosis
E. Peripheral lung cancer
170. A group of shadows of small and medium intensity of 3-8 mm in diameter has been revealed
in the upper part of the right lung in a patient of 25 years old on a fluorogoram. The patient’s
state is satisfactory. Mantoux test with 2 TU – 16 mm infiltrate. What disease is the most
probable one?
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Eosinophil infiltration
C. Nidus pneumonia
D. * Nidus lung tuberculosis
E. Peripheral lung cancer
171. A round shadow with wave-like outer contours was found in the 3-rd segment of the left lung
of a man of 60 during a fluorographic examination. There were single calcinates in the roots.
ESR – 62 mm/hr. What illness can be suspected?
A. * Periferal cancer.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
172. A round shadow with wave-like outer contours was found in the 3-rd segment of the left lung
of a man of 60 during a fluorographic examination. There were single calcinates in the roots.
ESR – 62 mm/hr. What illness can be suspected?
A. * Periferal cancer.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
173. About which duration of disease does the most often indicate patients during gathering of
A. 3-4 days.
B. 1-2 weeks.
C. Below 1 year.
D. * 1-2 months.
E. 4-5 years and more.
174. Amiloidosis is a system disease, it complicates the chronic purulent processes in the organism
and is characterized by the violations of:
A. Carbon metabolism.
B. * Albumen metabolism
C. Metabolism of fats
D. Vitamin exchange
E. Acid-alkaline equilibrium
175. Amiloidosis is a system disease, it complicates the chronic purulent processes in the organism
and is characterized by the violations of:
A. Carbon metabolism.
B. * Albumen metabolism
C. Metabolism of fats
D. Vitamin exchange
E. Acid-alkaline equilibrium
176. An urgent aid at a valvate spontaneous pneumothorax.
A. Fibrobronchoscopy
B. Artificial lung ventilation
C. * Pleural cavity drainage
D. Respiratory gymnastics
E. Strict bed rest
177. An urgent aid at a valvate spontaneous pneumothorax.
A. Fibrobronchoscopy
B. Artificial lung ventilation
C. * Pleural cavity drainage
D. Respiratory gymnastics
E. Strict bed rest
178. At the absence of positive treatment dynamics during 2-4 months the patients with lungs
tuberculosis are prescribed for:
A. * Economical resection of a lung
B. Pneumonectomy
C. Decortication of a lesion of lung
D. Hormonotherapy
E. Antimycobacterial therapy up to 6-8 months
179. At the absence of positive treatment dynamics during 2-4 months the patients with lungs
tuberculosis are prescribed for:
A. * Economical resection of a lung
B. Pneumonectomy
C. Decortication of a lesion of lung
D. Hormonotherapy
E. Antimycobacterial therapy up to 6-8 months
180. At what type of exsudate is a small amount of free liquid in a pleural cavity , an exsudate is
organized quickly?
A. Purulent.
B. Serous.
C. * Fibrinous.
D. Fibrinous and serous-fibrinous.
E. Haemorrhagic and serous-haemorrhagic.
181. By what method does selection of bacteria| usually appear at miliary tuberculosis?
A. Bakterioskopy.
B. Bakterioskopy after the using method of flotation.
C. Bacteriological.
D. Biological.
E. * Usually doesn’t appear by any method.
182. By what method does selection of bacteria| usually appear at miliary tuberculosis?
A. Bakterioskopy.
B. Bakterioskopy after the using method of flotation.
C. Bacteriological.
D. Biological.
E. * Usually doesn’t appear by any method.
183. Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be an allergic pleurisy?
A. Lung infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Nidus lung tuberculosis.
C. Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis.
D. Lung tuberculoma.
E. * Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes.
184. Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be an allergic pleurisy?
A. Lung infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Nidus lung tuberculosis.
C. Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis.
D. Lung tuberculoma.
E. * Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes.
185. Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be development of perifocal pleurisy?
A. Fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis.
B. Lung infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis.
D. Chronic disseminated lung tuberculosis.
E. * All noted forms.
186. Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be development of perifocal pleurisy?
A. Fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis.
B. Lung infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis.
D. Chronic disseminated lung tuberculosis.
E. * All noted forms.
187. For what disease or state transudate into pleural cavity is not typical?
A. Myxedema.
B. Cirrhosis of liver.
C. * Tuberculosis.
D. Stagnant cardiac insufficiency.
E. Nefrotic syndrome.
188. For what disease or state transudate into pleural cavity is not typical?
A. Myxedema.
B. Cirrhosis of liver.
C. * Tuberculosis.
D. Stagnant cardiac insufficiency.
E. Nefrotic syndrome.
189. From wich clinic form of tuberculosis most often forms fibrous cavernous pulmonary
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Tuberculous primary complex
C. * Infiltrative form.
D. Focal form.
E. Cirrotic form.
190. From wich clinic form of tuberculosis most often forms fibrous cavernous pulmonary
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Tuberculous primary complex
C. * Infiltrative form.
D. Focal form.
E. Cirrotic form.
191. Haemoptysis appeared in a day after hyperinsolation of a girl of 17. No pathologic changes
were found in the lungs of fluorography six months ago. Damp middle-blistered rales are heard
beneath the right clavicle, Mantoux test with 2 TU – 23 mm infiltrate. What changes in lungs
can one think about?
A. Spontaneus pneumothorax.
B. Lung tuberculosis.
C. Multiple nidi.
D. Cirrhosis of a lung.
E. * Decay cavities.
192. Haemoptysis appeared in a day after hyperinsolation of a girl of 17. No pathologic changes
were found in the lungs of fluorography six months ago. Damp middle-blistered rales are heard
beneath the right clavicle, Mantoux test with 2 TU – 23 mm infiltrate. What changes in lungs
can one think about?
A. Spontaneus pneumothorax.
B. Lung tuberculosis.
C. Multiple nidi.
D. Cirrhosis of a lung.
E. * Decay cavities.
193. How does usually miliary tuberculosis finish without treatment?
A. Spontaneous curing.
B. * By death in 4-5 weeks.
C. By death in 5-7 months.
D. Passing to infiltration tuberculosis.
E. Passing to chronic tuberculosis.
194. ?How is tuberculous etiology of pleurisy confirmed?
A. By the presence of tuberculous changes in lungs or other organs.
B. Finding of MBT in a pleural exudate or in sputum.
C. Mantaex test reaction is positive or recent tuberculin intensifier.
D. Puncture biopsy of pleura.
E. * All indicated assertions are faithful.
195. ?How is tuberculous etiology of pleurisy confirmed?
A. By the presence of tuberculous changes in lungs or other organs.
B. Finding of MBT in a pleural exudate or in sputum.
C. Mantaex test reaction is positive or recent tuberculin intensifier.
D. Puncture biopsy of pleura.
E. * All indicated assertions are faithful.
196. How many stages of amyloidosis of kidneys are discriminated.
A. 2
B. 3
C. * 4
D. 5
E. 6
197. How many versions of tuberculomas are distinguished regarding pathomorphologic structure?
A. 1
B. 2
C. * 3
D. 4
E. 5
198. How many versions of tuberculomas clinical progress do you know?
A. 1
B. 2
C. * 3
D. 4
E. 5
199. How many versions of tuberculomas clinical progress do you know?
A. 1
B. 2
C. * 3
D. 4
E. 5
200. In order to lower the pressure in the system of the pulmonary artery, one should prescribe.
A. Penicyllin, camphorae, arphonad
B. * Atropin, euphilin, ganglioblockers
C. Isoniazidum, atropin, uterics
D. Oxygen, camphor, trombin
E. Dicinin, epsilon-aminocapronic acid, nitrosorbid
201. In order to lower the pressure in the system of the pulmonary artery, one should prescribe.
A. Penicyllin, camphorae, arphonad
B. * Atropin, euphilin, ganglioblockers
C. Isoniazidum, atropin, uterics
D. Oxygen, camphor, trombin
E. Dicinin, epsilon-aminocapronic acid, nitrosorbid
202. In progressing focal tuberculosis able proceed to other clinical forms of tuberculosis. In which
form focal tuberculosis usually not proceed directly?
A. Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis.
B. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
C. Pulmonary tuberculoma.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. * Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
203. In progressing focal tuberculosis able proceed to other clinical forms of tuberculosis. In which
form focal tuberculosis usually not proceed directly?
A. Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis.
B. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
C. Pulmonary tuberculoma.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. * Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
204. In what term from the beginning of illness does the typical rentgenological picture of miliary
tuberculosis appear ?
A. On the first days
B. * On 7th days
C. Through 3-4 weeks
D. Through 2-3 months
E. Through 5-6 months.
205. In what term from the beginning of illness does the typical rentgenological picture of miliary
tuberculosis appear ?
A. On the first days
B. * On 7th days
C. Through 3-4 weeks
D. Through 2-3 months
E. Through 5-6 months.
206. In which case surgery is appropriate at tuberculoma?
A. Stationary course.
B. * Disintegration and bacterioexcretion.
C. Small size of tuberculoma (up to 2 cm).
D. Regressive course of tuberculoma.
E. Declining years.
207. In which case surgery is appropriate at tuberculoma?
A. Stationary course.
B. * Disintegration and bacterioexcretion.
C. Small size of tuberculoma (up to 2 cm).
D. Regressive course of tuberculoma.
E. Declining years.
208. In which morphological sort of tuberculoma possible to evolve due long course?
A. Infiltrative-pneumonic.
B. Homogeneous.
C. Pseudotuberculoma.
D. Conglomerate.
E. * Like ball.
209. In which morphological sort of tuberculoma possible to evolve due long course?
A. Infiltrative-pneumonic.
B. Homogeneous.
C. Pseudotuberculoma.
D. Conglomerate.
E. * Like ball.
210. In which way does the most often become apparent bacterioexcretion at focal pulmonary
A. Practically always by use bacterioscopy.
B. Never.
C. Often by use bacterioscopy.
D. * Sometimes by bacterioscopy.
E. Always by use bacterioscopy.
211. In which way does the most often become apparent bacterioexcretion at focal pulmonary
A. Practically always by use bacterioscopy.
B. Never.
C. Often by use bacterioscopy.
D. * Sometimes by bacterioscopy.
E. Always by use bacterioscopy.
212. In which way hemogram will be changed at caseous pneumonia?
A. * Hypochromic anemia, leucocytosis 13.0-20.0 х109/L, eosinopenia, lymphopenia,
ESR-acceleration up to 50-70 mm/Hr.
B. Red blood in normal state, leucocytosis 20.0-40.0 х109/L, ESR-acceleration up to 35-55
mm/Hr, lymphopenia, monocytopenia.
C. Monocytosis, lymphocytosis, normal ESR, leukopenia, hypochromic anemia.
D. Hypochromic anemia, leucocytosis 10.0-12.0 х109/L, еозинопенія, lymphopenia, stub
shift up to 8-15%, ESR-acceleration up to 20-25 mm/Hr.
E. Expressed hypochromic anemia, normal state of white blood, ESR acceleration up to 5070 mm/Hr.
213. In which way hemogram will be changed at caseous pneumonia?
A. * Hypochromic anemia, leucocytosis 13.0-20.0 х109/L, eosinopenia, lymphopenia,
ESR-acceleration up to 50-70 mm/Hr.
B. Red blood in normal state, leucocytosis 20.0-40.0 х109/L, ESR-acceleration up to 35-55
mm/Hr, lymphopenia, monocytopenia.
C. Monocytosis, lymphocytosis, normal ESR, leukopenia, hypochromic anemia.
D. Hypochromic anemia, leucocytosis 10.0-12.0 х109/L, еозинопенія, lymphopenia, stub
shift up to 8-15%, ESR-acceleration up to 20-25 mm/Hr.
E. Expressed hypochromic anemia, normal state of white blood, ESR acceleration up to 5070 mm/Hr.
214. In which way the most often reveals focal tuberculosis?
A. At clinical examination.
B. * At prophylactic photofluorographic examination.
C. At bacterioscopy analysis of spew.
D. At bronchoscopic examination.
E. At immunological examination.
215. In which way the most often reveals focal tuberculosis?
A. At clinical examination.
B. * At prophylactic photofluorographic examination.
C. At bacterioscopy analysis of spew.
D. At bronchoscopic examination.
E. At immunological examination.
216. Maximum number of segments affected at nidus lung tuberculosis.
A. 1
B. * 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
217. Maximum size of shadows at nidus lung tuberculosis is:
A. 1 mm
B. 1,5 mm
C. 5 mm
D. * 10 mm
E. 25 mm
218. Maximum size of shadows at nidus lung tuberculosis is:
A. 1 mm
B. 1,5 mm
C. 5 mm
D. * 10 mm
E. 25 mm
219. More frequently the spontaneous pneumothorax in patients with lungs tuberculosis appear:
A. At fibrobronchoscopy
B. During pleural puncture
C. At cavern wall rupture
D. * At subpleural emphysematous bubbles rupture
E. At pneumotachometria
220. Nidal shades of medium intensity with vague contours were revealed on the left apex of a 20years old youth during fluorographic examination. His general state is good. Mantoux test with
2 TU – 19 mm infiltrate. Your preliminary diagnosis?
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Lung tuberculoma.
E. * Focal tuberculosis.
221. Nidal shades of medium intensity with vague contours were revealed on the left apex of a 20years old youth during fluorographic examination. His general state is good. Mantoux test with
2 TU – 19 mm infiltrate. Your preliminary diagnosis?
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Lung tuberculoma.
E. * Focal tuberculosis.
222. On base of which infiltrative most often evolve lobar caseous pneumonia?
A. Round.
B. Lobular.
C. Periscysurite.
D. Like a cloud.
E. Lobitis.
223. On base of which infiltrative most often evolve lobar caseous pneumonia?
A. Round.
B. Lobular.
C. Periscysurite.
D. Like a cloud.
E. Lobitis.
224. On the background of what complications of lungs tuberculosis caseous pneumonia is the most
A. Pulmonary haemoptysis
B. Spontaneous pneumothorax
C. Larynx tuberculosis
D. Amyloidosis of kidney
E. Atelectasis of particle lung
225. On the background of what complications of lungs tuberculosis caseous pneumonia is the most
A. Pulmonary haemoptysis
B. Spontaneous pneumothorax
C. Larynx tuberculosis
D. Amyloidosis of kidney
E. Atelectasis of particle lung
226. Patient (woman) age 54 years. She is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during
15 years. She had irregular treatment. She admitted to hospital with complains about cough with
bright-red blood with bubbles (total amount of the flowed blood near 250 milliliters) , shortnes
of breath, weakness, giddiness, subfebrile temperature (low grade fever). During percussion
above upper part of right lung is tympanic shade of lung sound. During auscultation - bronchial
respiration with different crepitations. Above other regions of lungs - diffused dry rales.
Radiographic data: near S2 right lung defines cavity of disintegration with diameter 5.0 x 4.0
centimeters, upper part is reduced, right root pulled up. What complications of fibrous
cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. * Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Sputum with blood.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. Chronical cor pulmonale.
227. Patient (woman) age 54 years. She is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during
15 years. She had irregular treatment. She admitted to hospital with complains about cough with
bright-red blood with bubbles (total amount of the flowed blood near 250 milliliters) , shortnes
of breath, weakness, giddiness, subfebrile temperature (low grade fever). During percussion
above upper part of right lung is tympanic shade of lung sound. During auscultation - bronchial
respiration with different crepitations. Above other regions of lungs - diffused dry rales.
Radiographic data: near S2 right lung defines cavity of disintegration with diameter 5.0 x 4.0
centimeters, upper part is reduced, right root pulled up. What complications of fibrous
cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. * Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Sputum with blood.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. Chronical cor pulmonale.
228. Patient (woman) at the age 36 year first diagnosed fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis,
mycobacterium tuberculosis+, resist to ethambutol and streptomycin. Which combination of
antimicobacterial agents is the most optimal?
A. * Rifampicin+isoniazid+kanamycin+pyrazinamide.
B. Isoniazid+rifampicin A+ thioacetazone+florimytcin.
C. Isoniazid+kanamycin+PAS(A)(para-aminosalicylic acid)+ethionamide.
D. Kanamycin+ethionamide+rifampicin+phthivazide.
E. Isoniazid+cycloserine+protionamide+kanamycin.
229. Patient (woman) at the age 36 year first diagnosed fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis,
mycobacterium tuberculosis+, resist to ethambutol and streptomycin. Which combination of
antimicobacterial agents is the most optimal?
A. * Rifampicin+isoniazid+kanamycin+pyrazinamide.
B. Isoniazid+rifampicin A+ thioacetazone+florimytcin.
C. Isoniazid+kanamycin+PAS(A)(para-aminosalicylic acid)+ethionamide.
D. Kanamycin+ethionamide+rifampicin+phthivazide.
E. Isoniazid+cycloserine+protionamide+kanamycin.
230. Patient`s (woman) age 52 years. She is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
during 15 years. She had irregular treatment. She admitted to hospital with complains about
strong pain in the left part of the thorax during breathing, shortness of breath. Objective: state of
the patient is average. Left part of the lung lags during breathing, during percussion –
tympanitis. Auscultatory - breath very impaired. What medical investigation need to do with
patient at first for more accurate diagnosis?
A. * Radiography of organs of thorax.
B. Medical investigation of respiratory function.
C. Computer tomography.
D. Bronchoscopy.
E. Tomography.
231. Patient`s age is 40 years. Has tuberculosis during 7 years. Two years ago got diagnosed
fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, mycobacterium tuberculosis+. Half year ago
appeared progressive shortness of breath during physical activity. Now shortness of breath
appears during rising on the second floor. Objective: respiration rate 24 per minute, pulse - 96
beats per minute. Heart sounds speeded up, rhythmical. Above pulmonary artery auscultates
accent of second sound. Liver during palpation not sickly, prominent from border of costal
margin on 2 centimeters. What complication arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. Spew with blood.
232. Patient, 27. Underwent 4-months treatment in a hospital because of infiltrate tuberculosis of
the upper segment of the left lung in the phase of destruction. He is achieved, but in the place of
the infiltrate a round 2 cm hole of medium intensity and with distinct exterior contours is
formed. What treatment method is most advisable at this phase?
A. To recommend sanatoric treatment
B. * To continue the treatment with antimycobacterial preparations
C. To use surgical intervention
D. To carry out 1,5-2th months course of hormonotherapy
E. To use means of popular medicine
233. Plan a specific treatment to a patient with FDTB (03.03.2001) of the upper part of the right
lung (caseous pneumonia), Destr+, MBT+M+C+, Resist-, HIST0, Cat1 Coh1(2001). The
patient is 45, weight – 46 kg. His general condition is difficult. There is no accompanying
pathology. Prescribe antimycobacterial preparations.
A. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini.
B. Isoniazidum + pyrazinamidum
C. * Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum .
D. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum.
E. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + ethambutolum.
234. Plan a specific treatment to a patient with FDTB (03.03.2001) of the upper part of the right
lung (caseous pneumonia), Destr+, MBT+M+C+, Resist-, HIST0, Cat1 Coh1(2001). The
patient is 45, weight – 46 kg. His general condition is difficult. There is no accompanying
pathology. Prescribe antimycobacterial preparations.
A. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini.
B. Isoniazidum + pyrazinamidum
C. * Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum .
D. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum.
E. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + ethambutolum.
235. Procoagulative action preparations.
A. Camphor
B. * Dicinon
C. Benzohexoniy
D. Amben
E. Atropin
236. Procoagulative action preparations.
A. Camphor
B. * Dicinon
C. Benzohexoniy
D. Amben
E. Atropin
237. Small and average nidi of little intensity have been revealed on the apex of the right lung
during fluorographic examination of a man aged 30. During the last month he notes the
decrease of the appetite, perspiration, inconsiderable cough. Prescribe of antimicobacterial
therapy on the 1-st stage.
A. * Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + pyrazinamidum
B. Isoniazidum + pyrazinamidum
C. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum + ethambutolum.
D. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum.
E. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + ethambutolum.
238. Small and average nidi of little intensity have been revealed on the apex of the right lung
during fluorographic examination of a man aged 30. During the last month he notes the
decrease of the appetite, perspiration, inconsiderable cough. Prescribe of antimicobacterial
therapy on the 1-st stage.
A. * Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + pyrazinamidum
B. Isoniazidum + pyrazinamidum
C. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum + ethambutolum.
D. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum.
E. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + ethambutolum.
239. The frequency of lung haemorrage in lung tuberculosis patients.
A. 1-2 %
B. 3-5 %
C. * 6-19 %
D. 20-25 %
E. 30-35 %
240. The frequency of lung haemorrage in lung tuberculosis patients.
A. 1-2 %
B. 3-5 %
C. * 6-19 %
D. 20-25 %
E. 30-35 %
241. The greatest importance for the confirmation of lung atelectasis diagnosis is:
B. Pneumotachometry
C. Roentgenoscopy
D. Computer tomography
E. * Bronchoscopy
242. The greatest importance for the confirmation of lung atelectasis diagnosis is:
B. Pneumotachometry
C. Roentgenoscopy
D. Computer tomography
E. * Bronchoscopy
243. The illness, with which differential diagnostics of caseous pneumonia should be made most
A. * Staphylococcal pneumonia
B. Central cancer
C. Eosinophilic pneumonia
D. Nidal pneumonia
E. Bronchoectasia
244. The illness, with which differential diagnostics of caseous pneumonia should be made most
A. * Staphylococcal pneumonia
B. Central cancer
C. Eosinophilic pneumonia
D. Nidal pneumonia
E. Bronchoectasia
245. The main method of chronic lung heart diagnostics
A. Elecrocardiography
B. Phonocardiography
C. Balistocardiography
D. * Echocardiography
E. Roentgenoscopy
246. The main method of chronic lung heart diagnostics
A. Elecrocardiography
B. Phonocardiography
C. Balistocardiography
D. * Echocardiography
E. Roentgenoscopy
247. The main reason of the profuse pulmonary bleeding in patients with tuberculosis.
A. * Blood vessel rapture
B. Pulmonary artery thrombosis
C. Varicose of blood pulmonary vessels
D. Activation of fibrinolysis
E. Violations in blood coagulation system
248. The main reason of the profuse pulmonary bleeding in patients with tuberculosis.
A. * Blood vessel rapture
B. Pulmonary artery thrombosis
C. Varicose of blood pulmonary vessels
D. Activation of fibrinolysis
E. Violations in blood coagulation system
249. ?The method of the definition of a kind of spontaneous pneumothorax.
A. Roentgenologic
B. On the basis of the clinic data.
C. * The pressure measurement in the pleural cavity (manometry)
D. Computer tomography
250. ?The method of the definition of a kind of spontaneous pneumothorax.
A. Roentgenologic
B. On the basis of the clinic data.
C. * The pressure measurement in the pleural cavity (manometry)
D. Computer tomography
251. The most characteristic blood analysis in patients with the infiltrative lung tuberculosis.
A. Leuc. – 25,0?10/l; е – 3, p – 6, s – 51, l – 23, m – 7 %; ESR – 6 mm/hour.
B. * Leuc. - 9,8?10/l; е – 5, p – 6, s – 65, l – 13, m – 11 %; ESR – 36 mm/hour.
C. Leuc. - 4,0?10/l; е – 2, p – 2, s – 60, l – 26, m – 9 %; ESR – 6 mm/hour.
D. Leuc. – 16,5?10/l; е – 10, p – 10, s – 64, l – 14, m – 2 %; ESR – 21 mm/hour.
E. Leuc. – 6,0?10/l; е – 4, p – 3, s – 60, l – 26, m– 6 %; ESR – 7 mm/hour.
252. The most characteristic blood analysis in patients with the infiltrative lung tuberculosis.
A. Leuc. – 25,0?10/l; е – 3, p – 6, s – 51, l – 23, m – 7 %; ESR – 6 mm/hour.
B. * Leuc. - 9,8?10/l; е – 5, p – 6, s – 65, l – 13, m – 11 %; ESR – 36 mm/hour.
C. Leuc. - 4,0?10/l; е – 2, p – 2, s – 60, l – 26, m – 9 %; ESR – 6 mm/hour.
D. Leuc. – 16,5?10/l; е – 10, p – 10, s – 64, l – 14, m – 2 %; ESR – 21 mm/hour.
E. Leuc. – 6,0?10/l; е – 4, p – 3, s – 60, l – 26, m– 6 %; ESR – 7 mm/hour.
253. The most effective fibrinolysis inhibitor.
A. Trasilol
B. Contrycal
C. * Epsilon-aminocapronic acid (EACA)
D. Amben
E. Albumin
254. The most effective fibrinolysis inhibitor.
A. Trasilol
B. Contrycal
C. * Epsilon-aminocapronic acid (EACA)
D. Amben
E. Albumin
255. The most rational combination of antimycobacterial preparations at the initial stage in patients
with lung tuberculoma, MBT (-).
A. Isonoazidum + streptomycini + rifampycini
B. * Isonoazidum + rifampycini + pyrazinamidum
C. Isonoazidum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum
D. Isonoazidum + pyrazinamidum + PASA
E. Rifampycini + ethionamidum + kanamycini
256. The most rational combination of antimycobacterial preparations at the initial stage in patients
with lung tuberculoma, MBT (-).
A. Isonoazidum + streptomycini + rifampycini
B. * Isonoazidum + rifampycini + pyrazinamidum
C. Isonoazidum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum
D. Isonoazidum + pyrazinamidum + PASA
E. Rifampycini + ethionamidum + kanamycini
257. The most trustworthy criteria of nidal tuberculosis activity.
A. Intoxication syndrome
B. Changes in haemogram
C. * Revealing of micobacteria tuberculosis
D. Nidus shadow of medium intensity with distinct contours
E. Positive Mantoux testing of 2 TU
258. The most trustworthy criteria of nidal tuberculosis activity.
A. Intoxication syndrome
B. Changes in haemogram
C. * Revealing of micobacteria tuberculosis
D. Nidus shadow of medium intensity with distinct contours
E. Positive Mantoux testing of 2 TU
259. The predominant segmental localization of tuberculosis infiltration
A. I, II, III segments
B. I, III, V segments
C. I, IV, V segments
D. * I, II, VI segments
E. II, VI IX segments
260. The predominant segmental localization of tuberculosis infiltration
A. I, II, III segments
B. I, III, V segments
C. I, IV, V segments
D. * I, II, VI segments
E. II, VI IX segments
261. The prophylactic photoroentgenographic examination of a 25-year-old patient showed in
segments 1-2 of the left lung focal shadows of low intensity without distinct contours. Mantoux
test with 2 TO – 7 mm infiltrate. Blood analysis: leuk. – 9,9 x 109/l, ESR – 26 mm/hour. Which
is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Nidus lung tuberculosis
B. Infiltrative lung tuberculosis
C. Nidus pneumonia
D. Lung cancer
E. Eosiniphil infiltration
262. The prophylactic photoroentgenographic examination of a 25-year-old patient showed in
segments 1-2 of the left lung focal shadows of low intensity without distinct contours. Mantoux
test with 2 TO – 7 mm infiltrate. Blood analysis: leuk. – 9,9 x 109/l, ESR – 26 mm/hour. Which
is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Nidus lung tuberculosis
B. Infiltrative lung tuberculosis
C. Nidus pneumonia
D. Lung cancer
E. Eosiniphil infiltration
263. To which category relate patients of caseous pneumonia?
A. * To first.
B. To third.
C. To second.
D. To forth.
E. To fifth.
264. To which category relate patients of caseous pneumonia?
A. * To first.
B. To third.
C. To second.
D. To forth.
E. To fifth.
265. To which dispensary category does patient with first diagnosed infiltrative pulmonary
tuberculosis in disintegration stage and availability bacterioexcretion belong ?
A. * To first.
B. To third.
C. To second.
D. To fourth.
E. To fifth.
266. To which dispensary category does patient with first diagnosed infiltrative pulmonary
tuberculosis in disintegration stage and availability bacterioexcretion belong ?
A. * To first.
B. To third.
C. To second.
D. To fourth.
E. To fifth.
267. Under the mask of what diseases is tuberculosis infiltrate the most frequent?
A. Peripheral lung cancer
B. Retention cyst
C. * Pneumonia
D. Eosinophile infiltrate
E. Aspergiloma
268. Under the mask of what diseases is tuberculosis infiltrate the most frequent?
A. Peripheral lung cancer
B. Retention cyst
C. * Pneumonia
D. Eosinophile infiltrate
E. Aspergiloma
269. What kind of rentgenological| picture is most typical for miliary tuberculosis?
A. "Flakes of snow".
B. "Snow-storm".
C. "Weeping willow".
D. "Bat’s wings".
E. * "Looks like millet" dissemination.
270. What kind of rentgenological| picture is most typical for miliary tuberculosis?
A. "Flakes of snow".
B. "Snow-storm".
C. "Weeping willow".
D. "Bat’s wings".
E. * "Looks like millet" dissemination.
271. What are typical complications for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Tuberculosis bronchus.
B. Bronchogenic dissemination.
C. Tuberculosis larynx.
D. Tuberculosis colitis.
E. * All with above.
272. What are typical complications for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Tuberculosis bronchus.
B. Bronchogenic dissemination.
C. Tuberculosis larynx.
D. Tuberculosis colitis.
E. * All with above.
273. What character usually has temperature reaction for a patient on miliary tuberculosis?
A. Subfebrility| during the first 3-5 days of illness.
B. Protracted inconstant subfebrility.
C. Fever during the first 3-5 days of illness.
D. * The Wrong fever
E. Normal temperature.
274. What character usually has temperature reaction for a patient on miliary tuberculosis?
A. Subfebrility| during the first 3-5 days of illness.
B. Protracted inconstant subfebrility.
C. Fever during the first 3-5 days of illness.
D. * The Wrong fever
E. Normal temperature.
275. What clinic symptoms are the most typical for tuberculoma?
A. * Sometime subfebrile state, minor cough, possible absent of complains.
B. Strong cough, pain in chest, shortness of breath.
C. High temperature, chill, pain in chest, purulent spew.
D. Cough, spew with unpleasant smell, hyperhidrosis, spew with blood.
E. Pain in chest. Spew with blood, Shortness of breath.
276. What clinic symptoms are the most typical for tuberculoma?
A. * Sometime subfebrile state, minor cough, possible absent of complains.
B. Strong cough, pain in chest, shortness of breath.
C. High temperature, chill, pain in chest, purulent spew.
D. Cough, spew with unpleasant smell, hyperhidrosis, spew with blood.
E. Pain in chest. Spew with blood, Shortness of breath.
277. What clinical course is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Wavy, with remission and exacerbation.
B. Acute, progressive.
C. Near acute.
D. Without symptoms or with few symptoms.
E. Quick feedback.
278. What clinical course is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Wavy, with remission and exacerbation.
B. Acute, progressive.
C. Near acute.
D. Without symptoms or with few symptoms.
E. Quick feedback.
279. What clinical form of tuberculosis is tuberculoma formed from most frequently?
A. Disseminated
B. Fibrous-cavernous
C. Cirrhotic
D. Nidus
E. * Infiltrative
280. What clinical form of tuberculosis is tuberculoma formed from most frequently?
A. Disseminated
B. Fibrous-cavernous
C. Cirrhotic
D. Nidus
E. * Infiltrative
281. What clinical presentation is the most typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Long remissions.
B. * Chronic clinical course.
C. Absent any remissions.
D. Periods of remissions alternate with acute conditions.
E. Permanent progress of process.
282. What clinical presentation is the most typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Long remissions.
B. * Chronic clinical course.
C. Absent any remissions.
D. Periods of remissions alternate with acute conditions.
E. Permanent progress of process.
283. What clinical presentation is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. No complaints or cough with minor spew. Sometime local humid wheeze.
B. * Cough with spew, breathlessness, sometime spew with blood. Time to time high
temperature, hyperhidrosis. Local humid wheeze. During remission – good state of
C. Cough, spew with objectionable odor. During worsening – high temperature,
hyperhidrosis, sometime spew with blood. Humid and dry wheeze. “Drumsticks”.
D. Pain in thorax, often sputum with blood, breathlessness, diminished breath sounds,
sometime humid or dry local wheeze.
E. No complaints.Time to time dry cough. Temperature is normal (inflammation is able to
raise temperature). Auscultatory data are small.
284. What clinical presentation is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. No complaints or cough with minor spew. Sometime local humid wheeze.
B. * Cough with spew, breathlessness, sometime spew with blood. Time to time high
temperature, hyperhidrosis. Local humid wheeze. During remission – good state of
C. Cough, spew with objectionable odor. During worsening – high temperature,
hyperhidrosis, sometime spew with blood. Humid and dry wheeze. “Drumsticks”.
D. Pain in thorax, often sputum with blood, breathlessness, diminished breath sounds,
sometime humid or dry local wheeze.
E. No complaints.Time to time dry cough. Temperature is normal (inflammation is able to
raise temperature). Auscultatory data are small.
285. What combination of antituberculosis medicines is the most suitable at first revealed small
A. * Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide.
B. Streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin.
C. Streptomycin, rifampicin, ethambutol.
D. Amikacin, kanamycin, pyrazinamide,
E. Rifampicin, ofloxacin, pyrazinamide.
286. What combination of antituberculosis medicines is the most suitable at first revealed small
A. * Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide.
B. Streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin.
C. Streptomycin, rifampicin, ethambutol.
D. Amikacin, kanamycin, pyrazinamide,
E. Rifampicin, ofloxacin, pyrazinamide.
287. What complication is not typical |for miliary tuberculosis?
A. Sharp insufficiency of kidney.
B. Cerebral comma.
C. Sharp hepatic insufficiency.
D. * Amyloidosis.
E. Endotoxicosis.
288. What complication is not typical |for miliary tuberculosis?
A. Sharp insufficiency of kidney.
B. Cerebral comma.
C. Sharp hepatic insufficiency.
D. * Amyloidosis.
E. Endotoxicosis.
289. What complications can accompany a tuberculous empyema?.
A. Broncho-pleural fistula.
B. Toracic fistula.
C. Amyloidosis of internal organs.
D. Pneumopleurisy.
E. * All marked.
290. What complications can accompany a tuberculous empyema?.
A. Broncho-pleural fistula.
B. Toracic fistula.
C. Amyloidosis of internal organs.
D. Pneumopleurisy.
E. * All marked.
291. What composition of pleural liquid is typical for an exsudate?
A. * Relative density - 1025, protein content- 45 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,8, activity of LDG -2,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -2,1?109/l.
B. Relative density - 1010, protein content - 20 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,2, activity of LDG - 1,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells- 0,8?109/l.
C. Relative density - 1005, protein content- 15 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,3, activity of LDG -0,9 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,5?109/l.
D. Relative density - 1000, protein content- 10 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,4, activity of LDG -1,3 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,6?109/l.
E. All indicated is an exsudate.
292. What composition of pleural liquid is typical for an exsudate?
A. * Relative density - 1025, protein content- 45 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,8, activity of LDG -2,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -2,1?109/l.
B. Relative density - 1010, protein content - 20 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,2, activity of LDG - 1,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells- 0,8?109/l.
C. Relative density - 1005, protein content- 15 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,3, activity of LDG -0,9 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,5?109/l.
D. Relative density - 1000, protein content- 10 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,4, activity of LDG -1,3 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,6?109/l.
E. All indicated is an exsudate.
293. What contraindication to surgery for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient?
A. * Wide distribution of the focus of disease.
B. Bronchiectasis is present.
C. Bleeding in lungs.
D. Resistivity to 2 antituberculous medications.
E. Wide bacterioexcretion.
294. What contraindication to surgery for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient?
A. * Wide distribution of the focus of disease.
B. Bronchiectasis is present.
C. Bleeding in lungs.
D. Resistivity to 2 antituberculous medications.
E. Wide bacterioexcretion.
295. What course is the most typical for tuberculoma?
A. Gradual progressive worsening.
B. * Few symptoms or without symptoms.
C. Acute start. Quick worsening.
D. Near acute. Like influenza or pneumonia.
E. Acute start. Quick reverse evolution due chemical medications.
296. What course is the most typical for tuberculoma?
A. Gradual progressive worsening.
B. * Few symptoms or without symptoms.
C. Acute start. Quick worsening.
D. Near acute. Like influenza or pneumonia.
E. Acute start. Quick reverse evolution due chemical medications.
297. What feature is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis in our time?
A. * Complications by not specific inflammatory processes.
B. Frequent evolution of of internal amyloidosis.
C. Profuse bleeding in lungs.
D. Frequent aspergillosis.
E. Evolution of tuberculous meningoencephalitis.
298. What feature is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis in our time?
A. * Complications by not specific inflammatory processes.
B. Frequent evolution of of internal amyloidosis.
C. Profuse bleeding in lungs.
D. Frequent aspergillosis.
E. Evolution of tuberculous meningoencephalitis.
299. What form have cavities of disintegration at miliary tuberculosis?
A. Bilateral symmetric thin-walled cavities.
B. Bilateral asymmetric thick-walled cavities.
C. One-sided plural cavities of different form.
D. One thick-walled cavity and plural thin-walled "daughters's" cavities .
E. * There aren’t cavities.
300. What form have cavities of disintegration at miliary tuberculosis?
A. Bilateral symmetric thin-walled cavities.
B. Bilateral asymmetric thick-walled cavities.
C. One-sided plural cavities of different form.
D. One thick-walled cavity and plural thin-walled "daughters's" cavities .
E. * There aren’t cavities.
301. What illness is the most expedient to differentiate tuberculoma with?
A. * Aspergilloma
B. An air-cyst
C. Central cancer
D. Eosinophilic infiltrate
E. Chronic abscess
302. What illness is the most expedient to differentiate tuberculoma with?
A. * Aspergilloma
B. An air-cyst
C. Central cancer
D. Eosinophilic infiltrate
E. Chronic abscess
303. What is a definition for tuberculoma?
A. * Tuberculoma is limited by capsule from conjunctive tissue focus of caseous with size
more that 1 cm with chronic and torpid course.
B. Tuberculoma is center of specific pneumonia with size up to 1 cm which localized in
border of 1-2 segments.
C. Tuberculoma is area of specific inflammation with prevailed escudative character with
size more 1 cm, with disposition to spontaneous recovery.
D. Tuberculoma is area of specific inflammation with prevailed escudative character with
size more 1 cm, with disposition to progress and disintegration.
E. Tuberculoma is accretion of rough conjunctive tissue in the lung as a result of involution
of different forms of tuberculosis.
304. What is a definition for tuberculoma?
A. * Tuberculoma is limited by capsule from conjunctive tissue focus of caseous with size
more that 1 cm with chronic and torpid course.
B. Tuberculoma is center of specific pneumonia with size up to 1 cm which localized in
border of 1-2 segments.
C. Tuberculoma is area of specific inflammation with prevailed escudative character with
size more 1 cm, with disposition to spontaneous recovery.
D. Tuberculoma is area of specific inflammation with prevailed escudative character with
size more 1 cm, with disposition to progress and disintegration.
E. Tuberculoma is accretion of rough conjunctive tissue in the lung as a result of involution
of different forms of tuberculosis.
305. What is clinic category for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient with long term?
A. * Fourth.
B. First.
C. Second.
D. Third.
E. Fifth
306. What is clinic category for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient with long term?
A. * Fourth.
B. First.
C. Second.
D. Third.
E. Fifth
307. What is correct continuation of suggestion? Miliary tuberculosis....
A. Is the most frequent form of tuberculosis.
B. Takes the second place (after the infiltration tuberculosis) in the structure of morbidity
on secondary tuberculosis.
C. Takes the second place (after the tuberculosis of intrathoracic nodes) in the structure of
morbidity on primary tuberculosis.
D. * Nowadays meets rarely.
E. Nowadays meets in casuistic cases.
308. What is correct continuation of suggestion? Miliary tuberculosis....
A. Is the most frequent form of tuberculosis.
B. Takes the second place (after the infiltration tuberculosis) in the structure of morbidity
on secondary tuberculosis.
C. Takes the second place (after the tuberculosis of intrathoracic nodes) in the structure of
morbidity on primary tuberculosis.
D. * Nowadays meets rarely.
E. Nowadays meets in casuistic cases.
309. What is the character of exsudate at the tuberculous empyema ?
A. Serous-fibrinous and fibrinous.
B. * Serous-purulent and purulent.
C. Haemorrhagic.
D. Serous-haemorrhagic.
E. Chillous.
310. What is the character of exsudate at the tuberculous empyema ?
A. Serous-fibrinous and fibrinous.
B. * Serous-purulent and purulent.
C. Haemorrhagic.
D. Serous-haemorrhagic.
E. Chillous.
311. What is the exsudate at tuberculous pleurisy?
A. * Mainly lymphocytic.
B. Mainly neutrophilic.
C. Chillous.
D. Monocytic.
E. Macrophagic.
312. What is the exsudate at tuberculous pleurisy?
A. * Mainly lymphocytic.
B. Mainly neutrophilic.
C. Chillous.
D. Monocytic.
E. Macrophagic.
313. What is the main characteristic of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Disposition to forming acinar, acinar-nodose and lobular centers.
B. Disposition for creation infiltrations and caverns.
C. * Old fibrous cavity and fibrosis in abutting pulmonary tissue.
D. Polychemoresistance.
E. Periodical or permanent bacterioexcretion.
314. What is the main characteristic of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Disposition to forming acinar, acinar-nodose and lobular centers.
B. Disposition for creation infiltrations and caverns.
C. * Old fibrous cavity and fibrosis in abutting pulmonary tissue.
D. Polychemoresistance.
E. Periodical or permanent bacterioexcretion.
315. What is the mechanism of development of pleural inflammation by MBT?
A. Only lymphogenic.
B. * Lympho-hematogenic.
C. Sputogenic.
D. Bronchogenic.
E. Only hematogenic.
316. What is the mechanism of development of pleural inflammation by MBT?
A. Only lymphogenic.
B. * Lympho-hematogenic.
C. Sputogenic.
D. Bronchogenic.
E. Only hematogenic.
317. What is the most characteristic investigation, if miliary tuberculosis does not end with death of
A. * Convalescence with development of diffuse pneumofibrosis.
B. Convalescence with forming the hearths of Gon.
C. Passing into subsharp disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Passing into fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
E. Development the cirrhosis of lungs.
318. What is the most characteristic investigation, if miliary tuberculosis does not end with death of
A. * Convalescence with development of diffuse pneumofibrosis.
B. Convalescence with forming the hearths of Gon.
C. Passing into subsharp disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Passing into fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
E. Development the cirrhosis of lungs.
319. What is the most frequent immediate causes of death at pulmonary haemorrage in pulmonary
tuberculosis patients?
A. Anemia
B. Aspirational pneumonia
C. * Asphyxia
D. Atelectasis
E. Tuberculosis progressing
320. What is the most frequent immediate causes of death at pulmonary haemorrage in pulmonary
tuberculosis patients?
A. Anemia
B. Aspirational pneumonia
C. * Asphyxia
D. Atelectasis
E. Tuberculosis progressing
321. What is the reason of appearance of exsudate in a pleural cavity at different clinical forms of
A. The anatomic and functional connection between the sheets of pleura, lymphatic nodes
and lymphatic system of lungs.
B. The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT, that penetrate into pleura by
lymphogenic way from the hearths or infiltrations in lungs.
C. The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT, that penetrate into pleura because of
D. Pleura hypersensibilization by MBT decay products.
E. * All indicated assertions are faithful.
322. What is the reason of appearance of exsudate in a pleural cavity at different clinical forms of
A. The anatomic and functional connection between the sheets of pleura, lymphatic nodes
and lymphatic system of lungs.
B. The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT, that penetrate into pleura by
lymphogenic way from the hearths or infiltrations in lungs.
C. The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT, that penetrate into pleura because of
D. Pleura hypersensibilization by MBT decay products.
E. * All indicated assertions are faithful.
323. What is the therapeutic approach at first revealed tuberculoma with size 3-4 cm?
A. Urgent surgery.
B. * Medical treatment start with prescription of antituberculosis medicine, after this –
C. Just specific conservative treatment.
D. Case monitoring.
E. Tuberculin therapy.
324. What is the therapeutic approach at first revealed tuberculoma with size 3-4 cm?
A. Urgent surgery.
B. * Medical treatment start with prescription of antituberculosis medicine, after this –
C. Just specific conservative treatment.
D. Case monitoring.
E. Tuberculin therapy.
325. What is usually a sputum for a patient with miliary tuberculosis?
A. Mucous.
B. Mucous and purulent.
C. Purulent.
D. Mucous with bloodstreaks.
E. * Sputum is absent.
326. What is usually a sputum for a patient with miliary tuberculosis?
A. Mucous.
B. Mucous and purulent.
C. Purulent.
D. Mucous with bloodstreaks.
E. * Sputum is absent.
327. What kind are the hearths at miliary tuberculosis?
A. * They are small, exsudative, without a tendency to confluence and disintegration.
B. They are large exsudative with a tendency to confluence and disintegration.
C. They are small, productive, compact and calcinated.
D. They are polymorphic.
E. They are large calcinates.
328. What kind are the hearths at miliary tuberculosis?
A. * They are small, exsudative, without a tendency to confluence and disintegration.
B. They are large exsudative with a tendency to confluence and disintegration.
C. They are small, productive, compact and calcinated.
D. They are polymorphic.
E. They are large calcinates.
329. What measures are the most important in treatment at the purulent (exudative) tuberculous
A. To increase the amount of antimycobacterial drugs.
B. * Repeated aspirations of exsudate with creation of negative pressure in a pleural cavity.
C. Setting of corticosteroids.
D. Desintoxication therapy.
E. All marked.
330. What measures are the most important in treatment at the purulent (exudative) tuberculous
A. To increase the amount of antimycobacterial drugs.
B. * Repeated aspirations of exsudate with creation of negative pressure in a pleural cavity.
C. Setting of corticosteroids.
D. Desintoxication therapy.
E. All marked.
331. What medical preparations are advisable for the usage for a trial treatment of a patient with the
aim of differential diagnosis of the local tuberculosis and pneumonia?
A. Streptomycini and sulfaleni
B. Streptomycini and isoniazidum
C. * Penicillini and sulfaleni
D. Penicillini and rifampicimun
E. Penicillini and streptomycini
332. What medical preparations are advisable for the usage for a trial treatment of a patient with the
aim of differential diagnosis of the local tuberculosis and pneumonia?
A. Streptomycini and sulfaleni
B. Streptomycini and isoniazidum
C. * Penicillini and sulfaleni
D. Penicillini and rifampicimun
E. Penicillini and streptomycini
333. What medications suitable for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patiens in addition to
classic antituberculosis medications?
A. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug, (NSAID).
B. Glucocorticoid.
C. * Fluoroquinolone.
D. Cephalosporin.
E. Sulfanilamide
334. What medications suitable for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patiens in addition to
classic antituberculosis medications?
A. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug, (NSAID).
B. Glucocorticoid.
C. * Fluoroquinolone.
D. Cephalosporin.
E. Sulfanilamide
335. What method help to find MBT in pleural liquid at an allergic tubercular pleurisy?
A. * It is impossible to find .
B. By an ordinary bacterioscopy.
C. By flotation method.
D. By cultural method.
E. By luminescent microscopy.
336. What method help to find MBT in pleural liquid at an allergic tubercular pleurisy?
A. * It is impossible to find .
B. By an ordinary bacterioscopy.
C. By flotation method.
D. By cultural method.
E. By luminescent microscopy.
337. What method of research is decisive in diagnostics of pleurisy of any etiology?
A. Roentgenologic examination.
B. Ultrasound examination.
C. Clinic and information of physical methods.
D. * Pleural puncture.
E. Tuberculin tests.
338. What method of research is decisive in diagnostics of pleurisy of any etiology?
A. Roentgenologic examination.
B. Ultrasound examination.
C. Clinic and information of physical methods.
D. * Pleural puncture.
E. Tuberculin tests.
339. What morphological changes evolve in the lungs in fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Bronchogenic dissemination.
B. Pneumosclerosis.
C. Emphysema.
D. Bronchiectasis.
E. * All above.
340. What morphological changes evolve in the lungs in fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Bronchogenic dissemination.
B. Pneumosclerosis.
C. Emphysema.
D. Bronchiectasis.
E. * All above.
341. What need take into account for prescription of medicine for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary
tuberculosis patient?
A. Symptoms of intoxication.
B. Attendant pathology.
C. * Sensitivity to anti-tuberculosis medications.
D. Bronchial-lung syndrome.
E. Quantity and size of caverns.
342. What need take into account for prescription of medicine for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary
tuberculosis patient?
A. Symptoms of intoxication.
B. Attendant pathology.
C. * Sensitivity to anti-tuberculosis medications.
D. Bronchial-lung syndrome.
E. Quantity and size of caverns.
343. What of tubercular pleurisy is the most widespread ?
A. * Exudative (serous or serous-haemorrhagic liquid).
B. Armourclad.
C. Chillous.
D. Haemorrhagic.
E. Purulent.
344. What of tubercular pleurisy is the most widespread ?
A. * Exudative (serous or serous-haemorrhagic liquid).
B. Armourclad.
C. Chillous.
D. Haemorrhagic.
E. Purulent.
345. ?What organs are more frequent struck at miliary tuberculosis?
A. * Lungs.
B. Kidneys.
C. Brain-tunics.
D. Overhead respiratory tracts.
E. Lymphatic nodes.
346. ?What organs are more frequent struck at miliary tuberculosis?
A. * Lungs.
B. Kidneys.
C. Brain-tunics.
D. Overhead respiratory tracts.
E. Lymphatic nodes.
347. What quantity of medications with anti-tuberculosis action need to appoint to caseous
pneumonia patients in intensive stage.
A. 2-3.
B. 6-7.
C. 3-4.
D. 4-5.
E. * 5-6.
348. What quantity of medications with anti-tuberculosis action need to appoint to caseous
pneumonia patients in intensive stage.
A. 2-3.
B. 6-7.
C. 3-4.
D. 4-5.
E. * 5-6.
349. ?What reason for evolving of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Resistance to antimicrobial medication.
B. Not timely process definition.
C. Medical mistakes.
D. Injurious clinical course.
E. * Any with above possible to be a reason for evolution of cavernous pulmonary
350. ?What reason for evolving of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Resistance to antimicrobial medication.
B. Not timely process definition.
C. Medical mistakes.
D. Injurious clinical course.
E. * Any with above possible to be a reason for evolution of cavernous pulmonary
351. What result of Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L is the most typical at extended clinical
presentation of caseous pneumonia?
A. Papule with diameter 21 mm and more.
B. * Negative reaction.
C. Papule with diameter 10-15 mm.
D. Papule with diameter 16-21 mm.
E. Papule with diameter 5-10 mm.
352. What result of Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L is the most typical at extended clinical
presentation of caseous pneumonia?
A. Papule with diameter 21 mm and more.
B. * Negative reaction.
C. Papule with diameter 10-15 mm.
D. Papule with diameter 16-21 mm.
E. Papule with diameter 5-10 mm.
353. What result of test of Mantu is typical for clinical picture of miliary tuberculosis?
A. * Negative
B. Doubtful
C. Positive
D. Giperergichniy
E. Results are different
354. What result of test of Mantu is typical for clinical picture of miliary tuberculosis?
A. * Negative
B. Doubtful
C. Positive
D. Giperergichniy
E. Results are different
355. What roentgenologic signs convincingly testify about the activity of focal tuberculosis?
A. * Focuses of medial intensity with distinct exterior contours.
B. Group of focuses, different in size, of high intensity.
C. Focuses of low intensity with illegible contours.
D. Gohn’s focus.
E. Focuses of medium intensity on the background of limited pneumosclerosis.
356. What roentgenologic signs convincingly testify about the activity of focal tuberculosis?
A. * Focuses of medial intensity with distinct exterior contours.
B. Group of focuses, different in size, of high intensity.
C. Focuses of low intensity with illegible contours.
D. Gohn’s focus.
E. Focuses of medium intensity on the background of limited pneumosclerosis.
357. What rontgenologic picture is typical for tuberculoma?
A. Intensive shadow with diffused outlines, with brightening in the center and horizontal
liquid level.
B. Round homogeneous shadow with contrast outlines, more often in deep layers of the
lung, neighbouring lung tissue is not changed.
C. * Round and intensive shadow in I, II, VI segments with contrast outlines, sometime
with sickle-shaped brightening or with including of the lime.
D. Homogenous shadow with humpbacked outlines, tension bars in the form of “rays”,
sometime increased lymph nodes in the root.
E. Round homogenous shadow with contrast outlines, sometimes with including of the
lime. Neighbouring lung tissue is not changed.
358. What rontgenologic picture is typical for tuberculoma?
A. Intensive shadow with diffused outlines, with brightening in the center and horizontal
liquid level.
B. Round homogeneous shadow with contrast outlines, more often in deep layers of the
lung, neighbouring lung tissue is not changed.
C. * Round and intensive shadow in I, II, VI segments with contrast outlines, sometime
with sickle-shaped brightening or with including of the lime.
D. Homogenous shadow with humpbacked outlines, tension bars in the form of “rays”,
sometime increased lymph nodes in the root.
E. Round homogenous shadow with contrast outlines, sometimes with including of the
lime. Neighbouring lung tissue is not changed.
359. What rontgenological changes describe availability of fibrous-cavernous pulmonary
A. One insulated or plural thin-walled cavern . Pulmonary tissue is a little bit changed.
Focal shadows are absent.
B. Cavity with coiled internal contour, irregular walls, knotty external contour, more
frequent in front segments.
C. Cavity with wide sides and fluid level, more frequent in the inferior segments on lungs.
Around – fibrosis. Focal shadows are absent.
D. * Cavity with thick walls, more frequent in the upper segments of lungs. Around –
fibrosis. Sometimes mediastinal displacement. Below – focal bronchogenic
E. Insulated cavity without perifocal seepage, without fibrosis, without bronchogenic
360. What rontgenological changes describe availability of fibrous-cavernous pulmonary
A. One insulated or plural thin-walled cavern . Pulmonary tissue is a little bit changed.
Focal shadows are absent.
B. Cavity with coiled internal contour, irregular walls, knotty external contour, more
frequent in front segments.
C. Cavity with wide sides and fluid level, more frequent in the inferior segments on lungs.
Around – fibrosis. Focal shadows are absent.
D. * Cavity with thick walls, more frequent in the upper segments of lungs. Around –
fibrosis. Sometimes mediastinal displacement. Below – focal bronchogenic
E. Insulated cavity without perifocal seepage, without fibrosis, without bronchogenic
361. What segments are tuberculomas the most often localized in?
B. * I, II, VI
C. I, VI, X
E. II, IV, V
362. What segments are tuberculomas the most often localized in?
B. * I, II, VI
C. I, VI, X
E. II, IV, V
363. What sensitively to tuberculine according Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L is typical to
A. Negative.
B. Papule 5-10 cm.
C. * Often hyperergic.
D. Present hyperemia without papule creation.
E. Papule 5-10 cm.
364. What sensitively to tuberculine according Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L is typical to
A. Negative.
B. Papule 5-10 cm.
C. * Often hyperergic.
D. Present hyperemia without papule creation.
E. Papule 5-10 cm.
365. What tests need to do when available cavity dissociation for potentially tuberculosis patient?
A. Multiphase exploration spew concerning mycobacteriums tuberculosis.
B. Tomography of the thorax organs.
C. Bronchoscopy with take a samples for cytodiagnosis and histologic study.
D. Bronchography.
E. * Need to complete all above explorations.
366. What tests need to do when available cavity dissociation for potentially tuberculosis patient?
A. Multiphase exploration spew concerning mycobacteriums tuberculosis.
B. Tomography of the thorax organs.
C. Bronchoscopy with take a samples for cytodiagnosis and histologic study.
D. Bronchography.
E. * Need to complete all above explorations.
367. What therapeutic approach is the most effective at pulmonary tuberculoma.
A. * Resectable surgery against a background of chemotherapy.
B. Chemotherapy + common strengthening therapy.
C. Chemotherapy in conjunction with absorbable therapy.
D. Physiotherapy against a background of chemotherapy.
E. Chemotherapy in conjunction with hormonal therapy.
368. What therapeutic approach is the most effective at pulmonary tuberculoma.
A. * Resectable surgery against a background of chemotherapy.
B. Chemotherapy + common strengthening therapy.
C. Chemotherapy in conjunction with absorbable therapy.
D. Physiotherapy against a background of chemotherapy.
E. Chemotherapy in conjunction with hormonal therapy.
369. What thesis is faithful?
A. * Miliary tuberculosis is one of the most unfavourable form of tuberculosis.
B. Miliary tuberculosis is a favourable form of tuberculosis.
C. Miliary tuberculosis is a торпідна form of tuberculosis.
D. Miliary tuberculosis is a subclinical form of tuberculosis.
E. Miliary tuberculosis is a form of tuberculosis without symptome.
370. What thesis is faithful?
A. Miliary tuberculosis is a local form of tuberculosis.
B. * Miliary tuberculosis is a general |form of tuberculosis.
C. Miliary tuberculosis is characterized by migrant defeats of different organs.
D. Only the lungs are struck at miliary tuberculosis .
E. The defeat takes place in 1-2 parenchymal |organs at miliary tuberculosis.
371. What thesis is faithful?
A. * Miliary tuberculosis is one of the most unfavourable form of tuberculosis.
B. Miliary tuberculosis is a favourable form of tuberculosis.
C. Miliary tuberculosis is a торпідна form of tuberculosis.
D. Miliary tuberculosis is a subclinical form of tuberculosis.
E. Miliary tuberculosis is a form of tuberculosis without symptome.
372. What thesis is faithful?
A. Miliary tuberculosis is a local form of tuberculosis.
B. * Miliary tuberculosis is a general |form of tuberculosis.
C. Miliary tuberculosis is characterized by migrant defeats of different organs.
D. Only the lungs are struck at miliary tuberculosis .
E. The defeat takes place in 1-2 parenchymal |organs at miliary tuberculosis.
373. What type of breathing is auscultating at tuberculoma?
A. * Vesicular.
B. Bronchial.
C. Amphoric.
D. Stenotic.
E. Mixed.
374. What type of breathing is auscultating at tuberculoma?
A. * Vesicular.
B. Bronchial.
C. Amphoric.
D. Stenotic.
E. Mixed.
375. What variant of clinical course is typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Limited and relatively stable.
B. Slowly progressive.
C. Quickly progressive.
D. Course with complications.
E. * All above variants are possible.
376. What variant of clinical course is typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Limited and relatively stable.
B. Slowly progressive.
C. Quickly progressive.
D. Course with complications.
E. * All above variants are possible.
377. Which enumerated complications practically always accompany infiltrative form of tubercular
process with?
A. Atelectasis of appropriate part of lung.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Amyloidosis of inner organs.
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
E. * Tuberculosis of draining bronchus.
378. Which enumerated complications practically always accompany infiltrative form of tubercular
process with?
A. Atelectasis of appropriate part of lung.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Amyloidosis of inner organs.
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
E. * Tuberculosis of draining bronchus.
379. Which is a characteristic property of tissue reaction at infiltrative tuberculosis?
A. Limited distribution of specific inflammation, marked peculiarity to its encapsulation.
B. * Peculiarity to quick caseous necrosis.
C. Peculiarity to spontaneous resorption of infiltration.
D. Infiltrations quick dissipate, in other parts of lungs possible to appear new infiltrations
E. Typical diffusive growing of conjunction tissue, sclerotic changes in lymphatic vessels
and glands, thickening of the pleura.
380. Which is a characteristic property of tissue reaction at infiltrative tuberculosis?
A. Limited distribution of specific inflammation, marked peculiarity to its encapsulation.
B. * Peculiarity to quick caseous necrosis.
C. Peculiarity to spontaneous resorption of infiltration.
D. Infiltrations quick dissipate, in other parts of lungs possible to appear new infiltrations
E. Typical diffusive growing of conjunction tissue, sclerotic changes in lymphatic vessels
and glands, thickening of the pleura.
381. Which is the most typical percussion data during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Dullness of percussion sound in upper parts.
B. Dullness of percussion sound near root.
C. Dullness of percussion sound in basal areas.
D. Tympanic percussion sound.
E. * No changes.
382. Which is the most typical percussion data during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Dullness of percussion sound in upper parts.
B. Dullness of percussion sound near root.
C. Dullness of percussion sound in basal areas.
D. Tympanic percussion sound.
E. * No changes.
383. Which is the most typical radiological indications of old tuberculosis focus in the lungs?
A. Small or average intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
B. * Big intensity, clear borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
C. Small intensity, clear borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
D. Big intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
E. Average intensity, round shape, diameter 3-5 centimeters.
384. Which is the most typical radiological indications of old tuberculosis focus in the lungs?
A. Small or average intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
B. * Big intensity, clear borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
C. Small intensity, clear borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
D. Big intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
E. Average intensity, round shape, diameter 3-5 centimeters.
385. Which morphologic sort of tuberculoma is possible as result of focal tuberculosis?
A. Infiltrative-pneumonic.
B. Homogeneous.
C. Pseudotuberculoma.
D. * Conglomerate.
E. Like ball.
386. Which morphologic sort of tuberculoma is possible as result of focal tuberculosis?
A. Infiltrative-pneumonic.
B. Homogeneous.
C. Pseudotuberculoma.
D. * Conglomerate.
E. Like ball.
387. Which are the most typical radiological indications of new tuberculosis focus in the lungs?
A. * Small or average intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
B. Big intensity, clear borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
C. Small intensity, clear borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
D. Big intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
E. Average intensity, round shape, diameter 3-5 centimeters.
388. Which are the most typical radiological indications of new tuberculosis focus in the lungs?
A. * Small or average intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
B. Big intensity, clear borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
C. Small intensity, clear borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
D. Big intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
E. Average intensity, round shape, diameter 3-5 centimeters.
389. Which changes in the hemogram are typical for infiltrative tuberculosis?
A. Leukopenia, lymphocytosis, acceleration of ESR, anemia.
B. * Small leucocytosis, lymphopenia, enlarged ESR, anemia, small increase of stab
neutrophils, monocytosis.
C. High leukocytosis, significant accereratioun of ESR, acidophilia, lymphopenia.
D. High leukocytosis with significant increasing of stab neutrophils, lymphocytosis, normal
ESR, monocytopenia, absent eosinophiles.
E. Formula of white blood not changed. ESR more than 50 mm/Hr, full-blown anemia.
390. Which changes in the hemogram are typical for infiltrative tuberculosis?
A. Leukopenia, lymphocytosis, acceleration of ESR, anemia.
B. * Small leucocytosis, lymphopenia, enlarged ESR, anemia, small increase of stab
neutrophils, monocytosis.
C. High leukocytosis, significant accereratioun of ESR, acidophilia, lymphopenia.
D. High leukocytosis with significant increasing of stab neutrophils, lymphocytosis, normal
ESR, monocytopenia, absent eosinophiles.
E. Formula of white blood not changed. ESR more than 50 mm/Hr, full-blown anemia.
391. Which clinical course is typical for caseous pneumonia?
A. * Violent, acute progressive.
B. Initially chronic.
C. Near acute.
D. Without symptoms.
E. Forward with little symptoms.
392. Which clinical course is typical for caseous pneumonia?
A. * Violent, acute progressive.
B. Initially chronic.
C. Near acute.
D. Without symptoms.
E. Forward with little symptoms.
393. Which clinical syndrome is the most often suitable for infilrative tuberculosis?
A. * Intoxicational.
B. Abdominal.
C. Meningeal.
D. Hyperthermic.
E. Painful.
394. Which clinical syndrome is the most often suitable for infilrative tuberculosis?
A. * Intoxicational.
B. Abdominal.
C. Meningeal.
D. Hyperthermic.
E. Painful.
395. Which combination of antituberculous medications is the most worthwhile for first diagnosed
infilatrative pulmonary tuberculosis with destruction?
A. * Isoniazid, streptomycin, rifampicin, pyrazinamide.
B. Kanamycin, ethambutol, isoniazid, rifampicin.
C. Isoniazid, pyrazinamide, amikacin, ofloxacin.
D. PAS(A)(para-aminosalicylic acid)-natrium, ethambutol, isoniazid, rifampicin.
E. Streptomycin, ethambutol, mycobutine, ethionamide.
396. Which combination of antituberculous medications is the most worthwhile for first diagnosed
infilatrative pulmonary tuberculosis with destruction?
A. * Isoniazid, streptomycin, rifampicin, pyrazinamide.
B. Kanamycin, ethambutol, isoniazid, rifampicin.
C. Isoniazid, pyrazinamide, amikacin, ofloxacin.
D. PAS(A)(para-aminosalicylic acid)-natrium, ethambutol, isoniazid, rifampicin.
E. Streptomycin, ethambutol, mycobutine, ethionamide.
397. Which complication practically absent at focal tuberculosis?
A. Escudative pleurisy.
B. Chronic bronchitis.
C. Polysegmental fibrosis.
D. * Profuse pulmonary hemorrhage
E. Hospital-acquired pneumonia.
398. Which complication practically absent at focal tuberculosis?
A. Escudative pleurisy.
B. Chronic bronchitis.
C. Polysegmental fibrosis.
D. * Profuse pulmonary hemorrhage
E. Hospital-acquired pneumonia.
399. Which criterion of effective treatment of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in disintegration
stage, mycobacteriums tuberculosis+, is the most important?
A. Resolution of perifocal inflammatory reaction in pulmonary tissue?
B. Cicatrization of disintegration cavity
C. Fallout of intoxication occurrence.
D. Recovery of ability to work
E. * Elimination of bacterioexcretion
400. Which criterion of effective treatment of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in disintegration
stage, mycobacteriums tuberculosis+, is the most important?
A. Resolution of perifocal inflammatory reaction in pulmonary tissue?
B. Cicatrization of disintegration cavity
C. Fallout of intoxication occurrence.
D. Recovery of ability to work
E. * Elimination of bacterioexcretion
401. Which definition for caseous pneumonia is the most precise?
A. Caseos pneumonia is a clinical form of tuberculosis, which has many specific centers in
the lungs: initially disease has prevailed escudative-necrotic reacton with future
evolving of productive inflammation,
B. Caseos pneumonia is area of specific inflammation which has prevailed escudative
nature, with size more than 1 cm, with necessarily disintegration of pulmonary tissue
and its semination.
C. * Caseos pneumonia is a clinical form of secondary form of tuberculosis with significant
changes in the lungs with acute progressive clinical course. At quick widening of
caseous mass forming huge cavities or big quantity of small caverns.
D. Caseous pneumonia is progressive evolution of expressed perifocal inflammation
around fresh tubercular appearences, which was formed due exogenous superinfection
or endogenous revivification.
E. Casous pneumonia is clinical form of initial tuberculosis, with grave condition of
patient, significant symptoms of intoxication, frequent catarrhal events in lungs, massive
402. Which definition for caseous pneumonia is the most precise?
A. Caseos pneumonia is a clinical form of tuberculosis, which has many specific centers in
the lungs: initially disease has prevailed escudative-necrotic reacton with future
evolving of productive inflammation,
B. Caseos pneumonia is area of specific inflammation which has prevailed escudative
nature, with size more than 1 cm, with necessarily disintegration of pulmonary tissue
and its semination.
C. * Caseos pneumonia is a clinical form of secondary form of tuberculosis with significant
changes in the lungs with acute progressive clinical course. At quick widening of
caseous mass forming huge cavities or big quantity of small caverns.
D. Caseous pneumonia is progressive evolution of expressed perifocal inflammation
around fresh tubercular appearences, which was formed due exogenous superinfection
or endogenous revivification.
E. Casous pneumonia is clinical form of initial tuberculosis, with grave condition of
patient, significant symptoms of intoxication, frequent catarrhal events in lungs, massive
403. Which disease at first needs to be disambiguate from infiltration not homogeneous structure in
the upper part of right lung with “track” to root and focal shadows around?
A. Out-gospital necrotizing pneumonia.
B. Central pulmonary cancer.
C. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
D. Eosinophylic infiltration.
E. Infarct-Pneumonia.
404. Which disease at first needs to be disambiguate from infiltration not homogeneous structure in
the upper part of right lung with “track” to root and focal shadows around?
A. Out-gospital necrotizing pneumonia.
B. Central pulmonary cancer.
C. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
D. Eosinophylic infiltration.
E. Infarct-Pneumonia.
405. Which disease least advisable to be distinguish fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Chronic abscess.
B. Central cancer.
C. Cystic disease.
D. * Chronic bronchitis.
E. Multiple bronchiectasis.
406. Which disease least advisable to be distinguish fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Chronic abscess.
B. Central cancer.
C. Cystic disease.
D. * Chronic bronchitis.
E. Multiple bronchiectasis.
407. Which disease needs to be distinguish fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis from?
A. Eosinophylic infiltration.
B. Chronic bronchitis.
C. * Chronic abscess.
D. Pleuropneumonia.
E. Lung infarction.
408. Which disease needs to be distinguish fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis from?
A. Eosinophylic infiltration.
B. Chronic bronchitis.
C. * Chronic abscess.
D. Pleuropneumonia.
E. Lung infarction.
409. Which diseases need to disambiguate lobar caseous pneumonia with?
A. * Pleuropneumonia.
B. Infarct of lung.
C. Pneumonia complicated by an abscess.
D. Escudative pleurisy.
E. With central cancer.
410. Which diseases need to disambiguate lobar caseous pneumonia with?
A. * Pleuropneumonia.
B. Infarct of lung.
C. Pneumonia complicated by an abscess.
D. Escudative pleurisy.
E. With central cancer.
411. Which factors are not important for initial stage and clinical course of infiltrative pulmonary
A. Morphological structure of infiltration.
B. Width of perifocal inflammation.
C. Size of area caseous necrosis.
D. Complications from side of bronchopulmonary system.
E. * Availability in anamnesis immunization by vaccine BCG (Calmette-Gurin bacillus).
412. Which factors are not important for initial stage and clinical course of infiltrative pulmonary
A. Morphological structure of infiltration.
B. Width of perifocal inflammation.
C. Size of area caseous necrosis.
D. Complications from side of bronchopulmonary system.
E. * Availability in anamnesis immunization by vaccine BCG (Calmette-Gurin bacillus).
413. Which factors are the most important (deciding factor) for diagnosis of infiltrative form of
A. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis in the sputum or scourage of bronchus..
B. Hyperergic tuberculin sensitivity according Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L
C. * Availability of mycobacteriums tuberculosis and presence infiltration on the
D. Availability shadow on the rontgenogram which allocated in 1,2 or 6 segments.
E. Complains concerning cough with sputum, pain in chest, sputum with blood, rise in
temperature of the body, general weakness, information about former tuberculosis.
414. Which factors are the most important (deciding factor) for diagnosis of infiltrative form of
A. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis in the sputum or scourage of bronchus..
B. Hyperergic tuberculin sensitivity according Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L
C. * Availability of mycobacteriums tuberculosis and presence infiltration on the
D. Availability shadow on the rontgenogram which allocated in 1,2 or 6 segments.
E. Complains concerning cough with sputum, pain in chest, sputum with blood, rise in
temperature of the body, general weakness, information about former tuberculosis.
415. Which factors is the most important at disambiguate diagnostic between infilrative
tuberculosis and pneumonia?
A. Level of bacterioexcretion.
B. Localization of process.
C. Presense disintegration cavity in pulmonary tissue.
D. Presense complications.
E. * Violent and progressive course of disease.
416. Which factors is the most important at disambiguate diagnostic between infilrative
tuberculosis and pneumonia?
A. Level of bacterioexcretion.
B. Localization of process.
C. Presense disintegration cavity in pulmonary tissue.
D. Presense complications.
E. * Violent and progressive course of disease.
417. Which form of backward evolution of tuberculosis is impossible for focal tuberculosis?
A. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Pulmonary tuberculoma.
C. * Miliary tuberculosis.
D. Impossible backware evoluion to focal tuberculosis from any other form of tuberculosis.
E. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
418. Which form of backward evolution of tuberculosis is impossible for focal tuberculosis?
A. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Pulmonary tuberculoma.
C. * Miliary tuberculosis.
D. Impossible backware evoluion to focal tuberculosis from any other form of tuberculosis.
E. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
419. Which instrumental method is good enough at verify diagnose in a case when middle lung
field has round center up to 3 cm in diameter with contrast outlines?
A. Fluorography.
B. Bronchography.
C. * Transthoracal paracentetic biopsy.
D. Bronchoscopy.
E. Rontgenoscopy.
420. Which instrumental method is good enough at verify diagnose in a case when middle lung
field has round center up to 3 cm in diameter with contrast outlines?
A. Fluorography.
B. Bronchography.
C. * Transthoracal paracentetic biopsy.
D. Bronchoscopy.
E. Rontgenoscopy.
421. Which is the most typical auscultatory data during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Diffused dry crepitations.
B. Dry crepitations in upper parts.
C. * No changes.
D. Dry and humid crepitations.
E. Diffused humid crepitations.
422. Which is the most typical auscultatory data during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Diffused dry crepitations.
B. Dry crepitations in upper parts.
C. * No changes.
D. Dry and humid crepitations.
E. Diffused humid crepitations.
423. Which is the most typical combination of complains for caseous pneumonia patients?
A. * High temperature of the body, profuse sweat, paint in chest, shortness of breath, cough
with greenish sputum, quick growing of intoxication syndromes.
B. Worsening of appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, petulance, weakening of
C. Dry cough,general weakness, periodical sputum with blood, instable subfebrile state.
D. High temperature, headache, sputum, diarrhoea, chill.
E. Periodical pain in the side, subfebrile temperature changing to febrile, rare cough, pain
in chest gradually decreases, appears shortness of breath.
424. Which is the most typical combination of complains for caseous pneumonia patients?
A. * High temperature of the body, profuse sweat, paint in chest, shortness of breath, cough
with greenish sputum, quick growing of intoxication syndromes.
B. Worsening of appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, petulance, weakening of
C. Dry cough,general weakness, periodical sputum with blood, instable subfebrile state.
D. High temperature, headache, sputum, diarrhoea, chill.
E. Periodical pain in the side, subfebrile temperature changing to febrile, rare cough, pain
in chest gradually decreases, appears shortness of breath.
425. Which is the most accurate definition of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis as
clinicorontgenological form of specific process?
A. * Infiltrative tuberculosis is area of specific inflammation with mainly escudative nature,
with size more than 1 cm, with disposition to progress and disintegration, possible
bronchogenic semination.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis is focus of specific inflammation which necessarily
accompaniment of disintegration pulmonary tissue and semination of pulmonary tissue.
C. It is form of specific inflammation with availability in the lungs formed and stable by
dimension cavity with marked infiltrative and (sometime) fibrous changes in
surrounding pulmonary tissue.
D. Infiltrative tuberculosis is area of specific inflammation with chronical torpid behavior,
with size more than 1 cm, with predisposition to spontaneous recovery.
E. Infiltrative tuberculosis has big quantity of specific centers in the lungs. At initial stage
of disease prevails escudative-necrotizing reaction with future evolution of productive
426. Which is the most accurate definition of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis as
clinicorontgenological form of specific process?
A. * Infiltrative tuberculosis is area of specific inflammation with mainly escudative nature,
with size more than 1 cm, with disposition to progress and disintegration, possible
bronchogenic semination.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis is focus of specific inflammation which necessarily
accompaniment of disintegration pulmonary tissue and semination of pulmonary tissue.
C. It is form of specific inflammation with availability in the lungs formed and stable by
dimension cavity with marked infiltrative and (sometime) fibrous changes in
surrounding pulmonary tissue.
D. Infiltrative tuberculosis is area of specific inflammation with chronical torpid behavior,
with size more than 1 cm, with predisposition to spontaneous recovery.
E. Infiltrative tuberculosis has big quantity of specific centers in the lungs. At initial stage
of disease prevails escudative-necrotizing reaction with future evolution of productive
427. Which is the most often reason for death of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Pulmonary atelectasis.
B. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
C. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
D. Renal amyloidosis.
E. Progressive tuberculosis.
428. Which is the most often reason for death of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Pulmonary atelectasis.
B. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
C. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
D. Renal amyloidosis.
E. Progressive tuberculosis.
429. Which is the most typical complains in focal pulmonary tuberculosis patients?
A. * Weakness, hyperhidrosis, rapid fatigability, minor increased temperature.
B. Fever.
C. Cough with big quantity of purulent spew.
D. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
E. Shortness of breath.
430. Which is the most typical complains in focal pulmonary tuberculosis patients?
A. * Weakness, hyperhidrosis, rapid fatigability, minor increased temperature.
B. Fever.
C. Cough with big quantity of purulent spew.
D. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
E. Shortness of breath.
431. Which is the most typical localization of centers at focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * 1-2 segments.
B. 3-4 segments.
C. 7-8 segments.
D. 9-10 segments.
E. Root of lung.
432. Which is the most typical localization of centers at focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * 1-2 segments.
B. 3-4 segments.
C. 7-8 segments.
D. 9-10 segments.
E. Root of lung.
433. Which medications, except antituberculosis, are able to stop evolution of caseous pneumonia?
A. Disintoxication.
B. Vitaminous.
C. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory.
D. * Fluoroquinolones.
E. Immunomodulator.
434. Which medications, except antituberculosis, are able to stop evolution of caseous pneumonia?
A. Disintoxication.
B. Vitaminous.
C. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory.
D. * Fluoroquinolones.
E. Immunomodulator.
435. Which most often not specific complication for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
B. Larynx tuberculosis.
C. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
D. Pulmonary atelectasis.
E. Internal amyloidosis.
436. Which most often not specific complication for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
B. Larynx tuberculosis.
C. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
D. Pulmonary atelectasis.
E. Internal amyloidosis.
437. Which most often specific complication for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Larynx tuberculosis.
B. Colorectal tuberculosis.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Genitals tuberculous.
E. Renal tuberculosis.
438. Which most often specific complication for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Larynx tuberculosis.
B. Colorectal tuberculosis.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Genitals tuberculous.
E. Renal tuberculosis.
439. Which of the illnesses are the most frequently complicated with pulmonary haemorrhages?
A. * Aspergilloma
B. Lung cancer
C. Bronchus adenoma
D. Lung tuberculosis
E. Pneumonia
440. Which of the illnesses are the most frequently complicated with pulmonary haemorrhages?
A. * Aspergilloma
B. Lung cancer
C. Bronchus adenoma
D. Lung tuberculosis
E. Pneumonia
441. Which of those complications are specific?
A. * Larynx tuberculosis
B. Atelectasis
C. Pulmonary haemorrhage
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax
E. Chronic lung heart
442. Which of those complications are specific?
A. * Larynx tuberculosis
B. Atelectasis
C. Pulmonary haemorrhage
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax
E. Chronic lung heart
443. Which pathogenic variant isn`t typical for evolution of lobular caseous pneumonia?
A. Result of aspiration pneumonia after hemorrhages and spew with blood.
B. Malignant variant of near acute disseminated tuberculosis.
C. Complications in terminal stages of chronical form of tuberculosis.
D. Distribution of caseous output in the bronchuses and lungs through fistula with lymph
E. * In terminal stage of miliary tuberculosis.
444. Which pathogenic variant isn`t typical for evolution of lobular caseous pneumonia?
A. Result of aspiration pneumonia after hemorrhages and spew with blood.
B. Malignant variant of near acute disseminated tuberculosis.
C. Complications in terminal stages of chronical form of tuberculosis.
D. Distribution of caseous output in the bronchuses and lungs through fistula with lymph
E. * In terminal stage of miliary tuberculosis.
445. Which pathomorphological changes prevail during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Alternate inflammation.
B. * Productive inflammation.
C. Necrosis.
D. Escudative inflammation.
E. Pneumofibrosis.
446. Which pathomorphological changes prevail during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Alternate inflammation.
B. * Productive inflammation.
C. Necrosis.
D. Escudative inflammation.
E. Pneumofibrosis.
447. Which result is expected at positive dynamic of caseous pneumonia.
A. * Transformation to massive pneumocirrhosis.
B. Full resorption of infiltration.
C. Limited pneumofibrosis.
D. Forming of tuberculoma.
E. Chronic disseminated tuberculosis.
448. Which result is expected at positive dynamic of caseous pneumonia.
A. * Transformation to massive pneumocirrhosis.
B. Full resorption of infiltration.
C. Limited pneumofibrosis.
D. Forming of tuberculoma.
E. Chronic disseminated tuberculosis.
449. Which rontgenologic indication is typical for caseous pneumonia?
A. * Homogeneous shadow is partially limited.
B. Shadow not homogeneous, possible to out from part.
C. Appear of clarifications due disintegration cavity.
D. Centers of bronchogenic dissemination in other part current or other lung.
E. Massive not uniform darkening of all part of a lung against a background possible
individual more solid centers.
450. Which rontgenologic indication is typical for caseous pneumonia?
* Homogeneous shadow is partially limited.
Shadow not homogeneous, possible to out from part.
Appear of clarifications due disintegration cavity.
Centers of bronchogenic dissemination in other part current or other lung.
Massive not uniform darkening of all part of a lung against a background possible
individual more solid centers.
451. Which rontgenologic syndrome accompanies pulmanary tuberculoma?
A. Syndrome of focal shadow.
B. * Syndrome of round shadow
C. Syndrome of limited darkening
D. Syndrome of ring-shaped brightening.
E. Syndrome of root of the lung pathology.
452. Which rontgenologic syndrome accompanies pulmanary tuberculoma?
A. Syndrome of focal shadow.
B. * Syndrome of round shadow
C. Syndrome of limited darkening
D. Syndrome of ring-shaped brightening.
E. Syndrome of root of the lung pathology.
453. Which tuberculin test has the most informative meaning for defining the activity of the
tuberculous process:
A. Pirquet’s test
B. Mantoux test
C. * Koch test
D. Moro test
E. Pirquet’s graduated test.
454. Which tuberculin test has the most informative meaning for defining the activity of the
tuberculous process:
A. Pirquet’s test
B. Mantoux test
C. * Koch test
D. Moro test
E. Pirquet’s graduated test.
455. Which tuberculin test needs to do for doubtful activity of focal tuberculosis?
A. Mantoux test with 2 TU.
B. Mantoux test, deluted,
C. Pirquet's test
D. * Koch’s test.
E. Mantoux test with 5 TU.
456. Which tuberculin test needs to do for doubtful activity of focal tuberculosis?
A. Mantoux test with 2 TU.
B. Mantoux test, deluted,
C. Pirquet's test
D. * Koch’s test.
E. Mantoux test with 5 TU.
457. Which ways are the most probable for forming fresh centers of dissemination at infiltrative
A. * Lympho-bronchogenic.
B. Only hematogenic.
C. Only sputogenic.
D. Hematogenic-lymphogenic.
E. Only lymphogenic.
458. Which ways are the most probable for forming fresh centers of dissemination at infiltrative
A. * Lympho-bronchogenic.
B. Only hematogenic.
C. Only sputogenic.
D. Hematogenic-lymphogenic.
E. Only lymphogenic.
459. Which what diseases do not need to do differential diagnosis for fibrous cavernous pulmonary
A. Chronic abscess.
B. Cancer in degradation stage.
C. Multiple bronchiectasis.
D. Pneumonia complicated by an abscess.
E. * Lung tuberculoma.
460. Which what diseases do not need to do differential diagnosis for fibrous cavernous pulmonary
A. Chronic abscess.
B. Cancer in degradation stage.
C. Multiple bronchiectasis.
D. Pneumonia complicated by an abscess.
E. * Lung tuberculoma.
461. Which with mentioned below methods of examination (at suspicion about infiltrative
tuberculosis) in the adult not critical at diagnosis withs?
A. Visual rontgenography of thorax organs.
B. * Biochemical blood analysis.
C. Bronchoscopy.
D. Rontgenography of chest organs in lateral projection.
E. Bacterioscopy and bacteriological exploration of spew concerning mycobacterium
462. Which with mentioned below methods of examination (at suspicion about infiltrative
tuberculosis) in the adult not critical at diagnosis withs?
A. Visual rontgenography of thorax organs.
B. * Biochemical blood analysis.
C. Bronchoscopy.
D. Rontgenography of chest organs in lateral projection.
E. Bacterioscopy and bacteriological exploration of spew concerning mycobacterium
463. Which X-ray syndrome is the most typical for infiltrative form of tuberculosis?
A. Syndrome of total darkening.
B. Syndrome of round shadow.
C. Syndrome of pathological changed root of the lung.
D. * Syndrome of limited darkening.
E. Syndrome of focal shadow.
464. Which X-ray syndrome is the most typical for infiltrative form of tuberculosis?
A. Syndrome of total darkening.
B. Syndrome of round shadow.
C. Syndrome of pathological changed root of the lung.
D. * Syndrome of limited darkening.
E. Syndrome of focal shadow.
465. Why chemical therapy for tuberculoma is low effective?
A. * Tuberculoma has no blood vessels.
B. It is secondary form of tuberculosis.
C. At tuberculoma always present polychemoresistivity.
D. At tuberculoma always disturbed passability of draining bronchus.
E. At tuberculoma present hyperergic sensitivity to tuberculine.
466. Why chemical therapy for tuberculoma is low effective?
A. * Tuberculoma has no blood vessels.
B. It is secondary form of tuberculosis.
C. At tuberculoma always present polychemoresistivity.
D. At tuberculoma always disturbed passability of draining bronchus.
E. At tuberculoma present hyperergic sensitivity to tuberculine.
467. A cloud-like darkening of the upper part of the right lung with a lightening in the center, to the
left paracardially a group of small intensity nidi have been revealed during fluorographic
examination of a female patient, 30, suffering from a stomach ulcer. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Lung tuberculoma.
C. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. Disseminated tuberculosis.
468. A cloud-like darkening of the upper part of the right lung with a lightening in the center, to the
left paracardially a group of small intensity nidi have been revealed during fluorographic
examination of a female patient, 30, suffering from a stomach ulcer. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Lung tuberculoma.
C. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. Disseminated tuberculosis.
469. A darkening of medium intensity with a lightening in the center and a path to the root has been
revealed to the right beneath the clavicle of a patient B., 40, during fluorographic examination.
He feels well. Formulate the preliminary diagnosis.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Lung tuberculoma.
D. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
E. Caseous pneumonia.
470. A darkening of medium intensity with a lightening in the center and a path to the root has been
revealed to the right beneath the clavicle of a patient B., 40, during fluorographic examination.
He feels well. Formulate the preliminary diagnosis.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Lung tuberculoma.
D. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
E. Caseous pneumonia.
471. A group of shadows of small and medium intensity of 3-8 mm in diameter has been revealed
in the upper part of the right lung in a patient of 25 years old on a fluorogoram. The patient’s
state is satisfactory. Mantoux test with 2 TU – 16 mm infiltrate. What disease is the most
probable one?
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Eosinophil infiltration
C. Nidus pneumonia
D. * Nidus lung tuberculosis
E. Peripheral lung cancer
472. A group of shadows of small and medium intensity of 3-8 mm in diameter has been revealed
in the upper part of the right lung in a patient of 25 years old on a fluorogoram. The patient’s
state is satisfactory. Mantoux test with 2 TU – 16 mm infiltrate. What disease is the most
probable one?
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Eosinophil infiltration
C. Nidus pneumonia
D. * Nidus lung tuberculosis
E. Peripheral lung cancer
473. A round shadow with wave-like outer contours was found in the 3-rd segment of the left lung
of a man of 60 during a fluorographic examination. There were single calcinates in the roots.
ESR – 62 mm/hr. What illness can be suspected?
A. * Periferal cancer.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
474. About which duration of disease does the most often indicate patients during gathering of
A. 3-4 days.
B. 1-2 weeks.
C. Below 1 year.
D. * 1-2 months.
E. 4-5 years and more.
475. Amiloidosis is a system disease, it complicates the chronic purulent processes in the organism
and is characterized by the violations of:
A. Carbon metabolism.
B. * Albumen metabolism
C. Metabolism of fats
D. Vitamin exchange
E. Acid-alkaline equilibrium
476. Amiloidosis is a system disease, it complicates the chronic purulent processes in the organism
and is characterized by the violations of:
A. Carbon metabolism.
B. * Albumen metabolism
C. Metabolism of fats
D. Vitamin exchange
E. Acid-alkaline equilibrium
477. An urgent aid at a valvate spontaneous pneumothorax.
A. Fibrobronchoscopy
B. Artificial lung ventilation
C. * Pleural cavity drainage
D. Respiratory gymnastics
E. Strict bed rest
478. An urgent aid at a valvate spontaneous pneumothorax.
A. Fibrobronchoscopy
B. Artificial lung ventilation
C. * Pleural cavity drainage
D. Respiratory gymnastics
E. Strict bed rest
479. At the absence of positive treatment dynamics during 2-4 months the patients with lungs
tuberculosis are prescribed for:
A. * Economical resection of a lung
B. Pneumonectomy
C. Decortication of a lesion of lung
D. Hormonotherapy
E. Antimycobacterial therapy up to 6-8 months
480. At what type of exsudate is a small amount of free liquid in a pleural cavity , an exsudate is
organized quickly?
A. Purulent.
B. Serous.
C. * Fibrinous.
D. Fibrinous and serous-fibrinous.
E. Haemorrhagic and serous-haemorrhagic.
481. At what type of exsudate is a small amount of free liquid in a pleural cavity , an exsudate is
organized quickly?
A. Purulent.
B. Serous.
C. * Fibrinous.
D. Fibrinous and serous-fibrinous.
E. Haemorrhagic and serous-haemorrhagic.
482. By what method does selection of bacteria| usually appear at miliary tuberculosis?
A. Bakterioskopy.
B. Bakterioskopy after the using method of flotation.
C. Bacteriological.
D. Biological.
E. * Usually doesn’t appear by any method.
483. By what method does selection of bacteria| usually appear at miliary tuberculosis?
A. Bakterioskopy.
B. Bakterioskopy after the using method of flotation.
C. Bacteriological.
D. Biological.
E. * Usually doesn’t appear by any method.
484. Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be an allergic pleurisy?
A. Lung infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Nidus lung tuberculosis.
C. Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis.
D. Lung tuberculoma.
E. * Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes.
485. Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be an allergic pleurisy?
A. Lung infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Nidus lung tuberculosis.
C. Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis.
D. Lung tuberculoma.
E. * Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes.
486. Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be development of perifocal pleurisy?
A. Fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis.
B. Lung infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis.
D. Chronic disseminated lung tuberculosis.
E. * All noted forms.
487. Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be development of perifocal pleurisy?
A. Fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis.
B. Lung infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis.
D. Chronic disseminated lung tuberculosis.
E. * All noted forms.
488. For what disease or state transudate into pleural cavity is not typical?
A. Myxedema.
B. Cirrhosis of liver.
C. * Tuberculosis.
D. Stagnant cardiac insufficiency.
E. Nefrotic syndrome.
489. For what disease or state transudate into pleural cavity is not typical?
A. Myxedema.
B. Cirrhosis of liver.
C. * Tuberculosis.
D. Stagnant cardiac insufficiency.
E. Nefrotic syndrome.
490. From wich clinic form of tuberculosis most often forms fibrous cavernous pulmonary
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Tuberculous primary complex
C. * Infiltrative form.
D. Focal form.
E. Cirrotic form.
491. From wich clinic form of tuberculosis most often forms fibrous cavernous pulmonary
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Tuberculous primary complex
C. * Infiltrative form.
D. Focal form.
E. Cirrotic form.
492. Haemoptysis appeared in a day after hyperinsolation of a girl of 17. No pathologic changes
were found in the lungs of fluorography six months ago. Damp middle-blistered rales are heard
beneath the right clavicle, Mantoux test with 2 TU – 23 mm infiltrate. What changes in lungs
can one think about?
A. Spontaneus pneumothorax.
B. Lung tuberculosis.
C. Multiple nidi.
D. Cirrhosis of a lung.
E. * Decay cavities.
493. How does usually miliary tuberculosis finish without treatment?
A. Spontaneous curing.
B. * By death in 4-5 weeks.
C. By death in 5-7 months.
D. Passing to infiltration tuberculosis.
E. Passing to chronic tuberculosis.
494. ?How is tuberculous etiology of pleurisy confirmed?
A. By the presence of tuberculous changes in lungs or other organs.
B. Finding of MBT in a pleural exudate or in sputum.
C. Mantaex test reaction is positive or recent tuberculin intensifier.
D. Puncture biopsy of pleura.
E. * All indicated assertions are faithful.
495. ?How is tuberculous etiology of pleurisy confirmed?
A. By the presence of tuberculous changes in lungs or other organs.
B. Finding of MBT in a pleural exudate or in sputum.
C. Mantaex test reaction is positive or recent tuberculin intensifier.
D. Puncture biopsy of pleura.
E. * All indicated assertions are faithful.
496. How many stages of amyloidosis of kidneys are discriminated.
A. 2
B. 3
C. * 4
D. 5
E. 6
497. How many stages of amyloidosis of kidneys are discriminated.
A. 2
B. 3
C. * 4
D. 5
E. 6
498. How many versions of tuberculomas are distinguished regarding pathomorphologic structure?
A. 1
B. 2
C. * 3
D. 4
E. 5
499. How many versions of tuberculomas are distinguished regarding pathomorphologic structure?
A. 1
B. 2
C. * 3
D. 4
E. 5
500. How many versions of tuberculomas clinical progress do you know?
A. 1
B. 2
C. * 3
D. 4
E. 5
501. How many versions of tuberculomas clinical progress do you know?
A. 1
B. 2
C. * 3
D. 4
E. 5
502. In order to lower the pressure in the system of the pulmonary artery, one should prescribe.
A. Penicyllin, camphorae, arphonad
B. * Atropin, euphilin, ganglioblockers
C. Isoniazidum, atropin, uterics
D. Oxygen, camphor, trombin
E. Dicinin, epsilon-aminocapronic acid, nitrosorbid
503. In progressing focal tuberculosis able proceed to other clinical forms of tuberculosis. In which
form focal tuberculosis usually not proceed directly?
A. Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis.
B. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
C. Pulmonary tuberculoma.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. * Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
504. In progressing focal tuberculosis able proceed to other clinical forms of tuberculosis. In which
form focal tuberculosis usually not proceed directly?
A. Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis.
B. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
C. Pulmonary tuberculoma.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. * Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.
505. In what term from the beginning of illness does the typical rentgenological picture of miliary
tuberculosis appear ?
A. On the first days
B. * On 7th days
C. Through 3-4 weeks
D. Through 2-3 months
E. Through 5-6 months.
506. In what term from the beginning of illness does the typical rentgenological picture of miliary
tuberculosis appear ?
A. On the first days
B. * On 7th days
C. Through 3-4 weeks
D. Through 2-3 months
E. Through 5-6 months.
507. In which case surgery is appropriate at tuberculoma?
A. Stationary course.
B. * Disintegration and bacterioexcretion.
C. Small size of tuberculoma (up to 2 cm).
D. Regressive course of tuberculoma.
E. Declining years.
508. In which case surgery is appropriate at tuberculoma?
A. Stationary course.
B. * Disintegration and bacterioexcretion.
C. Small size of tuberculoma (up to 2 cm).
D. Regressive course of tuberculoma.
E. Declining years.
509. In which morphological sort of tuberculoma possible to evolve due long course?
A. Infiltrative-pneumonic.
B. Homogeneous.
C. Pseudotuberculoma.
D. Conglomerate.
E. * Like ball.
510. In which morphological sort of tuberculoma possible to evolve due long course?
A. Infiltrative-pneumonic.
B. Homogeneous.
C. Pseudotuberculoma.
D. Conglomerate.
E. * Like ball.
511. In which way does the most often become apparent bacterioexcretion at focal pulmonary
A. Practically always by use bacterioscopy.
B. Never.
C. Often by use bacterioscopy.
D. * Sometimes by bacterioscopy.
E. Always by use bacterioscopy.
512. In which way does the most often become apparent bacterioexcretion at focal pulmonary
A. Practically always by use bacterioscopy.
B. Never.
C. Often by use bacterioscopy.
D. * Sometimes by bacterioscopy.
E. Always by use bacterioscopy.
513. In which way hemogram will be changed at caseous pneumonia?
A. * Hypochromic anemia, leucocytosis 13.0-20.0 х109/L, eosinopenia, lymphopenia,
ESR-acceleration up to 50-70 mm/Hr.
B. Red blood in normal state, leucocytosis 20.0-40.0 х109/L, ESR-acceleration up to 35-55
mm/Hr, lymphopenia, monocytopenia.
C. Monocytosis, lymphocytosis, normal ESR, leukopenia, hypochromic anemia.
D. Hypochromic anemia, leucocytosis 10.0-12.0 х109/L, еозинопенія, lymphopenia, stub
shift up to 8-15%, ESR-acceleration up to 20-25 mm/Hr.
E. Expressed hypochromic anemia, normal state of white blood, ESR acceleration up to 5070 mm/Hr.
514. In which way hemogram will be changed at caseous pneumonia?
A. * Hypochromic anemia, leucocytosis 13.0-20.0 х109/L, eosinopenia, lymphopenia,
ESR-acceleration up to 50-70 mm/Hr.
B. Red blood in normal state, leucocytosis 20.0-40.0 х109/L, ESR-acceleration up to 35-55
mm/Hr, lymphopenia, monocytopenia.
C. Monocytosis, lymphocytosis, normal ESR, leukopenia, hypochromic anemia.
D. Hypochromic anemia, leucocytosis 10.0-12.0 х109/L, еозинопенія, lymphopenia, stub
shift up to 8-15%, ESR-acceleration up to 20-25 mm/Hr.
E. Expressed hypochromic anemia, normal state of white blood, ESR acceleration up to 5070 mm/Hr.
515. In which way the most often reveals focal tuberculosis?
A. At clinical examination.
B. * At prophylactic photofluorographic examination.
C. At bacterioscopy analysis of spew.
D. At bronchoscopic examination.
E. At immunological examination.
516. In which way the most often reveals focal tuberculosis?
A. At clinical examination.
B. * At prophylactic photofluorographic examination.
C. At bacterioscopy analysis of spew.
D. At bronchoscopic examination.
E. At immunological examination.
517. Maximum number of segments affected at nidus lung tuberculosis.
A. 1
B. * 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
518. Maximum number of segments affected at nidus lung tuberculosis.
A. 1
B. * 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
519. Maximum size of shadows at nidus lung tuberculosis is:
A. 1 mm
B. 1,5 mm
C. 5 mm
D. * 10 mm
E. 25 mm
520. Maximum size of shadows at nidus lung tuberculosis is:
A. 1 mm
B. 1,5 mm
C. 5 mm
D. * 10 mm
E. 25 mm
521. More frequently the spontaneous pneumothorax in patients with lungs tuberculosis appear:
A. At fibrobronchoscopy
B. During pleural puncture
C. At cavern wall rupture
D. * At subpleural emphysematous bubbles rupture
E. At pneumotachometria
522. More frequently the spontaneous pneumothorax in patients with lungs tuberculosis appear:
A. At fibrobronchoscopy
B. During pleural puncture
C. At cavern wall rupture
D. * At subpleural emphysematous bubbles rupture
E. At pneumotachometria
523. Nidal shades of medium intensity with vague contours were revealed on the left apex of a 20years old youth during fluorographic examination. His general state is good. Mantoux test with
2 TU – 19 mm infiltrate. Your preliminary diagnosis?
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Lung tuberculoma.
E. * Focal tuberculosis.
524. Nidal shades of medium intensity with vague contours were revealed on the left apex of a 20years old youth during fluorographic examination. His general state is good. Mantoux test with
2 TU – 19 mm infiltrate. Your preliminary diagnosis?
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Lung tuberculoma.
E. * Focal tuberculosis.
525. On base of which infiltrative most often evolve lobar caseous pneumonia?
A. Round.
B. Lobular.
C. Periscysurite.
D. Like a cloud.
E. Lobitis.
526. On base of which infiltrative most often evolve lobar caseous pneumonia?
A. Round.
B. Lobular.
C. Periscysurite.
D. Like a cloud.
E. Lobitis.
527. On the background of what complications of lungs tuberculosis caseous pneumonia is the most
A. Pulmonary haemoptysis
B. Spontaneous pneumothorax
C. Larynx tuberculosis
D. Amyloidosis of kidney
E. Atelectasis of particle lung
528. On the background of what complications of lungs tuberculosis caseous pneumonia is the most
A. Pulmonary haemoptysis
B. Spontaneous pneumothorax
C. Larynx tuberculosis
D. Amyloidosis of kidney
E. Atelectasis of particle lung
529. Patient V. suffers from tuberculosis for 17 years. Recent dyspnea aggravation, cough, new
pain in the right intercostal area, in heart area, drowsiness, edema in lower extremities. What is
the most probable complication?
A. Spontaneous pneumotorax
B. Lung atelectasis
C. * Chronic lung heart
D. Amiloidosis of internal organs
E. Tuberculosis of bronchi
530. Patient`s (woman) age 52 years. She is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
during 15 years. She had irregular treatment. She admitted to hospital with complains about
strong pain in the left part of the thorax during breathing, shortness of breath. Objective: state of
the patient is average. Left part of the lung lags during breathing, during percussion –
tympanitis. Auscultatory - breath very impaired. What medical investigation need to do with
patient at first for more accurate diagnosis?
A. * Radiography of organs of thorax.
B. Medical investigation of respiratory function.
C. Computer tomography.
D. Bronchoscopy.
E. Tomography.
531. Patient`s age is 40 years. Has tuberculosis during 7 years. Two years ago got diagnosed
fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, mycobacterium tuberculosis+. Half year ago
appeared progressive shortness of breath during physical activity. Now shortness of breath
appears during rising on the second floor. Objective: respiration rate 24 per minute, pulse - 96
beats per minute. Heart sounds speeded up, rhythmical. Above pulmonary artery auscultates
accent of second sound. Liver during palpation not sickly, prominent from border of costal
margin on 2 centimeters. What complication arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. Spew with blood.
532. Patient, 27. Underwent 4-months treatment in a hospital because of infiltrate tuberculosis of
the upper segment of the left lung in the phase of destruction. He is achieved, but in the place of
the infiltrate a round 2 cm hole of medium intensity and with distinct exterior contours is
formed. What treatment method is most advisable at this phase?
A. To recommend sanatoric treatment
B. * To continue the treatment with antimycobacterial preparations
C. To use surgical intervention
D. To carry out 1,5-2th months course of hormonotherapy
E. To use means of popular medicine
533. Plan a specific treatment to a patient with FDTB (03.03.2001) of the upper part of the right
lung (caseous pneumonia), Destr+, MBT+M+C+, Resist-, HIST0, Cat1 Coh1(2001). The
patient is 45, weight – 46 kg. His general condition is difficult. There is no accompanying
pathology. Prescribe antimycobacterial preparations.
A. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini.
B. Isoniazidum + pyrazinamidum
C. * Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum .
D. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum.
E. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + ethambutolum.
534. Plan a specific treatment to a patient with FDTB (03.03.2001) of the upper part of the right
lung (caseous pneumonia), Destr+, MBT+M+C+, Resist-, HIST0, Cat1 Coh1(2001). The
patient is 45, weight – 46 kg. His general condition is difficult. There is no accompanying
pathology. Prescribe antimycobacterial preparations.
A. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini.
B. Isoniazidum + pyrazinamidum
C. * Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum .
D. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum.
E. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + ethambutolum.
535. Procoagulative action preparations.
A. Camphor
B. * Dicinon
C. Benzohexoniy
D. Amben
E. Atropin
536. Procoagulative action preparations.
A. Camphor
B. * Dicinon
C. Benzohexoniy
D. Amben
E. Atropin
537. Small and average nidi of little intensity have been revealed on the apex of the right lung
during fluorographic examination of a man aged 30. During the last month he notes the
decrease of the appetite, perspiration, inconsiderable cough. Prescribe of antimicobacterial
therapy on the 1-st stage.
A. * Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + pyrazinamidum
B. Isoniazidum + pyrazinamidum
C. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum + ethambutolum.
D. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum.
E. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + ethambutolum.
538. Small and average nidi of little intensity have been revealed on the apex of the right lung
during fluorographic examination of a man aged 30. During the last month he notes the
decrease of the appetite, perspiration, inconsiderable cough. Prescribe of antimicobacterial
therapy on the 1-st stage.
A. * Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + pyrazinamidum
B. Isoniazidum + pyrazinamidum
C. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum + ethambutolum.
D. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum.
E. Isoniazidum + rifampycinum + ethambutolum.
539. The frequency of lung haemorrage in lung tuberculosis patients.
A. 1-2 %
B. 3-5 %
C. * 6-19 %
D. 20-25 %
E. 30-35 %
540. The frequency of lung haemorrage in lung tuberculosis patients.
A. 1-2 %
B. 3-5 %
C. * 6-19 %
D. 20-25 %
E. 30-35 %
541. The greatest importance for the confirmation of lung atelectasis diagnosis is:
B. Pneumotachometry
C. Roentgenoscopy
D. Computer tomography
E. * Bronchoscopy
542. The greatest importance for the confirmation of lung atelectasis diagnosis is:
B. Pneumotachometry
C. Roentgenoscopy
D. Computer tomography
E. * Bronchoscopy
543. The illness, with which differential diagnostics of caseous pneumonia should be made most
A. * Staphylococcal pneumonia
B. Central cancer
C. Eosinophilic pneumonia
D. Nidal pneumonia
E. Bronchoectasia
544. The illness, with which differential diagnostics of caseous pneumonia should be made most
A. * Staphylococcal pneumonia
B. Central cancer
C. Eosinophilic pneumonia
D. Nidal pneumonia
E. Bronchoectasia
545. The main method of chronic lung heart diagnostics
A. Elecrocardiography
B. Phonocardiography
C. Balistocardiography
D. * Echocardiography
E. Roentgenoscopy
546. The main method of chronic lung heart diagnostics
A. Elecrocardiography
B. Phonocardiography
C. Balistocardiography
D. * Echocardiography
E. Roentgenoscopy
547. The main reason of the profuse pulmonary bleeding in patients with tuberculosis.
A. * Blood vessel rapture
B. Pulmonary artery thrombosis
C. Varicose of blood pulmonary vessels
D. Activation of fibrinolysis
E. Violations in blood coagulation system
548. The main reason of the profuse pulmonary bleeding in patients with tuberculosis.
A. * Blood vessel rapture
B. Pulmonary artery thrombosis
C. Varicose of blood pulmonary vessels
D. Activation of fibrinolysis
E. Violations in blood coagulation system
549. ?The method of the definition of a kind of spontaneous pneumothorax.
A. Roentgenologic
B. On the basis of the clinic data.
C. * The pressure measurement in the pleural cavity (manometry)
D. Computer tomography
550. ?The method of the definition of a kind of spontaneous pneumothorax.
A. Roentgenologic
B. On the basis of the clinic data.
C. * The pressure measurement in the pleural cavity (manometry)
D. Computer tomography
551. The most characteristic blood analysis in patients with the infiltrative lung tuberculosis.
A. Leuc. – 25,0?10/l; е – 3, p – 6, s – 51, l – 23, m – 7 %; ESR – 6 mm/hour.
B. * Leuc. - 9,8?10/l; е – 5, p – 6, s – 65, l – 13, m – 11 %; ESR – 36 mm/hour.
C. Leuc. - 4,0?10/l; е – 2, p – 2, s – 60, l – 26, m – 9 %; ESR – 6 mm/hour.
D. Leuc. – 16,5?10/l; е – 10, p – 10, s – 64, l – 14, m – 2 %; ESR – 21 mm/hour.
E. Leuc. – 6,0?10/l; е – 4, p – 3, s – 60, l – 26, m– 6 %; ESR – 7 mm/hour.
552. The most characteristic blood analysis in patients with the infiltrative lung tuberculosis.
A. Leuc. – 25,0?10/l; е – 3, p – 6, s – 51, l – 23, m – 7 %; ESR – 6 mm/hour.
B. * Leuc. - 9,8?10/l; е – 5, p – 6, s – 65, l – 13, m – 11 %; ESR – 36 mm/hour.
C. Leuc. - 4,0?10/l; е – 2, p – 2, s – 60, l – 26, m – 9 %; ESR – 6 mm/hour.
D. Leuc. – 16,5?10/l; е – 10, p – 10, s – 64, l – 14, m – 2 %; ESR – 21 mm/hour.
E. Leuc. – 6,0?10/l; е – 4, p – 3, s – 60, l – 26, m– 6 %; ESR – 7 mm/hour.
553. The most effective fibrinolysis inhibitor.
A. Trasilol
B. Contrycal
C. * Epsilon-aminocapronic acid (EACA)
D. Amben
E. Albumin
554. The most effective fibrinolysis inhibitor.
A. Trasilol
B. Contrycal
C. * Epsilon-aminocapronic acid (EACA)
D. Amben
E. Albumin
555. The most rational combination of antimycobacterial preparations at the initial stage in patients
with lung tuberculoma, MBT (-).
A. Isonoazidum + streptomycini + rifampycini
B. * Isonoazidum + rifampycini + pyrazinamidum
C. Isonoazidum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum
D. Isonoazidum + pyrazinamidum + PASA
E. Rifampycini + ethionamidum + kanamycini
556. The most rational combination of antimycobacterial preparations at the initial stage in patients
with lung tuberculoma, MBT (-).
A. Isonoazidum + streptomycini + rifampycini
B. * Isonoazidum + rifampycini + pyrazinamidum
C. Isonoazidum + streptomycini + pyrazinamidum
D. Isonoazidum + pyrazinamidum + PASA
E. Rifampycini + ethionamidum + kanamycini
557. The most trustworthy criteria of nidal tuberculosis activity.
A. Intoxication syndrome
B. Changes in haemogram
C. * Revealing of micobacteria tuberculosis
D. Nidus shadow of medium intensity with distinct contours
E. Positive Mantoux testing of 2 TU
558. The most trustworthy criteria of nidal tuberculosis activity.
A. Intoxication syndrome
B. Changes in haemogram
C. * Revealing of micobacteria tuberculosis
D. Nidus shadow of medium intensity with distinct contours
E. Positive Mantoux testing of 2 TU
559. The predominant segmental localization of tuberculosis infiltration
A. I, II, III segments
B. I, III, V segments
C. I, IV, V segments
D. * I, II, VI segments
E. II, VI IX segments
560. The predominant segmental localization of tuberculosis infiltration
A. I, II, III segments
B. I, III, V segments
C. I, IV, V segments
D. * I, II, VI segments
E. II, VI IX segments
561. The prophylactic photoroentgenographic examination of a 25-year-old patient showed in
segments 1-2 of the left lung focal shadows of low intensity without distinct contours. Mantoux
test with 2 TO – 7 mm infiltrate. Blood analysis: leuk. – 9,9 x 109/l, ESR – 26 mm/hour. Which
is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Nidus lung tuberculosis
B. Infiltrative lung tuberculosis
C. Nidus pneumonia
D. Lung cancer
E. Eosiniphil infiltration
562. The prophylactic photoroentgenographic examination of a 25-year-old patient showed in
segments 1-2 of the left lung focal shadows of low intensity without distinct contours. Mantoux
test with 2 TO – 7 mm infiltrate. Blood analysis: leuk. – 9,9 x 109/l, ESR – 26 mm/hour. Which
is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Nidus lung tuberculosis
B. Infiltrative lung tuberculosis
C. Nidus pneumonia
D. Lung cancer
E. Eosiniphil infiltration
563. To which category relate patients of caseous pneumonia?
A. * To first.
B. To third.
C. To second.
D. To forth.
E. To fifth.
564. To which category relate patients of caseous pneumonia?
A. * To first.
B. To third.
C. To second.
D. To forth.
E. To fifth.
565. To which dispensary category does patient with first diagnosed infiltrative pulmonary
tuberculosis in disintegration stage and availability bacterioexcretion belong ?
A. * To first.
B. To third.
C. To second.
D. To fourth.
E. To fifth.
566. To which dispensary category does patient with first diagnosed infiltrative pulmonary
tuberculosis in disintegration stage and availability bacterioexcretion belong ?
A. * To first.
B. To third.
C. To second.
D. To fourth.
E. To fifth.
567. Under the mask of what diseases is tuberculosis infiltrate the most frequent?
A. Peripheral lung cancer
B. Retention cyst
C. * Pneumonia
D. Eosinophile infiltrate
E. Aspergiloma
568. Under the mask of what diseases is tuberculosis infiltrate the most frequent?
A. Peripheral lung cancer
B. Retention cyst
C. * Pneumonia
D. Eosinophile infiltrate
E. Aspergiloma
569. What kind of rentgenological| picture is most typical for miliary tuberculosis?
A. "Flakes of snow".
B. "Snow-storm".
C. "Weeping willow".
D. "Bat’s wings".
E. * "Looks like millet" dissemination.
570. What kind of rentgenological| picture is most typical for miliary tuberculosis?
A. "Flakes of snow".
B. "Snow-storm".
C. "Weeping willow".
D. "Bat’s wings".
E. * "Looks like millet" dissemination.
571. What are typical complications for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Tuberculosis bronchus.
B. Bronchogenic dissemination.
C. Tuberculosis larynx.
D. Tuberculosis colitis.
E. * All with above.
572. What are typical complications for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Tuberculosis bronchus.
B. Bronchogenic dissemination.
C. Tuberculosis larynx.
D. Tuberculosis colitis.
E. * All with above.
573. What character usually has temperature reaction for a patient on miliary tuberculosis?
A. Subfebrility| during the first 3-5 days of illness.
B. Protracted inconstant subfebrility.
C. Fever during the first 3-5 days of illness.
D. * The Wrong fever
E. Normal temperature.
574. What character usually has temperature reaction for a patient on miliary tuberculosis?
A. Subfebrility| during the first 3-5 days of illness.
B. Protracted inconstant subfebrility.
C. Fever during the first 3-5 days of illness.
D. * The Wrong fever
E. Normal temperature.
575. What clinic symptoms are the most typical for tuberculoma?
A. * Sometime subfebrile state, minor cough, possible absent of complains.
B. Strong cough, pain in chest, shortness of breath.
C. High temperature, chill, pain in chest, purulent spew.
D. Cough, spew with unpleasant smell, hyperhidrosis, spew with blood.
E. Pain in chest. Spew with blood, Shortness of breath.
576. What clinic symptoms are the most typical for tuberculoma?
A. * Sometime subfebrile state, minor cough, possible absent of complains.
B. Strong cough, pain in chest, shortness of breath.
C. High temperature, chill, pain in chest, purulent spew.
D. Cough, spew with unpleasant smell, hyperhidrosis, spew with blood.
E. Pain in chest. Spew with blood, Shortness of breath.
577. What clinical course is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Wavy, with remission and exacerbation.
B. Acute, progressive.
C. Near acute.
D. Without symptoms or with few symptoms.
E. Quick feedback.
578. What clinical course is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Wavy, with remission and exacerbation.
B. Acute, progressive.
C. Near acute.
D. Without symptoms or with few symptoms.
E. Quick feedback.
579. What clinical form of tuberculosis is tuberculoma formed from most frequently?
A. Disseminated
B. Fibrous-cavernous
C. Cirrhotic
D. Nidus
E. * Infiltrative
580. What clinical form of tuberculosis is tuberculoma formed from most frequently?
A. Disseminated
B. Fibrous-cavernous
C. Cirrhotic
D. Nidus
E. * Infiltrative
581. What clinical presentation is the most typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Long remissions.
B. * Chronic clinical course.
C. Absent any remissions.
D. Periods of remissions alternate with acute conditions.
E. Permanent progress of process.
582. What clinical presentation is the most typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Long remissions.
B. * Chronic clinical course.
C. Absent any remissions.
D. Periods of remissions alternate with acute conditions.
E. Permanent progress of process.
583. What clinical presentation is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. No complaints or cough with minor spew. Sometime local humid wheeze.
B. * Cough with spew, breathlessness, sometime spew with blood. Time to time high
temperature, hyperhidrosis. Local humid wheeze. During remission – good state of
C. Cough, spew with objectionable odor. During worsening – high temperature,
hyperhidrosis, sometime spew with blood. Humid and dry wheeze. “Drumsticks”.
D. Pain in thorax, often sputum with blood, breathlessness, diminished breath sounds,
sometime humid or dry local wheeze.
E. No complaints.Time to time dry cough. Temperature is normal (inflammation is able to
raise temperature). Auscultatory data are small.
584. What clinical presentation is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. No complaints or cough with minor spew. Sometime local humid wheeze.
B. * Cough with spew, breathlessness, sometime spew with blood. Time to time high
temperature, hyperhidrosis. Local humid wheeze. During remission – good state of
C. Cough, spew with objectionable odor. During worsening – high temperature,
hyperhidrosis, sometime spew with blood. Humid and dry wheeze. “Drumsticks”.
D. Pain in thorax, often sputum with blood, breathlessness, diminished breath sounds,
sometime humid or dry local wheeze.
E. No complaints.Time to time dry cough. Temperature is normal (inflammation is able to
raise temperature). Auscultatory data are small.
585. What combination of antituberculosis medicines is the most suitable at first revealed small
A. * Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide.
B. Streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin.
C. Streptomycin, rifampicin, ethambutol.
D. Amikacin, kanamycin, pyrazinamide,
E. Rifampicin, ofloxacin, pyrazinamide.
586. What combination of antituberculosis medicines is the most suitable at first revealed small
A. * Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide.
B. Streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin.
C. Streptomycin, rifampicin, ethambutol.
D. Amikacin, kanamycin, pyrazinamide,
E. Rifampicin, ofloxacin, pyrazinamide.
587. What complication is not typical |for miliary tuberculosis?
A. Sharp insufficiency of kidney.
B. Cerebral comma.
C. Sharp hepatic insufficiency.
D. * Amyloidosis.
E. Endotoxicosis.
588. What complication is not typical |for miliary tuberculosis?
A. Sharp insufficiency of kidney.
B. Cerebral comma.
C. Sharp hepatic insufficiency.
D. * Amyloidosis.
E. Endotoxicosis.
589. What complications can accompany a tuberculous empyema?.
A. Broncho-pleural fistula.
B. Toracic fistula.
C. Amyloidosis of internal organs.
D. Pneumopleurisy.
E. * All marked.
590. What complications can accompany a tuberculous empyema?.
A. Broncho-pleural fistula.
B. Toracic fistula.
C. Amyloidosis of internal organs.
D. Pneumopleurisy.
E. * All marked.
591. What composition of pleural liquid is typical for an exsudate?
A. * Relative density - 1025, protein content- 45 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,8, activity of LDG -2,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -2,1?109/l.
B. Relative density - 1010, protein content - 20 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,2, activity of LDG - 1,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells- 0,8?109/l.
C. Relative density - 1005, protein content- 15 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,3, activity of LDG -0,9 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,5?109/l.
D. Relative density - 1000, protein content- 10 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,4, activity of LDG -1,3 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,6?109/l.
E. All indicated is an exsudate.
592. What composition of pleural liquid is typical for an exsudate?
A. * Relative density - 1025, protein content- 45 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,8, activity of LDG -2,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -2,1?109/l.
B. Relative density - 1010, protein content - 20 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,2, activity of LDG - 1,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells- 0,8?109/l.
C. Relative density - 1005, protein content- 15 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,3, activity of LDG -0,9 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,5?109/l.
D. Relative density - 1000, protein content- 10 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of
blood)-0,4, activity of LDG -1,3 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,6?109/l.
E. All indicated is an exsudate.
593. What contraindication to surgery for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient?
A. * Wide distribution of the focus of disease.
B. Bronchiectasis is present.
C. Bleeding in lungs.
D. Resistivity to 2 antituberculous medications.
E. Wide bacterioexcretion.
594. What contraindication to surgery for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient?
A. * Wide distribution of the focus of disease.
B. Bronchiectasis is present.
C. Bleeding in lungs.
D. Resistivity to 2 antituberculous medications.
E. Wide bacterioexcretion.
595. What course is the most typical for tuberculoma?
A. Gradual progressive worsening.
B. * Few symptoms or without symptoms.
C. Acute start. Quick worsening.
D. Near acute. Like influenza or pneumonia.
E. Acute start. Quick reverse evolution due chemical medications.
596. What course is the most typical for tuberculoma?
A. Gradual progressive worsening.
B. * Few symptoms or without symptoms.
C. Acute start. Quick worsening.
D. Near acute. Like influenza or pneumonia.
E. Acute start. Quick reverse evolution due chemical medications.
597. What feature is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis in our time?
A. * Complications by not specific inflammatory processes.
B. Frequent evolution of of internal amyloidosis.
C. Profuse bleeding in lungs.
D. Frequent aspergillosis.
E. Evolution of tuberculous meningoencephalitis.
598. What feature is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis in our time?
A. * Complications by not specific inflammatory processes.
B. Frequent evolution of of internal amyloidosis.
C. Profuse bleeding in lungs.
D. Frequent aspergillosis.
E. Evolution of tuberculous meningoencephalitis.
599. What form have cavities of disintegration at miliary tuberculosis?
A. Bilateral symmetric thin-walled cavities.
B. Bilateral asymmetric thick-walled cavities.
C. One-sided plural cavities of different form.
D. One thick-walled cavity and plural thin-walled "daughters's" cavities .
E. * There aren’t cavities.
600. What form have cavities of disintegration at miliary tuberculosis?
A. Bilateral symmetric thin-walled cavities.
B. Bilateral asymmetric thick-walled cavities.
C. One-sided plural cavities of different form.
D. One thick-walled cavity and plural thin-walled "daughters's" cavities .
E. * There aren’t cavities.
601. What illness is the most expedient to differentiate tuberculoma with?
A. * Aspergilloma
B. An air-cyst
C. Central cancer
D. Eosinophilic infiltrate
E. Chronic abscess
602. What illness is the most expedient to differentiate tuberculoma with?
A. * Aspergilloma
B. An air-cyst
C. Central cancer
D. Eosinophilic infiltrate
E. Chronic abscess
603. What is a definition for tuberculoma?
A. * Tuberculoma is limited by capsule from conjunctive tissue focus of caseous with size
more that 1 cm with chronic and torpid course.
B. Tuberculoma is center of specific pneumonia with size up to 1 cm which localized in
border of 1-2 segments.
C. Tuberculoma is area of specific inflammation with prevailed escudative character with
size more 1 cm, with disposition to spontaneous recovery.
D. Tuberculoma is area of specific inflammation with prevailed escudative character with
size more 1 cm, with disposition to progress and disintegration.
E. Tuberculoma is accretion of rough conjunctive tissue in the lung as a result of involution
of different forms of tuberculosis.
604. What is a definition for tuberculoma?
A. * Tuberculoma is limited by capsule from conjunctive tissue focus of caseous with size
more that 1 cm with chronic and torpid course.
B. Tuberculoma is center of specific pneumonia with size up to 1 cm which localized in
border of 1-2 segments.
C. Tuberculoma is area of specific inflammation with prevailed escudative character with
size more 1 cm, with disposition to spontaneous recovery.
D. Tuberculoma is area of specific inflammation with prevailed escudative character with
size more 1 cm, with disposition to progress and disintegration.
E. Tuberculoma is accretion of rough conjunctive tissue in the lung as a result of involution
of different forms of tuberculosis.
605. What is clinic category for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient with long term?
A. * Fourth.
B. First.
C. Second.
D. Third.
E. Fifth
606. What is clinic category for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient with long term?
A. * Fourth.
B. First.
C. Second.
D. Third.
E. Fifth
607. What is correct continuation of suggestion? Miliary tuberculosis....
A. Is the most frequent form of tuberculosis.
B. Takes the second place (after the infiltration tuberculosis) in the structure of morbidity
on secondary tuberculosis.
C. Takes the second place (after the tuberculosis of intrathoracic nodes) in the structure of
morbidity on primary tuberculosis.
D. * Nowadays meets rarely.
E. Nowadays meets in casuistic cases.
608. What is correct continuation of suggestion? Miliary tuberculosis....
A. Is the most frequent form of tuberculosis.
B. Takes the second place (after the infiltration tuberculosis) in the structure of morbidity
on secondary tuberculosis.
C. Takes the second place (after the tuberculosis of intrathoracic nodes) in the structure of
morbidity on primary tuberculosis.
D. * Nowadays meets rarely.
E. Nowadays meets in casuistic cases.
609. What is the character of exsudate at the tuberculous empyema ?
A. Serous-fibrinous and fibrinous.
B. * Serous-purulent and purulent.
C. Haemorrhagic.
D. Serous-haemorrhagic.
E. Chillous.
610. What is the character of exsudate at the tuberculous empyema ?
A. Serous-fibrinous and fibrinous.
B. * Serous-purulent and purulent.
C. Haemorrhagic.
D. Serous-haemorrhagic.
E. Chillous.
611. What is the exsudate at tuberculous pleurisy?
A. * Mainly lymphocytic.
B. Mainly neutrophilic.
C. Chillous.
D. Monocytic.
E. Macrophagic.
612. What is the exsudate at tuberculous pleurisy?
A. * Mainly lymphocytic.
B. Mainly neutrophilic.
C. Chillous.
D. Monocytic.
E. Macrophagic.
613. What is the main characteristic of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Disposition to forming acinar, acinar-nodose and lobular centers.
B. Disposition for creation infiltrations and caverns.
C. * Old fibrous cavity and fibrosis in abutting pulmonary tissue.
D. Polychemoresistance.
E. Periodical or permanent bacterioexcretion.
614. What is the mechanism of development of pleural inflammation by MBT?
A. Only lymphogenic.
B. * Lympho-hematogenic.
C. Sputogenic.
D. Bronchogenic.
E. Only hematogenic.
615. What is the mechanism of development of pleural inflammation by MBT?
A. Only lymphogenic.
B. * Lympho-hematogenic.
C. Sputogenic.
D. Bronchogenic.
E. Only hematogenic.
616. What is the most characteristic investigation, if miliary tuberculosis does not end with death of
A. * Convalescence with development of diffuse pneumofibrosis.
B. Convalescence with forming the hearths of Gon.
C. Passing into subsharp disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Passing into fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
E. Development the cirrhosis of lungs.
617. What is the most characteristic investigation, if miliary tuberculosis does not end with death of
A. * Convalescence with development of diffuse pneumofibrosis.
B. Convalescence with forming the hearths of Gon.
C. Passing into subsharp disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Passing into fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
E. Development the cirrhosis of lungs.
618. What is the most frequent immediate causes of death at pulmonary haemorrage in pulmonary
tuberculosis patients?
A. Anemia
B. Aspirational pneumonia
C. * Asphyxia
D. Atelectasis
E. Tuberculosis progressing
619. What is the most frequent immediate causes of death at pulmonary haemorrage in pulmonary
tuberculosis patients?
A. Anemia
B. Aspirational pneumonia
C. * Asphyxia
D. Atelectasis
E. Tuberculosis progressing
620. What is the reason of appearance of exsudate in a pleural cavity at different clinical forms of
A. The anatomic and functional connection between the sheets of pleura, lymphatic nodes
and lymphatic system of lungs.
B. The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT, that penetrate into pleura by
lymphogenic way from the hearths or infiltrations in lungs.
C. The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT, that penetrate into pleura because of
D. Pleura hypersensibilization by MBT decay products.
E. * All indicated assertions are faithful.
621. What is the reason of appearance of exsudate in a pleural cavity at different clinical forms of
A. The anatomic and functional connection between the sheets of pleura, lymphatic nodes
and lymphatic system of lungs.
B. The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT, that penetrate into pleura by
lymphogenic way from the hearths or infiltrations in lungs.
C. The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT, that penetrate into pleura because of
D. Pleura hypersensibilization by MBT decay products.
E. * All indicated assertions are faithful.
622. What is the therapeutic approach at first revealed tuberculoma with size 3-4 cm?
A. Urgent surgery.
B. * Medical treatment start with prescription of antituberculosis medicine, after this –
C. Just specific conservative treatment.
D. Case monitoring.
E. Tuberculin therapy.
623. What is the therapeutic approach at first revealed tuberculoma with size 3-4 cm?
A. Urgent surgery.
B. * Medical treatment start with prescription of antituberculosis medicine, after this –
C. Just specific conservative treatment.
D. Case monitoring.
E. Tuberculin therapy.
624. What is usually a sputum for a patient with miliary tuberculosis?
A. Mucous.
B. Mucous and purulent.
C. Purulent.
D. Mucous with bloodstreaks.
E. * Sputum is absent.
625. What is usually a sputum for a patient with miliary tuberculosis?
A. Mucous.
B. Mucous and purulent.
C. Purulent.
D. Mucous with bloodstreaks.
E. * Sputum is absent.
626. What kind are the hearths at miliary tuberculosis?
A. * They are small, exsudative, without a tendency to confluence and disintegration.
B. They are large exsudative with a tendency to confluence and disintegration.
C. They are small, productive, compact and calcinated.
D. They are polymorphic.
E. They are large calcinates.
627. What kind are the hearths at miliary tuberculosis?
A. * They are small, exsudative, without a tendency to confluence and disintegration.
B. They are large exsudative with a tendency to confluence and disintegration.
C. They are small, productive, compact and calcinated.
D. They are polymorphic.
E. They are large calcinates.
628. What measures are the most important in treatment at the purulent (exudative) tuberculous
A. To increase the amount of antimycobacterial drugs.
B. * Repeated aspirations of exsudate with creation of negative pressure in a pleural cavity.
C. Setting of corticosteroids.
D. Desintoxication therapy.
E. All marked.
629. What measures are the most important in treatment at the purulent (exudative) tuberculous
A. To increase the amount of antimycobacterial drugs.
B. * Repeated aspirations of exsudate with creation of negative pressure in a pleural cavity.
C. Setting of corticosteroids.
D. Desintoxication therapy.
E. All marked.
630. What medical preparations are advisable for the usage for a trial treatment of a patient with the
aim of differential diagnosis of the local tuberculosis and pneumonia?
A. Streptomycini and sulfaleni
B. Streptomycini and isoniazidum
C. * Penicillini and sulfaleni
D. Penicillini and rifampicimun
E. Penicillini and streptomycini
631. What medical preparations are advisable for the usage for a trial treatment of a patient with the
aim of differential diagnosis of the local tuberculosis and pneumonia?
A. Streptomycini and sulfaleni
B. Streptomycini and isoniazidum
C. * Penicillini and sulfaleni
D. Penicillini and rifampicimun
E. Penicillini and streptomycini
632. What medications suitable for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patiens in addition to
classic antituberculosis medications?
A. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug, (NSAID).
B. Glucocorticoid.
C. * Fluoroquinolone.
D. Cephalosporin.
E. Sulfanilamide
633. What medications suitable for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patiens in addition to
classic antituberculosis medications?
A. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug, (NSAID).
B. Glucocorticoid.
C. * Fluoroquinolone.
D. Cephalosporin.
E. Sulfanilamide
634. What method help to find MBT in pleural liquid at an allergic tubercular pleurisy?
A. * It is impossible to find .
B. By an ordinary bacterioscopy.
C. By flotation method.
D. By cultural method.
E. By luminescent microscopy.
635. What method of research is decisive in diagnostics of pleurisy of any etiology?
A. Roentgenologic examination.
B. Ultrasound examination.
C. Clinic and information of physical methods.
D. * Pleural puncture.
E. Tuberculin tests.
636. What method of research is decisive in diagnostics of pleurisy of any etiology?
A. Roentgenologic examination.
B. Ultrasound examination.
C. Clinic and information of physical methods.
D. * Pleural puncture.
E. Tuberculin tests.
637. What morphological changes evolve in the lungs in fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Bronchogenic dissemination.
B. Pneumosclerosis.
C. Emphysema.
D. Bronchiectasis.
E. * All above.
638. What morphological changes evolve in the lungs in fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Bronchogenic dissemination.
B. Pneumosclerosis.
C. Emphysema.
D. Bronchiectasis.
E. * All above.
639. What need take into account for prescription of medicine for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary
tuberculosis patient?
A. Symptoms of intoxication.
B. Attendant pathology.
C. * Sensitivity to anti-tuberculosis medications.
D. Bronchial-lung syndrome.
E. Quantity and size of caverns.
640. What need take into account for prescription of medicine for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary
tuberculosis patient?
A. Symptoms of intoxication.
B. Attendant pathology.
C. * Sensitivity to anti-tuberculosis medications.
D. Bronchial-lung syndrome.
E. Quantity and size of caverns.
641. What of tubercular pleurisy is the most widespread ?
A. * Exudative (serous or serous-haemorrhagic liquid).
B. Armourclad.
C. Chillous.
D. Haemorrhagic.
E. Purulent.
642. What of tubercular pleurisy is the most widespread ?
A. * Exudative (serous or serous-haemorrhagic liquid).
B. Armourclad.
C. Chillous.
D. Haemorrhagic.
E. Purulent.
643. ?What organs are more frequent struck at miliary tuberculosis?
A. * Lungs.
B. Kidneys.
C. Brain-tunics.
D. Overhead respiratory tracts.
E. Lymphatic nodes.
644. ?What organs are more frequent struck at miliary tuberculosis?
A. * Lungs.
B. Kidneys.
C. Brain-tunics.
D. Overhead respiratory tracts.
E. Lymphatic nodes.
645. What quantity of medications with anti-tuberculosis action need to appoint to caseous
pneumonia patients in intensive stage.
A. 2-3.
B. 6-7.
C. 3-4.
D. 4-5.
E. * 5-6.
646. What quantity of medications with anti-tuberculosis action need to appoint to caseous
pneumonia patients in intensive stage.
A. 2-3.
B. 6-7.
C. 3-4.
D. 4-5.
E. * 5-6.
647. ?What reason for evolving of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Resistance to antimicrobial medication.
B. Not timely process definition.
C. Medical mistakes.
D. Injurious clinical course.
E. * Any with above possible to be a reason for evolution of cavernous pulmonary
648. ?What reason for evolving of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Resistance to antimicrobial medication.
Not timely process definition.
Medical mistakes.
Injurious clinical course.
* Any with above possible to be a reason for evolution of cavernous pulmonary
649. What result of Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L is the most typical at extended clinical
presentation of caseous pneumonia?
A. Papule with diameter 21 mm and more.
B. * Negative reaction.
C. Papule with diameter 10-15 mm.
D. Papule with diameter 16-21 mm.
E. Papule with diameter 5-10 mm.
650. What result of Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L is the most typical at extended clinical
presentation of caseous pneumonia?
A. Papule with diameter 21 mm and more.
B. * Negative reaction.
C. Papule with diameter 10-15 mm.
D. Papule with diameter 16-21 mm.
E. Papule with diameter 5-10 mm.
651. What result of test of Mantu is typical for clinical picture of miliary tuberculosis?
A. * Negative
B. Doubtful
C. Positive
D. Giperergichniy
E. Results are different
652. What result of test of Mantu is typical for clinical picture of miliary tuberculosis?
A. * Negative
B. Doubtful
C. Positive
D. Giperergichniy
E. Results are different
653. What roentgenologic signs convincingly testify about the activity of focal tuberculosis?
A. * Focuses of medial intensity with distinct exterior contours.
B. Group of focuses, different in size, of high intensity.
C. Focuses of low intensity with illegible contours.
D. Gohn’s focus.
E. Focuses of medium intensity on the background of limited pneumosclerosis.
654. What roentgenologic signs convincingly testify about the activity of focal tuberculosis?
A. * Focuses of medial intensity with distinct exterior contours.
B. Group of focuses, different in size, of high intensity.
C. Focuses of low intensity with illegible contours.
D. Gohn’s focus.
E. Focuses of medium intensity on the background of limited pneumosclerosis.
655. What rontgenologic picture is typical for tuberculoma?
A. Intensive shadow with diffused outlines, with brightening in the center and horizontal
liquid level.
B. Round homogeneous shadow with contrast outlines, more often in deep layers of the
lung, neighbouring lung tissue is not changed.
C. * Round and intensive shadow in I, II, VI segments with contrast outlines, sometime
with sickle-shaped brightening or with including of the lime.
D. Homogenous shadow with humpbacked outlines, tension bars in the form of “rays”,
sometime increased lymph nodes in the root.
E. Round homogenous shadow with contrast outlines, sometimes with including of the
lime. Neighbouring lung tissue is not changed.
656. What rontgenologic picture is typical for tuberculoma?
A. Intensive shadow with diffused outlines, with brightening in the center and horizontal
liquid level.
B. Round homogeneous shadow with contrast outlines, more often in deep layers of the
lung, neighbouring lung tissue is not changed.
C. * Round and intensive shadow in I, II, VI segments with contrast outlines, sometime
with sickle-shaped brightening or with including of the lime.
D. Homogenous shadow with humpbacked outlines, tension bars in the form of “rays”,
sometime increased lymph nodes in the root.
E. Round homogenous shadow with contrast outlines, sometimes with including of the
lime. Neighbouring lung tissue is not changed.
657. What rontgenological changes describe availability of fibrous-cavernous pulmonary
A. One insulated or plural thin-walled cavern . Pulmonary tissue is a little bit changed.
Focal shadows are absent.
B. Cavity with coiled internal contour, irregular walls, knotty external contour, more
frequent in front segments.
C. Cavity with wide sides and fluid level, more frequent in the inferior segments on lungs.
Around – fibrosis. Focal shadows are absent.
D. * Cavity with thick walls, more frequent in the upper segments of lungs. Around –
fibrosis. Sometimes mediastinal displacement. Below – focal bronchogenic
E. Insulated cavity without perifocal seepage, without fibrosis, without bronchogenic
658. What rontgenological changes describe availability of fibrous-cavernous pulmonary
A. One insulated or plural thin-walled cavern . Pulmonary tissue is a little bit changed.
Focal shadows are absent.
B. Cavity with coiled internal contour, irregular walls, knotty external contour, more
frequent in front segments.
C. Cavity with wide sides and fluid level, more frequent in the inferior segments on lungs.
Around – fibrosis. Focal shadows are absent.
D. * Cavity with thick walls, more frequent in the upper segments of lungs. Around –
fibrosis. Sometimes mediastinal displacement. Below – focal bronchogenic
E. Insulated cavity without perifocal seepage, without fibrosis, without bronchogenic
659. What segments are tuberculomas the most often localized in?
B. * I, II, VI
C. I, VI, X
E. II, IV, V
660. What segments are tuberculomas the most often localized in?
B. * I, II, VI
C. I, VI, X
E. II, IV, V
661. What sensitively to tuberculine according Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L is typical to
A. Negative.
B. Papule 5-10 cm.
C. * Often hyperergic.
D. Present hyperemia without papule creation.
E. Papule 5-10 cm.
662. What sensitively to tuberculine according Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L is typical to
A. Negative.
B. Papule 5-10 cm.
C. * Often hyperergic.
D. Present hyperemia without papule creation.
E. Papule 5-10 cm.
663. What tests need to do when available cavity dissociation for potentially tuberculosis patient?
A. Multiphase exploration spew concerning mycobacteriums tuberculosis.
B. Tomography of the thorax organs.
C. Bronchoscopy with take a samples for cytodiagnosis and histologic study.
D. Bronchography.
E. * Need to complete all above explorations.
664. What tests need to do when available cavity dissociation for potentially tuberculosis patient?
A. Multiphase exploration spew concerning mycobacteriums tuberculosis.
B. Tomography of the thorax organs.
C. Bronchoscopy with take a samples for cytodiagnosis and histologic study.
D. Bronchography.
E. * Need to complete all above explorations.
665. What therapeutic approach is the most effective at pulmonary tuberculoma.
A. * Resectable surgery against a background of chemotherapy.
B. Chemotherapy + common strengthening therapy.
C. Chemotherapy in conjunction with absorbable therapy.
D. Physiotherapy against a background of chemotherapy.
E. Chemotherapy in conjunction with hormonal therapy.
666. What therapeutic approach is the most effective at pulmonary tuberculoma.
A. * Resectable surgery against a background of chemotherapy.
B. Chemotherapy + common strengthening therapy.
C. Chemotherapy in conjunction with absorbable therapy.
D. Physiotherapy against a background of chemotherapy.
E. Chemotherapy in conjunction with hormonal therapy.
667. What thesis is faithful?
A. * Miliary tuberculosis is one of the most unfavourable form of tuberculosis.
B. Miliary tuberculosis is a favourable form of tuberculosis.
C. Miliary tuberculosis is a торпідна form of tuberculosis.
D. Miliary tuberculosis is a subclinical form of tuberculosis.
E. Miliary tuberculosis is a form of tuberculosis without symptome.
668. What thesis is faithful?
A. Miliary tuberculosis is a local form of tuberculosis.
B. * Miliary tuberculosis is a general |form of tuberculosis.
C. Miliary tuberculosis is characterized by migrant defeats of different organs.
D. Only the lungs are struck at miliary tuberculosis .
E. The defeat takes place in 1-2 parenchymal |organs at miliary tuberculosis.
669. What thesis is faithful?
A. * Miliary tuberculosis is one of the most unfavourable form of tuberculosis.
B. Miliary tuberculosis is a favourable form of tuberculosis.
C. Miliary tuberculosis is a торпідна form of tuberculosis.
D. Miliary tuberculosis is a subclinical form of tuberculosis.
E. Miliary tuberculosis is a form of tuberculosis without symptome.
670. What thesis is faithful?
A. Miliary tuberculosis is a local form of tuberculosis.
B. * Miliary tuberculosis is a general |form of tuberculosis.
C. Miliary tuberculosis is characterized by migrant defeats of different organs.
D. Only the lungs are struck at miliary tuberculosis .
E. The defeat takes place in 1-2 parenchymal |organs at miliary tuberculosis.
671. What type of breathing is auscultating at tuberculoma?
A. * Vesicular.
B. Bronchial.
C. Amphoric.
D. Stenotic.
E. Mixed.
672. What type of breathing is auscultating at tuberculoma?
A. * Vesicular.
B. Bronchial.
C. Amphoric.
D. Stenotic.
E. Mixed.
673. What variant of clinical course is typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Limited and relatively stable.
B. Slowly progressive.
C. Quickly progressive.
D. Course with complications.
E. * All above variants are possible.
674. What variant of clinical course is typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Limited and relatively stable.
B. Slowly progressive.
C. Quickly progressive.
D. Course with complications.
E. * All above variants are possible.
675. Which enumerated complications practically always accompany infiltrative form of tubercular
process with?
A. Atelectasis of appropriate part of lung.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Amyloidosis of inner organs.
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
E. * Tuberculosis of draining bronchus.
676. Which enumerated complications practically always accompany infiltrative form of tubercular
process with?
A. Atelectasis of appropriate part of lung.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Amyloidosis of inner organs.
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
E. * Tuberculosis of draining bronchus.
677. Which is a characteristic property of tissue reaction at infiltrative tuberculosis?
A. Limited distribution of specific inflammation, marked peculiarity to its encapsulation.
B. * Peculiarity to quick caseous necrosis.
C. Peculiarity to spontaneous resorption of infiltration.
D. Infiltrations quick dissipate, in other parts of lungs possible to appear new infiltrations
E. Typical diffusive growing of conjunction tissue, sclerotic changes in lymphatic vessels
and glands, thickening of the pleura.
678. Which is a characteristic property of tissue reaction at infiltrative tuberculosis?
A. Limited distribution of specific inflammation, marked peculiarity to its encapsulation.
B. * Peculiarity to quick caseous necrosis.
C. Peculiarity to spontaneous resorption of infiltration.
D. Infiltrations quick dissipate, in other parts of lungs possible to appear new infiltrations
E. Typical diffusive growing of conjunction tissue, sclerotic changes in lymphatic vessels
and glands, thickening of the pleura.
679. Which is the most typical percussion data during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Dullness of percussion sound in upper parts.
B. Dullness of percussion sound near root.
C. Dullness of percussion sound in basal areas.
D. Tympanic percussion sound.
E. * No changes.
680. Which is the most typical percussion data during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Dullness of percussion sound in upper parts.
B. Dullness of percussion sound near root.
C. Dullness of percussion sound in basal areas.
D. Tympanic percussion sound.
E. * No changes.
681. Which is the most typical radiological indications of old tuberculosis focus in the lungs?
A. Small or average intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
B. * Big intensity, clear borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
C. Small intensity, clear borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
D. Big intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
E. Average intensity, round shape, diameter 3-5 centimeters.
682. Which is the most typical radiological indications of old tuberculosis focus in the lungs?
A. Small or average intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
B. * Big intensity, clear borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
C. Small intensity, clear borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
D. Big intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
E. Average intensity, round shape, diameter 3-5 centimeters.
683. Which morphologic sort of tuberculoma is possible as result of focal tuberculosis?
A. Infiltrative-pneumonic.
B. Homogeneous.
C. Pseudotuberculoma.
D. * Conglomerate.
E. Like ball.
684. Which morphologic sort of tuberculoma is possible as result of focal tuberculosis?
A. Infiltrative-pneumonic.
B. Homogeneous.
C. Pseudotuberculoma.
D. * Conglomerate.
E. Like ball.
685. Which are the most typical radiological indications of new tuberculosis focus in the lungs?
A. * Small or average intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
B. Big intensity, clear borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
C. Small intensity, clear borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
D. Big intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
E. Average intensity, round shape, diameter 3-5 centimeters.
686. Which are the most typical radiological indications of new tuberculosis focus in the lungs?
A. * Small or average intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
B. Big intensity, clear borders, diameter up to 1 centimeter.
C. Small intensity, clear borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
D. Big intensity, nonccontrast borders, diameter more than 1 centimeter.
E. Average intensity, round shape, diameter 3-5 centimeters.
687. Which changes in the hemogram are typical for infiltrative tuberculosis?
A. Leukopenia, lymphocytosis, acceleration of ESR, anemia.
B. * Small leucocytosis, lymphopenia, enlarged ESR, anemia, small increase of stab
neutrophils, monocytosis.
C. High leukocytosis, significant accereratioun of ESR, acidophilia, lymphopenia.
D. High leukocytosis with significant increasing of stab neutrophils, lymphocytosis, normal
ESR, monocytopenia, absent eosinophiles.
E. Formula of white blood not changed. ESR more than 50 mm/Hr, full-blown anemia.
688. Which changes in the hemogram are typical for infiltrative tuberculosis?
A. Leukopenia, lymphocytosis, acceleration of ESR, anemia.
B. * Small leucocytosis, lymphopenia, enlarged ESR, anemia, small increase of stab
neutrophils, monocytosis.
C. High leukocytosis, significant accereratioun of ESR, acidophilia, lymphopenia.
D. High leukocytosis with significant increasing of stab neutrophils, lymphocytosis, normal
ESR, monocytopenia, absent eosinophiles.
E. Formula of white blood not changed. ESR more than 50 mm/Hr, full-blown anemia.
689. Which clinical course is typical for caseous pneumonia?
A. * Violent, acute progressive.
B. Initially chronic.
C. Near acute.
D. Without symptoms.
E. Forward with little symptoms.
690. Which clinical course is typical for caseous pneumonia?
A. * Violent, acute progressive.
B. Initially chronic.
C. Near acute.
D. Without symptoms.
E. Forward with little symptoms.
691. Which clinical syndrome is the most often suitable for infilrative tuberculosis?
A. * Intoxicational.
B. Abdominal.
C. Meningeal.
D. Hyperthermic.
E. Painful.
692. Which clinical syndrome is the most often suitable for infilrative tuberculosis?
A. * Intoxicational.
B. Abdominal.
C. Meningeal.
D. Hyperthermic.
E. Painful.
693. Which combination of antituberculous medications is the most worthwhile for first diagnosed
infilatrative pulmonary tuberculosis with destruction?
A. * Isoniazid, streptomycin, rifampicin, pyrazinamide.
B. Kanamycin, ethambutol, isoniazid, rifampicin.
C. Isoniazid, pyrazinamide, amikacin, ofloxacin.
D. PAS(A)(para-aminosalicylic acid)-natrium, ethambutol, isoniazid, rifampicin.
E. Streptomycin, ethambutol, mycobutine, ethionamide.
694. Which combination of antituberculous medications is the most worthwhile for first diagnosed
infilatrative pulmonary tuberculosis with destruction?
A. * Isoniazid, streptomycin, rifampicin, pyrazinamide.
B. Kanamycin, ethambutol, isoniazid, rifampicin.
C. Isoniazid, pyrazinamide, amikacin, ofloxacin.
D. PAS(A)(para-aminosalicylic acid)-natrium, ethambutol, isoniazid, rifampicin.
E. Streptomycin, ethambutol, mycobutine, ethionamide.
695. Which complication practically absent at focal tuberculosis?
A. Escudative pleurisy.
B. Chronic bronchitis.
C. Polysegmental fibrosis.
D. * Profuse pulmonary hemorrhage
E. Hospital-acquired pneumonia.
696. Which complication practically absent at focal tuberculosis?
A. Escudative pleurisy.
B. Chronic bronchitis.
C. Polysegmental fibrosis.
D. * Profuse pulmonary hemorrhage
E. Hospital-acquired pneumonia.
697. Which criterion of effective treatment of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in disintegration
stage, mycobacteriums tuberculosis+, is the most important?
A. Resolution of perifocal inflammatory reaction in pulmonary tissue?
B. Cicatrization of disintegration cavity
C. Fallout of intoxication occurrence.
D. Recovery of ability to work
E. * Elimination of bacterioexcretion
698. Which criterion of effective treatment of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in disintegration
stage, mycobacteriums tuberculosis+, is the most important?
A. Resolution of perifocal inflammatory reaction in pulmonary tissue?
B. Cicatrization of disintegration cavity
C. Fallout of intoxication occurrence.
D. Recovery of ability to work
E. * Elimination of bacterioexcretion
699. Which definition for caseous pneumonia is the most precise?
A. Caseos pneumonia is a clinical form of tuberculosis, which has many specific centers in
the lungs: initially disease has prevailed escudative-necrotic reacton with future
evolving of productive inflammation,
B. Caseos pneumonia is area of specific inflammation which has prevailed escudative
nature, with size more than 1 cm, with necessarily disintegration of pulmonary tissue
and its semination.
C. * Caseos pneumonia is a clinical form of secondary form of tuberculosis with significant
changes in the lungs with acute progressive clinical course. At quick widening of
caseous mass forming huge cavities or big quantity of small caverns.
D. Caseous pneumonia is progressive evolution of expressed perifocal inflammation
around fresh tubercular appearences, which was formed due exogenous superinfection
or endogenous revivification.
E. Casous pneumonia is clinical form of initial tuberculosis, with grave condition of
patient, significant symptoms of intoxication, frequent catarrhal events in lungs, massive
700. Which definition for caseous pneumonia is the most precise?
A. Caseos pneumonia is a clinical form of tuberculosis, which has many specific centers in
the lungs: initially disease has prevailed escudative-necrotic reacton with future
evolving of productive inflammation,
B. Caseos pneumonia is area of specific inflammation which has prevailed escudative
nature, with size more than 1 cm, with necessarily disintegration of pulmonary tissue
and its semination.
C. * Caseos pneumonia is a clinical form of secondary form of tuberculosis with significant
changes in the lungs with acute progressive clinical course. At quick widening of
caseous mass forming huge cavities or big quantity of small caverns.
D. Caseous pneumonia is progressive evolution of expressed perifocal inflammation
around fresh tubercular appearences, which was formed due exogenous superinfection
or endogenous revivification.
E. Casous pneumonia is clinical form of initial tuberculosis, with grave condition of
patient, significant symptoms of intoxication, frequent catarrhal events in lungs, massive
701. Which disease at first needs to be disambiguate from infiltration not homogeneous structure in
the upper part of right lung with “track” to root and focal shadows around?
A. Out-gospital necrotizing pneumonia.
B. Central pulmonary cancer.
C. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
D. Eosinophylic infiltration.
E. Infarct-Pneumonia.
702. Which disease at first needs to be disambiguate from infiltration not homogeneous structure in
the upper part of right lung with “track” to root and focal shadows around?
A. Out-gospital necrotizing pneumonia.
B. Central pulmonary cancer.
C. * Infiltrative tuberculosis.
D. Eosinophylic infiltration.
E. Infarct-Pneumonia.
703. Which disease least advisable to be distinguish fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Chronic abscess.
B. Central cancer.
C. Cystic disease.
D. * Chronic bronchitis.
E. Multiple bronchiectasis.
704. Which disease least advisable to be distinguish fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Chronic abscess.
B. Central cancer.
C. Cystic disease.
D. * Chronic bronchitis.
E. Multiple bronchiectasis.
705. Which disease needs to be distinguish fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis from?
A. Eosinophylic infiltration.
B. Chronic bronchitis.
C. * Chronic abscess.
D. Pleuropneumonia.
E. Lung infarction.
706. Which disease needs to be distinguish fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis from?
A. Eosinophylic infiltration.
B. Chronic bronchitis.
C. * Chronic abscess.
D. Pleuropneumonia.
E. Lung infarction.
707. Which diseases need to disambiguate lobar caseous pneumonia with?
A. * Pleuropneumonia.
B. Infarct of lung.
C. Pneumonia complicated by an abscess.
D. Escudative pleurisy.
E. With central cancer.
708. Which diseases need to disambiguate lobar caseous pneumonia with?
A. * Pleuropneumonia.
B. Infarct of lung.
C. Pneumonia complicated by an abscess.
D. Escudative pleurisy.
E. With central cancer.
709. Which factors are not important for initial stage and clinical course of infiltrative pulmonary
A. Morphological structure of infiltration.
B. Width of perifocal inflammation.
C. Size of area caseous necrosis.
D. Complications from side of bronchopulmonary system.
E. * Availability in anamnesis immunization by vaccine BCG (Calmette-Gurin bacillus).
710. Which factors are not important for initial stage and clinical course of infiltrative pulmonary
A. Morphological structure of infiltration.
B. Width of perifocal inflammation.
C. Size of area caseous necrosis.
D. Complications from side of bronchopulmonary system.
E. * Availability in anamnesis immunization by vaccine BCG (Calmette-Gurin bacillus).
711. Which factors are the most important (deciding factor) for diagnosis of infiltrative form of
A. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis in the sputum or scourage of bronchus..
B. Hyperergic tuberculin sensitivity according Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L
C. * Availability of mycobacteriums tuberculosis and presence infiltration on the
D. Availability shadow on the rontgenogram which allocated in 1,2 or 6 segments.
E. Complains concerning cough with sputum, pain in chest, sputum with blood, rise in
temperature of the body, general weakness, information about former tuberculosis.
712. Which factors are the most important (deciding factor) for diagnosis of infiltrative form of
A. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis in the sputum or scourage of bronchus..
B. Hyperergic tuberculin sensitivity according Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L
C. * Availability of mycobacteriums tuberculosis and presence infiltration on the
D. Availability shadow on the rontgenogram which allocated in 1,2 or 6 segments.
E. Complains concerning cough with sputum, pain in chest, sputum with blood, rise in
temperature of the body, general weakness, information about former tuberculosis.
713. Which factors is the most important at disambiguate diagnostic between infilrative
tuberculosis and pneumonia?
A. Level of bacterioexcretion.
B. Localization of process.
C. Presense disintegration cavity in pulmonary tissue.
D. Presense complications.
E. * Violent and progressive course of disease.
714. Which factors is the most important at disambiguate diagnostic between infilrative
tuberculosis and pneumonia?
A. Level of bacterioexcretion.
B. Localization of process.
C. Presense disintegration cavity in pulmonary tissue.
D. Presense complications.
E. * Violent and progressive course of disease.
715. Which form of backward evolution of tuberculosis is impossible for focal tuberculosis?
A. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Pulmonary tuberculoma.
C. * Miliary tuberculosis.
D. Impossible backware evoluion to focal tuberculosis from any other form of tuberculosis.
E. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
716. Which form of backward evolution of tuberculosis is impossible for focal tuberculosis?
A. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
B. Pulmonary tuberculoma.
C. * Miliary tuberculosis.
D. Impossible backware evoluion to focal tuberculosis from any other form of tuberculosis.
E. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
717. Which instrumental method is good enough at verify diagnose in a case when middle lung
field has round center up to 3 cm in diameter with contrast outlines?
A. Fluorography.
B. Bronchography.
C. * Transthoracal paracentetic biopsy.
D. Bronchoscopy.
E. Rontgenoscopy.
718. Which instrumental method is good enough at verify diagnose in a case when middle lung
field has round center up to 3 cm in diameter with contrast outlines?
A. Fluorography.
B. Bronchography.
C. * Transthoracal paracentetic biopsy.
D. Bronchoscopy.
E. Rontgenoscopy.
719. Which is the most typical auscultatory data during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Diffused dry crepitations.
B. Dry crepitations in upper parts.
C. * No changes.
D. Dry and humid crepitations.
E. Diffused humid crepitations.
720. Which is the most typical auscultatory data during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Diffused dry crepitations.
B. Dry crepitations in upper parts.
C. * No changes.
D. Dry and humid crepitations.
E. Diffused humid crepitations.
721. Which is the most typical combination of complains for caseous pneumonia patients?
A. * High temperature of the body, profuse sweat, paint in chest, shortness of breath, cough
with greenish sputum, quick growing of intoxication syndromes.
B. Worsening of appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, petulance, weakening of
C. Dry cough,general weakness, periodical sputum with blood, instable subfebrile state.
D. High temperature, headache, sputum, diarrhoea, chill.
E. Periodical pain in the side, subfebrile temperature changing to febrile, rare cough, pain
in chest gradually decreases, appears shortness of breath.
722. Which is the most typical combination of complains for caseous pneumonia patients?
A. * High temperature of the body, profuse sweat, paint in chest, shortness of breath, cough
with greenish sputum, quick growing of intoxication syndromes.
B. Worsening of appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, petulance, weakening of
C. Dry cough,general weakness, periodical sputum with blood, instable subfebrile state.
D. High temperature, headache, sputum, diarrhoea, chill.
E. Periodical pain in the side, subfebrile temperature changing to febrile, rare cough, pain
in chest gradually decreases, appears shortness of breath.
723. Which is the most accurate definition of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis as
clinicorontgenological form of specific process?
A. * Infiltrative tuberculosis is area of specific inflammation with mainly escudative nature,
with size more than 1 cm, with disposition to progress and disintegration, possible
bronchogenic semination.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis is focus of specific inflammation which necessarily
accompaniment of disintegration pulmonary tissue and semination of pulmonary tissue.
C. It is form of specific inflammation with availability in the lungs formed and stable by
dimension cavity with marked infiltrative and (sometime) fibrous changes in
surrounding pulmonary tissue.
D. Infiltrative tuberculosis is area of specific inflammation with chronical torpid behavior,
with size more than 1 cm, with predisposition to spontaneous recovery.
E. Infiltrative tuberculosis has big quantity of specific centers in the lungs. At initial stage
of disease prevails escudative-necrotizing reaction with future evolution of productive
724. Which is the most accurate definition of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis as
clinicorontgenological form of specific process?
A. * Infiltrative tuberculosis is area of specific inflammation with mainly escudative nature,
with size more than 1 cm, with disposition to progress and disintegration, possible
bronchogenic semination.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis is focus of specific inflammation which necessarily
accompaniment of disintegration pulmonary tissue and semination of pulmonary tissue.
C. It is form of specific inflammation with availability in the lungs formed and stable by
dimension cavity with marked infiltrative and (sometime) fibrous changes in
surrounding pulmonary tissue.
D. Infiltrative tuberculosis is area of specific inflammation with chronical torpid behavior,
with size more than 1 cm, with predisposition to spontaneous recovery.
E. Infiltrative tuberculosis has big quantity of specific centers in the lungs. At initial stage
of disease prevails escudative-necrotizing reaction with future evolution of productive
725. Which is the most often reason for death of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Pulmonary atelectasis.
B. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
C. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
D. Renal amyloidosis.
E. Progressive tuberculosis.
726. Which is the most often reason for death of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
A. Pulmonary atelectasis.
B. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
C. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
D. Renal amyloidosis.
E. Progressive tuberculosis.
727. Which is the most typical complains in focal pulmonary tuberculosis patients?
A. * Weakness, hyperhidrosis, rapid fatigability, minor increased temperature.
B. Fever.
C. Cough with big quantity of purulent spew.
D. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
E. Shortness of breath.
728. Which is the most typical complains in focal pulmonary tuberculosis patients?
A. * Weakness, hyperhidrosis, rapid fatigability, minor increased temperature.
B. Fever.
C. Cough with big quantity of purulent spew.
D. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
E. Shortness of breath.
729. Which is the most typical localization of centers at focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * 1-2 segments.
B. 3-4 segments.
C. 7-8 segments.
D. 9-10 segments.
E. Root of lung.
730. Which is the most typical localization of centers at focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * 1-2 segments.
B. 3-4 segments.
C. 7-8 segments.
D. 9-10 segments.
E. Root of lung.
731. Which medications, except antituberculosis, are able to stop evolution of caseous pneumonia?
A. Disintoxication.
B. Vitaminous.
C. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory.
D. * Fluoroquinolones.
E. Immunomodulator.
732. Which medications, except antituberculosis, are able to stop evolution of caseous pneumonia?
A. Disintoxication.
B. Vitaminous.
C. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory.
D. * Fluoroquinolones.
E. Immunomodulator.
733. Which most often not specific complication for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
B. Larynx tuberculosis.
C. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
D. Pulmonary atelectasis.
E. Internal amyloidosis.
734. Which most often not specific complication for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
B. Larynx tuberculosis.
C. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
D. Pulmonary atelectasis.
E. Internal amyloidosis.
735. Which most often specific complication for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Larynx tuberculosis.
B. Colorectal tuberculosis.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Genitals tuberculous.
E. Renal tuberculosis.
736. Which most often specific complication for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. * Larynx tuberculosis.
B. Colorectal tuberculosis.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Genitals tuberculous.
E. Renal tuberculosis.
737. Which of the illnesses are the most frequently complicated with pulmonary haemorrhages?
A. * Aspergilloma
B. Lung cancer
C. Bronchus adenoma
D. Lung tuberculosis
E. Pneumonia
738. Which of the illnesses are the most frequently complicated with pulmonary haemorrhages?
A. * Aspergilloma
B. Lung cancer
C. Bronchus adenoma
D. Lung tuberculosis
E. Pneumonia
739. Which of those complications are specific?
A. * Larynx tuberculosis
B. Atelectasis
C. Pulmonary haemorrhage
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax
E. Chronic lung heart
740. Which of those complications are specific?
A. * Larynx tuberculosis
B. Atelectasis
C. Pulmonary haemorrhage
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax
E. Chronic lung heart
741. Which pathogenic variant isn`t typical for evolution of lobular caseous pneumonia?
A. Result of aspiration pneumonia after hemorrhages and spew with blood.
B. Malignant variant of near acute disseminated tuberculosis.
C. Complications in terminal stages of chronical form of tuberculosis.
D. Distribution of caseous output in the bronchuses and lungs through fistula with lymph
E. * In terminal stage of miliary tuberculosis.
742. Which pathogenic variant isn`t typical for evolution of lobular caseous pneumonia?
A. Result of aspiration pneumonia after hemorrhages and spew with blood.
B. Malignant variant of near acute disseminated tuberculosis.
C. Complications in terminal stages of chronical form of tuberculosis.
D. Distribution of caseous output in the bronchuses and lungs through fistula with lymph
E. * In terminal stage of miliary tuberculosis.
743. Which pathomorphological changes prevail during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Alternate inflammation.
B. * Productive inflammation.
C. Necrosis.
D. Escudative inflammation.
E. Pneumofibrosis.
744. Which pathomorphological changes prevail during focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Alternate inflammation.
B. * Productive inflammation.
C. Necrosis.
D. Escudative inflammation.
E. Pneumofibrosis.
745. Which result is expected at positive dynamic of caseous pneumonia.
A. * Transformation to massive pneumocirrhosis.
B. Full resorption of infiltration.
C. Limited pneumofibrosis.
D. Forming of tuberculoma.
E. Chronic disseminated tuberculosis.
746. Which result is expected at positive dynamic of caseous pneumonia.
A. * Transformation to massive pneumocirrhosis.
B. Full resorption of infiltration.
C. Limited pneumofibrosis.
D. Forming of tuberculoma.
E. Chronic disseminated tuberculosis.
747. Which rontgenologic indication is typical for caseous pneumonia?
* Homogeneous shadow is partially limited.
Shadow not homogeneous, possible to out from part.
Appear of clarifications due disintegration cavity.
Centers of bronchogenic dissemination in other part current or other lung.
Massive not uniform darkening of all part of a lung against a background possible
individual more solid centers.
748. Which rontgenologic indication is typical for caseous pneumonia?
A. * Homogeneous shadow is partially limited.
B. Shadow not homogeneous, possible to out from part.
C. Appear of clarifications due disintegration cavity.
D. Centers of bronchogenic dissemination in other part current or other lung.
E. Massive not uniform darkening of all part of a lung against a background possible
individual more solid centers.
749. Which rontgenologic syndrome accompanies pulmanary tuberculoma?
A. Syndrome of focal shadow.
B. * Syndrome of round shadow
C. Syndrome of limited darkening
D. Syndrome of ring-shaped brightening.
E. Syndrome of root of the lung pathology.
750. Which rontgenologic syndrome accompanies pulmanary tuberculoma?
A. Syndrome of focal shadow.
B. * Syndrome of round shadow
C. Syndrome of limited darkening
D. Syndrome of ring-shaped brightening.
E. Syndrome of root of the lung pathology.
751. Which tuberculin test has the most informative meaning for defining the activity of the
tuberculous process:
A. Pirquet’s test
B. Mantoux test
C. * Koch test
D. Moro test
E. Pirquet’s graduated test.
752. Which tuberculin test has the most informative meaning for defining the activity of the
tuberculous process:
A. Pirquet’s test
B. Mantoux test
C. * Koch test
D. Moro test
E. Pirquet’s graduated test.
753. Which tuberculin test needs to do for doubtful activity of focal tuberculosis?
A. Mantoux test with 2 TU.
B. Mantoux test, deluted,
C. Pirquet's test
D. * Koch’s test.
E. Mantoux test with 5 TU.
754. Which tuberculin test needs to do for doubtful activity of focal tuberculosis?
A. Mantoux test with 2 TU.
B. Mantoux test, deluted,
C. Pirquet's test
D. * Koch’s test.
E. Mantoux test with 5 TU.
755. Which ways are the most probable for forming fresh centers of dissemination at infiltrative
A. * Lympho-bronchogenic.
B. Only hematogenic.
C. Only sputogenic.
D. Hematogenic-lymphogenic.
E. Only lymphogenic.
756. Which ways are the most probable for forming fresh centers of dissemination at infiltrative
A. * Lympho-bronchogenic.
B. Only hematogenic.
C. Only sputogenic.
D. Hematogenic-lymphogenic.
E. Only lymphogenic.
757. Which what diseases do not need to do differential diagnosis for fibrous cavernous pulmonary
A. Chronic abscess.
B. Cancer in degradation stage.
C. Multiple bronchiectasis.
D. Pneumonia complicated by an abscess.
E. * Lung tuberculoma.
758. Which with mentioned below methods of examination (at suspicion about infiltrative
tuberculosis) in the adult not critical at diagnosis withs?
A. Visual rontgenography of thorax organs.
B. * Biochemical blood analysis.
C. Bronchoscopy.
D. Rontgenography of chest organs in lateral projection.
E. Bacterioscopy and bacteriological exploration of spew concerning mycobacterium
759. Which with mentioned below methods of examination (at suspicion about infiltrative
tuberculosis) in the adult not critical at diagnosis withs?
A. Visual rontgenography of thorax organs.
B. * Biochemical blood analysis.
C. Bronchoscopy.
D. Rontgenography of chest organs in lateral projection.
E. Bacterioscopy and bacteriological exploration of spew concerning mycobacterium
760. Which X-ray syndrome is the most typical for infiltrative form of tuberculosis?
A. Syndrome of total darkening.
B. Syndrome of round shadow.
C. Syndrome of pathological changed root of the lung.
D. * Syndrome of limited darkening.
E. Syndrome of focal shadow.
761. Which X-ray syndrome is the most typical for infiltrative form of tuberculosis?
A. Syndrome of total darkening.
B. Syndrome of round shadow.
C. Syndrome of pathological changed root of the lung.
D. * Syndrome of limited darkening.
E. Syndrome of focal shadow.
762. Why chemical therapy for tuberculoma is low effective?
A. * Tuberculoma has no blood vessels.
B. It is secondary form of tuberculosis.
C. At tuberculoma always present polychemoresistivity.
D. At tuberculoma always disturbed passability of draining bronchus.
E. At tuberculoma present hyperergic sensitivity to tuberculine.
Situational tasks
1. A female patient of 45 is disturbed with cough, temperature rise up to 37,5°C. Got ill six weeks
ago after ”the flu”. In a 2 weeks treatment course for focal pneumonia, focal shadows in the
upper segment of the right lung remained without any changes. What is the most probable
A. Aspergilosis
B. Lung cancer
C. Eosiniphil infiltration
D. * Nidus tuberculosis
E. Lingering pneumonia
2. A female patient of 45 is disturbed with cough, temperature rise up to 37,5°C. Got ill six weeks
ago after ”the flu”. In a 2 weeks treatment course for focal pneumonia, focal shadows in the
upper segment of the right lung remained without any changes. What is the most probable
A. Aspergilosis
B. Lung cancer
C. Eosiniphil infiltration
D. * Nidus tuberculosis
E. Lingering pneumonia
3. A female patient Z., 29, has been coughing for 2 years, with a small quantity of sputum,
sometimes subfebrilitet. She did not apply for a medical care. A week ago a heterogeneous
round darkening 2,5 x 3,0 cm with clear contours and a strip of excentric lightening was found
in the sixth segment. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
4. A female patient Z., 29, has been coughing for 2 years, with a small quantity of sputum,
sometimes subfebrilitet. She did not apply for a medical care. A week ago a heterogeneous
round darkening 2,5 x 3,0 cm with clear contours and a strip of excentric lightening was found
in the sixth segment. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
5. A female patient Z., 35. A shadow with vague contours sized 4 cm, MBT(-) has been found in
the right lung (1st segment) at a roentgenologic examination. After 3 months of
antimycobacterial therapy a round focus, 2 cm in diametre, of homogeneous structure with clear
contours formed. A diagnosis after 3-months treatment.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
6. A female patient Z., 35. A shadow with vague contours sized 4 cm, MBT(-) has been found in
the right lung (1st segment) at a roentgenologic examination. After 3 months of
antimycobacterial therapy a round focus, 2 cm in diametre, of homogeneous structure with clear
contours formed. A diagnosis after 3-months treatment.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
7. A man of 38 complains of pain in heart area, subfebrility, sweatness, weight loss. Pulse: 82
strokes/min., AP 110/75 mm m.c. Systolic murmur over the heart apex. Roentgenogram: focal
shadows up to 5mm in diameter on both lungs apexes. What disease is the most probable one?
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Eosinophil infiltration
C. * Nidus pneumonia
D. Nidus lung tuberculosis
E. Peripheral lung cancer
8. A man of 38 complains of pain in heart area, subfebrility, sweatness, weight loss. Pulse: 82
strokes/min., AP 110/75 mm m.c. Systolic murmur over the heart apex. Roentgenogram: focal
shadows up to 5mm in diameter on both lungs apexes. What disease is the most probable one?
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Eosinophil infiltration
C. * Nidus pneumonia
D. Nidus lung tuberculosis
E. Peripheral lung cancer
9. A man of 43, smoker, complains of cough with little sputum secretion, subfebrility, weight loss.
With the suspect for the abcess-forming pneumonia was hospitalized into a diagnostic
department. Roentgenogram: in the upper segment of the right lung – 4x4 cm shadowing with
distinct exterior contour and a sickle-shaped enlargement. Blood analysis: leuk. – 9,0 x 109/l,
ESR – 19 mm/hour. Sputum analysis: leuk. – 8-12 in the vision field. Mantoux test with 2 TO –
22 mm infiltrate. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Peripheral lung cancer
B. Abscess of lung
C. * Lung tuberculoma
D. Non-malignant tumor
E. Aspergiloma
10. A man of 43, smoker, complains of cough with little sputum secretion, subfebrility, weight loss.
With the suspect for the abcess-forming pneumonia was hospitalized into a diagnostic
department. Roentgenogram: in the upper segment of the right lung – 4x4 cm shadowing with
distinct exterior contour and a sickle-shaped enlargement. Blood analysis: leuk. – 9,0 x 109/l,
ESR – 19 mm/hour. Sputum analysis: leuk. – 8-12 in the vision field. Mantoux test with 2 TO –
22 mm infiltrate. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Peripheral lung cancer
B. Abscess of lung
C. * Lung tuberculoma
D. Non-malignant tumor
E. Aspergiloma
11. A patient R., aged 32. During the last four months – dry cough, general weakness, perspiration,
subfebrile temperature. There is a round formation of over 2 cm in diametre, of medium
intensity in the second segment of the upper part of the right lung on a fluorogram. At the age of
20, the patient suffered from the infiltrative lung tuberculosis. The general blood analysis is
within the norm. Mantoux reaction with 2 ТU – 15 mm infiltrate. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
12. A patient R., aged 32. During the last four months – dry cough, general weakness, perspiration,
subfebrile temperature. There is a round formation of over 2 cm in diametre, of medium
intensity in the second segment of the upper part of the right lung on a fluorogram. At the age of
20, the patient suffered from the infiltrative lung tuberculosis. The general blood analysis is
within the norm. Mantoux reaction with 2 ТU – 15 mm infiltrate. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
13. Female patient Z., 29 years old, was brought by an urgent medical service car to a regional
tuberculous dispensary. She complains on cough, dyspnea, pain in the right half of the thorax.
Objectively – wooden sound at percussion, auscultatively – the absence of breathing above the
right half of the thorax. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Lung infarction
B. Lung atelectasis
C. Exudative pleurisy
D. * Spontaneous pneumothorax
E. Pleropneumonia
14. Female patient Z., 29 years old, was brought by an urgent medical service car to a regional
tuberculous dispensary. She complains on cough, dyspnea, pain in the right half of the thorax.
Objectively – wooden sound at percussion, auscultatively – the absence of breathing above the
right half of the thorax. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Lung infarction
B. Lung atelectasis
C. Exudative pleurisy
D. * Spontaneous pneumothorax
E. Pleropneumonia
15. Female patient Z., 39. Got ill with diabetes mellitus six years ago. The roentgenologic
examination showed infiltrate shadow with enlightment in the center in the lower segment of
the left lung. General condition of the patient is satisfactory. Blood analysis: leuk. – 10,5 x
109/l, ESR – 25 mm/hour. Mantoux test with 2 TO - positive. What is the most probable
A. Lung cancer
B. Pneumonia
C. * Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Abscess of a lung
E. Primary tuberculosis complex
16. Female patient Z., 39. Got ill with diabetes mellitus six years ago. The roentgenologic
examination showed infiltrate shadow with enlightment in the center in the lower segment of
the left lung. General condition of the patient is satisfactory. Blood analysis: leuk. – 10,5 x
109/l, ESR – 25 mm/hour. Mantoux test with 2 TO - positive. What is the most probable
A. Lung cancer
B. Pneumonia
C. * Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Abscess of a lung
E. Primary tuberculosis complex
17. Female patient, 29. During the last five years has noted general weakness, cough, subfebrility;
menstruations absence for three months. General roentgenogram: in the 2nd segment of the left
lung – a round hole above 3cm in diameter of medium intensity. Mantoux test with 2 TO – 23
mm infiltrate. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Aspergiloma
B. Peripheral lung cancer
C. * Lung tuberculoma
D. Filled with a cyst
E. Chondroma
18. In a patient S., 17, suffering from diabetes, a round shadow of 2,5 cm in diameter, of medium
intensivity with vague outer contours and a path to the root was found in the second segment of
the upper part of the right lung during fluorography. Mantoux test with 2 ТU – 24 mm
infiltrate.A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Caseous pneumonia.
19. In a patient S., 17, suffering from diabetes, a round shadow of 2,5 cm in diameter, of medium
intensivity with vague outer contours and a path to the root was found in the second segment of
the upper part of the right lung during fluorography. Mantoux test with 2 ТU – 24 mm
infiltrate.A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Caseous pneumonia.
20. Patient age 33 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing of the
appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with sputum. Tuberculosis of the left
lung (infiltrative form) was revealed 3 year ago. The patient systematically broke treatment
course, excessive used spirits, irregular took antimicobacterial medications. As a result patient
has resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin and has formed
fibrous cavernous tuberculosis of left lung. What reasons of forming fibrous cavernous
tuberculosis in the patient?
A. Disturbance of medical treatment.
B. Alcohol abuse.
C. Irregular take medicine.
D. Resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin.
E. * All above.
21. Patient age 33 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing of the
appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with sputum. Tuberculosis of the left
lung (infiltrative form) was revealed 3 year ago. The patient systematically broke treatment
course, excessive used spirits, irregular took antimicobacterial medications. As a result patient
has resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin and has formed
fibrous cavernous tuberculosis of left lung. What reasons of forming fibrous cavernous
tuberculosis in the patient?
A. Disturbance of medical treatment.
B. Alcohol abuse.
C. Irregular take medicine.
D. Resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin.
E. * All above.
22. Patient age 42 years. He is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the upper part
of the right lung during 8 years. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. He feels good during last 2
year. Radiographic data: the upper part of the right lung available thick cavern with fibrosis and
perifocal inflammation. The upper part is narrow due fibrosis. Both lungs have focuses of
semination. Shadow of mediastinum shifted right. What radiographic data are typical for fibrous
cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the lungs?
A. * Caverns presence, well-defined fibrosis, focuses of semination.
B. Caverns presence, perifocal inflammation.
C. Perifocal inflammation, bronchogenic dissemination.
D. Organs on mediastinum are shifted in the side of lesion.
E. Intense dark patch, narrowed lung field.
23. Patient age 42 years. He is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 8 years.
Had irregular treatment. He has complains about intense pain in the left part of thorax,
breathlessness. Objective: state of the patient is average. Above left lung percussion data shows
tympanitis, auscultatory - breath not auscultates. What complications of fibrous cavernous
pulmonary tuberculosis arose in the patient?
A. Bullous emphysema.
B. Tuberculous atelectasis.
C. * Pneumothorax spontaneous.
D. Chronical cor pulmonale.
E. Escudative pleurisy.
24. Patient age 48 years. He is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the high part of
left lung during 6 years. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. Worsening state of health after
supercooling. What complains of patient are typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary
tuberculosis of the lungs?
A. Cough with sputum with blood streaks, hyperhidrosis, worsening of the appetite,
decreasing of the body weight.
B. * Cough, increasing of the body temperature, hyperhidrosis, general weakness,
decreasing of the body weight.
C. Increasing of the body temperature, hyperhidrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the
body weight.
D. Cough wit sputum, breathlessness, pain in thorax, increasing of the body temperature,
hyperhidrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the body weight.
E. Headache, hyperhidrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the bode weight.
25. Patient age is 40 years. Has fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 8 years. Last time
has edema of legs. Urine examination shows: growing proteinuria, cylindruria, hyposthenuria.
What is the most probable reasons for changing in urine examination?
A. Acute nephritis.
B. * Amyloidosis.
C. Renal tuberculosis.
D. Cystic disease.
E. Chronic renal insufficiency.
26. Patient at the age of 35 years has complains concerning cough with sputum, weakness,
shortness of breath during minor activity. Three month ago was returned from correctional
institutions. During medical examination right part of the thorax is narrowed. Lags during
breath. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis revealed bacterioscopy. Which clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis was revealed in the patient?
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Focal tuberculosis.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
E. * Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
27. Patient at the age of 35 years has complains concerning cough with sputum, weakness,
shortness of breath during minor activity. Three month ago was returned from correctional
institutions. During medical examination right part of the thorax is narrowed. Lags during
breath. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis revealed bacterioscopy. Which clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis was revealed in the patient?
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Focal tuberculosis.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
E. * Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
28. Patient at the age of 43 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing
of the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 8 years ago. Three year ago patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic
data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left lung has cavity with diameter 10 centimeters
with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of right lung has some cavities of
disintegration.Sputum has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis is present in the patient?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Tuberculoma.
C. Infiltrative form.
D. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
E. Cirrhosis form.
29. Patient at the age of 43 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing
of the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 8 years ago. Three year ago patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic
data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left lung has cavity with diameter 10 centimeters
with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of right lung has some cavities of
disintegration.Sputum has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis is present in the patient?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Tuberculoma.
C. Infiltrative form.
D. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
E. Cirrhosis form.
30. Patient at the age of 49 years address to doctor with complains about weakness, decreasing of
the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 7 years ago. Patient had course of treatment in the hospital. Two year ago
patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left
lung has cavity with diameter 6 centimeters with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of
right lung has some cavities..Spew has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of
tuberculosis resides such kind of radio data?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Infiltrative form.
C. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
D. Tuberculoma.
E. Cirrhosis form.
31. Patient at the age of 49 years address to doctor with complains about weakness, decreasing of
the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 7 years ago. Patient had course of treatment in the hospital. Two year ago
patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left
lung has cavity with diameter 6 centimeters with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of
right lung has some cavities..Spew has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of
tuberculosis resides such kind of radio data?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Infiltrative form.
C. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
D. Tuberculoma.
E. Cirrhosis form.
32. Patient at the age of 56 years has fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 13 years. He
admitted to hospital with complains about shortness of breath in quiet state, edema of legs.
Objective: available diffusive cyanosis, increased liver on 4 centimeters, edema of legs. Above
both lungs, in upper areas (against a background of hard breath) auscultates crepitation with
middle bubbles. P8 – 100 per minute, arterial pressure 115/88 mm of mercury. Heart borders
increased, present accent and separation of II sound above pulmonary artery. What
complication arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Spew with blood.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
33. Patient at the age of 56 years has fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 13 years. He
admitted to hospital with complains about shortness of breath in quiet state, edema of legs.
Objective: available diffusive cyanosis, increased liver on 4 centimeters, edema of legs. Above
both lungs, in upper areas (against a background of hard breath) auscultates crepitation with
middle bubbles. P8 – 100 per minute, arterial pressure 115/88 mm of mercury. Heart borders
increased, present accent and separation of II sound above pulmonary artery. What
complication arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Spew with blood.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
34. Patient K., 36. Got ill acutely after a surgical operation for a stomach ulcer. Roentgenogram:
massive infiltration of pulmonary tissue with several hollows of destruction in the upper
segment of the right lung. Mantoux test with 2 TO – doubtful. Blood analysis: leuk. – 17,0 x
109/l, ESR – 52 mm/hour. MBT are found in sputum. What is the most probable form of lungs
A. Infiltrative
B. Nidus
C. Fibrous-cavernous
D. * Caseous pneumonia
E. Cirrhotic
35. Patient K., 36. Got ill acutely after a surgical operation for a stomach ulcer. Roentgenogram:
massive infiltration of pulmonary tissue with several hollows of destruction in the upper
segment of the right lung. Mantoux test with 2 TO – doubtful. Blood analysis: leuk. – 17,0 x
109/l, ESR – 52 mm/hour. MBT are found in sputum. What is the most probable form of lungs
A. Infiltrative
B. Nidus
C. Fibrous-cavernous
D. * Caseous pneumonia
E. Cirrhotic
36. Patient V. suffers from tuberculosis for 17 years. Recent dyspnea aggravation, cough, new pain
in the right intercostal area, in heart area, drowsiness, edema in lower extremities. What is the
most probable complication?
A. Spontaneous pneumotorax
B. Lung atelectasis
C. * Chronic lung heart
D. Amiloidosis of internal organs
E. Tuberculosis of bronchi
37. Patient V. suffers from tuberculosis for 17 years. Recent dyspnea aggravation, cough, new pain
in the right intercostal area, in heart area, drowsiness, edema in lower extremities. What is the
most probable complication?
A. Spontaneous pneumotorax
B. Lung atelectasis
C. * Chronic lung heart
D. Amiloidosis of internal organs
E. Tuberculosis of bronchi
38. Patient`s (woman) age 52 years. She is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
during 15 years. She had irregular treatment. She admitted to hospital with complains about
strong pain in the left part of the thorax during breathing, shortness of breath. Objective: state of
the patient is average. Left part of the lung lags during breathing, during percussion –
tympanitis. Auscultatory - breath very impaired. What medical investigation need to do with
patient at first for more accurate diagnosis?
A. * Radiography of organs of thorax.
B. Medical investigation of respiratory function.
C. Computer tomography.
D. Bronchoscopy.
E. Tomography.
39. Patient`s age is 40 years. Has tuberculosis during 7 years. Two years ago got diagnosed fibrous
cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, mycobacterium tuberculosis+. Half year ago appeared
progressive shortness of breath during physical activity. Now shortness of breath appears during
rising on the second floor. Objective: respiration rate 24 per minute, pulse - 96 beats per minute.
Heart sounds speeded up, rhythmical. Above pulmonary artery auscultates accent of second
sound. Liver during palpation not sickly, prominent from border of costal margin on 2
centimeters. What complication arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. Spew with blood.
40. Patient, 27. Underwent 4-months treatment in a hospital because of infiltrate tuberculosis of the
upper segment of the left lung in the phase of destruction. He is achieved, but in the place of the
infiltrate a round 2 cm hole of medium intensity and with distinct exterior contours is formed.
What treatment method is most advisable at this phase?
A. To recommend sanatoric treatment
B. * To continue the treatment with antimycobacterial preparations
C. To use surgical intervention
D. To carry out 1,5-2th months course of hormonotherapy
E. To use means of popular medicine
41. A female patient of 45 is disturbed with cough, temperature rise up to 37,5°C. Got ill six weeks
ago after ”the flu”. In a 2 weeks treatment course for focal pneumonia, focal shadows in the
upper segment of the right lung remained without any changes. What is the most probable
A. Aspergilosis
B. Lung cancer
C. Eosiniphil infiltration
D. * Nidus tuberculosis
E. Lingering pneumonia
42. A female patient of 45 is disturbed with cough, temperature rise up to 37,5°C. Got ill six weeks
ago after ”the flu”. In a 2 weeks treatment course for focal pneumonia, focal shadows in the
upper segment of the right lung remained without any changes. What is the most probable
A. Aspergilosis
B. Lung cancer
C. Eosiniphil infiltration
D. * Nidus tuberculosis
E. Lingering pneumonia
43. A female patient Z., 29, has been coughing for 2 years, with a small quantity of sputum,
sometimes subfebrilitet. She did not apply for a medical care. A week ago a heterogeneous
round darkening 2,5 x 3,0 cm with clear contours and a strip of excentric lightening was found
in the sixth segment. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
44. A female patient Z., 29, has been coughing for 2 years, with a small quantity of sputum,
sometimes subfebrilitet. She did not apply for a medical care. A week ago a heterogeneous
round darkening 2,5 x 3,0 cm with clear contours and a strip of excentric lightening was found
in the sixth segment. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
45. A female patient Z., 35. A shadow with vague contours sized 4 cm, MBT(-) has been found in
the right lung (1st segment) at a roentgenologic examination. After 3 months of
antimycobacterial therapy a round focus, 2 cm in diametre, of homogeneous structure with clear
contours formed. A diagnosis after 3-months treatment.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
46. A female patient Z., 35. A shadow with vague contours sized 4 cm, MBT(-) has been found in
the right lung (1st segment) at a roentgenologic examination. After 3 months of
antimycobacterial therapy a round focus, 2 cm in diametre, of homogeneous structure with clear
contours formed. A diagnosis after 3-months treatment.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
47. A man of 38 complains of pain in heart area, subfebrility, sweatness, weight loss. Pulse: 82
strokes/min., AP 110/75 mm m.c. Systolic murmur over the heart apex. Roentgenogram: focal
shadows up to 5mm in diameter on both lungs apexes. What disease is the most probable one?
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Eosinophil infiltration
C. * Nidus pneumonia
D. Nidus lung tuberculosis
E. Peripheral lung cancer
48. A man of 38 complains of pain in heart area, subfebrility, sweatness, weight loss. Pulse: 82
strokes/min., AP 110/75 mm m.c. Systolic murmur over the heart apex. Roentgenogram: focal
shadows up to 5mm in diameter on both lungs apexes. What disease is the most probable one?
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Eosinophil infiltration
C. * Nidus pneumonia
D. Nidus lung tuberculosis
E. Peripheral lung cancer
49. A man of 43, smoker, complains of cough with little sputum secretion, subfebrility, weight loss.
With the suspect for the abcess-forming pneumonia was hospitalized into a diagnostic
department. Roentgenogram: in the upper segment of the right lung – 4x4 cm shadowing with
distinct exterior contour and a sickle-shaped enlargement. Blood analysis: leuk. – 9,0 x 109/l,
ESR – 19 mm/hour. Sputum analysis: leuk. – 8-12 in the vision field. Mantoux test with 2 TO –
22 mm infiltrate. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Peripheral lung cancer
B. Abscess of lung
C. * Lung tuberculoma
D. Non-malignant tumor
E. Aspergiloma
50. A man of 43, smoker, complains of cough with little sputum secretion, subfebrility, weight loss.
With the suspect for the abcess-forming pneumonia was hospitalized into a diagnostic
department. Roentgenogram: in the upper segment of the right lung – 4x4 cm shadowing with
distinct exterior contour and a sickle-shaped enlargement. Blood analysis: leuk. – 9,0 x 109/l,
ESR – 19 mm/hour. Sputum analysis: leuk. – 8-12 in the vision field. Mantoux test with 2 TO –
22 mm infiltrate. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Peripheral lung cancer
B. Abscess of lung
C. * Lung tuberculoma
D. Non-malignant tumor
E. Aspergiloma
51. A patient R., aged 32. During the last four months – dry cough, general weakness, perspiration,
subfebrile temperature. There is a round formation of over 2 cm in diametre, of medium
intensity in the second segment of the upper part of the right lung on a fluorogram. At the age of
20, the patient suffered from the infiltrative lung tuberculosis. The general blood analysis is
within the norm. Mantoux reaction with 2 ТU – 15 mm infiltrate. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
52. A patient R., aged 32. During the last four months – dry cough, general weakness, perspiration,
subfebrile temperature. There is a round formation of over 2 cm in diametre, of medium
intensity in the second segment of the upper part of the right lung on a fluorogram. At the age of
20, the patient suffered from the infiltrative lung tuberculosis. The general blood analysis is
within the norm. Mantoux reaction with 2 ТU – 15 mm infiltrate. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
53. Female patient Z., 29 years old, was brought by an urgent medical service car to a regional
tuberculous dispensary. She complains on cough, dyspnea, pain in the right half of the thorax.
Objectively – wooden sound at percussion, auscultatively – the absence of breathing above the
right half of the thorax. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Lung infarction
B. Lung atelectasis
C. Exudative pleurisy
D. * Spontaneous pneumothorax
E. Pleropneumonia
54. Female patient Z., 29 years old, was brought by an urgent medical service car to a regional
tuberculous dispensary. She complains on cough, dyspnea, pain in the right half of the thorax.
Objectively – wooden sound at percussion, auscultatively – the absence of breathing above the
right half of the thorax. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Lung infarction
B. Lung atelectasis
C. Exudative pleurisy
D. * Spontaneous pneumothorax
E. Pleropneumonia
55. Female patient Z., 39. Got ill with diabetes mellitus six years ago. The roentgenologic
examination showed infiltrate shadow with enlightment in the center in the lower segment of
the left lung. General condition of the patient is satisfactory. Blood analysis: leuk. – 10,5 x
109/l, ESR – 25 mm/hour. Mantoux test with 2 TO - positive. What is the most probable
A. Lung cancer
B. Pneumonia
C. * Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Abscess of a lung
E. Primary tuberculosis complex
56. Female patient Z., 39. Got ill with diabetes mellitus six years ago. The roentgenologic
examination showed infiltrate shadow with enlightment in the center in the lower segment of
the left lung. General condition of the patient is satisfactory. Blood analysis: leuk. – 10,5 x
109/l, ESR – 25 mm/hour. Mantoux test with 2 TO - positive. What is the most probable
A. Lung cancer
B. Pneumonia
C. * Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Abscess of a lung
E. Primary tuberculosis complex
57. Female patient, 29. During the last five years has noted general weakness, cough, subfebrility;
menstruations absence for three months. General roentgenogram: in the 2nd segment of the left
lung – a round hole above 3cm in diameter of medium intensity. Mantoux test with 2 TO – 23
mm infiltrate. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Aspergiloma
B. Peripheral lung cancer
C. * Lung tuberculoma
D. Filled with a cyst
E. Chondroma
58. In a patient S., 17, suffering from diabetes, a round shadow of 2,5 cm in diameter, of medium
intensivity with vague outer contours and a path to the root was found in the second segment of
the upper part of the right lung during fluorography. Mantoux test with 2 ТU – 24 mm
infiltrate.A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Caseous pneumonia.
59. In a patient S., 17, suffering from diabetes, a round shadow of 2,5 cm in diameter, of medium
intensivity with vague outer contours and a path to the root was found in the second segment of
the upper part of the right lung during fluorography. Mantoux test with 2 ТU – 24 mm
infiltrate.A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Caseous pneumonia.
60. Patient age 33 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing of the
appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with sputum. Tuberculosis of the left
lung (infiltrative form) was revealed 3 year ago. The patient systematically broke treatment
course, excessive used spirits, irregular took antimicobacterial medications. As a result patient
has resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin and has formed
fibrous cavernous tuberculosis of left lung. What reasons of forming fibrous cavernous
tuberculosis in the patient?
A. Disturbance of medical treatment.
B. Alcohol abuse.
C. Irregular take medicine.
D. Resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin.
E. * All above.
61. Patient age 33 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing of the
appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with sputum. Tuberculosis of the left
lung (infiltrative form) was revealed 3 year ago. The patient systematically broke treatment
course, excessive used spirits, irregular took antimicobacterial medications. As a result patient
has resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin and has formed
fibrous cavernous tuberculosis of left lung. What reasons of forming fibrous cavernous
tuberculosis in the patient?
A. Disturbance of medical treatment.
B. Alcohol abuse.
C. Irregular take medicine.
D. Resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin.
E. * All above.
62. Patient age 42 years. He is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the upper part
of the right lung during 8 years. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. He feels good during last 2
year. Radiographic data: the upper part of the right lung available thick cavern with fibrosis and
perifocal inflammation. The upper part is narrow due fibrosis. Both lungs have focuses of
semination. Shadow of mediastinum shifted right. What radiographic data are typical for fibrous
cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the lungs?
A. * Caverns presence, well-defined fibrosis, focuses of semination.
B. Caverns presence, perifocal inflammation.
C. Perifocal inflammation, bronchogenic dissemination.
D. Organs on mediastinum are shifted in the side of lesion.
E. Intense dark patch, narrowed lung field.
63. Patient age 42 years. He is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 8 years.
Had irregular treatment. He has complains about intense pain in the left part of thorax,
breathlessness. Objective: state of the patient is average. Above left lung percussion data shows
tympanitis, auscultatory - breath not auscultates. What complications of fibrous cavernous
pulmonary tuberculosis arose in the patient?
A. Bullous emphysema.
B. Tuberculous atelectasis.
C. * Pneumothorax spontaneous.
D. Chronical cor pulmonale.
E. Escudative pleurisy.
64. Patient age 48 years. He is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the high part of
left lung during 6 years. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. Worsening state of health after
supercooling. What complains of patient are typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary
tuberculosis of the lungs?
A. Cough with sputum with blood streaks, hyperhidrosis, worsening of the appetite,
decreasing of the body weight.
B. * Cough, increasing of the body temperature, hyperhidrosis, general weakness,
decreasing of the body weight.
C. Increasing of the body temperature, hyperhidrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the
body weight.
D. Cough wit sputum, breathlessness, pain in thorax, increasing of the body temperature,
hyperhidrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the body weight.
E. Headache, hyperhidrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the bode weight.
65. Patient age is 40 years. Has fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 8 years. Last time
has edema of legs. Urine examination shows: growing proteinuria, cylindruria, hyposthenuria.
What is the most probable reasons for changing in urine examination?
A. Acute nephritis.
B. * Amyloidosis.
C. Renal tuberculosis.
D. Cystic disease.
E. Chronic renal insufficiency.
66. Patient at the age of 35 years has complains concerning cough with sputum, weakness,
shortness of breath during minor activity. Three month ago was returned from correctional
institutions. During medical examination right part of the thorax is narrowed. Lags during
breath. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis revealed bacterioscopy. Which clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis was revealed in the patient?
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Focal tuberculosis.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
E. * Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
67. Patient at the age of 35 years has complains concerning cough with sputum, weakness,
shortness of breath during minor activity. Three month ago was returned from correctional
institutions. During medical examination right part of the thorax is narrowed. Lags during
breath. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis revealed bacterioscopy. Which clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis was revealed in the patient?
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Focal tuberculosis.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
E. * Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
68. Patient at the age of 43 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing
of the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 8 years ago. Three year ago patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic
data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left lung has cavity with diameter 10 centimeters
with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of right lung has some cavities of
disintegration.Sputum has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis is present in the patient?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Tuberculoma.
C. Infiltrative form.
D. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
E. Cirrhosis form.
69. Patient at the age of 43 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing
of the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 8 years ago. Three year ago patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic
data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left lung has cavity with diameter 10 centimeters
with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of right lung has some cavities of
disintegration.Sputum has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis is present in the patient?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Tuberculoma.
C. Infiltrative form.
D. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
E. Cirrhosis form.
70. Patient at the age of 49 years address to doctor with complains about weakness, decreasing of
the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 7 years ago. Patient had course of treatment in the hospital. Two year ago
patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left
lung has cavity with diameter 6 centimeters with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of
right lung has some cavities..Spew has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of
tuberculosis resides such kind of radio data?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Infiltrative form.
C. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
D. Tuberculoma.
E. Cirrhosis form.
71. Patient at the age of 49 years address to doctor with complains about weakness, decreasing of
the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 7 years ago. Patient had course of treatment in the hospital. Two year ago
patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left
lung has cavity with diameter 6 centimeters with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of
right lung has some cavities..Spew has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of
tuberculosis resides such kind of radio data?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Infiltrative form.
C. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
D. Tuberculoma.
E. Cirrhosis form.
72. Patient at the age of 56 years has fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 13 years. He
admitted to hospital with complains about shortness of breath in quiet state, edema of legs.
Objective: available diffusive cyanosis, increased liver on 4 centimeters, edema of legs. Above
both lungs, in upper areas (against a background of hard breath) auscultates crepitation with
middle bubbles. P8 – 100 per minute, arterial pressure 115/88 mm of mercury. Heart borders
increased, present accent and separation of II sound above pulmonary artery. What
complication arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Spew with blood.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
73. Patient at the age of 56 years has fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 13 years. He
admitted to hospital with complains about shortness of breath in quiet state, edema of legs.
Objective: available diffusive cyanosis, increased liver on 4 centimeters, edema of legs. Above
both lungs, in upper areas (against a background of hard breath) auscultates crepitation with
middle bubbles. P8 – 100 per minute, arterial pressure 115/88 mm of mercury. Heart borders
increased, present accent and separation of II sound above pulmonary artery. What
complication arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Spew with blood.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
74. Patient K., 36. Got ill acutely after a surgical operation for a stomach ulcer. Roentgenogram:
massive infiltration of pulmonary tissue with several hollows of destruction in the upper
segment of the right lung. Mantoux test with 2 TO – doubtful. Blood analysis: leuk. – 17,0 x
109/l, ESR – 52 mm/hour. MBT are found in sputum. What is the most probable form of lungs
A. Infiltrative
B. Nidus
C. Fibrous-cavernous
D. * Caseous pneumonia
E. Cirrhotic
75. Patient K., 36. Got ill acutely after a surgical operation for a stomach ulcer. Roentgenogram:
massive infiltration of pulmonary tissue with several hollows of destruction in the upper
segment of the right lung. Mantoux test with 2 TO – doubtful. Blood analysis: leuk. – 17,0 x
109/l, ESR – 52 mm/hour. MBT are found in sputum. What is the most probable form of lungs
A. Infiltrative
B. Nidus
C. Fibrous-cavernous
D. * Caseous pneumonia
E. Cirrhotic
76. Patient V. suffers from tuberculosis for 17 years. Recent dyspnea aggravation, cough, new pain
in the right intercostal area, in heart area, drowsiness, edema in lower extremities. What is the
most probable complication?
A. Spontaneous pneumotorax
B. Lung atelectasis
C. * Chronic lung heart
D. Amiloidosis of internal organs
E. Tuberculosis of bronchi
77. Patient V. suffers from tuberculosis for 17 years. Recent dyspnea aggravation, cough, new pain
in the right intercostal area, in heart area, drowsiness, edema in lower extremities. What is the
most probable complication?
A. Spontaneous pneumotorax
B. Lung atelectasis
C. * Chronic lung heart
D. Amiloidosis of internal organs
E. Tuberculosis of bronchi
78. Patient`s (woman) age 52 years. She is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
during 15 years. She had irregular treatment. She admitted to hospital with complains about
strong pain in the left part of the thorax during breathing, shortness of breath. Objective: state of
the patient is average. Left part of the lung lags during breathing, during percussion –
tympanitis. Auscultatory - breath very impaired. What medical investigation need to do with
patient at first for more accurate diagnosis?
A. * Radiography of organs of thorax.
B. Medical investigation of respiratory function.
C. Computer tomography.
D. Bronchoscopy.
E. Tomography.
79. Patient`s age is 40 years. Has tuberculosis during 7 years. Two years ago got diagnosed fibrous
cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, mycobacterium tuberculosis+. Half year ago appeared
progressive shortness of breath during physical activity. Now shortness of breath appears during
rising on the second floor. Objective: respiration rate 24 per minute, pulse - 96 beats per minute.
Heart sounds speeded up, rhythmical. Above pulmonary artery auscultates accent of second
sound. Liver during palpation not sickly, prominent from border of costal margin on 2
centimeters. What complication arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. Spew with blood.
80. Patient, 27. Underwent 4-months treatment in a hospital because of infiltrate tuberculosis of the
upper segment of the left lung in the phase of destruction. He is achieved, but in the place of the
infiltrate a round 2 cm hole of medium intensity and with distinct exterior contours is formed.
What treatment method is most advisable at this phase?
A. To recommend sanatoric treatment
B. * To continue the treatment with antimycobacterial preparations
C. To use surgical intervention
D. To carry out 1,5-2th months course of hormonotherapy
E. To use means of popular medicine
81. A female patient of 45 is disturbed with cough, temperature rise up to 37,5°C. Got ill six weeks
ago after ”the flu”. In a 2 weeks treatment course for focal pneumonia, focal shadows in the
upper segment of the right lung remained without any changes. What is the most probable
A. Aspergilosis
B. Lung cancer
C. Eosiniphil infiltration
D. * Nidus tuberculosis
E. Lingering pneumonia
82. A female patient of 45 is disturbed with cough, temperature rise up to 37,5°C. Got ill six weeks
ago after ”the flu”. In a 2 weeks treatment course for focal pneumonia, focal shadows in the
upper segment of the right lung remained without any changes. What is the most probable
A. Aspergilosis
B. Lung cancer
C. Eosiniphil infiltration
D. * Nidus tuberculosis
E. Lingering pneumonia
83. A female patient Z., 29, has been coughing for 2 years, with a small quantity of sputum,
sometimes subfebrilitet. She did not apply for a medical care. A week ago a heterogeneous
round darkening 2,5 x 3,0 cm with clear contours and a strip of excentric lightening was found
in the sixth segment. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
84. A female patient Z., 29, has been coughing for 2 years, with a small quantity of sputum,
sometimes subfebrilitet. She did not apply for a medical care. A week ago a heterogeneous
round darkening 2,5 x 3,0 cm with clear contours and a strip of excentric lightening was found
in the sixth segment. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
85. A female patient Z., 35. A shadow with vague contours sized 4 cm, MBT(-) has been found in
the right lung (1st segment) at a roentgenologic examination. After 3 months of
antimycobacterial therapy a round focus, 2 cm in diametre, of homogeneous structure with clear
contours formed. A diagnosis after 3-months treatment.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
86. A female patient Z., 35. A shadow with vague contours sized 4 cm, MBT(-) has been found in
the right lung (1st segment) at a roentgenologic examination. After 3 months of
antimycobacterial therapy a round focus, 2 cm in diametre, of homogeneous structure with clear
contours formed. A diagnosis after 3-months treatment.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
87. A man of 38 complains of pain in heart area, subfebrility, sweatness, weight loss. Pulse: 82
strokes/min., AP 110/75 mm m.c. Systolic murmur over the heart apex. Roentgenogram: focal
shadows up to 5mm in diameter on both lungs apexes. What disease is the most probable one?
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Eosinophil infiltration
C. * Nidus pneumonia
D. Nidus lung tuberculosis
E. Peripheral lung cancer
88. A man of 38 complains of pain in heart area, subfebrility, sweatness, weight loss. Pulse: 82
strokes/min., AP 110/75 mm m.c. Systolic murmur over the heart apex. Roentgenogram: focal
shadows up to 5mm in diameter on both lungs apexes. What disease is the most probable one?
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Eosinophil infiltration
C. * Nidus pneumonia
D. Nidus lung tuberculosis
E. Peripheral lung cancer
89. A man of 43, smoker, complains of cough with little sputum secretion, subfebrility, weight loss.
With the suspect for the abcess-forming pneumonia was hospitalized into a diagnostic
department. Roentgenogram: in the upper segment of the right lung – 4x4 cm shadowing with
distinct exterior contour and a sickle-shaped enlargement. Blood analysis: leuk. – 9,0 x 109/l,
ESR – 19 mm/hour. Sputum analysis: leuk. – 8-12 in the vision field. Mantoux test with 2 TO –
22 mm infiltrate. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Peripheral lung cancer
B. Abscess of lung
C. * Lung tuberculoma
D. Non-malignant tumor
E. Aspergiloma
90. A patient R., aged 32. During the last four months – dry cough, general weakness, perspiration,
subfebrile temperature. There is a round formation of over 2 cm in diametre, of medium
intensity in the second segment of the upper part of the right lung on a fluorogram. At the age of
20, the patient suffered from the infiltrative lung tuberculosis. The general blood analysis is
within the norm. Mantoux reaction with 2 ТU – 15 mm infiltrate. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
91. A patient R., aged 32. During the last four months – dry cough, general weakness, perspiration,
subfebrile temperature. There is a round formation of over 2 cm in diametre, of medium
intensity in the second segment of the upper part of the right lung on a fluorogram. At the age of
20, the patient suffered from the infiltrative lung tuberculosis. The general blood analysis is
within the norm. Mantoux reaction with 2 ТU – 15 mm infiltrate. A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Focal tuberculosis.
92. Female patient Z., 29 years old, was brought by an urgent medical service car to a regional
tuberculous dispensary. She complains on cough, dyspnea, pain in the right half of the thorax.
Objectively – wooden sound at percussion, auscultatively – the absence of breathing above the
right half of the thorax. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Lung infarction
B. Lung atelectasis
C. Exudative pleurisy
D. * Spontaneous pneumothorax
E. Pleropneumonia
93. Female patient Z., 39. Got ill with diabetes mellitus six years ago. The roentgenologic
examination showed infiltrate shadow with enlightment in the center in the lower segment of
the left lung. General condition of the patient is satisfactory. Blood analysis: leuk. – 10,5 x
109/l, ESR – 25 mm/hour. Mantoux test with 2 TO - positive. What is the most probable
A. Lung cancer
B. Pneumonia
C. * Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Abscess of a lung
E. Primary tuberculosis complex
94. Female patient, 29. During the last five years has noted general weakness, cough, subfebrility;
menstruations absence for three months. General roentgenogram: in the 2nd segment of the left
lung – a round hole above 3cm in diameter of medium intensity. Mantoux test with 2 TO – 23
mm infiltrate. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Aspergiloma
B. Peripheral lung cancer
C. * Lung tuberculoma
D. Filled with a cyst
E. Chondroma
95. In a patient S., 17, suffering from diabetes, a round shadow of 2,5 cm in diameter, of medium
intensivity with vague outer contours and a path to the root was found in the second segment of
the upper part of the right lung during fluorography. Mantoux test with 2 ТU – 24 mm
infiltrate.A preliminary diagnosis.
A. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. * Lung tuberculoma.
E. Caseous pneumonia.
96. Patient (woman) age 54 years. She is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during
15 years. She had irregular treatment. She admitted to hospital with complains about cough with
bright-red blood with bubbles (total amount of the flowed blood near 250 milliliters) , shortnes
of breath, weakness, giddiness, subfebrile temperature (low grade fever). During percussion
above upper part of right lung is tympanic shade of lung sound. During auscultation - bronchial
respiration with different crepitations. Above other regions of lungs - diffused dry rales.
Radiographic data: near S2 right lung defines cavity of disintegration with diameter 5.0 x 4.0
centimeters, upper part is reduced, right root pulled up. What complications of fibrous
cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. * Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Sputum with blood.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. Chronical cor pulmonale.
97. Patient (woman) age 54 years. She is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during
15 years. She had irregular treatment. She admitted to hospital with complains about cough with
bright-red blood with bubbles (total amount of the flowed blood near 250 milliliters) , shortnes
of breath, weakness, giddiness, subfebrile temperature (low grade fever). During percussion
above upper part of right lung is tympanic shade of lung sound. During auscultation - bronchial
respiration with different crepitations. Above other regions of lungs - diffused dry rales.
Radiographic data: near S2 right lung defines cavity of disintegration with diameter 5.0 x 4.0
centimeters, upper part is reduced, right root pulled up. What complications of fibrous
cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. * Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Sputum with blood.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. Chronical cor pulmonale.
98. Patient (woman) at the age 36 year first diagnosed fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis,
mycobacterium tuberculosis+, resist to ethambutol and streptomycin. Which combination of
antimicobacterial agents is the most optimal?
A. * Rifampicin+isoniazid+kanamycin+pyrazinamide.
B. Isoniazid+rifampicin A+ thioacetazone+florimytcin.
C. Isoniazid+kanamycin+PAS(A)(para-aminosalicylic acid)+ethionamide.
D. Kanamycin+ethionamide+rifampicin+phthivazide.
E. Isoniazid+cycloserine+protionamide+kanamycin.
99. Patient (woman) at the age 36 year first diagnosed fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis,
mycobacterium tuberculosis+, resist to ethambutol and streptomycin. Which combination of
antimicobacterial agents is the most optimal?
A. * Rifampicin+isoniazid+kanamycin+pyrazinamide.
B. Isoniazid+rifampicin A+ thioacetazone+florimytcin.
C. Isoniazid+kanamycin+PAS(A)(para-aminosalicylic acid)+ethionamide.
D. Kanamycin+ethionamide+rifampicin+phthivazide.
E. Isoniazid+cycloserine+protionamide+kanamycin.
100. Patient age 33 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing of the
appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with sputum. Tuberculosis of the left
lung (infiltrative form) was revealed 3 year ago. The patient systematically broke treatment
course, excessive used spirits, irregular took antimicobacterial medications. As a result patient
has resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin and has formed
fibrous cavernous tuberculosis of left lung. What reasons of forming fibrous cavernous
tuberculosis in the patient?
A. Disturbance of medical treatment.
B. Alcohol abuse.
C. Irregular take medicine.
D. Resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin.
E. * All above.
101. Patient age 33 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing of the
appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with sputum. Tuberculosis of the left
lung (infiltrative form) was revealed 3 year ago. The patient systematically broke treatment
course, excessive used spirits, irregular took antimicobacterial medications. As a result patient
has resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin and has formed
fibrous cavernous tuberculosis of left lung. What reasons of forming fibrous cavernous
tuberculosis in the patient?
A. Disturbance of medical treatment.
B. Alcohol abuse.
C. Irregular take medicine.
D. Resistance of mycobacteriums tuberculosis to isoniazid and rifampicin.
E. * All above.
102. Patient age 42 years. He is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the upper part
of the right lung during 8 years. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. He feels good during last 2
year. Radiographic data: the upper part of the right lung available thick cavern with fibrosis and
perifocal inflammation. The upper part is narrow due fibrosis. Both lungs have focuses of
semination. Shadow of mediastinum shifted right. What radiographic data are typical for fibrous
cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the lungs?
A. * Caverns presence, well-defined fibrosis, focuses of semination.
B. Caverns presence, perifocal inflammation.
C. Perifocal inflammation, bronchogenic dissemination.
D. Organs on mediastinum are shifted in the side of lesion.
E. Intense dark patch, narrowed lung field.
103. Patient age 42 years. He is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the upper part
of the right lung during 8 years. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. He feels good during last 2
year. Radiographic data: the upper part of the right lung available thick cavern with fibrosis and
perifocal inflammation. The upper part is narrow due fibrosis. Both lungs have focuses of
semination. Shadow of mediastinum shifted right. What radiographic data are typical for fibrous
cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the lungs?
A. * Caverns presence, well-defined fibrosis, focuses of semination.
B. Caverns presence, perifocal inflammation.
C. Perifocal inflammation, bronchogenic dissemination.
D. Organs on mediastinum are shifted in the side of lesion.
E. Intense dark patch, narrowed lung field.
104. Patient age 42 years. He is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 8 years.
Had irregular treatment. He has complains about intense pain in the left part of thorax,
breathlessness. Objective: state of the patient is average. Above left lung percussion data shows
tympanitis, auscultatory - breath not auscultates. What complications of fibrous cavernous
pulmonary tuberculosis arose in the patient?
A. Bullous emphysema.
B. Tuberculous atelectasis.
C. * Pneumothorax spontaneous.
D. Chronical cor pulmonale.
E. Escudative pleurisy.
105. Patient age 42 years. He is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 8 years.
Had irregular treatment. He has complains about intense pain in the left part of thorax,
breathlessness. Objective: state of the patient is average. Above left lung percussion data shows
tympanitis, auscultatory - breath not auscultates. What complications of fibrous cavernous
pulmonary tuberculosis arose in the patient?
A. Bullous emphysema.
B. Tuberculous atelectasis.
C. * Pneumothorax spontaneous.
D. Chronical cor pulmonale.
E. Escudative pleurisy.
106. Patient age 48 years. He is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the high part
of left lung during 6 years. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. Worsening state of health after
supercooling. What complains of patient are typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary
tuberculosis of the lungs?
A. Cough with sputum with blood streaks, hyperhidrosis, worsening of the appetite,
decreasing of the body weight.
B. * Cough, increasing of the body temperature, hyperhidrosis, general weakness,
decreasing of the body weight.
C. Increasing of the body temperature, hyperhidrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the
body weight.
D. Cough wit sputum, breathlessness, pain in thorax, increasing of the body temperature,
hyperhidrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the body weight.
E. Headache, hyperhidrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the bode weight.
107. Patient age is 40 years. Has fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 8 years. Last
time has edema of legs. Urine examination shows: growing proteinuria, cylindruria,
hyposthenuria. What is the most probable reasons for changing in urine examination?
A. Acute nephritis.
B. * Amyloidosis.
C. Renal tuberculosis.
D. Cystic disease.
E. Chronic renal insufficiency.
108. Patient at the age of 35 years has complains concerning cough with sputum, weakness,
shortness of breath during minor activity. Three month ago was returned from correctional
institutions. During medical examination right part of the thorax is narrowed. Lags during
breath. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis revealed bacterioscopy. Which clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis was revealed in the patient?
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Focal tuberculosis.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
E. * Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
109. Patient at the age of 35 years has complains concerning cough with sputum, weakness,
shortness of breath during minor activity. Three month ago was returned from correctional
institutions. During medical examination right part of the thorax is narrowed. Lags during
breath. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis revealed bacterioscopy. Which clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis was revealed in the patient?
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Focal tuberculosis.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
E. * Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
110. Patient at the age of 43 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing
of the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 8 years ago. Three year ago patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic
data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left lung has cavity with diameter 10 centimeters
with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of right lung has some cavities of
disintegration.Sputum has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis is present in the patient?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Tuberculoma.
C. Infiltrative form.
D. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
E. Cirrhosis form.
111. Patient at the age of 43 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing
of the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 8 years ago. Three year ago patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic
data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left lung has cavity with diameter 10 centimeters
with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of right lung has some cavities of
disintegration.Sputum has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of pulmonary
tuberculosis is present in the patient?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Tuberculoma.
C. Infiltrative form.
D. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
E. Cirrhosis form.
112. Patient at the age of 49 years address to doctor with complains about weakness, decreasing of
the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 7 years ago. Patient had course of treatment in the hospital. Two year ago
patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left
lung has cavity with diameter 6 centimeters with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of
right lung has some cavities..Spew has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of
tuberculosis resides such kind of radio data?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Infiltrative form.
C. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
D. Tuberculoma.
E. Cirrhosis form.
113. Patient at the age of 49 years address to doctor with complains about weakness, decreasing of
the appetite, hyperhidrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left
lung was revealed 7 years ago. Patient had course of treatment in the hospital. Two year ago
patient had relapse of disease. Radiographic data:both lungs fibrous changed. Upper part of left
lung has cavity with diameter 6 centimeters with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of
right lung has some cavities..Spew has mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. What clinic form of
tuberculosis resides such kind of radio data?
A. Caseous pneumonia.
B. Infiltrative form.
C. * Fibrous-cavernous form.
D. Tuberculoma.
E. Cirrhosis form.
114. Patient at the age of 56 years has fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 13 years.
He admitted to hospital with complains about shortness of breath in quiet state, edema of legs.
Objective: available diffusive cyanosis, increased liver on 4 centimeters, edema of legs. Above
both lungs, in upper areas (against a background of hard breath) auscultates crepitation with
middle bubbles. P8 – 100 per minute, arterial pressure 115/88 mm of mercury. Heart borders
increased, present accent and separation of II sound above pulmonary artery. What
complication arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Spew with blood.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
115. Patient at the age of 56 years has fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis during 13 years.
He admitted to hospital with complains about shortness of breath in quiet state, edema of legs.
Objective: available diffusive cyanosis, increased liver on 4 centimeters, edema of legs. Above
both lungs, in upper areas (against a background of hard breath) auscultates crepitation with
middle bubbles. P8 – 100 per minute, arterial pressure 115/88 mm of mercury. Heart borders
increased, present accent and separation of II sound above pulmonary artery. What
complication arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Spew with blood.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
116. Patient K., 36. Got ill acutely after a surgical operation for a stomach ulcer. Roentgenogram:
massive infiltration of pulmonary tissue with several hollows of destruction in the upper
segment of the right lung. Mantoux test with 2 TO – doubtful. Blood analysis: leuk. – 17,0 x
109/l, ESR – 52 mm/hour. MBT are found in sputum. What is the most probable form of lungs
A. Infiltrative
B. Nidus
C. Fibrous-cavernous
D. * Caseous pneumonia
E. Cirrhotic
117. Patient V. suffers from tuberculosis for 17 years. Recent dyspnea aggravation, cough, new
pain in the right intercostal area, in heart area, drowsiness, edema in lower extremities. What is
the most probable complication?
A. Spontaneous pneumotorax
B. Lung atelectasis
C. * Chronic lung heart
D. Amiloidosis of internal organs
E. Tuberculosis of bronchi
118. Patient`s (woman) age 52 years. She is sick by fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
during 15 years. She had irregular treatment. She admitted to hospital with complains about
strong pain in the left part of the thorax during breathing, shortness of breath. Objective: state of
the patient is average. Left part of the lung lags during breathing, during percussion –
tympanitis. Auscultatory - breath very impaired. What medical investigation need to do with
patient at first for more accurate diagnosis?
A. * Radiography of organs of thorax.
B. Medical investigation of respiratory function.
C. Computer tomography.
D. Bronchoscopy.
E. Tomography.
119. Patient`s age is 40 years. Has tuberculosis during 7 years. Two years ago got diagnosed
fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, mycobacterium tuberculosis+. Half year ago
appeared progressive shortness of breath during physical activity. Now shortness of breath
appears during rising on the second floor. Objective: respiration rate 24 per minute, pulse - 96
beats per minute. Heart sounds speeded up, rhythmical. Above pulmonary artery auscultates
accent of second sound. Liver during palpation not sickly, prominent from border of costal
margin on 2 centimeters. What complication arose in the patient?
A. Pneumothorax spontaneous.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. * Chronical cor pulmonale.
D. Pulmonary edema.
E. Spew with blood.
120. Patient, 27. Underwent 4-months treatment in a hospital because of infiltrate tuberculosis of
the upper segment of the left lung in the phase of destruction. He is achieved, but in the place of
the infiltrate a round 2 cm hole of medium intensity and with distinct exterior contours is
formed. What treatment method is most advisable at this phase?
A. To recommend sanatoric treatment
B. * To continue the treatment with antimycobacterial preparations
C. To use surgical intervention
D. To carry out 1,5-2th months course of hormonotherapy
E. To use means of popular medicine
Test tasks to the pictures
1. A baby A. was BCG vaccinated on the 3rd day of birth. In 3 months changes of 12 mm in
diametre formed on the spot of the vaccine injection (picture № 33 ). What does it testify of?
A. Lymphadenitis
B. Cyst
C. Keloid seam
D. * Ulcer
E. Cold abscess.
2. A baby B. was BCG vaccinated on the 3rd day of birth. In one year in the place of vaccine
injection of BCG observed changes, which present picture №31 . What does it testify of?
A. * Postvaccinal seam.
B. Lymphadenitis
C. Keloid seam
D. Ulcer
E. Cold abscess
3. A baby C. was BCG vaccinated on the 3rd day of birth. In one year changes of 6 mm in
diametre present on the spot of the vaccine injection(picture31). Your tactics now?
A. Revaccination
B. Prescribe 3 antimycobactical drugs
C. Prescribe chemoprophylaxis
D. X-ray investigation
E. * Mantoux test
4. A baby C. was BCG vaccinated on the 3rd day of birth. In one year changes of 6 mm in
diametre present on the spot of the vaccine injection(picture31). What does it testify of?
A. Postvaccinal immunity is absent
B. * Postvaccinal immunity is present
C. Skin tuberculosis
D. Postvaccinal complication
E. Keloid seam
5. A baby D. was BCG vaccinated in maternity home. In three months changes (picture № 34)
formed in subaxillary region. The children general condition is good. General blood analysis is
normal. What does it testify of?
A. * Posvaccinal complication
B. Unspecific lymphadenitis
C. Tuberculosis of peripheral lymphatic nodes
D. Generalized tuberculosis infection
E. All answers are not correct.
6. A baby D. was BCG vaccinated in maternity home. In three months changes (picture № 34)
formed in subaxillary region, at palpation-fluctuation. What is the postvaccinal complication?
A. * Lymphadenitis
B. Cyst
C. Keloid seam
D. Ulcer
E. Cold abscess
7. A female patient of 45 is disturbed with cough, temperature rise up to 37,5°C. Got ill six weeks
ago after ”the flu”. In a 2 weeks treatment course for pneumonia shadows in the right lung
remained without any changes. Roentgenogram: picture №55 . What is the most probable
A. Aspergilosis
B. Lung cancer
C. Eosiniphil infiltration
D. * Nidus tuberculosis
E. Lingering pneumonia
8. A girl was revaccinated in 7 years old. In 9 years old in the place of vaccine BCG was revealed
changes 15 mm in diametre (picture № 35). What is the postvaccinal complication?
A. Lymphadenitis
B. Cyst
C. * Keloid seam
D. Ulcer
E. Cold abscess
9. A man of 43, smoker, complains of cough with little sputum secretion, subfebrility, weight loss.
With the suspect for the abcess-forming pneumonia was hospitalized into a diagnostic
department. Roentgenogram: picture № 47. Blood analysis: leuk. – 9,0 x 109/l, ESR – 19
mm/hour. Sputum analysis: leuk. – 8-12 in the vision field. Mantoux test with 2 TO – 22 mm
infiltrate. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Peripheral lung cancer
B. Abscess of lung
C. Non-malignant tumor
D. Aspergiloma
E. * Lung tuberculoma
10. A man of 46. Two months ago was dismissed from a prison. Has been falling ill gradually:
cough, dyspnea, temperature rise up to 38°C. Roentgenogram: picture № 54. Which diagnosis is
the most probable?
A. Carcinomatosis
B. * Disseminated lung tuberculosis
C. Nidus pneumonia
D. Nidus lung tuberculosis
E. Chronic bronchitis
11. An infant of 6 weeks was vaccinated with BCG SSI at the lying-in hospital.At the place of
vaccination you might see the changes presented on the picture 29. It is:
A. * Normal reaction
B. Complication of vaccination
C. Scar after vaccination
D. Complication which occurred because of violations of aseptic
E. All answers are incorrect.
12. An infant of 7 weeks was vaccinated with BCG SSI at the lying-in hospital.At the place of
vaccination you might see the changes presented on the picture 30. It is:
A. Cold abscess.
B. Superficial ulcer
C. Changes, which occurred as a result of violations of vaccination technik.
D. * Normal reaction.
E. Complication of BCG SSI vaccination.
13. Child of 7 years is healthy. Mantoux test is negative. It is known, that 2 month after previous
vaccination at the lying-in hospital mother found changes presented on the picture Nr.29. Child
was treated at the TB dispensary.What should be done right now in this case?
A. Revaccination with BCG SSI.
B. X-ray of the chest.
C. * Vaccination is containdicated. Once a year should be performed Mantoux test.
D. Registration of the child at the TB dispensary.
E. Vaccination is containdicated. Chemoprophylaxys should be performed.
14. Doctors suspect infiltrative tuberculosis on the radiogram from picture Nr.56.What desease
should be chosen for the differential diagnosis?
A. lung abscess
B. pleuropneumonia.
C. * Eosinophilic infiltrate.
D. peripheral cancer
E. lung infarction.
15. Dry cough, shortness of breath, perspiration appeared in a 19-years old patient after artificial
pregnancy interruption, the body temperature up to 38,50 C. Frequency of breathing was 32 per
1 minute. Rough respiration above the lungs. Roentgenogram: picture № 49 . A year ago
Mantoux test with 2 TU was 19 mm, now it is negative. Haemogram: leucocytes 9 х 109/L, e –
2 %, p – 4 %, s – 74 %, l – 12 %, m – 8 %, ESR – 11 mm/hr.
A. * Miliary tuberculosis
B. Disseminated tuberculosis
C. Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Caseous pneumonia
E. Nidus tuberculosis
16. Female patient Z., 29 years old, was brought by an urgent medical service car to a regional
tuberculous dispensary. She complains on cough, dyspnea, pain in the right half of the thorax.
Objectively – wooden sound at percussion, auscultatively – the absence of breathing above the
right half of the thorax. Roentgenogram: picture № 38 .What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Lung infarction
B. Lung atelectasis
C. Exudative pleurisy
D. * Spontaneous pneumothorax
E. Pleropneumonia
17. Female patient Z., 39. Got ill with diabetes mellitus six years ago. The roentgenologic
examination: picture № 44 . General condition of the patient is satisfactory. Blood analysis:
leuk. – 10,5 x 109/l, ESR – 25 mm/hour. Mantoux test with 2 TO - positive. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
A. Lung cancer
B. * Infiltrative tuberculosis
C. Pneumonia
D. Abscess of a lung
E. Primary tuberculosis complex
18. In a 7-years old girl in 5 months after revaccination in the place of vaccine injection of BCG
appeared changes, which present picture №32 . What are the indicated phenomena conditioned
A. Normal postvaccinal reaction
B. * The vaccine was injected subcutaneously
C. The vaccine was injected intracutaneously
D. Violation of aseptic rules
E. All answers are not correct.
19. In a boy of 7 years old Mantoux test with 2TU is negative. He was BCG vaccinated in
maternity home. Changes according to picture № 31present in the place of vaccine injection.
Your tactics now?
A. * Revaccination
B. Contraindication for revaccination
C. Prescribe chemoprophylaxis
D. Prescribe chemoprophylaxis, later revaccination
E. Repeat Mantoux test with 2TU
20. In a seven-years old girl in 5 months after revaccination, in the place of vaccine injection of
BCG appeared changes, which present picture №32. At palpation-fluctuation. What is the
postvaccinal complication?
A. Lymphadenitis
B. Cyst
C. Keloid seam
D. Ulcer
E. * Cold abscess.
21. On the radiogram you might see the changes from the picture № 43. What desease should we
A. * infiltrative tuberculosis
B. fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
C. Focal tuberculosis
D. Tuberculoma
E. cheesy pneumonia
22. Patient K., 35. Complains of cough with sputum secretion, weakness, dyspnea at poor physical
load. Three months ago returned from a prison. Examination: the right half of the thorax is
narrowed; lagging in breathing act. The roentgenologic examination: picture № 37. MBT are
revealed bacterioscopically. What clinical form of lungs tuberculosis is this?
A. Lung tuberculoma
B. Nidus lung tuberculosis
C. Tuberculous pleurisy
D. * Fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis
E. Disseminated lung tuberculosis
23. Patient K., 36. Got ill acutely after a surgical operation for a stomach ulcer. Roentgenogram:
picture №45. Mantoux test with 2 TO – doubtful. Blood analysis: leuk. – 17,0 x 109/l, ESR – 52
mm/hour. MBT are found in sputum. What is the most probable form of lungs tuberculosis?
A. Infiltrative
B. Nidus
C. Fibrous-cavernous
D. Cirrhotic
E. * Caseous pneumonia
24. Patient L., 35. The illness started acutely – with body temperature rise up to 39°C, cough with
sputum secretion. Received antibiotics during a week time – no effect. Not numerous moist fine
bubbling rales between the scapulae. Roengenogram: picture № 54. Blood analysis: leuk. – 13,2
x 109/l, ESR – 45 mm/hour. Which is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Disseminated lung tuberculosis
B. Bilateral nidal pneumonia
C. Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Stagnation phenomena in lungs
E. Caseous pneumonia
25. Patient L., 35. The illness started acutely – with body temperature rise up to 39°C, cough with
sputum secretion. Received antibiotics during a week time – no effect. Not numerous moist fine
bubbling rales between the scapulae. Roengenogram:picture № 54. Blood analysis: leuk. – 13,2
x 109/l, ESR – 45 mm/hour. Which is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Miliary
B. * Disseminated (subacute)
C. Nidus
D. Disseminated (chronic)
E. Infiltrate
26. Patient M.has has changes presented on the radiogramNr.39. What X-ray syndrome are those
changes typical for?
A. Circular shadow syndrome.
B. Syndrome of multiple annular shadows.
C. Syndrome of extensive enlightenment.
D. Syndrome of extensive blackout.
E. * Pulmonary dissemination syndrome.
27. Patient of 29 years on his radiogram has the changes you might see on the picture Nr.36. What
kind of infiltrate is it?
A. Rounded.
B. Nebulous.
C. Interlobar infiltrate (peryscisuratis).
D. Lobular.
E. * Lobar.
28. The parient X., 45 years old, was hospitalized into the phthisiatrical clinic because of the
pulmonary haemoptysis. During the last two years the patient suffered from coughing with
excretion of sputum, the shortness of breath, rising of body temperature to 37,5? C. She didn’t
have the X-ray examination during the last 5 years. At the examination – the left half of the
thorax is narrowed, it lates in the act of breathing. Upon its upper part there are different wet
rales. The roentgenologic examination: picture № 57. What is the most probable clinical form
of pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Tuberculoma
B. Disseminated
C. * Fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis
D. Cyrrhotic
E. Caseous pneumonia
29. The prophylactic photoroentgenographic examination of a 25-year-old patient showed changes
which present picture № 55. Mantoux test with 2 TO – 7 mm infiltrate. Blood analysis: leuk. –
9,9 x 109/l, ESR – 26 mm/hour. Which is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Nidus lung tuberculosis
B. Infiltrative lung tuberculosis
C. Nidus pneumonia
D. Lung cancer
E. Eosiniphil infiltration
30. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.40?
A. Focal tuberculosis
B. * disseminated tuberculosis
C. Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
31. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.41?
A. * chronic disseminated tuberculosis
B. Focal tuberculosis
C. Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
32. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.42?
A. * infiltrative with decay and dissemination
B. Focal tuberculosis
C. Disseminated tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
33. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.50?
A. Infiltrative tuberculosis
B. Focal tuberculosis
C. Disseminated tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. * Miliary tuberculosis
34. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.51?
A. * TB bronchial adenitis
B. Focal tuberculosis
C. Disseminated tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
35. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.53?
A. Infiltrative tuberculosis
B. Focal tuberculosis
C. Disseminated tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. * TB bronchial adenitis
36. ?What lung desease is presented on the picture № 48?
A. infiltrative tuberculosis
B. fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
C. peripheral cancer
D. tuberkuloma
E. * lung abscess
37. ?What manipulation is presented on the picture 22?
A. Koch test
B. Mantoux test with 2 ТU
C. * BCG vaccination
D. Pirquet test
E. Moro test
38. What result of Mantoux test is presented on the picture 24 (punction reaction)?
A. * Negative
B. Questionable test result
C. Positive
D. Hyperergic
E. There is no correct answer
39. What result of Mantoux test is presented on the picture 25 (punction reaction)?
A. * Negative
B. Questionable test result
C. Positive
D. Hyperergic
E. There is no correct answer
40. What result of Mantoux test is presented on the picture 27 (infiltrate 10 mm)?
A. Negative
B. Questionable test result
C. * Positive
D. Hyperergic
E. There is no correct answer
41. On the radiogram you might see the changes from the picture № 43. What desease should we
A. * infiltrative tuberculosis
B. fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
C. Focal tuberculosis
D. Tuberculoma
E. cheesy pneumonia
42. Patient K., 35. Complains of cough with sputum secretion, weakness, dyspnea at poor physical
load. Three months ago returned from a prison. Examination: the right half of the thorax is
narrowed; lagging in breathing act. The roentgenologic examination: picture № 37. MBT are
revealed bacterioscopically. What clinical form of lungs tuberculosis is this?
A. Lung tuberculoma
B. Nidus lung tuberculosis
C. Tuberculous pleurisy
D. * Fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis
E. Disseminated lung tuberculosis
43. Patient K., 36. Got ill acutely after a surgical operation for a stomach ulcer. Roentgenogram:
picture №45. Mantoux test with 2 TO – doubtful. Blood analysis: leuk. – 17,0 x 109/l, ESR – 52
mm/hour. MBT are found in sputum. What is the most probable form of lungs tuberculosis?
A. Infiltrative
B. Nidus
C. Fibrous-cavernous
D. Cirrhotic
E. * Caseous pneumonia
44. Patient L., 35. The illness started acutely – with body temperature rise up to 39°C, cough with
sputum secretion. Received antibiotics during a week time – no effect. Not numerous moist fine
bubbling rales between the scapulae. Roengenogram: picture № 54. Blood analysis: leuk. – 13,2
x 109/l, ESR – 45 mm/hour. Which is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Disseminated lung tuberculosis
B. Bilateral nidal pneumonia
C. Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Stagnation phenomena in lungs
E. Caseous pneumonia
45. Patient L., 35. The illness started acutely – with body temperature rise up to 39°C, cough with
sputum secretion. Received antibiotics during a week time – no effect. Not numerous moist fine
bubbling rales between the scapulae. Roengenogram:picture № 54. Blood analysis: leuk. – 13,2
x 109/l, ESR – 45 mm/hour. Which is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Miliary
B. * Disseminated (subacute)
C. Nidus
D. Disseminated (chronic)
E. Infiltrate
46. Patient M.has has changes presented on the radiogram Nr.39. What X-ray syndrome are those
changes typical for?
A. Circular shadow syndrome.
B. Syndrome of multiple annular shadows.
C. Syndrome of extensive enlightenment.
D. Syndrome of extensive blackout.
E. * Pulmonary dissemination syndrome.
47. Patient of 29 years on his radiogram has the changes you might see on the picture Nr.36. What
kind of infiltrate is it?
A. Rounded.
B. Nebulous.
C. Interlobar infiltrate (peryscisuratis).
D. Lobular.
E. * Lobar.
48. The parient X., 45 years old, was hospitalized into the phthisiatrical clinic because of the
pulmonary haemoptysis. During the last two years the patient suffered from coughing with
excretion of sputum, the shortness of breath, rising of body temperature to 37,5? C. She didn’t
have the X-ray examination during the last 5 years. At the examination – the left half of the
thorax is narrowed, it lates in the act of breathing. Upon its upper part there are different wet
rales. The roentgenologic examination: picture № 57. What is the most probable clinical form
of pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Tuberculoma
B. Disseminated
C. * Fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis
D. Cyrrhotic
E. Caseous pneumonia
49. The prophylactic photoroentgenographic examination of a 25-year-old patient showed changes
which present picture № 55. Mantoux test with 2 TO – 7 mm infiltrate. Blood analysis: leuk. –
9,9 x 109/l, ESR – 26 mm/hour. Which is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Nidus lung tuberculosis
B. Infiltrative lung tuberculosis
C. Nidus pneumonia
D. Lung cancer
E. Eosiniphil infiltration
50. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.40?
A. Focal tuberculosis
B. * disseminated tuberculosis
C. Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
51. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.41?
A. * chronic disseminated tuberculosis
B. Focal tuberculosis
C. Infiltrative tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
52. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.42?
A. * infiltrative with decay and dissemination
B. Focal tuberculosis
C. Disseminated tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
53. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.46?
A. * Infiltrative (lobar)
B. Focal tuberculosis
C. Disseminated tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
54. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.50?
A. Infiltrative tuberculosis
B. Focal tuberculosis
C. Disseminated tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. * Miliary tuberculosis
55. What clinical form of the tuberculosis is presented on the picture Nr.51?
A. * TB bronchial adenitis
B. Focal tuberculosis
C. Disseminated tuberculosis
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
E. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
56. What result of Mantoux test is presented on the picture 24 (punction reaction)?
A. * Negative
B. Questionable test result
C. Positive
D. Hyperergic
E. There is no correct answer
57. What result of Mantoux test is presented on the picture 25 (punction reaction)?
A. * Negative
B. Questionable test result
C. Positive
D. Hyperergic
E. There is no correct answer
58. What result of Mantoux test is presented on the picture 26 (infiltrate 3 mm)?
A. Negative
B. * Questionable test result
C. Positive
D. Hyperergic
E. There is no correct answer
59. What result of Mantoux test is presented on the picture 27 (infiltrate 10 mm)?
A. Negative
B. Questionable test result
C. * Positive
D. Hyperergic
E. There is no correct answer
60. What result of Mantoux test is presented on the picture 28 (infiltrate 18 mm)?
A. Negative
B. Questionable test result
C. Positive
D. * Hyperergic
E. There is nocorrect answer